Ordinance 1986-80 (02) ORDINANCE NO 8(,-'tt/ AN ORDINANCE OF THE crn OF WYLIE, TEXAS MENDING THE CITY CODE BY ADDING A NEW ORDINANCE, AND DESIGNATING AREAS OF THE CITY AND/OR CITY AND IOC'l'RATBRRI'l'ORIAL JURISDIClION. REGULATING PRIVATE S~E FACIl.ITIES: RBLATING 'l'O DISQlARGE OF INDUSTRIAL VASTBVATER RBLATING TO THE DELEGATION OF P'UNClIONS AND POWERS BY THE crn:: RBLATING 'l'O WATER POl.WTION CONTROl. AND ABATF.MENT PROGRAMS BY THE CITY UNDER SECTION 26.177 OF THE TEXAS WATER CODE: ESTABl.ISHING A PERMIT SYSTF.M: ESTABl.ISHING A SYSTFJIl OF CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED; PROVIDING FOR SlWBRABIl.ITY; AND DBCU\RING AN BMBRGKNCY. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie, Texas, under Section 26.177, of the Texas Vater Code (Texas Legislative Senate Bill 835) is required to establish a Vater Pollution Control and Abatement proqram, authorizing monitoring and enforcing activities, requiring reporting from significant dischargers, COllecting samples, inspecting and testing of waste discharges. WHEREAS, it is the obligation of the producers of industrial waste and wastewater to treat and properly dispose of same in an equitable manner, and WHEREAS, protection of the quality of the effluent and proper operation of the wastewater collection and treatment facilities within the City and Extraterritorial jurisdiction is the concern and obligation of the City of 'tly 1 ie, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIl. OF THE CITY OF WYl.IE, TEXAS; City Code as follows: ArtiCle Vater Pollution Control SECTION 16. Definitions - when used in this Section, these terms shall be defined as follows: (1) Abnormal Sewaqe: Any industrial wastewater having suspended solids or B.O.D. content which is, in the jUdgment of the Director, significantly in excess of that found in normal sewage, but which is otherwise acceptable into a POTW under the terms of this Ordinance. (2) Act: The Clean Vater Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq), as amended. (3) Authority: The City of 'tlylie, Texas. (4) BiOChemical Oxyqen Demand (B.O.D.): The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure as specified in 'Standard Methods' in five days at twenty (20) degrees Centigrade expressed as parts per million by weight (milligram per liter). (5) CateQOrical Pretreatment Standards: National Pretreatment Standards which are established from time to time by EPA which specify quantities or concentrations of pollutants or pollutant properties which may be diSCharged or introduced into a POTV by specific Industrial DiSChargers. (6) City: City of Wylie, Texas, or City Council of 'tlylie, Texas. 1 (1) COOlPOSite Sample: A sample of the wastewater discharged to the collection system by a user and composed of a series of not less than three samples taken during the periods when industrial wastes are being discharged. 'l'he period of time over which the samples are collected for compositing into a single sample shall not exceed twenty-four hours. The series of samples may be collected on a time-proportional or flow-proportional basis. (8) COol1nq Water: The water diSCharged from any system of condensation such as air conditioning, cooling, refrigeration or water used as a coolant in cooling towers where the only pollutant is thermal. (9) Director: The Director of the Public WOrks Department of the city of Wylie, or his authorized representative. (10) Discharqer: Any non-residential user Who discharges an effluent into a POT'IJ by means of pipes, conduits, pumping stations, force mains, constructed drainage ditches, surface water intercepting ditches, intercepting ditches, and all constructed devices and appliances appurtenant thereto. Includes owners and/or occupants of such premises. (11) Grab Sample: A sample which is taken from a waste stream or surface runoff on a one-time basis with no regard to the flow in the stream and without consideration of time. (12) Garbaqe: Solid waste from domestic or commercial preparation, cooking or dispensing of food or from the handling, storage, and sale of produce. (13) Indirect Discharqe: The disCharge or the introduction of nondomestic pollutants from a source regulated under Section 307(b) or (c) of the Act, into a POT'IJ. (14) Industrial Waste: Solid, liquid or gaseous waste resulting from any industrial, manufacturing, trade, or business process or from the development, recovery or processing of natural resources. (15) Interference: The inhibition or disruption of a POT'IJ's sewer system, treatment processes or operations which contributes to a violation of any requirement of its NPDES permit. (16) mq/L: Milligram per liter. (17) Melior Industrial/Commercial User: A user of the sewer system that (a) diSCharges 10,000 gallons or more of wastewater into the sewage system per average workday, (b) is regulated by the Categorical Pretreatment Standards, or (c) is found by the City of Wylie to discharge wastewater which adversely affects the sewer system facilities, the biological treatment process or the quality of the discharge from the POTW. (18) National Pollutant Discharqe