Ordinance 1986-30 OF.:D I NANCE NO. .....[6.....~..J...r? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONINb CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEAL.ING CL.AUSE; F't:;:OV I DING ?~ SEVEI::;;{~B I L. I TY CLPIUSE; t~'tWV I DING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) FOH EACH DFFEN~3E ; P1ND DECL..f~ll::;; I NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which is on appl:i C:i:\U. on of..............1?,J::.:r;:y.....l1Q,~K?.D.......................................'..._n_..........,'.............._,......,.. 'shoul cI be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: ..... '.... ...., ...., ..... ...' ...AGRI C.:u.LIU.E.AL.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ...., ...., ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... '.... ..... ..... ..... _.., ..... ..... ...., ,.... 'm' Said property being described as follows: see attached SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SEer I ON "~'. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subJect to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DUL.L.Y PASSED BY THE CITY CUUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, "I" E Xl:) El , t his t. he..... ..... ..... ,? ?JJL, ....' ..... ..... ..... day 0 f ....' ..... ..... ,~R..(;,H... .._ ...., '.... ..... ....' '.... ...., .._, .... ....,.... ...., ..... , I 9B ....J2...... John W. Akin, Mayor l4,,!,"T'Esr: ~~1f}Iu~- J~~--:-:-,~ Lcirul~one." LJ.t( SELFetciry 15 ACRES - GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVL,y ASST. H 1384 COLLIN/DALLAS COUNTIES All that certain lot, being situated in the the County of Collin, t"'dct, or- par"c.;;?J. ':)-!- ,:";1(; County of Dallas, Scats 01 ~:; t ,:':'1 t. e 0 + T ('~ >: i,i ~:; , I: c, L I. J r'j <.J .3. r-; U i [':: c" ','::1 1"1 d DI2ing ii'\ part of a 8:~::./ ',(Clr!:, t.1"'i:\Ct:. out I,t \I" ~'i.I.L"j"ii:p" ::)E' Lo~; Santos Survey, Ab~:;t.I"i,\c::t: i\lo. 1~:;F',4 , I, L.':';.!'< I,'.:'I..I.L, i._ 'LI::i f-ib!5tr-act No. 1.100 in Collin Cuunty" iF::,C; C,"i, E/C';:' l. B(~atr"i.c:!:? BUI'"ch by R. [.. ~:;l':ur',C' cH'lcJ ,-n.h? [j,y:, I: .J:' ,i: b,. cI E' F'd ,~ (':.' c: C:1I~ d 1?c1 :i Il 'v'o.l urnc:' :.TiD" I:' alJ 1:::' /1 h:', " I. JL;." , U I, t.. ' ,\ Hj \)olumf,? ~?175, F'3(:;)('? 16(), D.::,J.J.<..'\,,; CUL.lnl..y D-::,,;.,J L,;.',:,::,,',).'.. u tract more fully described as foJ.lows: B E: (3 I I\~ f\1 I 1\1 (3 at t. h (~ (n C) <.;; t:. 