10-10-2006 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council
Regular Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Chambers/Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
John Mondy Mayor
Carter Porter Mayor ProTem
Earl Newsom Place 1
M. G. Red Byboth Place 2
Eric Hogue Place 3
Merrill Young Place 4
Rick White Place 5
Mindy Manson City Manager
Richard Abernathy City Attorney
Carole Ehrlich City Secretary
In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal
Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the
required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website:
www.well etexas.go v.
The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience
are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation.
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and
address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse,
deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
October 10,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3
A. Approval of the Minutes from the September 26, 2006 Regular Council Meeting. (C.
Ehrlich, City Secretary)
Public Hearing
1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-60 amending the
zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to Light Industrial (LI) District, generally
located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. ZC 2006-12. (R. 011ie,
Planning Director)
Executive Summary
The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. The applicant is requesting to
rezone 3.7 acres from Neighborhood Services (NS) District to Light Industrial (LI) District. The property has been
platted since 1986 as Wyndham Estates Phase 3, Lot 34 and was originally zoned Industrial District. However,with
the city-wide rezoning in 2001,the property was rezoned to NS.
Tabled Items
Tabled Item from September 26, 2006
2. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE): Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the
resignation of Eric Brown and the appointment of a new member to the Construction Code
Board for the unexpired term of July 2005 to July 2007. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
Executive Summary
This item was tabled at the September 26, 2006 Council meeting to allow staff time to contact applicants to
determine if they are willing to serve this unexpired term on the Construction Code Board. The City Secretary
contacted the applicants from 2006 who had indicated a desire to serve on the Construction Code Board. Christine
Eustice and Chad Tittle have indicated that they are willing to serve the unexpired term ending June 30,2007.
General Business
3. Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution No. 2006-26(R) supporting an alignment
for Parker Rd. (FM 2514) at the intersection of FM 1378. (C. Holsted, City Engineer)
Executive Summary
On September 14, 2006,a public meeting was held to discuss alignment alternatives for FM 2514 at the intersection
with FM 1378. The Collin county engineering consultant — Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Conway — presented five
alignment alternatives as shown on the attached display. The City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan currently reflects
alignment option 2.
4. Consider, and act upon, awarding the City's Bank Depository Contract for FY 2006-2010.
(L. Williamson, Finance Director)
Executive Summary
The finance department solicited bids for the City's depository services through an RFP process. The solicitation
included basis banking services, merchant banking services, lockbox services, and on-line banking services. The
contract is for four years. Four banks responded: American National Bank, Inwood National Bank, Capital One
Bank,and JP Morgan/Chase Bank.
October 10,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3
5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-61 amending Ordinance No 98-16
(Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential
Fees; Deposits). (L. Williamson, Finance Director)
Executive Summary
On February 14,2006,the City Council amended the solid waste and recycling contract with Allied Waste Systems,
Inc. A major effect of the amended contract was to increase the fees charged to the City for residential trash pickup
from$8.60 to $9.85 per month, effective March 1, 2006. This represented an increase of 14.5 % or$1.25 a month.
The City has maintained its trash rate to city residents of $9.86 per month, effectively absorbing the new rate
increase during FY 2005-2006. With the new increase in cost,the City is currently purchasing the service for$9.85
a month and selling the service for$9.86.
6. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Retainer Agreement between the City of Wylie and
Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, P.C. and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all
documents related thereto. (M. Manson, City Manager)
Executive Summary
Abernathy,Roeder,Boyd&Joplin have represented the City of Wylie since 1994. For the majority of that time, the
Retainer Agreement between the City and the firm has been on a per- hour basis. In April 2005 an Agreement was
approved which established an annual retainer of$102,000 and Litigation Services at a rate of$200.00 per hour for
Partners, $185.00 per hour for Associates, and $75.00 per hour for Legal Assistants. The attached Retainer
Agreement proposed by the firm reverts the City to the type of agreement utilized between the City and the firm
from 1994—2005.
Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 6th day of October, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in
accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a
courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov.
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
W. •
Wylie City Council
Wylie City Council
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor
Pro Tern Carter Porter, Councilman Red Byboth, Councilman Eric Hogue, Councilman Merrill
Young, Councilman Rick White and Councilman Earl Newsom.
Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager/Police Chief, Jeff
Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director
Renae' 011ie; Public Library Director, Rachel Orozco; WEDC Director, Sam Satterwhite; City
Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff.
Reverend Mike Frick representing the Faith Lutheran Church of Wylie gave the Invocation and
Councilman Eric Hogue led the Pledge of Allegiance.
• Presentation of Library Cards to Mayor and Council in honor of Library Card Sign-
Up Month. (Friends of the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library)
Library Director Rachael Orozco and Friends of the Library Vice President Trish Smith
distributed library cards to Council members, assisted by Wylie ISD students: Moriah Walton,
Dana Walters, Jennifer Hodge, and Melanie Spaink
• Presentation to 1st Six Weeks Star Students - Character Trait of"Responsibility".
Mayor Mondy and Mayor Pro Tern Porter gave certificates to Wylie student demonstrating the
character trait of"Responsibility".
Minutes—September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 1
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their
name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not
allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
There were no citizens present to address Council during citizen's comments.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by
one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed
from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approval of the Minutes from the September 12, 2006 Regular Council Meeting.
(C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Woodlake Village Block C, Lots
1R-3R2R & 1R-4RR to abandon an access easement on Lot 1R-4RR and plat an
existing easement that was constructed on Lot 1R-3R2R. Property located at 2010
& 2014 Highway 78 N. (M. Manson, City Manager)
C. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2006-24(R) Designating the City Secretary
as the Public Information Coordinator for the Purpose of Receiving Required
Training Associated with the Public Information Act. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary)
C. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Interlocal
Agreement with Collin County and the Rita and Truett Smith Public Library for
library services for fiscal year 2006-2007. (R. Orozco, Library Director)
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young to approve the
Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
General Business
1. Consider and act upon Resolution No. 2006-25(R) ratifying Jeff Butters as Acting
City Manager in the absence of Mindy Manson, City Manager. (M. Manson, City
Staff Comments
City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that Article IV, Section 1.D. of the Wylie City Charter
requires the City Manager, within 30 days of taking office, to designate a staff member to serve as the
Acting City Manager in their absence. A letter designating the Acting City Manager is to be filed with the
City Secretary and ratified by the City Council. Jeff Butters has been designated by me to function in this
Minutes—September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 2
capacity, in the event of my absence or disability. She explained that the letter of designation had been
delivered to the City Secretary.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilman Byboth to approve
Resolution No. 2006-25(R) ratifying Jeff Butters as Acting City Manager in the absence of Mindy
Manson, City Manager. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
2. Consider, and act upon, allocation of funding for Not For Profit organizations:
Blackland Prairie Foundation, Equest Therapeutic Horsemanship, Friends of the
Rita and Truett Smith Public Library, Meals on Wheels, Inc., Plano Children's
Medical Clinic and Wylie ISD Education Foundation. (M. Manson, City Manager)
Staff Comments
City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that on August 1, 2006 the Council heard presentations
from the several not-for-profit organizations regarding proposed funding allocations, per Ordinance No.
2005-52. A total of $33,000 has been allocated from the FY 2006/2007 Budget, with $16,500 ($.50 per
capita of COG population of 33,000) previously committed to Collin County Children's Advocacy Center
(CCCAC), Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), and City House on January 24, 2006. Ms.
Manson named the organizations and the amount of funding each had requested during the August 1,
2006 Council meeting. Blackland Prairie Playground Foundation requested $2,500 for a drinking fountain;
Equest requested $25,000 for fencing; Friends of the Library requested $1,740 for the book and movie
program for 9-12 year old children; Meals on Wheels did not specify an amount to be funded; Plano
Children's Medical Clinic requested $8,000 for Medical supplies ($6,000) and salaries for social services
staffing ($2,000.)and WISD Education Foundation requested $10,000 for special grants allocations.
Council Discussion
Mayor Mondy asked City Manager Manson why the Parks Department did not budget for the drinking
fountain at the Blackland Prairie Playground. Ms. Manson replied that she did not know. Mayor Mondy
then asked if Equest had responded to the request for additional financial information. Ms. Manson
replied that she was not aware of any additional documents received from Equest. Mayor Mondy asked if
the City contributed to Friends of the Library. Ms. Manson replied that the City did not. Library Director
Orozco explained the main fund raiser for Friends for the Library was the ongoing book sales along with a
couple of other fund raisers. Mayor Mondy asked if Meals on Wheels was contributed to by the City.
Councilman Newsom stated that the City, in the past had contributed to Meals on Wheels. He noted that
the organization also assisted persons outside the City. Mayor Mondy stated that 20% of all children in
the City were on some type of assistance program and would probable qualify for assistance by the Plano
Children's Medical Clinic. Mayor Mondy stated that he was not in favor of contributing to the Wylie
Education Foundation unless the funds were allocated to special education programs. Councilman
Newsom stated that it was not the function of city government to take money from taxpayers, at the threat
of seizing properties, and then distribute it to charitable organizations. Councilman Byboth stated that he
did not think it was the City's position to give tax dollars to charitable organizations especially when we
have just increased the tax rate. He explained that he worked with most of the mentioned not-for-profits,
raising money for them, and felt the private sector could raise the funds. He stated that he had been
called by several taxpayers and they were not in favor of these allocations noting that this was something
they should have the right to vote on. Councilman Hogue stated that Blackland Prairie was a cause he
could support. He felt the drinking fountain was needed at the playground. He stated that he had
concerns regarding the future of financial issues within the city caused by the drought and other issues.
"Do we need to be giving money away, when we may need it for our own infrastructure?" Mayor Mondy
stated that he did not believe the council should go back from commitments made previously.
Councilman Byboth stated that a commitment was made to prior organizations which the City should
honor but allocating additional money he would be against. Councilman Young stated that Council's
analogies were correct and having come from the business of giving, it is hard to say"let's not do it". He
Minutes—September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 3
stated that he was in favor of the drinking fountain requested by Blackland Prairie Foundation and was
also in favor of allocations to the Meals on Wheels and the Plano Children's Medical Clinic. Councilman
White stated that he did not believe it was the City's place to allocate money to these not-for-profit
organizations but noted that he has personally given to several of them. Mayor Pro Tern Porter stated that
he was in favor of allocating to the Meals of Wheels and Plano Children's Medical Clinic because it would
directly affect both young and old citizens of Wylie for medical care and food.
Mayor Mondy asked Council to look at other contributions the City makes, in kind, to organizations and
asked Council to think about where they wished to draw the line. There are many functions such as the
Christmas parade which employee hours are contributed, in order to manage the parade. He stated that
all these organizations were in need of money to operate and depending on where each council members
emphasis was, each would more than likely choose different organizations. He asked, "Do we want to
discontinue writing checks for organizations, or all contributions made to not-for-profit organizations"? He
stated that the Council needed to adopt a policy they could tell staff and the public. He then asked City
Manager Manson to schedule a work session, for discussion and direction to staff regarding not-for-profit
organization contributions. Ms. Manson stated that she could quantify for Council funds used in the past
for in kind contributions and bring back to Council.
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter, seconded by Councilman Hogue to allocate for
FY 2006-2007: $3,000. to Meals on Wheels and $6,000. to Plano Children's Medical Clinic, and
to exclude the usage of the funds for salaries. A vote was taken and passed 4-3 with Mayor
Mondy, Mayor Pro Tern Porter, Councilman Hogue and Councilman Young voting for and
Councilman White, Councilman Byboth and Councilman Newsom voting against.
