Ordinance 1986-05 OF:<D I !\!P'!!\ICE j..!U" ~/ -- ...........f:).....-...~...... AN URDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY UF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERlY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALI~G CLAUSE; F'F:D\/ I D I 1\~G (:j ~:; E: 'v! E. F: (\!:U I t.. Ir \' CL.(::,U ~:)E :; PF;:C}',) I D I 1\1(3 PENALTIES FOR VIOLA1ION OF THIS ORDINANCE NUT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWU HUNDRED ($200.00) FLIP' E(:'IC:!-l UFFEl\!:::;E P,I'....ID DECL.P'lf~: I l\~b AN EFFECTIVE DATE. [tJ I...! E F;: E (i ~::; !' t:I"'II:::! C:i. -!:Y' the City Zoninq Commission and the City .'- . C)f Wyl:Le, "re~.~as:! ifl c(:Jmpliar'lc:e wi'lh .tt12 C:uunc:: i I u+ ]. {':';i.~...\.I'::::. Cj+ -r:. r'i('::' State 0+ Texas with reference to the granting 0+ zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have giverl !r'e(:~uj.sj.te 1-~(::).tj,ce~5 t~y ~Jl.tl:)li(:::ati{J!'l arld (3tt'ier'w:Lse~1 al"ld a{:.teJ'" !"}<:Jldi,flg (:j{..le I'eaf":i!"~g~:~ ar'l(j a'f~:(:JI:-cjj.j-19 2 .t~Jlj. ar'lcj -f:ail'" hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Bc)dy :is (:){: the c)p:i. l-li <Ji-) t~lat tt'le ~:~a:L(j ct"larlge (:)f zonil"lg Wi-l:ict'~ io:; u rl :::1 r::; F" 1 :i. c: ;::1. t i u ;", u + ..... ..... ..... _..:r:P.~.~.?. .....9:........ ..~.~. ~..s...~.! ..... I~.c.......... ..... ......... ..... ..... ..... ..... .,,::. h:) L\ :: <::1 be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City uf Wylie should be amended in the exe~c::ise 0+ ~t~ legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Clry CUUNCIL OF THE CITY UF WYLIE, TEXAS: ::::; E: C 'T I eH.! L, l'l'lat tl"l8 (:(:)fIl~)I"'e!-ler'lsive fC)!-~lrlg l:Jj'-ciii'lar'lc::e (::),f: "tt')e (:~ity (3"f Wy:Lie~! l"'e}~a~;~l be 31""1(j tt12 san~2 is t')er-eby 2{{1er"lded l)y a(nel"~(:!j"j'lQ tl'le Z(:Jr~j,ng IY!ap (:Jf tt'le (::ity (:),f: Wyl:ie, 'tC} ~J:j,Ye t~"le tler"E:ir'l2'ftelr' de~;Clr'j,t)ed rJlr'(J~)el~"'ty 2 r'leW ZD!lil""~q di!str'ic:"t classi+ic::ation tu-wit: A p p r ().~.:!-.!ll9: t..~.J..Y.........J..o.4., J? 2..AG., .S..F~..1;.12.Q.....4..9....Ac.... .S F-:::.2..~...6 O. 7 6 Ac . Park ~::ja],d ~JI~(::)pelrtv bel1"lg c!e~;c:r-j,IJed as 'fo].:Lc)w~;: See attached SECTION~. That d~l ordinances OT the City in conflict WI+h -1::. h {.:.:.:, ri I:" c! \/ i ~::. :j, c{n ::::. Ci + t:. h:l ~~. C)f'" d :i. !""j ,:;{ n c:: F:::" b (,;':' ;1 E;\jml d t.l"'l E,:' ~~:. .:::\ iifE' ,;';'{ ro, (-.~:.:I ;.,'{ (.:.:.~ I.... (.:.;:, I:) 'y" ;1 I.... I~.::f j:) (.::., \:'~ ],'::'::: c:l .:::\ n c:i .:::'~ 1], c:; -1::. jh', !:::::' r" C) r" d i r! .;:'~. r'l c: (.:,"::, '::::. C) + t:.l'''i {."::.:, C:::i. '1::. ....... r"; c:' t. :L :U1 C:Ofl.fl:i{:::t Wj.tl"l the pF'(:)Vj.~~;j.C}11S c:)f tt'~:i~5 ~::)r-(jj.i-lar'l(::e ~~~tja:L_ r"en131f'l i.I"1 -{ l...\ 11 -{ CJr' C <:::! ;;;i.""ld c:'-{ + c:'c:1.:. " SECTION~. Th~t the above desc~ibed p~ope~ty shall De use.. only In the manner and fo~ the p~uposes p~ovIded fo~ in the C:<:)ITlprel"lel"lsive ZC:)fling (Jj'''cjj.nar"lc:e c).f tl"lo Cj.'ty a~; amef'l(:lecJ i"lel~e:~!"l by ti"le gr'ar'lti.I'1g (Jf: t~~:i!~; zorl:lf'lg (::la!~sificati{:JI"}q SE(::'r:[()N 4u 'T'~lat ~;tl(:JL.l].Cj 01"lY pal"'2gl"'a!:)!")~ ~:5el"1.ter'lc:e!! Sl.ll:)(:lj.vi~;i{~rl, (=:Lat~s;e, ~:)i"llr'a~~5e (~l'" se(:::tj.c)n G.t. tt1i~5 (:)F'(jj.!