1\1 (J J'" t 1"'1 E't... 1 'y' c: (J roo 1"1 t-.::' J'" c.! ""t" 1._ j .! I=~' tract in the center of Pleasant VaJ..ley Pu"d ., : ~ Ll '~.t C (' THEI\ICE S 'l5 degs. '1-2' VJ "dCirHj fc:-rlcE:- ,:,rlel!!,,' ~.C!'....I. I,Vh:' i lrh 0+ t h E~ El ::::. 7 <"I ere t. I~ i:l. c 1:. ,,,- c1.i.~; t E\ neE' <::0 f C;4 '.:.'j.. :', '.' r ,:::- (.::: t.. c.. ..... " (' II ,,',' t h (.? S '::1 in 12 b e in,;;) the Co u n t/ J. i 1', C' b !:~ t "-.' c. c. n i c,j J j 'I " i I (J D .' J ; CoLtn t i EH,;; THEI\lCE ~3 71 degs. 44' [' ,';\ cli s'l.":c;'tncf.-? Ci+ t t) ,i.! ~~~: , ,",I:n -,r \. ~I : C't..,~t .... cornE~r" THENCE N 45 c1E?gr-5 42' E i:~ c1i~::.;tanci:~ C'j-f q~.jU.. I," fc.c.(_ t..:. ','~"'r,el i nee n t E'r 0 .f F' 1 e r.i san t 'v c\ lIE' 'i F< C) a cl t,l n cI r\1 vJ J 1''', L u: t h I .3cr-e tl,..t~c:t, thE? e; C.1 In!:? bt::::i. r,q ij], s:;u ], i r"jC? [:.c,'l.vJI.'L'[', [.j] L .i. 1'1',1 ,cI Dc:illa!:; CountiE\S, Te}~a~;, ,::\nd t.hE:' Nt-) lir'IE' c. '::\l,j '~:;U.I' '.i:'i" c: f!:.'rl t er- of PI f2c.1 ~;an t 'vI c~.ll F!y' PDc,\d ":\n d I\Il'J J:i. 1'1 C G f U::::;.. -, "'., ,,' t I'" act <:1 cI i s t i:m c E,' 0 f ,:;>:::. 1 . 00 .f e E~ t. t CJ t.I, E' :~' !.I, C i= U F : H r: BEGIN~~ING and contC:1in:i.rH] ,:,\ totaJ of l:~j. OJ) .'UC:'.,; c:d - ,':~I.(L There is a total of O.5~:;4 aCr-E~!:; of l,OIr",c1, fi!C<~'(' UI IC:-::;:'~',~ wi.thi.n the ROl>J of F'lf?i:i,=:;.,:',mt '.Jalll:?)! r;:I:J,:;\(J" .l.e,..,'/JII') I'I""~' "f 14.466 acr-es of usablc' li:Hlcl" fTiCiI-e Dr- lr::c..o.rhi:'~i' E' J. ... LO_ 1.e,., aCI~es, mor-e or" less~ IAJi.l:hin L~ulli.n "U1Ci ''1,,:]'=.'..':. "".CI'.,-~,." ",.;,~e ur less, within Dallas County, Texas. 16 ACRES WILLIAM SUTTON SURVEY Cf]LL 11'1 / D(~Un3 CUI.Jr-iT IE::::::; Situated in Collin County, Texas and b0in about mIles of t own of lNyl i e and bt~j. nq out of the l>J i .I. J i c~ln ~3'...11.' t en ~:;'.ll "-::'y'. A b sty" act. n 0 1 275 and ,:.1 p 2'1 r t 0 F ,,,, ~"j S' i", c: I' E' t. i . ,,' c t 1 (c, c ,', t c ::.: i n Col.lin and Dallas County, TI:-?>:c~:; de\-:,'ch.:,,:J tu C";,:\I'1 r:. I.. ,.LJ.J. cincl wi'Fe" By F~l'Zie Pl. Smith ",\5 r'ecur"dc:.ci ;;, '.,.Jut.. :~jJO:J" ;::,a'::JE! 314, Df?!:?d Recordr-5, Dallc',\,,; C(Jurlty,ri2>:d~..;:,ll,Li 1"C'C:,:),'c.!c:.c.I J.rl \.101. ~:;~57" F'a(~e 93, D(?E'cl ~;:E'c:onj~:; of CDII; II Cuunt,., TE:'>: C.'