3. Consider, and act upon, approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Collin
County and the City of Wylie concerning the construction of the Hooper Road
Bridge. (C. Holsted, City Engineer)
Executive Summary
City Engineer Hoisted addressed Council stating that the 2003 Collin County Bond Program included
$1,138,500 for the construction of the Hooper Road Bridge over Maxwell Creek which will provide another
north/south connection between FM 544 and SH 78. Collin County will fund 50% ($569,250) of the
project and the Cities of Wylie and Sachse will fund 25% each ($284,625).This project was included in the
Thoroughfare Capital Improvements Plan and impact fee funds may be used for this project.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Hogue, seconded by Councilman White to approve an
Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Wylie concerning the construction
of the Hooper Road Bridge. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
4. Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the resignation of Eric Brown and the
appointment of a new member to the Construction Code Board for the unexpired
term of July 2005 to July 2007. (J. Bray, Building Director)
Staff Comments
City Secretary Ehrlich addressed Council stating that Article VIII, Section 2E of the City Charter
authorizes the City Council to appoint members to all boards and commissions. Ordinance 84-11,
establishing the Construction Code Board, stipulates that the Construction Code Board shall consist of
seven (7) citizens who shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two (2) years. Eric Brown
Minutes—September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 4
was appointed to the Construction Code Board in 2005. Mr. Brown, who has served very faithfully on the
Board, has recently submitted his resignation from his appointment to the Construction Code Board
effective immediately. She noted that there were additional qualifications recommended for the
Construction Code Board. She explained that there were four applications submitted to the City
Secretary's Office in May that noted a desire to serve on the Construction Code Board. Mayor Mondy
asked if the applicants had been contacted since May to determine if they still wished to serve in this
capacity. City Secretary Ehrlich stated she did not believe they had been contacted since the initial
interviews conducted in May. Mayor Mondy asked if the item could be tabled to allow time to determine
whether all applicants still wished to serve on the Construction Code Board.
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter„ seconded by Councilman Hogue to table
acceptance of the resignation of Eric Brown and the appointment of a new member to the
Construction Code Board to the October 10, 2006 Council Meeting. A vote was taken and
passed 7-0.
Mayor Mondv convened into Executive Session at 7:09 p.m. citing the two exceptions listed
Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit:
§§ 551.072 Real Property; Closed Meeting
To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property generally
located at:
• Hensley Lane between Hooper Road and Sanden Road
§§ 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
To deliberate the Duties and Employment of the City Manager
Take any action as a result from Executive Session.
Mayor Mondy reconvened into open session at 8:25 p.m.
§§551.072 Real Property; Closed Meeting
To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property generally
located at:
• Hensley Lane between Hooper Road and Sanden Road
No action was taken regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property
generally located at:
• Hensley Lane between Hooper Road and Sanden Road.
Minutes—September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 5
§§ 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting
To deliberate the Duties and Employment of the City Manager
1. Consider, and act upon, approval of an Employment contract between the City of
Wylie and Mindy Manson and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all
documents related thereto.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Hogue to approve and
authorize the Mayor to execute an Employment contract between the City of Wylie and City
Manager Mindy Manson with the following changes: Effective date will be October 1, 2006,
Renewal date will be at the 2nd Council Meeting in January 2007, and Ms. Manson must
relocate to the City of Wylie by July 31, 2007. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
With no further business before Council, Councilman Hogue made a motion to adjourn at 8:28
p.m., with Councilman Newsom seconding the motion. Consensus of Council was to adjourn.
John Mondy, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Minutes-September 26, 2006
Wylie City Council
Page 6
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 1
Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: October 2, 2006 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: 6
Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-60 amending the zoning from
Neighborhood Services (NS) to Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown
Street and Eubanks. ZC 2006-12
Motion to consider a recommendation of approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from
Neighborhood Services (NS) to Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown
Street and Eubanks.
Owner: Cinnamon Teal,LLC Applicant: Verizon/Staubach Company
The subject property is located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. The applicant is requesting to
rezone 3.7 acres from Neighborhood Services (NS) District to Light Industrial (LI) District. The property has been
platted since 1986 as Wyndham Estates Phase 3, Lot 34 and was originally zoned Industrial District. However, with
the city-wide rezoning in 2001,the property was rezoned to NS.
The property to the north is currently zoned Light Industrial. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan recommends Light
Industrial zoning on the subject property as well as the properties to the east and west.
The southeast corner of Brown and Eubanks is currently zoned Neighborhood Services, and is bounded by
residential subdivisions on two sides.
Notification/Responses: Thirteen (13) notifications were mailed, with two written responses returned favoring the
request and none opposing at the time of posting.
The Planning Commission considered this request during the September 19, 2006 meeting and recommended
approval by a vote of 5 —0.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director RO 10/2/06
City Manager /p'1i/06
Page 1 of 1
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ZONING CASE #2006-12
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has determined
that it is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Wylie to adopt the amendments to Section
9.01 (Residential fees; deposits)of Ordinance No. 98-16 as set forth herein.
SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into
the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee
Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential fee; deposits are hereby amended to read as
(a) The collection and removal of garbage and brush in one polycart container from
residential premises, one time per week shall be made for a fee charge of$11.30 per
residential unit for each calendar month.
(b) Non residential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three
months' charges or a minimum of$34.00.
(c) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex (not master
metered) either curbside or alley side service, shall be $11.30 per month and shall be
charged each month on the utility bill.
(d) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or
collection, to wit:
Type Charges per Month
Duplex,per unit $11.30
Multifamily $11.30
Trailer park $11.30
SECTION 4: Savin2s/Repealin2 Clause. All provisions of Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16
shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All
provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they
Ordinance No.2006-61
Trash Fees Increase Page 1
are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed
ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if
occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall
remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of
this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section,
subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its
WYLIE,TEXAS on this 10`"day of October, 2006.
John Mondy, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Date of publication in The Wylie News—October 18,2006
Ordinance No.2006-61
Trash Fees Increase Page 2
Legal Description
Zoning Case # 2006-12
Lot 34, of Wyndham Estates Phase III, an Addition to the City of Wylie,
Collin County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume F,
Page 579, of the Map Records of Collin County, Texas.
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APPLICANT: John Talley with Verizon/Staubach Company APPLICATION FILE #2006.12
750 Canyon Drive Coppell,Tx 75019
Applicant-John Talley 750 Canyon Drive
1 Verizon/Staubach Company
Wyndham Estates 3 C 09ell, 75019
2709 Pinewood
d Drive
2 --- Lot 24 R-2057-000-0240-1 Larry Nelson Garland,Texas 75044
Wyndham Estates 3 PO Box 451356
3 --- Lot 25 R-2057-000-0250-1 Squire&Associates Garland,Texas 75045
Wyndham Estates 3 PO Box 451356
4 --- Lot 26R R-2057-000-026R-1 Squire&Associates Garland,Texas 75045
Wyndham Estates 3 1010 Squire Drive
(' S --- Lot 28R R-2057-000-028R-1 RushIn Truss,Ltd. Wylie,Texas 75098
Wyndham Estates 3 5949 Sherry Lane,Suite 1225
6 --- Lot 34 R-2057-000-0340.1 Cinnamon Teal LLC Dallas,Texas 75225
Eastridge Addn 2000 Hwy,78 North
7 Bik A Lot 1 R-2114-00A-0010.1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098
Oak Meadow 211 N.Roll!ng Meadow Drive
8 Rik A Lot 1 R-4290-00A-0010-1 Gloria Crowe Wylie,Texas 75098
Oak Meadow 209 N.Roling Meadow Drive
9 Bik A Lot 2 R-4290-00A-0020-1 Tiffany Markwardt Wylie,Texas 75098
1011 E.Brown Street
10 Abst 688-1 Tract 53 R-6688-001-0530-1 Rodney Smith Wylie,Texas 75098
1011 E.Brown Street
11 Abst 688.1 Tract 54 ` R-6688-001-0540-1 Rodney Smith Wylie,Texas 75098
1011 E.Brown Street
12 Abst 688-1 Tract 213 R-6688-001-2130-1 Rodney Smith Wylie,Texas 75098
1012 E.Brown Street
13 Abst 688-5 Tract 115 R-6688.005-1150.1 Gary Sixki!ler Wylie,Texas 75098
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ZONING CASE #2006-12
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie.Texas 75098
V I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Date,Location&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday,September 19,2006,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie.Texas
Date,1 nation&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,October 10,2006,6:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie,Texas
Name: \ •S•`;:
(please print)
;1-07 �. ,�
Signature: J"
(Please type or use black ink)
Department of Planning
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie,Texas 75098
I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case
1 am AGALN ST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning
Case 42006-12.
Date,1 oration&Time of
Commission meeting: Tuesday.September 19,2006,7:00 pm
Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North.Wylie,Texas
{ Date,Location&Time of
City Council meeting: Tuesday,October 10.2006,6:00 pm
r /Municipal Complex,2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie.Texas
Name: /i v?i?1'/ ,�1 f 7/-4
(please pr,nt5
Address: As l r� . Si"Oi z- i �'
Signature: 1�_t `. 17
Date: 7-11 L/
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 2
Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: September 28, 2006 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Letter of
Exhibits: Resignation/Ordinance 84-11
Tabled Item from September 26,2006
Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the resignation of Eric Brown and the appointment of a new member to the
Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 2005 to June 30,2007.
A motion to accept the resignation of Eric Brown and appoint to the Construction Code Board to fill the
unexpired term of July 2005 to June 30,2007.
This item was tabled at the September 26, 2006 Council meeting to allow staff time to contact applicants to determine if
they are willing to serve this unexpired term on the Construction Code Board. The City Secretary contacted the applicants
from 2006 who had indicated a desire to serve on the Construction Code Board. Christine Eustice and Chad Tittle have
indicated that they are willing to serve the unexpired term ending June 30,2007.
Article VIII, Section 2E of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to appoint members to all boards and
commissions. Ordinance 84-11, establishing the Construction Code Board, stipulates that the Construction Code Board
shall consist of seven(7)citizens who shall be qualified voters who shall serve for a term of two(2)years. Qualifications
needed to serve on this board are as follows:
a. One designated member who shall be taxpaying resident elector of the City.
b. Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident building contractors
c. Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident Plumbers
d. Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident electricians(Master or Journeyman)
e. One designated staff member to act as secretary of the board
f. Staff representative will be the City Building Official
g. In the event that volunteer members in the (b) and (c) or (d) categories are not available, one of the two
designed tradesmen may be replaced with a member in the(a)category
Eric Brown was appointed to the Construction Code Board in 2005. Mr. Brown, who has served very faithfully on the
Board, has recently submitted his resignation from his appointment to the Construction Code Board effective
immediately. (See attached letter)
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CE 9/28/06
City Manager l,l r1 10 to
Page 1 of 1
September 13, 2006
City Secretary
City of Wylie
2000 State Highway 78 North
Wylie, TX 75098
This letter is my official notification to the City of Wylie that I am resigning from the Construction
Code Board effective immediately
Eric D Brown
3110 Jacob Dr
Wylie, TX 75098
SECTION 1 : This ordinance shall be known as "Construction Code
Board Ordinance" .
