Ordinance 2020-20ORDINANCE NO. 2020-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 2007-34, 2007-27, 2006-47 AND 2014-35; UPDATING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN AND THOROUGHFARE IMPACT FEES TO BE ASSESSED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING A COLLECTION DATE; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING THOROUGHFARE IMPACT FEES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") previously adopted Ordinance Nos. 2007-34, 2007-27, 2006-47 and 2014-35 (individually and collectively, "Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance") of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City" and/or "Wylie"), establishing land use assumptions, a capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees to be assessed by Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City Council . has investigated and determined that Wylie has fully complied with Chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code ("Code"), concerning the notice, adoption, promulgation and methodology necessary to adopt land use assumptions and a capital improvements plan determining thoroughfare impact fees and has properly adopted the Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fees adopted under the Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance in compliance with the Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend the capital improvements plan, the amount of thoroughfare impact fees and the Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Wylie has, within sixty (60) days after the date it received the updated capital improvements plan, adopted an order setting a public hearing to discuss and review the same and to determine whether to amend the same; and WHEREAS, before the thirtieth (30th) day before the date of the hearing on the updated capital improvements plan, Wylie sent a notice of the hearing by certified mail to all persons who have given written notice by certified or registered mail to the Wylie City Secretary requesting notice of the hearing within two (2) years preceding the date of adoption of the order setting the public hearing; and WHEREAS, Wylie published the required notice of the hearing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in each county in which Wylie lies before the thirtieth (30th) day before the Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 1 of 29 2889780 date set for the hearing; and WHEREAS, on or before the date of the first publication of the notice of the hearing on the proposed amendments, including the amount of the proposed thoroughfare impact fee per service unit, such information was made available to the public; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, created under Section 395.058 of the Code, filed its written comments on the proposed amendments to the capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees before the fifth (5th) business day before the date of the public hearing on the amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing to discuss the proposed amendments to the capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees; and WHEREAS, within thirty (30) days after the date of the public hearing on the proposed amendments to the capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees, the City Council is considering whether to approve or disapprove the amendments as more fully set forth below; and WHEREAS, the City Council has investigated and determined that Wylie has fully complied with Chapter 395 of the Code to approve the amendments to the capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council has further investigated and determined and hereby finds that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to adopt such amendments to the capital improvements plan and thoroughfare impact fees to assure the provision of adequate roadways to serve new development by requiring each such development to pay its share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment of Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance. The Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance is hereby amended as set forth herein and in the "2019-2029 Roadway Impact Fee Update" report ("2019 Report"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. The Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance is further amended to read as follows: Article 1. Purpose. This Ordinance is intended to assure the provision of adequate public facilities to serve new development in the City by requiring each such development to pay its share of the costs of such improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 2 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 1 1 Article 2. Definitions. Area -related facility means a capital improvement or facility expansion which is designated in the impact fee capital improvements plan and which is not a site -related facility. Area -related facility may include a capital improvement which is located offsite or within or on the perimeter of the development site. Capital improvement means any thoroughfare facilities with a life expectancy of three (3) or more years that are owned and operated by or on behalf of Wylie. Capital Improvements Plan means a plan adopted by this Ordinance that identifies capital improvements or facility expansions for which impact fees may be assessed. City or Wylie means the City of Wylie, Texas. City Council means the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas. Facility expansion means the expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement, in order that the existing facility may serve new development. The term does not include the repair, maintenance, modernization or expansion of an existing facility to better serve existing development. Final plat or final plat approval or approved final plat means the point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval and the plat has been released by the City for filing with Collin, Rockwall or Dallas County, whichever is appropriate, and actually filed. Impact fee means a charge or assessment imposed as set forth in this Ordinance against new development for thoroughfares. The term does not include: (a) Required dedications of land for public parks or payments in lieu thereof; or (b) Dedication of rights -of -way or easements or construction or dedication of onsite or off -site streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the new development. Land use assumptions means a description of the service area and the projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, population and employment growth in the service area over at least a ten (10) year period and adopted by the City by Ordinance No. 2012-14, as may be amended from time to time, upon which the capital improvements plans are based. New development means a project involving the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation or enlargement of any structure, or any use or extension of the use of land, any of which has the effect of increasing the requirements for capital improvements or facility expansions, measured by the number of service units to be generated by such activity, and which requires either the approval of a plat pursuant to the City's Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 