06-19-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, June 19, 2006 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members
present were: Frankie Delgado, David Willey, Brandi Lafleur and Benny Jones. Board
Members Anne Hiney and Eugene Garner were absent.
Staff present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill
Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz and Park Board Secretary Beth
There were no citizens present to address the Board for Citizen Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from May 22, 2006 Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member David Willey and seconded by Board Member
Brandi Lafleur to approve the May 22, 2006 Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board.
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A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board Members Anne Hiney and Eugene Garner
2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Conceptual
Plan for the Planned Development-Bruner/Grove Tract. Presentation will be made
by a representative of the Herzog Development Corporation.
Representative Comments
Don Herzog with Herzog Development Corporation addressed the Board in regards to
49.9 acres of land that would be dedicated as Parkland to the City of Wylie. Some of the
land could ultimately be used to link the Muddy Creek Preserve from Sachse
Road/Pleasant Valley Road to the Woodbridge Golf Course Trail systems. Mr. Herzog
noted that the property is to be dedicated to either the City of Wylie for public use or the
Woodbridge HOA for private use.
Board Comments
Board Member David Willey questioned if the trails system would be put in the utility
easements and whether it would connect to the existing golf course trails system. Mr
Herzog responded that yes it would.
Board Member Frankie Delgado questioned if the property near the creek was in the
flood plain and expressed concern over the utility easement use. Mr Herzog explained it
was in the flood plain and didn't foresee an issue with the utility easement use.
Board Member Daniel Chesnut expressed concern over the use of flood plain and
getting that portion approved for construction, the Martinez tract ownership, and the
utility easement. Board Member Frankie Delgado did not think it would be an issue to
construct a trail through the proposed dedication as it would be a continuation of
existing trail systems. Mr. Herzog noted that the Martinez family had not been contacted
as they are not in the city and noted the property was in the current flood plain.
Board Member Frankie Delgado questioned why the proposed plan had been denied by
the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr Herzog explained that the conceptual plan
presented to the Planning and Zoning Board was denied because, all the land adjacent
to the properties besides Woodbridge was in the county and their requirements of
bigger lots were the reason for denial.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Frankie Delgado and seconded by Board
Member David Willey to approve the proposed parkland dedication with the stipulation
that Don Herzog would be responsible for the engineering and construction of
approximately 4,000 feet of the trail system, responsible for utility easements
agreements, public access to the trail system and providing 2 water and 1 sewer taps
along the trail system. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board Members Anne
Hiney and Eugene Garner absent.
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3. Athletic user and lighting fees.
Staff Comments
Assistant Park Superintendent Rob Diaz presented a recap of the timeline and items
currently completed in regards to user fees. Currently the Board has reviewed the
athletic user and lighting fees and met with the sports leagues to evaluate their input for
the proposed fee structure. Mr. Diaz presented the final review of both fees with the
Athletic lighting fee rate changing to $13.00 per hour from the current $8.00 per hour
and the Athletic field user fees changing to $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children from
the current $4.00 per person.
Board Comments
The Board expressed concern with a per team user charge as well as the resident/non-
resident fee structure and decided to move forward with the Adult/Child user fee
structure. The Staff/Board decided the next step was to approve the changes in an
action item at the July 2006 meeting then move to have a work session in August
between the Board and the City Council to review the fee changes.
4. Staff Updates:
• Parks and Recreation new proposed budget items for Fiscal Year
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz explained to the Board that some recreation
facilities had been proposed in the budget including basketball courts at Friendship
Park, Lakeside Park and Eureka Park. Also proposed for the budget were a new
Recreation Specialist and a skate park to be included at Founders Park.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut proposed that a crude walking trail be built on the
Wells property. Public Services Director Mike Sferra will send a memo to the manager
in regards to the walking trail on the Wells property.
• Proposed joint Planning and Zoning Workshop for July 2006.
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Superintendent Rob Diaz advised the Park Board against attending the next
Planning and Zoning Board Meeting in June due to the amount of time available to
prepare. The Park Board will attempt to attend the second, July 2006 Planning and
Zoning meeting on July 18, 2006.
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• Request for Qualifications and architects/planner for Founders Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Public Services Director Mike Sferra updated The Board on the Founders Park RFQ. Mr
Sferra stated that the RFQ was due June 26, 2006 by 2:00pm or 5:00pm and the top
three or five would be chosen and interviewed by June 30, 2006. Board Chairman
Daniel Chesnut questioned why the same architect couldn't be used for everything that
is to be built. Mr. Sferra responded that different architects are used based on specialty.
• Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson updated the Board on the status of Olde City Park and
Joel Scott Park. Mr. Nelson stated the Olde City Park Pavilion will be delivered in the
next two weeks and the old sidewalks have been removed and are in the process of
being replaced. Mr. Nelson stated that at Joel Scott Park the sidewalk project will be
started after the completion of Founders Park sidewalks.
Additional Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member David Willey asked about the adjacent property to Olde City Park and
whether there was any new information from Kansas City Southern. Public Services
Director Mike Sferra responded that there was no new information in regards to that
Board Member Frankie Delgado asked about the light poles on Highway 78. Public
Services Director Mike Sferra mentioned this was an engineering issue.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked about Avalon Park being built up via budget
funds. Public Services Director Mike Sferra stated that the only budget item for that
property is to build a fence around the existing cemetery.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut inquired about the power station at Brown and
Eubanks and whether it had been denied. Public Services Director Mike Sferra stated
they would find out and report back to the board at the next meeting.
Assistant Superintendent Rob Diaz announced that Eugene Garner had not reapplied
for Park Board and thought he would not be pursuing his position.
A motion was made by Board Member Frankie Delgado and seconded by Board
Member Benny Jones to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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niel C esnut, Chairman
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Minutes -June 19, 2006
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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