There is hereby created the Construction Code Board (hereafter called
Board) consisting of seven (7) persons who shall be appointed by the
City Council . Said Board shall replace but retain the authorities
granted the Board of Adjustments and appeals in the 1982 Uniform
Building Code as adopted. Save and except Section 111 of said
Building Code.
SECTION 1-2: QUALIFICATIONS: Persons who serve on the Board as
members shall be qualified as follows:
(a. ) One designated member who shall be taxpaying
resident elector of the City.
(b. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident
building contractors,
(c. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident
(d. ) Two designated members shall be taxpaying resident
electricians (one Masters & one Journeyman) .
(e. ) One designated staff member to act as secretary of
the board.
(f. ) Staff representative will be the City Building Official
(g. ) In the event that volunteer members in the (b) , (c) , or
(d) categories are not available one of the two
designated tradesmen may be replaced with a member in
the (a) category.
SECTION 1-3: TENURE OF OFFICE: Three (3) members of the Board shall
be appointed for the balance of the calendar year. Four (4) members of the
Board shall be appointed for the balance of the calendar year following the
date of adoption of this ordinance plus one full year. After the expiration
Ordinance No. 84-11 Con't.
such regular, special or called meetings as are necessary for its proper
performance of duty.
SECTION 1-5: POWERS AND DUTIES: The Board shall at its first
meeting in each calendar year select a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman and
prescribe a procedure and order of business for hearing applications for
licenses and for hearing matters brought to it by the Building Official
for recommendation to the City Council or on appeal and aggrievement appeals
as provided herein, and for general business sessions.
(a) It shall be the duty of said Board to pass upon the quali-
fications of all applicants for licenses. Any person who shall make application
for an Electrical License may obtain proper forms from the Building Division.
Upon receipt by the Building Official or his authorized representative of an
application accompained by proper fee, an examination shall be scheduled for
some date within seven (7) days from the date of the application.
(b) For examination, the Board shall prepare at least three (3)
sets of examinations for each class of license of electricians required
to be examined under this ordinance. The sets of examinations may be
changed by the Board at any time when no applications for examinations
are pending. When an application for examination has been filed, a set
of examination questions for the proper class of license shall be selected
at random from the several sets of examination questions and submitted to the
applicant for the examination.
SECTION 1-6: QUORUM: Four (4) members of the Board present at any
meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and the
concurring vote of not less than four (4) members of the Board shall be
necessary to constitute an official action of the Board.
SECTION 1-7: RECORDS: The Board shall keep a Minute Book in which
shall be recorded all transactions and business of the Board. The Board
shall keep a record of the name and place of business of all persons to
whom licenses have been issued; provided that said Board shall not be
responsible for the record of any person whose license has not been re-
newed or has lapsed for a period in excess of 24 months.
SECTION 2: PUBLICATION: Publication shall be made one time in the
Ordinance No. 84-11 Con't
hereby, expressly repealed.
SECTION 4: If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence, phrase,
or clause of this ordinance shall be declared invalid for any reason what-
soever, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this
ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect; and to this end
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared severable.
IT IS ACCORDINGLY SO ORDAINED, this the 13th day of
March , 1984.
obeft B quires, Mayor
Carol n one City Secretary
Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 3
Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: 10/02/06 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: Display
Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution No. 2006-26(R) supporting an alignment for Parker Rd. (FM
2514) at the intersection of FM 1378.
Motion to approve Resolution No. 2006-26(R) supporting alignment option for Parker Rd.
On September 14, 2006, a public meeting was held to discuss alignment alternatives for FM 2514 at the
intersection with FM 1378. The Collin county engineering consultant — Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Conway —
presented five alignment alternatives as shown on the attached display. The City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan
currently reflects alignment option 2. After the alignment is finalized, right of way documents will be prepared
for the project. No construction funds are currently available to construct the realignment.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director CH 10/2/06
City Manager AM /p /Li /0i,
Page 1 of 1
WHEREAS, FM 2514 serves as a major east-west thoroughfare for the City of
Wylie; and
WHEREAS, the intersection of FM 2514 and FM 1378 provides retail and
commercial development for the City of Wylie and surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS, the City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan currently shows a realignment
of FM 2514 at FM 1378; and
WHEREAS, five alignment alternatives have been presented for FM 2514 as
shown on Exhibit "A"; and
SECTION 1: The City Council recommends Option for the alignment of FM
2514 at the intersection with FM 1378.
SECTION 3: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage.
DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas
this the 10th day of October, 2006.
CAROLE EHRLICH, City Secretary
Resolution No.2006-26(R)
Parker Road Alignment
Alignment Display
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Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 4
Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: N/A
Date Prepared: September 30, 2006 Budgeted Amount: N/A
Exhibits: Analysis under separate cover
Consider, and act upon, award of bid to JP Morgan/Chase Bank as the City's Bank Depository for FY 2006-
Motion to award bid to JP Morgan/Chase Bank as the City's Bank Depository for FY 2006-2010.
The finance department solicited bids for the City's depository services through an RFP process. The
solicitation included basis banking services, merchant banking services, lockbox services, and on-line banking
services. The contract is for four years. Four banks responded: American National Bank, Inwood National
Bank, Capital One Bank, and JP Morgan/Chase Bank.
Each bank was evaluated with respect to cost and quality of their services. The complete analysis of the bids is
included in your package. The following is a summary results.
Compensating Balance Overall
Bidder Cost per Year Required Score
JP Morgan Bank $43,965.96 $862,077.63 100
Capital One Bank $56,897.87 $1,126,690.58 74
Inwood National Bank $58,133.43 $1,162,668.55 71
American National Bank $60,568.91 $1,153,693.48 66
JP Morgan was also awarded the highest score for Quality of their services and on-line-banking capabilities.
It is the Finance Department's recommendation to award the depository contract to JP Morgan Bank.
Once the contract for depository services has been completed between the parties,the contract will be brought
back to Council for approval.
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director LW 10/2/06
City Manager 11I VY\ io'Li 166
Page 1 of 2
Analysis and Evaluation
of the
Banking Services Request for Proposal
Prepared by the:
Finance Department October 3, 2006
The following report analyzes and evaluates bids received by the City in response to the
a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Depository Services. Bids were received from four
banks: American National Bank, Inwood National Bank, Capital One Bank, and JP
Morgan/Chase Bank.
The RFP bids evaluated five major areas with respect to cost and quality.
�- 1) Basic Banking Services: Basic banking services include items such as check
processing, incoming and outgoing wire transfers, deposits, returned checks, and
bank drafting. These are very similar to an individual's checking account
2) Merchant Banking Services: Merchant banking services involve credit and
debit card processing. The bank or a third party vendor processes payments
received by the City's departments via credit or debit card purchases, collects the
money from the banks or credit card companies and deposits the money in the
City's bank account. This payment stream will grow substantially over the next
four years as more people learn that the City accepts this form of payment.
3) Lockbox Services: Lockbox services involve the automated processing of
payments received by utility billing. The City's utility customers send checks
along with payment coupons by mail to a post office box established just for
this purpose. The mail is picked up by the bank or third party provider and
processed using highly automated machines, separating checks from payment
coupons. Once this process is completed the checks are sent to the bank for
collection and then credited to the City's bank account. During processing, a
magnetic tape of individual account numbers and corresponding payment
amounts are captured electronically and sent to the utility billing. Utility billing
uses this magnetic tape to update each customer account on the City's Incode
system. Currently, the City has over 130,000 utility payments a year and each year
adds about 12,000.
4) Funds Availability: Funds Availability is the amount of time between the time a
check is deposited and the time the City has access to that money for expenditures.
Almost everyone has deposited a check at their local bank, only to be told they
can not use that money for 1 to 5 days because the bank has a hold on the funds.
Banks have different policies regarding funds availability. The cost of funds
availability is calculated by multiplying the number of days the customer is without
the use of their money, times the interest rate they would earn on that money during
the holding period.
5) On-Line Banking Services
Direct costs of the above services were paramount in our selection criteria. Quality
of these individual services and the way in which they are tied together was also of
vital importance. Because of the shear volume of transactions and multiple payment
streams the City has, countless hours are spent researching problems such as key
punch errors, bad checks, payments the customer says they made but are not posted
PIM to their account, just to name a few. A quality integrated on-line banking system
reduces research time, shorten the time a problem is outstanding, and reduces
the personnel costs associated with working with these systems.
Most everyone has used on-line banking services and knows it is more
efficient to get on your computer to see what you have in the bank, than it is to
•- call the bank or get in your car and go to the bank. Most banks have on-line
banking services, but the information provided to the customer with these on-line
services differs greatly among banks. Depending on the bank's customer
makeup and whether the services offered are in-house or subcontracted out makes
a big difference in what is offered in the way of on-line banking services.
In order for finance department personnel to do their jobs efficiently, a quality
integrated on-line banking system must provides daily activity, long term history,
image capturing of checks, wires, deposits, and wire transfers, whether through the
bank system, lockbox system, or merchant banking system. Because on-line
banking services are so important, finance department personnel visited each bank
to evaluate separately their on-line-banking capabilities.
Bid Evaluation
The bid evaluation of each proposal was broken down into two parts, quality of services
to be provided and the cost of services provided. Quality of services represented 20
points or 20% of the total score. The cost of services had 80 points representing the
remaining 80%of the total score.
The Cost Evaluation was straight forward with bids being submitted on bid forms
designed by the finance department using the actual or estimated activity expected by the
City for that type of service. Finance department personnel had meetings with each bank
to ask questions regarding the bank's proposal and answer any questions the bank might
have of the City. As a result of these meetings and phone conversations a couple of
exceptions to the bid packages submitted were made. Inwood National Bank in response
to the RFP indicated that they would provide lockbox services in house. After
conversation with them it was determined that the service they were proposing was not
acceptable. They asked if they could resubmit a bid using a third party provider and a
decision to allow this change was made. The second situation involved Capital One
Bank and their lockbox system. During our due diligence, it was determined that Capital
One Bank bid their wholesale lockbox service located in Dallas, when the City required a
retail lockbox service. Capital One's retail lockbox service was located in Louisiana.
This would require utility customers to send their utility payments to Louisiana. When
they were informed that this was not acceptable they asked if they could resubmit using a
third party provider in the Dallas area. Their request was also granted.
The scoring for overall cost used 50 points for the highest bid and 80 points for the
lowest bid, with the other bidders scores calculated based on their bid relative to the
highest and lowest bidder. As the Bid Tabulation Table following this Executive
Summary presents, JP Morgan was the low bidder by $12,931.91 per year to the
next lowest bidder.
The Quality Evaluation was more subjective but had as its base the bank's on-line
banking services and whether the service proposed were performed in house or was
contracted out. This reflected staffs desire to have as much integration of the systems as
possible on-line and to have one firm responsible and knowledgeable about the services
provided. Having the ability to go to one on-line banking system to solve problems or
review documents in any payment stream provides a speedier resolution of problems and
reduces current and future staffing needs. JP Morgan Bank was the only provider that
had all services in house and an on-line banking system that tied all payment
streams together with all the information requested in the RFP. As a result, their
score on quality was 20 points
Using these two criteria of Cost and Quality, it is the Finance Department's
recommendation that Council award the banking services bid to JP Morgan/Chase
Bid Tabulations
Maximum American Inwood Capital
Number of National National One J P Morgan
Services Points Bank Bank Bank Bank
1) Quality of Banking Services
a) Basic Banking Services 5 5 5 5
b) Merchant Banking Services 5 5 5 5
c) Lockbox Services 3 3 3 5
d) On-Line- Banking Services 3 3 4 5
e) Other***
2) Cost of Banking Services 50 55
a) Basic Banking Services $0.00 $0.00 $6,145.87 $3,977.64
b) Merchant Banking Services $27,049.58 $20,115.92 $18,972.91 $18,636.91
c) Lockbox Services $29,896.81 $34,394.98 $29,896.81 $25,030.38
d) Funds Availability $3,622.53 $3,622.53 $1,882.29 $71.03
e) Other*** $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$3,750.00
Totals Costs $60,568.91 $58,133.43 $56,897.87 $43,965.96
Funds Earning Rate 5.25% 5.00% 5.05% 5.10%
Required Compensating Balance $1,153,693.48 $1,162,668.55 $1,126,690.58 $862,077.63
Composite Score 66 71 74 100
*** Represents the amortization of$15,000 given to the city to offset any costs.
Analysis of Merchant Banking Costs
Summary Of Merchant Banking Services
American Inwood Capital
National National One J P Morgan
Items Bank Bank Bank Bank
Number of Transactions ( Yearly) 12,900 12,900 12,900 12,900
Visa/ Mastercard Sales Volume $1,320,000.00 $1,320,000.00 $1,320,000.00 $1,320,000.00
Number of Terminals 7 7 7 7
Average Transaction Amount $95.13 $95.13 $95.13 $95.13
Settlement Fees ( Volume or Transaction Based) $0.00 $1,548.00 $3,225.00 $3,696.00
Voice Authorization Fees $41.93 $61.28 $22.58 $41.93
Monthly Service Charge ( Per Location) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $420.00
Statement Fees $450.00 $252.00 $840.00 $0.00
Annual Service Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Minimum Monthly Discount Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Application Fee $0.00 $49.95 $0.00 $0.00
Pin Debit Transaction Fees $290.25 $232.20 $638.55 $232.20
Web Processing Monthly Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL SERVICING FEES $782.18 2,143.43 $4,726.13 $4,390.13
Master Card Sales Volume $528,000.00 $528,000.00 $528,000.00 $528,000.00
Master Card Transaction Volume 5,160 5,160 5,160 5,160
Visa Card Sales Volume $792,000.00 $792,000.00 $792,000.00 $792,000.00
Visa Card Transaction Voulme 7,740 7,740 7,740 7,740
Debit Tranactions
Visa Debit(Interchange Rate) $8,886.24 $2,714.26 $2,108.16 $2,108.16
Visa Debit(Interchange Fee) $696.60 $372.60 $621.00 $621.00
Visa Debit(Assessment Fee) $0.00 $243.76 $243.76 $243.76
Visa Utility (Interchange Fee) $0.00 $2,700.00 $900.00 $900.00
Visa Utility (Assessment Fee) $0.00 $326.34 $326.34 $326.34
Credit Transactions
Visa Credit(Interchange Rate) $5,924.16 $1,844.64 $2,512.22 $2,512.22
Visa Credit(Interchange Fee) $464.40 $248.40 $82.80 $82.80
Visa Credit ( Assessment Fee) $0.00 $162.50 $162.50 $162.50
Debit Transaction
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) $6,177.60 $4,878.72 $2,534.40 $2,534.40
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.00 $309.60 $774.00 $774.00
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) $0.00 $300.96 $300.96 $300.96
Credit Transactions
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) $4,118.40 $3,463.68 $3,273.60 $3,273.60
- Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.00 $206.40 $206.40 $206.40
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) $0.00 $200.64 $200.64 $200.64
TOTAL DISCOUNT FEES $26,267.40 $17,972.50 $14,246.78 $14,246.78
$27,049.58 $20,115.92
American National Bank Bid
Fees & %of Municipal Parks& Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits _ Billing Shelter Cost
Number of Transactions (yearly) 770 850 4,800 6,000 480 12,900
Visa/Mastercard Sales Volume $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $588,000.00 $12,000.00 $1,320,000.00
Number of Terminals 2 1 1 2 1 7
Average Transaction Amount $155.84 $117.65 $104.17 $98.00 $25.00 $95.13
Settlement Fees (Charged on Volume 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Voice Authorization Fees $0.65 0.50% $2.50 $2.76 $15.60 $19.50 $1.56 $41.93
Monthly Service Charge ( Per Location) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Statement Fees ( Per Location) $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $450.00
Annual Service Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Minimum Monthly Discount Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Application Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Pin Debit Transaction Fees $0.25 9.00% $17.33 $19.13 $108.00 $135.00 $10.80 $290.25
Web Processing Monthly Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00_ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL SERVICING FEES $109.83 $111.89 $213.60 $244.50 $102.36 $782.18
Master Card Sales Volume 40.00% $48,000.00 $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $235,200.00 $4,800.00 $528,000.00
Master Card Transaction Volume 40.00% 308 340 1,920 2,400 192 5,160
Visa Card Sales Volume 60.00% $72,000.00 $60,000.00 $300,000.00 $352,800.00 $7,200.00 $792,000.00
Visa Card Transaction Voulme 60.00% 462 510 2,880 3,600 288 7,740
Debit Tranactions 60.00%
Visa Debit(Interchange Rate) 1.8700% $807.84 $673.20 $3,366.00 $3,958.42 $80.78 $8,886.24
Visa Debit(Interchange Fee) $0.15 $41.58 $45.90 $259.20 $324.00 $25.92 $696.60
Visa Debit(Assessment Fee) 0.0000% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Visa Utility(Interchange Fee) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Visa Utility(Assessment Fee) 0.0000% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Visa Credit(Interchange Rate) 1.87% $538.56 $448.80 $2,244.00 $2,638.94 $53.86 $5,924.16
Visa Credit(Interchange Fee) $0.15 $27.72 $30.60 $172.80 $216.00 $17.28 $464.40
Visa Credit(Assessment Fee) 0.0000% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
American National Bank Bid
Fees& %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Debit Transaction
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.9500% $561.60 $468.00 $2,340.00 $2,751.84 $56.16 $6,177.60
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0000% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.9500% $374.40 $312.00 $1,560.00 $1,834.56 $37.44 $4,118.40
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0000% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL DISCOUNT FEES $2,351.70 $1,978.50 $9,942.00 $11,723.76 $271.44 $22,149.00
TOTAL OPERATING COST $2,461.53 $2,090.39 $10,155.60 $11,968.26 $373.80 $22,931.18
Inwood National Bank Bid
Fees & %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Number of Transactions (yearly) 770 850 4,800 6,000 480 12,900
Visa/Mastercard Sales Volume $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $588,000.00 $12,000.00 $1,320,000.00
Number of Terminals 2 1 1 2 1 7
Average Transaction Amount $155.84 $117.65 $104.17 $98.00 $25.00 $95.13
Settlement Fees (Charged on Tranaction) $0.12 $92.40 $102.00 $576.00 $720.00 $57.60 $1,548.00
Voice Authorization Fees $0.95 0.50% $3.66 $4.04 $22.80 $28.50 $2.28 $61.28
Monthly Service Charge ( Per Location) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Statement Fees ( Per Location) $36.00 $72.00 $36.00 $36.00 $72.00 $36.00 $252.00
Annual Service Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Minimum Monthly Discount Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Application Fee $49.95 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $49.95
Pin Debit Transaction Fees $0.20 9.00% $13.86 $15.30 $86.40 $108.00 $8.64 $232.20
Web Processing Monthly Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL SERVICING FEES $191.91 $167.33 $731.19 $938.49 $114.51 $2,143.43
Master Card Sales Volume 40.00% $48,000.00 $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $235,200.00 $4,800.00 $528,000.00
Master Card Transaction Volume 40.00% 308 340 1,920 2,400 192 5,160
Visa Card Sales Volume 60.00% $72,000.00 $60,000.00 $300,000.00 $352,800.00 $7,200.00 $792,000.00
Visa Card Transaction Voulme 60.00% 462 510 2,880 3,600 288 7,740
Debit Tranactions 60.00%
Visa Debit(Interchange Rate) 1.0300% $444.96 $370.80 $1,854.00 $44.50 $2,714.26
Visa Debit(Interchange Fee) $0.15 $41.58 $45.90 $259.20 $25.92 $372.60
Visa Debit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $39.96 $33.30 $166.50 $4.00 $243.76
Visa Utility(Interchange Fee) $0.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,700.00 $0.00 $2,700.00
Visa Utility(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $326.34 $0.00 $326.34
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Visa Credit(Interchange Rate) 1.05% $302.40 $252.00 $1,260.00 $30.24 $1,844.64
Visa Credit(Interchange Fee) $0.15 $27.72 $30.60 $172.80 $17.28 $248.40
Visa Credit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $26.64 $22.20 $111.00 $2.66 $162.50
Debit Transaction
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.5400% $443.52 $369.60 $1,848.00 $2,173.25 $44.35 $4,878.72
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.10 $18.48 $20.40 $115.20 $144.00 $11.52 $309.60
Inwood National Bank Bid
Fees & %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% $27.36 $22.80 $114.00 $134.06 $2.74 $300.96
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.64% $314.88 $262.40 $1,312.00 $1,542.91 $31.49 $3,463.68
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.10 $12.32 $13.60 $76.80 $96.00 $7.68 $206.40
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% $18.24 $15.20 $76.00 $89.38 $1.82 $200.64
TOTAL DISCOUNT FEES $1,718.06 $1,458.80 $7,365.50 $7,205.94 $224.20 $17,972.50
TOTAL 0111Mig COST $1,909.97 $1,626.13 $8,096.69 $8,144.43 $338.71 $20,115.92
Capital One Bank Bid
Fees& %of Municipal Parks& Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation _ Permits _ Billing Shelter Cost
Number of Transactions (yearly) 770 850 4,800 6,000 480 12,900
Visa/Mastercard Sales Volume $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $588,000.00 $12,000.00 $1,320,000.00
Number of Terminals 2 1 1 2 1 7
Average Transaction Amount $155.84 $117.65 $104.17 $98.00 $25.00 $95.13
Settlement Fees (Charged Per Item) $0.25 $192.50 $212.50 $1,200.00 $1,500.00 $120.00 $3,225.00
Voice Authorization Fees $0.35 0.50% $1.35 $1.49 $8.40 $10.50 $0.84 $22.58
Monthly Service Charge ( Per Location) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Statement Fees ( Per Location) $120.00 $240.00 $120.00 $120.00 $240.00 $120.00 $840.00
Annual Service Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Minimum Monthly Discount Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Application Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Pin Debit Transaction Fees $0.55 9.00% $38.12 $42.08 $237.60 $297.00 $23.76 $638.55
Web Processing Monthly Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL SERVICING FEES $471.96 $376.06 $1,566.00 $2,047.50 $264.60 $4,726.13
Master Card Sales Volume 40.00% $48,000.00 $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $235,200.00 $4,800.00 $528,000.00
Master Card Transaction Volume 40.00% 308 340 1,920 2,400 192 5,160
Visa Card Sales Volume 60.00% $72,000.00 $60,000.00 $300,000.00 $352,800.00 $7,200.00 $792,000.00
Visa Card Transaction Voulme 60.00% 462 510 2,880 3,600 288 7,740
Debit Tranactions 60.00%
Visa Debit(Interchange Rate) 0.8000% $345.60 $288.00 $1,440.00 $34.56 $2,108.16
Visa Debit(Interchange Fee) $0.25 $69.30 $76.50 $432.00 $43.20 $621.00
Visa Debit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $39.96 $33.30 $166.50 $4.00 $243.76
Visa Utility(Interchange Fee) $0.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 $0.00 $900.00
Visa Utility(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $326.34 $0.00 $326.34
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Visa Credit(Interchange Rate) 1.43% $411.84 $343.20 $1,716.00 $41.18 $2,512.22
Visa Credit(Interchange Fee) $0.05 $9.24 $10.20 $57.60 $5.76 $82.80
Visa Credit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $26.64 $22.20 $111.00 $2.66 $162.50
Debit Transaction
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 0.8000% $230.40 $192.00 $960.00 $1,128.96 $23.04 $2,534.40
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.25 $46.20 $51.00 $288.00 $360.00 $28.80 $774.00
Capital One Bank Bid
Fees& %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% $27.36 $22.80 $114.00 $134.06 $2.74 $300.96
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.55% $297.60 $248.00 $1,240.00 $1,458.24 $29.76 $3,273.60
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.10 $12.32 $13.60 $76.80 $96.00 $7.68 $206.40
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% _ $18.24 $15.20 $76.00 $89.38 $1.82 $200.64
TOTAL DISCOUNT FEES $1,534.70 $1,316.00 $6,677.90 $4,492.98 $225.20 $14,246.78
TOTAL OPERATING COST $2,006.66 $1,692.06 $8,243.90 $6,540.48 $489.80 $18,972.91
J P Morgan Bank Bid
Fees & %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Number of Transactions (yearly) 770 850 4,800 6,000 480 12,900
Visa/Mastercard Sales Volume $120,000.00 $100,000.00 $500,000.00 $588,000.00 $12,000.00 $1,320,000.00
Number of Terminals 2 1 1 2 1 7
Average Transaction Amount $155.84 $117.65 $104.17 $98.00 $25.00 $95.13
Settlement Fees (Charged on Volume 0.28% $336.00 $280.00 $1,400.00 $1,646.40 $33.60 $3,696.00
Voice Authorization Fees $0.65 0.50% $2.50 $2.76 $15.60 $19.50 $1.56 $41.93
Monthly Service Charge( Per Location) $60.00 $120.00 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00 $60.00 $420.00
Statement Fees ( Per Location) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Annual Service Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Minimum Monthly Discount Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Application Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Pin Debit Transaction Fees $0.20 9.00% $13.86 $15.30 $86.40 $108.00 $8.64 $232.20
Web Processing Monthly Fee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL SERVICING FEES $472.36 $358.06 $1,562.00 $1,893.90 $103.80 $4,390.13
Master Card Sales Volume 40.00% 48,000.00 40,000.00 200,000.00 235,200.00 4,800.00 528,000
Master Card Transaction Volume 40.00% 308 340 1,920 2,400 192 5,160
Visa Card Sales Volume 60.00% $72,000.00 $60,000.00 $300,000.00 $352,800.00 $7,200.00 792,000
Visa Card Transaction Voulme 60.00% 462 510 2,880 3,600 288 7,740
Debit Tranactions 60.00%
Visa Debit(Interchange Rate) 0.8000% $345.60 $288.00 $1,440.00 $34.56 $2,108.16
Visa Debit(Interchange Fee) $0.25 $69.30 $76.50 $432.00 $43.20 $621.00
Visa Debit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $39.96 $33.30 $166.50 $4.00 $243.76
Visa Utility(Interchange Fee) $0.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $900.00 $0.00 $900.00
Visa Utility(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $326.34 $0.00 $326.34
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Visa Credit(Interchange Rate) 1.43% $411.84 $343.20 $1,716.00 $41.18 $2,512.22
Visa Credit(Interchange Fee) $0.05 $9.24 $10.20 $57.60 $5.76 $82.80
Visa Credit(Assessment Fee) 0.0925% $26.64 $22.20 $111.00 $2.66 $162.50
J P Morgan Bank Bid
Fees& %of Municipal Parks & Building Utility Animal Annual
Item Charges Usage Courts Recreation Permits Billing Shelter Cost
Debit Transaction
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 0.8000% $230.40 $192.00 $960.00 $1,128.96 $23.04 $2,534.40
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.25 $46.20 $51.00 $288.00 $360.00 $28.80 $774.00
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% $27.36 $22.80 $114.00 $134.06 $2.74 $300.96
Credit Transactions 40.00%
Mastercard (Interchange Rate) 1.55% $297.60 $248.00 $1,240.00 $1,458.24 $29.76 $3,273.60
Mastercard (Interchange Fee) $0.10 $12.32 $13.60 $76.80 $96.00 $7.68 $206.40
Mastercard (Assessment Fee) 0.0950% $18.24 $15.20 $76.00 $89.38 $1.82 $200.64
TOTAL DISCOUNT FEES $1,534.70 $1,316.00 $6,677.90 $4,492.98 $225.20 $14,246.78
TOTAL OPERATING COST $2,007.06 $1,674.06 111111111F $6,386.88 $329.00 $18,636.91
Analysis of Lockbox Services
Analysis of Lockbox Costs
Sub-Contract With Amegy In House
American National Bank Inwood National Bank Capital One Bank J P Morgan Bank
Annual Unit Activity Unit Activity Unit Activity Unit Activity
Items Volumes Price Charge Price Charge Price Charge Price Charge
Lockbox Wholesale Maintenance 12 $101.20 $1,214.40 $125.00 $1,500.00 $101.20 $1,214.40 $0.00 $0.00
Lockbox Wholesale Items 47 $0.35 $16.45 $35.00 $1,645.00 $0.35 $16.45 $0.00 $0.00
Lockbox Retail Mainenance 11 $190.00 $2,090.00 $200.00 $2,200.00 $190.00 $2,090.00 $100.00 $1,100.00
Lockbox Retail Items 51,098 $0.20 $10,219.60 $0.21 $10,730.58 $0.20 $10,219.60 $0.25 $12,774.50
Loclkbox Data Transmission 12 $100.00 $1,200.00 $150.00 $1,800.00 $100.00 $1,200.00 $150.00 $1,800.00
Loclkbox Postage 27,524 $0.13 $3,578.12 $0.13 $3,578.12 $0.13 $3,578.12 $0.13 $3,578.12
Lockbox No Check Mail 42 $0.15 $6.22 $0.20 $8.40 $0.15 $6.22 $0.11 $4.62
Lockbox Check Without Coupon 9,306 $0.30 $2,791.80 $0.30 $2,791.80 $0.30 $2,791.80 $0.42 $3,908.52
Lockbox-Image Maintenance 12 $75.00 $900.00 $140.00 $1,680.00 $75.00 $900.00 $20.00 $240.00
Lockbox-Image Transmission 14 $75.00 $1,050.00 $49.50 $693.00 $75.00 $1,050.00 $25.00 $350.00
Lockbox-Image Items 22,481 $0.15 $3,372.15 $0.18 $4,046.58 $0.15 $3,372.15 $0.02 $449.62
Lockbox-Per Deposit Charge 1,412 $1.15 $1,623.80 $1.50 $2,118.00 $1.15 $1,623.80 $0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Fee 42 $5.67 $238.14 $3.50 $147.00 $5.67 $238.14 $0.00 $0.00
Return Items-Redeposits 39 $5.67 $221.13 $3.50 $136.50 $5.67 $221.13 $0.00 $0.00
Lockbox Web Delivery Maintance 10 $55.00 $550.00 $49.50 $495.00 $55.00 $550.00 $0.00 $0.00
Lockbox Rental 1 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00 $825.00
Totals 29,896.81 34,394.98 29,896.81 25,038
Lockbox Activity
Annual Fiscal Year 2005-2006
Items Totals Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Lockbox Wholesale Maintenance 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lockbox Wholesale Items 47 1 23 15 0 0 0 4 4
Lockbox Retail Mainenance 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lockbox Retail Items 51,098 2,816 4,288 3,018 3,909 4,420 5,211 3,800 5,387 4,654 5,079 4,258 4,258
Loclkbox Data Transmission 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Loclkbox Postage 27,524 2,866 4,398 3,140 4,115 4,670 6,423 1,912 0 0 0 0 0
Lockbox No Check Mail 42 2 6 8 9 5 2 0 2 0 4 4
Lockbox Check Without Coupon 9,306 50 110 122 206 249 315 748 1,667 1,131 1,708 1,500 1,500
Lockbox-Image Maintenance 12 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Lockbox-Image Transmission 14 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1
Lockbox-Image Items 22,481 223 2,101 532 749 871 1,046 1,613 3,543 2,351 3,452 3,000 3,000
Lockbox -Per Deposit Charge 1,412 66 104 100 101 116 179 116 134 127 133 118 118
Charge Back Fee 42 3 1 2 1 3 6 5 7 6 4 4
Return Items -Redeposits 39 2 2 0 4 6 4 5 10 3 3
Lockbox Web Delivery Maintance 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Analysis of Basic Banking Services
Analysis of Basic Banking Services
American Inwood Capital
National National One J P Morgan
Activity Bank Bank Bank Bank
Account Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 $0.00
Debits $0.00 $0.00 $272.76 $340.95
Credits $0.00 $0.00 $461.00 $276.60
On us Items Deposited $0.00 $0.00 $198.67 $220.74
Transit Items- Local** $0.00 $0.00 $1,950.00 $1,500.00
Charge Back Fee $0.00 $0.00 $270.00 $202.50
ZBA Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Reclears $0.00 $0.00 $322.00 $0.00
Stop Payments $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 $20.00
Wire Transfer Fees $0.00 $0.00 $879.00 $732.50
Wire Module $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $0.00
ACH Batches $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $275.00
ACH Items DR/CR $0.00 $0.00 $622.44 $259.35
Account Reconcilliation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
CD Rom Statement $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Positive Pay $0.00 $0.00 $30.00 $30.00
Net Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 $120.00 $120.00
Total $0.00 $0.00 $6,145.87 $3,977.64
American National Bank
Annual Total
Number of Unit Cost Per
Activity Units Price Year
Account Maintenance 36 $0.00 $0.00
Debits 6,819 0.00 $0.00
Credits 1,844 0.00 $0.00
On us Items Deposited 7,358 0.00 $0.00