3 of 29 2889780 subdivision regulations, the issuance of a building permit or connection to the City's water or wastewater system, and which has not been exempted from these regulations by provisions herein or attached hereto. Installation of a larger water meter will constitute new development. Off -site means a facility or expansion that is not a Site -related facility, as defined herein. Plat shall mean any type of plat required by law to be filed with the applicable county, including but not limited to, a final plat, replat, amending plat and/or vacating plat. Properly owner has the same meaning as the term "applicant" in the City's subdivision regulations. Property owner includes the developer for the new development and the owner of the property. Recoup means the imposition of an impact fee to reimburse the City for capital improvements which the City has previously oversized to serve new development. Roadway or Thoroughfare facilities means arterial or collector streets or roads that have been designated on Wylie's official adopted thoroughfare plan, as amended, together with all necessary appurtenances. The term includes, but is not limited to, Wylie's share of costs for roadways/thoroughfares and associated improvements designated on the federal or Texas highway system, including but not limited to, local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and drainage appurtenances. The term also includes, but is not limited to, interest in land, traffic lanes, intersection improvements, traffic control devices and turn lanes associated with the roadway or street lighting. Service area means the area of the City's corporate limits, as they exist or may be altered, to be served by the capital improvements or facilities expansions specified in the capital improvements plan. Service unit means the standardized measure of consumption, use, generation or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development, that had been calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering and/or planning standards, as indicated in the land use equivalency tables located in the 2019 Report, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein, as may be amended from time to time. Single-family residential has the meaning given the term in the City's zoning regulations. Site -related facility means an improvement or facility which is for the primary use or benefit of a new development and/or which is for the primary purpose of safe and adequate provision of thoroughfare facilities to serve the new development, and which is not included in the capital improvements plan and for which the property owner is solely responsible under subdivision or other applicable regulations or which is located at least partially on the plat which is being considered for impact fee assessment. Article 3. Applicability. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 4 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 1 The provisions of this Ordinance regarding thoroughfare impact fees apply to all new development within the corporate boundaries of the City, as they exist or may be altered. Article 4. Impact Fees Adopted for Thoroughfares. The previously adopted thoroughfare impact fees have been reviewed, evaluated, updated and revised. The City Council finds that the maximum assessable impact fee per service unit for the West thoroughfare service area shall be FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THREE and 00/100 dollars ($453.00), and the maximum assessable impact fee per service unit for the East thoroughfare service area shall be FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THREE and 00/100 dollars ($453.00), representing FIFTY percent (50%) of the total projected costs. Article 5. Impact fee as condition of development approval/permit issuance. No final plat for new development shall be released for filing with the appropriate county without assessment of a thoroughfare impact fee pursuant to this Ordinance. No building permit shall be issued for new development, until the property owner has paid the thoroughfare impact fee imposed by and calculated herein or a contract for payment is approved by Wylie and executed by the parties, or unless the assessment is made upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy under Article 6, Section (a)(3)(C). Article 6. Assessment of thoroughfare impact fees. (a) The assessment of the thoroughfare impact fee for any new development shall be calculated and made as follows: (b) (1) For new development that received final plat approval prior to May 11, 2020 on May 12, 2020; (2) For new development that received final plat approval on May 12, 2020 or after, at the time of final plat approval; or (3) For land on which new development is proposed to occur or occurs without platting, upon the earliest of the following: (A) connection to the City's water or sewer system; (B) upon the issuance of a building permit; or (C) upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Following initial assessment of the impact fee for a new development pursuant to subsection (a), the amount of the impact fee per service unit for that development cannot be increased, unless the approved final plat expires or lapses under applicable ordinances or law or the owner proposes to change the approved development by the submission of a new development application or application to increase the number of service units, in which case the impact fee will be reassessed for increased or additional service units at the impact fee rate then in effect. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 5 of 29 2889780 (c) Following the lapse or expiration of a final plat that has been approved, or a final plat deemed approved due to failure of Wylie to act, a new assessment shall be performed at the time of new final plat approval in accordance with this Ordinance. For land for which an assessment is made without platting (in accordance with Article 6, Section (a)(3)), a new assessment shall be performed following a termination of water or sewer service or expiration of a building permit or certificate of occupancy. Article 7. Computation and collection of impact fees. (a) The impact fees due on new development shall be collected at the time of application for a building permit, unless an agreement between the developer and the City has been executed providing for a different time of payment, or at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy if the assessment is made upon the issuance of the certificate of occupancy under Article 6, Section (a)(3)(C). (b) At the time of assessment (in accordance with Article 6) for all new developments, the City shall compute the impact fees due for the new development in the following manner: (1) The amount of each type of impact fee due shall be determined by multiplying the number of each type of service units generated by the new development by the impact fee due for each type of service unit in the applicable service area set forth in Exhibit A. (2) The amount of each impact fee due shall be reduced by any allowable credits for that category of capital improvements in the manner provided by this Ordinance. (c) Whenever a property owner proposes to increase the number of service units for a new development, the additional impact fees collected for such new service units shall be determined by using the amount of impact fee per service unit in Exhibit A then in effect, and such additional fee shall be collected at the time of issuance of a new building permit. Article S. Credits against impact fees. (a) Any construction or contributions to or dedications of any area -related facility appearing in the capital improvements plan that is required to be constructed by a property owner as a condition of new development shall be credited against the impact fees otherwise due on that new development from the same category of impact fees assessed on the new development. (b) All credits against impact fees shall be subject to the following limitations and shall be granted based on this Ordinance and any additional administrative guidelines that may be adopted by the City. (1) No credit shall be given for the dedication or construction of site -related facilities. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 6 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 (2) No credit shall exceed an amount equal to the assessed impact fee. (3) If a credit applicable to a final plat has not been exhausted within ten (10) years from the acquisition of the first building permit issued or within such period as may otherwise be designated by contract, such credit shall lapse. (4) In no event will the City reimburse the property owner or developer for a credit when no impact fees for the new development can be collected pursuant to City ordinance or for any amount exceeding the total impact fees due for the new development for the category of capital improvement, unless otherwise agreed to by the City. (c) The available credit associated with new development shall be applied against an impact fee in the following manner: (1) For single-family residential lots in a new development consisting only of single- family residential development, such credit shall be prorated equally among such lots, to be applied at the time of application of a building permit for each lot, against impact fees to be collected at the time the building permit is issued. (2) For all other types of new development, including those involving mixed uses, the credit applicable to the new development shall be applied to the impact fee due at the time of approval. (3) At its sole discretion, the City may authorize alternative credit agreements upon written agreement with the property owner in accordance with the City's administrative guidelines. Article 9. Establishment of accounts. (a) The City shall establish an account to which interest is allocated for the service area for each type of capital facility for which an impact fee is imposed. Each impact fee collected within the service area shall be deposited in such account. (b) Interest earned on the account into which the impact fees are deposited shall be considered funds of the account and shall be used only in the same manner as which the underlying funds may be used. (c) The City shall establish adequate financial and accounting controls to ensure that impact fees disbursed from the accounts are utilized solely for authorized purposes. (d) The City shall maintain and keep financial records for impact fees, which shall show the source and disbursement of all fees collected in or expended within the service area. The records of the account into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 7 of 29 2889780 inspection and copying during ordinary business hours. The City may establish a fee for copying services. Article 10. Use of proceeds of impact fee accounts. (a) The impact fees collected for the service area may be used to finance or to recoup the costs of any capital improvements or facility expansion identified in the capital improvements plan for the service area, including but not limited to the construction contract price, surveying and engineering fees, land acquisition costs (including land purchases, court awards and costs, attorney's fees and expert witness fees). Impact fees may also be used to pay the principal sum and interest and other finance costs on bonds, notes or other obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to finance such capital improvements or facility expansion. (b) Impact fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall not be used to pay for any of the following expenses: (1) Construction, acquisition or expansion of public facilities or assets other than capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan; (2) Repair, operation or maintenance of existing or new capital improvements or facility expansion; (3) Upgrade, update, expansion or replacement of existing capital improvements to provide better service to existing development; or (4) Administrative and operating costs of the City. Article 11. Refunds. (a) Upon application by an owner of property, any impact fee or portion thereof collected pursuant to City ordinance, which; (i) has not been expended within ten (10) years from the date of payment, or (ii) existing facilities are available and service is denied, or (iii) the City has, after collecting the impact fee when service was not available, failed to commence construction within two (2) years or service is not available within a reasonable period considering the type of improvement or expansion, but in no event later than five (5) years from the date of payment; shall be refunded to the record owner of the property for which the impact fee was paid or, if the impact fee was paid by another governmental entity, to such governmental entity, together with interest calculated from the date of payment to the date of refund at the statutory rate as set forth in the Texas Finance Code, Section 302.002, or its successor statute. The application for refund pursuant to this article shall be submitted within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the ten-year period for expenditure of the fee. An impact fee shall be considered expended on a first -in, first -out basis. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 8 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 1 1 (b) An impact fee collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall also be considered expended if the total expenditures for capital improvements or facility within the service area within ten (10) years following the date of payment exceed the total fees collected within the service area for such improvements or expansions during such period. (c) If a refund is due pursuant to subsections (a) and (b), the City shall divide the difference between the amount of expenditures and the amount of the fees collected by the total number of service units assumed within the service area for the period to determine the refund due per service unit. The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying the refund due per service unit by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. (d) Upon completion of all the capital improvements or facility expansions identified in the capital improvements plan for the service area, the City shall recalculate the impact fee per service unit using the actual costs for the improvements or expansions. If the impact fee per service unit based on actual cost is less than the impact fee