Ordinance 1986-61 ~ c. ~J U ... IJ <U '- l- t") U "0 Ie: .llJ : CD . ~ 2 C - Q) :llJE : (I) ::J J.D g ;>0" -- '"1 (';J ,~_ c: ~:~ ~o ~::. (\) Ii... ..- (V :..:; t' ....... __;;:) w 2392 ~'7 A.NEIATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEIAS ORDINANCE NO. ~t-t;l 36252 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEIAS ANNEXING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEIAS, AND EITENDING THE BOUNDARY LIMITS OF THE CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND GRANTING TO ALL INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY, ALL THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ORDINANCES, ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, finds that the hereinafter described territory is contiguous and adjacent to the corporate limits of the City of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared a service plan for the area, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, after notice was duly given, public hearings on the proposed annexation were held by the City Council all in compliance with Article 970-A, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council has concluded that such area should be annexed into and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be, and the same is hereby, annexed into and made a part of the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of 2392 , ... the City. and shall be bound by the ordinance~, acts. resolutions and regulations of the City of ~ylie, Texas. Said territory hereby annexed being described as follows: .38 acres (Tr.lOS); .33 acres (Tr.l:~o) and 2 acres (Tr.104) out of the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Collin County Abstract 688 (sheet4) for a total of 2.71 acres. SECTION 2. It is the intention of the City to annex only that territory which is legally subject to being annexed by the City and sho~ld any portion of the above described territory be not subject to legal annexation by the City of wylie, Texas. such fact shall not prevent the City from annexing such portion of said territory which is subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, Texas. Therefore, if any provision or portion of the territary herein described is held to be invalid by a court of co~petent jurisdiction, such provision or portion of land shall be deemed as separate, distinct and in~ependent an~ such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this ordinance or portions of land annexed by this ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect fro~ and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of ~ylie, ~exas, this the 27th day 0 f MAY 1986. A?PROVED: u~ - ::A'lOr<. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTURNEY eN ..- ... .... o ... ~ ... .. . c i- . .... I ~ O"~ .. " ~~~ f f ....,-~~llh.,:..:.i;\. et ... $. ~. --.0.) .. ~ ... . W'I ~ n .. 'v ~ ~ ~ I -II( 0\ t) o - ... . JoI"'" . . " z . c g... o c . i . . . " Q .. .. C Q . 0 C . :.. . ::4 . ...... 1C C . ...~ C I- .. CD', ~i 0 . 0 e a.... - ~ .. . " .. 0 ... .c ... . .. ~ . .. .... t , - \I ... . ~ "- ~ ~ \0 1 .. r ~ ! ~ ~ J ~ . tttt "--~4iS-~~O ~,,~\ ~ ~ ~lItC..."\ ~ ...! ~ "1 ~ l. s: :z ~ ...... :;x- ). "''l''''-~t ~,.... ,.. -,,~- .CQ[ \.A ".~~~~trt ~ ~~~~~~!t; .....~........"'<I "2!~~~~~ ;;'.' d ') . j > . o o Y'" ". j 1\.4- ..~ ..'" f.i=.:. ... 7'- ~'S- -- ~t u ~ ~ P) ~ \i; N ", ~ r ... CD CD >: ... g JI'.u& _JoI",-. . . I .. Ii f.i. ... t " '~... ~ ., I ~ .:! ~ .,; ~~ '"' , i 4 AJo'=> w .,. .... e l- e) c z .. . . ~ w, e ' . -' . . . 'I, . Q. . Q. 0 " o. 0 .. . . 0 . . . J Q J > 0 > . 0 . . J > .~ Z Q 0 . < 0 ;: tn 0 m > W > a: ::) tno 1:: WI ~< a: ... t1$ <- .., - eJ.."n " ~ l " ... ~ .2..-::& ~ tlO or" ~ -0:;; ~ ..,,~ Q o o ... " J,. ~ . . J C IE I- S8 J EXHIBIT "A" PROVISION OF SERVICES TO LAND ANNEXED INVOLUNTARILY POLICE PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance, Police protection will be provided to your property. You, as the property owner, and any other person residing on that property shall be entitled to response and enforcement of State and local laws. You may contact the Police of the City of Wylie at 442-2222. Regular patrols will be made of your property and all local ordinances in effect within the city limits of Wylie shall immediately be in effect on your property. You may also expect the enforcement of traffic regulations on your property and its perimeter. Such requests should be expressed to the Chief of Police of the City of Wylie. FIRE FIGHTING & FIRE CODES ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance, your property and all structures or buildings which exist on the property annexed will be provided, without charge, fire fighting services. Should a fire of any magnitude occur on your property or in any structure on your property, a call to the City of Wylie Police/Fire number at 442-2222 will cause the fire department to be dispatched to the scene to combat the fire. In addition, new structures and. existing structures will be suhject to random inspection in order to insure the control of potentially dangerous fire hazards to both yourself and to jour neighbors. ZONING AND CODES ENFORCEMENT: Immediately following the final vote by the City Council to sign the annexation ordinance your property will be subject to the enforcement of all the provisions of the current editions of the Uniform Building Code which sets forth ~asic policies on methods which are approved for new construction and remodelin~. ~uch codes cover areas of construction, electrical, plumbing and mechanical and plans for any improvement on your property should be suhmitted following the date of annexation to the Codes Enforcement Office at City Hall for review and for the issuance