~~arl(::e l)9 2cJ.Jl.jcJgeej (It- ~lel(:j .t(::) I:)e t..l!"1(::(]r.)~;titl.Jtj.(:)rlal, j.llegal. ()j'- :irlvla:i.c:i, t:. h E' '::; <::i. cn e ~:::.I'''j <':i. 1 :!. n Lit:. ,'::<. + + E' c t:. '. j I i: ; '/ c3.: :i. '. It. ,,' c.. (:::.: h :i. .:::; C) ;". eli. \,,'; ,:j /,,'; C C:' i:\ ~:;. ~:':'~ i......J "'1 C) 1 f::' () !.... ~.:.i r'l ")/ j:::l .:':':'1. r" '1:: () 1''' t:) "'. c:~ \/ :L ~:::. :i. c:; r'! t.. ,...! (.:.;: jl" (.:::, Cl "\"" () -1::. }"'I ,~.::' 1''' t:.l'~i .;'::i. r"t t:, I'""! [.~ P :.;-:.1.1.... t:, !~;(::) de<:icleej tc:) tlG :irlvalj,d, i:Llegal <::)r l..li"lCOllS.ti.tL.ltior')a:l 3j-ld '::. !"I ,,':(:1. 1 r'l Ci t i:':\ + + ~::! C t. t 1"'1 e \i ,:;1], i ..::1 i t. v c::o + t !"'I e:' c::: () ITI !:::< j'" E!! 'j F! i'l ':::.:i. ..../ i,.C' /. C:' i"1 :I. n ,',:) U~dinance as a whole. E; E: c::r I U i.1 ~.:.5" 'T'ha.t 21"lV :~er"~~~or'l, .tll'(D CJr' (::(Jr"~:)c:)I"at].(::)r'~ vi(:)],a'Li.flg ar'lV (:).f: tt'}e PI"'(:)visi.cJf'}E; (~i~' te!~m~5 o.f: tl"}i~~; (:)rdi!'lar'~(:::E sl'lal:l t)2 ~~5{..tt),jec:'t tc~ the ~~~;ame perla],ty a~~~ ~:jrc:)Vi(:jE(:1 for" ir') ti'18 C(::){l~l:lF'el-len~;ive ZOj~:ir'l9 ()F'c:l:ii-l2ric:e of ttl8 (::itY~i as tler"et(:){:C)r"2 amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not tel e>~c:eed tt'lE SlJIT1 c::),f tW(:) t'}l.lf'l(~lr"e(j dol.lajr.s (~;2C)(:),,(:)()) f(:)F' eac~l (:J.t..tel-}S;e~1 ar'l(j .tha't ea(:::h day ~~;l.jct.) vio].ati(:)f'l ~~l"lall (::CJf'ltj,;-}lJ0 'Lo exist shall ronstitute a sepa~ate offense. SECTION 6. It 1~ necessa~y to give the p~opertv desc~ibed l"lei"'Bir1 tl"l2 at)ove ITlerltioned Z(::)f'l:irlg c::la!3S;i{:i(::ati.(:lfl :lrl ol"der' tC) pi::::' 1" in :i. t :i. t. ':::. p I' 0 r:r (::! f" . c:I e \i e~ I c::o pine 1"1 t:. i:'~ ""1 d :L 1"'1 c:r I.... cl E'I'" t. c:r p r" c::' t. 0::' c:: t:. t: hE" public inte~est, c:omfo~t and general welfa~e fo the City. T~'lel"e'f:cJr'.e, tl"li~; c:)r-ejj.f12I"lc:e ~~!"lal]. ta~~e effec:t immecj:La.teJ.y .f:l"'C:){D al"ll::! ai:teF' its pas;~~~age~! as t~'~e law l.l"l Sl.J(::~'~ c:ase~3 P!"'(3v:i(:le~;u t.I''',:i. ';:; ti""E! rl.iE L I'r,;" 25th C:::UUI\iC I I.. U~ THE CITY UF WYL.IE, f> LJ !.... i.... .\/ F' {:j ~::} ~:::~ E: :0 E{ \{" 'r E: X p'!~::;; :1 d'l::t\/ c).f "... ".. f~.J?.R.lJ..A..R. X. ..... :I. C?H 6 (:i T'r E: ::::;'r :: 'Ie ~)J ~Jv--': , . 7' "lV' Y'!' . C. f f-'~ ;_......._.__.,._.."._.__...........'j~hr.~ ~'u / // // Pi!-=: ], 1"::' I..,L.:,....:,..' 0 (' Cd! t.;(,'.'C. r E! L dl' ~ n g ~'\\ CD" __0 a. ...., , \' 0 III C f 11/'/' , \ \ CD_. 1i ~;;. \, ~\\. [~ I i "I! S;-i '\'.z:~ ::l <1,/ ~3!l. " \ (JI "', I' \ . ) ~- -t=-;-..::.:-.L - _o~~ -.=:- - - Jll.::~;.--!"- -'- \~. HRJO~=~::E:EY A~B; 4::0 o. I 1~~~~~S"""'\1: '\ zi .~l n~O~~~., '.. "'! ... '''' ~;:~" . 'or ~i ., 1.--. \ ... . ~; "'1'1 . I --TSC ~\'?C'>... ~r: T<4S_ I /' ~ .,~~~ ~ /. /~'\o / -s;.,,'.. \ ;:/ '1' ~ ./'~ ,,\~~..:~\ ~ I fI' "")..,, \ ,y . , dO\ \ : II '~,\ -.~-- .,.".<..~.." ~,,,,,,"_'..~ ~'. :w."....-.' \ I I \ ~i II \\\ : II ~ : I~ \, I II ' I ./ L--------------l1 T46 i I. i:1 ~!i ;11 :;' :i ~ ~: T4.,... Q !.4~ -J~ . _._.....__ Go , , I , I ~I I I I o C') to 0 r- r- r- r- I> _ '" z ,j ._-. --.... . _...,~.. 1:'1. ~ N) .~. C') o ,e: !Z ~ -< g en ~ o ~ p N) ., ~ >Ii' ~. () .. , , "~-- li 01 . J! , ! ~l I :j~. ~I ~_ " if Z I'T1 -l G'> ::'J o en en ~I i, , ..