Ordinance 1986-59 ::--- P. 8 ,+' '-' {l;) '- ~.--. () y 'U .aJC _C\3 c::((!) . S22t: L.b+'<O -roE I-- :.J cr.: (1) 0 iJd.D 0 00-0 -<-'- ,"\ n 't~O w 2392 1.44 ANNEXATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. gh -s9 36251 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AND EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice Has duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation Here held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the follo~ing described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of 239'2 445 the City, and shall be bound by the ordinances, acts, resolutions and regulations of the City of Wylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being descrihed as follows: 23.49 acres out of the C. Atterbury Survey, Collin County Abstract 22. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and should Rny portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of \~ylie, Texas, such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is sUQject to legal annexation by the City of \lylie, '~exas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territory herein described is held to be invalid by a court of c08petent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and independent and such holding shall not affect the validity of the re~ainin6 provisions of this ordinance or portions of land anne~ed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect fro~ and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of ~ylie, Texas, this the 27th day of May 1986. APPROVED: f)~ ~R 11 i .... -.=;, ~ ~. <t~ ~/tl ~~,. (,l /'~I'., *' .~ '" -:-~ . :::":).',;~,~~~{/ . .'.'~ ATTEST: & APPROVED AS TO FORN: CIT '{ ATTORNEY _ . , . ~ _ ~ ~ -.t WM.~ PATTER80N 8lli~VEX - - - t. _ ~-tte wV~~f ~SO M. PHELAN 3URVEY ?Uj,N4 Al~ A-896 ~ r ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ I~! f' S ~ IoD~u ccwut?~ ~ cu.,wc, i44V•NS4 D. WIlL1AM$ SURVEY ~ i~Ac ~ wr~K A-1021 a ouwt~u ~vEr ~ R-~e~ LIA ~M'?!R 11 NJ( ~ 17.YI~l ~ r ~ ~ n~' / ~ 7 EXHIBIT "." PROVISION OF SEIVICES TO LAID AINEIED IIVOLUNTARILY POLICE PROTECTION AND ENFORCEME.l: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance, Police ~rotection will be provided to your property. You, as the property owner, and any ot~er person residing on that property shall be entitled to response and enforcement of State and local laws. You ~ay contact the Police of the City of ~ylie at 442-2222. Regular patrols will be made of your property and all local ordinances :n effect within the city limits of Wylie shall immediately Je in effect on your ~roperty. You may also expect cne enforcement of traffic regulations on your property and its perimeter. Such requests s~ould be expressed to the Chief of Police of the City of Wylie. FIRE FIGHTING & FIRE CODES ENFORCEMENT: r~~ediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign t~e 3 n n e x a t ion 0 r din an c e , :' 0 il r ? r 0 P -= r t :: and aLl s t r '1 C :: '1 res ) r buildings which exist on the property annexed ~ill Je provided, without charge, fire fighting services. S~oulj a fire of any magnitude occur on your property or in anv structure on your property, 3 call to the City af iylie Police/Fire number at 442-2222 will cause t~e fire department to be dispatched "to the scene to combat the fi're. In addition, new structures and. existing structures ~ill ~e suhject to rando~ inspection in order to insure t~e contr~l of potentially dangerous fire hazards to both yourself an~ to Jour n~ighbors. ZONING AND CODES ENFORCEMENT: Immediately f0110_in3 the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance your property will be: subject to the