Elimination System (NPDES): The NPDES program or a NPDES permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency. (19) Normal Sewaqe: Sewage which, when analYZed, shows by weight a daily average of not III.Ore than 250 mg/L of TSS and not III.Ore than 250 mg/L of BOD and which is otherwise acceptable into a POTW under the terms of this Code. 2 (20) 0 and Ill: Operation and Maintenance. (21) Other Wastes: Decayed wood, sawdust, shavinejs, bark, lime, refuse, ashes, ejarbaeje, offal, oil, tar, chemicals and all other substances except sewaeje and industrial wastes. (22) Owner or OCcupant: The person, firm, or public or private corporation, usinej the lot, parcel of land, buildinej or premises connected to and discharejinej sewaeje, industrial wastewater or liquid, into the sanitary sewaeje system of the City, and who pays, or is leejally responsible for the payment of, water rates or charejes made aejainst the said lot, parcel of land, buildinej or premises, is connected to the water distribution system of the City of Wylie, or who would payor be leejally responsible for such payment if so connected. (23) Pass Throuqh: The dischareje of pollutants throuejh the PO'l'W into naviejable waters in quantities or concentrations which are a cause or siejnificantly contribute to a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit. (24) Person: Any individual, business entity, partnership, corporation, governmental aejency or political subdivision. (25) Permit: Wastewater Dischareje Permit, issued to non-domestic discharejers of industrial waste into the sanitary sewaeje system of the POTW. (26) 2tl: The 10Cjarithm of the reciprocal of the weiejht of hydroejen ions, in ejrams per liter of solution, measured and calculated in accordance with 'Standard Methods'. (27) Pollutant: Any dredejed spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewaeje, ejarbaeje, sludeje, mutations, chemical waste, biolOCjical materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discharejed equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal and aejricultural waste discharejed into water. (28) Pretreatment: The reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharejinej or otherwise introducinej such pollutants into a POTW. (29) Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW): Any sewaeje treatment plant and the sewers, watercourses and appurtenances thereto, owned and operated by the City. (30) Pretreatment Standards: Categorical Pretreatment Standards. (31) Sanitary Sewer: A publicly owned pipe or conduit desiejned to collect and transport industrial waste and domestic sewaeje to the POTW. (32) Sewaqe: Water-carried human wastes or a combination of water-carried wastes from residences, business buildinejs, institutions and industrial establishments, tOCJether with such ejround, surface, storm. or other waters as may be present. 3 (33) Shall: Is mandatory. May: Is permissive. (34) Sluqload: Any substance released in a discharge at a rate and/or concentration Which causes interference to a POTW. (35) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC): A classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual issued by the Executive Officer of the President, Office of ~9ement and Budget, 1972. (36) Standard Methods: 'Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater', a publication prepared and published jointly by the ~erican Public Health Association, American Waterworks Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation, as it may be amended from time to time. (37) Suspended Solids: Solids that either float on the surface of, or in suspension in, water, sewage or other liquid and which are removable by laboratory filterin9. (38) Unpolluted Water or Waste: Any water or liquid waste containin9 none of the followin9: Phenols or other substances to an extent tmpartin9 taste and odor in receivin9 waters; toxic or poisonous substances in suspension colloidal state or solution; noxious or odorous 9ases; not more than ten thousand (10,000) parts per million, by wei9ht, of dissolved solids, of which not more than twenty-five hundred (2500) parts permillion are chloride; not more than ten (10) parts per million each of suspended solids and B.O.D.; color not exceedin9 fifty (50) color units, nor a pH value of less than 5.0 nor hi9her than 11.0: and/or any water or waste approved for discharge into a stream or waterway by the appropriate state authority. (39) Upset: An exceptional incident in which a Discharger unintentionally and temporarily is in a state of noncompliance with the standards established in this ordinance, due to factors beyond the reasonable control of the Discharger, and excludin9 noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, tmporperly desi9ned treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance, or careless or improper operation thereof. (40) Wastewater: Industrial waste, sewage or any other waste that has been used by and dischar9ed from an industry, commercial enterprise, household or other water consumer, includin9 that which may be combined with any 9round water, surface water or storm water, that may be discharged to the POTW. Said water may be either polluted or unpolluted. Section 16.2 - Water Pollution Control Duties of the City A. The City of Wylie, Texas havin9 a population of more than 5,000 inhabitants, hereby establishes a Water Pollution Control and Abatement PrQ9ram for the City. The City shall employ or retain an adequate number of personnel, who by virtue of their trainin9 or experience are qualified to perform the water pollution and abatement functions required to enable the City to carry out it's duties and responsibilities under this Article. 