Transit Items- Local** 50,000 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Fee 270 0.00 $0.00
ZBA Maintenance 3 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Reclears 322 0.00 $0.00
Stop Payments 4 0.00 $0.00
Wire Transfer Fees 293 0.00 $0.00
ACH Batches 55 0.00 $0.00
ACH Items DR/CR 5,187 0.00 $0.00
Account Reconcilliation 0 0.00 $0.00
CD Rom Statement 0 0.00 $0.00
Positive Pay 3 0.00 $0.00
Net Teeler Maintenance 12 0.00 $0.00
Total $0.00
Inwood National Bank
Annual Total
Number of Unit Cost Per
Activity Units Price Year
Account Maintenance 36 $0.00 $0.00
Debits 6,819 0.00 $0.00
Credits 1,844 0.00 $0.00
On us Items Deposited 7,358 0.00 $0.00
Transit Items- Local** 50,000 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Fee 270 0.00 $0.00
ZBA Maintenance 3 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Reclears 322 0.00 $0.00
Stop Payments 4 0.00 $0.00
Wire Transfer Fees 293 0.00 $0.00
ACH Batches 55 0.00 $0.00
ACH Items DR/CR 5,187 0.00 $0.00
Account Reconcilliation 0 0.00 $0.00
CD Rom Statement 0 0.00 $0.00
Positive Pay 3 0.00 $0.00
Net Teeler Maintenance 12 0.00 $0.00
Total $0.00
Capital One Bank
Annual Total
Number of Unit Cost Per
Activity Units Price Year
Account Maintenance 36 $10.00 $360.00
Debits 6,819 0.04 $272.76
Credits 1,844 0.25 $461.00
On us Items Deposited 7,358 0.03 $198.67
Transit Items- Local** 50,000 0.04 $1,950.00
Charge Back Fee 270 1.00 $270.00
ZBA Maintenance 3 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Reclears 322 1.00 $322.00
Stop Payments 4 15.00 $60.00
Wire Transfer Fees 293 3.00 $879.00
Wire Module 12 50.00 $600.00
ACH Batches 55 0.00 $0.00
ACH Items DR/CR 5,187 0.12 $622.44
Account Reconcilliation 0 $0.00
CD Rom Statement 0 $0.00
Positive Pay 3 10.00 $30.00
Tower Net Maintenance 12 10.00 $120.00
J P Morgan Bank
Annual Total
Number of Unit Cost Per
Activity Units Price Year
Account Maintenance 36 $0.00 $0.00
Debits 6,819 0.05 $340.95
Credits 1,844 0.15 $276.60
On us Items Deposited 7,358 0.030 $220.74
Transit Items- Local** 50,000 $ 0.030 $1,500.00
Charge Back Fee 270 0.75 $202.50
ZBA Maintenance 3 0.00 $0.00
Charge Back Reclears 322 0.00 $0.00
Stop Payments 4 5.00 $20.00
Wire Transfer Fees 293 2.50 $732.50
ACH Batches 55 5.00 $275.00
ACH Items DR/CR 5,187 0.05 $259.35
Account Reconcilliation 0 0.00 $0.00
CD Rom Statement 0 0.00 $0.00
Positive Pay 3 10.00 $30.00
Tower Net Maintenance 12 10.00 $120.00
Total $3,977•64
Analysis of Funds Availability
Schedule of Availability
FLEET-BANK OF AMERICA 11000138 2 2 1 0
BANK ONE-MERRILL LYNCH 44000804 2 2 1 0
MORGAN STANLEY DW INC. 44000804 2 2 1 0
CITIBANK 52002166 2 2 1 0
COMPASS BANK 63013924 2 2 1 0
BANK OF AMERICA 63100277 2 2 2 1
BANK ONE 65400137 2 2 0 0
HANCOCK BANK 65503681 2 2 0 0
WELLS FARGO BANK 91000019 2 2 1 0
BANK OF AMERICA 111000025 1 1 0 0
COMERICA BANK 111000753 1 1 0 0
NORTH DALLAS BANK& TRUST 111000960 1 1 0 0
INWOOD BANK 111001040 1 1 0 0
JP CHASE MORGAN 111001150 1 1 0 0
BANK OF TEXAS 111014325 1 1 0 0
WACHOVIA BANK 111015159 1 1 0 0
WELLS FARGO 111900659 1 1 0 0
CAPITAL ONE 111901014 1 1 0 0
LEGACY BANK OF TEXAS 111901234 1 1 0 0
AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK 111901519 1 1 0 0
TOWN NORTH BANK, N.A. 111904503 1 1 0 0
1ST NATIONAL BK OF KEMP 111905434 1 1 0 0
COMPASS BANK 111907445 1 1 0 0
FIRST BANK OF CANYON CRK 111924305 1 1 0 0
WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK 111993776 1 1 0 0
FIRST BANK OF SACHSE 113000939 2 2 1 0
CITIBANK 113193532 2 2 2 0
PENNSYLVANIA ST EMPL CU 231381116 2 2 1 0
MOTOROLA EMPLY. CREDIT UN 271984311 2 2 1 0
CREDIT UNION OF TX 311079306 1 1 0 0
DALLAS TELCO FED. CREDIT 311079319 1 1 0 0
SAN ANGELO FCU 311387946 1 1 1 0
FIRST GARLAND FCU 311979464 1 1 0 0
OMNI AMERICAN FCU 311981533 1 1 0 0
COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 311987773 1 1 0 0
VIEWPOINT BANK 311987773 1 1 0 0
Schedule of Availability
TEXANS CREDIT UNION 311987786 1 1 0 0
GECU-GREATER ELPASO CU 312081089 2 2 1 0
RANDOLPH BROOKS FCU 314089681 2 2 1 0
WASHINGTON MUTUAL BK, FA 322271627 2 2 2 0
CITIBANK 322271724 2 2 2 0
Average Days of Float on Bank 1.3889 1.3889 0.4815 0.0370
Third Party Processor's Float** 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000
Total Float 1.8889 1.8889 0.9815 0.0370
Lost Interest Earnings on $14,000,000 @ 5% $3,622.53 $3,622.53 $1,882.29 $71.03
** This is equal to 1 days float on $7,000,000 of Utility Billing Deposits
Quality Analysis of On-Line-Banking
Quality Analysis of On-Line-banking Services
Capital Inwood American
J P Morgan One National National
Type Of Service Bank Bank Bank Bank
Transaction History 1 year 90 Days 120 Days 180 days
Check Images (front and back) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Returned check images/report detail Yes Yes No No
Banking Center Daily Transaction Postings Real Time Real Time Real Time Real Time
Outside Banking Center Daily Transaction Postings Overnight Overnight Overnight Overnight
Wire/ACH Postings Real Time Real Time Real Time Real Time
Wire Receipt Detail Yes Yes No Yes
Wires (Sent) Settlement Detail Yes Yes No No
Auto Daily Reports Yes No No No
Individualized Secure Access Yes Yes Yes Yes
User Activity Reports Yes No No No
Customer Service Hours 8:00 to 5:00 7:00 to 6:00 8:30 to 4:30 8:30 to 5:00
Analysis of Submittal Documents
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
1. The amount of paid-up capital stock and permanent
surplus for the proponent. Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient
2. Audited financial statements for the most recent
reporting year. Yes Yes Yes Yes
3. A list of the proponent's officers and directors. Yes Yes Yes Yes
4. Ratings on outstanding debt. Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient
5. Last two quarterly FDIC Call Reports. Uniform
Interagency Bank Rating System. Yes Yes Yes Yes
6. Availability of funds schedule. Yes Yes Yes Yes
7. Proposed collateral agreement. Yes Yes Yes Yes
8. Monthly pledged collateral report. Yes Yes Yes Yes
9. Depository's master repurchase agreement. No, not PSA No, not PSA PSA Form PSA Form
10. Sweep account provisions and provisions of the
investment securities that are used for sweep
accounts. No No Yes Yes
11. Proposed custody/security safekeeping agreement. Yes Yes Yes Yes
12. Proposed wire funds transfer agreement/contract. No Yes Yes Yes
13. Daylight overdraft policy. Yes Yes Yes Yes
14. Controlled disbursement agreement. No No Yes Yes
15. Sample stop payment agreement. Yes Yes Yes Yes
16. Sample bank statement and monthly account
analysis statement. Yes Yes Yes Yes
17. Any additional contracts or agreements requiring
City approval. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
18. RFP documents including proposal form and
questionnaire. Yes Yes Yes Yes
19. List all on-line banking services. Yes Yes Yes Yes
20. "Lockbox Service" provision and institution RFP says yes,
performing services. Yes review says no Yes Yes
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Information Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
1. Is the Depository insured by the FDIC. Yes Yes Yes Yes
2. Is the Depository audited annually by an
independent CPA firm? Yes Yes Yes Yes
3. How does the Depository define non-performing
loans and what percent of current loans are so
classified? Non-Accrual Non-Accrual Non-Accrual Non-Accrual
4. With what money center bank does the Depository Independent Capital One
have its primary correspondent agreement? J P Morgan Bankers Bank Bank J P Morgan
5. Name the bank holding company with which the Bancshares, Financial J C Morgan
Depository is associated. ANB Corp Inc Group Chase & Co.
6. Is the Depository a branch bank or will it soon
become a branch bank? Branch Branch Branch Branch
7. Indicate the Depository's capital to assets ratio for
the last five years. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
8. What was the Depository's return on assets for the
last audited fiscal year? Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
9. Has the Depository had any significant problems Normal course
noted by regulatory agencies in the past 24 months? No No No of business
10. Please list other public funds customers in the Included in Included in Included in Included in
Dallas area that the Depository currently serves RFP ,RFP RFP RFP
11.Based on the City's monthly activity, list minimum
ledger and collected balances required to earn interest. No Minimum No Minimum No Minimum No Minimum
12. Explain the Depository's availability schedule and
an explanation of funds credit with the Depository
doing the City's encoding. Included Included Included Included
13. Explain the parameters of the Depository's sweep
account service where excess funds are invested at a
higher rate overnight. Not included Not included Not included Included
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Information Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
14. Describe any other cash management or
depository service that could be offered to the City. List
all charges that may apply. Included Included Included Included
15. Each deposit batch, with adding machine tape, is
sealed in plastic deposit bags and deposited directly to
the Depository by courier. If errors occur, the City
requires a credit or debit advice to be mailed to the City
immediately after the account has been adjusted.
Notification should include a copy of the City's tape
showing the item in question and/or a copy of the
check in question along with other appropriate
documentation attached to justify the correction.
Phone notification is preferred for material amounts.
State any other procedure for deposits that the
depository would recommend or require. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
16. If the master account has not been properly funded
due to late notification, what procedure does the Check other
Depository follow to assure payment on these checks? Line of Credit Accounts Line of Credit Line of Credit
17. What is the Depository's internal review and Account Account Account Account
approval process for releasing such transfers? Manager Manager Manager Manager
18. Does the depository have an established maximum
dollar value limit which may not be exceeded by an
individual check? Are there any other restrictions
regarding individual check amounts? No No No No
19. The City transmits direct deposit information in
NACHA format via a computer and modem for citizen
water bills, payroll, and medical premiums. Please list
appropriate cut-off times that would apply. On-line
banking services for ACH transmittal is preferred.