enforcement of all the provisions of the current editions of the Unifor~ Building Code which s~ts forth pasic policies on methods which are approved for new construction and re~odelin~. Such codes cover areas of construction, electrical, pluc~ing and mechanical and plans for any improvement on your property should be suhmitted following the date of annexation to the Codes Enforcement Office at City Hall for revie\i and for the issuance of B! building permit. There is a fee for this service and it is ~elative to the cost of the improvement. Zoning is a public process t~at ^ill )egin during the time your annexation' is being processed. This action should be final shortly after your annexation is complete. Zoning is a public ~ct by which the governi~J body of your City designates a pa~ticular use for your tract of land in order to provide fo~ the orderly growth of the City. Any use which was in exist~nce on your property prior to the completion of the annexation will be allowed tJ continue. This concept is called "grandfathered". Under the grandfathered provision, you: ~ay continue to use your property in a way toat is not consistant with the zonin6 placed upon it by the public body; however, such use may not be expanded and if the use is discontinued it may not be reinstated. You may indicate, by signin~ the ~nclosed far8s, any prefere~ce which JOU ~3Y ~ave :0r t~e ~ori~S designation to be placed upon your property. 'ihii~ JOU ~a~ :1 0 t :1 a ve bee n a war e 0:) fit, Ii h i 1 e you r p r .) De r t Y H"l S i!1 t "', (~ county and was not ~it~i~ :he city li~i:s of 3ny :ity, you ~id not have zoning ?rotection; thus, your n~i~h~ors could have used their property tor any purpose w~lch 8ay or ~ay no: h a v e bee n con s i s t 3 n t wit h y a u r use 0 r 'w i t h t !: e b est u :; e or the property in 5en~r31. Lonin; W~__ ~r0~2C: your ?roperty and your area froc :h~t ty~e oi 3JUSe ~~d ~e~erall~ add s bot h toy 0 lJ r per son a 1 3 e ': u r ~ t Y and : 0 ::': e V:3. l. ': e 0 f .,' 0 u r property. LIBRARY AND PARKS 1 ~ ~l ,; '( a t ~ 0 :1 , ~nt:,j:l~d to :: ::lU t:-:e ~ ~ECREATION SERVICES: :'; ,!1, '; res 1.. J e n t S J f ': '. ': :'0": '':'J '., C\... _, '"": ;["a -! r:...: ..::: a _ _ U:5c :-.e ~--' i ~.: y ~ _...-- '- ..... ,) \. ...: .) '... r J,_. "_ :!::-: recre..3.t:":~a: faci.liti'"~3. '" i.1 :. :- '::'.:3 '....:"')., ... --' '-~. . - '. '- ::..:.~ '" .; .. . -- ~ .. _: e r vie e ~ 3 r .~ u ~ '_ :~!"' . 0 1 -: _ r-~;J :: .: - )" :. ~ =- ,~. v '.= ::;. ~ :1 t a n .J l _ : . 0 L~ '~ ~ --. '" ~. '.... ~rov: ~~ <! -,' : --; : ~ r~ :-" t :: ~ :- '/ :.. C _ :" ...... 01,.i t t ~~l ~ J . 1 . c.j 1 ... l. ~ r.:J l~. i .~ -';:;:', . r e ~~ r. e r .~ i,-: _' ~~. :: .~ r: (1 e '1 ear future. ':,Hl[ a C tilese serv:...::.:.: - ~ ..J.... _' ,,';: ,J'; :. C) t i-; <2 [" .:i r or char ~ :0 citi2e~s to t~~ City of provid~rt with the charge of a smaLL e n t i ~ 1 e d to? a y the "i n - c i ': 'J" r ~ t: ,~ : 0 r i0'~::- annexation is co~~let~. ,;:: 1: e f 1 r- '~ 1..1 5 e r- :ee. c')u " ~ ,:> '" 1 _ t ."1 e ':i= '= e :- \" : ,: :,;:' _-: - -.... - J. . '_ -:." .. ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES: the Cit~ pravijes ~~ anl~2. control service ~o deal wit~ pro~12~s 3~sJciated ~it'~ t..~ con.tr'Jl of both an.d lar;~ and sinall ani:i1?l.:5 t:~2.t ~i~:~2r ',,-1._G. or jomestic. This ser\"ice 1.::; provi::eJ :'.:-)l2::o~ our ?llol'.: "/or::s Jepart~ent ..ihich l'!?y te contacted :)V t~l.e?"o::.e ~t ......