07-24-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation _SP Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, July 24, 2006 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. Board Members present were: Frankie Delgado, David Willey, Brandi Lafleur, Anne Hiney, Donna Larson and Benny Jones. Staff present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz and Park Board Secretary Beth Zoucha. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present to address the Board for Citizen Participation. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from June 19, 2006 Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member David Willey and seconded by Board Member Anne Hiney to approve the June 19, 2006 Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. Minutes—July 24, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 2. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Alanis Crossing Development was previously called the Hood Tract. Presentation will be made by Tim Coltart of the Skorberg Company. Representative Comments Tim Coltart with Skorberg Company, 3838 Oaklawn Ave, Suite 1212, Dallas, TX 75219 proposed to the board a 1.5 acre park in the Alanis Crossing Development. The 1.5 acre park would include a parking lot and sidewalks that eventually would link the existing Community Park and the future park being developed in the Braddock Place Subdivision. Board Comments Board Member Anne Hiney questioned the 5ft trails for connection with existing trail system that is currently 8ft wide. Board Member Frankie Delgado asked what the appropriate land dedication cost would be compared to the construction cost of the park. Public Services Director Mike Sferra explained with a $3,000.00 per lot dedication and 98 lots the total parkland dedication would cost $294,000.00. Tim Coltart responded the total cost for Parks would be approximately $100,000.00. Board Member David Willey inquired about the proximity of the Muddy Creek preserve to the Alanis Crossing Development and the proximity of the proposed new Elementary School. Mr. Willey also inquired about the ownership of the land directly south of the development. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked how much land would be taken away from the dedication for the parking lot as well as the sidewalks in the right of way being 8ft running parallel to Alanis Drive and crossing a 4 lane divided road. Tim Coltart responded that approximately 1800sq ft would be lost due to the parking lot and offered several ideas on the 8ft sidewalk. Board Member David Willey suggested the trail system be moved further down Alanis Drive to run between the rear of the houses in the Alanis Crossing Development and Tommy Pulliam's property. Board Member Anne Hiney questioned the ability to tie into the Twin Lakes subdivision to access Community Park due to the lack of opportunity to purchase the property between Twin Lakes Subdivision and Twin Oaks Estates needed to connect to Community Park. Several Board Members were concerned in the difference in price to build the park and parkland dedication fees; another concern was the ultimate size of the proposed park and the cost of upkeep on a "pocket park". Minutes—July 24, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 Citizen Comments Tommy Pulliam and Brent Bates addressed the board requesting a closer look at the 1.5 acre dedication and if it was appropriate for the City of Wylie Parks system as well as the sidewalk that starts no where and ends no where with no guarantee of connection to Community Park or Braddock Place. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Frankie Delgado and seconded by Board Member Benny Jones to reject the parkland dedication of 1.5 acres and accept the funds in lieu of the Parkland Dedication. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. 3. Consider and act upon amending the current athletic lighting and user fees in the Fee Ordinance 2002-10. Staff Comments Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz addressed the board and would like to delay taking the proposed fee structure to council due to the current drought situation and the possibility of cancelling the fall recreational league season. Board Comments The board discussed delaying the vote and presentation to council for an August work session. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Anne Hiney and seconded by Board Member David Willey to approve new fee structure for athletic lighting and user fees. A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Staff Updates: • Current watering procedures at all park areas and athletic fields. Staff/Board Discussion Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz addressed the board in regards to the watering of the athletic fields. Mr. Diaz said the Parks Department has received a variance to the drought watering schedule and are watering 3 days a week the maximum amount that can be watered each of the three days. Mr. Diaz also noted that the leagues have been notified about the potential to cancel fall seasons due to the Minutes—July 24, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 drought conditions on the fields. The leagues are willing to work with the Parks Department to facilitate some league play on alternate fields. Board Member David Willey asked if the Parks Department had access to wastewater affluent to water the parks. Public Services Director Mike Sferra responded that the water from the wastewater treatment center is not accessible to the City of Wylie because the TCEQ requires a certain amount of run off and if the City of Wylie was to use the run off the NTMWD would not meet their TCEQ requirements. Mr. Willey then asked if it was possible to dig a well to produce the water needed for the Founders Park Fields. Mr. Sferra noted that the City of Wylie could not dig a well deep enough to produce the amount of water needed. Board Member David Willey exited at 8:35 p.m. • Joint use agreements-use of WISD facilities by local athletic leagues. Staff/Board Discussion Public Services Director Mike Sferra explained that the City Manager asked him to prepare a joint use agreement for Tennis Courts usage between the WISD and the City of Wylie to replace the handshake agreement currently used. Mr Sferra also explained that the WISD was accepting of the new agreement but nothing had been signed to date. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut added that many years ago there was a written agreement between the WISD and the City of Wylie. The Board members and Staff discussed the current fee structure for using the WISD facilities and the reasons behind the fee structure. Board Member David Willey returned at 8:45 p.m. • Proposed joint Planning and Zoning workshop for August 1, 2006. Staff/Board Discussion Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz asked the board to get items together to take to the joint Planning and Zoning workshop scheduled for August 1, 2006 also the Board Members should contact Mr. Diaz if they would not be able to attend the meeting. • Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park. Staff/Board Discussion Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board that the new Pavilion for Olde City Park should be shipped down this week, but was unaware of when the construction for the Pavilion was to start. Minutes—July 24, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 Park Board Member Anne Hiney questioned if the Parks and Recreation Department had heard anything new on the status of the property located to the east of Olde City Park between the park and Hwy 78. Public Services Director Mike Sferra explained that he had not had any further communication but was still trying. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz explained that some of the trails for Joel Scott Park had concrete poured. Additional Staff/Board Discussion The board requested that information regarding park zones with money available to each zone be brought back to the next Park Board meeting. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut introduced the newest Park Board member Donna Larson. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member David Willey and seconded by Board Member Frankie Delgado to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 9:00 p.m. D niel Chesnut, Chairman ATTEST: Bet Zouc a, ecretary Minutes—July 24, 2006 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 5