.C: ",([iei being more par"tic:uli:\rly dE;:;c:irl1!:~d ,,,~,.:'ul ::,,1,:,1);.: ,;5() BEGINNING at a point in the Southwest lIne G~ S01d WIll 'am '3utt.on Sl...lr'vey, c:~nd thf? cent:f?lr of F'lt::'D.~"..'r,t. '.',,".11,.::, '<c...le, ::.:,ii pClint I\~c)rth 44 dE'yE;. 0:'::: min. We!5t c, eil',.t,:,fi', ut::?::',,'.,l -fe.c,t 'fl'''om t.hE:' mo~:;t: Wf?~;tE'I"ly CC:!r'rH::>r' of ,;:>, lO ." f<:'Ct.. ':.:!I,o. ','c,cj 1::.', Cal'''1 r'. N.:\11 E.'t u:-: ThcHliE',c; P,. Collil"',=.; ::'w,d 1.'!1-;'C', [of?C' ,].::,'.""( p,p I" i 1 ::;'(J, 1 9f.JLJ.; THENCE 1\lor"tI1 114 c10?'J'''" ,,):::: ,Ill n. l-JE?:;t ~.,' 1 t;, <: uf William Sutton Survey a distanc2 u' poi n t:. + C Ir c:: 0 r n (.? I" in";; c;.. i cJ F 1 c.? a;:; i:\ n t: \'.::0 J j, , " I,. . , t THENCt~ hlorth 4~; dE?,]!,;.. ~::;r 1"1if'. E,:i'::.t e. '-'j . .,e: + ef?t t: 0 ,'::, po if', '1::. + 01'" c: 01'" !''', "1'" :: " ..,'J, THENCE 1\lc,r.th Elb de':~5. ""'::'" I-Lln. V~' ~::c'c" :: 4 fJ.. H ,::, + c.' 0,' t: t: 0 c;\ p C) 1 f, l. f C'I' CD!' n F:' I" ; i+'f f HE hi C [ ':':, e, u t h il. :::; [I c.:' '.J :': feet tu the place of rnur'f:! 01'" 1 eS'3. iTil j"'i '. i'Jc:'!:::. L I" , '...1 .:', \ 1::, ':.:.' ':' J n f', J r"'.:J . ,.\, L I'-r: ,.t: Bf:::(3II'~I~II\~Ci at::.;\ puir'jt: ir', L.Il;.:.' :,Dul':I'I~^Jc";.l.. l).li" '..-" :::; u 1'... t Co n ;:; U. r" v f'? y ,:i Il cl t I"', E' C I':':' n t. t' I' C) + I::' J E' ,eI ':; ,j I', t I. .[ P C) i Il t: h Qi. n q ::::: E3 5" L3 'I + E' (:::.' t".:3 4 ':1 d f~ 'J. () :::' i: I c.,'\ C.~C)U t. h E,,"l Y c 01- n L~r" 0 f <::\ :I. ee,' <0. cr' I::" t: 1" de: t: C.' I" i:. ,., ..! c t L.l :-: t: u [~ e 0 I" (j €? ~'J. F' E' n d C'I" q ,... i', '::;::,: fO t. ,:.:\ .l !' \ .J ; " :' ,j 'I9b2: J. d :"~ i. J. -..:':"tfl' .31 ':=: ,. '.1; Ll,! I', : i (,i '..) 1. I.., y j\.l ~- J d .:"i t (.:~) ':"] !'~'l ='~. i fHENCE N 45 degs. in the south line ~::Jl' [" C) f c; <:'Ii. cI 4'::; 1. :::'9 f !::3!L'i C;eorqE~ l,J.. i.._~ LI t-:~ i:.i f> c:? n c~ C:? i.:~~ I 1.1' i.. "i" ,JI' c': rn:E';'- t. r" ,':; THE:::NCE 1'.1 86 degs. 2(;" ':)9" E; o:donq t.he' ':.J I.. I. '.'..1", jJi,i.~ CH CC='Loj"'JC l.\I.. F't=.nclE>I'gra::;:::. t.ract <:\ cli.!:;;t",nce of ~.;:.i!. "': . f:!l:,t l:c " ,:,eint .f or- cor r')(0 r ; THENCE S 45 cjcgs. 57" (.<,1, H't2.41 .fCE,t tu '" F'ijird: rUt, ,(cine'f- i.n tt1E~ SOLlthvlest 1. :lIlE? 0+ ::.:ai. d Wi 11 i '::\1'11 ::;Ut.l..C'I', ;31'r...T::\, ,:<I,d the' center of Pleasant: Valley Road; THENCE !