Please state the Depository's on-line services On-line is On-line is On-line is On-line is
regarding ACH files. available available available available
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Information Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
20. Does the Depository offer a program which allows
payroll to be paid to employees through a debit card
rather than issuing checks and/or direct deposit to the
employee's checking account? Not at this time Not at this time Yes Yes
21. State whether the Depository offers or requires a
check fraud control service. No No No No
22. State whether the Depository would offer any type
of special programs or other incentives for City
employees. Yes Yes Yes Yes
23. Please describe the process by which service
problems can be resolved. What person or
organization unit is available for complaint or problem Account Account Account Account
resolution? Manager Manager Manager Manager
24. The City requires on-line services for account
balance inquiry, reports, stop payments, ACH
transactions, and wires. Describe the Depository's on- Included, will Included, will Included, will Included, will
line internet banking services to be provided to the City be evaluated be evaluated be evaluated be evaluated
and the associated costs. separately separately separately separately
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
1. Daily on-line balance reporting
The Depository will provide a personal computer
based on-line account information reporting system
which will provide daily ledger balances, collected and
available balances, a detail of all debits and credits,
current day controlled disbursement reports, and daily
ACH reports. The system will allow for tracking of cash
flow. The system will also enable the research of
specific account transactions and include historical Included, but Included, but Included, but Included, but
account information. Internet services for daily on-line will be will be will be will be
balance reporting provided by the Depository will be evaluated evaluated evaluated evaluated
noted in the proposal. separately separately separately separately
2. Sweep Account Provisions
The Depository shall provide "sweep" accounts. All
daily ending balances will be invested overnight
(repo's or money markets, etc.). The Depository will
"automatically sweep" the City's excess cash into
overnight and weekend investments. The market
value of securities used to secure the short-term
investments must be at least 105 percent of the cost
of the short-term investment. All interest earned on
overnight investments will be automatically accrued,
on a daily basis, and credited to the General
Operating account on a daily basis. Proponent must
include details of the Depository's sweep account
provisions and a prospectus of the investment
securities that are used for sweep accounts. n/a n/a n/a n/a
3. Deposit Availability
The City will receive same day credit for all funds
deposited and will receive the best availability on
deposits as well as any future improvements to the
availability schedule. Proponent must include a
deposit availability schedule with the proposal.
Provide the name and address of the deposit location Evaluated Evaluated Evaluated Evaluated
that will receive the City's deposit. Separately Separately Separately Separately
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
4. Wire Services
The Depository will maintain wire transfer facilities to
the Federal Reserve Bank for transactions with
financial institutions. The Depository will provide on-
line access for confirmation of incoming and outgoing
wire transfers. The City has repetitive wire
transactions for investments, debt service payments.
In the event of computer problems or other
unexpected difficulties, the Depository will use
whatever means necessary to ensure that the City's
outgoing wire transfers are completed on the date
specified through City initiated instructions. The on-
line service will provide wire confirmation data . Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
5. General ACH ("ACH") Services
The Depository will be required to process weekly
ACH transfers in NACHA format. Currently the City
uses software provided by the Depository and
transmits the file via a computer and modem. The City
wishes to transmit this file via the internet using on-line
banking tools. Future payments to vendors may be
done by ACH transfers; however, the volume at this
time is unknown. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
6. Returned Items
All checks deposited by the City that do not clear the
first time, will be submitted a second time before
returning them to the City. Returned checks that do
not clear on the second attempt will be returned to the
City within two business days. The City will receive
same-day telephone notification of all returned items
in excess of$500. The City will not be charged to
redeposit return items the second time. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
7. Stop Payments
The City requires on-line stop payment services via
the internet. The service will include processing and
confirmation of each stop payment. The stop payment
will be in effect for a minimum of 180 days following
submission to the financial institution. If a fraud
detection system is implemented, stop payments will
be replaced by the fraud detection system. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
8. Credit Card Merchant Services
The Depository will provide major credit card merchant
sales invoice processing services for all City locations
accepting credit cards. Currently the City accepts
MasterCard and VISA with sales ranging from $45,000
to $110,000 per month depending on the City's
activities. The Depository will process credit card Included, but Included, but Included, but Included, but
receipts including: deposits, chargeback's, statement will be will be will be will be
reporting and credit refunds. The proponent must evaluated evaluated evaluated evaluated
state per item processing fees and any additional fees separately separately separately separately
9. Deposit Bags
The Depository will provide the City with plastic
tamperproof deposit bags at no charge. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
10.Check Cashing/Payroll Pay Card
The Depository will agree to cash, without charge to
the City or City employee, a City employee's
reimbursement or payroll check issued on a City
account, whether or not the City employee maintains
an account with the Depository. If a pay card program
is implemented, employees will not be charged any
transaction fees for using the pay card. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
11. Lockbox Services
The City utilizes a lockbox system for processing
water, sewer and trash payments. Please provide Included, but Included, but Included, but Included, but
lockbox policies and procedures for your lockbox will be will be will be will be
services and if these services are provided in house or evaluated evaluated evaluated evaluated
by outside vendors. separately separately separately separately
12. Research Requests
All research requests will be turned around within
three (3) business days of the request. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
13. Communication with the Depository
The City requires e-mail and voicemail services with
the Depository along with direct communication with
an account representation. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
Analysis of Submittal Documents
American Inwood Capital J P
National National One Morgan
Items Requested Bank Bank Bank Bank
14. Account Maintenance Services
The cut-off date for account statement purposes for all
City accounts shall be the last business day of each
month. On-line services should provide easy access to
monthly account statements, canceled check records,
and debit and credit slips on all accounts. Proponent
must include a sample bank statement with their
proposal. Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
15. Transaction Imaging
The Depository will provide for image capturing of all
monthly transactions on CD-ROM media. This process
will allow the City to search for cleared transactions
and print the image of the transaction (i.e., checks,
deposits, etc.). Include any software costs associated
with this service on the proposal form. If this service is
unavailable, please provide an alternative service and
related pricing. Yes Yes Yes Yes
16. Account Analysis Statements
The City will require an account analysis statement to
be presented to the City within five (5) days after the
cut-off date. All accounts will be grouped within one
account analysis to obtain the maximum credit for
balances. On a quarterly basis, any excess/shortfall of
earnings credit will be credited/debited to the City's Could not Was not
account once base charges are calculated using the determine included in
account analysis procedure stated below. from RFP RFP Included Included
17. Pledged Securities Limit
Please state the maximum amount, if any, of pledged
securities which the Bank is willing or able to commit
for collateralized deposit accounts through the
contract period. No Limit No Limit No Limit No Limit
18. Transition Schedule
Please provide a schedule documenting the transition
of the City's banking services from the current
depository to your institution N/A Not Included Yes Yes
IAt Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 5
Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only)
Prepared By: Larry Williamson Account Code: 5181-56680
Date Prepared: September 28, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ 1,145,000
Exhibits: Ordinance, Exhibits
Consider and act upon Ordinance No. 2006-61 amending Ordinance No 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and
Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential Fees; Deposits); providing for an effective date
of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption of this ordinance.
A motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-61 amending Ordinance No 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and
Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential Fees; Deposits); providing for an effective date
of this ordinance; and providing for the publication of the caption of this ordinance.
On February 14, 2006, the City Council amended the solid waste and recycling contract with Allied Waste
Systems, Inc. A major effect of the amended contract was to increase the fees charged to the City for residential
trash pickup from $8.60 to $9.85 per month, effective March 1, 2006. This represented an increase of 14.5 % or
$1.25 a month.
The City has maintained its trash rate to city residents of$9.86 per month, effectively absorbing the new rate
increase during FY 2005-2006. With the new increase in cost, the City is currently purchasing the service for
$9.85 a month and selling the service for$9.86.
Under the prior rate structure, the city purchased trash service and marked it up 14.6 % to offset the City's cost
of administration, billing, mailing, collecting and bad debt expense. In order to maintain this operating margin
going forward, the new trash rate charged to City customers would have to be increased to $11.30. This equates
to $1.44 per month or$17.28 annually per City customer.
The FY 2006-2007 budget for trash expenses is short $200,000; however, this shortfall will be offset by trash
revenues. A mid-year budget amendment will be requested to increase both revenues and expenses by this
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director LW 9-28-06
City Manager itiAk 0 ,0 6
Page 1 of 1
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has determined
that it is necessary and in the best interests of the City of Wylie to adopt the amendments to Section
9.01 (Residential fees; deposits)of Ordinance No. 98-16 as set forth herein.
SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into
the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein.
SECTION 2: Amendment to Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee
Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential fee; deposits are hereby amended to read as
(a) The collection and removal of garbage and brush in one polycart container from
residential premises, one time per week shall be made for a fee charge of$11.30 per
residential unit for each calendar month.
(b) Non residential customers shall be required to make a deposit equivalent to three
months' charges or a minimum of$34.00.
(c) Residential fees for each unit of single-family detached or duplex (not master
metered) either curbside or alley side service, shall be $11.30 per month and shall be
charged each month on the utility bill.
(d) The following collection fees are based upon the type of establishment or
collection,to wit:
Type Charges per Month
Duplex, per unit $11.30
Multifamily $11.30
Trailer park $11.30
SECTION 4: Savings/Repealing Clause. All provisions of Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16
shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All
provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they
Ordinance No.2006-61
Trash Fees Increase Page 1
are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed
ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if
occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall
remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of
this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is
expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force
and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section,
subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 6: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its
WYLIE, TEXAS on this 10th day of October, 2006.
John Mondy, Mayor
Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary
Date of publication in The Wylie News—October 18,2006
Ordinance No.2006-61
Trash Fees Increase Page 2
Exhibit A
Analysis of Operating Margins on Trash
Monthly Monthly
Cost of Price Operating
Year Service Charged Margin
1999 8.09 9.64 19.1595%
2000 8.31 9.86 18.6522%
2001 8.60 9.86 14.6512%
2002 8.60 9.86 14.6512%
2003 8.60 9.86 14.6512%
2004 8.60 9.86 14.6512%
2005 8.60 9.86 14.6512%
2006 9.85 11.30
" t 3r„, #, Proposed
2006 Rate
Residential-Single Family $9.85
Duplex Unity-Per Unit $9.85
Trailer Park-Per Unit $9.85
Additional Polycart Container,Per Unit $3.50
1 x wk 2 x wk 3 x wk 4 x wk 5 x wk EXTRA
2 cu yd $ 50.49 $107.79 $143.27 $ 38.21
3 cu yd $ 69.58 $129.61 $200.58 $ 38.21
4 cu yd $103.70 $165.10 $233.32 $ 38.21
6 cu yd $121.43 $197.83 $293.35 $375.35 $467.55 $ 43.67
8 cu yd $148.72 $255.14 $339.74 $409.60 $491.26 $ 43.67
35 or 42 cu. yd. Compactor Containers,Per Haul $341.11
(Includes disposal, does not include
30 or 40 cu. yd. Open-top Rolloff Containers, $307.00
Per Haul (Includes disposal)
Daily Rental $ 8.53
Delivery/Exchange $ 91.37
Special Bulk Pickup(1 hr. min) $ 95.00
Polycart Container Replacement $ 75.00
Returned Check Charge $ 30.00
972.442.8131 -FAX 972.442.8105
.,.... Councilman Discussion
Councilwoman Allen stated that Stone Road as designated in the Agreement does not exist. The road actually is called FM
544. She explained that Councilman Newsom looked into this issue and found this to be true. She requested that this be
changed. Ms. Fort stated that in 5A the reference to Stone Road needed to be stricken and leave FM 544 in the final
agreement. Councilman Young asked that in the future,the maps presented to Council be made larger for review.
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue, seconded by Councilman Young to authorize the City Manager
to sign a Development Agreement, subject to approval by the City Attorney's Office, including all item changes
discussed tonight between the City of Wylie and Braddock Place Estates, Ltd. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
Tabled Item from 1-24-06
Motion to remove from table and:
Council Action
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Hogue to remove Item #3 (contract between the City of Wylie and
Allied Waste Systems, Inc.) from the table and discuss and consider action. Consensus of Council was to
remove and discuss and consider action.
