Ordinance 1986-10 231 7 283 11720 ORDINANCE NO. _~1f_:~~ AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE~ COLLIN COUNTY~ TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE __~~I~C~_Q~~~_EI~~_____________ SURVEY~ ABSTRACT NO. ---j~~_______~ UPON PETTION OF __WMI~~]~_~~~QMl..J'~lR_ WHEREAS. -~~~~~~~_~_~a2~i_~~I________ has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County~ Texas~ the tract of land hereinafter described~ which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside~ all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS~ such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie~ Texas~ and that such petiton for annexation should be~ and the same is now granted; now therefore~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE~ TEXAS: That the following described tract of land~ described by metes and bounds as follows~ to-wit: see attached 4 Acres CERTIFICATE I :e:-tify t~;s to be a true and c~rrect cC';Y of 10" 9gl0al do/~um~", ; B'( (~~ .:J Cl~ e etary 2317 28' ORDINANCE NO. CONT'D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie~ and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency~ a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be In force and ef+ect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED At,m AF'F'RO'v'ED TH I S THE _.._J5Ill...._ DAY Of ___,..f~~..EJJ..AB.:L____ 19f3_Q.. ATTE!3T: '" * :::;. ..;~ ~<L~JL-f2K;;:/_____, ..__.. ~ John W. Akln~ Mavor ~~~, ~- 2317 285 WALTER B. PAIR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 174,093.&4 SQUARE FEET OF LAND Situated in Collin County, Texas, in the Francisco de 1a Pina SUTvey, Abstract No. 688, being a resurvey of the 1.00 acre TRACT A and the 1.00 acre TRACT B described in a deed from Nolan Eubanks and wife, Hermie Eubanks, dated September 20, 1976, recorded in Volume 1023, Page 181, a resurvey of the 1.00 acre tract described in deed from ~olan Eubanks and wife, Hermie Eubanks, dated September II, 1967, recorded in Volume 696, Page 29, and a resurvey of the 0.988 acre tract described in a deed from Nolan Eubanks and Hermie Eubanks, reference Volume 603, Page 505, all deeds of the Collin County Land Records, being described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an one inch pipe found by a corner post at the southeast corner of said TRACT B and being the inside corner of a 13.9254 acre tract (reference Volume 1083 Page 270); THENCE South 89 deg. 33' 02" West with the south line of said TRACT B and said TRACT A with a north line of said 13.9254 acre tract and approximately with a fence, 417.42 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set at the southwest corner of said TRACT A the west, northwest corner of said 13.9254 acre tract, in the center of a no~th-south rock road (County Road No. 389); THENCE North 0 deg. 15' 21" West with the west line of said TRACT A, the west line of said 0.988 acre tract with the center line of said road 412.11 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set in the south Right-of-Way line of State Highway No. 78 (a 120 foot Right-of-Way), at the northwest corner of said 0.988 acre tract; THENCE with the north line of said 0.988 acre tract and the north line of said 1.00 acre tract (reference Volume 696, Page 29), along a spiral type curve and being 60 feet southerly from the center line of said State Highway No. 78, a lenght of 371.02 feet on a chord of North 88 deg. 55' 26" East, 370.95 feet to a concrete marker at the S.T. of said spiral type curve; said center line spiral from S.T. to C. S. has a central angel of 4 deg. Xc = 399.8, Yc = 9.30, length of 400.0 feet, THENCE North 89 deg. 55' 26" East with the south Right- of-Way line of State Highway No. 78 and with the north line of said 1.00 acre tract (reference Volume 696m Page 29) 46.90 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set at the northeast corner of said 1.00 acre tract (reference Vnll1mp f,Qn, P~OP ?Q) same being the northwest corner of a 1.04 acre tract (reference Volume 1147, Page 314); THENCE South 0 deg 19' 29" East with the east line of said 1.00 acre tract (reference Volume 696, Page 29), the west line of said 1.04 acre tract with a fence 208.31 feet to an one inch pipe found by a corner post at the southwest corner of said 1.04 acre tract. the southeast corner of said 1.00 acre tract (reference V~lume 696, Page 29), the north east corner of said TRACT B and the north, northwest corner of said 13.9254 acre tract: THENCE South 0 deg. 05' 04" East with the east line of said TRACT B a west line of said 13.9254 acre tract, and with a fence, 208.68 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 174.093.64 square feet of land. . StiEET l' U> CD C'J , r- (I') CN , 71' ~,,'~.,.. ,I.. ,.' ~(~"I'UN 1.f:1.Ac 73 ,.fowl $ OvAl () co. qJ.I! AC ~ -.. 1 7~ .' .'. A . . ~ . r . ~. SH 78 63- 64' 61 68 190 191 . . " llt < )".'" ~ ll( ... .. '}~~ ~ It ~ P.. C>>'I i- 0 I'fIA" (.() 17. l$1e-'1'J 'I. pH.., A'~HIE ~/.)IJAAJC.~ '/3. 11 so A ( S8~9. , 58' /'/OL.AJ.J el/~~N~S 1~,"4 ,.'- 1M IS--' 5"""<4 ~~Tll. IN(. . - . - 1.oa6 A(. f'I\ Yll. ,4 '" ~ IV$1- ra 7. I r~6' 5~ 52. /../l-...., l.I, JlGL~NJ 14' 7-'" I S'.o$'~ Ac 192 "'IE M (3.\~ c..d-f' ~.\'il~ ?.aSS -,'3 1'.c.o' AC S2 "t'J.Uec JJJ} PLO~ Its~e -1]"'f I.07f:J A C- S6 )AM~5 '07 TE~ I.OSAt:. 57 ),4/141 r POT'T~.< 1.0'1 A C '-0 'N,4L -r~~ PAl" ."~A C ," " AlTHflP. J:,NA.PP J A c: '2 'kAl, Tt~ PA/t IA c 61 ""J.I I~ k1l8.4N Jl. ! IA t:. 6 4 ~A Y M /L L ~ Il.. 1.11), ,S" I.AY MII.LG~ I.OC 6~ ,-,1.lfflc S.vtJMvlC. f 71 iftJ.JAIlD WA~[) 1\ ~ " :c kAN C ( <;.~ () Je I ja.. !~N~ ..c '--, KY' .~ ;....- /~~~7 ;' ('" I' ") oCr!:: - -