~ lIIIIlliIi ~-.. ~>.".:. .:>~ . - -: ---.". - ,.....~ .!~ 1. -:1 ......... ....-1............ ...... .... www WWWWI\I NN ~a O!Ul. WI\.l....OlD .." ZZZ tIJ Z Z UHI) UlUl Ul<r ...... rgrgg:gg 00 -0 "'"'"' . . . ~~ "0 . 0 0 . D . . .Ul_ Ull\J.......... ON .- ON", .... m~.....W .0 No WutW.. Ul6.N... NW -0 ~~~ ~~~~U: ~~ ~~I Z:t:Z:I[ Z%::I:m m", "'''' rucnrucn .N. ." O!! IUUlWUl N",. ....coow O!_ w w. m:"':",w ~~? .Ul wO!, """ O!" . N. CDUl-.Jw -w. -Ul "w c \" '~ \ ) r~~ I:: ,- , I , 7 .... IIN__ 0' I '{:::: ,:: ,w f--- /-.--. , , 1- -... , , I ':: ,.. I I , , - ~ '1--- I , - f I i I ~ I [I "I ~ I i I .~L:j~ I II ~ i; I J " wi .~ N, .-.-4 .' i ~:.~'. '~ ~l .....~. i -+'( LU BU ,RO~!!AN SURY~'(,.~ - - - --0- - - - - - - - _ _ _ ---o-~~"--- --f27 - - =====~--=.:o H L OOUGLAS SURVEY AB. 292 T30 I ft?1 .. ;a~ , .al . N '" . TRACT A neinq tt~ree tracts of land out of R. D. NEWMAN SURVEY, ABSTMCT NO. 660 and being a part of'31.82 acre tract of land conveyed to ~tarquerite Bostic by A. O. Byrd and filed in Volume 502 at Paqe 172, dated July 16, 195,5, Deed Records of Collin County, Te:casj a part of a 33.3 acre tract of land and a 32.5 acre tract of land conveyed to Gene T. Ruhl and Gertrude Ruhl Raily. by Ctiarles L. Ruhl by deed as filed in Volume 602, Page 265 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and beinq a part of a 0.164 acre tract conveyed to Gene T. Ruhl and Gertrude Ruhl Raily by Charles L. Rut~l by deed as filed in Volume 459, Paqe 476 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and a 5.58 acre tract out of a 20.0 acr~ tract conveyed to 8ig-Tex Development Corporation by George J. 1~allace and wife, Vivian Wallace, as filed in Volume 578, Paqe 561,. Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particu- larly described as follows: ' • BEGINNING at a• stake located in the Southeast line of State Itig}~way No. 78, said point being North 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec. East 1]29.93 feet from the West line of the R. D. Newman Survey! TIIENCE North 51 deq. 46 min. 23 sec. East with the Southeast line of State Elighway No. 78 (120 foot R.O.W.) 441.07 feet to iron stake located for cornerf TIIENCE North 63 deq. 04 min. 23 sec. East witti R.O.W. of State Fliqhway No. 78, 204.00 fePt to iron stake located for cornert ' TIIENCE North 51 deq. 46 min. 23 sec. East with R.O.c•J. of State Ftighway No. 78, 101.79 feet to iron stake located for cornerj TIIENCE ;Vcrth 51 deg. 46 min. 23 sec. East with tl~e R.O.t~l, of State tlighway No. 78 and the North line of a 29.506 acre tract 874.87 feet to iron stake located for corner= T(IENCE North 51 deq. 49 min. 41 sec. East with R.O.t~. ~ of Iliqhway No. 78, 103.76 feet to post located for corner= TIIENCE.South 62 deg. 03 min. 28 sec. East with fence line and with the Southwest line of a 4.95 acre tract as cohveyed in deed as filed in Volume 630 at Paqe 643 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, 155.84 feet to point for corner at.base of large tree used for corner postj TIIENCE South 88 deg. 04 min.