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10-24-2006 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council I/ CITY:F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 24, 2006 - 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North John Mondy Mayor Carter Porter Mayor Pro Tern Earl Newsom Place 1 M. G. "Red" Byboth Place 2 Eric Hogue Place 3 Merrill Young Place 4 Rick White Place 5 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION • Presentation of Funds from the Collin County Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program, in the amount of $163,238.00, for the Founder's Park Land Acquisition Project. (Commissioner Hoagland) October 24,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the October 10, 2006 Regular Council Meeting and the October 12, 2006 Special Called Council Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-62 amending Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2-41 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to remove the designation of the City Secretary as the City Treasurer from the Wylie Code of Ordinances. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-63 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2007. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary D. Consider, and act upon, approval of Change Order #2 for the Creekside 2 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank to Landmark Structures, reducing the contract amount by$28,000.00. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) E. Consider, and act upon, approval of the bids and authorize the purchase of pumps, motors, special valves, and major electrical equipment for the Nortex Pump Station totaling $178,767.00. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) F. Consider, and act upon, award of bid to Jim Chapman Construction, in the amount of$28,584.00, for the remodeling of the CID and Patrol offices in the Police Department. (J. Butters, Assistant City Manager) G. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 30, 2006. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) H. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for WISD Rita Smith Elementary School on 16.61 gross acres, generally located south of Parker Road (FM 2514) and west of Country Club Drive (FM 1378). (R. 011ie, Planning Director) REGULAR AGENDA General Business 1. Consider, and act upon, award of a contract to Tri-Con Services, Inc., in the amount of $3,225,042.60, for the reconstruction of Stone Rd. from Ballard Avenue to Akin Lane. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) October 24,2006 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 Executive Summary Engineering for the Stone Road paving project was completed by Chiang,Patel&Yerby,Inc. as part of the 1999 Bond Program. $3,250,000 was identified for the construction of the project in the first bond issue of the 2005 Bond Program. The project includes approximately 22,069 square yards of 8-inch concrete pavement, 2,195 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 1,730 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement, and 3,534 linear feet of water line replacement. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of an Engineering Services Agreement, in the amount of $105,000.00, to Helmberger Associates, Inc. for the design of the extension of Alanis Drive from the Twin Lakes Subdivision to FM 544. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) Executive Summary Funding for the extension of Alanis Drive from the Twin Lakes Subdivision to FM 544 was included in the City's 2005 Bond Program. A total of$2,600,000 was identified for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of the improvements. The project includes approximately 2,700 linear feet of a 4-lane divided roadway section with related drainage and sidewalk improvements. The right of way for the project will be acquired from Skorburg Company per the development agreement for Alanis Crossing approved on the September 12,2006 Council meeting. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. WORK SESSION Tabled Item from July 11, 2006 • (MOTION To REMOVE FROM TABLE): Discussion of planning and coordination of the City of Wylie's 120th Birthday Celebration. (R. Diaz, Asst. Superintendent, Parks and Recreation) • Discussion regarding Not-for-Profit Annual Donations (M. Manson, City Manager) • Discussion regarding proposed changes to the alley just east of Birmingham Elementary to prevent cut through traffic from the Pointe North subdivision. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 20th day of October, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: Presentation Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary s Use Only) Prepared By: Mike Sferra Account Code: Date Prepared: 10/18/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Presentation of funds from the Collin County Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program, in the amount of$163,238.00, for the Founder's Park Land Acquisition Project. Recommendation Discussion Commission Jerry Hoagland would like to present to the Wylie City Council, funds in the amount of $163,238.00 for the Founders Park Land Acquisition Project which was recently approved by the Collin County Commissioner's Court. The 2003 Collin County Bond election established a pool of funding for park and open space development in Collin County. On June 26, 2006, Council approved a Resolution authorizing the application for a Collin County Park and Open Space Grant for the purposes of land acquisition for Founders Park. The application was submitted to the County on July 7, 2006. An Interlocal Agreement will be presented to Council for their approval at the November 14, 2006 Council meeting which will include guidelines of the grant reimbursement program. Approved By Initial Date MS 10/18/06 Department Director �1 City Manager M,. M 1° l` l 0 b Page 1of1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WWYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, October 10, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tern Carter Porter, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Rick White and Councilman Earl Newsom. Councilman Red Byboth and Councilman Eric Hogue were absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Newsom gave the Invocation and Mayor Pro Tern Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There was no one present to address Council during Citizens Comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Approval of the Minutes from the September 26, 2006 Regular Council Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Councilman Newsom to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Council Byboth absent. Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 1 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-60 amending the zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. ZC 2006-12. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments City Planning Director 011ie addressed Council stating that the subject property is located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. The applicant is requesting to rezone 3.7 acres from Neighborhood Services (NS) District to Light Industrial (LI) District. The property has been platted since 1986 as Wyndham Estates Phase 3, Lot 34 and was originally zoned Industrial District. However, with the city- wide rezoning in 2001, the property was rezoned to NS. Owner/Applicant Comments Alan Akins residing at 5949 Sherry Ln. Ste 1220, Dallas, Texas 75225 addressed Council stating that he was the owner and G. T. Wise was the applicant requesting zoning for a facility that would be a reporting center to direct work to other sites. Mayor Mondy asked if the facility would hold spare parts in inventory. Mr. Akins stated that he could not address that but knew there would be no work performed at this site. Mayor Mondy asked City Manager Manson if this site was across from the new fire station #3. City Manager Manson stated that it was. Mayor Mondy asked Ms. Manson if this was the best use of this site. Ms. Manson stated that the land use plan does reflect industrial zoning. One of the uses that were directly north and west, across Eubanks is the TXU development; this is a pretty good use for the area. She explained that the site plan is a draft and not a formal approved site plan, but does show a little bit of outside storage,which will be screened per the Wylie code. Public Hearing Mayor Mondv opened the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. No one was present to address Council during the public hearing. Mayor Mondv closed the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Council Discussion Councilman Young stated that he had been contacted by two residents that live just down the street on W. A. Allen. They were against this zoning because it was infringing on the neighborhood due to the development of the new fire station and requested a different use of the area. They also had concerns regarding the owner/operator selling the property to someone else with a different usage of the property, and the de-valuation of their property. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Councilman White to approve Ordinance No. 2006-60 amending the zoning from Neighborhood Services (NS) to Light Industrial (LI) District, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Eubanks. ZC 2006-12. A vote was taken and passed 4-1 with Mayor Mondy, Councilman Newsom, Councilman White and Mayor Pro Tem Porter voting for and Councilman Young voting against. Councilman Hogue and Council Byboth were absent. Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 2 Tabled Items Tabled Item from September 26, 2006 2. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE): Consider, and act upon, acceptance of the resignation of Eric Brown and the appointment of a new member to the Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 2005 to July 2007. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter to remove Item#2 (appointment of a new Construction Code Board member) from the table. Consensus of Council was to remove and consider. Staff Comments City Secretary Ehrlich addressed Council stating that at the request of the Council, the City Secretary contacted the applicants from 2006 who had indicated a desire to serve on the Construction Code Board. Christine Eustace and Chad Tittle have indicated that they are willing to serve the unexpired term ending June 30, 2007. She explained that both applicants had been interviewed by the 2006 Board Interview Panel and they could make recommendations based on those interviews. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Mayor Pro Tem Porter (Interview Board Chairman) what his recommendation was. Mayor Pro Tem Porter stated that the panel had interviewed both applicants and he did not have a particular choice on either applicant. He asked Council if any member had a preference. Mayor Pro Tem Porter explained that Mr. Tittle had been a resident of Wylie for 16 years and had a little more background regarding the Construction Code Board. Mayor Pro Tem Porter stated that if he were to make a recommendation, it would be for Mr. Tittle. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter, seconded by Councilman White to accept the resignation of Eric Brown from the Construction Code Board and to appoint Chad Tittle to serve the unexpired term of July 2005 to July 2007. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. General Business 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of Resolution No. 2006-26(R) supporting an alignment for Parker Rd. (FM 2514) at the intersection of FM 1378. (C. Holsted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed Council stating that on September 14, 2006, a public meeting was held to discuss alignment alternatives for FM 2514 at the intersection with FM 1378. The Collin County engineering consultant — Birkhoff, Hendricks, and Conway — presented five alignment alternatives as shown on the display presented to Council. The City of Wylie Thoroughfare Plan currently reflects alignment as option#2. Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 3 Mr. Hoisted reviewed the five options for the intersection and stated that the least expensive option was option #2. He explained that option #3 would also work but would require more structures with this alignment. He stated that option #4 went thru a portion of property that is currently platted in the City of Wylie and option #5 would not be recommended as it would take out a retail intersection from the City. Mayor Mondy asked which option Lucas was in favor of. Mr. Hoisted replied that they were in favor of option #5 and St. Paul had passed a resolution in favor of option #2. Mayor Mondy asked what would be wrong with recommending the same alignment as is presently there. Mr. Hoisted stated that this was a traffic issue. City Manager Manson stated that the last draft of the mobility plan update, that she saw, had some alternative roads which included an east—west road parallel to the north of Parker coming east and lining up with the bridge that will go over Lake Lavon. City Engineer Hoisted suggested tabling the item to allow him time to have a discussion with the developer of the Estates of Creekside (option #4) and see what his thoughts might be as well as property owners in the area. Consensus of Council was to table the item in order to speak with property owners. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Porter to table consideration of Resolution 2006-26(R) supporting an alignment for Parker Road (FM 2514) at the intersection of FM 1378 to the November 14, 2006 Council meeting to allow time for the City Engineer to gather more information. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. 4. Consider, and act upon, awarding the City's Bank Depository Contract for FY 2006-2010. (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that the finance department solicited bids for the City's depository services through an RFP process. The solicitation included basis banking services, merchant banking services, lockbox services, and on-line banking services. The contract is for four years. Four banks responded: American National Bank, Inwood National Bank, Capital One Bank, and JP Morgan/Chase Bank. Mr. Williamson explained that he had reviewed all bids and submitted to Council a report showing each bid proposal and comparisons between the four bids. He stated that it was the Finance Department's recommendation to award the bid to JP Morgan/Chase Bank due to the cost effectiveness of the bid. He explained that the cost structure was almost $13,000 less than the next lowest bidder and in the opinion of the finance department, the facilities and services provided were superior to the other bids. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked Mr. Williamson to explain how there was such a disparity between the bid submitted by JP Morgan and the other three bids. Mr. Williamson explained that the major reason was because the other banks were subcontracting some of their services which added additional costs to the City. JP Morgan had all banking services requested "in-house"which brought the cost of the service lower. Some of these services were the lock box and merchant banking. Mayor Mondy asked if the cost per year was fixed. Mr. Williamson stated that it was locked in for a four year period. The volume would be the only change in cost. Mr. Williamson also explained that JP Morgan was offering $15,000 to assist with the costs for bank transfers and additional costs for the printing of checks and other services. Mayor Mondy questioned the offering stating that the thought of someone giving the City $15,000 to do business with them seemed unusual. Mr. Williamson explained that this was an offer to offset the costs of moving from one bank to another. Councilman Young asked if a four year contract was required in the past. Mr. Williamson stated that the last contract had been in place since 1999. Mayor Mondy asked if First Southwest had reviewed the bids. Mr. Williamson stated that they had not. Mayor Mondy asked if Mr. Williamson had any problem with allowing First Southwest to review the bids as these bids had an extreme amount of data and included a large amount of money. Mr. Williamson stated that he did not have a problem with First Southwest reviewing the bids prior to awarding the bid. Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 4 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Newsom, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Porter to table awarding the City's Bank Depository Contract for FY 2006-2010 to the November 14, 2006 City Council meeting to allow time for First Southwest to review the bid documents. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. 5. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-61 amending Ordinance No 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential Fees; Deposits). (L. Williamson, Finance Director) Staff Comments Finance Director Williamson addressed Council stating that on February 14, 2006, the City Council amended the solid waste and recycling contract with Allied Waste Systems, Inc. A major effect of the amended contract was to increase the fees charged to the City for residential trash pickup from $8.60 to $9.85 per month, effective March 1, 2006. This represented an increase of 14.5 % or$1.25 a month. The City has maintained its trash rate to city residents of $9.86 per month, effectively absorbing the new rate increase during FY 2005-2006. With the new increase in cost, the City is currently purchasing the service for $9.85 a month and selling the service for $9.86. He stated that he was requesting that the rates be increased by the 14.5% or$1.25 a month to offset the cost for contracting the service. Council Discussion Mayor Mondy asked if the new recycling bins were part of the new services provided by Allied Waste. Mr. Williamson stated that it was. City Manager Manson stated that the increase has been paid by the City to Allied since the contract was approved earlier this year. The City has not been charging residents for this increase in rates provided by the new contract and paid by the City. The proposed increase would recoup the cost the city has been paying to Allied. Mr. Williamson explained that the options were: to increase the rates by $1.25, leave the fees the same and allow the city to absorb the increase out of reserve funds, or implement the increase in yearly increments. Mayor Mondy asked Assistant City Manager Butters what his recommendation would be. Assistant City Manager Butters stated that he was in favor of the increase to assure that future expenditures in next year's budget would not be impacted by loss of revenues. City Manager Manson stated that the rates needed to be increased or a mid-year amendment would be required to account for the expenses, not reflected in the budget. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter, seconded by Councilman White to approve Ordinance No. 2006-61 amending Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Subsection 9.01 (Residential Fees; Deposits) and increasing the residential trash pickup by $1.25. A vote was taken and passed 4-1 with Mayor Mondy, Mayor Pro Tern Porter, Councilman Newsom, and Councilman White voting for and Councilman Young voting against. Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth were absent. 6. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Retainer Agreement between the City of Wylie and Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, P.C. and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents related thereto. (M. Manson, City Manager) Staff Comments City Manager Manson addressed Council stating that Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin have represented the City of Wylie since 1994. For the majority of that time, the Retainer Agreement between the City and the firm has been on a per- hour basis. In April 2005 an Agreement was approved which Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 5 established an annual retainer of $102,000 and Litigation Services at a rate of $200.00 per hour for Partners, $185.00 per hour for Associates, and $75.00 per hour for Legal Assistants. The attached Retainer Agreement proposed by the firm reverts the City to the type of agreement utilized between the City and the firm from 1994—2005. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Young, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Porter to approve a Retainer Agreement between the City of Wylie and Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Joplin, P.C. and authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents related thereto. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read captions to Ordinances #2006-60 and #2006-61 into the official records. ADJOURNMENT Council Action With no further business before Council, Councilman Newsom mad a motion to adjourn at 6:57 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes—October 10, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 6 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, October 12, 2006 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Mondy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council Members present were: Mayor Pro Tem Carter Porter, Councilman Merrill Young, Councilman Rick White and Councilman Earl Newsom. Councilman Red Byboth and Councilman Eric Hogue were absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Finance Director, Larry Williamson; Interim Fire Chief, Noe Flores; Planning Director, Renae' 011ie; Library Director, Rachael Orozco; Public Information Officer, Mark Witter, and City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Newsom gave the Invocation and Councilman Young led the Pledge of Allegiance. WORK SESSION • Presentation and discussion regarding site selection for the construction of the new Library, City Hall and Recreation Center. (ARCHITEXAS, Architect/Thomas. S. Byrne, Ltd, Construction Manager) City Manager Manson introduced Malcolm Holzman, FAIA, and Design Principal representing Holzman Moss. Mr. Holzman thanked council and stated that the team had several options to present to Council regarding the placement of the buildings. Mr. Holzman then turned the presentation over to Craig Melde representing Architexas and the Principal in Charge of the projects. Mr. Melde took a moment to introduce the team from Architexas, Holtzman Moss, and Byrne Construction that would be working on the Wylie Library, City Hall and Recreation Center projects. They were: David Chase, Project Manager (Architexas); Ching-Wen Lin, Project Manager (Holzman Moss); Martin Lehman, Project Manager for Thomas S. Byrne, (Construction Managers-Cost Control) and Patrick White, Project Cost Estimator for Thomas S. Minutes—October 12, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 1 Byrne. He also presented a spread sheet compiled with all spaces within the buildings based the Brinkley Sergeant Assessment Study and conversations with the department heads for revisions to that study. These spaces included spacing for furniture and equipment. Mr. Holzman reported that in reviewing the spaces with departments, additional spaces were note, taking the project for the City Hall from the Brinkley Sergeant Study of 38,000 sq. ft. to 44,000 sq. ft. Included in the increase was taking Parks Department personnel from their current location to the new city hall which accounts for one half of the additional space. The library square footage has decreased slightly for the first phase of the project from 35,000 to 32,000 sq. ft. He explained that each department would review the spaces in the presentation this week, for acceptance, and also recommend areas that could be converted to "shared spaces" for cost effectiveness. Once this information was obtained and Council had determined the site for the projects, the team would report back to Council with detailed information regarding the economics of the projects and the issuing of bonds, in relation to sequencing of the projects; taking into effect the escalation in costs over the next few years. This could be reported at the next scheduled meetings on November 2nd and 3rd. Mr. White, cost estimator for Thomas S. Byrne reported that costs for construction were increasing rapidly and sites that required the purchase of land, reconstruction of sewer and water lines and other items such as abatement of old buildings would increase the cost of building on those sites. Mr. Holzman presented several scenario plans for placement of the buildings on the Wells Property as well as in the downtown area. He asked for direction regarding these scenarios and placement of one or more buildings in the downtown area. Mayor Mondy asked Council if anyone had a desire to see one or more of the buildings downtown. Councilman Newsom stated that he would like to see City Hall downtown but because of the cost restraints, he did not believe this would be possible. Mayor Mondy then asked Council to return to regular session and entertain a motion regarding the selection of the property site for construction of the three buildings. Mayor Mondv convened into open/regular session at 6:40 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, selection of property for construction of the new Library, City Hall and Recreation Center. (M. Manson, City Manager) Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Porter, seconded by Councilman Young to select the site for construction of the new Library, City Hall and Recreation Center on the property known as the "Wells Property". A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. Mayor Mondv reconvened into work session to discuss options within the Wells property for the placement of the proposed buildings at 6:43 p.m. WORK SESSION (con't) • Presentation and discussion regarding site selection for the construction of the new Library, City Hall and Recreation Center. (ARCHITEXAS, Architect/Thomas. S. Byrne, Ltd, Construction Manager) Minutes—October 12,2006 Wylie City Council Page 2 Mr. Holzman continued his presentation of the placement of the buildings within the Wells property. He explained that the buildings could be placed in several different ways. One would be to "cluster" the buildings into one structure, or adjacent structures. By placing them together, there could be a placement of a plaza or open public area in addition to the landscape around it. This concept would also be cost effective with shared parking. It could also include a building with shared facilities such as a café and conference rooms. He explained that another option would be to construct the recreation center around other recreation/sports areas and the library and city hall could have adjacent relationships to each other. A-1 placed the buildings together as one space or three adjacent buildings with an open public area (parking facing Brown/ east side of 1378). A-2 was the same scenario with the buildings to the west of 1378 with parking facing Brown Street. A-3 placed the buildings together to the east of 1378 with parking facing Brown Street but added additional parking in front of City Hall as well as parking on either side of the buildings. B-1 placed the recreation center to the east of 1378 with parking on Brown Street and added other outdoor recreation areas in close proximity. It placed the library and city hall to the south of the utility lines and near SH 544. B-2 separated city hall and the library to the west of 1378 with parking off Brown Street and the recreation center to the east of 1378 with other recreational fields close by. C-1 placed all three buildings apart with City Hall being to the west of 1378, the recreation center being east of 1378 and the library being to the far east of 1378 and parking for all three buildings facing Brown Street and adjacent to each building. C-2 placed each building to the east along 1378 with parking in between each building. C-3 displayed the buildings meandering through the east portion of the property with a road connecting all three buildings. D-1 and D-2 were displays of one or more of the buildings downtown. Council had concerns with C-2 and C-1 because of the scale and separation of the buildings and no curb appeal. They also had concerns with C-3 because of the cost to build the road to connect the three buildings but liked the setting of the buildings with the road design. Some conversation by council was discussed regarding B-2, due to the way the buildings were split apart. After some discussion regarding the proposed options, direction from Council was to give cost estimates for A-1, A-3 (also showing the buildings facing north and closer to 1378), B-1 (also placing all three buildings in this location with possibly 3 story buildings, if needed to fit the area) and C-3 showing the building meandering thru the east side of the property. Council also asked to see the cost savings of combing the three buildings together. City Manager Manson also reported that the Parks Board would update the Parks Master Plan and bring back to Council to show possible usage of other areas of the property. ADJOURNMENT Council Action With no further business before Council, Councilman Newsom made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Consensus of Council was to adjourn with Councilman Hogue and Councilman Byboth absent. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Minutes—October 12, 2006 Wylie City Council Page 3 ti . �s., i W.BROWN STREET O aS - I/s (�, 150 135 125 rf . . U 7 j I '`\ , / I1 (-----1 ! } \ Ws,., /) ---7 1 , //' ��N. / i , • . C17 .. I., , , fl: Ar: ti` `1. /! T1 i �/ � 1 1 t r • _5 ? . i ; IN ENDENT FM•Sy4 a` � 1 \ 1 SCH L D47 RICT \p ✓ w J E 15 . CITY HALL - LIBRARY ir REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS : RAILROAD -- HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED EM.1378 1 0 . 1 2 .06 SITE SCHEME A-1 CITY OF WYLIE A HOLZMANMOS WELLS PROPERlY COMBINED CITY HALL,UBRNY,&REC CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS ARCHITECTURE 6 .,....., - W.BROWN STREET P ( 150 125 1135 r_4 f I i f l 150 I I ,r____ , ri / . ' iLIH 1 ....-__ D .____ , , . .‹ I to r �� �� r( - I.. t 1 , ------:1 C:1-17 .......%. 't rz ,j` ... .... , .. ,, .. , ..... ,, /I ij:" ,,,, r ,/ f I j., E.--., ir ir_____ -_ --jr iir _._ _ A .s T �S ' N,� . 1 L i N F • / \, INo ENDENT H•544 w; e I � stN o�rwa II.- , - s �.- � L_... s m mw sa m . CITY HALL I LIBRARY 111 REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS RAILROAD — HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED EM.1378 1 0 . 1 2 .06 SITE SCHEME A-2 CITY OF WYLIE 6, HO ANiLZM MOSS WELLS PROPERTY COMBINED CITY HALL,LIBRARY,&RECCENTER WYLIE, TEXAS ARCHITECTURE i \ 1 ) •••• .� <. / I W.BROWN STREET ' ,,.,„/ 127 I ( i 1 (........ 1111111111111111 6 _, . ..,, . i ' ,' ' \ ''.- ---' .c ri ', 7 / i LJLJ��N 1 ���, •P' ,' i r : , j ,,, ,,, 1 ,, , , , k• 0 / / j `..� , .. r 1, / .e,• A f • f • .. _ i , ____.----- 7\---- . , _. _ . -'4-- 1 7.5 / WYLIE'INDEPENDENT FM 5 4 4i. a N ri ` XHOOL DISTRICT j ! \ i 7- �; / 5 IICITY HALL Illr LIBRARY ■ REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS RAILROAD — HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED F.M.1378 1 0 . 1 2 .06 SITE SCHEME A-3 CITY OF WYLIE H�� WELLS PROPERTYCOMBINEDCfTYHALL,LIBRARY,&REC CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS ARCHITECTURE . .. _ \ •-.:. - ,ita, I . :._ -' ---- ...........- . _ / , I W.BROWN STREET I , \ ' •-,, 150 111:1 // 1 if/ / . — / 1 \ . . \ — / I \ l' .. /, ,,f • ' I . 11 . \ , . . \ I to ... . .;';.' 1 1 I 4-----• 4 k'r r ..,. . / ta . / I ) / ' / I - ,......•.....i. ‘-'.\• . ./ MIMS*•IMMIllpft.. 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J 1 (,./ �• i/ - u r 4.,.r.r�► N-_--72- ( , 1 zli ) ----j 1 / / \ '1/4„ . , ' N r I D ENDENT FM'549 w \E (( D1�7RICTj I 7*a s r 1mwa 407 _ 11 Lt ■ CITY HALL UBRARY REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS RAILROAD --- HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED F.M.1378 1 0 . 1 2 .06 SITE SCHEME B-2 CITY OF WYLIE • ' HOLZMAN MOSS WFIIS PROPERTY COMBINED CITY HALL&LIBRARY WYLIE,TEXAS ARCHITECTURE 1 �`• t i W.BROWN STREET / i { 125 I { 150 135 . , 150 t I I . ,,r,El i / 1 1�i! / ,,____. /�' / I D \ . , , .,../ , .. r--7.. , N. 4� / J. i 1, 1 .. . ., / J )1/0 r". / , ,) -' /) / (411'—i • / �� J �—. Li ) , :, /Z -t .3---- \ \, '1 1 1 �a • N itil HT FM ` , W -'''''''-/-... .... 15 s/ L . r ry ar wr WY ■ CITY HALL in LIBRARY III REC CENTER PARKING a TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS RAILROAD -- HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED F.M.1378 SITE SCHEME C-1 CITY OF WYLIE HOpLi 1 0 . 1 2 .06 WELLS PROPERTY INDEPENDENT CITY HALI,LIBRARY,&REC.CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS ARCHITECTURE 1 J i :--1 Li , „, 1 - ; W.BROWN STREET / • t I , i I 1501--- / '1 1 ..i i , / 1 . i iso ,— .j i I. I /. ) ( / / I j Afillart. ' .---- I , 1 . 4........... 17) . ,...'/ r / V(/' . 44,..A.,41111111111* 1 \ , - - ... .. ' / 1 ' Ts. . .S,. 'N.. ....,.. . . / l' 4 I ' ) • i ..,/ .,,/ .? I i i:, '/'/ \ —...--...._ . , ,. I .• ---_ —.----,..: E-------1115 IT/ . . .„._ . ,,^ 7 - f //.1( \ .. 1 . _J---- , i . 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LIBRARY III REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS *r±- RAILROAD HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED F.M.1378 1 0 . 1 2 .0 6 SITE SCHEME C-3 CITY OF WYLIE N��e ne WELLS PROPERTY INDEPENDENT CITY HALL,LJBRARY,&REC.CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS ARCHItTECTURE i.) ! 1 L I 1 IP 1 L. 1 E.BROWN ST. - "MP tali 104'P- me Ai Itt 10,11 kn. MA FE 0‘4' =a E.JEFFERSON ST. ----- __. sia&rs— --I 1---- iii i-------„-----, 1 Li , ' , ,, --,,t-i I '11 -11 i 1 a ):7,_!. ' 1 i t ' LI i j 1 . w Lb , ____i' s. ' . L . E.MARBLE ST. )111 .c ii _.____________-----, 7 pm i/- 1 -1 , 1 ,_i =t) . ! g 14 IA Yli ! L ril ------ , 1 , - v--z 7" Tr ri---77-------- rL--- ---75-77---1 r - -------7 ,,...7- a >. i , -- i t : i .-- , II] 1 —__, / I I vi W Pi E \ ,1 ,-.s.- i3 k 6t; NO 0 // _._._____-_-,.. ---- , „ /' /1 -- • 7-/ 7 r----- - 0 ® _ .`T"., .n..—w.ors . r..nr._, ' t .:, W.BROWN STREET /. r :, I . ' ' ' '' / 13s 150 I. .,-, --11 ' inn i i , /, El Di _______ ... :.„ , / ,, / , , ,„, , N . , , i ) .._ 4.. ',1 _., i ,,,, / 1k r-0 s` l f I i' n / 1 (j) . \- z I 8 s / _-_ t 1 ( jx 1 !--, { ir--7--- j--7 .r- j (,_ • iy" . WWYLIEIE'"INDEPENDENT �W 5. W` \ SCHOOL DISTRICT r \. Y (1)\:--- � . ,ems.. s QG MICITY HALL 1111 LIBRARY 011 REC CENTER PARKING TREE LINE FLOOD PLAIN EASEMENTS T RAILROAD — HIKING TRAIL PROPOSED F.M.1378 9 SITE SCHEME D-1 CITY OF WYLIE HOLZM; M 1 0 . 1 •O 6 WELLS PROPERTY REC CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS INIII A:$ .-45 d ECTeRE NA , it) , , 1 it ___I i _. ... E.BROWN St •Iti riciaz itt= / , • v,... ert..... If 1"6 i a !1 liktith... /ill , ?ma FE ___ _, ___ ... ......1 I E.JEFFERSON ST. imill — 1 --- -----1 1----- iii ....... ._, , , ... 1 Li. 1 w , O. J1 1 i 2 _ )011 ( ..c E.MARBLE ST. 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HOLntIAN.ffilia*, 1 0 . 1 2 .06 WELLS PROPERlY LIBRARY&REC.CENTER WYLIE,TEXAS ommi galtke.t.CTURE 7; Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: B Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Carole Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: October 11, 2006 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon,adoption of Ordinance No. 2006-62 amending Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2-41 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to remove the designation of the City Secretary as the City Treasurer from the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Recommendation A motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-62 amending Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2-41 of the Wylie code of Ordinances to remove the designation of the City Secretary as the City Treasurer from the Wylie code of Ordinances. Discussion In reviewing the current Wylie Code of Ordinances, staff found that Article III, Section 2-41 designates the City Secretary as the City Treasurer. This designation has not been in effect for many years and needs to be repealed from our current code. Each year, the Wylie Code of Ordinances is supplemented; deleting obsolete sections and adding new ordinance sections for the current year. Staff requests Council approval of this ordinance in order to remove this designation during the 2006 supplementation of the code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 10-11-06 City Manager "lM iD- I$- D4 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO.2006-62 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE III (OFFICERS), SECTION 2-41 (CITY SECRETARY TO ACT AS CITY TREASURER) OF THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie")to amend Chapter 2,Article III (Officers), Section 2-41 (City Secretary to act as City Treasurer)of the Wylie Code of Ordinances to remove the designation of the City Secretary as the City Treasurer from the Wylie Code of Ordinances, as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Chapter 2, Article III (Officers), Section 2-41 (City Secretary to act as City Treasurer) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2-41 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2-41 Reserved. SECTION 3: Savings/Repealing Clause. Wylie Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 5: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption. Ordinance No.2006-62 Ordinance repealing Article III, Section 2041 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances 1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS on this 24th day of October, 2006. JOHN MONDY, Mayor ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance No.2006-62 Ordinance repealing Article III, Section 2041 of the Wylie Code of Ordinances 2 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: C Department: City Secretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared: September 26, 2006 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Ordinance Subject Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2006-63 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2007. Recommendation A motion to approve Ordinance No. 2006-63 setting the time and place for all regular City Council Meetings in 2007. Discussion The City of Wylie Home Rule Charter in Article III, Section 9 states that the City Council shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and as many additional meetings as it deems necessary to transact the business of the City. The City Council shall fix, by ordinance, the date and time of the regular meetings. Special meetings of the City Council shall be held on the call of the mayor or a majority of the City Council members. By this ordinance, the dates and times of all regular meetings in 2007 will be set. During the months of November and December one meeting per month has been scheduled due to the holidays. Upon request of the Council, additional meetings can be scheduled. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CE 9-26-06 City Manager Mm ID- IS-06 Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-63 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, HEREBY SETTING THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES FOR 2007 FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, REPEALING AND SEVERANCE CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council normally meets on the 2„d and 4th Tuesday of each month; and WHEREAS, the City Charter requires the City Council to meet at least once each month; and WHEREAS, many citizens, City employees and elected officials take vacations or are unavailable during the holidays; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it will be beneficial and in the best interests of the public to set forth its regular meeting dates for 2007. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby determines that regular meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for the first ten months of 2007 (January through October) and on the 2nd Tuesday in November and December, 2007, which shall be on the following dates: January 9 and 23, 2007 July 10 and 24, 2007 February 13 and 27, 2007 August 14 and 28, 2007 March 13 and 27, 2007 September 11 and 25, 2007 April 10 and 24, 2007 October 9 and 23, 2007 May 8 and 22, 2007 November 13, 2007 June 12 and 26, 2007 December 11, 2007 SECTION 3: Nothing herein shall prohibit the City Council from canceling or changing the regular meeting dates established herein or from holding special or other meetings as allowed by law. SECTION 4: The City Council's regular meetings shall generally begin at 6:00 p.m. and are usually held at 2000 Hwy. 78 N., Wylie, Texas in the City Council meeting chambers in City Hall, however the exact time and location for each meeting shall be posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. SECTION 5: Savings/ Repealing Clause. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of Ordinance No.2006-63 Ordinance Establishing Meeting Dates for 2007 Page 1 the repealed Ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the Ordinance. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 7: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS,on this 24th day of October, 2006. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST TO: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Ordinance No.2006-63 Ordinance Establishing Meeting Dates for 2007 Page 2 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: D Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 613-5723 Date Prepared: 10/11/06 Budgeted Amount: $ 2,759,000.00 Exhibits: Change Order#2 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of Change Order#2 for the Creekside 2 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank to Landmark Structures, reducing the contract amount by $28,000.00. Recommendation Motion to approve Change Order#2 for the Creekside 2 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank to Landmark Structures,reducing the contract amount by$28,000.00. Discussion The cathodic protection originally bid with the tank included a sacrificial anode system. It was recommended by the contractor to switch to an alternate paint system which will provide the same level of protection with a reduced cost and lower maintenance. Also included in the change order is an alternate mixing system designed by Landmark which decreases the cost by$20,000. Because the reduction is greater than$25,000,the change order must be approved by Council. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 10/11/06 City Manager (\t1A 10,1 1 f D 6 Page 1 of 1 i 1 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS I 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. PAUL A.CARLINE,P.E. MATT HICKEY,P.E. October 1 1,2006 DOUGLAS K.SHOWERS,P.E. 1 Mr.Chris Amarante Landmark Structures,L.P. 1665 Harmon Road Fort Worth,Texas 76177 RECEIVED OCT 1 3 2006 Re: City of Wylie—Creekside 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank LANDMARK STRUCTURES l Change Order No.2 Dear Mr.Amarante: We are enclosing three(3)copies of Change Order No.2 for the City of Wylie's Creekside 2 MG Elevated Storage Tank project. This change order covers the following items regarding proposed changes to the 1 tank: • Deletion of the Cathodic Protection System • Revision of the Interior and Exterior Painting Systems . • Substitution of the Landmark Tank Mixing System • Substitution of the Option-4 Logo Please review this change order and if you concur have each copy executed for Landmark Structures,L.P. and return them to our office for further distribution. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding this project. Sincerely, e_,: de--(4. 04...,1%---- Joe R.Carter,P.E. Enclosures fi cc: Mr.Chris Holsted,P.E. 3 Mr.Joseph Tidwell i j:kla;can Scl2OO4-IO7 creckside ufllam.kwmhuaionk4324rodnrrEaoc CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS CREEKSIDE 2 MG ELEVATED STORAGE TANK CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 A. INTENT OF CHANGE ORDER The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract entered into between the City of Wylie, Texas and Landmark Structures L.P., 1665 Harmon Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76177, for construction of the Creekside 2MG Elevated Storage Tank, dated January 10, 2006. B. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE a) Delete the Cathodic Protection System as submitted in Shop Drawing Submittal No. 10,reviewed on May 3,2006. b) Revise the interior and exterior painting system in accordance with the proposed 10-mil interior and exterior painting system described in a letter from Landmark Structures,dated June 15,2006. c) Substitute the two-tier Tank Mixing System in accordance with the modeling analysis submitted for review by Landmark Structures with a letter dated July 20, 2006. Landmark Structures shall provide a twenty-five year warranty on the mixing system. d) Substitute the Option-4 Logo for the original City of Wylie Logo as shown in an email from Landmark Structures dated June 23,2006. C. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT AMOUNT This change order will have the following effect on the cost of this project: Item Previous Quantity Revised Amount No. Description Quantity This C.O. Quantity Unit Unit Price of Change 2-a Delete Cathodic Protection System 1 (1) 0 L.S. $8,000.00 ($8,000.00) 2-b Revise Interior&Exterior Painting Syst. 1 0 1 Ea. $0.00 $0.00 2-c Substitute Landmark Tank Mixing System 0 1 1 Ea. ($20,000.00) ($20,000.00) 2-d Substitute Option-4 Lop 1 0 1 Ea. $0.00 $0.00 - Total: ($28,000.00) Original Contract Amount: $ 2,759,000.00 Change Order No. 1 $ (21,740.00) Change Order No.2 $ (28,000.00) Revised Contract Amount: $ 2,709,260.00 1:d«;c,avyue2004.107« ,;aeWc s, omR,ko-2.aoC (10/i1/2006) Page 1 of 2 City of Wylie Creekside 2 MG Elevated Storage Tank Change Order No.2 D. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT TIME The work required under this change order will add no calendar days to this project. Change Order No. 1 0 calendar days Change Order No.2 0 calendar days Revised Contract Time: 400 calendar days The completion date for the project will be revised as follows: Notice To Proceed Issued February 6,2006 400 Calendar Days Bid March 13,2007(Original Completion Date) Change Order No. 1 (0 Calendar Days) March 13,2007(Change Order# 1 Completion Date) Change Order No.2(0 Calendar Days) March 13,2007(Change Order#2 Completion Date) E. AGREEMENT By the signatures below of duly authorized agents,the City of Wylie,Texas and Landmark Structures, L.P., do hereby agree to append this Change Order No. 2 to the original contract between themselves, dated January 10,2006. City of Wylie Landmark Structures,L.P. Owner Contractor By: By: (signature) (signature) Name: Name: C71/7J IAG'l44"lc, (please print) (please print) Title: Title: Pe6 , E / 14 4-�✓� (please print) V (please print) Date: Date: /Di/ 7/ Attest: Attest: jAckticdlwybel2004 07 credal&eerlgpe akhange orders\co-ldoc (10/11/2006) Page 2 of 2 Pro 4e 60 LANDMARK 1685 Harmon Road Fort Worth,Texas U.S.A.76177 Tel:(817)439-8888 Fax:(817)439-9001 June 15,2006 Birkhoff Hendricks&Conway,LLP 7502 Greenville Ave.,Suite 220 Dallas,TX 75231 Attn: Joe R. Carter,P.E. Re: Creekside 2.0 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank City of Wylie,Texas Dear Sir. We propose the following credits and additions to the contract concerning the cathodic protection and paint system. I have outlined our proposed changes below. 1. Cathodic P tection System Credit$8,000.00 Delete the cathodic protection system per submittal number 10,Cathodic Protection System,review date May 3,2006. 2. age ucstcd Pkint System Cost:$22,200.00 Provide the requested paint system per submittal number 10,Cathodic Protection System,review date May 3,2006. Attached is the Requested Tank Coating System and Schedule which includes the 15.0 mils for the interior and 13.0 mils for the exterior. This cost includes the additional 5.0 mils for the interior and 3.0 mils for the exterior. We prefer to apply the total mils of the interior coating system at the proposed 10.0 mils. Applying the interior coating system at the requested 15.0 mils would require an application of 18.0 mils to ensure that no areas are below the requested mils. This is right at the maximum for the products and would be pushing most of our applicators. It is our belief that we get the best work when we have our applicators and products used within ranges easily achieved. This 10.0 mil interior and exterior system was used at the Carrollton project. Design Innovation•Construction Excellence lithe proposed 10.0 mil system were chosen there would be a zero cost change for the paint system. Attached is the Proposed Tank Coating System and Schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions or if these changes are acceptable. Yours truly, LANDMARK TRUCTURES I,LP Chris Amarante Project Manager Attachments Design Innovation•Construction Excellence CITY OF WYUE CREEKSIDE 2.0 MIWON GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK REQUESTED-TANK COATING SYSTEM AND SCHEDULE Interior(Wet and Dry Locations) Shop Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Shop Prime International Interplate 937 0.6—1.0 mils Field Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Field Prime Tnemeo Series 91-H20 2.5—3.5 mils Field Finish Tnemec Series 141 (WHO3-Off White) 12.5—14,5 mils Minimum System DFT 15.0 mils Exterior Shop Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Shop Prime International Interplate 937 0.6—1.0 mils Reid Clean Brush Blast Field Clean Weld Seams SSPC SP-6(Commercial Blast) Field Prime Tnemec Series 91-H20 2.5—3.5 mils Field Intermediate Tnemec Series 20(1255 Beige) 5.5—7.0 mils Field Finish Tnemec Series 1074(57BR—Cloud) w/44-600 UV Blocker 5.0—7.0 mils Minimum System DFT 13.0 mils Logo Field Finish Tnemec Series 700(11 SF—Safety Blue) 2.5—3.0 mils tiols -All mils are true minimums. There will be no averaging. CITY OF WYLIE CREEKSIDE 2.0 MILIJON GALLON ELEVATED STORAGE TANK PROPOSED-TANK COATING SYSTEM AND SCHEDULE lntsrlor(Wet and Dry Locations) Shop Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Shop Prime international Interplate 937 0.8—1.0 mils Field Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Field Prime Tnemec Series 91-H20 2.5—3.5 mils Field Finish Tnemeo Series 141 (WH03.Off White) 7.6—14.6 mils Minimum System DFT 10.0 mils Exterior Shop Clean SSPC SP-10(Near White Metal Blast) Shop Prime International lnterplate 937 0.6—1.0 mils Field Clean Brush Blast Field Clean Weld Seams SSPC SP-6(Commercial Blast) Reid Prime Tnemec Series 91-H20 2.5—3.6 mils Field Intermediate Tnemec Series 20(1255 Beige) 4.0—6.0 mils Field Finish Tnemec Series 1074(57BR—Cloud) w144 600 UV Blocker 3.5—5.0 mils Minimum System OFT 10.0 mils • Logo Field Finish Tnemec Series 700(11 SF—Safety Blue) 2.0—3.0 mils fliSeL -AU mils are true minimums. Thera will be no averaging. THE BARRY GROUP, I.LC INDrP,NDIN1 PftifSFNILHYI 01 I1,1.M1((OMPINT IN(OPPOtrt:FD 7700 BISHOP ROAD.SUITE 240 'PIANO.IX 1S024 IEI:912.312-8440 FAX:922-312.8400 WWW.INEAIE(.(011 • June 15,2006 Mr.Chris Amarantc Mr.Jim Climo Landmark Structures,Inc. 1665 Harmon Road Ft.Worth,TX 76177 Re: Creekside 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank Wylie,TX Gentlemen, I have been asked to comment on the coating systems and different dry film thicknesses proposed on above referenced project,and the differences in life-expectancy the additional material may provide. The first proposed interior system,Tnemec Series 91-H20/Series 141 (10 dry mils total)should provide up to 40%increased life-expectancy over the specified two-coats of Tnemec Series 20 • (10 dry mils total). With an additional amount of Series 141 (ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 dry mils),we would expect additional service life of the system. It would be hard to predict the amount of additional life, but I would think you could add anywhere between 2-5 years. All of the above estimates above are based on the correct application of the systems. The exterior system utilizing zinc,should also provide up to 40%increased life-expectancy. By increasing the dry film thickness of the exterior system,you could expect to extend the service life by a couple of year. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, 1"-7-7V John M.Barry Tnemec Texas Representative 4 A LANDMARK STRUCTURES I, LP LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 1665 Harmon Road Fort Worth,Texas 76177 (817)439-8888 Date Job.No. Fax(817)439-9001 4/17/2006 1133 Attn: TO: City of Wylie-City Engineer Chris Holstead, P.E Re: 949 Hensley Lane Creekside 2 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Wylie,TX 75098 City of Wylie,Texas WE ARE SENDING YOU THE ATTACHED ITEMS: Copies Spec Section Article No. Submittal No. Description 1 TS.1 C.10 10 Cathodic Protection THESE ARE BEING TRANSMITTED: X Information for Record O&M Data Information for Engineer's Approval Return 2 Copies CERTIFICATION: This information has been reviewed and determined to be in compliance with the contract documents including plans and specifications as modified by addenda,change orders and field orders. Any exceptions to the contract documents are noted below. EXCEPTIONS/REMARKS: Six copies of this submittal have been forwarded to Birkhoff,Hendricks&Conway, LLP.for approval. LANDMARK STRUCTURES i, LP kl-AfEfiNSRALLOWING DRAWINGS AND/ORCTRER'S LITERATURE HAVE REVIEWED CHECKED AND OF MYOKNOWLEDGE,TH1 SU MI AAL ICON C N ORMANCE TS.WITH THE BY DATE Signed Chris Amarante 12 - 510 HANDHOLES CUT INTO THE TANK ROOF BY LANDMARK STRUCTURES ON A RADIUS OF 22', EVENLY • • SPACED EVERY 30' (degrees), ± SIX INCHES. • • • 93'5" • O: • ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PLACEMENT OF THE HANDHOLES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MILES STEELE • WITH CORRPRO WATERWORKS © (770)-761-5400 x-312 • • • FOR HANDHOLE AND SUSPENSION DETAIL, SEE CORRPRO DRAWING NO. HHC-CUT1. HWL 1 12 - TITANIUM MIXED METAL OXIDE ANODE STRINGS WITH EACH ( CONTAINING 39' OF .062"` ANODE WIRE, SUSPENDED 6' OFF THE TANK FLOOR. 2 - CORRPRO WATERWORKS - jIHRP-801 PERMACELLS. ( 45' • «) I - 1/2'0 GALVANIZED RIGID CONDUIT CONTAINING 2 - 6'; — -- • #12-7 STRAND THHN AND 1 - f 18-3C TW WIRES. *MODIFICATIONS MAY BE MADE TO MEET FIELD CONDITIONS. y flrq�•: LANDMARK STRUCTURES NEEDS TO ALLOW FOR AN AREA OF 3 SQUARE FEET NEAR THE ELECTRICAL PANEL TO 147' FACILITATE MOUNTING OF THE RECTIFIER. = 1 - CORRPRO WATERWORKS TASC VIII AUTOMATIC RECTIFIER = RATED AT 30 VOLTS AND 8 AMPS. _,�-- 115V/60Hz/10 A.C. SUPPLY BY OTHERS. Na DATE BY REVISION DRAWN BY M. STEELE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM p C O R R P RO OESIONEO 9Y M. STEELE_ 2,000,000 GALLON ELEV. TANK WATERWORKS ° E 4/13/06SCAL "Creekside Tank" CLEVELAND • ATLANTA • NEW YORK•PHOENfX2 CITY OF WYLIE SHEET 1 OF WTLIE1 WYLIE, TEXAS A 12 - 5 0 HANDHOLES CUT INTO THE TANK ROOF BY LANDMARK STRUCTURES ON A RADIUS OF 22', EVENLY • • SPACED EVERY 30' (degrees), t SIX INCHES. • • 93'5" • C-.) • ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PLACEMENT OF THE HANDHOLES SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MILES STEELE • WITH CORRPRO WATERWORKS 0 (770)-761-5400 z-312 • • • HWL 45' WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY: ■ LA\ DvMK STUCTUES, \ C . . 7 _. • • • 1 v. v. 147' :f'lLANDMARK STRUCTURES NEEDS TO ALLOW FOR AN AREA OF 3 SQUARE FEET NEAR THE ELECTRICAL PANEL TO FACILITATE MOUNTING OF THE RECTIFIER. 1 fdIIIIIIIIPIIIIIIIII -- 115V/60Hz/10 A.C. SUPPLY BY OTHERS. CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM © OP.A ' BY M. STEELE HANDHOLE & RECTIFIER LOCATION DETAIL • c O R PRO DESIGNED BY M. STEELE 2,000,000 GALLON ELEV. TANK WATERWORKS SCALE' 4/13/06 "Prestige Tank CLEVELAND • ATLAN TA • NEW YORK-PHOENIX 2 SHEET 2 GF CITY O F WYLIE N;`G WYLIE2 WYLIE, TEXAS 2,000,000 Gallon "Creekside" Composite Elevated Tank City of Wylie Wylie, Texas Insert input data here: Results Tank Diameter feet Current Required 8.0 amps Tank Height feet Voltage Required 5.2 volts Coating Efficiency coated steel Minimum Anode Matr. Req'd. 80 feet Current Density mAJsq.ft. l Anode Type._. 