4 B. The Vater Pollution COntrol and Abatement Pro<jram of the City shall encompass the entire City and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The City shall include in the pro<jram the services and functions which will provide effective water pollution control and abatement for the City. or as may be reasonably required by State or Federal law. includinC) the followinC) services and functions: 1. the development and maintenance of an inventory of all siC)nificant waste discharC)es into or adjacent to the water within the City, and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City. without reC)ard to whether or not the discharC)es are authori~ed by the City; 2. the reqular monitorinC) of all siqnificant waste discharC)es included in the inventory prepared pursuant to paraC)raph (1) above; 3 the collectinC) of samples and conductinC) of periodic inspections and tests of the waste discharC)es beinC) monitored to detennine whether the discharC)es are in compliance with the Act and any applicable pennits, orders or reC)ulations; 4. a procedure for obtaininC) compliance by the waste discharC)ers beinC) monitored. includinC) where necessary, the use of leC)al enforcement proceedinC)s; and 5. the development and execution of reasonable and realistic plans for controllinC) and abatinC) pollution or potential pollution resultinC) from C)enerali~ed discharC)es of waste which are not traceable to specific sources, such as stonn sewer discharC)es and urban runoff from rainwater. Section 16.3 - Use of Public Sewers A. No person shall discharC)e or cause to be discharC)ed any stonn water, surface water, C)round water, roof runoff. subsurface drainaC)e or unpolluted industrial water into any sanitary sewer. B. Stonn water and all other unpolluted drainaC)e shall be discharC)ed to such sewers as are specifically desiC)nated as stonn sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the City. Unpolluted industrial water may be discharC)ed to a stonn sewer or into the sanitary sewer system upon prior written approval by the City. C. Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharC)e or cause to be discharC)ed into the sewer or drainaC)e system of the City, or to the waters of the State of Texas, directly or indirectly, any of the followinC) described matters, water, wastewater, or wastes: (1) Flammable or explosive liquid, solid or C)as, such as, but not ltmited to, C)asoline, kerosene, ben~ene, naptha, etc., which by reason of its nature or quantity may be sufficient, either alone or by interaction to cause fire or explosion or may be injurious in any other way to the operation of the POTW. 5 (2) Any liquid or vapor havinq a temperature hiqher than one hundred fifty deqrees (1500) Fahrenheit (65 deqrees Centiqrade). (3) Any water or waste which contains wax, qrease, oil, plastic or other substances that will solidify or become discernibly viscous at temperatures between thrity-two deqrees (3ZO) to one hundred fifty deqrees (1500) Fahrenheit, thereby contributinq to the cl09qinq, pluqqinq or otherwise restrictinq the flow of wastewater throuqh the collection system. (4) SOlid or viscous substances in quantities capable of causinq obstruction in the flow in sewers or other interference with proper operation of the PO'l'W, such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, uwd, straw, shavinqs, sawdust, metal, qlass, qlue, raqs, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshlinqs, entrails, lime slurry, lime residues, slops, chemical residues, paint residues, or bulk solids. (5) Any noxious or malodorous substances which can fonn a qas which, either sinqly or by interaction with other wastes, is capable of causinq objectionable odors or hazards to life or fonn solids in concentrations exceed1nq limits established in this Ordinance, or creates any other condition deleterious to structures or treatment processes, or requires unusual provisions, attentions or expense to handle such material. (6) Any noxious or malodorous liquids, qases, or solids which either sinqly or by interaction are capable of creatinq a public nuisance or hazard to life or which may prevent entry into the sewers for their maintenance and repair. (1) Any substance which may cause the POTV's effluent or treatment residues, sludqes, or scums, to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse or to interfere with the reclamation process. In no case, shall a substance discharqed to the POTV cause the POTW to be in noncompliance with sludqe use or disposal criteria, quidelines or requlations developed under Section 405 of the Act or any other criteria, quidelines, or requlations affectinq sludge use or disposal. (8) Any substance which will cause the POTV to violate its NPDES and/or other disposal system pennits. (9) Any substance with objectionable color not removed in the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and veqetable tanninq solutions. (10) Any slugload, which shall mean any pollutant, includinq oxyqen demandinq pollutants (8.0.0., etc.), released in a sinqle extraordinary discharqe episode of such volume or strenqth as to cause interference to the POTW. (11) Any wastewater which causes a hazard to human life or creates a public nuisance. 