__ 7563. On complet~on or Jour annex3tion ~rocess, ~ou ~3V contact this orr1C2 ~ur any questions reg~rdi::.g r-"~ se:--vi,::e. STREETS & DRAINAGE SERVICES: The City 0: !ll~ 0?er~te~ ~ department char3ed with the responsijilit~ or ~aint~ini~ city streets and keeping existing drainage devices flowi~~ properly. If your property abuts or contains drainR~e ditches o~ streets which are under t~e City's do~inion a-~ control, you may request, upon conpletior. of rt~nexatioi, t hat r e p air s 0 r :n a i n ten a n c e be. per for :~ e ;:t u;:; 0 nth e s e ,) iJ b 1 :.. :.:: facilities. These re~lle~ts should ':le phOr:i~,i to t;"e ?L:bl~c ~or~s De?art~ent at 4~2-75~0. lpon recei~t or lour pho~e call and verification of eligibility these re~u2~t5 wi1: Je gr0u~ed and sc~eduled for an appropriate wor~ rerio~. Improvements to streets and Jrainage which 3re ahov~ ~':e 3iTlJle maintenance level involve 2 uore co~~lic~t~~ pro c e d u reo f p r i 0 r i t i z i n g 3 n d t i.n '!1 0 S t cas eSt so i:l e ~ ::> L,-, ,,;:: financial participation between the City and t~e adjace~t property owner. Should you desire this l~vel of servic~s, you SilOUld contact City Hall to discuss what isprove;;Jents y 0 '..1 had i n m i n d and w hat fin a n cia r a r ran Z e:-l e n t s can b e ~ a ': e . WATER SERVICES: The City of Wy~ie provides potable water service to residents within it'~ city limits. In cert3~~ areas there ~ay be a previously existinG leJitimate w2t~r sup~ly corporation. If suc~ is the cas~ on your ?ro~er::, the~ water servi~e has already ':leen provided. The City 0f ~ylie will be ha?py to assist you in Gs~urin~ ttst suc~ ?rovided service is adequat~. S~ould you not be satisfid~ wit:~ s e r v i c. e s pro v i ~ e d D Y S u C 11 ~ ','; ate r s e r \' i c ~ , !')l. '~ 3 .~ ~, '= 0 n t act C i t Y Hall wit h you r c 0 l'l pIa i n t s . :~ e w i 11 b e h a\>;:, ;. : ,j act as an interin(>cL:~ry on your ;-ie~al.r' to ~C'~ " i~provements can be mad~. If ~ervice is not currentlv a v ail a b 1 e, the :_ 1 t y, i '1 } a ::- tic i ;y,a t i 0 ~ '.': it:: i 0 ;..: d ,:, C ': .... " :- ~ro~ertj QdDerS, will be ~a9~Y to 3SS~~~!~:) pl2n ~~:=~ provide water service \.iL,iCl " reaS('':1<:,:J.:..: J:s:'l:-:cs :ro'" :- J:- --' ~ ;) r : (J e ,:: 2. v e s '2 v e r :3::' P 1. ~ n S 3 va i ~ .3 ~) .:. e j 71 c~ "-'l 1: .~ c " ilrr3nge :) iJ 1 -, f\ S i s situation. :n e e t i:1 b \.; it;, f ') '..' most 3uit2':Jle The Cit'; nC'lS to c~ e :. i G e :~; :1 1 C :-1 \):;, '-"'':: ,.<:) ...-..; .- " . ~_.. ....;.. - - for , ,our n2ecs 2l n d f i i: 2. I~ C :.. ':: } ,,-ur.erous '\Ii;':! t e r service I' " i:-, t:::: :i r '~:-:. :J:1 .:: , '-~ - :l2ve l:.t~..:~'= ~' : -= '1 ~ : -. :: r tJ \~ i s U :=!l 5 e r 'y i :: e T1/ it. ~ i n d ~ ':: ~ ~~ ~~ :~.:- J i.. ~ t i .-:: .~ <J ~ ~ ~, :" ": ,I. - .: :3 c .': E R S E R V ICE S : '2 ; "' r .~ :Jr ;..>,-1 ::.e 0',' ',5 ~ ~ ' -'. '- 0, .~ .... ~.. .s 2 ~.of.::.. .: :~~3t~e~t f3cil~:~' ~l n d :1 :..l ~~ ci1.. v~ 1. ,~ -~ (~~ !'" h ,~~ :. :1 t ,) ..:: .~ v c: =- .--:. _ _ 1 ~ ''::2' ~ :. i:: t st3t:':);l . . . -ll..3t!'"lCt,:;. lour ~ r '.) :.J e ~ ~ :- '~i II ~8.~1 i -: :. !) one of t'1ese dis:ricts. ~e'.'Jer .3 e r v 1 C 2 i.'3 ~) e i fJ. e;.:te~:2 ~ t :, :- 011:,; .~ 0 1J t ': '1 e ~ity :.t a r Cl fJ i d rate. I~ order to obtai~ 3e~~er se~vices :0 Ci-. Hall fol!o'...in:; of extendi~g 3ucn C0St participation service; ho~eve::-, VG~r ~\ r ) :.' 2 r t ?, ./ r) U . . _ t ,~ _.. - "1 ~ ~ c ~ 'l C 'J r: t . c. t .- C L! r 3. n :1 ~ X 3 t i ant f) i l ~ C :l S S t ~ e ';:J e l: i : ::. ': .3 3'2!'"vice. In S e n 2 r -~ 2.. : ~ --. e L -2 ~ r .~ 1. ~ ~ ~ '?:1 -~ associated with initial 2ac~ C~S2 is consict2~ej :Hovisio;1 '.l n i , "e 3 n (~ of t~i=o Jr.';', discussion specificallJ invo1Yin~ Jour oiec~ of pro?er:y .i11 be able to 1eter~ine your actual fees 3nj th~ ti~e .hien will be necessary far such services ~o ~e provii~~.