Ordinance 1986-08 \ 2317 t 279 \ \ \ \ ! \ \ 11719 ! I \ ~ ~ m:m I 1\l{'~I\ICE NO. __~(=Z ('~N OFW I NANCE FOF~ ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY DF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXIfiS, A TRACT OF LAND UF 'THE _ .!.M~~.I~~.Q _~ ~ J:.~ _~.~.~_~ _ _ _. __._._._ _ ~ _ _. _ __ ~;URVEY , ABSTRACT NO. __ _.. _. _ 6...~..~....._ _. _ __._ _ , UPON F'ETTION OF ._ _. J..Q..l!~ _ R;.=- Y_EJ:l? __ .... _. ..... .__ _...._ __..... WHEF<Ef~S , John E. Reed has filed a I-'Jr'i t ten .--------------.---.----------- petition to anne>: to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Te;.:as, the t.ract of land herEdnafter descl~ i bed, which said tr.ac:t of lcmd less than three. (3) qualified voters resi d€", c~ 11 of I-'Jhi c:h said facts the C:j.ty Council hereby finds to be tr-u~? and c:orrect; and lA)I"'IEF<E{'~S , such p€~tition tV'lS been heat-d and considered by the City Council, <:\nd it beE'n decided that such anne).: "'It ion of ~;uc: h -\:t'- a c: t of land would be t9 th€:: best: i nter'e~:;t: of th€-? public <:i n d of the said City of Wylie, Tei': as ~I and that !::;ur:.h pFL i ton for anneNation should be, and the same 3. =; n C'J~'J qlr' ElntE'd; now t.her"E~f Ot-E~, BE IT DRDA I I'~ED BY THE CIT'{ CDUNC I L. DF (,LJYL IE, TE:Xr:;S: -I" h i:i. t: t.he 'followinq d f?-! !'.:'. c: 1"' 3. t.) e cI t.lr' act o.f land, described !:'J'y' mF.\t. e~:; i'lnc:l bounds c~ <:::. foIl C)\A)<:=., to--'I.oJi t: 1.04 Acres Francisco De La Pina Survey, (Commonly known as Discoutn Bait House) CERTIFICATE ~ ".." "+:fy t"'1;,.. tJ be a true and c~rre\.t c~.)1 Ie::>.' ,..:J L of t'~~ 'oriot1al doc ment. 6'(: 2'3 I 7 280 -- mm I "'lANCE NO.. - __ __ __. __ __ .~.. .._ _. ~_. u_. _. ._." CONT'D. bf2 rec:ei \led, anne>: ed to :' ",'-Hid made part of -- and th€7! sam€-? is hereby received, anne:.:ed to, and made part of - the City of Wyli. e, Collin County, 're>~ as!, subject to all 1 c.<.~-.js, t-'ul e~:; and r"egul at ions of said City. ThE' fact that: such anne>:ation of said tract of 1 cHid ~-.ji 11 b€" to the best i ntenest oft.he p~ltP i c and the City clf Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands cl'-eate an emer- q en c y, a necessity E~:-: i sts r-equirinq that this ordinance be passf.'?d and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shed 1 be ln -[ or'ce and eFfect from and after its pa~;saqe and approval by t:h€:: Mayor of Wylie. h~S!:;ED AND APPROVED TH I S THE ~.5},B_._._..___. DAY Df __ __ __ __. r~.~R.lJ ARX. ._. __ -. -. , 19t3_~. r-1ihh~-;-M::;;;;;~ ('HTE!3T: #~------ one '. City Secretary : :d- . I. ') \ -. -'- / I OR ~.- -- if Ii u , J'31'7 A .....-.. ,. t"l.hot"" 211 ~ ~ 'I /1 ~v\~v\!~' v . <C \ .. I.~ "",'" ._._.J . \ I ! .. ~ I vl... 1 A( M' ( ~ - t: : ~ -: '\ -1 ~U \ )- ... ! H c' .t t: ~ '; f.' U ,~ I "- :;""l /,L f \ \ \ \ I .a. 0 ltO'YO ~, ~, .' . 44 ~ '" .. \ \ , \ \ \ ./ ~~ , \ I / ~ #. , ~ .t' C \~ .r --- LIMITS I - _.-- =- --- --- -- ----:: ~t."'"A..l... Of ""l l'..E. A, ...-.M'T(D ,..: .,..or ... I~ N~ .- - ~"'T ..elCAL 110" , 10'" .- ALPt1A/OIiflI[G'> err.,. n.~ ..:: - --I - - - .....Tl. kAT ....---.----;:--- --- ~ \ .... """..... ......."'. """'.. ,.'IL E~ "U..I..(. -- .\AN<<' \: ~ III IC '0 ..- '0 ... ..\T....Lt. "'LT[''' fIILII '04 l/: , 20 " J """HIt (v.........s "- """Mlt (ve.u- s I)."~ 1ft(. .. l.s..~ AI'. L -~-- .. II ., I' ~ . -~--- -' \ NCl<..AHll E"""'*" "l().. AI't [\AANlS ~~.~~, .. \4 64 III: .. f)4 IlL ,. "\ \.t ~.. " .. a ,. \ c .. \ I . ::> ~- . D ROTc.. .. 1 ")9 f)q AC. ~ .~ r:-~ . \ ..... .t .... I , " \ 0' .. .. .. .-" .. .. .. .. '.\ I t'".'. ,t , ..,...... .-.-- .r; ,. ,. .~ L. -'-'--- COM'. srQIII ...;: 8 : -- i.---" , \ .... . . < <". * \ ~ ~ \: ~ \t " . . .. . .. .. ~----'- --- I .",...... " - -'---- . .,;\i' I .. .. . ..-_.... ... II f" \ ,no .;:f I.... \ ,0,...1. . \ \ ll....,. CO't" \ ~U ...: .11) ..-: \ L S!1"f \ : \., -. ~ .:" ATl . ,IT 0 Tt .:: ';;= o:\rft"t' (~ .,. .. TIof\.OIl , ,n3jIC I I \ / I \. -) G c. 1IIl"I.Y1ClIli 8....l ~Rt.l'lilIl.. ,~~,. It&. !I~ e '" I - -- . ._.".~,....". -- I ----..- ,-~~,,~...,.. 282 .. . 2317 "'-1-~ ili Ii' "'... CD > _ "'e~ " ... - -< ~ = =.. I .- .... n 1 0 I - = I ~.-'... -0"), '*i '!hi ! g" 'n ~ . "'.. , '''~!II . ~ ...' 1 t 11 ~;:;; _, "". I ~~ Gll I ~ I ~!'2 n ~ f ~h ).> 2 << << "", ! '" J il \ :; '0 ' n 1 ~"c ~ ~ 1m 2~ " g ~' ~'i~" 8 ~ i r ~ i\H ~ ":' i ltE ~ . !5~% ._ ... . I w ,J) City of WYlie P. O. Box 428 WYlie, TiC 75098 - _.,-- .. '~..""'._~--" -.........- -