• 41 sec. East with tt~e South line of said 4.95 acre tract with fence line, witti ttie North line of said 33.3 acre tract, 748.53 feet to a stake for corner, said point beinq the Northwest corner of a SS.O acre tract oE land conveyed to J. D. Eynew filed in Volume 312, Page 262 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and said point beinq set in the South line of a tract of land conveyed to tt. E. Minyard and filed • in Volume 719, Page 533 of the beed Records of Co111h.County, Texasl TfiENCE South 02 deq. 13 min. 24 sec: West with the West line of said Egnew 55.0 acre tract and with tree line, and with East lines of said 33.3 acre and 32.5 acre tracts, 2289.62 feet to a stake for corner, said point being ttie Northeast corner of a tract conveyed to . r~ , ~ ~,1 _ ~ PAGE -1- - . tvOV 8 f985 , Ftorris fi. Patterson, filed in Volume 670, Page 212 of tlie Deed Records of Collin County, Texasj TItENCE North 89 deg. 37 min. 44 sec. line and with North line of said Patter oin htracte 129•77 feet to a post for cornerl TIIENCE South 02 deg. 40 min. 38 sec. line of said Patterson tract, 373.66efeetito a1estake for corner, said point beinq the Southeast corner of said 32.5 acre tract, and said point beinq in tt~e North line of a 117.0 acre tract of land conveyed to C, J. Tliomson and filed in Volume 724, Page 64 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and said point beinq set in the centerline of a dirt roadt TIIENCE North ~ 88 deg. 18 min. 36 sec. centerline of the dirt road and with the 3outh lineto~f said 32.5 acre tract, 1996.29 feet to stake set in dirt road for cornert ~ TttENCE North 02 deg. 13 min. 30 sec. East with tree line, and with West line of said 32.5 acre tract, and with East line of said Bill Hackett, 34.3 acre tract, 879.96 feet to a stake for corner, said point being the Soutliwest corner of a 31.82 acre tract of land conveyed to Marquerite f3ostic by A. D. Boyd in Volume 502, Page 172 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, dated• July 16, 1955s TFIENCE.North 02 deq. 19 min. 09 sec. East with tt~e East line of said Flackett tract and with tree line and with 8.0 foot passageway along West side of said 31.82 acre tract as filed in Volume 73 at Page 84, 738.89 feet to iron stake located in old fence line being the South- e~~st corner or said 5.58 acre tract of landt T(IENCE South 51 deq. 46 min. 23 sec. West witt~ said 5.58 acre tract 428.85 feet to iron stake located Eor cornert TlfENCE North 38 deg. 13 min. 37 sec. West with the I~esterly line oE said 5.58 acre tract 417,7q Place of Beqinninq Feet to . _ PAGE -Z- TRACT B Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated Southwest of the Town of Wylie, County of Collin and State of Texas, a part of the R. D. Newman Survey, Abatract No. 660 and including 32.3 acres and 5 acres conveyed to Glenn Day in Release recorded in Volume 1091, Page 874 of the Collin County Deed Recorde and being further described as follows: Commencing at a nail for corner in the West Line of said Newman Survey and the centerline of Bailey Road, the Northwest corner of a 2.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Jerry L. Smith and wife by deed recorded in Volume 724, Page 776, Collin County Deed Records; Thence North 0 Degrees 20 Minutea 45 Seconds West with the centerline of said Bailey Road the the West Line of Said Newman Survey a distance of 1102.58 feet to a nail at Point of Beginning, said Point of Beginning at the intersection of an East West County Road; Thence North 3 degrees 35 Minutes West a distance of 20.27 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Southwest corner of a 2.00 acre tract of land, sold out