3. Consider and act upon an Amended Solid Waste and Recycling Contract between the City of
Wylie and Allied Waste Systems, Inc. (M. Roath/J. Fort, City Manager and City Attorney,
Staff Comments
City Manager Roath addressed Council stating that the existing contract for solid waste and recycling was entered into on
September 1, 2001 with Browning-Ferris, Inc., for a period of(5) years. Subsequently, the City approved an extension of
the current contract to August 31, 2008. In 2004, representatives of Trinity Waste Systems contacted the City staff to
solicit changes to the existing contract as well as a rate increase. (Note: The City bad granted the last solid waste/recycling
increase in September, 2001.) Thereafter, the City Manager and Ms. Julie Fort, City Attorney's Office, commenced
negotiations with representatives of Trinity—that is, with the aim of improving service delivery for the remainder of the
contract period and/or until August 31,2008.
On January 24th,the City Council considered and tabled action on the proposed Agreement until its meeting of February 14,
2006. Subsequently, Ms. Julie Fort and I met with representatives of Allied Waste Systems, Inc., about further changes to
the proposed Agreement based on comments made by the City Council. Specifically, we requested that Allied Waste
Systems, Inc., agree (1) to change the liquidated damages amount in Section 5.14 from ten dollars ($10.00) to twenty-five
dollars ($25.00)—that is, should they fail to collect residential solid waste and recycling within 24-hours of being notified
by the City to do so;(2)to change the polycart container penalty fee from two dollars($2.00)to five dollars($5.00)for each
container not delivered to a new customer at move-in or within two (2) days after the day of request from the City,
whichever is later; and (3) to add the following sentence to Section 5.04, "Contractor shall continue to provide services
under this Agreement until the effective date of the termination." Beyond these proposed changes requested by the City,
Allied Waste Systems, Inc., representatives indicated that they were seeking approval to provide improved service in
recycling—that is, to purchase and distribute polycart containers in lieu of the smaller containers now used in the City. As
of this date, they have not received permission to expand this service from their corporate office; but,they expect to know
by the Council meeting. Because of the potential change in recycling service, the City has included additional language in
this proposed Agreement, which would allow for the improved recycling service should it become available during the term
of this contract. Mr. Roath explained that Mr. Reid Donaldson,Manager for Allied Waste Systems, is available as is Julie
Fort to answer any questions.
Minutes—February 14,2006
Wylie City Council
Page 4
Allied Waste Representative/Council Discussion
Mayor Mondy asked in Paragraph 5.14 "Liquidated Damage", is the penalty enforced only if Allied does not come within
24 hours? Mr. Roath responded yes it was per occurrence. Mr. Roath explained that the penalty was three times the fee
charged per month. Mayor Mondy commented that for the$25.00 late fee, it was more lucrative for Allied to wait and pay
the penalty rather than sending a truck and driver. Mayor Mondy asked what staff was advising on the fuel surcharge. Mr.
Roath stated that was addressed in Item C of the proposed contract. He explained that Mr. Donaldson was present to
address this and other issues. Mr. Donaldson explained that the fuel surcharge was based on the CPI rate and is an increase
of 6%of the rate now charged. City Attorney Fort stated that this 6%relates to $.51 cents of the increase. Mr. Donaldson
explained that 8% was the norm but Allied picked a rate that would be satisfactory to both the City and Allied. Mayor Pro
Tem Hogue asked who would receive the complaint calls. He stated that if Allied was receiving the calls, it was like the
"fox watching the hen house". Mr. Roath explained that there was a complaint mechanism in the contract whereby if a
complaint was lodged; the City would get a copy of said complaint. Allied is required to have an office manager available
from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.Monday through Friday and even after hours to handle complaints for the City and to give a log
of these complaints to the City on a weekly basis. Mayor Mondy asked what the total increase is and what it includes. Mr.
Donaldson replied that the total increase was 14.5% which included 2.5% for an increase from the City of Garland for the
landfill, 6% is a CPI increase, and 6% for fuel surcharge. Both of the landfill and CPI increases were included in the
original contract. He noted that the City of Garland had gone up on their landfill fee six months ago and Allied has been
paying the difference since that time. This increase totals to $1.25 increase per month per household. Mayor Mondy asked
what CPI was. Mr. Donaldson explained that CPI(Consumer Price Index)is ranked on a scale and is an urban index,rated
every year. The rate is figured differently in national areas and the CPI used in this configuration was based on the DFW
area. Councilman Newsom asked about recycling carts. Mr. Donaldson stated he had been on the phone with corporate
earlier in the day, and stated that he was 99% sure this would happen but the cost to Allied would be $700,000 and is
contingent on the increase requested tonight. He stated that he was fairly sure it would happen within the next couple of
months if all requests for increases were approved by council; however he could make no guarantees. Ms. Fort,
representing the city attomey's office stated that the contract was adjusted so if the recycle carts were available to the City,
those issues were covered in the revised agreement.Mayor Pro Tern Hogue asked how many complaints the City and Allied
had received since the last Council meeting. Mr. Roath replied that the City had not received any complaints. Mr.
Donaldson stated that Allied had received 12 complaints from Wylie residents and all complaints had been handled to the
customer's satisfaction. Mayor Pro Tern Hogue asked what would happen if by this time next year, the complaints had
accumulated in large numbers as they did this year. City Manager Roath explained that there were several measures
available to the City in this event. He explained that one measure was the$25.00 late fee. City Attorney Fort added that in
the weekly report that Allied is required to provide, there is a requirement of 95% performance standard and if Allied fell
below this percentage, termination could be initiated. Mayor Pro Tern Hogue stated that his problem with the increase was
the large amount of complaints presented to Council at the last Council meeting. Councilman Newsom stated that Allied
was due two of the three increases requested tonight by the standing contract between Allied and the City. Mayor Mondy
stated that he felt they were also due the fuel surcharge. Councilman Porter stated he felt that increases were required to
keep businesses operating. He also stated that he felt the complaints had been handled.
Council Action
A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilwoman Allen to approve an Amended Solid
Waste and Recycling Contract between the City of Wylie and Allied Waste Systems, Inc. A vote was taken and
passed 6-1 with Mayor Mondy, Councilwoman Allen, Councilman Newsom, Councilman Young, Councilman White, and
Councilman Porter voting for and Mayor Pro Tem Hogue voting against.
4. Consider and act upon authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Public Sector
Personnel Consultants,in the amount of$20,500.00, for compensation study services. (J. Butters,
Chief of Police)
Staff Comments
Task Force Chairman, Chief Jeff Butters addressed Council stating that the City Manager appointed a compensation task
force made up of seven City employees.The task force is charged with overseeing a compensation study which will review
our current pay plan and suggest updates and or revisions. Mr. Butters explained that the purpose of the study was to put
Minutes—February 14.2006
Wylie City Council
Page 5
7411 Wylie City Council
Meeting Date: October 10, 2006 Item Number: 6
(City Secretary's Use Only)
Department: City Manager
Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code:
Date Prepared: October 5, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ 133,000
Exhibits: 1
Consider, and act upon, approval of a Retainer Agreement between the City of Wylie and Abernathy, Roeder,
Boyd &Joplin, P.C. and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents related thereto.
Motion to act upon approval of a Retainer Agreement between the City of Wylie and Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd
&Joplin, P.C. and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents related thereto.
Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd&Joplin have represented the City of Wylie since 1994. For the majority of that time,
the Retainer Agreement between the City and the firm has been on a per-hour basis. In April 2005 an
Agreement was approved which established an annual retainer of$102,000 and Litigation Services at a rate of
$200.00 per hour for Partners, $185.00 per hour for Associates, and $75.00 per hour for Legal Assistants.
The attached Retainer Agreement proposed by the firm reverts the City to the type of agreement utilized between
the City and the firm from 1994—2005. As proposed, the hourly rates would be $190.00 for Directors, $180.00
per hour for Associates, and $85.00 per hour for Legal Assistants. The proposed rates represent an approximate
2% increase over the rates established in 2003, prior to the 2005 Agreement. The actual costs over the past three
budget years have been:
2005-2006 $118,694.65
2004-2005 $120,272.83
2003-2004 $111,633.03
Approved By
Initial Date
Department Director
City Manager MM 10/5/06
Page 1 of 1
JOPLIN•P♦ ♦ 1700 Redbud Boulevard,Suite 300•P.O.Box 1210•McKinney,Texas 75070-1210
Metro 214.544.4000•Fax 214.544.4040
RICHARD M.ABERNATHY rabernathy a@abemathy-law.com
Board Certified-Civil Trial Law Direct Dial 214.544.4002
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Qualified Mediator
August 21, 2006
Mayor John Mondy and City Council Members
City of Wylie
2000 Highway 78 North
Wylie, Texas 75098
RE: Abernathy,Roeder,Boyd&Joplin,P.C.'s Representation of the City of Wylie
Dear Mayor Mondy and City Council:
This firm appreciates the opportunity to represent the City of Wylie in its legal matters.
This Retainer Agreement sets forth the agreement between Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd &
Joplin, a Professional Corporation, and the City of Wylie in any legal matter it deems appropriate.
Our fee is based upon the amount of time we devote to matters referred to us. It is impossible
to determine in advance the amount of time necessary to complete any assigned matter. It may be
necessary to have other professional in this office perform services on your behalf other than the
specific attorney you have retained. We will use our best judgment to determine the most
economical use of our attorneys and staff personnel. Billed time includes all time spent on any
matters assigned including conferences, telephone calls, e-mails,• investigation, drafting of
documents,correspondence,negotiations,legal research,and travel to and from locations away from
our office. We charge for telephone time because many times an attorney can accomplish as much
in your behalf by telephone as in a face-to-face meeting with you or others. The use of the telephone
and e-mail saves your personal time and that of your attorney and results in a lower cost to you. Any
figures we quote you for the total cost of our services are merely estimates. Others may engage in
activities beyond our control requiring us to expend additional time not originally contemplated.
You will receive itemized bills which will be sent on a regular period basis based upon
hourly rates presently ranging as follows:
Mayor John Mondy and City Council Members -
August 21,2006
Page 2
1. Director $190.00
2. Associate $180.00
3. Legal Assistants $ 85.00
Time is billed in units of one-tenth hour each. From time to time our firm is required to
adjust its hourly rates to more accurately reflect changing economic circumstances. If this occurs,
you will be notified.
In addition,you will be responsible for all costs which we may incur on your behalf. These
costs include, but are not limited to, copy and telephone expenses. A list of our current fees are
The periodic bill which we will mail, usually monthly,itemizes the time and costs charged
to your account for that period. If you have any questions regarding the statement,you should feel
free to contact Lindsay Alexander in our billing department. All balances on your account are due
upon receipt. If you do not timely pay your account we have the right,at our discretion,to withdraw
from representing the City.
We also have the right, at our discretion, to withdraw from representation if you have
misrepresented or failed to disclose material facts to us,if you fail to follow our advice or if for any
reason our relationship becomes unworkable. Likewise,you may discharge us at any time for any
reason. You will be responsible for any fee and cost incurred prior to our withdrawal or discharge,
including time and costs expended to turn over the file(s)and other information to you or substitute
This Agreement contains all of the terms of our financial arrangement with you and can only
be modified by a written document signed by all parties except for any hourly rate adjustment as set
out above.
SIGNED this day of ,2006.
Mayor John Mondy
Richard M. Abernathy
Long Distance Telephone Calls(per call) $2.00
Copies (per page) $0.20
Survey Copies (per page) $2.00
Survey Reductions (per page) $4.00
Faxes(per page, sent) $1.00
In-house Courier(Dallas and surrounding cities) $35.00
In-house Courier(local) $10.00
Postage Current U.S. Postal Service Rate