of a building permit. There is a fee for this service and it is relative to the cost of the improvement. Zoning is a public process that will begin during the time your annexation is being processed. This action should be final shortly after your annexation is complete. Zoning is a public act by which the governing body of your City designates a particular use for your tract of land in order to provide for the orderly growth of the City. Any use which was in existance on your property prior to the completion of the annexation will be allowed to continue. This concept is called "grandfathered". Under the grandfathered provision, you may continue to use your property in a way that is not consistant with the zoning placed upon it by the public body; however, such use may not be expanded and if the use is discontinued it may not be reinstated. You may indicate, by signing the enclosed forms, any preference which you may have for the zoning designation to be placed upon your property. While you ~ay not have been aware of it, while your property was in the county and was not within the city limits of any city, you ,i i d not h a v e Z 0 n i n g pro t e c t ion; t h US, '/ 0 urn e i 3 h b 0 r S c 0 u 1 d have used their property for a~y purpose which may or ~ay not have been consistant with your use or with the best use of the property in general. Zonins will prntect your property and jour area from that type of abuse qod generally adds both to your personal security and to the val~e of your property. LIBRARY AND PARKS & RECREATION SERVICES: iJpon cocvletion of a::Tl2xation. you and any residents of the pro~.erty shall be entitled to the use of the City Libr~ry dn~ our V3r~ous p;" r ',~ san d r e c rea t ion a 1 fa c i 1 i tie s . T his s e g'~ e ri t 0 i C) U I' C i '.: Y services are undergoins a ~reat deal of ~xpansion and i~provement and although they provide excellent services [10 w, the y will pro v ide E' v e n g r e 3 t e r s e r v ice 0 ~.J 0 r t ~! nit i e sin the near future. Many of these services are provi~ed tree of charge to citizens to the City of Wylie, others are provided with the charge of a small user fee. You are entitled to pay the "in-city" rate for these services after your annexation is complete. ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES: The City provides an animal control service to deal with proplens associated with the control of both and large and small animals that either wild or domestic. This service is provided through our Public Works Department which may be contkcted by telephone at 4~2- 7588. On completion of your annexation process. you may contact this office for any questions regarding this service. STREETS & DRAINAGE SERVICES: The City of Wylie operates a department charged with the respbnsibility of maintaining city streets and keeping existing drainage devices flowing properly. If your property abuts or contains draina~e ditches or streets which are under the City's dominion and control. you may request. upon completion of annexation; t~at repairs or maintenance be 'performed upon these public facilities. These re~uests should be phoned to the ?ublic Works Department at 442-7588. Upon receipt of jour phone call and verification of eligibility these reQuests will be grouped and scheduled ror an appropriate work period. Imp r 0 v e men t s t 0 s t r e e t san d d r a i nag e \. hie :1 are a b 0 vet h e simple maintenance ~evel involve a more complicated procedure of prioritizing and, in most cases, some for~ of financial participation between the City and the adjacent property owner. Should you desire this l2vel of services, :. 0 us; 1 o~! 1 d con t act C i t Y HaIl to d i s c u ssw hat in pro v em en t s you had in mind and what financial arranze~ents can be ~ade. WATER SERVICES: The City of Wylie provides potable water service to reSl~ents wit~ln it's city limits. In certain areas there may be a previously existing le~itimate water supply corporation. If such is the case on your pro~erty. then water service has already b~en provided. The City of ~ylie will be happy to assist you in assurin~ that such provided service is adequate. Should you not be satisfied wit:. s e r v ice s pro vi G e d by s u c h 2. '.va t e r s e r v ice. p lea s e contact City Hall with your complaints. We will be happy to act as an interme~iary on your hehalf to see what improvements can be made. If service is not currently available. the City, in participation with yo~ and other property owners. will be happy to assemble a plan which provide water service within a rea$onable distance from your proeprty. We have several plans available and need only arrange a meeting wit!l yo'..! to decide which ot the various plans is most suitable for y~ur needs and financial situation. The City has numeraus water service points within the area and should have ~ittle difficulty providi~S such service within a reasonable ti~2 after 3n~e~at~on. SEWER SERVICES: T~e City of Wylie owns it's own sewa3e treatment facility and has divi~e~ the Cit~ into s~veral lar2e lift station districts. lour property will fall into one 0 f t '1 e sed i s t r i c t s . S e..., e r s e r v ice is [) e i n:; ex ten c: '" d tht"oughollt the City at a rapid rate. In order to obtain sewer services to your pro~erty, you will need to contRct City Hall following jour annexation to discuss t~e 3pecifics of extending such service. In general there ar2 fees and cost participation associated with initial provision of this service; however. each case is considered uni~ue and only a .- discussion specifically involving will be able to determine your which will be necessary for such yonr piece of protJerty actual fees 3nd the time services ~o be provid0d.