Ordinance 1986-17 ORD I NANCE NO. __f.i._-:L~_._---- BEING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE #85-89 SEVERANCE CL.AUSE, PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE, PUBLICATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PROV I DING r:) PI~OVIDING FOR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS: That Ordinance #85-89 is hereby amended act i oris; by the following 1. In Sectior, 9.0 pet~rllitted uses, item E, the addition of the words, in model homes, entire sentences reads as follows: is amer,ded by so that the ,....t,? Real Estate sales offices, ir, model homes, dut~ing "~ .~evelopme'tttof" t"esiderltial ~:;ubdivisor,s, but riot to exceed ~wo yeat~s.'.... , ....""',~- Ir, Section 9.0, d~'t19.J;e ft~clm specific uses by pet~mit, use #1 bat ch pI ar,t, t empot~at::-~.... d Ut~ i ng corlst t~uct ion ar,d i rl Sect i orl ':3.0 pet"witted u~.>es erltet':>'a.s item 18 batch plarlt, tempot~at~y, d Ut~ i rig corlst t'uct i or, wheY'1 P~l'~l i t t ed by Code Erlfot'cemer,t arid I imited to the subdivisc.rl fot' ~Ch they at'e pet'mitted. " In Section 10.1 delete specific use #1 batch plant, t empot'at'y, d ut~i rrg , cortSt t'I.lct,i or,. 11"1 t e'tn-pot'a ry, Sect ion 11. 1 de let e sp62ci f i c use ~:j: 1 bat ch pI arlt, dur ng construction. In Section 12.1 delete from specific uses by permit, use #1 batch plant, tempot'at'y,dul~'i'Y'tfl" cc.r,stt'uctiorl arid irl Sectior, L:::.l pet"mitted uses erltet~ as 1 't'Einl 2 batch plant, teill~t'at~y, dut'iy',g corlstt'uctior, wiler, pet'mitted by Code Enfot'c'e!ofllent arid I inlt ed to the subd i vi s i or, fot' wh i ch they at'e pet'mi tted. I r, Sect i 01", 13. 1 de I et €9 fl:ll"1'tl,~peC if i c uses by pet'm it, use #1 batch plarl-t-.., tempc.t'at\y, dut'irig cor,stt'uction arid irl Sect~ 1 .. p~t'mitte(j"-....~s ~.ntel" as it 2 batch plar,t, t~mpot'at,y,~1g cor,stt.:j~j,!:;m whey', pet'mi d by Code Enforcement and limited to the subdivision for ich they at'e pet'm i t t ed. In Section 14.1 delete from specific uses by permit, use #1 batch plant, temporary, during construction and in Section 14.1 permitted uses enter as item 5 batch plant, temporary, during construction when permitted by Code Enforcement and limited to the subdivision for which they e:H'e pet'm i t t ed. Section 14 PUt"pose arid is het'eby amerlde Description reads pat'agt'aph II Ger,et'a I The MF, Multiple F mily Dwellirlg Distt~'i.ct i.s a Residerltial Attached District ntended to provide for the highest t'esider,tial derlsity lot to exceed fifteerl (15) units pet' acre on a single st~ry or twenty (20) units per acre for multiple story configu'ation. If the multi-story density of twenty (20) units per acre is selected by the bui lder/developet' he s\1all be t'equit'ed tCI corlf'ot'm to the add it ona I-.J i t'e pt'ot ect 'l orl t~eq u i t'ement s spec if i ed\ il"l Sect i or, 14. 7. The"~irlcipal use of lar,d iI", this distt~'~ct is fot' multiple-famil~..~.}l'lgs,gat'der, apat'tmerlt, ar,d b.~t'dirlg Ot~ t'oomirlg houses. The distl"ict is usually locdted~d.,acel",t'tcl a majc.t' stt'eet arid set'ves as a buffet' ot' tt'ar,sitiorl b'E.-r-{:;'weer, retail/commercial development or heavy automobile traffic and medium or low density residential development. Section 14.1 is amended by the additon of the following: (3) Boarding or Rooming Houses (4) Garden Apartments And permitted use #3 is renumbered #5 Sect i 01'"1 20 Sect i OYI c~o follows: is hereby repealed in its entirety and a new is hereby established which shall read as SECTION 20 "PO" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT PREFIX ~~n~~~l_eY~QQ~~__~n~_Q~~~~iQiiQnA The Planned Development D i st t~ i ct "PD" pt~ef i xis i Ylt eYlded t 0 pt~OV i de fot~ comb i Yl i Ylg and mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate regulations, and to permit growth flexability in the use and design of land and buildings in situations where modification of specific provisions of this ordinance is not contrary to its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the planning on which it is based and will not be hat~mful to the 1'"leighbot~hood. A "PD" Distt~ict may be used to permit new and innovative concepts in land ut i 1 izat iOYI. While great flexability is given to provide special restrictions which will allow development not otherwise permitted, procedures are established herein to insure againist misuse of the increased flexability. 20. 1 e~~miii~~__U~~~A Any uses shall be permitted if such use is specified in the ordinance granting a Planned Development District. The size, location, appearance and method of operation may be specified to the extent necessary to insure compliance with the purpose of this ordinance. Q~Y~lQQm~ni_B~gYi~~m~ni~A 1. Development requirements for each separate PD District shall be set forth in the ordinance granting the PD District and may include, but not to be limited to; uses, density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, buildiYlg height, buildil"lg elevations, covet~age, floot., c.'H~ea t~atio, pat~kiYlg, access, sct~eeYJiYlg, laYldscap:iYlg, accessory buildings, signs, lighting, management associations, and other requirements as the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission may deem appropriate. 