Ordinance 1986-29 23~9 909 22410 ORDINANCE NO. R'_~27 AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE 15 Ac. ~UADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS AND __l~~~~_~I~11~~~I~~_____________ SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. _l~8~_gq~jll~_, UPON PETTION OF ___~Y_MQ~~~________ WHEREAS~ ___~~~~~g~K~n______________ has filed a written petition to anne>: to the City of Wylie~ Collin County/Dallas County, Texas~ the tract of land hereinafter described~ which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside~ all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS~ such petition has been heard and conside~ed by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie. Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: see attached CERTIFICATE I certify this to be a true and correct copy ::lh~;1~ re tary 23~9 910 15 ACPES - GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVE\ ~2ST. ti l~G~ COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES All that certain lot~ being situated in the the County of Collin~ tt-~ct ~ or- par-eel Lit ':'::::11'= Ccunt'i of Dcdlao:, S-~:,t_E -~ Sta.te of Te>:c"ls. te::,--'o,:.t: 1 r-~ .~~ ,~;. :ui ;'J : (':'. ::-'r'!.~ Pei ng a part of a 83.7 .:<ere tract out. L' i:.J,,," ::::":c,j.3J. ..'I:::" -::'E Los Santos SLlrvey~ Abstract No. 13E4 :n ;.3;::' .'~: ':.::unt :::,n;:; Abstract No. 1100 in Collin Count'y~ :E Co." C,:::,;oE/Ed 'c Beatrice Burch by R. C. Stone and Wl+;=- D.='-.=,'::':-:", ;::::Gi-iE:, b...' deed recorded in VOlUiTlE 878~ Page 46:', Col:ln ~'=,u;,t\ .,",d \)CJIL~me 2175, F'.3ge 16(), DallCis COLlnt.'y' Def2'lj F:2C-=-;-d~:~ ~.~..jd tract more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at the mo::t Nm-thet-ly corrlE'f- c'+ tne :::=,'.j. tract in the center o~ Pleasant Vc.lley Road: 3Cr'''-' THENCE S 45 degs. 42' l,j 2l'::Jng fence -=.nd thE =-c..,th~...,e"L 11n~ 0+ the 83.7 acre tract a d~stance of 945.50 i22t tc co~ncr ti,e same being the COLlnt'{' line beb^leen COlli'i 2ild Dcd:_,_ Counties; THENCE S 71 degs. corner; 44' E. 2 distance of 1 tJl!E~ ~ .~~ ~ t=tet~ L __ I. ' THENCE N 45 degs 42' E .:. distanCe! of 458. l6 -tEec t."j '=C'-,-,E?,- in center of Pleasant Valley Road and NW 1 .ne of thE S~. acre tr3,ct~ the same beinq ctlso 1 i"E' t,e't..,-H.?E'n C,:,11 in .."l,d Dallas Counties~ Texas, 3nd the NW line o~ 52ij 3urv2Y. center of PI ea!,?ant \/<:<,11 ey Road and NlI.J J. 1 r,e c-t 83. -:- .=.u-? tract a distance of 931.00 feet to the ~LAC~ JF THE BEGINNING and containinq a toL:\l Ot 15.':":" 2Ci~~:;: 0+ :and. TrH''O're is a total of O. '534 acres of 1 and, ,;':'t-"" '::"~ 12,~<:O. within the ROlI.J of Fle,,-.s,=,r,t. '-.JaIle,;, he.",.:]" l""..:\','l,....~ c, '''''-=~' 14.466 acres of usa!:,IE lc,;-"j. mOt-e c,r . ~'7-. -=,"2 1'':' :0. i(..: acres. mor"e or" l25s. .....J.::>--,:r1 CollIn ""Too...' t.3':;,= -=''::-''-,'::~' ",,:t"';c? C,o- 11-255. within Dall~.'~, C:cu"t.. TE';:3S. 1,S ACRES WI'L I Ar1 :3U'T:Qti::UR\/EY :::.Jl L ~l ,..