062" Titanium MMO... .. _ ..... Actual Len —._ . . Length of Anode a .: fe-et Water Resisitivity ohm-cm I Actual Rating of Rectifier Unit 4r:N j;'amps __..___._. ..--_-- . ._..... .Design Life-of-Anode-System:------117-..- --years-_-_-._.— _. DESIGN CALCULATIONS 2,000,000 Gallon "Creekside" Composite Elevated Tank City of Wylie Wylie, Texas COMPUTATIONS: 1 Surface Area to be Protected: Bare surface Area=Total Surface Area x(1 -Coating efficiency) AT= it (R2+2RLP) where: R= Tank Radius = 46.8 ft. Lp= Tank Height = 45.0 ft. AT=7E( x 46.8 x 46.8 +(2 x 46.8 x 45 )) AT= 20,084 sq.ft. Factoring in coating efficiency,the area of bare steel is: AB= AT x(1 - Cf) where: Cf= Coating Efficiency = 0.6 AB = AT X( 1 - 60.0% ) As= 8,034 sq.ft. 2 Current Required: The amount of current required to achieve protection is based upon the total submerged surface area of the tank, the type of coating and the condition of the coating as well as a chemical analysis of the water expressed in ohm-cm. IT= ABXCd where: Ca= Current density = 1.0 mAfsq.ft. IT= 8,033.8 x 1. IT= 8,034 mA or 8.0 Amps 3 Anode Type: Titanium Mixed Metal Oxide Wire Anode: Dimensions: diameter: 0.062 inches length: 5616 inches anode rating: 100 mA/ft L= 111A where: L= Minimum Bowl Anode Wire Length(feet) I= Total Current Required in Bowl(amps) IA. Anode Rated Output(amps/ft) L= 8.0 /0.1 (this is for anode material rated @ 100mA/ft.) L= 80 feet(minimum length required) 468 feet-actual length utilized within system design to ensure even current distribution within the tank. 4 Rectifier Voltage Rating: Dwight's equation for the anode's resistance to water is: p 0.0627 4 x L R= L (In ( r - - 1) R= Anode to Water resistance p= Water resistivity = 3,078 ohm-cm r= Anode radius = 0.031 inches L= Anode length = 5616 inches p 0.0627 ` 4 x 5,616. R= (In \ / - 1) 5,616.0 0.031 R= 0.43 ohms E= ( I )(R)(1.5) where: E=IRSF E= Rectifier Voltage(volts) =Required Current 8.034 amps R=Anode Resistance 0.429 ohms Sf=Safety Factor 50 % E= 8.0 x .4 x1.5 E= 5.2 D.C.Volts 5 Anode System Design Life: Cdr x 20 L= -------------- Cda where: L= Anode Life in Years Cdr= Rated Anode Output= 100mA/ft Cda=Actual Anode Output(mAlft) Cda= I/L where: I= Maximum Current Output in mA L= Total Length (feet)of Anode Material Actually Utilized _.Cda._=..._...8,033.8 --/- 468.._. _..17.2.. .. ... ...__ . (100)(20) 17.17 L= 117 year design life RECTIFIERS T.A.S.C. VIII. . Automatic Rectifier • • _-Rectifier-OperationlDescription . _..._ _......---._....-_...-...---. ..... . The Corrpower T.A.S_C.VIII rectifier is specifically designed to provide accurate,economical corrosion. ....__ .............. control for the submerged liffa—cilariteel water storage tanks and water/wastewater treatment units.The T.A.S.C.VIII is designed by NACE accredited cathodic • . protection engineers for optimum performance in. '",�i;` accordance withANSI/AWWAD104 Type IR Dro « ":: ' yp A, p s Free control standards.The T.S.C.VIII automatically .monitors and adjusts the DC output-required-for - . .. - •optimum corrosion control.The T.A.S.C.VIII control , unit is"equipped with an automatic:potential limit,which is adjusted to maintainAWWAP1(1'4At and MACE - • • • . '• - ' criteria for optimum cathodic protection corrosion - • • control while preventing over or under protection of the • coated surface:'Supeiior design,engineering and • - operationprovide owner/operators with long life,low -- ---. maintenance performance.The standard digital display f {, t — `f meters facilitate ease of monitoring,with perforrance • - •_ _ indicator lights on the front cabinet available as anj'- optional extra feature.Each T.A.S.C.VIII is both factory and job site tested to insure quality Workmanship and . - ' performance. ?; Standard Features • Totally_Automatic Control • + Flirn inatc4"IR"Drop Error • • Controls from 0 to 100%of Rated Output _ • Automatic Current Limiting f,". -� • Soft-Start Circuitry To Avoid High Power- a' :� • On In-Rush Currents • e'• ♦ Silicon Rectifier Stacks s P.Fay- i ♦ Upgraded Lightning Protection(AC and DC) . . # • Plug In Automatic Control Circuit Board • Manual Operation Mode - ;, --. - ♦ NEMA 4X Enclosure • High Intensity LED Digital Meters - • Individual Circuit Shunts • CSA(Canadian Standards Association)Approved - ♦ T.A.S.C.Status Indicator LED's On Instrument Panel: o Voltage Control ' o Current Control 11[CORRPRO o Potential Control COMPANIES INC • Pull Height Silk-Screened Instrument Panel For Every Comer of Yo'r World Waterworks Division-Sales and Operations • MO GEORGIA ARIZONA 1055 W.S118111 Road 581 Slgman Road,Suits 300 5643 N.52ndAvenue Medina,Ohio 44256 Conyers,Georgia 30012 Glendale,Adzoaa 85301 • Phone: 330.725.6681 Phone:770.761.5400 Phone:602.269.7641 . - Fax 330.723.6065 Floc 770.761.5410 Fax 523.842.9697 Web: Natlonel Service Canter 80D 443.3516 • • • AUX. CIRCUIT 0 CORRPRO WATERWORKS ADJUST A CORRPRO COMPANY 50 T.A.S.C. CATHODIC • PROTECTION RECTIFIER , • • *0. 100 • AUX. DC FUSE • I. 410)110 SF13X - . 0 0 ; • HIGH HIGH POTENTIAL MAIN DC FUSE. ADJUST - SE' POT. 0 Z0.0 V0LTN ETER� 0 0 SF13X NORMAL • • VOLTAGE • • SECONDARY AC FUSE LOW • 0 0 BLF/MEN ADJUST 5.00 - AN M ET E VOLTAGE CONTROL PO�A MONITOR CURRENT CURRENT — 850 . • POTENTIAL METER CONTROL (ACTUAL) POTENTIAL • 01DPOTENTIAL i (SET) I . MAIN CONTROLLER POWER , FUSE O REF. T (8(15.) MAIN) © © © • • 0 +V _ + VOLTS TOTAL • MDL 1/8 REF. 2 (RISER) 10nAMP 1 O ' • O © •RTS I MANUFACTURING DIVISION 11.,...r:-.9-1 i EDMONTON. M.BERTA, CANPOA © © ° AMPS �" I ,: " I FRONT VIEW OF CONTROL MONITORING PANES.FOR STR. REF. 1 REF. 2 1omY= LAMP �,,,, „� ._ix"'-.A°���. 4CJ�T(A,SC7f—YII CONTROL TYPE CTFER (DUAL POSITIVO _ aIm ram,ii�. w NN:ELF. a % 17 N0. "to- I > «a15�' n. , '�2°i°° 1000—T-0040 C o 0 © r. T O • A — TRgNSFORMER B — AC (DIODE BRIDGE • C — DC 1 LIGHTNING ARRESTOR • • ° ® 0 — DC OUTIUT TERMINAL BLOCK ® m m m ° E — AC 'INPUT TERMINAL BLOCK E D C B A, 1 2 3 4 5 O F — AC LIGHTNING ARRESTOR © COARSE TAPS FINE TAPS ° G — TASC VIr CONTROL PC BOARD J H — +5 VOLT SUPPLY PC BOARD O • L-i . © \ .. © . I — DC !METERING SHUNTS Q ° J — AUTO/MANUAL TOGGLE SWITCH I I 7v •i I C`1 • 0 11 2 3 4 5 6' 7 81 (M i OANUAL( QI i 0 0�mdm Oep00 a 120 VAC AC -RESTOR 1 PHASE INPUT O.C. OUTPUT DC ARRESTOR - 0 p 11!,,,, RTS MANUFACTURING DIVISION b. . EOMOKroN, AAA, Cwua'I aC tf-;s ThSC-�(NTROL`pMPTYPPEETS ON REM CROSSIS-FOR ' REMIT ( POSITIVE) 0 w...ez'�i°� ar^i'.„ SSCN.E: . SIZE: G DR11'C.NO. 85V. © O r WW: PATE 1128/9E 1000—T-004 C5+ a 1 i 1 . . • • i NEMA 4X CABINET IS. SIZED IN ACCORDANCE W/NEMA STANDARDS FOR• AIR. COOLING PROVISIONS. j / ' ' MOUNTING DIMENSIONS: • ,. (CENTER TO CENTER). o . . 1 s:oo`' .: .': WIDTH — 12.00" • HEIGHT — 18.75" • 17.375" AO HOLE': SIZE - 0.34" (1132) 'OVERALL CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS: ;ilk . ill , �A! MT WIDTH — 18.00' HEIGHT — 19.50" • i_ 19.50" I ! �) COMPOSITION: 1950" .,.r : FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) • NEMA RATING: NEMA 4X • I) �t� . ,4 D UAL! HASPS W/PROVISION . . .. . 40007 - . FOR :PADLOCKS i { 8.50" • 1 i . . • �• RTS MANUFACTURING DIVISION am+.; EDMONTON. ALBERTA• CANADA i waMw T L' UT AND DIMENSIONING OF TYPICAL. FI�tASS .l,,,,; ENCLOSURE FOR DISC-Y!I! CONTROL TYPE RECrw u } fr. I t' _ :. .: oi�xea ORM N a . no—T_nn�,n f"':t: TASC 'RECTIFIER SCHEMATIC _ _ r VOI. ,,,..U79 9.v.) — `y1 / RELAY (=.(NOTE 3) NOTES' FAULT J }PROTECTED l�1• �. - L) CONSULT RECTIFIER SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR RED '�T(`GREEN note 3Ct� ,• 0 _-n .PARTNUMBERSQUANTITIES, 'Jr •$4 ' 2J SELECT SWITCH/JUMPER FOR CORRECT INPUT VOLTAGE (7-•f"f v �_U ---� _ GOC-O.fA cN TE•a) Rd AS OLLOWSI �--� CfD�(NO7E 4) JPl 43R0 FOR 113VACi SELECT ILS ON SWITCH OR JUMPER 1-2 L 3-4. I 1 a 3 G WNI r-i • FOR 230VACI SELECT 230 ON SWITCH OR JUMPER 2-3 ONLY, (� .Io' LOW HIGH 1 r' 3.> JUMPER •A' L 'B• FOR +12VDC LAMPS. CUD �� •- 4J JUMPER L FOR CONTINEOUs MODE ONLY. • ACTUAL ID 111 _ 5 COH<NQ> TI' I �� >fOK9 11:3 � ADJUST ADJUSI ,¢_IFSV<N2) _ {IFUSE TYPE-GMQ-0.1A Cl KW , aJ OPTIONAL VOLTAGE PROGRAM RESISTORS (Vaut-2R52) K 10K. tREADSPO1, • q :�����tJJJJJJGE. Ld T,�Q`Tl(y��(y``�� , pO R WAIN, cO NT 1949 A. • SET '^"` •'^ ^"•RM ASSH. Noy MPS00001 • .{., I O R69 ! CONN1 POTENTIAL• lil,1 R6 • • _ CONTROL �. 1 ,a oRcc 53 Q cstiuNT +> ti.T TASC CONTROLLER Io •• R7 • P/N 00.00117-A ,-rp 1 S l N/0 QI (SHUNT —> C . �' 11 VOLTAGE R6B 0 MAIN<BQWL) POTENTIAL<1999 MVJ • • CONTROL AMMETER ' SELECTOR �. I R66 AUX,cRZ9ER) • CURRENT ^ 1Qa4a47119• •' CONTROL I h • i I CD.• T1 • • f,,I. . . . R9 10K, • • IFL • • CONTROLLER •' i FUSE 1 0.1uF • METERING TEST POINTS MAIN I AUX. •••=nr AUTO. VOLTS AMPS j AMPS l ' 'i MANUAL ^ A O O • .� Fit;4E c7994 J i 11PROGRAR Y ,II PROGRAN�. 4 -Q 1 W S2 (OPTIONAL) ' O+OTE e) REF CELL 1 T • v� REF CELL 2 9 REFERENCE • L. p'FS4 I /'CELL t L CELLREFERENCE 10 1•. (REFERENCE SELECTOR O� �/' C£Ll 2 • p 1 1•0 STRUCTURE g, }� • INPUT • • 1 ■ IN4004 F3 5 OHM, 75 WATT +� '®C E R� • I CBI MAIN TRANSFORMER I`RQR D3 D4 R AUX AMPS AC.BREAKER •T1 ,7� �� ^^^^_� 1 W AUX. DC FUSE (RISER) ANODE D E 1-—W : . (+) p����`'-' O • C�(OResLFL Gl G� (�'�,, • �� LI 1 I MAIN FUSE MAIN INY AMPS � 1 S Tar SECONDARYI • HUNT ANODE 0 �5 pp AC FUSE I SCRl SCR$ •. I • us VAC 1 • RECTIFIER GO HZ. ARREST SECONDARY 0 1—PH, o 1 SURGE ,i --�ACL ACr�O I �J D.c �2 l ARRESTOR 1 `" ARRESFOR ,•7 i I NEu� • I 1 o OUTPUT • • TAP 1=DI - De= 1 �s -> GND SCR/DIODE MODULE • TOTAL AMPS STRUCTURE • ��� fj7 CORRPRO WATERWORKS / Size Document; Number REV Title C A2P33ALM.TAS 1.0 • TASC , 115VAC, DUAL POSITIVE Date July 15,;t998 Sheet 1 0f 1 .. - . . . . . . . • . . - • • . .528" x 2—1/2'' SLOT welded crossbars . . . . . . • . . . . • • . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .... . .. .. . . . , , ._. , , , . • . . . • .. . . ... . . . .. . . _ .. . . .. .. .. .. o . • . _ -• 1: . • •• • • - •• .. • . ... • ... . . . .. . . _ . , • --. 3' . 1" ALUM. \ -5K • CHANNEL . . . .- . — . _ ... ", . ... . • . . --,, . . . • . • » . — . 1 » 8—.3/4 • . . . . . . 7 . . _.....___... .. _.__ • • .•,--.-: 41 ,-3/1!.71‹-.174 .• • -. •• • . . • .. .• . . .- • • . '2. AI4t,4m.,.•_POT-.13-A . •, — . . • . . 26• " ' • • •• • . - • 2 9 ' ••• • .,• )... .,...,. • • . ... •. : .. . . . . . . . . . . • . ••••• .• . . . . • - • . . . . . .. .• • .. . • . . • . . • - - ' . . - • - • •• . . • . . . . . ... .... .•••• . • • - . . - • •. • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . • • . . . . • - • . • . • . . . • .. - . --. •• . .. • . . . . . • • . . • •• . .. • ..• . . • .. . . . .. . . . _..... .. . .:... .. . . -- .61 . ' .. . 5/16" HOLE 7.., ci__ ..... ...____ ..,. • ..". .. . . . • • - - • • . •• : . ... . . • . - - - • • • • . • . . • . - • - . . . . . . . . .. .. . • • - . .. • / .. . . . 5/8" HOLE . . . .. . .. • , .. . . • - • . i • . . • • . . • • . . . . . , . . . . . . . . • DAT77. BY REViSION -, . .. . . .. .. .. • . - . . — . . R BY , . • • — • ''.- ' • drll• -C-7.C-) FZ.RP° F ...C--) DESIGNED "•iviGS • IL - wA-rE-RwORKS DATE - 9/27/00 . TASC VIII RECTIFIER . . - . - AqA4.... - thsg:.• • .ALUMUUM....,M0111\11114G_CliANN,F1 - ,)-,.._. --:.---:CiddiAtid•.!trilicilTi;"NEWidfiesill:riteiiie''4'"'ll'' ' -7 7 r.-:''' •'-'-!*-7-4--- S4ET • 1 °F1 . 4 i • . • '-k :Law, • . .RECT-8KT (Gipspn Type "8") . . • 1 • r . . • C3� ELTECH Systems Corporation • • Anode Technologies Group • WATERWORKS ANODE LIFE .8vmE ODE Due to the extremely low consumption rates and dimensional sta- bility of mixed metal oxide anodes, the electrical resistance of the _......_.... . __..._ ._. .._...ELTECH-Water-works-Wire-Anode-remainsessentially-constant-with . time. APPLICATIONS..... _____.. -- _.....________..._.__.__.___._____. ... The high current density _ • Water Storage Tanks capability of mixed metal • Water Treatment Equipment oxide anodes have the - added advantage of allowing ELTECHTm Waterworks Wire Anode is a high current overloads for _copper cored titanium wire with a mixed initial polarization without metal oxide coating. The mixed metal causing harm to the anode. • - oxi.de is a crystalline, electrically-conduc- . tive coating that activates the titanium Anode life projections are accurately made using an empirical and enables it to function as an anode. equation derived from accelerated life tests and The ELTECH wire anode delivers reliable, supported by extensive field long-life current necessary to uniformly ;_...... performance data. protect water storage tanks and assorted !. water treatment equipment from internal corrosion. - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES • Rating for 20 year life (mA/ft) 100 • High Current Output Diameter (inches) 0.062 • Low Coating Wear Rate Maximum continuous length (feet) 1000 • Highly Conductive Copper Core Resistance (milliohms/ft) 7 • ANSI/AWWA Standard D 104-97 Weight (ounces/ft) 0.138 BENEFITS i • Lower cost per ampere year Of O 1 • Constant electrical resistance ELTECH Systems Corporation • Minimizes voltage drop Anode Technologies Group-LIDA°Products 1110 Industrial Blvd. - TITANIUM Sugar Land,Texas 77478 COITERCDNE Phone:(281)240-8686 1-800-442 5432 Telefax:(281)240-8779 I "�� NI atiormaOon,revommrtlationa and suggestions in Jule Weal ooncmNng the use of Out produce;are based upon Meta and Mat balloted to t' be reliWM.However N Is the users respaubit d ty to .Mrntitr Meo ty for tie aim vas at h pmb ddw ducrbed herein.at.,.actual use by '_+� - aims is bayed our control,no guarantee apses at Intjied,is made by 6.T1CH Systems Corporation es to the wire*of such use or the ACTIVATION COAIINIi results to bs obtained nor doe ELTECH%stems Corporation assume any bblay arising*Mal webby others of that valuate nomad to hero V. �` In.Nor4 Me Inatmadon basin to bs coebsed as absolutely complete Onto rddWaal Infornaion may be mammary or desirable wbn pricier or seaplane' a a mn ons drbecausencws mist because of appldWe laws or gowe ,o mnt i4alans.Notldrtp heroin ai d nati ts . . wrtd �ti . to be consbwd ma pomiasiat or am a le b W caunandation ,Mpe on any pima.ELTECH lea trsaateri of an ELTECH Systems Cornea* REFERENCE CELLS Permacsll•801 Permanent Reference Cell For Accurate Readings in Fresh Water Environments • Routine•monitoring is an important part of any------ cathodic protection maintenance program. To simplifythis testing procedure,.differenttypes of__- permanent reference cells can be used. For structures located in fresh water areas,Corrpro offers the Permacell 801 copper/copper sulfate cell. The cell is made using a 99.99%pure copper coiled element,which is surrounded by a supersaturated solution of copper sulfate. To ensure a low-resistance connection,a lead wire is soldered and mechanically bonded to the copper element. This electrical junction is then values obtained are recorded and marked on encapsulated by a moisture-resistant material for shipping tags attached to the cells. These a truly sealed connection. Electrical contact to extra the electrolyte is accomplished through a quality steps give the Permacell 801 a 10- filtering plug at the end of the reference year electrode. The plug allows accurate potential design life and the ability to maintain an measurements to be obtained while preventing electrical potential of within±5 millivolts. cell contamination. Typical Applications In order for a reference to be effective,it must The Permacell 801 is ideal for use in cathodic remain electrically stable over time. Corrpro's protection systems operated in fresh water 801 reference cell delivers unsurpassed stability environments. This includes elevatedwater due to strict quality control procedures storage tanks,clarifiers,traveling screens, implemented during the manufacturing process. pasteurizers,locks,dams,and fresh water dock The cell is constructed in a controlled structures. The cell can be operated in environment,totally free of contaminants. The temperatures of up to 135°F,but should not be various components used in the cell are also • used in waters containing high concentrations of purified. Deionized water is used to create the chloride ions. supersaturated solution of copper sulfate,and the copper element is treated with a special cleansing agent before it is installed into the cell's plastic housing. Each cell is also tested for resistance and electrical potential,and the CORRPRO . • WATERWORKS Waterworks Division 1090 Enterprise Drive/Medina,0H 44256 Tel:1-330-723-5082/Fax:1-330-723-0694/800-443-3516 http://www.corrpro.com or http:/lwww.corrprowaterworks.com • • • REFERENCE CELLS Permacell® 801 Permanent Reference Cell Ordering Procedure Pennacel1861 is provided standard with fifty feet of insulated lead wire. To order this -LEAD.WIRE -.............. .. .1� SCHEDULE e0 PVC . . .... ._.._... — — reference cellfor your particular application,.. PIPE indicate that you need a Corrpro Permacell 801 STRAW REUEF sPt SEALANT HARDWOOD PLUG permanent reference cell,and specify the quantity desired and the lead wire length,size, iJ and insulation,if different from the standard CuSO4 MIXTURE provided. An example is included to help - illustrate this process. COPPER ELEMENT CRIMPED AND SOLDERED COt4NECT1ON Ordering Procedure Example ITEM EXAMPLE Product Specifications NOMINAL 10 DIMENSIONS MAXIMUM 0 Quantity ELECTRICAL DESIGN Product Permanent Reference ;itLFNmi Ato STABILITY •F cci. LIFE Cell I 10 2 *5 millivolts with 135•F (25.4) (254.0) (0.91) 3.0 microamp load (572°C) to ycama Perntaceli Model 801 Lead Wire: Length (50 ft.=Standard) 50 ft. Size • (#14 AWG=Standard) 11 RWG Insulation - (HMWPE=Standard) HMWPE CORRPRO • WATERWORKS Waterworks Division 1090 Enterprise Drive/Medina,OH 44256 Tel: 1-330-723-5082/Fax: 1-330-723-0694/800-443-3516 http://wwwcorrpro.com or http://wwwcorrprowaterworks.com . " . . . . . • ' . . . • .. . • . . ,. ... ._ . . • • . . . . . 4- , . - -. -`• ./ 5" DIAMLILH HANDHOLE ...-- ••-•-• / . • - N ' . - ' . . / • •CRYLIC CLAMPING BAR / - . .,-• . \_.., " . ...••• •, - ',:.- -----. . - /- . ,-- . / fl\ 1 . — 6" PIAMETER_COVF-E _ ..._. I . _ ... / 10) ./- .. \,,. /. - N.. \ ., • — "• • / ACRYliC HANDHOLE • / • COVER PLATE -... •,, ---. STAINLESS STEEL BOLT • till ' Aragalriir ......._.,.„...„... .40rAllir . WOO 11111-11011.11.11 . • . 11 • !.1,J • 405011110100011111111111111111M [ Ad/r/011irAirilliir • 6-0 RUBBER GASKET WITH 5/16- • HOLE IN CENTER. • • . . . ' . . • , . . , ell -q4"---.----,..__ • . I . PORCELAIN PRODUCTS PIN. INSULATOR CAT. NO. 2119 • . - 11.111 . • . • . . . . • TITANIUM OR PLATINUM ANODE WIRE • • . Na I DAV 1 BY , REVISION . ............6. , . DRAM BY ms . , . / • DEMO=BY.MS 10[40 0 Ft.R.Fi Ft.CD Dm ' io/3o/99. TYPICAL CATHODIC PROTECTION WA-FERW9RKS SrAkE N-rs HANDHOLE.AND SUSPENSION DETAIL 1 WIELAND•AMMO•NW TM MNK mu - cr ' No. HHC-CUT1 • . , • . , . . . . . 2-LAYERS OF HALF LAPPED . . . , VINYL TAPE SCOTCH 33 OP EQUAL /e ! . 2-LAYERS OF , HALF LAPPED - . ! • . RUBBER TAPE SCOTCH 130C ; 1 OR "EQUAL ANODE. LEAD WIRE 4 1 \\ \ I I I I I 1 11 1W11 II ; • . : ! g\ : \ \ walla-Tit. - . . / / WINEAKIMIO •i , . . . . 1 1 . 4 COPPER COMPRESSION HEADER CABLE ' CONNECTOR . 1 ' i • ! . . • L DA1E BY REVISION • . . ' . • DRAM BY M. sTEELE C:::. FZ_ F:Z_.F" 1R-.4C) BeSIGNED BY M. SlErl F 1 . . , . , . , . , WPCT E RW CD R.K.S 00AuLIA1 goEm COMPRESSION CONNECTOR SPLICE CLEVELAND • AlLANTA • NEW -YORK •PHOENIX SHEET 1 OF 1 it,- SPLICE4 • , ,, I , i 1 . • , . . . . sommilim._E-_._-- - . . . . _ . . . _ . immil._E_ _ _ __ ii, . _. . . . _ ..,....._ ...___ _ ________ _ . _ . GROUNDING LOCATION ON TANK SOLDERLESS CRIMP CONNECTOR l NUT . THREADED HOLE I S 1�' ( � 1/4 — 20 BOLT N _ 6 --_ ---- ---1 1 1 1 / -e> ----:---- --C 4GATIVE WIRE FROM RECTIFIER (S1TiUC1URE) • NEGATIVE WIRE FROM REFERENCE CIRCUIT (STRUCTURE) • • *The negative (structure) connections for the anode circuit and reference circuit shall be made by drilling & tapping a 1/4" hole, into the tank at a suitable location and installing a mechanical connection as shown on this drawing. A minimum spacing of one inch between the anode & reference circuit negative connections is required. The completed connections shall be , coated to prevent . -- - -oxi-d-ation---of--The --core tion: ._ . . . ._ - - DRAWN BY MrSi EL-E . p C C7 R R P F�C7 :: ° TYPICAL NEGATIVE CONNECTIONS 7/24JO3LL . - WATERWORKS 5 NTs FOR THE ANODE_ CIRCUIT & CLEYELAND • A7LWTA . NEW"YORK•PHOEMX : s 1 ° 1 REFERENCE CIRCUIT Nn NEG-CONN - • Anaconda-Ericsson Type THHN or THWN • 5�.��s. r4,�`t�5'c4� itShi "C. •c' �� .� 'N},._. -.�. - J� " Description - Features and Benefits • How to Order ,. Type THHN-THWN AP06201 listed as Type THHN or THWN Order from your local Authorized Annealed bare copper conductor for general power or control wiring Anaconda-Ericsson Stocking - er ANSI/ASTM B3. �. ,� ULin accordance with the National Distributor by AP06201 or Type _S.olj.d-.'--. ......... . .-_.1.4AWG710AWG........, Electrical Code- __. _...._..__.• THHN: _..• .._.._..._ Stranded Class C 14AWG-10AWG • UL listed as Type MTW for use in . Stranded Class B• BAWG-500MCM _..._.- __..._......._..._._.•..._.._-...__-..___.__.-____......................._.machine.._..... tool wiririg,..sized.14,,_12_ _•___._..Alte['trnat►Ye.PCod.ucts-----__.,._-...._........_ and 10 AWG. Type USE-RHH-RHW Polyvinyl Chloride, thermoplastic UL listed as Type AWM for use in • Data Section 309 PVC insulation. appliance wiring. Type XHHW Data Section 307 Clear nylon jacket over the insulation. Acceptable for use in OSHA Durasheath EP Data Section 401 regulated installations. Unicon FREP, Data Section 403 Specifications UL listed as VW-1: Passes all UL 83 Standard for Safety for flame tests required by UL 83. Thermoplastic insulated Wires and Anneated'copper conductors for Cables. • easy installation and trouble free • . AP 06201 Anaconda-Ericsson connections. Representative for assistance in PVC insulation adheres tightly to • preparing•specifications or selecting copper conductors yet easily strips wire for your application. clean. Smooth nylon jacket aids in easier Application' - • pulling. • Anaconda-Ericsson Type THHN or Smaller overall diameter results in THWN may be used for power dr greater conduit fill in old work or . control circuits, in recognized new work. . raceways, in wet or dry locations Resists oils, chemicals, gases and • 'and in the presence of oil, gases, gasoline. . , gasoline and chemicals, in • Stocked nationwide by leading accordance with the National Authorized Electrical Distributors Electrical Code (NEC). • for quick delivery. •• t--: ---it- y r K ♦•--*-•.-it••- 4.-k--k--*---k--1--:•---*---*"•••+F-•4—*•...*....4F--4r-;._-k--.y{..-._61.-•$ r * X--I--$ K K r i -[-- . Two Two Conductor conductor Twisted Pair • Jacketed ' UNSHIELDED (Unshielded) WEST PENN WIRE CORP, Gray PVC jacket, Copoler e _ Insulated primaries. "s"° - Color coded Black/Red. ® 'y Catalog numbers 226 and 227; �/4 "" • BlackNVhite primaries. wia=_Cs Y Standard spool size: 1000 feet. Catalog Number of Awg.Size i insulation Jacket Nom. WPM . Number Conductors Stranding 1 bickness 'Thickness DD Suggested (Primary) l!L"orking Voltage . •224 2 18 (7x26) ' .015 .025 -225 450 . . . , • PORCELAIN PRODUCTS CO. . . _11... HOUSE BRACKETS ti insulators House Bracket Insulators arc the same as regular n•ircholders except have stud bolts for fastening to straps or back bars. Special stud Icatgths available on • 2119 . special order. - : l i'1 i l l F 1 4+:4 1 1 ) 1 +-F'+i-'F1+: 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 F F I 1 4 4-4 1+i 1 t 1 1 i l l 1 1 F 1 1 I4-1 F 1 t Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit R C CLAMP r. _ „.„.„„,,..,, ! - „,, ..,„.,,.:,:„.,,::...„,,,„ ,, _.......,,,. '•.-.dsM.wwW.O.,I. �� ,c . . ...- ....gin.-. ��. f �` ,- ....,.. RC Clamp`� - Furnished in 10 foot lengths with coupling screwed on one end. For mounting pipe or conduit at right angle to the beam. Threaded on both ends. Our Part No-1: Zt Our Part Our Wt. Lbs. Threads Wall Cat. Size Wt. Lbs. Staet Size No. Part _ Size Per Per Thickness No. _ In. Per 1 DO City In. Oz-Gedney No. Ins. 100 Ft_ In. In. _ RC-% iic 25 696-617 Vs__.._ - RC-1 1/2 41 586-420 'h 815-527 500-003 'h 80.3 14 .109 RC-1A IA 46 586-439 3A 815-535 500-011 s4 106.4 14 .113 RC-1 1 51 586-447 1 815543• 500-033 1 . 154.4 111 .133 RC-114 . IV 54 683-019 VA 815-551 500-046 1'A 203.7 • 1 11 .140 II 1 1 11 114 F 1 1 I I I 1 1++++++I l l I f-f-ti I i+4+I+4 F 1.1 1 1 I4 Fi 1 1 1 l 111 11 i I 1 :+I I : I I 1 1 i++11 11 1 1 1+4 i s 111 F4 Iti+ 314 Burndy • Scotch® Brand Electrical Tapes Split Bolts and Crimpits Scotch® Brand . (rA) . • • . . Electrical Insulating Tapes : . • L 4,„.. � � .lam` a _ .f • CPIMPIT SPUT BOLT Bundy Split Bolt Ordering information aEcoti. i Scotch Brand Tape Ordering Information RANGE FOR M N-TAP T1Cn wHG CATALOG EQUAL RUH AHD TAP . WITH 1iAL RUH TORQUE srp., SCOTCH TYPE OF I GWAHAL COIENSIONS - RIMER slue) (AWC) M1SI lc .. TAPE ' TAPE WIDTH LENGTH KS90 112 Stranded-10 Stranded 16 Stranded I 80 in(as* #hot lLUiot) KS15 10 Scarfed-8 Stranded 14 Stranded 1 80-7 r N.uPe 33+ vinyl I 0.75 '20-65 BurndyCrim it OrderingInformation F net-mica' (19) (6-20) _ p. X e CATALOG LEH= 30C Laedess 0.75-2-0 30 -. ' NUIL3ER RUN(AWC) I TAP(Am) woes) al)(19-50.B) ') 4 YC1xIO + 12 Solid-10 Stranded 112 Solid-10 Stranded 0.375 Spiicin 9 • YC8C8 I 8 Solid-8 Stranded 110 Solid-8 Stranded 1 0.5 • • • rs • ANSI/NSF Standard 61 - Drinking Water stem Com onent -System. . -_. _ p - _ _ s &-Materials.. . • ANS'f/?�SP iiiidard'61 encompass products that come in contact with drinking water and/or drinking water treatment chemicals. Products covered by this standard include: • Pipes and related products •• Process media,i.e.,activated carbon,ion exchange resins • Barrier materials,i.e.,coatings,linings • Mechanical'devices,i.e.,valves,submersible pumps • Joining and sealing materials,i.e.,adhesives,gaskets • Mechanical plumbing devices,i:e.,faucets,water coolers • • • • SSIP/ . • • • r . . R • WATER QUALITY • •Underwriters Laboratories Inc.o - - FDNP.MH17837 Drinking Water System.Components _._...---..__.__._. ._.._._. See General Information for Drinking Water System Components CORRPRO WATERWORKS MH17837 1055 W SMITH RD MEDINA, OH 44256 USA Mechanical Devices Surface Area Water Water to Contact. Contact Volume Trade Dsg Temp Mtl Ratio Automatically Controlled Impressed Current Systems ACIC-(a) • • 23 Multiple . - Galvanic Systems G-(b) • 23 Multiple Manually Controlled Impressed Current Systems • MCIC-(a) • 23 Multiple - (a) - Combinations of 1-2,3 or 4, and 7-16. Greater than 25,000 gal. • (b)- Combinations of 1-2, 5 or 6, and 7-16. Greater than 25,000 gal. NOTE -Poduct is classified as an entire system when using various combinations of the Corrpro Cathodic Protection System Model Components: 1. Insulated Cable/Wiring;2. Sealer; 3. Platinized Niobium(P/N)Anode;4.Titrnium Anode; 5. Galva-Rod Magnesium Anode; 6. Galvo-Mag Magnesium Anode; 7.Reference Cell-Permacell IHRP-801-CT; 8.Rope; 9.Pressure Entrance Fitting; 10.Floats; 11. Shock Card; 12.Rubber Gasket and insulator; 13. Suspension StabiJl7er; 14. Electrical Tape; 15. Heat Shrink Tube; 16. Cable Ties. Components of the.Classified product can be replaced in the field with components that appear on the "Authorized Wetted Parts List". • • Last Updated on 2004-01-05 • 11;!1!) Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® • Applicant: MH17837 CORRPRO WAL•.RtWORKS . Contact Jeff Rog _ 1055 W SMIT$RD phone:330-725-6681 x453 MEDINA OH 44256 Maianfacturer •874056001 Conpro Waterworks 1055 W.Smith Road _ ... .. ......... Medial,OH 42-56 , Authorized Wetted Parts List • (overall volume= 94,635 liters) This document must be available f:F.,,,y :; ti,�„,�-ield Re•resentative •on re• est Y - 001 Insulated Wire #4 cu-HMWP ,t,µ ^,rc- .r. ;_ Kolas Manufi+cniring u man P.o,Box 324 , Win „um a Dower.PA,717336-5575 $IZe 17517 • 001 Idsulated Wire #4 cu••�,s r Electrical Wire- 2556 24 `_; •te)Eris Tech 921 Scoots sere P.O.Box y f• 1 G77,Romie,NY 13442 panY 001 Insulated Wire a r-A SE 2,-Ii 'i can s' 2556 24194 xj_•',; '_T� 921 Soma Straw,P.O.Box 4 M Ire I;{ pony 4377,Acme,NY 13442 1 J 002 Senior : .'� -V,,'' .; Sealant s L�r F F2`y Z` alties son Cod.odc svex J xY z: 0 03409 • 3226 BdkviUc W 07109 ' - F - --t- ` 706I Pe asvaaa7Boot - 465 (a!- . r ireIndependence.Ohio,000•St l- I002 Sealer ,F _' rapVl•-, 1rl, ! � .; &Cab ,yr 7935 44131-' , - •:"�rVu1 ,, p- a iH)'I �� _ floc/en '77. 002 Sealer �i cast Brand Res '' F r, of p r 3226 (ahem•ram f e r 'nleeaieal Produce r�ivisioq - I H--, c . -,*�4 6i0t&suerPlaceBlvd, 1 _ r- , �° Auscarxn716 002 Sealer '�i •werCable Splice Various On 1 One lot (al � �Dl ' �,� 6i01 AiverPlacc Blvd, Ausis TX 76726 A ., - fi ;' F F s'� ,a,i.; & 003 Platinized P t 1IT,''um Anode .06 efcr ; 6 Via'" •ducts s3o Bosun rNPY Niobium Anode max 4', l ..1 ,ug,MA) Shrewsbury ICA 01545 004. Activated Titans . ..,1 1 formula on file 0.03 2 4 i q1 ii Systems• 100 Seventh An,ssiiei3o6, Titanium Anode diameter , - for 0.062 in. j ., on(HQ) Chardon.Oki 44024 • ...>.wrr.' . r.....s ,rr_�....t•� r ,y 3595 Molise Street,006 Magnesium GMAG Magnesium :; r 11, �z•., 1,. r,. _ Timminco Anode Anode �..':f r +,6 t[ _ Corporation(former CO 60010 M 2.-1-: tF _ - Dow Coming) • (Aurora,CO) 005 Magnesium GROD Magnesium Anode 2'diameter mu 0.6306 59677 (alternate)Timmineo 3595 MoSuc Saco q Aury Anode Magnesium Corporation(fos7ner co l 0010 AZ31/3 •Dow Coming) 00 sum a 7�; •Rod sum am- max 306 ' 96 (a1 ate)W • ' itt �T;. - Or ,Inc. chi.' vo .� >. (S •.rm.•1 r;.a) r 00 c 306 59 Oily, )pa:J .: 3. • •CONFIDENTIAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Reviewed By: : . J° `,Flie Vol. Sec. ..:i: • Page . - ..-stof . _ .. . 'rRe se&d y .; �y 4L). Underwriters Laboratories Inc,[>4 . `Anode Anode • co�upq.Inc. Chinn I Shamtnp,China) 008 Rope Poly Rope 5/16 in.diameter .1533 14316 Legacy Lines 4631 E.I.AacPoad,Canawa, • max (Caw-m.1 ,NY) NY Bass (Custom Cordage) 010 Float Model 04-5623-91 Plasticized 0.08522 8065 (alternate)Spongrx 63146St,Shakos,Cl' Polyvinyl Corporation(Shelton, 06414 chloride _-. 010 - - --mat..;-_._- . Mode11100 K-50 Flotation 0.08522 8065 Cal-June 5232 Wieland Ave,N. Buoy (N.Hollywood,CA) Hollywood CAs16ol 011 Shock Cord Shock Cord _..- 1/2 Poly-._.....-... ....---.0.06817-.....__-.__-.6452-...__Legacy.Lines—_.---4aat.Ey,eaten.a,-razabovr;_.-....._....-----.-.•- NY 13035 Rubber ,(Cazenova,2,IY) 012 Rubber Gasket Gasket,6"diameter SBA Rubber 0.05113 4839 Phipott Rubber 10101odumial Pky, Bminswiek,OH 013 Suspension Suspension Stabilizer Model 2119 0.03408 3226 Porcelain Products 225 N-runnrinn Saset,Carry, Stabilizer Model (Carey,OH) os43316 _ 2119 013 Suspension Suspension Stabilizer Models 5107. 0.03408 3226 (alternate)Porcelain ns N?,oason Snun.ter. Stabilizer- 5116 511 Prods(Carey, oH43316 Models 5107, Ohl 5116 5119 �'- 0:.4 Electrical Tape 3M ap Super 33+V'. _i' t�' w__ _�r r ,� _ 3M(Minnesota Dectrical Prodoas Diviaioq Electrical T n + $. Manufacturing& 66A tun T%872B'"a' k 5 Heat Shrink 1TCSN: ifiaT`.•tif ,., .0.004924 ,;, ,,wag Electrical Pmducts nZrisroa Tube S. , •t[ J;'• sr' ., , 6001River Place BM!, 15er g rx7sn6 016 !Cable Tim ri F ; ") a""�`, 0.00971 919 "%, le Ties M esium .•Ter Anode ,• } y saner sr�p Anode +., ,,E, 1 I 41 [� Assembly • fi tir i 007 Reference Cell i' :..ere Cell a : ' ''ice 1613 CO: ' ,114 sand springs r 4 009 Pressure Fittin 1 Fittings I , c , ,, Tee a A, ,{ 1613 Technl a 3m Co Wed S 747 1"4 wire Rosenberg,TX'747I 01950063 _ •.:-' Y J ; Fabric- _ 009 Pressure Fltgn x;" """ Fitting -� �; -125"4 were ' ` 1613 T 3m Comewvod scbmUtd. Fabric;", Roaeabarg rX 77471 Flange ['r. i -- A129734` - 009 Pressure Fitting r g'- itting Vann , r,. 1613 T r * 3227 Caomwood School xa 1.5"S wire Fa r Rosenberg,DC 77471 01950053 D c —la-� , 1 009 Pressure Fitting- Pr a .s C' V 'o*s! 1.5,"6 wire !:, k 13 r = 3227 c000mrooa saw R4 (01950059) f i�} `t n Ros�brsg 7a 77471, Mee it,`ic-»,:,+,, Ny-,: : I. L 61 CONFIDENTIAL NFIDENTIAi , • . . iV "- -_ - _ CONFIDENTIAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Reviewed By. / / File .. Vol Sec.. Page of . Revised: / / • • /1 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. An independent,notfor-p,u it organization testing for public safety CORRPRO WATERWORKS MANUFACTURE REFERENCE No. MB17837 COMPANY NAME . 1055 West Smith Road CERTIFICATE No. ADDRESS Medina,OH 44256 CITY, STATE, ........__ZIPCObg. .._- The above company is gnalified under the Classification and Follow-up Service of Underwriters Laboratories Inc.to furnish Drinking.. Water Treatnent.Components.(vlassiTiedtwith-respectto-StandardANSUNSF`61: _..........._..._..�_..--- _ ___..__. . _ The above mentioned company is therefore authorized to issue this Certificate for the bulk shipment of material described below as it's representation that such material is manufactured in compliance with requirements establiahrd by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.for this class of product. This Certificate does not indicate proper application or use of the material and does not apply to other material,which may be used at the location specified. • -- SEE U L PLUMBING AND ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS DIRECTORY-- • tRADE DESIGNATION: CATEGORY Mechanical Devices USE LEVEL: 25,000 Gallon ranks or Larger • • • i • . ANSI/NSF 61 • DRINKING WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS . 7N53 Date of Issuance of Certificate: Date Material Supplied: . ;a-rier . Waterworks Crew • City/State . )escription of Container: Corrprp Waterworks Crew Vehicle ill of Lading No. z::/A hipped To: City/State .gnature of Authorized Person: 7; Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: E Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 10/17/06 Budgeted Amount: $ 656,000.00 Exhibits: Bid Tab Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of the bids and authorize the purchase of pumps,motors, special valves, and major electrical equipment for the Nortex Pump Station totaling$178,767.00. Recommendation Motion to approve bids and authorize the purchase of pumps, motors, special valves, and major electrical equipment for the Nortex Pump Station totaling $178,767.00. Discussion On October 12, 2006, the city opened bids for pumps,motors, special valves, and major electrical equipment for the Phase I improvements to the Nortex Pump Station. The improvements are included in the Water System Capital Improvements Plan, the Water Impact Fees, and the recently adopted Water Rate Study. $656,000.00 is budgeted in the FY 2007 Capital Program for the Phase I improvements. When the construction of the New Creekside Elevated Storage Tank is completed in March, the City's water system will be split into two service zones and therefore upgrades are necessary at the Nortex Pump Station. Because of the long lead time for the pump and electrical equipment, it is necessary to pre-bid this equipment to meet the March completion date. The bids include $50,790.00 to Pumps Unlimited, Inc. for three 1800-rpm vertical turbine pumps and motors, $34,900.00 to Pumps Unlimited Inc. for five 24-inch pump cans, $19,602.00 to Henry Pratt Company for two 24-inch butterfly valves and five 18-inch butterfly valves, $26,219.00 to Municipal Valve & Equipment Company for an 8-inch surge relief valve and three 12-inch pump control valves, and $47,256.00 to TPC Electric Company for the motor control centers. Approved By Initial Date Department Director �1CnH 10/17/06 City Manager I'l uv\ 10 (Nt 106 Page 1 of 1 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 7502 Greenville Ave.,#220 Dallas,Texas 75231 Fax(214)361-0204 Phone(214)361-7900 JOHN W.BIRKHOFF,P.E. RONALD V.CONWAY,P.E. GARY C.HENDRICKS,P.E. JOE R.CARTER,P.E. PAUL A.CARLINE,P.E. October 16, 2006 MATT HICKEY,P.E. Mr. Chris Hoisted, P.E. City Engineer City of Wylie 949 Hensley Lane Wylie,Texas 75098 Re: Nortex Pump Station Improvements—Phase 1 Pumps,Motors, Special Valves and Major Electrical Equipment Pre-Selection Recommendation for Issuance of Purchase Order Dear Mr.Holsted: We checked the bids received at 2:00 p.m. on October 12, 2006, for Phase 1 of the Nortex Pump Station Improvements,Pumps,Motors, Special Valves and Major Electrical Equipment Pre-Selection and are returning the original bid documents and bid bonds with this letter. We are enclosing three(3) copies of the Bid Tabulation for your use. Due to the nature of the pre-selected equipment bid there are several aspects to consider for recommendation of award. Our recommendations follow the order of presentation on the Bid Schedule. Bid Items 101 and 101A—Pumps and Motors Pumps Unlimited,Inc. (Courreges Pump Company,Inc.)of North Richland Hills, Texas submitted the lowest bid for the Base Bid Item 101 and the Alternate Bid Item 101A. The Base Bid Item 101 for furnishing and delivering three 1200-rpm Vertical Turbine Pumps and Motors and Alternate Bid Item 101A for furnishing and delivering three 1800-rpm Vertical Turbine Pumps and Motors. The amount for Base Bid Item 101 is $66,900.00 and the amount for Alternate Bid Item 101A amount is $50,790.00. The Pump Manufacturer is Goulds. The 1% difference in efficiency between the 1200-rpm and the 1800-rpm pumps does not appear to justify the cost difference over the expected life of the pumps. The delivery schedule for the pumps and motors appears to allow completion of the construction project as anticipated. We recommend the City of Wylie issue a purchase order to Pumps Unlimited,Inc. in the amount of$50,790.00 for Bid Item 101A—Three 1800-rpm Vertical Turbine Pumps and Motors. Bid Item 102—24-Inch Pump Cans Pumps Unlimited, Inc. (Courreges Pump Company,Inc.)of North Richland Hills,Texas submitted the lowest bid for Bid Item No. 102 for furnishing and delivering five 24-inch diameter pump cans. The amount for Bid Item No. 102 is$34,900.00. The pump can material is fabricated steel. The delivery schedule for the pump cans appears to allow completion of the construction project as anticipated. We recommend the City of Wylie issue a purchase order to Pumps Unlimited,Inc. in the amount of$34,900.00 for Bid Item 102—Five 24-Inch Pump Cans,three with pumps and two with Blind Flanges. j\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\letters\k\equip-bid\recomendaward.doc Mr. Chris Hoisted,P.E. 10/16/2006 Nortex Pump Station Improvements—Phase 1 Pumps,Motors, Special Valves and Major Electrical Equipment Pre-Selection Page 2 of 2 Bid Items 201 and 202—24-Inch and 18-Inch Butterfly Valves Henry Pratt Company of Aurora, Illinois submitted the lowest bid for Bid Item 201 and Bid Item 202. Bid Item 201 for furnishing and delivering two (2)24-inch Butterfly Valves and Bid Item 202 for furnishing and delivering five (5) 18-inch Butterfly Valves. The amount for Bid Item No. 201 is $7,632.00 and the amount bid for Bid Item No. 202 is$11,970.00. The manufacturer for the butterfly valves is Henry Pratt Company. The Henry Pratt bid was not in the stack of bids in the conference room at the time the bids were publicly opened and read. After the public bid opening had been finished the City Secretary handed the City Engineer the bid package that was still sealed. A hand written note on the bid package indicated it was received on time. The delivery schedule for the butterfly valves appears to be in time to complete the construction project as anticipated. We recommend the City of Wylie issue purchase orders to Henry Pratt Company in the amount of $7,632.00 for Bid Item 201 —Two 24-Inch Butterfly Valves and in the amount of$11,970.00 for Bid Item 202 —Five 18-Inch Butterfly Valves, if the City Attorney determines this is a valid bid. The second low bid was submitted by Municipal Valve&Equipment Company of Plano,Texas for M&H Butterfly Valves. The amount for Bid Item No. 201 is $10,220.00 and the amount for Bid Item No. 202 is $15,485.00. Bid Items 301 and 302—8-Inch Surge Relief Valve and 12-inch Pump Control Valves Pumps Unlimited, Inc. (aka. Courreges Pump Company,Inc.) of North Richland Hills, Texas submitted the lowest bid for Bid Item No. 301 and Bid Item No. 302 in the amount of$26,170.00; however,the OCV pump control valves they submitted are not considered equal to the specified pump control valves. Bid Item No. 301 for furnishing and delivering one 8-inch Surge Relief Valve and Bid Item No. 302 for furnishing and delivering three 12-inch Pump Control Check Valves. Municipal Valve&Equipment Company of Plano,Texas submitted the lowest responsive bid for Bid Item No. 301 and Bid Item No. 302 in the amount of$26,219.00. Municipal Valve&Equipment selected Ross Valve Manufacturing Company as manufacturer of the surge relief valve and the pump control valves. The delivery schedule for the surge relief and pump control valves appears to be in time to complete the construction project as anticipated. We recommend the City of Wylie issue purchase orders to Municipal Valve&Equipment Company in the amount of$3,545.00 for Bid Item No. 301 —8-Inch Surge Relief Valve and in the amount of$22,674.00 for Bid Item No. 302—(3) 12-Inch Pump Control Check Valves. Bid Item 401 —Motor Control Centers TPC Electric Company, Inc. of Sachse,Texas submitted the lowest bid for Bid Item 401 for furnishing and delivering the Motor Control Centers in the amount of$47,256.00. Square D is the manufacturer selected by TPC Electric Company, Inc. The delivery schedule for the Motor Control Centers appears to be in time to complete the construction project as anticipated. We recommend the City of Wylie issue a purchase order to TPC Electric Company,Inc. in the amount of$47,256.00 for Bid Item 401 —Motor Control Centers. We checked the references for Goulds Pumps (supplied by Pumps Unlimited,Inc.) and we have experience with Pratt Butterfly Valves,Municipal Valve&Equipment Company, Inc. and TPC Electric Company,Inc. and we believe they can provide the equipment in accordance with the contract documents. The total amount of all purchase orders as recommended would be$178,767.00. We are available to discuss this matter at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Joe R. Ca er,P.E. Enclosures j.\clerical\wylie\2006-120 nortex pump station\letters\k\equip-bid\recomendaward.doc 1 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 Pumps&Motors,Valve&Major Electrical Equipment Pre-Selection BID SUMMARY Bids Received at 2:00 p.m.,Thursday,October 12,2006 ' ' 'Co � 'v y '� "� r oa tt °ZS � � � ` CS 'NI �� � °' � ojo U ` , Q. o z a o -- Q. t 1-..., > c ,,,,,, Q.v E o ...3 Total o o s nt en U ov Amount Bid Bidders � a. � ,�, Q 4, � ,., o, � CO � n, c., � M a. U 1. Courreges Pump Company,Inc. dba Pumps Unlimited,Inc. 8204 Northeast Pkwy.,#101 N.Richland Hills,Texas 76180 $ 66,900.00 $ 50,790.00 $ 34,900.00 $ 36,100.00 $ 2,950.00 $ 23,220.00 $ 52,100.00 $ 266,960.00 2. Simflo Pumps,Inc. P. O. Box 849 Willcox,Arizona 85644 $ 80,208.69 $ 68,434.50 $ 52,407.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 201,050.69 3. Weir Floway,Inc. 2494 S.Railroad Ave. Fresno,California 93706 $ 83,392.00 $ 83,392.00 $ 45,005.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 211,789.00 4. Oslin Nation Company 5510 S.Westmoreland Rd.,#300 Dallas,Texas 75237 $ 92,280.00 $ 73,725.00 $ 54,875.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 220,880.00 5. Smith Pump Company,Inc. 7437 Tower Street Fort Worth,Texas 76118 $ 133,000.00 $ 109,050.00 $ 69,950.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 312,000.00 6. Henry Pratt Company 401 South Highland Ave. Aurora,Illinois 60506 $ - $ - $ - $ 19,602.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 19,602.00 7. Municipal Valve&Equipment Co. 5924 W.Parker Road,#200 Plano,Texas 75093 $ - $ - $ - $ 25,705.00 $ 3,545.00 $ 22,674.00 $ - $ 51,924.00 8. Environmental Improvements,Inc. 517 N.Kealy Lewisville,Texas 75057 $ - $ - $ - $ 33,733.00 $ 4,868.00 $ 35,349.00 $ - $ 73,950.00 9. TPC Electric Company,Inc. 6309 Industrial Dr. Sachse,Texas 75048 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 47,256.00 $ 47,256.00 I:\Wylie\2006120\Specs\Equipment Bid\Tech\PBS-2.xls TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: October 12,2006 Project:CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Courreges Pump Company,Inc. Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase I CONSULTING ENGINEERS dba Pumps Unlimited,Inc. Simflo Pumps,Inc. Weir Floway,Inc. Oslin Nation Company Pumps&Motors,Valve&Major Electrical Dallas,Texas 8204 Northeast Pkwy.,#101 P.O.Box 849 2494 S.Railroad Ave. 5510 S.Westmoreland Rd.,#300 Equipment Pre-Selection N.Richland Hills,Texas 76180 Willcox,Arizona 85644 Fresno,California 93706 Dallas,Texas 75237 Item Approximate • Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension PUMPS. MOTORS & PUMP CANS (BASE BID) For Fumishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower 101 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,200 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/7/07 $22,300.00 $66,900.00 16-Weeks $26,736.23 $80,208.69 18-Weeks $27,797.33 $83,392.00 3/24/07 $30,760.00 $92,280.00 For Famishing and Delivering 24-inch I.D.Pump Cans,(3)with Pumps and 102 5 Ea. (2)with Steel Cover Plates 12/8/06 $6,980.00 $34,900.00 9-Weeks $10,481.50 S52,407.50 14-Weeks $9,001.00 $45,005.00 12/18/06 S10,975.00 $54,875.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps.Motors&Pump Cans(101 and 102) $101,800.00 $132,616.19 $128.397.00 $147,155.00 PUMPS, MOTORS & PUMP CANS (ALTERNATE BID) For Famishing and Delivering 1.600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower IOTA 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,800 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/7/07 $16,930.00 $50,790.00 16-Weeks $22,811.50 $68,434.50 18-Weeks $27,797.33 $83,392.00 3/24/07 $24,575.00 S73,725.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps.Motors&Pump Cans(IOTA) $50,790.00 $68,434.50 $83,392.00 $73,725.00 BUTTERFLY VALVES 201 2 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 24-inch Butterfly Valves 1/22/07 $7,800.00 $15,600.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 202 5 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 18-inch Butterfly Valves 1/22/07 $4,100.00 $20,500.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Butterfly Valves(201 and 202) $36,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CONTROL VALVES - SURGE RELIEF VALVE 301 1 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 8-Inch Surge Relief Valve 12/22/06 $2,950.00 $2,950.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 302 3 Ea. For Fumishing&Delivering 12-Inch Pump Control Check Valves 12/22/06 $7,740.00 $23,220.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Control Valves-Surge Valve(Item 601) $26,170.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER 401 1 L.S. For Famishing and Delivering Motor Control Centers 1/30/07 $52,100.00 $52.100.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 -- AMOUNT BID: Motor Control Center(Item 801) $52.100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID: $266,960.00 $201.050.69• $211.789.00 $220,880.00 r\wyrc\2006120\Specs\Bgwpment Bid\Tech\PBS 2.al:(Tabulaooe) Page 1 of 3 TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: October 12,2006 Project:CITY OF WYLIE.TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Courreges Pump Company,Inc. Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS dba Pumps Unlimited,Inc. Simflo Pumps,Inc. Weir noway,Inc. Oslin Nation Company Pumps&Motors,Valve&Major Electrical Dallas,Texas 8204 Northeast Pkwy.,#101 P.0.Box 849 2494 S.Railroad Ave. 5510 S.Westmoreland Rd.,#300 Equipment Pre-Selection N.Richland Hills,Texas 76180 Willcox,Arizona 85644 Fresno,Califomia 93706 Dallas,Texas 75237 Item Approximate Delivery Lnit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension PUMPS, MOTORS & PUMP CANS (BASE BID) • For Furnishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower 101 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,200 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/7/07 $22,300.00 $66,900.00 16-Weeks $26,736.23 $80,208.69 18-Weeks $27,797.33 $83,392.00 3/24/07 $30,760.00 $92,280.00 For Furnishing and Delivering 24-inch I.D.Pump Cans,(3)with Pumps and 102 5 Ea. (2)with Steel Cover Plates 12/8/06 $6,980.00 $34,900.00 9-Weeks $10,481.50 $52,407.50 14-Weeks $9,001.00 $45,005.00 12/18/06 S10,975.00 $54,875.00 ' AMOUNT BID: Pumps,Motors&Pump Cans(101 and 102) $101.800.00 $132.616.19 $128,397.00 $147,155.00 PUMPS, MOTORS & PUMP CANS (ALTERNATE BID) For Furnishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower 101A_ 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,800 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/7/07 $16,930.00 $50,790.00 16-Weeks $22,811.50 $68,434.50 18-Weeks $27,797.33 $83,392.00 3/24/07 S24,575.00 S73,725.00 • AMOUNT BID: Pumps,Motors&Pump Cans(101A) $50,790.00 $68.434.50 $83,392.00 $73,725.00 BUTTERFLY VALVES 201 2 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 24-inch Butterfly Valves 1/22/07 $7,800.00 S15,600.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 202 5 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 18-inch Butterfly Valves 1/22/07 S4,100.00 $20,500.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Butterfly Valves(201 and 202) $36.100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CONTROL VALVES - SURGE RELIEF VALVE 301 1 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 8-Inch Surge Relief Valve 12/22/06 $2,950.00 $2,950.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 302 3 Ea. For Furnishing&Delivering 12-Inch Pump Control Check Valves 12/22/06 $7,740.00 S23,220.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Control Valves-Surge Valve(Item 601) $26,170.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER 401 1 L.S. For Fumishing and Delivering Motor Control Centers 1/30/07 $52,100.00 $52,100.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00• No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Motor Control Center(Item 801) $52,100.00 $0.00 . $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID: $266.960.00 $201,050,69 $211,789.00 $220.880.00 1.\Wvlic\2006120\Specs\Equipment BidlTech\PBS-2.als(Tabulation) Page 1 of 3 TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF BID OF BID OF BID OF Date: October 12,2006 Project:CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY.L.L.P. Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase 1 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Smith Pump Company,Inc. Henry Pratt Company Municipal Valve&Equipment Co. Environmental Improvements,Inc. Pumps&Motors,Valve&Major Electrical Dallas,Texas 7437 Tower Street 401 South Highland Ave. 5924 W.Parker Road,#200 517 N.Kealy Equipment Pre-Selection Fort Worth,Texas 76118 Aurora,Illinois 60506 Plano,Texas 75093 Lewisville,Texas 75057 Item Approximate Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid Delivery Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension Date Price Extension • PUMPS, MOTORS & PUMP CANS (BASE BID) For Fumishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower _ 101 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,200 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/20/07 $44,333.33 $133.000.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 For Fumishing and Delivering 24-inch I.D.Pump Cans,(3)with Pumps and 102 5 Ea. (2)with Steel Cover Plates 1/29/07 $13,990.00 $69,950.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps.Motors&Pump Cans(101 and 102) $202,950.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 PUMPS, MOTORS & PUMP CANS (ALTERNATE BID) • For Famishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower IOTA 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,800 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) 2/20/07 $36,350.00 $109,050.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps,Motors&Pump Cans(101A) $109.050.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BUTTERFLY VALVES 201 2 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 24-inch Butterfly Valves No Bid $0.00 2/9/07 $3,816.00 $7.632.00 2/28/07 $5,110.00 $10,220.00 3/12/07 $6.119.00 $12,238.00 202 5 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 18-inch Butterfly Valves No Bid $0.00 2/9/07 $2,394.00 $11,970.00 2/28/07 $3,097.00 $15,485.00 3/12/07 $4.299.00 $21,495.00 AMOUNT BID: Butterfly Valves(201 and 202) $0.00 $19,602.00 $25,705.00 $33,733.00 CONTROL VALVES - SURGE RELIEF VALVE 301 1 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 8-Inch Surge Relief Valve No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00, 1/6/07 $3,545.00 $3.545.00 3/2/07 $4,868.00 $4,868.00 302 3 Ea. For Famishing&Delivering 12-Inch Pump Control Check Valves No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 1/6/07 $7,558.00 $22,674.00 3/2/07 S11.783.00 $35,349.00 AMOUNT BID: Control Valves-Surge Valve(Item 601) $0.00 $0.00 $26.219.00 $40,217.00 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER , 401 1 L.S. For Famishing and Delivering Motor Control Centers No Bid S0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Motor Control Center(Item 801) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID: $312,000.00 $19.602.00 $51,924.00 $73,950.00 J.SWvl,2ooer2o)specsvEqn,pnwnt BidVTechvPBS--2xis(Tabulation) Page 2 of 3 TABULATION OF BIDS BID OF Date: October 12,2006 Project:CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS BIRKHOFF,HENDRICKS&CONWAY,L.L.P. Nortex Pump Station Improvements-Phase I CONSULTING ENGINEERS TPC Electric Company,Inc. Pumps&Motors,Valve&Major Electrical Dallas,Texas 6309 Industrial Dr. Equipment Pre-Selection Sachse,Texas 75048 Item Approxi mate Delivery Unit Bid No. Quantities Unit Description Date Price Extension PUMPS. MOTORS & PUMP CANS BASE BID) For Furnishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower 101 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1,200 rpm(Pump Nos.1,2&3) No Bid $0.00 For Furnishing and Delivering 24-inch I.D.Pump Cans,(3)with Pumps and 102 5 Ea. (2)with Steel Cover Plates No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps.Motors&Pump Cans(101 and 102) $0.00 PUMPS, MOTORS &PUMP CANS (ALTERNATE BID) For Fumishing and Delivering 1,600 gpm Pump and 75 Horsepower IOTA 3 Ea. Constant Speed Motor @ 1.800 rpm(Pump Nos.I.2&3) No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Pumps,Motors&Pump Cans(101A) $0.00 BUTTERFLY VALVES 201 2 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 24-inch Butterfly Valves No Bid $0.00 202 5 Ea. For Furnishing and Delivering 18-inch Butterfly Valves No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Butterfly Valves(201 and 202) $0.00 CONTROL VALVES - SURGE RELIEF VALVE 301 1 Ea. For Famishing and Delivering 8-Inch Surge Relief Valve No Bid $0.00 302 3 Ea. For Furnishing&Delivering 12-inch Pump Control Check Valves No Bid $0.00 AMOUNT BID: Control Valves-Surge Valve(Item 601) $0.00 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER 401 1 L.S. For Furnishing and Delivering Motor Control Centers 2/23/07 $47,256.00 $47.256.00 AMOUNT BID: Motor Control Center(Item 801) $47.256.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID: $47.256.00 1\Wyhe\2006120\Specs.Equiptnent Bid\Tech\PBS 2.xls((Tabulationi Page 3 of 3 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: F Department: Police (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Jim Holcomb Account Code: 100-5211-58910 Date Prepared: October 12, 2006 Budgeted Amount: $ 28,700.00 Exhibits: Contract &Bid Subject Consider, and act upon, award of bid to Jim Chapman Construction, in the amount of $28,584.00, for the remodeling of the CID and Patrol offices in the Police Department. Recommendation Motion to award the bid to Jim Chapman Construction in the amount of$28,584.00 for remodeling of CID and Patrol offices in the Police Department. Discussion Council has approved an expenditure of$28,700.00 for the proposed remodeling of CID and patrol office areas in the Police Department. The funds are allocated in the department's operating budget for fiscal year 2007 (account number 100-5211-58910). Competitive sealed bids for the work have been solicited in accordance with Chapter 252 of the Texas Local Government Code. The following bids were received. Jim Chapman Construction- $28,584.00 VeriPro Construction- $32,434.60 D4 Construction Services - $42,975.00 Approved By Initial Date Department Director ,�y�J,B/� 10/12/06 City Manager 1t1'1` Page 1of1 CONTRACT STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF COLLIN } THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 24t1 day of October, 2006, by and between The City of Wylie, a municipal corporation of the County of Collin and the State of Texas, Party of the First Part (hereinafter termed "City"), and Jim Chapman Construction Co. of the City of Mesquite, County of Dallas and State of Texas, Party of the Second Part(hereinafter termed"Contractor"). WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter set forth,the City and Contractor agree as follows: THE CONTRACTOR shall perform all of the work as specified in the contract documents, generally described as: REMODELING OF POLICE DEPARTMENT and all extra work in connection therewith under the terms of the contract documents and, at Contractor's own proper cost and expense, shall furnish all materials, supplies, machinery equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance and other accessories and services necessary to complete said work in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the bid attached hereto. THE CITY shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the work, subject to additions or deductions by change order or as otherwise provided in the contract documents, in current funds, the sum of Twenty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Eighty- Four Dollars ($28,584.00). THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall consist of this written agreement, the bid specifications, Contractor's Bid Submittal and the construction plans, all of which constitute the entire agreement between the City and the Contractor, and are as fully a part of this contract as if attached to or repeated in this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement in the year and day first above written. CITY OF WYLIE CONTRACTOR By: By: Attest: JIM CHAPMAN C CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O.Bon 871142 Mesquite,Texas 75187-1142 972-613-2384 Proposal To: The City of Wylie Sept. 29, 2006 2000 N. Hwy 78 Wylie, Texas 75098 Att: Jim Holcomb Purchasing Agent Re: Remodel Police Dept. I. Furnish labor and materials to remodel police department offices and area as follows: A. Wall off CID with a door and pass through window. Relocate two sprinkler heads and add two new heads. Relocate two existing fluorescent light fixtures and add additional fixture. TOTAL $3,496.00 B. Furnish labor and materials to build new wall to close off patrol hallway by the jail to include additional of a new door to convert into new storage area per plans. TOTAL $1,948.00 C. Furnish labor and materials to remodel the entrance to patrol area by closing off all the existing glass doors and panels, furnish and install one new metal door, jam, and hardware for security for entrance to patrol area. Remove the glass doors and panels in brreezeway to include the existing wall partitions to open area up. Build new interview room in this area as shown on pland. TOTAL $7,950.00 D. Furnish labor and materials to remove the closet in patrol sergeant's area to include side wall of sergeant Hooker's wall station and stub wall by Lt. Stowers office as per plans. TOTAL $6,600.00 Proposal To: Page# 2. Remodel Police Dept Sept. 8, 2006 City of Wylie Continued: E. Furnish labor and materials to build and install new work station counter top desk area for patrol officers work stations near Lt. Stowers office, build shelving for forms to be stored as per plans,to include relocation and,adding new electrical as needed for this area. TOTAL $3,390.00 F. Furnish labor and material to remove and replace 1,000, one thousand square feet of ceiling tile in the new patrol offices. This is figures using an allowance of$3.00 per sq. ft for new tile. TOTAL $5,200.00 TOTAL BID ITEMS #I.,A.-G $28,584.00 NOTE: All the above items will include electrical, sprinkler work as needed, tape, bed, texture, and painting, floor repairs, framing, drywall work, and trash disposal. Any changes from plans or selection of any special materials such as flooring may cause a slight change in price increase. Date• Sept 29, 2006 es F. Chapman, President Jim Chapman Construction Co., Inc. Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: 10-24-06 Item Number: G Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: 09-29-06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 30, 2006. Recommendation Accept, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of August 30, 2006. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on September 28, 2006. Over the past four months the WEDC Board had tabled the WEDC financials based upon incomplete and inaccurate data within the Balance Sheet. While those documents were forwarded to each Council member directly, the financials were not presented for Council to accept and place on file due again to their incomplete status. The August 2006 Balance Sheet has been updated completely by the City of Wylie Finance Department with both the WEDC and Finance comfortable with the accuracy and format for upcoming year-end figures to be presented to the City of Wylie auditors. Prior month balance sheets will not be adjusted due to auditors focusing on year-end figures. Approved By Initial Date Department Director SS 09-29-06 City Manager 14 J D- (1"d 6 Page 1of1 9-12-2006 08:58 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP FINANCIAL SUMMARY CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 919,320.00 122,187.61 0.00 827,605.52 0.00 91,714.48 90.02 INTEREST INCOME 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,316.42 0.00 ( 6,316.42) 163.16 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 4,720.00 0.00 21,785.40 0.00 ( 21,785.40) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 929,320.00 126,907.61 0.00 865,707.34 0.00 63,612.66 93.15 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,449,550.00 121,761.75 0.00 1,122,808.60 1,526.84 325,214.56 77.56 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,449,550.00 121,761.75 0.00 1,122,808.60 1,526.84 325,214.56 77.56 REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 520,230.00) 5,145.86 0.00 ( 257,101.26) ( 1,526.84) ( 261,601.90) 49.71 9-12-2006 08:58 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP REVENUES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET TAXES 4000-40210 SALES TAX 919,320.00 122,187.61 0.00 827,605.52 0.00 91,714.48 90.02 TOTAL TAXES 919,320.00 122,187.61 0.00 827,605.52 0.00 91,714.48 90.02 INTEREST INCOME 4000-46050 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-46110 ALLOCATED INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,283.66 0.00 ( 5,283.86) 0.00 4000-46140 TEXPOOL INTEREST 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,026.21 0.00 5,973.79 40.26 4000-46143 LOGIC INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.59 0.00 ( 215.59) 0.00 4000-46210 BANK MONEY MARKET INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,790.76 0.00 ( 6,790.76) 0.00 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 16,316.42 0.00 ( 6,316.42) 163.16 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 4000-48110 RENTAL INCOME 0.00 4,720.00 0.00 8,082.15 0.00 ( 8,082.15) 0.00 4000-48310 RECOVERY - PRIOR YEAR EXPEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-48410 MISC INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,703.25 0.00 ( 13,703.25) 0.00 4000-48430 GAIN ON SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 0.00 4,720.00 0.00 21,785.40 0.00 ( 21,785.40) 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES 929,320.00 126,907.61 0.00 865,707.34 0.00 63,612.66 93.15 9-12-2006 08:58 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 3 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 5611-51110 SALARIES 128,820.00 10,512.65 0.00 105,963.33 0.00 22,856.67 82.26 5611-51130 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51140 LONGEVITY PAY 480.00 0.00 0.00 476.00 0.00 4.00 99.17 5611-51145 SICK LEAVE BUYBACK 1,290.00 0.00 0.00 1,287.69 0.00 2.31 99.82 5611-51160 CERTIFICATION INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51170 PARAMEDIC INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51210 CAR ALLOWANCE 8,400.00 646.16 0.00 7,592.38 0.00 807.62 90.39 5611-51230 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-51310 TMRS 12,150.00 477.30 0.00 9,712.03 0.00 2,437.97 79.93 5611-51410 HOSPITAL & LIFE INSURANCE 13,140.00 1,380.53 0.00 11,313.75 0.00 1,826.25 86.10 5611-51420 LONG-TERM DISABILITY 580.00 49.94 0.00 347.82 0.00 232.18 59.97 5611-51440 FICA 8,670.00 667.08 0.00 4,938.67 0.00 3,731.33 56.96 5611-51450 MEDICARE 2,020.00 156.01 0.00 1,529.13 0.00 490.87 75.70 5611-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 460.00 0.00 0.00 379.21 0.00 80.79 82.44 5611-51480 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP (TWC) 590.00 0.00 0.00 416.53 0.00 173.47 70.60 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 176,600.00 13,889.67 0.00 143,956.54 0.00 32,643.46 81.52 SUPPLIES 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9,000.00 2,132.05 0.00 4,554.89 1,170.72 3,274.39 63.62 5611-52040 POSTAGE 440.00 99.00 0.00 127.62 0.00 312.38 29.00 5611-52130 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 2,120.00 59.15 0.00 907.80 0.00 1,212.20 42.82 5611-52990 OTHER 500.00 0.00 0.00 236.54 0.00 263.46 47.31 TOTAL SUPPLIES 12,060.00 2,290.20 0.00 5,826.85 1,170.72 5,062.43 58.02 MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 5611-54630 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 160.00 160.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5611-54810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 2,600.00 1,664.97 0.00 2,525.41 0.00 74.59 97.13 5611-54990 OTHER 5,020.00 1,492.50 0.00 5,462.50 0.00 ( 442.50) 108.81 TOTAL MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANC 7,780.00 3,317.47 0.00 8,147.91 0.00 ( 367.91) 104.73 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5611-56030 INCENTIVES 472,780.00 0.00 0.00 225,691.00 0.00 247,089.00 47.74 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 57,330.00 1,460.15 0.00 53,535.68 0.00 3,794.32 93.38 5611-56080 ADVERTISING 53,350.00 225.00 0.00 22,329.00 0.00 31,021.00 41.85 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 25,350.00 2,635.00 0.00 26,618.73 0.00 ( 1,268.73) 105.00 5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 4,940.00 1,309.78 0.00 3,531.06 0.00 1,408.94 71.48 5611-56180 RENTAL 2,650.00 3,154.17 0.00 3,154.17 0.00 ( 504.17) 119.03 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 11,790.00 71.33 0.00 7,299.21 0.00 4,490.79 61.91 5611-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5,520.00 100.00 0.00 5,400.31 0.00 119.69 97.83 5611-56310 INSURANCE 1,440.00 0.00 0.00 1,436.00 0.00 4.00 99.72 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES 10,000.00 941.25 0.00 9,347.67 0.00 652.33 93.48 5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SVC 2,000.00 4,020.00 0.00 4,170.00 0.00 ( 2,170.00) 208.50 5611-56610 UTILITIES - ELECTRIC 650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 647,800.00 13,916.68 0.00 362,512.83 0.00 285,287.17 55.96 9-12-2006 08:58 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 4 REVENUE AND EXPENSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED) AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR YEAR Y-T-D Y-T-D BUDGET % OF BUDGET PERIOD PO ADJUST. ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCE BALANCE BUDGET DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 237,440.00 20,325.81 0.00 184,728.90 0.00 52,711.10 77.80 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE & CAP. REPL 237,440.00 20,325.81 0.00 184,728.90 0.00 52,711.10 77.80 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5611-58110 LAND 338,960.00 0.00 0.00 333,932.87 0.00 5,027.13 98.52 5611-58120 DEVELOPMENT FEES 6,030.00 75.00 0.00 5,994.50 0.00 35.50 99.41 5611-58210 STREETS & ALLEYS 0.00 59,956.56 0.00 59,956.56 0.00 ( 59,956.56) 0.00 5611-58810 COMPUTER HARD/SOFTWARE 2,830.00 173.98 0.00 1,344.70 0.00 1,485.30 47.52 5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 6,600.00 7,350.00 0.00 7,350.00 356.12 ( 1,106.12) 116.76 5611-58995 CONTRA CAPITAL OUTLAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 354,420.00 67,555.54 0.00 408,578.63 356.12 ( 54,514.75) 115.38 OTHER FINANCING (USES) 5611-59111 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 13,450.00 466.38 0.00 9,056.94 0.00 4,393.06 67.34 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 13,450.00 466.38 0.00 9,056.94 0.00 4,393.06 67.34 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT CORP-WEDC 1,449,550.00 121,761.75 0.00 1,122,808.60 1,526.84 325,214.56 77.56 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,449,550.00 121,761.75 0.00 1,122,808.60 1,526.84 325,214.56 77.56 REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ( 520,230.00) 5,145.86 0.00 ( 257,101.26) ( 1,526.84) ( 261,601.90) 49.71 "* END OF REPORT *** 9/13/2006 8:19 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 1 VENDOR SET: 01 CITY OF WYLIE BANK: ALL FUND : 111 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP INVOICE DATE RANGE: 8/01/2006 THRU 8/31/2006 PAY DATE RANGE: 1/01/1998 THRU 99/99/9999 BUDGET TO USE: CB-CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK # AMOUNT 01-000023 ABERNATHY, ROEDER, P.0 I-2793-0001M 111 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEG: 2793-0001M LEGAL FEE 017944 502.50 01-000023 ABERNATHY, ROEDER, P.0 I-2793-0020M JULY 111 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEG: 2793-0020M JULY LEGA 017944 97.50 01-000023 ABERNATHY, ROEDER, P.0 I-2793-0022M JULY 111 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEG: 2793-0022M JULY LEGA 017944 195.00 01-000023 ABERNATHY, ROEDER, P.0 I-2793-0023M JULY 111 5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEG: 2793-0023M JULY LEGA 017944 146.25 01-000101 CITY OF WYLIE I-126-0290-02 JULY 111 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVI: 126-0290-02 JULY 018093 12.15 01-000196 HELMBERGER fi ASSOCIATE I-0619B 111 5611-56570 ENGINEERING -: 06198 SERVICES-DESIG 017761 2,120.00 01-000196 HELMBERGER & ASSOCIATE I-A0674 111 5611-56570 ENGINEERING -: A0674 ENVIRON AUDIT 017761 1,500.00 01-000292 PLANO OFFICE SUPPLY I-039970 111 5611-58830 FURNITURE & F: 039970 DESK CHAIR 018231 356.12 01-000298 HAWK ELECTRONICS I-199891 JUL-AUG 111 5611-56110 COMMUNICATION: 199891 JUL-AUG BILL/ 017953 237.02 01-000384 WYLIE CHRISTIAN CARE I-83006 111 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEV: 83006 SPONSOR GOLD T 018167 1,625.00 01-000468 WYLIE CHAMBER I-105464 111 5611-56110 COMMUNICATION: 105464 REIMBURSE INS 018087 757.76 01-000468 WYLIE CHAMBER I-105485 111 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEV: 105485 RODEO SPONSOR 018108 800.00 01-000664 COMMONWEALTH LAND TITL I-842341 111 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLI: COFFEE SERVICE 018148 28.28 01-000912 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA I-8277 JULY J HOLCOM 111 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLI: 8277 JULY J HOLCOMB 018054 114.30 01-001071 2 L'S, INC. I-5058 111 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES: 5058 BOARD MEET DINN 018030 59.15 01-001071 2 L'S, INC. I-5058A 111 5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES: WEDC BOARD BREAKFAST 018225 48.00 01-001173 RJ LAWN & LANDSCAPE I-72906 111 5611-54990 OTHER : 72906 MOWING COOPER 017824 150.00 01-001336 AERIAL FOCUS I-611181 111 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLI: 611181 MURAL 018296 1,625.00 01-001792 INWOOD NATIONAL BANK I-104015301 AUG 111 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE : 104015301 AUG 018081 10,809.63 01-001899 GERRY HARRIS I-081006 111 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLI: 081006 REIMBURS KEYS 017996 14.61 01-001899 GERRY HARRIS I-081906 111 5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLI: 081906 REIMBURS BATT 017996 5.80 01-001899 GERRY HARRIS I-082206 111 5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TR: 082206 MILEAGE 7/16 017996 54.33 01-002044 NETWORK ESSSENTIAL I-53052 111 5611-54990 OTHER : 53052 COMPUTER MAINT 018157 1,282.50 01-002048 JAMES L. HUGHES I-PAY#2 AUG06 111 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE : PAY #2 AUG06 DEBT SE 017763 3,774.70 01-002049 LEAVE 'EM SQUEAKY CLEA I-082206 111 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 018101 40.00 01-002050 BARON COOK I-81506 111 5611-56180 RENTAL : 081506 RENT 7/17-31, 017782 2,235.45 01-002051 BEST IMAGE SYSTEMS, IN I-090029 JULY COLOR 111 5611-56180 RENTAL : 030029 JULY COLOR CO 017815 37.20 01-002051 BEST IMAGE SYSTEMS, IN I-106397 JULY 111 5611-56180 RENTAL : 106397 JULY COPIER 017815 35.22 9/13/2006 8:19 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 2 VENDOR SET: 01 CITY OF WYLIE BANK: ALL FUND : 111 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP INVOICE DATE RANGE: 8/01/2006 THRU 8/31/2006 PAY DATE RANGE: 1/01/1998 THRU 99/99/9999 BUDGET TO USE: CB-CURRENT BUDGET VENDOR NAME ITEM # G/L ACCOUNT NAME DESCRIPTION CHECK # AMOUNT 01-002052 TIME WARNER CABLE 1-0190169 AUG/SEPT 111 5611-56110 COMMUNICATION: 0190169 AUG1B-SEPT17 018007 95.00 01-002068 TROTTER AIR CONDITIONI I-11439 111 5611-58830 FURNITURE & F: 11439 REPLACE A/C 21 018086 4,500.00 01-002069 TXU ELECTRIC DELIVERY I-1 082906 111 5611-58210 STREETS & ALL: 1 082906 RELOCATE LI 018105 59,956.56 01-002075 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL I-6745880230 111 5611-56180 RENTAL : 6748550230 AUG COPIE 018166 356.65 01-1 ANNE'S ART & DESIGN I-001 080406 111 5611-56080 ADVERTISING : ANNE'S ART & DESIGN: 018089 225.00 01-1 G.S.C. CONSTRUCTION I-2466 111 5611-54990 OTHER : G.S.C. CONSTRUCTION: 018133 60.00 01-1 WYLIE ISD ATHLETICS I-81106 111 5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEV: WYLIE ISD ATHLETICS: 017827 210.00 01-1 WYLIE HOME & OFFICE I-8206 111 5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVI: WYLIE HOME & OFFICE 017742 300.00 VENDOR SET 111 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORPTOTAL: 94,366.68 REPORT GRAND TOTAL: 94,366.68 9/13/2006 8:19 AM REGULAR DEPARTMENT PAYMENT REPORT PAGE: 3 ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** LINE ITEM GROUP BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 2005-2006 111-5611-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,787.99 9,000 1,649.39 111-5611-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 107.15 2,120 1,164.20 111-5611-54990 OTHER 1,492.50 5,020 442.50- Y 111-5611-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 352.15 57,330 3,794.32 111-5611-56080 ADVERTISING 225.00 53,350 31,021.00 111-5611-56090 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2,635.00 25,350 2,168.73- Y 111-5611-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 1,089.78 4,940 1,408.94 111-5611-56180 RENTAL 2,664.52 2,650 504.17- Y 111-5611-56210 TRAVEL AND TRAINING 54.33 11,790 4,490.79 111-5611-56510 AUDIT AND LEGAL SERVICES 941.25 10,000 652.33 111-5611-56570 ENGINEERING - ARCHITECT SV 3,620.00 2,000 2,170.00- Y 111-5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 14,584.33 237,440 52,711.10 111-5611-58210 STREETS fi ALLEYS 59,956.56 0 59,956.56- Y 111-5611-58830 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 4,856.12 6,600 1,462.24- Y TOTAL: 94,366.68 NO ERRORS 9-26-2006 10:55 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS 1000-10110 CLAIM ON CASH AND CASH EQUIV. 540,273.84 1000-10115 CASH-WEDC-INWOOD 0.00 1000-10135 INWOOD BANK-ESCROW 0.00 TOTAL CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS 540,273.84 INVESTMENTS 1000-10341 TEXPOOL 0.00 1000-10343 LOGIC 0.00 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 0.00 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 1000-11517 ACCTS REC - SALES TAX 0.00 TOTAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RECEIV 1000-12996 LOAN REC - JACOBY 147,648.48 TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL RECEIV 147,648.48 INVENTORIES 1000-14112 INVENTORIES - MATERIAL/SUPPLY 0.00 1000-14116 INVENTORY - LAND 1,733,936.48 1000-14118 INVENTORY - BAYCO - SANDEN BLV 0.00 TOTAL INVENTORIES 1,733,936.48 PREPAID ITEMS 1000-14310 PREPAID EXPENSES 0.00 1000-14410 DEFERRED CHARGE 50,000.00 TOTAL PREPAID ITEMS 50,000.00 2,471,858.80 TOTAL ASSETS 2,471,858.80 LIABILITIES PAYROLL DEDUCT. PAYABLE 2000-20110 FEDERAL INCOME TAX PAYABLE 776.50 2000-20111 MEDICARE PAYABLE 79.72 2000-20112 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20113 CREDIT UNION PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20114 IRS LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20115 NATIONWIDE DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20116 HEALTH INSUR PAY-EMPLOYEE ( 206.80) 2000-20117 TMRS PAYABLE 117.92 2000-20118 ROTH IRA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20119 WORKERS COMP PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20120 FICA PAYABLE 340.88 2000-20121 TEC PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20122 STUDENT LOAN LEVY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20123 ALIMONY PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20124 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 0.00 9-26-2006 10:55 AM CITY OF WYLIE PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2006 111-WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVEL CORP ACCOUNT# TITLE 2000-20125 VALIC DEFERRED COMP 0.00 2000-20126 ICMA PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20151 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 0.00 2000-20180 ADDIT EMPLOYEE INSUR PAY ( 228.03) 2000-20199 MISC PAYROLL PAYABLE 0.00 TOTAL PAYROLL DEDUCT. PAYABLE 880.19 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2000-20201 AP PENDING 5,048.84 2000-20210 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0.00 TOTAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 5,048.84 CONTRACTS PAYABLE 2000-20540 NOTES PAYABLE 1,349,323.48 TOTAL CONTRACTS PAYABLE 1,349,323.48 DEFERRED REVENUE 2000-22270 DEFERRED REVENUE 147,648.48 TOTAL DEFERRED REVENUE 147,648.48 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,502,900.99 FUND BALANCE/EQUITY FUND BALANCE 3000-34590 FUND BALANCE-UNRESERV/UNDESIG 1,226,059.07 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 1,226,059.07 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 1,226,059.07 TOTAL REVENUE 865,707.34 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,122,808.60 TOTAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ( 257,101.26) TOTAL EQUITY & SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 968,957.81 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY & SURPLUS/DEFICIT 2,471,858.80 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub ledger August 28, 2006 Notes Payable Payment Principal Interest Principal Balance Inwood 11,212.97 7,319.77 3,893.20 $801,684.44 Birmingham 5,741.48 4,766.41 975.07 161,413.74 Hughes 3,774.70 2,074.70 1,700.00 336,225.30 Total $1,299,323.48 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Subledger August 23, 2006 Inventory- Land Address Acerage Improvements (sq.ft.) Cost Basis McMasters 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Martinez Martinez Lane 25.00 n/a 639,000 Hughes 211 -212 Industrial 0.92 10,000 466,585 Ferrell 2806 F.M. 544 1.09 6,500 239,372 Heath 706 Cooper 0.46 3,625 186,934 Total 27.95 $1,733,936 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2006 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2004 2005 2006 05 VS 06 05 VS 06 DECEMBER 47,662 58,817 74,957 16,140 27.44% JANUARY 36,338 58,034 74,764 16,730 28.83% FEBRUARY 71,259 96,492 110,794 14,302 14.82% MARCH 47,066 55,710 88,544 32,835 58.94% APRIL 42,768 58,530 67,714 9,185 15.69% MAY 79,414 92,311 113,042 20,731 22.46% JUNE 70,264 69,185 86,454 17,269 24.96% JULY 50,238 69,448 89,148 19,700 28.37% AUGUST 73,218 98,067 122,188 24,121 24.60% SEPTEMBER 52,305 70,260 69,876 -384 -0.55% OCTOBER 56,983 53,819 NOVEMBER 79,612 104,937 Sub-Total $707,127 $885,609 $897,482 $170,628 23.47% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $707,127 $885,609 $897,482 $170,628 23.47% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $140.000 $iEE MIMI S� 11111111 IMI7 f $60,000 i r • rriluclicrutjIII. . I02005 1 " Ill , . $40,000 1 � : 11III 1111 • 11 $2Q,000 l • 1 . I. 1 . 111111$0 tt cga ? E. m 2 3 a a a ti 2 Q ' Q ID Ca CD o O > m 0 a in z Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: H Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: 10/12/06 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for WISD the Rita Smith Elementary School on 16.61 gross acres, generally located south of Parker Road(FM 2514) and west of Country Club Drive (FM 1378). Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for WISD the Rita Smith Elementary School on 16.61 gross acres, generally located south of Parker Road(FM 2514) and west of Country Club Drive (FM 1378). Discussion The applicant is proposing to develop an educational facility on one lot. The facility will be the eighth elementary school in the district. The school will sit approximately 847.54 feet from FM 1378, and will be accessible by a 2,127 foot drive. The Plat dedicates twenty (20) feet of right-of-way for widening along the eastern portion of the property at FM 1378. The plat creates one lot totaling 16.606 gross acres. Approximately ten (10) unplatted acres owned by the Gateway Community Church of Murphy exist immediately east of the proposed site between the subject property and FM 1378. These ten acres will be platted at a future date by the church. A Traffic Impact Analysis was conducted and found that the proposed site will create traffic congestion. A left turn lane from FM 1378 will be required. TXDOT would not authorize a signal at this intersection. However, the City Engineer is working with the applicant to discuss a future signal light when FM 1378 is converted to a City roadway. The Final Plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations and all other pertinent code requirements of the City of Wylie. Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to recommend approval. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/12/06 City Manager (0 it 1/06 Page 1 of 1 OYMER'S CERTROATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COIUK NOW.THEREFORE.KNOW AU.YEN SY TeRSE PRESENTS: OeIWTORS mfW4A lid REM0S Me M/M roam» t Schaal 0.1.11.ua a»w of a Pact Rat,u.W.a 1,ba0..Mat sewd Ngrk6 aelino by am throe.w Mr.of.M.qd......... *of Mr Appromr of 0 m Pal..Surmy )I! OM?O... age*N iw.eM tbb pat,w.IPnoNw . arab am 0.e, Collin Canty,Tea.and be.part of a`a 29.0 w: Eru O.m0...4cwat aw mama is...men troct or la.a +r.to cats.cbmmraltr Ow.W lef.h. tnm S.as d byyw cog'cawty.imm. saw.. 003 40 0 Rmwnp A Curia Canaan 0. ris In x.,Pam 4203.0.ed Raw.at Cale Mown . hereby rats...for t.pure....in..... CRr of RA+yw County.T•.wa. um we port....ao..w Ire»: .a.n a.1........11.....W puma.M a. _ .units.Ea..a.n.bleb M.d.n eras,M a.eon le Approved Mr Coma. a h/Yaam w.I.ne fur camr.<.prat...p Pits.sae for».aN..ar won. male a R.wtetIr Hall f u IJis(o pa'REw.)•.din peat e..p ell nwm»n awv d par.en e.utlp Non T.a»wow...tl.r eaoh.YK a • b bullanos.f.nus,bar,nirub.x etnw 'mn.n.n»(i a are�MaY nrnMrwM w polo. Il Yanr.OTT d r00.iev» Ora t.ENtE OI' 'N•f•/S i`rm raC`.N IafwmK.3>9,a melwwe urn,,avm r mow .0 ea.*be. R S Mt•to a aaW..Mw�mF,p a.+YIM for eWham.»gym.Nwl MYfmn^uRb of M M �R p RYE I 1" a.Nww a a8.0.Mt t M E'mats end MT^na^f.I.^'"'urn ea M.• COMM 6(q{N poepty -O- tofu I/2 wT 4w Wont o-meanr, sm..a a.r mwovr. V»llw MI. .M1 elf wi.mip.0 a...a holm Puts.w.for.. di eq mq p.arN.repw�Mwla.An pre aa.t»Wn mdtawa,ra a .. .way OM.J.Sn4wi,.vh m »t for corn.TS'3YIYw,a Menu p 10133 N.N a I/3'v.roe ...M N all tlm»b wmm•mtut NIA al...w epees bur lo aMo. b» I. m b.mao.nai.r, Yqv.Oq d hJyY.M. 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ROa. \G • KY...w.a.g S.ad dor. ///1`J/l11{ t STATE OF TEXAS , `I COUNTY OF GOWN as 113........1 0au.w.Y 4pe..1 NMN a am Ion th• \ L••»�� W prow 2w woo.mu...to tom by... 410131.414 GOO a .5W.ame Met M �m4�Tr m• Nf]Ptl7Y YAP ew..»1...pre a.. M.a.o myha.ald viol of Mr...b._Myp w 9b1 M•iwA m• 30mGPo4 20'R1(..00O.W. Vol...»,va xaw FT I.a r.a 131m1tl 0...col.) M4]01' .. —y...,,w t__— — 9100.051'6 27' 54 Sea 111 .-Y3tr'1 10 8!6 N] 233. ,4.. Ct —tea. 0052743"W , ilf::/lt .. Z". .0.0.. CO tan Confobon/.114 Penner. .Pp IIno ,,,i' ii ILot A 11\;1 0.—..„....„.,... y 38 COX Noar.tr06 v..Sp%Y Py a1N 40wy Z ]O MO Aar.PEA $ FINAL PLAT I/ i4,,,),‘\'pa., RITA SMITH �a .0.. u` ELEMENTARY SCHOOL } '�".z__.,„..--- WILLI4M PATTERSON SURVEY ,._ xf»a Irtar-",a,. ABSTRACT No. 716 3a� mEz_---- �x7� »1. WYUE. COLUN COUNTY. TEXAS .» sm-nr2ri 1210.72' » T •\ 1 \ . \ o \ o2420430 * 4 * 0202fl 72.06 boy Wills Texas 42 000 4523. 0111 NOME RM..Phew I Sur40.on Sum3Np Inc. R.l� ___ wets..win won a m+wt•eeMot� <m.N,P.3e. 0853 West University Drive.Solt p sag�[ lie _ pe McKinney,Tee. ]SO]t '., to w''. p of uh xw Telephone 072 Ss2—TeAB I SEP ...het 14 2005 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: 1 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: 411-6905 Date Prepared: 10/11/06 Budgeted Amount: $ 3,250,000.00 Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, award of a contract to Tri-Con Services, Inc., in the amount of$3,225,042.60, for the reconstruction of Stone Rd. from Ballard Avenue to Akin Lane. Recommendation Motion to award a contract to Tri-Con Services, Inc. in the amount of$3,225,042.60 for the reconstruction of Stone Rd. from Ballard Avenue to Akin Lane. Discussion Engineering for the Stone Rd. paving project was completed by Chiang, Patel &Yerby, Inc. as part of the 1999 Bond Program. $3,250,000 was identified for the construction of the project in the first bond issue of the 2005 Bond Program. On October 6, 2006 the City opened four bids with the low bid with being submitted by Tri- Con Services, Inc. Two alternates for the 8-inch concrete pavement were bid with the project to enable the City to select the most cost effective method of construction. The project includes approximately 22,069 square yards of 8-inch concrete pavement, 2,195 square yards of concrete sidewalk, 1,730 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement, and 3,534 linear feet of water line replacement. Tri-Con has completed multiple projects for the City, one of which was the reconstruction of Kirby Street from SH 78 to Birmingham. The contract specifies the project be substantially complete within 270 consecutive calendar days. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 10/11/06 r City Manager (v /ti\V" 0 Q 1 Page 1 of 1 Partners for a Better Quality of Life October 12, 2006 Mr. Chris Hoisted City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie,TX 75098 Re: Recommendation of Bid for Stone Road Dear Mr. Hoisted: Chiang,Patel &Yerby,Inc. has finished reviewing the bids received for Stone Road and determined that Tri-Con Services, Inc.was the low bidder for the Base Bid+Alternative 1. After contacting the references provided to us by Tri-Con Services we find no reason not to award the construction contract to Tri-Con Services,Inc. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, to. eavt Thomas E.T. Cochill,P.E. Project Manager Chiang, Patel & Yerby, Inc. 901 N.McDonald,Suite 700, McKinney,Texas 75069 972.542.7315•972.562.9770 metro•972.542.7308 fax www.cpyi.com Stone Road,Wylie TX CWY0105 Tiseo Paving Co Tri-Con Services,Inc.PO Box McMahon Contracting Camino Construction,LP 1208 419 E.Hwy 80 472867 Garland,TX 76047 P.O.BOX 153086 Metro Park Lewisville,TX 76067 Mesauits,TX 75150 - irvina.TX 75015 Project item No. Description Units Quantity Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total 101 Deleted by Addendum 1 LF 0.0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 102 10"PVC Sanitary Sewer Line(SDR 35)W/Class H Embendment LF 1703.0 $27.85 $47,428.55 $60.00 $102,180.00 $50.60 $86,171.80 $65.00 $110,695.00 103 4'Diameter Manhole EA 11.0 $2,875.00 $31,625.00 $3,700.00 $40,700.00 $3,100.00 $34,100.00 $4,000.00 $44,000.00 104 Vacuum Test Sanitary Sewer Manholes EA 11.0 $215.00 $2,365.00 $50.00 $550.00 $300.00 $3,300.00 $215.00 $2,365.00 105 Sanitary Sewer Cleanout EA 1.0 $535.00 $535.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $920.00 $920.00 $900.00 $900.00 106 Remove Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 6.0 $535.00 $3,210.00 $900.00 $5,400.00 $920.00 $5,520.00 $250.00 $1,500.00 107 Trench Safety for Sanitary Sewer System LF 2016.0 $1.15 $2,318.40 $0.10 $201.60 $0.58 $1,169.28 $0.10 $201.60 Subtotal Sanitary Sewer improvements-Base Bid $87,481.95 $150,031.60 $131,181.08 $159,661.60 108 8"PVC Water Line(C-900)INCL Blocking&Embedment LF 3534.0 $20.35 $71,916.90 $61.00 $215,574.00 $37.50 $132,525.00 $40.00 $141,360.00 109 6"PVC Water Line(C-900)INCL Blocking&Embedment LF 106.0 $18.25 $1,934.50 $60.00 $6,360.00 $40.25 $4,266.50 $37.00 $3,922.00 110 16"Encasement Pipe INCL Fittings,Blocking&Embedment LF 54.0 $91.00 $4,914.00 $65.00 $3,510.00 $72.50 $3,915.00 $100.00 $5,400.00 111 8"Resilient Seat Gate Valve EA 26.0 $1,035.00 $26,910.00 $1,050.00 $27,300.00 $1,425.00 $37,050.00 $1,000.00 $26,000.00 112 6"Resilient Seat Gate Valve EA 11.0 $750.00 $8,250.00 $700.00 $7,700.00 $1,100.00 $12,100.00 $900.00 $9,900.00 113 8"X 8"Tapping W/8 Tapping Valve EA 1.0 $3,210.00 $3,210.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,300.00 $4,300.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 114 Fire Hydrant Assembly(By Open Cut) EA 11.0 $2,850.00 $31,350.00 $3,800.00 $41,800.00 $2,400.00 $26,400.00 , $2,900.00 $31,900.00 115 Connect to Exsisting Water Line EA 12.0 $1,075.00 $12,900.00 $1,000.00 $12,000.00 $800.00 $9,600.00 $800.00 $9,600.00 116 Water Test LS 1.0 $2,150.00 $2,150.00 $100.00 $100.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $3,700.00 $3,700.00 117 Sawcut,Remove&Replace Concrete for Water Trench SF 54.0 $32.50 $1,755.00 $15.00 $810.00 $9.20 $496.80 $8.00 $432.00 118 Sawcut,Remove&Replace Pavement(6")for Water Line(Detail STD-21 R) SF 198.0 $21.50 $4,257.00 $10.00 $1,980.00 $9.20 $1,821.60 $6.00 $1,188.00 119 Reconnect Existing Water Meters to New Meter Boxes EA 27.0 $803.00 $21,681.00 $1,000.00 $27,000.00 $1,325.00 $35,775.00 $730.00 $19,710.00 120A Cast Iron Fittings TON 1.25 $3,750.00 $4,687.50 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $3,450.00 $4,312.50 $3,500.00 $4,375.00 120B Trench Safety for Water System LF 3640.0 $2.25 $8,190.00 $0.10 $364.00 $0.58 $2,111.20 $0.10 $364.00 Subtotal Water Line improvements-Base Bid $204,105.90 $362,498.00 $276,873.60 $261,251.00 121 Unclassified Street Excavation CY 16850.0 $8.15 $137,327.50 $8.00 $134,800.00 $8.00 $134,800.00 $12.00 $202,200.00 122 Borrow CY 2126.0 $3.85 $8,185.10 $5.00 $10,630.00 $10.50 $22,323.00 $15.00 $31,890.00 123 Remove&Dispose Existing Asphalt Pavement SY 8831.0 $5.25 $46,362.75 $5.00 $44,155.00 $2.80 $24,726.80 $7.50 $66,232.50 124 Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Pavement SY 1974.0 $7.90 $15,594.60 $10.00 $19,740.00 $5.20 $10,264.80 $9.00 $17,766.00 125 Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Sidewalk SY 85.0 $9.00 $765.00 $15.00 $1,275.00 $7.00 $595.00 $9.00 $765.00 126 Remove&Dispose Existing Concrete Driveway SY 605.0 $7.90 $4,779.50 $10.00 $6,050.00 $6.00 $3,630.00 $9.00 $5,445.00 127 Remove&Dispose Existing Asphalt Driveway SY 398.0 $5.25 $2,089.50 $6.00 $2,388.00 $3.00 $1,194.00 $5.00 $1,990.00 128 7"Lime Treated Subgrade SY 23640.0 $3.65 $86,286.00 $2.00 $47,280.00 $2.60 $61,464.00 $2.50 $59,100.00 129 Hidrated Lime(©39#/SY) TNS 460.0 $110.00 $50,600.00 $105.00 $48,300.00 $100.00 $46,000.00 $110.00 $50,600.00 130 6"Monolithic Concrete Curb(3600 PSI) LF 5970.0 $2.00 $11,940.00 $1.00 $5,970.00 $1.00 $5,970.00 $2.10 $12,537.00 131 6"Concrete Curb&Gutter(3600 PSI) LF 160.0 $20.00 $3,200.00 $5.00 $800.00 $35.00 $5,600.00 $30.00 $4,800.00 132 6"Reinforced Concrete Driveway(3600 PSI) SY 694.0 $46.00 $31,924.00 $40.00 $27,760.00 $45.00 $31,230.00 $37.00 $25,678.00 133 4"Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk(3000 PSI) SY 2195.0 $32.00 $70,240.00 $32.00 $70,240.00 $36.00 $79,020.00 $34.00 $74,630.00 134 4"HMAC Type B Base Course SY 776.0 $19.00 $14,744.00 $19.00 $14,744.00 $20.00 $15,520.00 $20.00 $15,520.00 135 2"HMAC Type D Surface Course,Fine Graded SY 776.0 $13.00 $10,088.00 $10.00 $7,760.00 $10.00 $7,760.00 $10.00 $7,760.00 136 Barrier Free Ramps(3000 PSI) EA 24.0 $950.00 $22,800.00 $850.00 $20,400.00 $650.00 $15,600.00 $850.00 $20,400.00 137 Reinforced Concrete Street Header(3600 PSI) LF 196.0 $10.00 $1,960.00 $20.00 $3,920.00 $8.00 $1,568.00 $25.00 $4,900.00 138 24"Solid White Markings LF 251.0 $4.30 $1,079.30 $9.00 $2,259.00 $4.60 $1,154.60 $6.00 $1,506.00 139 12"Dolid White Markings LF 1189.0 $2.15 $2,556.35 $4.50 $5,350.50 $2.30 $2,734.70 $2.50 $2,972.50 140 8"Solid White Markings INCL Type II-C-R LF 989.0 $1.45 $1,434.05 $2.50 $2,472.50 $1.55 $1,532.95 $2.00 $1,978.00 141 4"Broken White Markings INCL Type II-C-R LF 1221.0 $1.20 $1,465.20 $1.00 $1,221.00 $1.26 $1,538.46 $1.50 $1,831.50 142 White Word Markings EA 8.0 $96.50 $772.00 $120.00 $960.00 $105.00 $840.00 $125.00 $1,000.00 143 White Arrow Markings EA 25.0 $75.00 $1,875.00 $100.00 $2,500.00 $81.00 $2,025.00 $100.00 $2,500.00 144 12"Solid Yellow Markings LF 38.0 $2.15 $81.70 $5.00 $190.00 $2.30 $87.40 $2.50 $95.00 145 4"Double Solid Yellow Markings LF 1856.0 $2.00 $3,712.00 $0.75 $1,392.00 $2.07 $3,841.92 $2.25 $4,176.00 146 4"Broken Yellow Markings LF 850.0 $1.25 $1,062.50 $1.00 $850.00 $1.05 $892.50 $1.00 $850.00 147 4"Solid Yellow Markings LF 3370.0 $0.90 $3,033.00 $0.75 $2,527.50 $0.92 $3,100.40 $1.00 $3,,370.00 gZtell� LaMk �.,Nperyata.&R 919vvaalLF $0.901 $286.20 $1.10 $349.80 $0.86 $273.48 $1.00 C.D.c.meM nd D.,iG K 0�t..n_rd_DId C.,,,,,,ary 10/11P8gDpp.3 7 AM Stone Road, Wylie TX CWY0105 149 WK ZN 4"SLD W REM Markings INCL Maintain&Removal LF 576.0 $0.90 $518.40 $1.10 $633.60 $0.86 $495.36 $1.00 $576.00 150 WK ZN 4"DBL SLD Y REM Markings INCL Maintain&Removal LF 3552.0 $1.75 $6,216.00 $1.10 $3,907.20 $1.73 $6,144.96 $2.00 $7,104.00 151 WK ZN 8"SLD W REM Markings INCL Maintain&Removal LF 64.0 $2.00 $128.00 $3.00 $192.00 $2.07 $132.48 $3.00 $192.00 152 WK ZN 4"DOT W REM Markings INCL Maintain&Removal LF 77.0 $1.75 $134.75 $2.00 $154.00 $1.72 $132.44 $2.00 $154.00 153 Bamcased,Signs&Traffic Handling LS 1.0 $41,500.00 $41,500.00 _ $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $47,000.00 $47,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 154 Furnish&Place Solid sod,Tip Soli,Fertilizer&Water SY 9207.0 $5.75 $52,940.25 $3.00 $27,621.00 $6.30 $58,004.10 $6.20 $57,083.40 155 Clearing&Crubbing LS 1.0 _ $78,500.00 $78,500.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $72,000.00 $72,000.00 156 Constructing&Maintaining Temporary Detour Widening LS 1.0 $170,000.00 $170,000.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 157 Mobilization LS 1.0 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 $140,000.00 $140,000.00 $160,200.00 $160,200.00 $200,000.00 $200,000.00 157A Median Pavers SF 675.0 $11.00 $7,425.00 $9.00 $6,075.00 $8.00 $5,400.00 $12.00 $8,100.00 157B Pedestiran Hand Rail(PR1)W/Rail Anchorage Curb LS 1.0 _ $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $9,085.00 $9,085.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Subtotal Paving Improvements-Base Bid $1,012,105.65 $805,867.10 $883,881.35 $1,109,019.90 158 Temporary Erosion Control LS 1.0 _ $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $11,000.00 $11,000.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 159 5'Standard Curb Inlet EA 13.0 $2,575.00 $33,475.00 $2,000.00 $26,000.00 $2,400.00 $31,200.00 $3,100.00 $40,300.00 160 5'Standard Curb Inlet W/1-5'Extensions EA 19.0 $3,700.00 $70,300.00 $2,300.00 $43,700.00 $3,450.00 $65,550.00 $4,700.00 $89,300.00 161 5'Standard Curb Inlet W/2-5'Extensions EA 17.0 $4,800.00 $81,600.00 _ $2,500.00 $42,500.00 $4,500.00 $76,500.00 $5,300.00 $90,100.00 162 4 Grate Inlet _ EA 4.0 _ $2,150.00 $8,600.00 $3,000.00 $12,000.00 $3,100.00 $12,400.00 $5,200.00 $20,800.00 163 Tyep B Srtom Manhole EA 6.0 $3,700.00 $22,200.00 $4,000.00 $24,000.00 $3,450.00 $20,700.00 $5,300.00 $31,800.00 164 Tyep M-MOD Storm Manhole EA 2.0 $4,550.00 $9,100.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $4,250.00 $8,500.00 $8,200.00 $16,400.00 165 18"Class III RCP INCL Embedment&Backfill LF 1694.0 _ $37.50 $63,525.00 $68.00 $115,192.00 $59.00 $99,946.00 $51.00 $86,394.00 166 21"Class III RCP INCL Embedment&Backfill LF 302.0 $45.00 $13,590.00 $70.00 $21,140.00 $64.50 $19,479.00 $56.00 $16,912.00 167 24"Class III RCP INCL Embedment&Backfill LF 160.0 $52.50 $8,400.00 $74.00 $11,840.00 $69.00 $11,040.00 $64.00 $10,240.00 168 27"Class III RCP INCL Embedment&Backfill LF 90.0 $63.25 $5,692.50 $90.00 $8,100.00 $76.00 $6,840.00 $72.00 $6,480.00 169 36"Class III RCP INCL Embedment&Backfill LF 234.0 $91.00 $21,294.00 $96.00 $22,464.00 $107.00 $25,038.00 $110.00 $25,740.00 170 3'X 3'Reinforced Conc Box INCL Embedment&Connections LF 558.0 $113.50 $63,333.00 $120.00 $66,960.00 $135.00 $75,330.00 $120.00 $66,960.00 171 3'X 4'Reinforced Conc Box INCL Embedment&Connections LF 619.0 $138.50 $85,731.50 $140.00 $86,660.00 $163.00 $100,897.00 $140.00 $86,660.00 172 3'X 6'Reinforced Conc Box INCL Embedment&Connections LF 301.0 _ $201.25 $60,576.25 $186.00 $55,986.00 $233.00 $70,133.00 $200.00 $60,200.00 173 3'X 7'Reinforced Conc Box INCL Embedment&Connections _ LF 318.0 _ $246.50 $78,387.00 $220.00 $69,960.00 $278.00 $88,404.00 $240.00 $76,320.00 174 4'X 8'Precast Reinf.Conc.Box INCL Embedment&Connections LF 230.0 $300.00 $69,000.00 $290.00 $66,700.00 $325.50 $74,865.00 $330.00 $75,900.00 175 4'X 8'Cast-In-Place Reinf.Conc.Box INCL Embedment&Connections LF 1036.0 $275.00 $284,900.00 $290.00 $300,440.00 $290.00 $300,440.00 $315.00 $326,340.00 176 Remove&Dispose of Existing Box Culverts&Headwalls LS 1.0 $4,280.00 $4,280.00 _ $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $7,950.00 $7,950.00 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 177 Sawcut,Remove&Replace Pavement(6")for Storm Sewer(Detail STD-21 R) SF 780.0 $10.75 $8,385.00 $6.00 $4,680.00 $9.20 $7,176.00 $6.00 $4,680.00 178 Wingwall,HW=4'SW-0 EA 1.0 $1,725.00 $1,725.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 179 Wingwall,HW=4'PW-0 EA 1.0 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 $6,900.00 $6,900.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 180 PSET-SP(6:1)(24") EA 3.0 $1,125.00 $3,375.00 $2,500.00 $7,500.00 $1,200.00 $3,600.00 $2,000.00 $6,000.00 181 PSET-SP(6:1)(36") EA 1.0 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 182 Concrete Rip Rap(5") CY 16.0 $290.00 $4,640.00 $250.00 $4,000.00 $311.00 $4,976.00 $420.00 $6,720.00 183 Grouted Rock Rip Rap(8") SY 112.0 $62.25 $6,972.00 $65.00 $7,280.00 $58.00 $6,496.00 $75.00 $8,400.00 184 Pilot Channel INCI All Appur FW-0&Seeded Soil Retension Blankets LS 1.0 $183,000.00 $183,000.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 $196,000.00 $196,000.00 $81,000.00 $81,000.00 185 Trench Safety Strom Sewer System LF 4909.0 $1.25 $6,136.25 $0.10 $490.90 $0.58 $2,847.22 $0.10 $490.90 Subtotal Drainage Improvements _ $1,227,717.50 $1,100,092.90 $1,342,057.22 $1,293,636.90 Total:Base Bid(items 101-186) $2,531,411.00 $2,408,489.60 $2,632,993.25 52,823,469.40 Paving improvements Alternate 1 1 8"Dowelled Reinforced Concrete Pavement(3600 PSI) SY 22069.0 $32.90 $726,070.10 $37.00 $816,553.00 $32.00 $706,208.00 $42.00 $926,898.00 Total Base Bid+Alternate Bid#1 $3,257,481.10 _ $9,226,042.60 $3,339,201.26 $3,750,367.40 Paving improvements Alternate 2 1 8"Reinforced Concrete Pavement(3600 PSI)(CRCP) SY 22069.0 $38.15 $841,932.35 $44.00 $971,036.00 $38.50 $849,656.50 $52.00 $1,147,588.00 Total Base Bid+Alternate Bid#2 $3,373,343.95 $3,379,625.60 $3,482,649.75 $3,971,067A0 Notes C:/Documents and Settings\cholsted.WYLIELLocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKF8\Stone_rd_Bid Summary 2 10/13/200S 9:37 AM Page 1 of 1 Chris Hoisted From: Tom Cochill [TCOCHILL@cpyi.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:16 AM To: C. A. Davis; Chris Hoisted Subject: Stone Rd Bid Summary Attachments: Stone_rd_Bid Summary.xls; Tiseo Bid.pdf; Tricon Bid.pdf Gentlemen, I have finished reviewing the bids. Attached is the review bid summary, Tiseo's bid summary, and TriCon's bid summary. Tiseo had an error with their Water Line Subtotal. Their subtotal was $55,620.50 and it should have been $204105.90. As a result TriCon is now the low bidder for Base+Alt 1. However Tiseo remains low bidder for Base+Alt 2. TriCon has called me because apparently Tiseo contacted them and told them of the error. I told TriCon I couldn't make anything official until I spoke with the City. McMahon had a small errors in a few of their item totals but it didn't amount to anything significant. Questions: Do you want me to call TriCon and tell them of the error? Do you know which alternative you are going to build? Do you want me to call references for both companies or wait until you decide? I have worked with Tiseo before. The final product was good however they went over the construction time. They changed the foreman on the job approximately 4 times during the 13 months of construction. I have not had any experience with TriCon. Thomas E.T. Cochill, P.E. Associate, McKinney Office Manager Chiang,Patel&Yerby,Inc. 901 N.McDonald,Ste.700 McKinney,TX 75069 0-972-542-7315(x103) F-972-542-7308 10/13/2006 10/4/2006 Tri-Con Services, Inc. Stone Rd.;Reconstruction Wylie Item No, Description Quantity Units Unit Price Amount 102 Furnish & Install 1703 LF 60.00 102,180.00 10"Sanitary Sewer line (SDR 35)will embedment 103 Furnish& Install 11 ea 3,700.00 40,700.00 4 ft diam. Manholes 104 Vacuum Test sanitary 11 ea 50.00 550.00 sewer manhole 105 Furnish&Install 1 ea 1,000.00 1,000.00 Sanitary sewer dean out toe Remove existing 6 ea 900.00 5,400.00 sanitary sewer manhole 107 Trench safety& 2016 LF 0.10 201.60 support for sanitary sewer system SubTotal Sanitary Sewer 150,031.60 toe Furnish&Install 3534 LF 61.00 215,574.00 8" PVC water line (C-900)w!blocking&embedment 109 Furnish& Install 106 LF 60.00 6,360.00 6"PVC water line (C-900)or/blocking&embedment iio Furnish& Install 54 LF 65.00 3,510.00 16"Encasement pipe IN/fittings,blocking&embedment 111 Furnish& Install 26 ea 1,050.00 27,300.00 8"resilient seat gate valve 112 Furnish&Install 11 ea 700.00 7,700.00 6"resilient seat gate valve 113 Furnish& Install 1 ea 3,000.00 3,000.00 8"x 8"Tapping sleeve &8"tapping valve 114 Furnish& Install 11 ea 3,800.00 41,800.00 Fire Hydrant assembly 115 Connect to existing 12 ea 1,000.00 12,000.00 water main lie Water test 1 LS 100.00 100.00 117 Sawcut, remove& replace 54 SF 15.00 810.00 concrete for water trench 118 Sawcut, remove&replace 198 SF 10.00 1,980.00 pavement 6"for water line per detail STD 21-R 119 Furnish& Install 27 es 1,000.00 27,000.00 New water meter boxes& reconnect existing water meters,including all copper &saddles 120A Furnish&Install 1.25 TN 4,000.00 5,000.00 Cast iron fittings 120 s Trench safety& 3640 LF 0.10 364.00 support for water system SubTotal Water tine improvements 352,498.00 121 unclassified street excavation 16850 CY 8.00 134,800.00 including placement,compaction and disposal in Furnish place&compact 2,126 CY 5.00 10,630.00 borrow 123 Remove&dispose 8,831 SY 5.00 44,155.00 existing asphalt pavement 124 Remove&dispose 1,974 SY 10.00 19,740.00 existing concrete pavement 12s Remove&dispose 85 SY 15.00 1,275.00 existing concrete sidewalk 12s Remove&dispose 605 SY 10.00 6,050.00 existing concrete driveway 127 Remove&dispose 398 SY 6.00 2,388.00 existing asphalt driveway 128 Furnish& Install 23,640 SY 2.00 47,280.00 7"thick compacted lime stabilized subgrade 129 Furnish& Install 460 TN 105.00 48,300.00 Hydrated Lime (39 Ibs/SY) 130 construct 6"monolithic 5970 LF 1.00 5,970.00 curb(3600psi) 131 Construct 6"curb&gutter 160 LF 5.00 800.00 3600 psi 132 Construct 6"thick 694 SY 40.00 27,760.00 reinforced concrete driveways 3600psi 133 Construct 4"thick 2195 SY 32.00 70,240.00 reinforced concrete sidewalk 3000psi 134 Furnish&place asphalt 776 SY 19.00 14,744.00 base course, 4"thick Type B in Furnish&place asphalt 776 SY 10.00 7,760.00 surface course, 2"thick Type D,fine graded in Construct reinforced 24 ea 850.00 20,400.00 concrete Barrier free ramps 3000psi 137 Construct reinforced 196 LF 20.00 3,920.00 concrete street header 3600psi 138 Furnish&install 251 LF 9.00 2,259.00 24"(SLD)(W)markings 139 Furnish&install 1189 LF 4.50 5,350.50 12"(SLD)(W) markings 140 Furnish&install 989 LF 2.50 2,472.50 8"(SLD)(W) markings Type H-C-R 141 Furnish&install 1221 LF 1.00 1,221.00 4"(BRK)(W)markings Type II-C-R 142 Furnish&install 8 ea 120.00 960.00 (W)(WORD) Marking 143 Furnish&install 25 ea 100.00 2,500.00 (W)(ARROW) Marking 144 Furnish&install 38 LF 5.00 190.00 12"(SLD)(Y) markings 145 Furnish &install 1856 LF 0.75 1,392.00 4"(DBL)(SLD)(Y)markings 148 Furnish&install 850 LF 1.00 850.00 4"(BRK)(Y)markings 147 Furnish&install 3370 LF 0.75 2,527.50 4"(SLD)(Y)markings 14a Furnish, install,maintain 318 LF 1.10 349.80 &remove WZ(4")(SLD)(Y) (REM)markings 149 Furnish, install,maintain 576 LF 1.10 633.60 &remove WZ(4")(SLD)(W) (REM)markings 150 Furnish, install,maintain 3552 LF 1.10 3,907.20 &remove WZ(4")(DBL) (SLD)(Y)(REM)markings 1s1 Furnish, install,maintain 64 LF 3.00 192.00 &remove WZ(8")(SLD) (W)(REM)markings 152 Furnish, install,maintain 77 LF 2.00 154.00 &remove WZ(4")(DOT) (W)(REM)markings 153 For Barricades&Signing 1 LS 25,000.00 25,000.00 for Traffic control 154 Furnish&Install 9207 SY 3.00 27,621.00 Solid Sod, Topsoil,fertilizer and water 15s Clearing &Grubbing 1 LS 20,000.00 20,000,00 1ss Constructing and 1 LS 75,000.00 75,000.00 maintaining Temporary detour widening 157 Mobilization 1 LS 140,000.00 140,000.00 157 A Furnish&Install median 675 SF 9.00 6,075.00 pavers,including embedment, backfill&border 157 B Furnish & Install 1 LS 21,000.00 21,000.00 Pedestrian handrail (Type PR1)and rail anchorage curb(RAC) SubTotal Paving Improvements 805,867.10 i 158 Furnish , Install, maintain 1 LS 11,000.00 11,000.00 and remove Temporary erosion control 159 5 ft standard inlet 13 ea 2,000.00 26,000.00 1eo 5 ft standard inlet w/ 19 ea 2,300.00 43,700.00 1 -5 ft extension 161 Construct 5 ft standard 17 ea 2,500_00 42,500.00 inlet w/2-5 ft extensions 1s2 construct 4 grate inlet 4 ea 3,000.00 12,000.00 163 Construct Type B storm 6 ea 4,000.00 24,000.00 manhole 164 Construct Type M-Mod 2 ea 5,000.00 10,000.00 storm manhole 165 Furnish&Install 1694 LF 68.00 115,192.00 18"dia Class 3 RCP Storm sewer pipe,including embedment and backfill iss Furnish&Install 302 LF 70.00 21,140.00 21"dia Class 3 RCP Storm sewer pipe,including embedment and backfill 167 Furnish&Install 160 LF 74.00 11,840.00 24"dia Class 3 RCP Storm sever pipe,including embedment and backfill iss Furnish&Install 90 LF 90.00 8,100.00 27"dia Class 3 RCP Storm sewer pipe,including embedment and backfill iss Furnish&Install 234 LF 96.00 22,464.00 36"dia Class 3 RCP Storm sewer pipe,including embedment and backfill 170 Furnish& Install 558 LF 120.00 66,960.00 3'x3'reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections 171 Furnish&Install 619 LF 140.00 86,660.00 3'x4'reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections in Furnish& Install 301 LF 186.00 55,986.00 3k6 reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections 173 Furnish &Install 318 LF 220.00 69,960.00 3'x7'reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections 174 Furnish &Install 230 LE 290.00 66,700.00 4k8'reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections 175 Furnish&Install 1036 LF 290.00 300,440.00 4'x8' cast in place reinforced concrete box including embedment&connections 176 Remove&Dispose 1 LS 4,500.00 4,500.00 existing Box culverts& headwalls in sawcut,remove and replace 780 SF 6.00 4,680.00 (6")for storm sewer per STD-21-R 178 Construct Wingwalls,HW=4` 1 ea 10,000.00 10,000.00 SW-o tta Construct Wingwalls,HW=4' 1 ea 18,000.00 18,000.00 PW-O 180 Construct PSET-SP(6:1) 3 ea 2,500.00 7,500.00 (24") 1st Construct PSET-SP(6:1) 1 ea 4,000.00 4,000.00 (36") 182 Construct concrete 16 CY 250.00 4,000.00 Rip Rap(5") 183 Furnish &Install 112 SY 65.00 7,280.00 Grouted Rip Rap(8") 184 Construct Pilot channel& 1 LS 45,000.00 45,000.00 all appurtenances including FIN--O and seeded soil retention blankets 185 Trench safety and 4909 LF 0.10 490.90 support for storm sewer system Tri-Con Services Alt#1 Construct 8"thick dowled, 22,069 SY 37.00 816,553.00 reinforced pavement 3600psi 28 days Base bid+Alt#1 3,225,042.60 , Construct 8"thick 22,069 SY 44.00 971,036.00 continuo*reinforced concrete pavement(CRCP) 3600psi @ 28 days Td-Coll Services s to s i ri n f .. .,... 'yJ 9,...s'... .f M1'3.�' . a3J.!sd:'.�f�u✓'J.z,k .,-{A .. -Tr. II Ali L;__.. - PAVING COMPANY Mailing Address: P.O.Box 270040 Dallas,TX 75227 Physical Address: 419 E.Hwy. 80 Mesquite, TX 75150 Tel: (972) 289-0723 Fax: (972) 216-5637 - QUOTATION To: CITY OF WYLIE Attn: HONORABLE MAYOR&CITY COUNCIL Re: STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION We propose to furnish all labor,materials and equipment necessary to construct,as an independent contractor, the following described work: ITEM IQUANTITY(UNIT( DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE( TOTAL PRICE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID 101 0.00 LF DELETED BY ADDENDUM 1 $0.00 $0.00 102 1703.00 LF 10"PVC SANITARY SEWER LINE (SDR 35)W/CLASS H EMBEDMENT $27.85 $47,428.55 103 11.00 EA 4'DIAMETER MANHOLE $2,875.00 531,625.00 104 11.00 EA VACUUM TEST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES $215.00 $2,365.00 105 1.00 EA _SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT $535.00 $535.00 106 6.00 EA REMOVE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE $535.00 $3,210.00 107 2016.00 LF TRENCH SAFETY FOR SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM $1.15 $2,318.40 SUBTOTAL-SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID(ITEMS 101 -107) $87,481.95 WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID 108 3534.00 LF 8"PVC WATER LINE(C-900)INCL BLOCKING&EMBEDMENT $20.35 $71,916.90 109 106.00 LF 6"PVC WATER LINE(C-900)INCL BLOCKING&EMBEDMENT $18.25 $1,934.50 110 54.00 LF 16"ENCASEMENT PIPE INCL FITTINGS,BLOCKING&EMBEDMENT $91.00 $4,914.00 111 26.00 EA 8"RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE 51,035.00 $26,910.00 112 11.00 EA 6"RESILIENT SEAT GATE VALVE $750.00 $8,250.00 113 1.00 EA 8"X 8"TAPPING W/8"TAPPING VALVE $3,210.00 53,210.00 114 11.00 EA FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY(BY OPEN CUT) $2,850.00 $31,350.00 115 12.00 EA CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER LINE $1,075.00 $12,900.00 116 1.00 LS WATER TEST $2,150.00 $2,150.00 117 54.00 SF SAWCUT,REMOVE&REPLACE CONCRETE FOR WATER TRENCH $32.50 $1,755.00 118 198.00 SF SAWCUT,REMOVE&REPLACE PAVEMENT(6")FOR WATER LINE(DETAIL STD-21-,R) $21.50 $4,257.00 12:19 PM 10/6/2006 Page 1/4 119 27.00_ EA RECONNECT EXISTING WATER METERS TO NEW METER BOXES $803.00 $21,681.00 120A 1.25 TON CAST IRON FITTINGS $3,750.00 $4,687.50 120E 3640.00 LF TRENCH SAFETY FOR WATER SYSTEM $2.25 $8,190.00 SUBTOTAL-WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID(ITEMS 108-120) :400560.49 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID 121 16850.00 CY UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXCAVATION $8.15 $137,327.50 122 2128.00 CY BORROW $3.85 $8,185.10 123 8831.00 SY REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT $5.25 $46,362.75 124 1974.00 SY REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT $7.90 $15,594.60 125 85.00 SY REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK $9.00 $765.00 126 605.00 SY REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY $7.90 $4,779.50 127 398.00 SY REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING ASPHALT DRIVEWAY $5.25 $2,089.50 128 23640.00 SY 7"LIME TREATED SUBGRADE $3.65 $86,286.00 129 460.00 TNS HYDRATED LIME(a 39# I SY) $110.00 $50,600.00 130 5970.00 LF 8"MONOLITHIC CONCRETE CURB(3600 PSI) $2.00 $11,940.00 131 160.00 LF 6"CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER(3600 PSI) $20.00 $3,200.00 132 694.00 SY 6"REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY (3600 PSI) $46.00 $31,924.00 133 2195.00 SY 4"REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK (3000 PSI) $32.00 $70,240.00 134 776.00 SY 4"HMAC TYPE B BASE COURSE $19.00 $14,744.00 135 776.00 SY 2"HMAC TYPE D SURFACE COURSE,FINE GRADED $13.00 $10,088.00 136 24.00 EA BARRIER FREE RAMPSL3000 PSI) $950.00 $22,800.00 137 196.00 LF REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET HEADER(3600 PSI) $10.00 $1,980.00 138 251.00 LF 24"SOLID WHITE MARKINGS $4.30 $1,079.30 139 1189.00 LF 12"SOLID WHITE MARKINGS $2.15 $2,556.35 140 989.00 LF 8"SOLID WHITE MARKINGS INCL TYPE II-C-R $1.45 $1,434.05 141 1221.00 LF 4"BROKEN WHITE MARKINGS INCL TYPE II-C-R $1.20 $1,465.20 142 8.00` EA WHITE WORD MARKINGS $98.50 $772.00 143 25.00 EA WHITE ARROW MARKINGS $75.00 $1,875.00 144 38.00 LF 12"SOLID YELLOW MARKINGS $2.15 $81.70 145 1856.00 LF 4"DOUBLE SOLID YELLOW MARKINGS $2.00 $3,712.00 146 850.00 LF 4"BROKEN YELLOW MARKINGS $1.25 $1,062.50 147 3370.00 LF 4"SOLID YELLOW MARKINGS $0.90 $3,033.00 148 318.00 LF WK ZN 4"SLD Y REM MARKINGS INCL MAINTAIN&REMOVAL $0.90 $286.20 149 578.00 LF WK ZN 4"SLD W REM MARKINGS INCL MAINTAIN&REMOVAL $0.90 $518.40 150 3552.00 LF WK ZN 4"DBL SLD Y REM MARKINGS INCL MAINTAIN&REMOVAL $1.75 $6,216.00 151 64.00 LF WK ZN 8"SLD W REM MARKINGS INCL MAINTAIN&REMOVAL $2.00 $128.00 152 77.00 LF WK ZN 4"DOT W REM MARKINGS INCL MAINTAIN&REMOVAL $1.75 $134.75 153 1.00 LS BARRICADES,SIGNS&TRAFFIC HANDLING $41,500.00 $41,500.00 154 9207.00 SY FURNISH&PLACE SOLID SOD,TOP SOIL,FERTILIZER&WATER $5.75 $52,940.25 155 1.00 LS CLEARING&GRUBBING $78,500.00 $78,500.00 12:19 PM 10/6/2006 Page 2/4 156 1.00 LS CONSTRUCTING&MAINTAINING TEMPORARY DETOUR WIDENING $170,000.00 $170,000.00 157 1.00 LS MOBILIZATION $110,000.00 $110,000.00 157A 675.00 SF MEDIAN PAVERS $11.00 $7,425.00 157E - 1.00 LS PEDESTRIAN HAND RAIL(PR1 1,W/RAIL ANCHORAGE CURB $8,500.00 $8,500.00 SUBTOTAL-PAVING IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID(ITEMS 121 -15713) $1,012,105,65 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID ..... 