of said 32.3 acre tract; Thence South 89 Degrees 19 Minutes 30 Seconds East with the South Line of said 2 acrea, a distance of 251.28 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 0 Degrees 11 Minutes West with the East Line of said 2 acres a distance of 451.92 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 50 Degrees 22 Minutes 15 Seconds East a distance of 473.17 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence North 50 degrees 13 Minutes East a distance of 150.83 feet to a fence poat for corner; Thence North 39 Degrees 41 Minutes West a distance of 417.28 feet to fence post for corner; Thence North 50 Degrees 25 Minutes East with the Southeast line of State Highway No. 78 a distance of 728.65 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence South 39 Degrees 43 Minutes 30 Seconda East a distance of 417.42 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Southeast corner of said 5 acrea; Thence North 50 Degrees 24 Minutes East a distance of 425.27 feet to an iron pin for corner, the Northeast corner of said 32.3 acre tract; Thence Southerly with an established fence for the East Line of said 32.3 acres the following: South 1 Degree 23 Minutes West a distance of 55.6 feet to a fence poat; South 0 Degrees 51 Minutes East a diatance of 569.88 feet to a fence post; South 1 Degrees 40 Minutes East a distance of 115.15 feet to a fence post; South 0 Degrees 35 Minutes 40 Seconds West at 860.39 feet passing a fence post continuing in all a distance of 881.39 feet to a nail for corner in the center of a dirt road; Thence South 89 Degreea 57 Minutes 15 Seconds West with the center of said road a distance of 371.56 feet to a point for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 31 Minutea 06 Seconds West with the center of said road a diatance of 772.84 feet to a point for corner; Thence North 89 Degrees 30 Minutes 19 Seconds West with the center of said road a distance of 476.38 feet to the point of beginning and containing 37.415 acres of land. . . TRACT C bEi;~; all tliat certain tract oc paccel oE land situated about 2.5 miles Soutl~.oest'oE ~I~e City oE Wylle, County of Collin and State of Texas, a pact of tfie R. D. tle~anan Survey, l~bstract No. 660, a~d beinq tl~e 5.983 acce tcact oE l~rx3 corrveyod to Gzorge Lander by deed recorded in Volume 1938, Page 426, Collln Cow~ty peed Records and being furtfier described as follows; dEC[PR~ING at an iron pin set Eot corner, the Northwest cotner of said 5.983 acc'es arx! tlie Noctheast cotner of 7.67 acces conveyed to e. e. Nelson by deed recorded ln Vol~ane 547, Page 20, Collin County Deed Records, at tt~e ~ntecsection of tl~e West Llne oE said Newman Survey witt~ the Southeast Line of ~ 5t3te IllgtT~ray ~8; • • •'n?EtI~E Nortti 50 degrees ZO minutes East,with said .Southeast Line a distance oE ~52.11 Eeet to an iron pin for corttierf • TtIEt1:E So~tf~ 39 deqrees 36 minutes East a distance oE 417.7Q Eeet to an irvn pir. for cotner;. . , 'nIE;1CE Soutli 50 degrees 22 minutes 1S seconds West a distance of 797.65 Eeet ' to an iron pin for cotner !n the West Line o,E said R. b.