\I 44 de';js. 0:3' I,IJ r-iJ.orll;j thf:' ~;UlJt.:H'."::'::,t 1.Lr,c-, (:or '::,dcl <;:;ur"vey c:\nd cf:?nter- 0+ F'lE'i:';\<;5drit. \"c:l11(=:',( H~;,ucl< c1i:,...I.::\f',e,,' (i ::;:::4.:;</ 'fE~et. t.el tt1f~ pJdC(.;:~ C)f bE\qinnilnlq (~'~I"'ld CCJntE\:Ln r'j\~'l '::j,,9(.;:; acres of land, more or less. DEING e\ll that CE.'rt.C"li 1"1 1 CJt., t:r'dCt. DI' P"t',::C:', u+ ",nil '".II:..UE,t.E"" in Collin County, Tfc;;,:c\':; bf:3!:i.nq out of til'" :....11 il1<"1l Sutt.e!:, Surv!:!y" Abstlr,::\ct. No. l:;~~7:S:, ,:lncl bE.:i.liq ;;1 p.'.' t ,::0: "'\ ,:;." ':H> "leTE' tl"act: 0+ land convF')lc-:'c:1 I::u ~>Ji.llie~m D" ,)()ill',',:c,n. t.':.. U 1':::'CDI';jf~" in\.' 0.1. u m E' 7 1 0 , F' ;::~ Y e b 4 EJ u f thE? DE' E' ci nEe: C i' ,,j:,; D + . cd 1 :I. Ii C; 0 u n t. 'y' :\ I f2;': a ~:; , and b f:':>:i. r',,:] III () r' e p o'H" tic: l..Il \; 1 J. l oj c' ::, ( , j I:) '.':' cj r cdl 0\-'1':;: -<;:.- c::' ==" """",. C::OI'1~'IEhIC I 1',,15 (::\ t c:... poi. 1'1 tin t. h (? C en t C:!I' u t j' J. C:'c ~:c ",II!, ",I J. j C,' F:,D.::\d, s;aid pDint bE'inl:;) t,I'''IP ~IJe':;t: COI'-r'I",:'1 '~If ,:,lel 1,lc!I"II'I!::,Uii :?,-,( <,CI'-f? tr<,...ct, "-;",lid puint dl':3U rH2i.r'j(] 1\1 4':~ (LcO:I' " ilnf'i.. 1.\1 ::,T~:.~"" +(~!etfl"C):n thE- Illost ~vE':(o;tC:'I"'l Y COI-'IlE.lr of l:hc, TI,D",.,cl', [,cl. Ill"i" lOa C Ir C~ t r a c: t Ir e c (] r- d c cI b Y d e e d d c'" t e d "-'1 P I i. J ,<:! " j 9 I' 'I , THENCE:: 1''-1 45 dE?g. 57 ,T'li, I,. E: 400.00 ff?ei t:c' CII':' De(] inn i rl(]; .1 i~4.. !:.: E-:' D .:- THE::NCE N. 45 cJeg. 57 (nin. E 704. 12 f(2ut:dO::"'l~, 1CilCC an iron stake for corner; i r'l F: t CJ T1"IENCE:: N 86 rj f2(] . 29 011 n. 09 ~;ec:. E: :~:~::5ll () 1:,1 e,:' t ", ,i Dr'",,; i "i '::0,:' line to an iron stake for corner THENCE N 79 dug. 23 mln.. 36 sec:. E 100.45 Ie line to an iron stake for corner; ::":'\ 1 c; r"1 ~:"i f ('~ r-: c: c.~':' THENCE. ~:} :':':? deq. L2 mil'" E :",i5.. 1::; fe-c't cUUiICt"'IIU} :i, I'" on ':; t c\ I, e f 01''' C or-Il E;.'r" :j j. 1'1 C' t CJ Z;';, 'I THENCE ~3 ,<ll::l deq. 28 mi.n.. VJ 915.~~;8 fpf:2t ""I')I'r.:) {,>'II ',' an iron stake for corn~r; i 1""'1 C:.' t.". C) THEt'-1CE 1\1 66 deg. of BE~(;) inn i ni,;) and 25 min. 21 con L;o, i ni. ni;) ~; e c. 1;.1 .~~; 2 ().. ~.:; ':-? ,::'.00 c;\CT f?!:: of + f.0t::>.t r,C) 1 an cI . l. h t,'! r::' 1 ,:;\ c: E" -'-/ ~ \ ", ~ '.-,