2. In the PD District, if uses conform to the standards and regulations of the Zoning District to which it is most similar, the particular district must be stated in the granting ordinance. All applications to the City shall list all requested variances from the standard requirements set forth throughout this ordinance (applications without this list will be considered incomplete). 3. The ordinance granting a PD District shall include a statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD granted therein. A specific list is required of variances in each district or districts and a general statement for citing the reason for the PD request. L t. The Planned Development District shall conform to sections of the ordinance unless specifically in the granting ordinance. all othet~ €~xc I uded 5. The minimum acreage for a Planned Development request shall be five (5) acres. 20.2 In establishing a Planned Developement District in accordance with this section, the City Council shall approve and file as part of the amending ordinance appropriate plans and standards for each Planned Development District. During the reveiw and public hearing process, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall require a Conceptual Plan and/or a Development Plan. 1. ~Qns~QiY~l_el~n~ This plan shall be submitted by the applicant. The plan shall show the applicant's intent for the use of the land within the proposed Planned Development District in a graphic manner and, as may be required, supported by written documentation of proposals and standards for development. (a.) A Conceptual Plan for residential land use shall show general use, thoroughfares and preliminary lotting arangements. For residential development which does not propose platted lots, the Conceptual Plan shall set forth the size, type and location for buildings and building sites, <~~ccess, deY"lsity, buildiY"lg hE?ight, fit'e laY"les, SCt'e€~Y"1 i Y"lg, pat'k i ng at"'eas, 12\ndscaped at'eas and ot her-' pertinent development data. (b.) A Conceptual Plan for uses other than residential uses shall set forth the land use proposals in a manner to adequately illustrate the type and nature of the proposed development. Data which may be submitted by the applicant, or required by the Planning and Zoning Commisssion or CIty Council, may include but is not limited to the types of use(s), topography and boundary of PD area, physical fE?atut'es of the f::;ite, existiY"lg stt'eets, alleys and easements, location fo futut'e public facilities, buildiY"lg height and location, parking ratios and other information to adequately describe the proposed development and to provide data for approval which is to be used in drafting the final development plan. (c.) Changes of detail which do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property and which do not alter the uses permitted or increase the density, building height or coverage of the site, or which do not decrease the off-street parking ratio or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site or does not significantly alter the landscape plans as indicated on the approved Conceptual Plan may be authorized by the City Manager or his designated representive. 2. Q~Y~lQQm~ni_el~n_Qr_Q~i~il_~ii~_el~n~ This plan shall set forth the final plans for development of the Planned Development District and shall conform to the data presented and approved on the Conceptual Plan. Approval of the Development Plan shall be the basis for issuance of a building permit. The Development Plan may be submitted for the total area of the PD or for any section or part as approved on the Conceptual Plan. If the initial presentation lS a Conceptual Plan the Development Plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council, but a public hearing is not required. The Development Plan shall include, but not be limited to: (a. ) A site inventory analysis including a scale drawing showing existing vegetation, natural water courses, creeks or bodies of water and an analysis of planned changes in such natural features as a result of the development. This shall include a delineation of any flood prone areas. (b.) A scale drawing showing any proposed public or private streets and alleys; building sites or lots; and i:\t~eas t~eset~ved as pat~ks, pat~kwi~Ys, playgt~oun(h;, ut i.l ity easements, school changes; the points of ingress and egress from existing streets; general location and description of existing and proposed utility services, including size of water and sewer mains; the location and width for all curb cuts and the land area of all abutting sites and the zoning