158 1.00 LS TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL $20,000.00 $20,000.00 159 13.00 EA 5'STANDARD CURB INLET $2,575.00 $33,475.00 160 19.00 EA 5'STANDARD CURB INLET WI 1 -5'EXTENSION $3,700.00 $70,300.00 161 17.00 EA 5'STANDARD CURB INLET WI 2-5'EXTENSIONS $4,800.00 $81,600.00 162 4.00 EA 4 GRATE INLET $2,150.00 $8,600.00 163 6.00 EA TYPE B STORM MANHOLE $3,700.00 $22,200.00 164 2.00 EA TYPE M-MOD STORM MANHOLE $4,550.00 $9,100.00 165 1694.00 LF 18"CLASS III RCP INCL EMBEDMENT&BACKFILL $37.50 $63,525.00 166 302.00 LF 21"CLASS III RCP INCL EMBEDMENT&BACKFILL $45.00 $13,590.00 167 160.00 LF 24"CLASS III RCP INCL EMBEDMENT&BACKFILL $52.50 $8,400.00 168 90.00 LF 27"CLASS III RCP INCL EMBEDMENT&BACKFILL $63.25 $5,692.50 169 234.00 LF 38"CLASS III RCP INCL EMBEDMENT&BACKFILL $91.00 $21,294.00 170 558.00 LF 3'X 3' REINFORCED CONC BOX INCL EMBEDMENT&CONNECTIONS $113.50 $63,333.00 171 619.00 LF 3'X 4' REINFORCED CONC BOX INCL EMBEDMENT&CONNECTIONS $138.50 $85,731.50 172 301.00 LF 3'X 6' REINFORCED CONC BOX INCL EMBEDMENT&CONNECTIONS $201.25 $60,576.25 173 318.00 LF 3'X 7' REINFORCED CONC BOX INCL EMBEDMENT&CONNECTIONS $246.50 $78,387.00 174 230.00 LF 4'X 8' PRECAST REINF CONC BOX INCL EMBEDMENT&CONNECTIONS $300.00 $89,000.00 175 1036.00 LF 4'X 8' CAST-IN-PLACE REINF CONC BOX INCL EMBED&CONNECTIONS $275.00 $284,900.00 176 1.00 LS REMOVE&DISPOSE OF EXISTING BOX CULVERTS&HEADWALLS $4,280.00 $4,280.00 177 780.00 SF SAWCUi REMOVE&REPLACE PAVEMENT(6")FOR STORM SEWER(DETAIL STD-21_R) $10.75 $8,385.00 178 1.00 EA WINGWALL,HW=4'SW-0 $1,725.00 $1,725.00 179 1.00 EA WINGWALL, HW=4'PW-0 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 180 3.00 EA PSET-SP(6:1j(24") $1,125.00 $3,375.00 181 1.00 EA PSET-SP(6:1 )(36") $2,500.00 $2,500.00 182 16.00 CY CONCRETE RIP RAP(5") $290.00 $4,640.00 183 112.00 SY GROUTED ROCK RIP RAP(8") $62.25 $6,972.00 184 1.00 LS PILOT CHANNEL INCL ALL APPUR FW-0&SEEDED SOIL RETENSION BLANKETS $183,000.00 $183,000.00 185 4909.00 LF TRENCH SAFETY FOR STORM SEWER SYSTEM $1.25 $6,136.25 SUBTOTAL-DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS-BASE BID(ITEMS 158-185) $1,227,717.50 TOTAL: BASE BID(ITEMS 101 -185) STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 25 3 1 4 t0 a) 12:19 PM 10/6/2006 Page 3/4 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS ALTERNATE 1 1 I 22069.00r SY 18"DOWELLED REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT(3600 PSI) 1 $32.901 $726,070.10 TOTAL:ALTERNATE BID#1 (ITEM 1 ) $726,070.10 STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION TOTAL BASE BID+ALTERNATE BID#1 ;9 - STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 4 PAVING IMPROVEMENTS ALTERNATE 2 1 I 22069.001 SY 18"REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT)3600 PSI)(CRCP) I $38.151 $841,932.35 TOTAL:ALTERNATE BID#2(ITEM 1 ) $841,932.35 STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION TOTAL BASE BID+ALTERNATE BID#2 STONE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION 2343 .�33. TISEO PAVING COMPANY ARTHUR TISEO,PRESIDENT BUSINESS ADDRESS: 419 E.HWY,80 MESQUITE,TX 75150 (972)289-0723 12:19 PM 10/6/2006 Page 4/4 ROW Q.STIIE RD. ROW' LEGEND I 90' 10 8"CONCRETE PAVEMENT I II 20 7"LIME TREATED SUBGRADE 139 POUNDS PER SQUARE YARD) 12'TYP. 12'TYP. I��II 0 6"MONOLITHIC CURB)TYP) 4 I ® B"HMAC PAVEMENT DITCH VARIES VARIES DITCH • • 2/.MAXIMUM CROSS-SLOPE(TAS/ADA) /� /r PGL IS LOCATED AT THE PROJECTION I / \ •• OF PAVEMENT SURFACE AT THE Q MEDIAN GRADE IS 6"ABOVE THIS POINT. II 4 4 4 4 W SOD I EXISTING TYPICAL SECTION I TWO 12'ASPHALT LANES WITH NO SHOULDER NOTE: ALL NON-PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SODDED,INCLUDING MEDIANS AND AREA FROM BACK OF CURB TO ROW. ROW E.STONE RD. ROW 'tf 90'MIN I -LHW�S E.i.[OcxlE 9' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 9' I ya`4 IB I A F ,)fifi5EM,SQ '- V V I , 1 2% �PGL 2% I 1 w w . ..., ...,.. :. .. CP&YJ Chiang,Patel 6 Yerby,Inc. ULTIMATE TYPICAL SECTION STONE RD.(FUTURE) 4"REINF.CONC.SIDEWALK • I STONE RD. 6 LANE ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION FROM BALLARD AVE.TO JOHN AKIN LANE ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTIONS . BOW Checked: JJF TEXAS CWY0105 7 Drown' BZM n .44 SHEET 1 OF 3 Cneckee. JJF COLLIN +..+m+ 101 ..-\Planset2\General\1050gt01.005 9/14/2006 10:10:52 AM LEGEND ROW C STONE RD. ROW 0 8"CONCRETE PAVEMENT 90'IMIN 07"LIME TREATED SUBGRADE --i 139 POUNDS PER SQUARE YARD/ i9' 12' 12' 24' 12' 12' 9• 03 6"MONOLITHIC CURB ITYPI — MEDIAN 4' 4' w m W®W 8"HMAC PAVEMENT L/I�� 4 4 I V 27 2Y J . SOD 2z 2%� I '--.-\l_i _.•,_z_z_z ____..,,,c \ `PGL*+ /w!1w 4 REINF.CONC.SIDEWALK . PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION STONE RD. TYP. 4 LANE ROADWAY WITH 24 FT MEDIAN FOR FUTURE EXPANSION NOTE ALL NON-PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SODDED.INCLUDING MEDIANS AND AREA FROM BACK OF CURB TO ROW. ROW S STONE RD. ROW I I 90'MIN 9' c12' �122' 14' I 12' '/1'/2''`' 19' I r� 4'4 4' V . J 6' 4' I T 9'---U :, r U 2% PGL 2X wl PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION STONE RD. 77J 4"REINF.CONC.SIDEWALK . --. 5 LANE ROADWAY WITH CONTINUOUS LEFT TURN ----- T Ne. RE C Flee„ION Chiang,Patel 8 Derby,Inc. „E J STONE RD. RECONSTRUCTION FROM BALLARD AVE.TO JOHN AKIN LANE ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTIONS MOM Checked: JJF TEXAS CWY0105 8e SHEET 2 OF 3 eN - BZM �N" I` rz Checked. JJF COLLIN J+�.xu 10I ..APlansetB\General\105bgt02.005 9/14/2006 10:11:32 AM tri Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: 2 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 10/17/06 Budgeted Amount: $ 2,600,000 Exhibits: Agreement Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of Engineering Services Agreement, in the amount of $105,000.00, with Helmberger Associates, Inc. for the design of the extension of Alanis Drive from the Twin Lakes Subdivision to FM 544. Recommendation Approve the Engineering Services Agreement, in the amount of$105,000.00 with Helmberger Associates, Inc. for the design of the extension of Alanis Drive from the Twin Lakes Subdivision to FM 544. Discussion Funding for the extension of Alanis Drive from the Twin Lakes Subdivision to FM 544 was included in the City's 2005 Bond Program. A total of$2,600,000 was identified for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of the improvements. The project includes approximately 2,700 linear feet of a 4-lane divided roadway section with related drainage and sidewalk improvements. The right of way for the project will be acquired from Skorburg Company per the development agreement for Alanis Crossing approved on the September 12, 2006 Council meeting. The proposal includes services for surveying, engineering design, and construction site visits. The engineer will start on the project as soon as the agreement is executed and the first plan submittal is projected to occur within 60 days. The project is currently scheduled to advertise in January. The projected construction cost is $940,000.00. Approved pp oved By Initial Date Department Director CH 10/17/06 City Manager rn V1n (o l(Q b6 Page 1of1 ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Wylie. Texas. hereinafter referred to as '`City", and Helmberger Associates, Inc.. hereinafter referred to as "Engineer'. to he effective from and after the date as provided herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS. the City desires to engage the services of the Engineer to prepare construction plans and specifications and provide construction administration services. hereinafter referred to as"Basic Services", together with certain "Special Services" for Paving and Drainage Improvements to Alanis Drive from the terminus of existing Alan's Drive to Farm to Market 544, located in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as the"Project"; and WHEREAS,the Engineer desires to render such engineering services for the City under the terms and conditions provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and in consideration of the covenants contained herein, and for the mutual benefits to be obtained hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Employment of the Engineer The City hereby agrees to retain the Engineer to perform professional engineering services in connection with the Project; Engineer agrees to perform such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. II. Scope of Services The parties agree that Engineer shall perform such services as are set forth and described in Exhibit"A"for"Basic Services" and Exhibit"B"for"Special Services'. which are attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. The parties understand and agree that deviations or modifications, in the form of written changes may be authorized from time to time by the City. III. Schedule of Work The Engineer agrees to commence services immediately upon execution of this Agreement, and to proceed diligently with said service to completion as described in the Completion Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit"C"and thereby made a part of this Agreement. • IV. Compensation and Method of Payment The parties agree that Engineer shall be compensated for all services provided pursuant to this Agreement in the amount and manner described and set forth in the Payment Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit"D" and thereby made a part of this Agreement. Engineer further agrees that it will prepare and present such monthly progress reports and itemized statements as are described in said Exhibit"D". City agrees to pay invoices upon receipt. • V. Information to be Provided by the City The City agrees to furnish, if available, prior to commencement of services, all that information set forth and described on Exhibit"A", Part VI, which is attached hereto and thereby made a part of this Agreement. VI. Insurance Engineer agrees to procure and maintain for the duration of the contract Professional Liability Insurance, Worker's Compensation, General Liability and Automobile Insurance. VII. Assignment and Subletting The Engineer agrees that neither this Agreement nor the services to be performed hereunder will be assigned or sublet without the prior written consent of the City. The Engineer further agrees that the assignment or subletting of any portion or feature of the work or materials required in the performance of this Agreement shall not relieve the Engineer from its full obligations to the City as provided by this Agreement. VIII. Audits and Records The Engineer agrees that at any time during normal business hours and as often as City may deem necessary, Engineer shall make available to representatives of the City for examination all of its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement, and will permit such representatives of the City to audit,examine, and make excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts. invoices. materials, payrolls,records of personnel. conditions of employment and other data relating to all matters covered by this Agreement, all for a period of one year from the date of final settlement of this Agreement or for such other or longer period, if any. as may be required by applicable statute or other lawful requirement. X. Contract Termination The parties agree that City or the Engineer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other. In the event of such termination without cause. Engineer shall deliver to City all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies. surveys,drawings, maps. models, reports photographs or other items prepared by Engineer in connection with this Agreement. Engineer shall be entitled to compensation for any and all services completed to the satisfaction of City in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement prior to termination. X. Engineer's Opinion of Cost The parties recognize and agree that any and all opinions of cost prepared by Engineer in connection with the Project represent the best judgment of Engineer as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but that the Engineer does not guarantee that any bids solicited or received in connection with the Project will not vary from the opinion by the Engineer. XI. Ownership of Documents Original drawings, specifications and reports are the property of the Engineer; however. the Project is the property of the City. City shall be furnished with such reproductions of drawings, specifications and reports. Upon completion of the services or any earlier termination of this Agreement under Article X, Engineer will revise drawings to reflect changes made during construction as reported by the City and contractor, and he will furnish the City with one(1) complete set of reproducible and two black-line sets of record prints. Additional prints shall be furnished at cost, as an additional service,at any other time requested by City. XII. Complete Contract This Agreement, including the exhibits hereto numbered"A"through "D" constitutes the entire agreement by and between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof XIII. Mailing of Notices Unless instructed otherwise in writing. Engineer agrees that all notices or communications to City permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to City at the following address: Mr. Michael B. Sferra Director of Development Services City of Wylie • 2000 Highway 78 N. Wylie. Texas 75098 City agrees that all notices or communications to Engineer permitted or required under this Agreement shall be addressed to Engineer at the following address: Randall T. Helmberger, P.E. Helmberger Associates. Inc. 124 Hooper Road Wylie,Texas 75098 (972)442-7459 All notices or communications required to be given in writing by one party or the other shall be considered as having been given to the addressee on the date such notice or communication is posted by the sending party. XIV. Contract Amendments This Agreement may be amended only by the mutual agreement of the parties expressed in writing. XV. Effective Date This Agreement shall be effective from and after execution by both parties hereto. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEALS on the date indicated below. CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS HELMBERGER ASSOCIATES,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS By: By: eatitiSki Randall T. Helmberger. .E.. V.P. Date: Date: ID) 1TJ 0(42 ATTEST ATTEST BY: By: P \ Stephen . Helmberget .E.. President EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF WYLIE ALANIS DRIVE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FROM SOUTH BALLARD AVENUE TO FARM TO MARKET 544 SCOPE OF BASIC SERVICES PART I: PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Preparation of plans, specifications and bidding documents for paving and drainage improvements to Alanis Drive from the terminus of existing Alanis Drive to Farm to Market 544, as depicted in Electronic Document forwarded by Corwin Engineering. Inc. will include the following. 1. Attend preliminary design conference with the CITY regarding the project. 2. Review existing paving, drainage and utility plans for Twin Lakes Phase IV and V. 3. Prepare paving plan and profile sheets. The roadway will ultimately be a six-lane divided thoroughfare with reinforced concrete pavement on a lime treated subgrade. The pavement structure will either be determined from the geotechnical investigation and traffic counts or as required by the City Paving Standard. 4. The roadway grade will tie into the existing street headers at the terminus of existing Alanis Drive and the existing roadway at Farm to Market 544 with provision to connect to the improved roadway at FM 544. 5. Driveways and cross streets along the roadway will be sectioned to design acceptable approach slopes. b. Prepare drainage plan and profile sheets. The storm sewer system will be an underground system with curb inlets having capacity to convey the 100-year storm according to the design criteria established in the City of Wylie Drainage Design Manual. Culverts and bridges will also be designed to convey the 100-year storm. Plans will also include a drainage area map and storm sewer calculations. inlet design calculations and culvert design calculations. 7. Establish a hydraulic gradient for storm sewer design. Tie into known water surface elevation. This will either be determined from HEC-2 computer run or as provided by the City from current Flood Insurance Rate Maps. 8. Provide an Erosion Control Plan for Storm Water Pollution Prevention. 9. Obtain information from utility companies and from review of information provided regarding existing utilities,determine utility conflicts and design resolution of conflicts. I U. Prepare typical sections or details as may be required by the CITY to accomplish the work under this contract. 1 1. Prepare pavement marking and signing plans. 12. Prepare traffic control plans to include traffic control signing and other devises as required by the Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 13. Prepare landscape and irrigation plans under direction of the City for the medians along the project. 14. Provide miscellaneous project specific construction details. 15. Provide quality control checks on the plans for completeness and accuracy. 16. Prepare preliminary specifications, using the North Central Texas Council of governments Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. 17. Show the existing right-of-way and easements that can be found from the Deed Records of Collin County. Determine and illustrate additional right- of-way and easements required for construction. 18. Revise construction plans and specifications to conform to CITY review comments and information received from utility companies. 19. Advise the CITY,of any geotechnical, soil, foundation, or other subsurface investigations or any special surveys or special testing which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, may be required for the proper execution of the project,and assist the CITY in arranging for the conduct of such investigations and tests. (the performance of these investigation, texts and surveys are not a part of the ENGINEER'S Basic Services and will not be included unless specifically authorized in writing). 20. Furnish to the CITY, where required by the circumstances of the assignment, the engineering data necessary for applications for routine permits by local and state agencies (as distinguished from detailed applications and supporting documents for government grants-in-aid, or for planning advances not included in Basic Services). 21. Complete quantity take-off and prepare detailed opinions of construction cost identifiable with the proposals of authorized construction, which shall include summaries of bid items and quantities on the unit price system of bidding wherever practical. The ENGINEER shall not be required to guarantee the accuracy of these opinions of construction cost. • PART II: BIDDING 1. Assist the CITY in the advertisement of the project for competitive bids. 2. Distribute the necessary copies of approved Construction Contract Documents needed for competitive bidding (plans Specifications, notice to bidders, proposals, etc.). The approved Construction Contract Documents will be provided to Contractors and Material Suppliers for a non- refundable fee per copy. 3. Conduct a Pre-Bid Meeting at the CTIY facilities. 4. Assist the CITY in the opening and tabulation of bids for construction of the project and recommend to the CITY as to the proper action on all proposals received. Obtain the following information from the lowest bidder: a) Past work history. b) Physical resources to produce the project. Formulate opinion from information received and provide the City a recommendation for award of the construction contract. 5. Assist the CITY in the preparation of formal Contract Documents for construction and in coordinating their execution by the respective parties. PART III: CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1, Attend a Pre-Construction Conference at the CITY facilities. 2. Attend coordination and progress meetings with contractor, quality control personnel and CITY representatives to discuss strategy,problem areas, progress and required coordination items. Make a visit to the project site either prior to or immediately after the coordination meeting. 3. Prepare written requests for information or clarification. 4. Consult and advise the CITY: issue such instructions to the Contractor as • in the judgment of the ENGINEER are necessary;and prepare routine change orders as they pertain to the original scope of work. 5. Review monthly pay requests form prepared by CTIY representative. 6. Review samples.catalog data. schedules. shop drawings. laboratory. shop and mill tests of material and equipment and other data which the Contractor is required to submit, only for conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with the information given by the Contract Documents; and assemble written guarantees which are required by the Contract Documents. The ENGINEER shall not be responsible for any aspects of shop drawing submission that affect or are affected by the means. methods. techniques. sequences and operations of construction. safety precautions and programs incidental thereto.all of which are the Contractor's responsibility. 7. Provide Engineering surveys to establish benchmarks and reference points for construction, one time only. Does not include construction staking. 8. Accompany the CITY during their final inspection of the project. 9. Revise contract drawings, with the assistance of the Resident Project Representative to reflect available information as to how the work was constructed. Furnish a set of reproducible mylars of these revised drawings to the CITY. 10. Submit an electronic copy of project in .dgn. .dwe, .pdf, and/or .tiff format. All construction plan sheets will be prepared utilizing Micostation J on Windows XP. No specific computer aided drafting and design specifications will be utilized. One copy of electronic files of design plans will be provided to the CITY under the following conditions • The electronic files are compatible with AutoCAD Release 14, operating on an IBM compatible PC using Windows XP. • Undersigned does not make any warranty as to the compatibility of these files beyond the specified release of the above stated software. • Because data stored on electronic media can deteriorate undetected or be modified, the CITY agrees that the undersigned will not be held liable for completeness or correctness of electronic media after an acceptance period of thirty days after delivery of these file. • The electronic files are instruments of the undersigned's service.. Where there is conflict between the hard copy drawings and the electronic files, the hard copy files will govern in all cases. • Both parties acknowledge mutual non-exclusive ownership of the electronic files and each party may use, alter, modify or delete the files without consequence to the other party. • All electronic files provide to the CITY in .dgn or .dwg format will not contain engineer's seal, handwritten dates and signatures. PART IV: EXCLUSIONS A. Providing an on-site representative. B. Providing the services of an independent testing_ laboratory. • C. Environmental impact statements and assessments including 404 Permit applications. D. Fees for permits or advertising. E. Certification that work is in accordance with plans and specifications. F. Environmental cleanup. G. Water and sewer line replacements. H. Floodplain reclamation plans. 1. Title searches. J. Trench safety design. K. Quality control and testing services during construction I.. Services in connection with condemnation hearings. M. Contractor safety programs and onsite safety. N. Construction stakine. 0. Geotech Investigation P. Hydraulic services. PART V: CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY The CITY will provide information regarding objectives and requirements for the Project. The CITY will provide the following information necessary for this Project: 1. All the CITY's plat,easement and construction plans and electronic drawing files related to the Project will be made available. CITY will provide copies of such information at no cost. 2. CITY will provide access to all manholes, cleanouts, water meters and valves and to all CITY right-of-way and easements along the project. 3. The CITY's Utility Operations Department will excavate to locate existing water and sewer lines for horizontal and vertical ties as necessary and requested by the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will call to schedule a time when the work can be done. 4. CITY will take appropriate steps to notify the residents of any necessary public meeting. 5. CITY will provide both electronic drawings and hard copies of any existing topography maps in the vicinity of the project. 6. CITY will provide and disclose all factors pertinent to the Project including the known or suspected location of underground or buried obstacles. 