per service unit paid, the City shall refund the difference, if such difference exceeds the impact fee paid by more than ten (10) percent. If the difference is less than ten (10) percent, no refund shall be due. The refund to the record owner shall be calculated by multiplying such difference by the number of service units for the development for which the fee was paid, and interest due shall be calculated upon that amount. Article 12. Updates to plan and revision of fees. (a) The City shall update its land use assumptions and capital improvements plans at least every five (5) years, commencing from the date of adoption of such plans, and shall recalculate the impact fees based thereon in accordance with the procedures set forth in Texas Local Government Code Chapter 395 or in any successor statute. (b) The City may review its land use assumptions, impact fees, capital improvements plans and other factors such as market conditions more frequently than provided in subsection (a) to determine whether the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan should be updated and the impact fee recalculated accordingly, or whether any Exhibit(s) hereto should be changed. (c) If, at the time an update is required pursuant to subsection (a), the City council determines that no change to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan or impact fee is needed, it may dispense with such update by following the procedures in Texas Local Government Code Section 395.0575 or its successor statute. (d) In addition to the reviews required by this Article, the City shall also conduct the reviews required by Article 4, Impact Fees Adopted for Thoroughfares, above. Article 13. Use of other financing mechanisms. Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 9 of 29 2889780 (a) The City may finance capital improvements or facility expansion designated in the capital improvements plan through the issuance of bonds, through the formation of public utility districts or other assessment districts, or through any other authorized mechanism, in such manner and subject to such limitations as may be provided by law, in addition to the use of impact fees. (b) Except as herein otherwise provided, the assessment and collection of an impact fee shall be additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other tax, fee, charge or assessment which is lawfully imposed on and due against the property. Article 14. Impact fee as additional and supplemental regulation. Impact fees established by this Ordinance are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements imposed by the City on the development of land or the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy, including but not limited to water and wastewater impact fees Such fee is intended to be consistent with and to further the policies of the City's comprehensive land use plan, the capital improvements plan, the zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations and other City policies, ordinances, codes and resolutions by which the City seeks to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities in conjunction with the development of land. Article 15. Relief procedures. Any person who has paid an impact fee or an owner of land upon which an impact fee has been paid may petition the City council to determine whether any duty required by this Ordinance has not been performed within the time so prescribed. The petition shall be in writing and shall state the nature of the unperformed duty and request that the duty be performed within sixty (60) days of the request. If the City council determines that the duty is required pursuant to this Ordinance and is late in being performed, it shall cause the duty to commence within sixty (60) days of the date of the request and to continue until completion." SECTION 3: Capital Improvements Plan Adopted. The previously adopted capital improvements plan has been reviewed, evaluated, updated and revised, and the City Council finds that the capital improvements plan that is set forth in the 2019 Report is hereby adopted and approved. SECTION 4: Repealing/Saving. The Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other Ordinance. All provisions of any other ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portion of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 10 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 1 SECTION 5: Penalty. Any person, firm, entity or corporation who violates any provision of this Ordinance, as it exist or may be amended, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefore, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each continuing day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 6: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional and/or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of whether any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases are declared unconstitutional and/or invalid. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and publication as required by law and the City Charter. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 1 lth day of February 2020. ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Stephanie Storm, City Secretary 00 f�il�''�{{} a tN`J{f+it; C mgyFp FE RA/ Ll , °1 8d° Date of Publication: " ux JF 9.: 202" , Wylie News Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 11 of 29 2889780 Exhibit A 2019-2029 Roadway Impact Fee Update Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 12 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 CITY OF WYLIE THOROUGHFARE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ROADWAY IMPACT FEES The first step in the development impact fee process is the development of a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This capital improvement plan includes projects intended for construction by the City of Wylie in the next 10 years to serve existing and future development. Existing Facilities The City of Wylie arterial and major collector street system is partially developed at this time. Several roadways in developed areas are partially built to current thoroughfare plan standards. Many existing streets are two-lane asphalt roadways with open surface drainage. The existing Principal/Major Thoroughfares within the City include State Highway 78 (SH 78), FM 544, FM 1378 (Country Club Road), McMillen Road/Park Boulevard, and Parker Road. Several roadways, including SH 78 and FM 544, are under the operation and maintenance jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Proposed Facilities The City of Wylie adopted an updated thoroughfare plan in 2018 that is the basis for development of the future street system. The thoroughfare system is a conventional network conforming to a hierarchical, functional classification system developed to support the forecast traffic demands of future land use. The highest classification of roadway is the Principal Thoroughfare type facility, followed by the Major Thoroughfare and Secondary Thoroughfare facilities. These roadways are generally multiple lanes — 4 lanes for Secondary or 6 lanes for Principal and Major Thoroughfares. These roadways also generally include medians that serve the function of controlling access, separating opposing traffic movements and providing an area for the storage of left turning vehicles. The lower classifications are the Collector and Downtown Collector facilities that are developed to serve the adjoining development. The character of the developments served should determine the sizes and alignments of collector roadways. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 1 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 13 of 29 2889780 Capital Improvement Plan for Roadway Impact Fees The thoroughfare facilities determined for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan of this study are tabulated in Table 1A and graphically illustrated in Figure 1. Each listed project includes a description of the planned improvements, the approximate project length, and an engineer's opinion of probable cost to the City. In addition, under existing State Statute, a municipalities' cost associated with TxDOT facilities can be financed with impact fees. All roadways included in the 2019 CIP are identified in the City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan. Table 1B shows recoupment costs for projects completed as part of the previous CIPs with debt not retired. These recoupment projects are also illustrated in Figure 1. The engineer's opinions of probable construction cost were prepared without the benefit of a detailed preliminary engineering study for each project. The costs are based on data provided by the City of Wylie and on recent roadway project construction bids. Financing costs for the projects in the thoroughfare CIP were also included in the total estimated cost and the interest rate of 5% was provided by the City of Wylie. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 2 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 14 of 29 2889780 1 1 Table 1A - Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan City of Wylie 2019 Impact Fee Update ARTERIAL PROJECT NUMBER BOUNDARY EXISTING PROJECT DESCRIPTION LENGTH (R) TOTAL COST W/O INTEREST COST OF INTEREST TOTAL PROJECT' COST FROM TO Woodbndge Pkwy. W5A FM 544 Hooper Road 4 lanes Budd a 6-tane divided section 5,500 $ 2,324,530 $ 1,220,378 $ 3.544.808.00 McMillen Road W6 McCreary Rd FM 1378 4 lanes Budd a 6Jane divided section 8,400 $ 10,653,020 $ 5,592,836 $ 16.245.856.00 Hensley Lane (East) W9 Hooper Rd McCreary Rd -- - Build a 2-lane unttrvided section 5.100 $ 3,759,170 $ 1,973,564 $ 5,732,734.00 Woodbridge Pkwy. W10A Hooper Rd South City Limn --- Budd 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 1.050 $ 967,560 $ 507,969 $ 1,475,529.00 Park Boulevard W11 FM 1378 Westgate Way 2 lanes Budd 4-lanes affuture&lanes 4.850 $ " 5.530,040 0 2,903,271 $ 8433,311.00 Park Boulevard .. W12 City Limn Skynew .. --- Budd 4-lanes of future 8-lanes ` 1,550 $ 1,188,035 $. 623,718 $ .''1,811,753.00 Park Boulevard W13 . - Skyview City Limit 21anes Budd 4-lanes nibble 6-lanes ' 1,300 $ ' 996,560 $ ' -523,194 5 • 1,519,754.00 Sanden Boulevard W14 FM 544 SH 78 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 3,700 5 3,086,910 $ 1,620,628 $ 4,707,538.00 Ann Drive W15 Kamber Lane Franklin Lane --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 800 5 770,000 5 404,250 $ 1,174,250.00 Jackson Avenue W16 Broom Sheet Parker Road --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 850 $ 713,060 5 374,357 $ 1,087,417.00 Birmingham Street W17 Marble Street Brown Street --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 750 $ 648,710 5 ' 339,523 $ 986,233.00 N. Ballard Ave. WI SH 78 W. Brown St. 2 lanes Study to improve capacity 1,750 $ 30,000 $ 15,750 5 45,750.00 Forrest Ross Rd W18 • Railroad Tracks Park Blvd 2 lanes Build a 44ane divided section 2650 $ _ 3,047200 $ 1,599,780 $ 4,646,980.00 Hensley Lane W20 Woodbridge Pkwy Sanden Blvd 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 5,250 9 5,166,900 5 2,712,623 $ 7,879,523.00 Hensley Lane 7421 Sanden Blvd SH 78 ___ Build a 44ane divided section 8 hat ofa grade separation 700 $ 2,802,800 $ 1,471 A70 $ 4,274,270.00 Proposed Collector W22 McMillen Rd Country Club Rd --- Build a 2-lane undivided section 5,400 5 4,145,600 5 2,176,440 $ 6.322,040.00 Parker/Ballard W23 W. Brown Street City Limit 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 5,250 5 5,318,500 $ 2,792,213 $ 8,110,713.00 Steel Road W24 Spnngwell Piny Regency 0r --- Build a 24ane undivided section 450 $ 415,700 5 218243 5 633,943.00 Sub Total 5 51,582,295 5 27,070207 5 78,632,502.00 Alanis Drive EIA SH78 S Ballard 2 lanes Budd a4-lane undivided section 6,100 $ 1,977,955.00 5 1,038,426.38 $ 3,018,381.38 Pleaasant Valley Rd. E7A S. Ballard Avenue South City Limn 2 lanes Readgn 8 Build 44ane divided 7.850 $ 8,408,37500 $ 4.839,398.88 $ 14,347,771.88 FM 544 E8A Collins Vinson Road 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 6,300 5 15,502,670.00 $ 13,138,901.75 $ 23,641,571.75 Stone Road higsse:Rn!dmION E12 FM 544 East C8y Limit d•SpitbOe7'85eo1 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 9.400 112t000• 5 10,741,610.00 I$!32241614:951 $ 5,639,345.25 ISMINI92d067,9228951 $ 16,380.955.25 I$0111815'93 75l7 County Line Road mtla..99 E14 24tteedetrns3litlfni FM 544 Troy Road la211.rre37 2 lanes 1111S59tdreaul%SCSvided:Section7 Budd a 44ane divided section 5,000 $ 5.842,170.00 $ 2,962,139.25 ,53 $ 8.6134,30925 Kreymer Lane E15 SH 78 City Limn 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 5.050 $ 5,681,005.00 $ 2,987,777.63 $ 8,678,782.63 Troy Road E17 Before Railroad Park Boulevard 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 3,600 5 3,103,680.00 $ 1,629,432.00 $ 4,733,112.00 Forrest Ross Road E21 SH 78 School Driveway 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 1.500 $ 3,029,440.00 $ 1.590,456.00 $ 4,619,896.00 Park Boulevard E22 - City Umd Spring Creek Pkwy -- - Budd 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 2.700 $ 2,069,575 $ 1,086,527 5 3,156,101.88 Park Boulevard- E23 Spnnq Creek PIru. Centennial 2 lanes Budd4-lanes of future 6-lanes 850 S 651,555 5 342,086 $ 993,821.38 Park Boulevard E24 - , Centennial ' SH 78 4 lanes Budd a6-lane divided section 1,200 $ 920,105 $ . . 483,055 $ 1.403,160.13 Park Boulevard E24A - bulges Railroad and Corps Bridges 1,000 $ 7,371,615 $ 3,870,088 $ 11,241,712.88 Meals anis Drive E25 SH 78 End of old alignment 2 lanes Build a 46ane divided section 8 half of grade separation 1,200 $ 3,258,800.00 $ 1,710,870 $ 4,969,670.00 Skyvlew E28 Realign to Forrest Ross Rd at Park Blvd Build a 24ane undivided section 1,000 $ 849,100.00 5 445,778 $ 1,294,877.50 Vnson Road E27 County Line Rd South City Limit 2 lanes Budd a 4-lane divided section 1.400 $ 2,446,600.00 $ 1,284465 $ 3,731,085.00 Elm Grove Rd 628 Pleasant Valley Sachse Road - -- Budd a 4-lane divided section 3,000 $ 5,236,000.00 5 2,748,900 $ 7,984,900.00 Green Meadows Way E29 Beaver Creek Rd Stone Rd --- Build a 24ane undivided section 5,100 $ 4,463400 $ 2.343,285 $ 6.606.685.00 Sub Total 5 86,188,270 $ 45,248,842 $ 131,437,112 rand Total: CIP PROJECT TOTALS : I $ 137,750,565 5 72,319,049 $ 210,069,614 Costs based on 50%of EOPCC by 4aH(Associates Paving 8 Drainage prorated fmiength our of 13,600'total wIh averaggo 2.491v1 cost increase 2015 to 2019 .u,56!3 €!q"�aa cpi 79r as.