6 (12) Free or emulsified oil and grease exceeding 100 mg/L of either or both, or combinations thereof. (13) Acids or alkalies capable of causing damage to sewage disposal structures or personnel or having a pH value lower than 5.0 or higher than 11.0. (14) Cyanide or CYcll\OCjen compounds (as CO) in excess of 1.0 mg/L. (15) Any water or waste that contains more than ten (10) parts per million of the follOWing gases: Hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide or nitrous oxide. (16) Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half life or concentration as exceed limits established by the City in compliance with applicable State or Federal reCjUlations. (11) No substances which contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB'S). (18) Vastewater with a phenol concentration greater than two (2.0) mg/L. (19) Vastewater with twenty-four hour composite samples containing BOD or TSS in excess of one thousand (1,000) mg/L, or COD in concentrations not amenable to treatment. (20) Salts of a heavy metals in solution or suspension, and organics, in concentrations exceeding the following: Maximum Concentration (mq/L) Arsenic 0.1 Barium 1.0 Cadmium 0 . 2 Chromium 3.0 Copper 2.0 Lead 2.0 Manganese 2.0 Mercury 0.005 Nickel 2.0 Selenium 0.05 Silver 1.0 Zinc 4.0 or elements or organics which will damage collection facilities or are detrimental to treatment processes. (21) Other heavy metals and toxic material in concentrations prohibited by State or Federal regulations including, but not limited to: Antimony Beryllium Bismuth Boron Cobalt Fungicides I'k>lybdenum Uranyl10n Pesticides Rhenium Strontium Tellurium Herbicides 7 (22) Chlorides in concentrations greater than two hundred and fifty (250) Mg/l.. The City may permit discharge of chlorides greater than 250 Mg/l. provided the discharger requests such discharge in writing and the volume and concentration of chlorides discharged will not impair the treatment processes. D. Unless an exception is granted by the City, the City's sanitary sewer system shall be used by all persons discharging domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater and other polluted water. E. Unless authorized by the Texas Vater Commission, no person may deposit or disCharge any industrial waste, industrial wastewater or other polluted water on public or private property, or into or adjacent to any creek, drain, stream, storm sewer, or other area within the jurisdiction of the City. Section 16.4 - Garbage A. No person shall discharge garbage into the sewage system unless it is shredded to a degree that all partiCles can be carried freely under the flow conditions no~lly prevailing in the sewage system. Particles greater than one-half (1/2) inch in any dimension are prohibited. B. The City is entitled to review and approve the installation and operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three-fourths (3/4) horsepower (0.76 hp metric) or greater. Section 16.5 - Discharges Requiring Traps A. Discharges requiring a trap include, but are not limited to those containing: (1) Grease or water containing grease in excessive amounts; (2) Oil; (3) Sand or gravel; (4) Other floatable or settleable materials, if required by the City. B. Any person responsible for discharges requiring a trap shall, at his own expense, and as required by the City: (1) Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the City; (2) Locate the trap in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for Cleaning and inspection; (3) ~inta1n the trap in effective and operating condition. Section A. 16.6 - Waste Hauling No person shall discharge, unload, drain, flush or clean out any wastewater transport truck, vacuum truck, pump truck, or other such vehicle within the city unless such person has been issued a permit by the City to perform such acts or services. All persons engaged in the commercial hauling of waste materials in the city shall have a permit therefor as required by this Ordinance. 8 8. Waste Haulin9 Pe~its shall be issued by the City upon proper application and payment of a ten dollar ($10.00) pe~it fee. All such pe~its shall be valid for one (1) year. C. No person holdin9 a Waste Haulin9 Pe~it shall unload or discharge any waste or wastewater within the City except in a manner and at a place specified by the City. D. Before dischar9in9 under a Waste Haulin9 Pe~it, the City may require the pe~it holder to furnish a sample of material bein9 discharged. Any material that is found not amenable to treatment shall not be discharged. E. Any person dischar9in9 no~l stren9th wastewater into the sewage system shall be char9ed at the reCJUlar commercial sewer rates. Abno~l stren9th wastewater shall be char9ed an industrial/commercial surcharge rate. Section 16.7 - Excessive Discharge Prohibited No person shall increase the use of process water or, in any way, attempt to dilute a discharge as a substitute for adequate treatment, except as approved by the City. Section 16.8 - Industrial/COmmercial Wastewater Discharge Permit Required A. No major industrial/commercial user shall discharge industrial wastes into the city sewage system without first obtainin9 a Wastewater Discharge Pe~it from the City. 8. A pe~it may be required for any industrial or commercial user as deemed necessary by the City. C. All major industrial/commercial users presently connected to or dischar9in9 to the city sewage system shall apply for a pe~it within one hundred twenty (120) days after the effective date of this Ord inance. Section 16.9 - Pe~it Application Major industrial/commercial users required to obtain a Wastewater Discharge Pe~it shall complete and file with the Director, an application in the form prescribed by the City. A pe~it fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall accompany the application. New major industrial/commercial users shall apply at least ninety (90) days prior to connectin9 to the sewage system. In support of the application, the major industrial/commercial user shall submit the info~tion requested by the application form. Section 16.10 - Pe~it Conditions A. Wastewater Discharge Permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this Ordinance and all other applicable re9ulations, user charges, and fees established by the City. Permits may contain the followin9: 9 (1) Limits on the avera<je and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics. (2) Limits on avera<je and maximum rate and time of dischar<je or requirements for flow re<julations and equalization. (3) Specification for monitorin<j prOCJrams which may include samplin<j locations, frequency of samplin<j, number, types, and standards for tests and reportin<j schedules. ( 4) Compliance schedules. (5) Requirements for notification of the City of any new introduction of wastewater constituents or any substantial chan<je in the volume or character of the wastewater constituents bein<j introduced into the wastewater treatment system. (6) Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the City. B. Permits shall be valid for one (1) year from date of issuance. A permit may be issued for a period less than one year or may be stated to expire on a specified date. The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to modification by the City durin<j the term of the permit. The user shall be informed of any proposed chan<jes in the permit at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of chan<je. C. The user shall apply for permit reissuance a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the existin<j permit. D. Permits are issued to a specified user for a specific operation. A permit shall not be reassi<jned, transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or chan<jed operation without approval of the City. Any succeedin<j owner or user shall also comply with the terms and conditions of the existin<j permit. Section 16.11 - Permit Suspension or Revocation A. A permit issued under this Ordinance may be revoked or suspended when: (1) The permittee violates one or more of the provisions of this Ordinance or fails to comply with one or more conditions of a permit . (2) The permittee fails to factually report the constituents and/or characteristics of his wastewater dischar<je or si<jnificant chan<jes in operations. (3) The permittee refuses reasonable access to his premises for the purpose of inspection, samplin<j or monitorin<j. (4) Such action is necessary to prevent harm or dama<je to the sewa<je system or treatment process, or to protect the health or welfare of persons, animals or property. B. The City may issue a written order suspendin<j or revokin<j a permit for violations specified in this Ordinance. Such order shall state the nature of the violation and shall be served upon the permittee in person or by certified or re<jistered mail. C. The City shall reinstate a suspended permit upon satisfactory proof from the permittee that corrective action has been taken to correct the conditions for which the permit was suspended. 10 D. A user whose permit has been revoked must apply for a new permit and comply with all provisions and conditions required as thou<jh a permit had not been issued. Section 16.12 - Procedures For Abatement of Violations A. Any person found to be violatin<j any provisions of this Ordinance, shall be served by the City written notice statin<j the nature of the violation and providin<j a reasonable time l~it for the satisfactory correction thereof. 'l'he offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. If the offender continues violation after the expiration of time stated, the City may prohibit the further use of the sewa<je system by the offender and may remove or close the offender's sewa<je and water connections. B. Any person who shall continue any violations begond the time l~it provided for in para<jraph (A) above, shall be <juilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars for each violation. Each day in which such violations exist shall be deemed a separate offense. C. In an emer<jency situation, as determined by the City, the City may immediately terminate sewer service and/or water service to any user. An emer<jency situation exists when it appears to the City that an actual or threatened dischar<je presents or may present an eminent or substantial dan<jer to the health or welfare of person, substantial dan<jer to the environment, interfere with the operation of the PQTV, violate any l~its imposed by this Ordinance or any Wastewater Dischar<je Permit issued pursuant to this Ordinance. D. Any person violat1n<j any of the provisions of this Article shall become liable to the City for any expense, loss or dama<je occasioned by the City for reason of such violation. Section 16.13 - penalties A. A person who violates any provision of this Ordinance is quilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each act in violation of any provision and for each day any violation occurs. B. Additionally, the City is entitled to pursue all other cr~inal and civil remedies to which it is entitled under authority of statutes or other ordinances a<jainst a person continuin<j prohibited dischar<jes or violatinq any other provisions of this Ordinance. Section 16.14 - Determinin<j the Character and concentration of Wastewater A. 'l'he wastewater dischar<jed or deposited into the sewaqe system shall be subject to periodic inspection and samplin<j as often as may be deemed necessary by the City. Samplin<j shall be conducted accordinq to customarily accepted methods, reflectin<j the effect of constituents upon the sewa<je system and determinin<j the existence of hazards to health, life, property and the environment. 11 B. The examination and analyses of the characteristecs of water and wastes shall be: (1) Conducted in accordance with the latest edition of -Standard Methods, - and (2) Determined from suitable samples taken at the control manhole provided or other control points authorized by the City. C. The City may select an independent fi~ or laboratory to perfo~ samplinq and laboratory analyses. D. The dete~ination of the character and concentration of industrial wastewater shall be made by the City at such times and on such schedules as the City may establish. Section 16.15 - Samplinq, Analyses, and Other Fees A. The City may make such charqes as are reasonable for services rendered in administerinq the proqrams outlined in this ordinance. Such charges may include, but are not limited to: pe~ittinq activities, inspection, sample analysis, monitorinq and enforcement. B. If the City selects and independent fi~ or laboratory to perform samplinq and analyses, the City may at its option, allow the independent fi~ or laboratory to send invoices directly to the industrial/commercial users for services requested and approved by the City. Section 16.16 - Industrial/Commercial Wastewater Surcharge A. Any person discharqin9 abnormal strenqth wastewater or any person classified as a major contributinq industry or commercial firm under Section 16.8, shall pay a monthly surcharge to the City to cover the additional costs of treatinq such wastewater. The surcharge shall be in addition to the nomthly sewer service charges. B. The surcharge shall be calculated as follows: C=[B(Bu-250) + S(Su-250)] x F x V Where: C = surcharqe to the user in dollars B = unit cost factor for treatinq one unit of BOD (per 1,000 9allons) Bu = the tested BOD of the discharge S = unit cost factor for treatin9 one unit of TSS su = the tested TSS of the dis~arqe F = a factor of 8.34 to convert m9/L to pounds/9allon V = monthly billinq volume (discharqe) in million qallons 250 = -normal- BOD of 250 m9/L and -normal- TSS of 250 m9/L 12 Section 16.17 - Inspection and Sampling A. Representatives of the City. the U. S. Envrionmental Protection Agency. the Texas Vater Commission. and the Texas Department of Health. or any successor agency bearing proper credentials and identification. shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection. observation. measurement, sampling, records examination and testing of the sewage system or any wastewater dsicharged into the sewage system. B. If the City selects an independent firm or laboratory to perform sampling and analysis. representatives of the selected firm bearing proper identification shall be permitted the same access to property and facilities as representatives of the City. C. The City shall carry out all inspection and monitoring procedures necessary to determine compliance with applicable State and Federal regulations. Anyone acting under this authority shall observe the establishment's rules and regulations concerning safety, internal security and fire protection. D. No person acting under authority of this provision may inquire into any processes including metallurgical. chemical, oil. refining. ceramic. paper or other industries beyond that point having a direct bearing on the kind and wource of disCharge to the sewage system. E. Except when caused by negligence or failure of a private establishment to maintain safe conditions, the City shall indemnify the private establishment against loss or damage to its property caused by City employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the private establishment and growing out of any inspection or monitoring operation. Section 16.18 - Control Manhole A. When necessary to monitor wastewater discharged into the sewage system, the City may require the installation of a suitable control manhole in order to adequately sample and measure such wastewater. Installation of such flow meters, equipment and accessories as deemed necessary by the City may also be required / B. Required control manholes shall be located to provide ample room in or near the facility to allow accurate sampling and preparation of samples for analyses. The manhole and any required installed equipment shall be maintained by the user at all times in safe and proper operating condition. C. Before beginning construction of a control manhole, the user shall submit plans to the Director for review and approval to insure compliance with this section. Plans must include any meters or other equipment required to be installed. 13 Section 16.19 - Pretreatment Required A. Industrial/commercial users shall provide necessary wastewater treatment as required to comply with this Ordinance, Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards, and any State or Federal pretreatment regulation. Any facilities required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptable to the City shall be provided, operated and maintained at the user's expense. B. Before be9innin9 construction of pretreatment facilities, the user shall submit detailed plans and operatin9 procedures for the facility to the Director for review and approval. '1'h review of such plans and procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibl1ty of modifyin9 the facility as necessary to produce an effluent acceptable to the City under the provisions of this Ordinance. C. Any subsequent changes in the pretreatment facilities or method of operation shall be reported to and be acceptable to the City prior to the user's initiation of the changes. D. All records relatin9 to compliance with the Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall be made available to officials of the City, State or Environmental Protection Agency upon request. E. The detennination of the character and concentration of industrial wastewater shall be made by the City at such times and on such schedules as the City may establish. Section 16.20 - Falsifyin9 Information Any person who knowin91y makes any false statements, representation or certification in any application, record, report, plan or other document filed or required to be maintained pursuant to this Ordinance, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowin91y renders inaccurate any monitorin9 device or method required under this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each conviction. Section 16.21 - Accidental Discharges A. Each user shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other substances requlated by this Ordinance. Facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited ~terials shall be provided, operated and maintained at the user's expense. B. In the case of an accidental discharge, the user is responsible to immediately telephone and notify the City of the incident. The notification shall include location of discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume, and corrective actions. C. Within five (5) days followin9 an accidental discharge, the user shall submit to the Director a written report describin9 the cause of the discharge and the action to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. This notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, fines, civil penalties, or other liablility which may be incurred as a result of the accidental discharge. 14 D. A notice shall be pe~ently posted on the user's bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees whom to call in the event of a accident discharge. Users shall ensure that all employees who may cause such a discharge are advised of the emergency notification procedure. E. Each major industriallcoamercial user shall submit detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited substances to the City for review and approval. Each existing major industrial/commercial user shall submit such plans with the dischra<je permit application required by Section 16.9. After the effective date of this Ordinance, no major industrial/commercial user shall be permitted to commence dischar<jing into the sewage system until accidental discharge procedures have been approved. F. Users identified in E. above shall not begin construction of any facilities to control accidental dischar<jes until the plans are approved by the City. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the user from the responsibility to modify the user's facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this Ordinance. Section 16.22 - Confidential Information A. Information and data on a user obtained from reports, questionnaires, permit applications, permits and monitoring programs and from inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agencies without restriction unless the user specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the release of such information would divul<je information, processes or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets of the use r . B. When requested by the person furnishin<j a report, the portions of a report which might disclose trade secrets or secret processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public but shall be made available upon written request to <jOvernmental a<jencies for uses related to this Ordinance, the NPDES Permit, Texas Water Commission permit and/or the Pretreatment Programs; provided, however, that such portions of a report shall be available for use by a State or Federal a<jency in judicial review or enforcement proceedin<js involvin<j the person furnishin<j the report. Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not be recognized as confidential information. C. Information accepted by the City as confidential, shall not be transmitted to any <jOvernmental a<jency or to the general public by the City until and unless a ten-day notification is given to the user. Section 16.23 - Inventory of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals A. Each industrial/commercial user requlated by this ordinance shall prepare, an inventory (list) of all toxic or hazardous chemicals used or stor~ at their facilities. The inventory shall show the name of each chemical, quantity stored (or normally present). specific buildin<j or storage location within the facility. annual usea<je, and name and telephone number of person responsible for preparin<j the inventory. IS B. The inventory shall be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days after the effective date of this ordinance. One copy of the inventory shall be l114iled to the Director and one copy to the Fire Marshall, City of Wylie. Section 16.24 - Severability Clause The provisions of this Article are severable. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, section, provision or part of this Article should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity of the relll4ining portiqas, and it ,is hereby declared to be the City's legislative intent that this Article would have been passed as to the remianing protions, regardless of the invalidity of any part. Section 16.25 - conflict Ordinance No. 85-41 of the city is hereby repealed and all other Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of the Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. This ordinance shall be in full and effect after its passage, approval and pUblication as provided by law. The passage of this ordinance constitutes an emergency and an imperative Public necessity that the Charter Rule requiring that City Ordinances be read at three (3) separate meetings of the City COUncil be suspended and said rule is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Pass and approved on emergency reading~t a regular meeting of the City Council on the /~ M day of U/'~ he/G-' , 1986 with all members present voting -aye- for the passage of same. ATTEST: I / THE WYLIE NEWS P. O. BOX 311 WYLIE, TiXAI 7101I STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF COLLIN ~ Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Scott Dorsey, of the Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the forgoing attached Ordinance # 86-80 was published in said newspaper on the following dates to wit: July 8, 1987 , 1987 and , 1987 . ) ~W fJ bvjf Subscribed and sworn to before me day of ~ hand and eal office. this the 916 , 1987 to certify which witness my l;ldL4~ ~/ / Margaret Cook Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires 9-12-89 Benn.g W itleawake Wylie Since 1941 , ORDINA'".<''' "V. ""or!! !AN ORDINANCE OF TEl ~CITY OF WYLIE, TEXA; ';jAMENDING THE CIT""1 lCODE BY ADDING A NEV' 10RDINANCE. ANI ~DESIGNATING AREA~ jOF THE CITY AND/OR CI ~TY AND EXTRATER j I RITORIAL JURISDIC (TION. REGULATINC : PRIV ATE SEW AGI FACILITIES; RELA TIN( TO DISCHARGE OF IN DUSTRIAL WASTEWATER RELATING TO THl DELEGATION OF FUNC TIONS AND POWERS B) THE CITY; RELATING T( . WATER POLLUTION CON TROL AND ABATEMEN'l PROGRAMS BY THE CIT'1 UNDER SECTION 26.17' OF THE TEXAS WATEI CODE; ESTABLISHING P PERMIT SYSTEM ESTABLISHING P SYSTEM OF CHARGE~ FOR SERVICEE RENDERED; PROVIDINC FOR SEVERABILITY AND DECLARING Al EMERGENCY. PASSED AND APPROVE- . THE 14th DAY OF OC \\ TOBER, 1986. ............. Joe Fulgham , Mayor Pro Ten 1J TTE ST: arolyn Jones, ity Secretary 4-1 toe,