7. CITY will be responsible for determination of the proper handling of historical monuments, homes,or other structures of importance and for informing the ENGINEER of the disposition of these elements. The CITY agrees to report promptly in writing to the ENGINEER any fault or defect in the ENGINEER's services or non-conformance with the provisions of this • agreement. • The CITY will designate a single representative to act in its behalf, with respect to the Project, who shall examine plans and specifications submitted by the ENGINEER and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly to avoid unreasonable delay in the progress of the ENGINEER's services. EXIBIT "B" CITY OF WYLIE ALANIS DRIVE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FROM TERMINUS ALANIS TO FARM TO MARKET 544 SCOPE OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES A. Field Surveys I. Contract to perform topographic and land surveys for design and construction layout for the services related to the"Basic Services" as described in Exhibit "A" and to establish property boundaries along with other special surveys requested by the CITY not provided for elsewhere in this Agreement. 2. Contract to perform topographic and land survey services to prepare a metes and bounds description and exhibit document for right-of-way acquisition from developer to CITY. B. Traffic Control Plan 1, Prepare traffic control plans per CITY requirements based on anticipated surrounding street and lot configuration. 2. Coordinate traffic control plans with Corwin Engineers, Inc. to CITY's requirements. C. Other Services Any other services not described in either Exhibit "A" for"Basic Services" or Exhibit"B" for"Additional Services" is not included. Other Services may be added to the ENGINEER'S services under this Agreement by mutual agreement between the CITY and Helmberger Associates, Inc. and under written authorization by the CITY. Sheet2 EXHIBIT "C" CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ALANIS DRIVE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SCHEDULE TASK NAME START STOP DURATION 1.City Council Approval 10/24/2006 10/24/2006 0 DAYS 2. Meet with City for Project Requirements 10/25/2006 10/25/2006 1 DAY 3. Perform Field Surveys 10/25/2006 11/8/2006 14 DAYS 4.Prepare Preliminary Plans for Review 11/8/2006 12/5/2006 28 DAYS 5.City Review of Preliminary Plans 12/5/2006 12/19/2006 14 DAYS 6. Prepare Final Plans and Specification 12/19/2006 1/16/2007 28 DAYS 7.City Review of Final Plans 1/16/2007 1/30/2007 14 DAYS 8.Complete Final Comments 1/30/2007 2/12/2007 14 DAYS 9.Solicite Bids and Assist in Bidding Process 2/12/2007 3/2/2007 17 DAYS 10.Assist City in Contract Administration 3/2/2006 3/9/2007 7 DAYS 11.Construction Management thru Completion 3/9/2007 • Page 1 EXHIBIT "D" CITY OF WYLIE ALANIS DRIVE PAVING AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS FROM TERMINUS ALANIS DRIVE TO FARM TO MARKET 544 OF EXISTING PAYMENT SCHEDULE Basic Engineering Services Payment for Basic Services described in Exhibit"A" shall be a lump sum amount of One Hundred Five Thousand Dollars($105,000)based on our preliminary opinion of probable construction cost of$1,044,745. The approximate percentages for major phases of the basic services are as follows: Field Surveying (10%) $ 10.500 Preliminary Plans and Specifications (40%) ..$ 42.000 Row Transfer Documents . ( 5%) .$ 5.250 Final Plans and Specifications .. (30%) ..$ 31,500 Bidding Phase ( 5%) $ 5,250 Construction Administration (10%) $ 10,500 TOTAL $105,000 The maximum overall fee established herein shall not be exceeded without written authorization from the City of Wylie, based on increased scope of services. Additional Services Payment for Special Services described in Exhibit"B" shall be based on the hourly fee schedule shown below with the following budget scope of services. 2006 FEE SCHEDULE Classification/Task Straight Time (Rate) Project Engineer $125.00 Staff Engineer $100.00 Technician $ 65.00 Clerical $ 50.00 All expenses for special services shall be at invoice cost times 1.15. Undersigned will invoice the City for the value of partially completed services. according to the services accomplished each month on a proportional basis of the overall project. Undersigned will invoice the City for direct expenses so incurred in providing such services multiplied by a factor of 1.15. The undertaking of Undersigned to perform professional services under this Agreement extends only to those services specifically described herein. lf, upon the request of the City.Undersigned agrees to perform additional services (not described in Exhibit"B". "Additional Services") hereunder, the City shall pay Undersigned for the performance of such additional services an amount(in addition to all other amounts payable under this Agreement) equivalent in hours expended by personnel for additional services multiplied by the then current hourly rates, plus the reimbursable expenses ("Reimbursable Expenses") so incurred by Undersigned in providing such additional services, multiplied by a factor of 1.15. Undersigned agrees to submit a written opinion of probable costs for additional services not described in this Agreement. The City is only liable to pay for said services after agreeing in writing to pay the cost submitted in the opinion. Invoices will be submitted by Undersigned to the City monthly for services performed and expenses incurred pursuant to this Agreement during the prior month. Payments on account for basic services shall be made monthly within thirty(30)days of invoice. All invoices will be accompanied by a status report on each phase of work completed. 1 ALANIS ROAD EXTENSION ITEM 'ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT I UNIT PRICE I TOTAL PAVING 1 6--25'0.0 CONCRETE PAVING 14750 SY 3 3000 5 4A2 500 00 WI CURB 2 LIME STABILIZED SUOGRADE 15930 SY S 150 3 23.395.00 3 LIME(364/syj 290 TN S 110.00 S 3'900.00 4 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 5710 CY I S 2.25 S •2 847.50 5 4'CONCRETE'NALK 21240 SF 3 3.00 5 53 720.00 6 BARRIER FREE RAMPS S EACH $ 500.00 3 3.000.00 7 STREET HEADER/TRAFFIC 81 LF S 50.00 S 4 050.00 BARRICADES 8 EROSION CONTROL 1 LS S 7.500.00 3 7.500.00 SUBTOTAL, $ 569,412.50 UTILITIES 1 1 r STEEL CARRIER PIPE 500 LF S 45.00 S 22.500.00 $ SUBTOTAL s 22,300.00 STORM SEWER SYSTEM 1 TRIPLE 9'X5'BOX 150 LF S 600.00 3 90.000.00 2 TYPE AHEADWALL FOR CULVERT 1 EACH 5 15.000.00 S 15.000.00 3 IC7 STANDARD CURB INLET 3 EACH S 2.500.00 S 7.500.00 4 4r CL MRCP.COMPLETE 115 LF 5 70.00 $ 8.050.00 5 36'CL 18 RCP.COMPLETE I 710 LF S 60.00 S 42.600.00 6 27-CL III RCP.COMPLETE 60 IF 3 40.00 5 2.400.00 7 24•CL ZO RCP.COMPLETE 565 LF S 35.00 0 19.775.00 8 1 r CL 81 RCP.COMPLETE 100 LF S 26.00 3 2.600.00 9 46"TYPE 0 HEADWALL 2 EACH S 2.600.00 $ 5.600.00 10 27"TYPES HEADWALL 1 EACH S 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 1/ 24•TYPE B HEADWALL 1 EACH .3 1,500.00 5 1.500.00 12 REMOVE/DISPOSE EXISTING 1 EACH 3 750.00 5 750.00 DROP INLET SUBTOTAL S 199,225.00 SUBTOTAL PAVING S 509,412.50 SUBTOTAL UTILITIES S 22,300.00 SUBTOTAL STORM SEWER 5 199,225.00 14%CONTINGENCY S 121,670.63 ENGINEERING/SURVEYING(12%) S 111,936.90 TOTAL $ 1,044,745.10 • THIS STATEMENT OF PROBABLE COST IS BASED UPON GENERALLY ACCEPTEO COST ESTIMATING • • PRACTICES ACTUAL COSTS WILL VARY DEPENDING ON FINAL LAYOUT,ENGINEERING DESIGN AND THE MARKET AT THAT TIME.THE ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO THE CLIENT OR A THIRD PARTY FOR • ACTUAL COST ESTIMATE. • Page 1 c:WORliniskatioa10421PH4EST.xIs 7; Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: Work Session Department: (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: NA Date Prepared: October 11, 2006 Budgeted Amount: NA Exhibits: Subject Discussion of planning and coordination of the City of Wylie's 120th Birthday Celebration. Recommendation NA Discussion Per the direction of the City Council, the Parks and Recreation Board meet to discuss the City's 120th Anniversary Celebration at the regular September 2006 meeting. The Board made the following recommendations to be forwarded to the City Council at their second meeting in October: • Establish a date for a City Celebration based upon either the City's founding in October 1886 or the City's incorporation in November 1887. • Partner with Wylie ISD to have a celebration during the Pioneer Days in the spring. • Have a year long recognition program of the anniversary featuring a celebration logo that could be used throughout the year. • Have a year long celebration during the year of the 125th Anniversary either in 2011 or 2012, providing ample time and coordination of any event. The Board felt that to properly recognize the anniversary date, a well constructed and comprehensive plan to celebrate the event was in order. The Board also felt that waiting to celebrate the event in the 125th year might also coordinate well with the opening of new facilities such as the Library, City Hall, and Recreation Center. The Board anticipates that a committee would need to be formed to begin work on an event framework. The outline below was developed by staff for the work session in July 2006 and could be used to provide some direction to facilitate coordination of the event. A possible approach to accomplish the event coordination activities is shown below: Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 STEP ONE- • Decide committee participants/appoint committee members and committee chairperson. • Decide on venue(s) and desired activities. • Meet with potential volunteers and partners to determine degree of participation. o City of Wylie o WISD o Downtown Merchants Association o Rotary o Local Churches o Lions o Kiwanis o Chamber of Commerce o Others • Develop preliminary cost projections. STEP TWO- • Report back to governing bodies. • Arrange funding sources, contributions, donations, etc. STEP THREE- • Committee assigns areas of responsibility to specific individuals and/or groups. • Periodic reporting and communication to governing bodies. • Promotion and advertisement. • Conduct event activities. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 10-11-2006 City Manager M (b-(', d( Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: Work Session Department: CM (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Mindy Manson Account Code: Date Prepared: October 19, 2006 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Discussion regarding Not-for-Profit Annual Donations. Recommendation Discussion During the September 26, 2006 meeting, the City Council discussed the distribution of budgeted funds to not- for-profit organizations. At that time, staff was directed to bring back to Council information regarding the City's participation in various not-for-profit agencies and events. Ordinance 2005-52 sets out the process for a direct financial contribution from the City to qualified not-for-profit organizations. In addition, the following indirect items have been identified in the 2006-07 Budget: Chamber Banquet Auction- $1,500; Chamber Golf Sponsorship - $400.00; Christian Care Auction- $500.00; CCCC Contributions - $5,000, Advertising (congratulations to graduates, etc.) - $1,000. There are other activities that are an expense to the City, but do not result in a direct financial contribution to a not-for-profit organization. Examples include overtime costs of approximately$25,000 for events that include the Christmas Parade, Downtown Trick-or-Treating, Fourth of July, Homecoming, and Ranch Rodeo. Other more indirect areas include the staff time to organize and administer the Reach For a Star Program. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager MM 10-29-06 Page 1 of 1 9-15-06 8:25 AM G/L BUDGET REPORT FUND 100 GENERAL FUND ITEMS PRINTED: ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNTS PAGE: 2 ACCOUNT Na# ACCOUNT NAME ANNUAL BUDGET f NO: 111 CITY COUNCIL 100-5111-51240 CITY COUNCIL 22,800.00 Council Compensation (6) 72 250.00 18,000.00 Mayor Compensation (1) 12 400.00 4,800.00 100-5111-51470 WORKERS COMP PREMIUM 150.00 Workers Compensation Premium 150.00 100-5111-52010 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,150.00 Routine Office Supplies 300.00 Pencils 2,500 0.20 500.00 Magnets 4,000 0.48 1,920.00 Lapel Pins 1,000 1.50 1,500.00 Mugs 500 1.86 930.00 100-5111-52040 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0.00 100-5111-52130 TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 0.00 100-5111-52810 FOOD SUPPLIES 5,580.00 Council Dinners regular 22 150.00 3,300.00 Council Dinners Special 4 150.00 600.00 Chamber Luncheons 7*15*12 105 12.00 1,260.00 Star Students Chamber 7*15*4 105 4.00 420.00 100-5111-52990 OTHER 0.00 100-5111-56040 SPECIAL SERVICES 4,340.00 Council Photos & Framing 500.00 Student Government Day 1,000.00 Council Shirts (7*55) 390.00 City Map 1,500.00 Star Students 200.00 Flowers 750.00 100-5111-56080 ADVERTISING 1,000.00 Special Events/ Thank you/etc. 1,000.00 100-5111-56110 COMMUNICATIONS 5,280.00 Blackberry's for Council (6) 12 440.00 5,280.00 100-5111-56210 TRAVEL & TRAINING 23,500.00 Council Retreat 6,000.00 AMCC Annual Conference 4 1,500.00 6,000.00 TML Annual Conference 5 1,500.00 7, 500.00 NLC 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 100-5111-56250 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 21,300.00 NCTCOG Membership 3,000.00 North Texas Commission 2, 600.00 National League of Cities 1, 400.00 Texas Municipal League 3,400.00 Wylie Chamber 1,500.00 Dallas Regional Mobility 2,500.00 Innovative Groups 1, 900.00 TEX 21 5,000.00 100-5111-56990 OTHER 40, 400.00 Non for profit contributions 33,000.00 Chamber Banquet Auction 1 1,500.00 1,500.00 Chamber Golf Sponsorship 1 400.00 400.00 Christian Care Auction 1 500.00 500.00 CCCC Contributions 5,000.00 PAGE TOTAL: 129,500.00 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-52 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING FUNDING REQUESTS RECEIVED BY NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGAN-IZATIONS; PROVID- ING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas annually receives requests for donations of public funds for various purposes; and WHEREAS, these requests for donations of public funds have impacts on the fiscal stability of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the Wylie City Council wants to adopt a donation policy that provides public funds in a fiscally responsible manner to appropriate, qualified not-for-profit organizations providing services to the citizens of the City; and WHEREAS, the Wylie City Council wants to adopt a donation policy that provides guidance to not-for-profit organizations on the procedures for requesting donations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby adopts a policy as it relates to funding requests from not-for-profit organizations as detailed in Attachment"A". Section 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the whole. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. Section 5. This policy will become effective for the 2006-07 budget cycle and -�- beyond. Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 1 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas on this 11`h day of October,2005. _to /Ir \`‘‘‘ tf or Pro Tempore ATTEST: ,`,`'<y v y4����� Vim: _ °.!� SEAL Carole Ehrli City Secretary ,�y'• .... '',,, �l�E, V-e'P``• Date of publication in The Wylie News—October 19,2005 Ordinance No.2005-52 Not for Profit Donations Policy 2 Attachment "A" The City of Wylie Policy on Requests for the Donation of Public Funds In Support of Not-For-Profit Organizations Purpose: The City of Wylie is committed to providing financial assistance to not-for-profit organizations that provide assistance to its citizens. In funding not-for-profit organizations, the City of Wylie will: 1. Encourage the not-for-profit organizations to provide services that meet specific needs of Wylie citizens. 2. Provide "last resort" capital or operating budget support to not-for-profit organizations. 3. Supplement (not supplant) funding from other sources available to not- for-profit organizations. 4. Provide limited funds to encourage the not-for-profit organizations to seek alternative resources of funds, donated materials and volunteer labor. 5. Relate specifically to measurable levels of service provided to City citizens. 6. Promote accountability through reporting of services provided. Procedures: The presentation and consideration of requests for expenditures of public funds by the City Council in support of not-for-profit organizations will be evaluated based on the following guidelines and criteria: 1. Requests for the donation of public funds to not-for-profit organizations must be submitted to the Wylie City Manager's Office on or before May 1, of each year for consideration in the operating budget process. 2. An emergency request may be submitted at anytime provided: a. The request was not reasonably foreseeable on or before May 1, budget process deadline, or b. The essential function of the requesting not-for-profit organization would be irreparably harmed if delayed to the next budget process cycle. 3. Organizations requesting the donation of public funds from the City of Wylie are required to complete the City's Request Form (Exhibit "A"). Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 3 4. Each not-for-profit organization's application for funds will be screened by the City Manager's Office to ensure the guidelines and criteria are met. 5. Presentations of qualified applicant requests will be made at a City Council meeting appropriate to the operating budget process, to include a Public Hearing. 6. Not-for-profit organizations whose requests do not meet the guidelines and criteria of this policy will be so notified and if appropriate, invited to resubmit the request for the next budget cycle. 7. City Council donations to not-for-profit organizations will be based on the benefit to the public and the priorities of community outcomes. Eligibility Criteria: At a minimum, the not-for-profit organizations will meet the following qualifying criteria to receive public funds: 1. The organization will be a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) (3) corporation, in good standing with the State of Texas, and must have an active Board of Directors in compliance with IRS Section 501 (c) (3). 2. The organization will have been operating successfully for at least two years prior to the application deadline. 3. The organization will have sufficient funding support to meet ongoing operating costs and obligations. 4. The organization is not currently receiving other funding from the City of Wylie. 5. If previously funded by the City of Wylie, the organization must have successfully fulfilled all prior contractual obligations, or explain reasons for non-compliance. 6. Services and programs are need-based, nondiscriminatory, and provided to the citizens of the City of Wylie. 7. Services and programs are provided through means that are more cost effective than the City government could provide. 8. Services and programs supplement or extend the services and programs by the City. 9. Services and programs are able to fill gaps that may exist between those of the City and the needs of the community. 10. The organizations are able to verify their not-for-profit status and submit detailed financial documents for review by City staff, including, but not limited to: a. Federal tax identification number; b. Copy of 501(c)(3) nonprofit status certification letter; and c. Certificate of liability insurance. Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 4 Restrictions on the Use of Public Funds: The City of Wylie will not fund the following: 1. No more than 25% of the public funds request may be for salaries; however, under unusual circumstances, exceptions may be approved by the City Council. 2. Social functions, parties, receptions, fund-raising benefits, refreshments, or beverages. 3. Licensing fees of any kind. 4. Underwriting, investments, stocks, bonds, or any financial obligation. 5. Interest and/or depreciation on loans, fines, penalties, or costs of litigation. Accountability: Not-for-profit organizations requesting donations of public funds will adhere to general accounting principles as set by law. Continued compliance with these standards is a criterion for possible future donations. These standards include, but are not limited to: 1. Submission of a current list of the organization's Board of Directors, officers, and staff. 2. Submission of the organizations bylaws and mission statement. 3. Submission of the most recent audited financial statement and/or detailed budget as part of the application process. 4. Submission of end-of-year financial report to the City after the donation is granted. Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 5 .... REQUEST FOR PUBLIC FUNDS FORM Submit to: Office of the City Manager City of Wylie 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone: 972-442-8121 Fax: 972-442-4302 Deadline: May 1, Name of Organization: Address of Organization: Telephone of Organization: Name(s) of Contact Person: Federal Tax ID: Requested Donation Amount: List of Attachments: Copy of 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit Status Certification Letter. Certificate of Liability Insurance. Copy of Organization Bylaws and Mission Statement. Current List of Board of Directors, Officers, and Staff. Copy of the most recent Audited Financial Statement and/or Budget Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 6 Briefly describe the purpose, programs, and accomplishments of the organization: How is the organization governed and managed? What is the geographic service area of the organization? If the organization serves outside the City of Wylie, please indicate the number or percentage of Wylie citizens served: Has the organization previously applied for a donation of public funds from the City of Wylie? Yes No If"Yes" briefly describe the details and outcome of the request: What is the intended use of the requested donation of public funds? Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 7 What benefit to the citizens of Wylie (educational, economic, health, etc.) will result from the requested donation of public funds? Explain how the organization will evaluate the results of the use of this donation of public funds: The undersigned do hereby attest that the above information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. Signature Signature Print Name Print Name Title Title Date Date Ordinance#2005-52 Not for Profit Contribution Policy 8 74/1 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 24, 2006 Item Number: Work Session Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: N/A Date Prepared: 10/11/06 Budgeted Amount: N/A Exhibits: Memo, Display Subject Hold a work session to discuss proposed changes to the alley just east of Birmingham Elementary to prevent cut through traffic from the Pointe North subdivision. Recommendation N/A Discussion In August,the City's traffic consultant—Tom Walton—observed the traffic patterns on the alley during the peak school traffic times and made several recommendations as outlined in the attached memo. On October 11, 2006, staff met with residents along the alley east of Birmingham Elementary that would be affected by an alley closure. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 10/11/06 City Manager 111W1 t o /i 6 16 6 Page 1 of 1 MEMO TO : Chris Hoisted, City Engineer, City of Wylie FROM : Tom Walton, Consulting Traffic Engineer DATE : 8/23/06 SUBJECT : Birmingham Elementary School alley situation. Per your request I have investigated the situation in the alley on the east boundary of the Birmingham Elementary School. I understand that concerns have been raised with people using the alley to go from Regret Dr on the north to W. Brown St. on the south to drop off or pick up students of the school. The alley is built as part of the residential development and provides access to the homes to the east of the school. There is no direct access to the alley from the school a post and cable is in place along the property line between the alley and the school. The residents have complained that a lot of non-resident traffic uses the alley and causes congestion and conflicts. Speed bumps have been placed in the alley to discourage fast traffic. I observed the flow of traffic in the area of the school and specifically in the alley from 2:15PM to 3:15 PM on 8/16/06 and from 7:15AM to 8:15 AM on 8/17/06. During the PM period, 38 vehicles came south in the alley. Of those 6 stopped in the alley to pick up students. Most vehicles turned onto Brown and then into the school parking lot to join the queue picking up students. During the AM period 43 vehicles drove from Regret to Brown in the alley. Of those 5 stopped to let students off in the alley. Most cars turned onto Brown to drop off students in front of the school. Two types of tools are available to deal with a problem such as this. Traffic control regulations can be approved by the City Council and enforced in the alley or physical changes can be made to the alley to eliminate traffic from passing through. In order to prevent parents from stopping to drop students in the alley in the morning or from waiting in the alley to pick up students in the afternoon, a No Stopping, Standing or Parking ordinance can be passed by the City Council and strictly enforced by the Police. The regulation can be made effective at all times or only during certain hours such during school hours on school days. In order to restrict the traffic in the alley, a One-Way ordinance can be approved by the City Council so that traffic can only move northbound in the alley. Again,the regulation can be made effective all of the time or only during certain times such as during school hours on school days. The only physical change that would stop the cut-through traffic would be to remove a part of the alley. The three options for removal are at the north end,the south end or in the middle. Closing the north end just south of the Regret Dr connection would eliminate cut-through traffic and change alley access for only two houses along the alley. All other access to the south and east would remain the same. Removal of the south end just north of Brown St would stop cut through traffic to Brown but eliminate all access to and from south. It would affect all homes along the alley and might result in morning traffic using the alley to drop off students and then using the east-west alley between Brown and Vicki to exit the area. Removal of a section of alley between the two east-west alleys would still allow traffic from the north to get close to the school and use the east-west alley between Kathy and Vicki to leave the area. It would significantly impact many residents access to the south and Brown St. The following steps are suggested to improve the situation in the north-south alley along the eastern property line of the Birmingham Elementary School. • Establish a well enforced No Parking, Stopping or Standing area in the entire length of the alley with signing along both sides. • Establish a One-Way Northbound, flow on the alley from Brown St to Regret Dr during school hours on school days. • Remove the alley connection to Regret Dr. The exact location of the pavement removal to be worked out with the property owners between Regret and the alley between Kathi and Vicki. The suggestions are given in their order of severity and effectiveness. The first can be done with little impact on the property owners,but based upon the observations, little standing or parking is being done. It should be done however as a good first step. The need for the One-Way flow would be eliminated by the removal of the northern connection. Whatever steps are decided upon to address the problem should be the result of close interaction between the residents along the alley and the City of Wylie staff and the City Council. The endorsement of the residents should be obtained before any of the changes are implemented. SUBJECT PROPERTY 71. 4,411 ,. F kt N ..• :id T I '- xa-: gilt ..' op 0 z PROPOSED .. i *� BARRICADE H _ cri.._ tly41,,,,, :.- _ .,,,-1:1-,4,:,..., -,_,/,,, „. . „asis . _ ,. •, , 1,,,,- ,;:„,,,,, „6.:,..--..----i----, ,..„.„ -.vie/ 01, I..,,41)- ,. ; . ...' , , ., -410,„ vii. r ; w Wi w _. k' i me", ' • se.-4... wl, -. .,-,-.0 a'"-- I. ,a, Nr. . . ., . . 4 -- lit : : t.:A ..,,,,,,,,. , , 47 * ,,... ,. ..). „. ,.., , la I w «:;s f g _- BROWN = �. 1 inch equals 145 feet ENGINEERChn5 Hols eld,PNG.EEPARTMENT 949 Hensley Ln. 0 55 110 220 Wylie.TX 75098 Mi Feet (972)442-8109 cholsted eci.wylie.tx.0 s