~Newman Surveyj 'ni~~ce riorth with said West Line a dista~ce oF 542.08 feet to the place of beqinninq and containing 5.990 'acres oE land. . TRACT D E3eing all that certai~ tract or parcel of la~r3 situated about 2.7 miles Soutt~west Eran the City oE ~~lylie, County oE Collin and State of Texas, a pa-~ oE tl~e II.J. Ilardi~ Survey, 1lbstract No. 438 and being tt~e 7.67 acre tract ot land conveyed to B.B. Nelson by deed recorded in Volune 547, Page 201, Colli~~ County.t)eec~,Records and being further desctibed as follows; oeginninq at an Iron pin for corner, the ~brtheast corner of said 7.67 acre tract oE land and the Northwest corner of a 5.983 acre tract of land conveye9 to'Ceorge Lander by deed recorded in Voltme 1438, Page 426, Collin County Deed Records, at the intersection of the East li~e of said tlardin Survey wlth the Soutt~east Gine of State llighway No. 7Q; ' Thence South with the East Line oE said H.J. Hardin Survey and a chain link fence with the East Line a dlstance oE 542.08 feet to an iron pin for corner; Tl~ence South O.degrees O1 minute East with said East Line a distance of 242.00 Eeet to an iron pin for corner; Thence South 3 degrees 35 minutes East a distnnce of 20.27 feet to a nail Eoc corner in the center of a County Road= . . , Thence Westerly with the center of said Cou~ty Road th~ following; Narth 85 Degrees 30 Minutes West a distance ot 317.37 feet to a nail; North 82 Degrees 26 Minutes Flest a distance of 116~.13 Eeet to a nail; •lJorth 73 degrees 09 Minutes 30 Seconds WesE a distance of 375.14 fe~t to a nail at the intersection with the Southeast Line of State Nigtniay No. 78; Tl~ence Plocth 50 Deqrees 17 Minutes East with the said Southeast Gine at 22.0 fe~t passing an iron pin in all a dist~nce oE 1025.94 faet t~ the place of beqinni~g and containing 7.680 acres of land oF which 0.383 acres are incl~~ded i~ said County Road leaving a net acreage of 7.~97 acres of lac~d. EXHIBIT "A" BEING a tract of land situated in the R.D.Newman Survey, Abst. =~50, and being all of the 55 acre tract of land conveyed to L.rt.Taylo~ by A.D.Hatton, etux, by Deed dated December 17, 1951, and recorc:e~ in Vol. 442, Page 247, of the Collin County Deed Records~ and being all of the 196.5 acre FIRST TRACT of land, all of the 0.61 acre SECOND TRACT of land, all of the 14 acre THIRD TRACT of land, al1 0_` the 10 acre FOURTH TRACT of land, all of the 10 acre FIFTH T RACT o.` land and all of the 10 acre SIXTH TRACT of land conveyed to E*_-~e M.Taylor (wife of L.M.Taylor) and Barbara Taylor by E.T.Standife_ by Deed dated August 23, 1951, and recorded in Vol. 936, Page ~i, of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more fu'_'.~;~ _described b~ metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an existing iron pin set beside a corner tence at the Northeast corner of the said 196.5 acre tract, sarne the East line of the said R.D.Newman Survey, same also being the Southeast corner of the said 0.61 acre tract; THENCE North 12 deg. 55 min. East with an old fence and hedqe 35.0 feet to a point for a corner; THENCE North 0 deg. 16 min. West 1285.0 feet with the East li~.~ the said 0.61 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row with the East line of said Newman Survey to a point in said ':e'.