-~L_... _.. i:'::\::"/ ,~- SltuatE,'d in Ce,11ir. C:cunt'., Te>:c'ls cili'jlj ~jt::;.-..,.,..__,. :; ..- to,'J,' 0+ WyllE and t't~Jr!'::i=_,t c.f the ,'J: ...:'.!'1 _..,- ,:C',f -- '. Abstract no 1275 and a par~ o~ a 5~ ~c ~ ~__ :cc~t~~ 1~ Collin 2nd Dallds COUf"l~y, -;-e':as dE'O'CjE.J __ .., L"' ::.1. rl cl ~J ~f. ; €=- " 8 ~/ :::.: 1 ::. i e ;..i. '= ~~-, 1 "C r-t 3 S ;'"" e c: .::! 1"'- d .~_' c '- _' '- .:\ - r~ :~1.l+~ l~;eed F:t-?CQr-cjs;" I)~.l:i -~..;; C~:Ju.nt./~ \ E' ~~.l:'_:: .;d '..; .=.t__.i I-:~"- 1)c:)1. 557.. F'age '~~~:~ Dt?ed F:?cc,r-d~=, elf Ccl.l..;:,. L'__'L.:-~. T--="... _ -";'..1'- ;:,,,.;:ing mors> pc\l....ticuL,,,t-l '/ ;jEscirbccj ,:,,<:~ . c., >-'''':: 23~9 9 , I [,EGH,ir'jPJG at ,:;, poi nt. 1 n ~;-Ie Southvn:'st 1 _ iI... '-, =:;;_ = V,;: 1;: ='... '3utt.on :3urvey, and the center of F'l,:-c':'=::,::~,-"...c "UdC. =.':'l_~ point north 44 d.e.~s. 0::::: min. West '"' c.,"'.~_,\: ::"., C,- --,-- --J. ~~c~t f,-om the most wester-Iy c.:,,::,Wner" of .:; ~:) <.. ,J:c<ct ,::::,r,',::'\'E,cl t- Cal"'l P. NaIl et u;; Thc,jJ'!c-\s A. COILl'-:=: ?'-,cn.-,"" '-''--;'~'." ,::-:.:,'_E'( P,,=,r- i 1 =;~]. 1964; T;--jENCE f'jOt-t:"1 44 degs. ,i o~ William Sutton Surve~ pOlnt fer carner in S21d ]-fll n. liJes tv:" tie i t 0"'.1,~ .: . ..i.. __' _ a dl stanc:- '::' t=:. ':::.: ~.:-. t F'T i~~'\s,=~rlt \--.:::: ~ ...._'.: THENCE North 45 degs. 5~ MIn. feet to a point for cornEr; Ec-'=-:- ::. ~J ~ ::" "': .:::. --: C -:::: - .f 3';'1"__ THENCE North 86 degs. =:9 nino 09 512(::. :=:,"=-_ '" "",=,__, c, en 344.2t -0et to a pOlnt for carner; THENCE ~outh 45 deqs. 57 min. West 2 ~eet to the p12ce of beginnIng. H more 0,- les,=. .j 1 == r. ~'. ;.-; ,_= e ='"; 1 1 ~,=} 4- "1 -"'"':', t (_, :: _~:'. J '--" .- ",7= _. ~ _" ._' .__' ~-:o, _ 1-" t7'S BEGINiHNG dt ::,\ pOInt in tr-,e ~.OLlt;--'''iE'':t :::"~'.::"::~ c:='l,j .. J. Sutton Survey and the center of Pleasant V511e. Road. point beIny385. 81 feet :3 44 de.;,. '..I,.;. En o,rl L',c. ii:CEt southerly corner of a 19 acre tract convEyed D~ C6r et ux to George W. Pendergrass et al b~ ~e0j dat2d ~ar .i. j, dii' ,=,Cl,1 j r:.. j"'-i21 ~ 1962: THENCE N 45 degs. in the south line 57' E. 451.39 feet ~o B poin~ of s.:\id George W. F'ender-g(ao:= i ur' -...c.;~ ne:~ t r' ,:;.~: +: ; THENCE f'.J 86 degs. ":<0' 09" E along th':~=':C'..I':h 1 i~,'? 0+ l::,:?,;;t",::;", vJ. Fendergrass tract a distance of 51'L .]e ;eF~t tc 1,C..i-!t for corner; THENCE S 45 degs. 57' W. 84~. 41 1'eEt t;' ," f.:,,::1',,: TO," ,:r::" r,t.~'- Iil thE! SOLlthvlest lIne of sald WilllB!Ti ;::'("ll:c,j-' .3,I',E ~-"CJ L-ie center of Pleasant Valley Road: THENCE I"j 4'1 d eg s . (..I,:. ~,j a 1 en q t rH,:' ,=,c_, t -, ~~'-:: ;::": .I... ,_ _,,, SLiI""/e:,' ",nd (::enter of Ple3sdilt 'valle',' f~a'::":J '::lcc::',',;,,::,,= 334.39 feet to the place of beginnl~g and Cwn~31n ~,~ acres of land~ more or less. ",,<:d BEING all that certain lot, tract ':Jr p,,',r-,:2, _c'T".:: ;:,.j ',ua:.e,: in Call. i n County, Te:-: as bei ng out c,f t.:,,::. ,.I i 1 Ii, ,'in :2,-,1: t C', Survf;;,l" Abst:-aet No. 1275, and beii-IY c:. Od t of _ -.' 'J ,::,cr.,::; tract Dr land conveyed to William B. ,,JotH",':;':,,i-', _.. II ;"":"-O!".j",..; in Volume 710, Page 648 of the Deed RecG~ds Q+ Collln County, Texas~ and being more partlcllldrly de~c~ib~d ~s ;= all CrvJS: !3 \,9 912 , COt1MEt,jCII1G at a pOInt in the center e,+ r'lc:.c~=-' ",. ''''' F'oad~ saId point being the t.>Jest corr,,,,,' -.+ :"-'~'- c::...h;:~C) a c r" e tT act ~ s e.~ i d poi n t 31 s <:< t, e i n 9 N 44 ,-'>=':'. '" ~ ,li. r, . feet from the most Wester 1 Y COt-nET c.f t:-i::O' T;-.c,,;,-:,,::: 10 acre tract recorded bJ deed dated ~0tl~ - ~. ~>: .,.---- - . ,- - .'! "-'. "-" Lcl1in~~.: '-"! '!, THENCE N 45 deg. Beginning; 57 !iiI r.. c.. 400. ')0 {f"'::'< __ t:.::' Cl .". THENCE N. 45 deg. 57 mIn. an iron stake for corne~: E '04. 12 f.?~.!t ',:,,"\ ~ Ci i- t; .;.. c: ,"j .:: c:.- 1 ~-'te -+--. , ~" THENCE N 86 deg. 29 iTIIf,. 09 sec. E .3540:::; ~E2t .=oj cor-"~f',,i'::'? line to an iron stake for corner: THENCE N 79 deg. 23 mii'. 36 sec. E 1>:<(,. "~L ~-2~ct ~,l\~f,~-:' h:~r'=-"c? line to an iron stake for corne~; THENCE S 22 deg. 12 min. E 55.13 feet aLene fence l:re t~ ~, iron stake for corner; THEt.JCE S 48 d e9. 28 Ili i ,,,,- l'J 915. 38 f eet ~ j ..::ii-,,:: ~ ~:n.:;~ j 1:-' ':~ 1" .~: an iron stake for corner: THENCE N 66 deg. 25 min. 21 see. l-J::,2(!. s= of Beginning and containing 6.00 acres of ~: ~~ toLe; -: - - .-, .i. =:ti ''....1. "L t I ~~ /- i '=_-i '-.: t:.:' ~ Wi 9.IJ -~ .... .. ..' .... . I . .. r' 7 :;: 11: j: : ~ : :: :' .' .' '. 1 i . . .. ' .' . . '- " " k r , 1 .... '. . .' ..... ....... "~ \ i i ' , . - . . : ~ # '... , J ~o<", ~~ .'- ",,z "/',, , . " ~. .. . ". ~ :~ ! ..".. ~ //11, · \ XJ__ ,...J ;1 818 ,~~ ;<~-c . ! I ~ >-- "~. ", ~ t I , '-' , ~, I , ~i ;. i I .... I .. ~ ','''-. . , "'" " ' . I .! i " ~ '7f(i1' ' f ~: I L!.;' I :: i ; ; f , j Qn ~I_[ " \ I r f - . I 'I I I ., t : i "I~ ' ./ ' }.~f~. /' ~.. , , '. ~ i I. i .. f,,;/~ ..,' II 1 · ... I c. " ..0':) , . ,,'"': I ,,(f; ~ ~.. II ,'.~" ..' i ... ....~~ ,'r III <...)~' '! - ,.' ',,, '.' .' ... ') ".1 .~ , I'" I" . ~........ ..... '-.. '. I , . ~"" ~ / . ,I ,,-,....,.. ~' " I. J rt" ~... ,'0 " l' r....... ., >_~ \\y; ~ - ,,/7/ \- , I "--. ~')">"')~\l"~,,.,~ \ '\ '""'I, ~' 'I '---. I I .r-----=-' -~~---- ~ I ~.,~" , . f . f . I " . ;i i ., ,- .:'! -;p Y. '1/' :; i " i : i .; . . . I / /' ~/ . ! '<~ > A, ,-/ ~. .~~. .. " .. ( '. I ~ . '" 6 ~ ~ '," . "ft.. . .. " " ..' ','~' . .. "l..:c; " . '.. I I I . .... r q' 'ifT, ! ,~ I . , ~-' i " , I . . , i f , 1 I . I I I I I I I I -I d I ~ ! i . I i :, , I ! j ..... ~', '..~.. , ~ ./--/ '\.. ,; - I I ! " i i J . f ~ I I I I i . . . II . . : i ,I i Ii ;!l:,' ~I -. .... /~ I.... . ... ... N : ~\ . f ~~ , : . f i ,., ",! .' . , : f!;i 'l . ! :( , I ' 23~9 ! I , ORDINANCE NO. CONT'D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED TH I S THE __f..~TJ.i___ DAY Of ____lfARc..ll______, 198..9_. ATTEST: a~~____ John W. Akin, Mayor ~ .~ = S ;:: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~?~ rt;.1-- ,-# . ~'" ..\~,t.'