�oa,Ttao!er. r2t009, 2,edp,Mttnt es ER16ra291 Gay of Wylie -2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 15 of 29 2889780 Page 3 Table 1 B - Recoupment Projects Completed with Previous CIP City of Wylie 2019 Impact Fee Update ARTERIAL PROJECT NUMBER BOUNDARY EXISTING PROJECT DESCRIPTION LENGTH (ft) TOTAL COST W/O INTEREST COST OF INTEREST TOTAL PROJECT COST FROM TO FM 1378 WI FM 544 W Brown St 2 Ianes Built a 6-lane divided section 3,500 $ 1.032,000 $ 541,800 $ 1,573,800 FM 1378 W2 W Brown St 809 north of takewa.y 2 Ianes Built &lane divided section 11 800 $ 10,683,815 $ 5,609,003 $ 16,292,818 W Brown Street W3 FM 1378 Ballard Ave 2 lanes Built 4-lane dmded section 9,500 $ 9,827,184 $ 5,159,272 $ 14,986,456 Hensley Lane (East) W4 Hensley Hooper --- Built a 2-lane undivided section 3,100 $ 445,000 $ 233,625 $ 678,625 Country Club Road Vt5 FM 544 South City Limit - - - Built 4-lanes of future 6-lanes 5,500 $ 4,784,003 $ 2.511,602 $ 7,295.605 McCreary Road W7 FM 544 South City Limit --- Bui6 a 4-lane divided sedion 3,350 $ 1,420,000 $ - 5 1,420.000 Spdngwell Pkwy VJ8 FM 544 700' south of Capital Builta 2-lane undivided section_ 2,600 $ 1,220,000 $ - 5 1,220,000 FM 1378 W2A N. of Lakeway S.of N. Parker Rd. 2 Ianes Built a 6-lane dMded section 1,150 $ 2,717,815 $ 1,426,853 S 4,144.668 Woodb4dge Pkwy. W10 Hooper Rd. South City Limit --- Built 4-lanes or future 6-lanes 1,050 $ 875,800 $ - S 875,800 559Total $ 33,005,617 $ 15,482,155 $ 48,487,772 Alanis Drme El SH 78 S Ballard 2 lanes Built 34anes of 4-lane section 6,100 $ 4,464,331 $ 2,343,774 $ 6,808,10.5 Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes FM 544 3 lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 2.700 $ 1,327,800 $ 697,095 $ 2,024,895 Kirby Street E3 SH78 Birmingham 4lanes Built a4-lanedMded section 1,400 $ 1.115,600 $ 585,690 $ 1,701,290 Stone Road E4 Birmingham S Ballard 2 lanes Built a4-lanedMded section 8,300 $ 999,000 $ 524,475 $ 1,523,475 Stone Road E5 Ballard Akin 2lanes Built a 5-lane dMded section 2,800 $ 3,530,000 $ 1,853,250 $ 5,383.250 S Ballard Avenue S. Ballard Avenue E6 E7 Slone Rd Alams Dr Alanis Dr Pleasant Valley Rd 2 lanes 2 lanes Built 4-lane dmded section Built 4-lane dMded sedion 3,600 6,200 $ 4,955,000 $ 6,687,500 $ 2,601,375 $ 3,503,438 S 7,556.375 5 10,167,935 FM 544 E8 JW Akin Collins Blvd 2lanes Built a 4-lane divided section 4,700 $ 13,960,600 $ 7,329,315 5 21.289,915 East Brown Street E9 SH 78 Stone 2 lanes Builta 4-lane divided section 11,100 $ 9,253,000 $ 4,857,825 $ 14,110,825 SH 78 El0 Eubaks Spnng Creek Pkwy. 2 lanes Built &lane divided highway section 3,200 $ 4,829,000 $ 2,535,225 $ 7,364,225 5 5,770,448 Troy Road E16 City Limit East Fork 2 lanes Realign and build 4-lane divided 3,750 $ . 3,783,900 $ 1,986,548 Wylie E Drive E18 SH 78 Schod Driveway 2 Ianes Brit a 4-lane dMded section 1,500 $ 1,574,400 $ 826,560 5 2,400,960 Dominion Drive E19 Sachse Road City Limit --- Builta 2-lane undivided section 2,300 $ 1,535,600 $ 806,190 S 2,341,790 Collins Bioulevard E20 Current End East Fork - -- Built 2-lane undivided section 5,300 $ 3,449,200 $ 1,810,830 S 5,260,030 Sub Total $ 61,444,931 $ 32,258,590 $ 83,703,521 Grand Total: CIP PROJECT TOTALS : I $ 94,450.548 $ 47,740,745 $ 142,191,293 City of Wylle - 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 16 of 29 2889780 Page 4 1 Legend t Ra:elpment Rope( Beset Roedxay to Lanes 1 Bond Roadway to 4lanes - BWldRoaexq to 2L1ines 0 Proposed Grade eepsetan OPotent. Sip. Lota4on X� GPPmtet Marber WEST,,;` .- _ SERVICE d �' • ",:--_ .. CAPITAL 1"FAREAf's- { ... IMPR OVEMENT = ,P-L A J. . petchoT, Rm.. &CaMr. LLP.( Prokesnnal Engreers flKI 8 0 025 05 1 1.5 2M iles :A+ew. s,t°s��'s•'x"n"�w� r';�weY;2`�u�: Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 17 of 29 2889780 IMPACT FEE CALCULATION I. INTRODUCTION The next step of the Development Impact Fee process is the determination of the maximum fee per service unit that can be charged by the City for new developments. The fee is calculated by dividing the costs of the capital improvements identified as necessary to serve growth forecast to occur during the 10-year planning period by the number of service units of growth forecast to occur. The specific steps, as described in following paragraphs of this section include: 1. Determination of a standard service unit; 2. Identification of service areas for the City; 3. Identification of that portion of the total capital improvements necessary to serve the projected growth over the next 10-year period; 4. Analysis of the total capacity, level of current usage, and commitment for usage of capacity of existing improvements; 5. Determination of the "standard service unit" and equivalency tables establishing the ratio of a service unit to the types of land use forecast for growth. II. SERVICE UNIT To determine the impact fee rate applied to thoroughfare facilities the standard service unit selected was "PM Peak Hour Vehicle -Miles." This service unit can be obtained by multiplying the number of trips generated by a specific land use type during the PM peak hour (vehicles) by the average trip length (miles) for that land use. The PM peak hour was chosen because it is usually considered the critical time for roadway analyses. The trip generation data were directly obtained or derived for each defined land use type from "Trip Generation Manual, 10'h' Edition" of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, which is the standard data reference to determine vehicle trip generation characteristics of particular land use types and densities. Trip length information for each land use specified was based on data developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in the 2017 National Household Travel Survey. The trip length was set at a maximum of three (3) miles for any land use, as this trip length was assumed to be the maximum average distance a trip would travel on roadways within each service area in the City of Wylie. Table 2 shows the typical service units for each land use type. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 6 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 18 of 29 2889780 1 Table 2 - Service Unit Calculation by Land Use Type City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Variable PM Peak Trips' (vehicles) Trip Length2 (miles) Vehicle -Miles Residential Dwelling Unit 0.99 3.0 2.97 Office 1,000ft2 1.42 3.0 4.26 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 3.81 3.0 11.43 Industrial 1,000 ft2 0.98 3.0 2.94 Public and Institutional 1,000 ft2 1.04 3.0 3.12 Parks and Recreational Acre 13.11 3.0 39.33 Based on ITE Trip Generation, loth Edition 2 Based on FHWA National Household Travel Survey, 2017 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 7 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 19 of 29 2889780 SERVICE AREAS The State Statute governing the imposition of development impact fees require that collection and expenditure of fees imposed for street facilities "...is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision and shall not exceed six miles." To comply with this State Law, two service areas (West and East) were established for the City of Wylie to ensure that funds are spent within six miles of where they are collected. The service areas include most of the developable land within the city limits of Wylie. Within Wylie, the growth and intensities of growth for the ultimate development of the City and that portion of the service area expected to occur during the 10-year period, 2019-2029, is forecast. The two service areas were shown in Figure 1. III. ASSUMPTIONS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA Determination of the eligible costs of capital improvements to serve the forecast growth over the 10-year period from 2019 to 2029 was based on data provided by the City of Wylie. The basic criteria and assumptions made for this study include the following: 1. Costs of existing facilities constructed to serve new development have been included, and City of Wylie staff identified projects of this type. 2. Bond interest costs are included. 3. Street facility improvements, although necessary for additional capacity by new growth, will logically serve all existing and future growth by improved safety and drainage characteristics. Therefore, the 10-year eligible costs have been proportioned as the ratio of the 10-year growth to the total number of service units determined for the build -out. Table 3 shows the portion of ultimate build -out service units that will be attributable to growth within the next 10 years and is used to pro -rate the identified costs in the service area. In order to maintain the equity of impact fee assessment, the cost for streets included in the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan will include the total cost of the street facilities, not reduced by any expected participation. Rather, construction by a developer of an arterial facility within or off -site should be treated as a credit to the impact fee assessment. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 8 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 20 of 29 2889780 1 1 Table 3 - Summary of Vehicle -Mileage Distribution by Development Period City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Existing 2019 - 2029 Year 2029 - Ultimate Service Area Vehicle- Miles 2019 Portion of Ultimate Vehicle -Miles Vehicle -Miles Added 2019-2029 Portion of Ultimate Vehicle -Miles Vehicle -Miles Added 2029 - Ultimate Portion of Ultimate Vehicle -Miles Ultimate Vehicle - Miles W 67,066 0.943 2,608 0.037 1,420 0.020 71,094 E 40,226 0.830 5,831 0.120 2,434 0.050 48,491 Total 107,292 8,439 3,854 119,585 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 9 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 21 of 29 2889780 ELIGIBLE COSTS Table 4 presents a summary of the roadway capital improvement costs for the two service areas. The 10-year portion of the total costs was calculated using the data from Table 3. Costs of each of the individual street projects were accumulated, or apportioned, for the service area in which they were located. Boundaries of the service areas were located to be coincident with natural barriers, the center of existing or proposed street facilities included in the capital improvements plan or along city limit lines. Costs of these projects included only those costs that will be paid for by the City of Wylie. IV. DETERMINATION OF STANDARD SERVICE UNIT AND EQUIVALENCY The determination of growth of service units and resulting impact fee rates were then made. Table 5 presents the derivation of service unit equivalents for each of the six defined land use types. The service unit equivalents are referenced to and based on the residential land use. Table 6 presents a summary of the calculations and resulting eligible costs per service unit. Under current State law, municipalities are required to administer a detailed financial analysis to support the use of an impact fee higher than 50 percent of the eligible costs. As an alternative to performing the financial analysis, the impact fee can be set at or below 50 percent of the total eligible costs. The total eligible costs per service unit are shown in Table 6. The City will use either a detailed financial analysis to adjust for tax credits or will use 50 percent of these eligible costs. V. IMPACT FEE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY The methodology for calculating the maximum allowable impact fee for roadway facilities can be summarized in the following three steps. First, determine the cost of the roadway facilities (existing roadways eligible for recuperation of construction cost and proposed roadways) that can be attributed to new growth over the 10-year period. This calculation for Service Areas W and E are summarized on pages 14 and 15. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 10 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 22 of 29 2889780 1 Table 4 - Summary of Capital Improvement Cost by Service Area C'ty of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Service Area Zone Cost of Thoroughfare Portion of Capacity of Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (2019 - 2029) Cost of Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (2019 - 2029) W $127,120,274.00 0.037 $4,703,450.14 E $225,140,632.17 0.120 $27,016,875.86 Totals $352,260,906.17 $31,720,326.00 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 11 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 23 of 29 2889780 1 Table 5 - Thoroughfare Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Land Use Development Unit Veh-Miles/Development Unit (1) SU Equivalency (2) Residential Dwelling Unit 2.97 1.00 Office 1,000 ft2 4.26 1.43 Commercial / Retail 1,000 ft2 11.43 3.85 Industrial 1,000 ft2 2.94 0.99 Public and Institutional 1,000 ft2 3.12 1.05 Parks and Recreational Acre 39.33 13.24 Notes: (1) Based on data from the ITE Trip Generation Manua( 10th Edition and the FHWA National Household Travel Survey 2017 (see Table 2) (2) Ratio of each land use to service unit of Residential City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 12 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 24 of 29 2889780 1 Table 6 - Impact Fee Calculation for Thoroughfare by Service Area City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Service Area Cost of Thoroughfare Attributed to Growth (2019 - 2029) Number of New Service Units (2019 - 2029) Cost Per Service Unit Cost Per Service Unit (Rounded) W $4,703,450.14 2,608 $1,803.47 $1,803 E $27,016,875.86 5,831 $4,633.32 $4,633 Totals $31,720,326.00 8,439 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 13 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 25 of 29 2889780 Calculation for Service Area W Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables 1A and 1B - Service Area W) = $127,120,274.00 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area W) = 0.037 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2019-2029 - Service Area W): $127,120,274.00 x 0.037 = $4,703,450.14 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2019-2029) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area W is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee = Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) = $4,703,450.14 2,608 ESU = $1,803.47 / ESU = $1,803 / ESU (Rounded Service Area W) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the fmal step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be $1,803 x 50% = $901.50. Calculation for Service Area E Cost of Roadway Facilities (Tables 1A and 1B - Service Area E) = $225,140,632.17 Proportion of Capacity Attributable to New Growth (Table 3 - Service Area E) = 0.120 Cost of Roadway Facilities Attributable to Growth (2019-2029 - Service Area E): $225,140,632.17 x 0.120 = $27,016,875.86 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 26 of 29 2889780 Page 14 1 1 The second step is to determine the maximum calculated impact fee. The maximum calculated impact fee is the ratio of the total cost for roadway facilities attributable to growth in the next ten years (2019-2029) divided by the total growth in equivalent service units (ESU). The maximum calculated impact fee for Service Area E is: Maximum Roadway Impact Fee = Eligible Thoroughfare Cost Attributed to Growth (Table 4) Total Growth in Equivalent Service Units (Table 3) = $27,016,875.86 5,831 ESU = $4,633.32 / ESU = $4,633 / ESU (Rounded Service Area E) This amount represents the maximum calculated impact fee for roadway facilities. For the final step, the current impact fee legislation requires the City to produce a financial analysis to support a fee greater than 50 percent of the eligible costs or to reduce the maximum calculated impact fee by 50 percent. If the City chooses to use a maximum allowable impact fee of 50 percent of the maximum calculated fee the amount would be $4,633 x 50% = $2,316.50. Impact Fee Calculation Example The land use equivalency table is provided in Table 7. This table identifies the total service units generated by specific uses within each land use category. To obtain the impact fee to be charged for a particular land use, the impact fee per service unit adopted by the City and the service units per development unit generated for that particular land use from Table 7 are used. Examples for calculating the impact fee for both a single-family dwelling unit and a 50,000 ft2 shopping center (commercial / retail facility) assuming impact fees of $901.50 per service unit (Service Area W) and $2,316.50 per service unit (Service Area E) are shown on page 17. City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 15 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 27 of 29 2889780 Table 7 - Land Use Equivalency City of Wylie 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Study Update Effective for All Development with Final Plat Approval after May 11, 2020 CATEGORY LAND USE DEVELOPMENT ITE TRIP UNITS' RATE2 TRIP PASS -BY SERVICE LENGTH' TRAFFIC4 UNITS° IMPACT FEE / DEVELOPMENT UNIT' Service Area W Service Area E RESIDENTIAL Single -Family Detached Dwelling Unit 0.99 3.0 0 2.97 $1,345.41 $1,345.41 Multifamily Housing (Low -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.56 3.0 0 1.68 $761.04 $761.04 Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.44 3.0 0 1.32 $597.96 $597.96 Multifamily Housing (High -Rise) Dwelling Unit 0.36 3.0 0 1.08 $489.24 $489.24 Mobile Home Dwelling Unit 0.46 3.0 0 1.38 $625.14 $625.14 OFFICE Office Building 1,000 ft2 GFA 1.42 3.0' 0 4.26 $1,929.78 $1,929.78 Medical Office 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.46 3.0 0 10.38 $4,702.14 $4,702.14 COMMERCIAL Automobile Care Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.11 3.0 0.28 6.72 $3,044.16 $3,044.16 Building Materials/Lumber 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.77 3.0 0 8.31 $3,764.43 $3,764.43 Drive -In Bank 1,000 ft2 GFA 20.45 2.4 0.35 31.90 $14,450.70 $14,450.70 Fast Food Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 32.67 2.4 0.50 39.20 $17,757.60 $17,757.60 Free -Standing Discount Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 4.83 3.0 0.17 12.03 $5,449.59 $5,449.59 Garden Center/Nursery 1,000 ft2 GFA 6.94 3.0 0 20.82 $9,431.46 $9,431.46 Golf Course Acres 0.28 3.0 0 0.84 $380.52 $380.52 Hardware!Paint Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.68 2.8 0.26 5.55 $2,514.15 $2,514.15 Home Improvement Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2.33 3.0 0.42 4.05 $1,834.65 $1,834.65 Hotel Roorns 0.60 3.0 0 1.80 $815.40 $815.40 Pharmacy/Drugstore 1,000 112 GFA 10.29 2.8 0.49 14.69 $6,654.57 $6,654.57 Super Convenience Market/Gas Station Pumps 22.96 2.4 0.76 13.22 $5,988.66 $5,988.66 Sit -Down Restaurant 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.77 3.0 0.43 16.71 $7,569.63 $7,569.63 Shopping Center 1,000 ft2 GFA 3.81 3.0 0.34 7.54 $3,415.62 $3,415.62 Supermarket 1,000 ft2 GFA 9.24 2.8 0.36 16.56 $7,501.68 $7,501.68 INDUSTRIAL Industrial 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.63 3.0 0 1.89 $856.17 $856.17 Mini -Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.17 3.0 0 0.51 $231.03 $231.03 Warehouse 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.19 3.0 0 0.57 $258.21 $258.21 INSTITUTIONAL School Students 0.17 3.0 0 0.51 $231.03 $231.03 Day Care Center Students 0.79 3.0 0 2.37 $1,073.61 $1,073.61 Nursing Home 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.59 3.0 0 1.77 $801.81 $1301.81 House of Worship 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.49 3.0 0 1.47 $665.91 $665.91 r GFA= Gross Floor Area 2 (Vehicles); Based on lTE Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edrtion 3 (Miles); Based on FHWA National Household Travel Survey (2017 and 2009); or a maximum of 3 miles Percentage of traffic already passing by site - land use is an intermediate destination 6 (Vehicle -Miles) 6 Based on impact fee of $453.00/seMce unit *The land uses and trip generation characteristics listed in this chart are intended as examples. The complete table of land uses and trip generation characteristics is contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, Tenth Edition, which is incorporated herein by reference. City of Wylie - 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update Page 16 Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 28 of 29 2889780 1 1 1 1 Service Area W — Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area W) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Single -Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (2.97 Vehicle -Miles / Dwelling Unit) = 2.97 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $901.50 / Service Unit: (2.97 Vehicle -Miles) x ($901.50 / Vehicle -Miles) = $ 2,677.46 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER (Service Area W) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.54 Vehicle -Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 377.00 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $901.50 / Service Unit: (377.00 Vehicle -Miles) x ($901.50 / Vehicle -Miles) = $ 339,865.50 Service Area E — Example Calculations SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING (Service Area E) • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Single -Family Dwelling Unit (1 Dwelling Unit) x (2.97 Vehicle -Miles / Dwelling Unit) = 2.97 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $2,316.50 /Service Unit: (2.97 Vehicle -Miles) x ($2,316.50 / Vehicle -Miles) = $ 6,880.01 50,000 ft2 SHOPPING CENTER (Service Area El • Vehicle -Miles per Development Unit for Shopping Center (50,000 ft2) x (7.54 Vehicle -Miles / 1,000 ft2) = 377.00 Vehicle -Miles • Assume 50 percent of the Maximum Calculated Roadway Impact Fee = $2,316.50 /Service Unit: (377.00 Vehicle -Miles) x ($2,316.50 / Vehicle -Miles) = $ 873,320.50 City of Wylie — 2019 Roadway Impact Fee Update [RPI] Ordinance No. 2020-20 Adopting Amendments to Thoroughfare Impact Fee Ordinance Page 29 of 29 2889780 Page 17