classification thereof on an accurate survey of the tract with a topographical contour interval of not more than five (~)) feet. (c. A site plan for proposed building complexes showing the location of separate buildings, and between buildings and property lines, street lines and alley lines. Also to be included on the site plan is a plan showing the arrangement and provision of off-street parking. (d. ) A 1'::\'I'"ldscape ornamental planting, wooded plan showing screening walls, areas and trees to be planted. (e.) An architectural plan showing elevations and signage style to be used throughout the development may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council if deemed appropriate. Any or all of the required on a single drawing if one evaluated by the City representatives. i nfot~mat i 0'1'"1 (h~awing 1S Ma'l'"lage\"~ Ot~ may be incorporated clear and can be his designated ~. All Development Plans may have supplemental data describing standards, schedules or other data pertinent to the development of the Planned Development District which is to be included in the text of the amending ordinance. Proceedures for establishing a Planned Development District shall follow the procedure for zoning amendements as set forth in Section 34. This procedure is further expanded as follows for approval of Conceptual and Development Plans. (a.) Separate public hearings shall be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for the approval of the Conceptual Plan. (b.) The developer may choose to submit a Development Plan in lieu of a Conceptual Plan. In that case public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council will be required as if it were a Conceptual PlaY"l. (c.) The ordinance established the Planned Development District shall not be approved until the Development Plan is ..,.".....",,--. a~121'~oved. --"" ---~,.,' 1. The Development Plan may be approved in sections. When the plan is approved in sections, then separate approvals by the Planning and Zoning Commisssion and City Council for the initial and subsequent sections will be required. c. An initial Development Plan shall be submitted for approval within six (6) months from the approval of the Conceptual Plan or for some portion of the concept plan. If the Development Plan is not submitted within six (6) months, the concept plan is subject to reapproval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. If the entire project is not completed within two (2) years, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may review the original concept plan to ensure its continued validity. ".? ...... The Dev€.? I o pmt;?1"1 t Zoning commission Plan shall be approved and City Council. by the PlanY"lin~~ and 20.3 When a PD is being considered, a written report may be requested of the City Manager discussing utilities, electric, sanitation, building inspection, tax, police, fire and traffic and written comments from the applicable public school district, and from private utilities may be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to the Commission making any recommendations to the Council. 20.4 All Planned Development Districts approved In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance in its original form, or by subsequent amendments thereto, shall be referenced on the Zoning District map, and a list of such Planned Development Districts, together with the category of uses permitted therein, shall be maintained in the appendix of this ordinance. 20.5 e!~nn@~_Q@~@!QQm@nt__Q~~in~nS@~_~QntinY@~~ Prior to adoption of this ordinance, the City Council had established various Planned Development Districts, some of which are to be continued in full force and effect. The ordinances or parts of ordinances approved prior to this ordinance shall be carried forth in full force and effect and are the conditions, restrictions, regulations and requirements which apply to the respective Planned Development Districts shown on the Zoning map at the date of adoption of this ordinance. 20.6 (PENALTY) Any person, firm, corporation, or other entity who is found guilty of violating the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction of any such violation, shall be subject to a fine not to exceed the amount permitted by state L.aw. 20.7 (SEVERABILITY) It is hereby declared to be the intenetion of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or unvalid by any judgement or be declared or decree of a court of competent jursidiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had known the affected parts would be held unconstitutional. 20.8 (PUBLICATION) published one time in the City of Wylie. The caption a newspapel'-' of of this ordinance shall general distribution be J.n 20.9 (EFFECTIVE DATE) This effective upon its publication in cil"culat iOY'I. ol.'d i naY'lce ~:;hi::'\ II c\ newspapel" of becom€~ genel'-'a 1 WYLIE, TEXAS THIS ~ //~\J _....._------,.-~._---------- ~~ki Y'I, Mayor' (iTTEST: