Ordinance 1986-87 (02) 2~99 \ \862 . . l , \ \ 72656 ORD I NANCE NO .....'etf....~_E-7 AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE. COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS. A TRACT OF LAND OF THE _,...l!..._...J:~J!ARY~'[-._.._,-,----_._.._-,....._--,_.._._-, SURVEY ~ ABSTRACT NO. __,__~J..~_______ ~ UPON F'ETT I ON OF___L.Q.lLI_S_G.~...RE.ES.E.._..,__._........- WHEF:;;EAS~ ______~911.!~_G....!_.R~~s.Y..__..,.._______ has f i 1 ed a WI"" it t.en petition to annex to the City of Wylie~ Collin County~ Texas~ the tract of land hereinafter described~ which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside~ all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS~ such petition has been heard and considered bv the City Council~ and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas~ and that such petiton for annexation should be~ and the same is now granted; now therefore~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE~ TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: see attached - - Tract D . 1_, i ...ij'~~'. ,: 1.::";'L~_ L'i"~i..':'_.1 j., ,If I ,-, i.'<L {J'( , - 2499 863 /'"' , TRACT D Being all that certain tract or parcel of land situated about 2.7 miles Southwest fran the City of l-lylie, County of Collin and State of Te~as, a pa-:': of the fI.J. flardin Survey, l\bstract No. 438 and being the 7.67 acre tract 01 land conveyed to B.B. Nelson by deed recorded in V01une 547, Page 201, Coll i,l County. Deeq. Records and being further described as follows; Beginning at an iron pin for corner, the Northeast corner of said 7.67 acre tract of land and the Northwest corner of a 5.983 acre tract of land conveyed to' GeOrge Lander by deed recorded in Volume 1438, Page 426, Collin County Deed Records, at the intersection of the East line of said Hardin Survey with the 'Southeast Line of State Highway No. 78; . ~.~ Thence South with the East Line of said H.J. Hardin Survey and a chain link fence with the East Line a distance of 542.08 feet to an iron pin for corner; TI1ence South 0 degrees 01 minute East with said East Line a distance of 242.00 feet to an iron pin for corner; Thence South 3 degrees 35 minutes East a distance of 20.27 feet to a nail for corner in the center of a County Road; TI1ence Westerly with the cen~er of ~aid County Road the following; Noeth 85 Degrees 30 Minutes west a distance of 317.37 feet to a nail; North 82 Degrees 26 Minutes Hest a distance of 116,.13 feet to a nail; 'North 73 degrees 09 Minutes 30 Seconds West a distance of 375.14 feet to a nail at the intersection with the Southeast Line of State High~/ay No. 78; Thence North 50 Degrees 17 Minutes East with the said Southeast Line at 22.0 feet passing an iron pin in all a distance of 1025.94 f=et to the place of be1inning and containing 7.680 acres of land of which 0.383 acres are included in said County Road leaving a net acreage of 7.297 acres of land. 2499 ORDINANCE NO. CONT" D. 864 be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received. annexed to~ and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County~ Texas~ subject to all laws~ rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE _Jl.t.h.___ DAY Of__NQ'lEMBER..------, 198_.6. ATTEST: ~9~' t[__qdef{tjl~---- I Ful gham, ~~~ Pro Tem // L/' .... .' I ~ t •~o r ~ - ; ~ _ ~ JI ~ I > ; ~ Q C ' ~ ~Q,O~ oniai ~e~rAe / ^ ' 1885 ~ Q~. . _ ; ~ ~?s ~r~ yF ~ 3, ~v , .6 ,a » 18 i ' ! b g? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~G ~ ~ ( / ' ~ ~ ~ L.1 C:.. . ; ~ „ ~ 3z .~~i... : . ; •GEOR(iE LEWIS INC. ~ AL KITTNER , 44 AC ~ ' A-438 28~? ~rrre~e ; ~ _ 2g.61 AC ~ \ GEORGE LEWIS INC. j 98.034 AC ~ fi AL KITTNER ~EORGE LEWIS INC tl , J~ ~,~29 85.167 AC 55 AC 1 ~ ~ ~~28 ~ ~ ~1 ' 3 27 ~ ~c ~ , ~ : ,.~o~.~ r. , ?a CO ~ OLENN DAY ~ - " j ~ 32.30 AC ~ ( ' ~ 25 . ' `~"~1 TRACT D ~ ( ~ ~ 19 ~ ; 2 20 3 ~ DAVID ' ( DAVID M. SHEARER OLE~IN DAY 11T AC ~ 80.D51 AC WYUE 15D COLUN COUNTY ~ 23 ~ .c DALLAS COUNTY ~ ^ ~ \ f~GX~E CITY UYIt~ }1. Y01111U N. MTilMOM 1~C tl. OllMM W. DAT ~ p(p11p[ 11M1?K. /1 AC I I t~. J~ME~ D. ~MOF~lOM !t. ~MT ENTiM1119E~ IMC. ~!M ALtM~00 1 ~C i t7. ' . . , _..~r. .p* I10~[I1i 110#EI11 ~ ~0~[Rf 11100lM ~M ~C ~0. \[M Al?AlI~DO 1 ~C 70, DOU~I[ [~OIE lY~I11CANT~ INC. !~C 7/. AL IiTMFR iaYOiEE t{f1-700 0.001] ~C ' ~t. llOM ~O~IM/0~ ~ AC i~. 0:. 1 1.1. IIAll110A0 CO. I.IT ~C . . 11. O.C. i~.l. 11MLIIOAD t.l~ ~C , ' o.r~o.. ~ori r .C