~;~. row for a corner; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 21 feet across a ravine to a point in an old fence for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg. 16 min. East with an old fence for a dista:-;ce of 530 feet and continuing across an open field in all a distanc~~ of 1285 feet to a point in said field for a corner; THEI~CE South 12 deg. 55 min. West 35.0 feet across an open `ie:: to a point in the North line of said 19.5 acre tract for a corr,~_; THENCE South 89 deg. 57 min. West 1618.54 feet with the North ~i^.e of said 196.5 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row tc a-: existing iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE South 89 deg. 56 min. West 1917.64 feet with the North li-~~ of said 196.5 acre tract and with the North line of the said 1C acre FOURTH TRACT and with an old fence and hedge row to a n e:~_ <<~ iron pin set therein for a turn; THENCE North 89 deg. 28 min. West 1268.31 feet with the North of the said 10 acre FOURTH TRACT and wi th the Nor th 1 i ne o_` 55 acre tract and with an old fence and hedge row to an existir.- old truck axle driven at the Northwest corner of the said 55 ac:~ tract for a corner; THENCE South 0 deg. 96 min. West 1486.94 feet with an o1~ fenc~_ hedge row and with the West line of said 55 acre tract to a~o:-:~ therein for a turn; THENCE South 0 deg. 21 min. East 800.0 feet with the East lin~ said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to a point therein For . turn; THENCE South 0 deg. 45 min. West 381.61 feet with the West lint_ said 55 acre tract and with an old fence to an iron pin set ir. center of an old dirt road at the Southwest corner of said 55 tract for a c~rner; THENCE North 89 deg. 54 min. East 1157.04 feet with the South :.-,f~ of said 55 acre tract and the South line of said 196.5 acre trac•_ a-.: with a new iron post fence built in the center of an old dirt to the end of said fence on the West side of a branch for a tur-,; THENCE North 89 deg. 29 min. East 501.0 feet with the South 11:.~ of said 196.5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt ~oa:: to a point therein for a turnp THENCE North 89 deg. 39 min. East 700.8 fAPt ~,7ith *_'~:e Sc~~~`: said 196.5 acre tract and with the center of an old dirt roac an existing R.R.Spike set on top of the East bank of Muddy Cree-. in the center of said road for a turn; THENCE Easterly with the center of said old dirt road as follo~w:~:: South 89 deg. 55 min. East 659.12 feet; North 89 deg. 55 min. 400.0 feet; South 89 deg. 50 min. East 800.02 feet; South 89 37 min. East 478.04 feet; South 87 deg. 51 min. East 148.78 fee~~ to an iron pin set on the Northeast side of a 24 inch diameter ::o~_s D'Arc tree at the Southeast corner of the said 196.5 acre tract :or a corner; THENCE North 0 deg. 23 min. East 440.46 feet with the East line o~ said 196.5 acre tract and with an old fence and the East line o_` said Newman Survey to an existing iron pin set therein for a tur:,; THENCE North 0 deg. 17 min. West 1040.25 feet with the East li;:e of said 196.5 acre tract and with a new fence built on the sar~~< of an old fence and on the East line of the said Newman Surve~,~ ~o an existing iron pin set therein for a turn; ~ ~ THENCE North 0 deg. 03 min. East 540.28 feet with the East line of said 196.5 acre tract and with the East line of said Newman Survey and with an old fence to a point therein for a turn; THENCE North 0 deg. 15 min. 639.93 feet with the East line of said 196.5 acre tract and with the East line of the said Newman Survey and with an old fence to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 295.284 acres of land. .