Ordinance 1986-88 mm I NANCE 1\10. .Jt~,-:..<f,e AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING URDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TU THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEAL.ING CL.AUSE; PI:W'v':r D I N!3 r-~ ~-:;EVEF\(4B I I.... I 'rY CL.AUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION UF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED (5200.00) FOI::;: E{~CH OFF'EI\I~3E ;: AND Di:::CI....PiR I NG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said boverning Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which i '::; on ,,~pp I i G~t i cm of _...G,~n1;,,~.p.JJ..j,g1.._Arg12g.h.9.....D.~'l..._..Y.~n.t..lJ..r~,............_...., shoul d be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NOW, THEF\EFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of W}'lie, to give the hereinafter described property a nEW zoning district classification to-wit: Business 1 - 82.97 Acres; Retail 12.00 Acres; .J1u.l.t. i ::-..f.ami,1.y.. ...21,.., 2,1.. ..Acr e,5..;.... ....,.T o..wnhome.s... ..... ..1.9 ..AL.Ac res; Single Family 3 134.77 Acres; Single Family 2 8.89 Acres Industrial 41.65 Acres Said property being described as follows: See Attached SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECT I ON '':;'' That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 5. That any person, ~J.rm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DUL.LY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, T E X f; S , t his the ..,.."_ _... ..... ..2.6,th. ..... _...._ day 0 f _.. ...., ....Aug.us t, .._ _. ....' .._ ,.._ ..... ....' ...., ..", ..... ..... "... ...., , I Cf t.~ ..,_ _~,.. . ~,' / '/' I. ~ F-c.lgh~~- y;;~-P~;;-T~~ 'v {~rrEST : TRACT A Being a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, Collin County, Texas and being part of the land conveyed to the Howe Sound Company by deeds recorded in Volume 584, Page 158, Volume 584 Page 13 and Volume 584, Page 173 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod set for corner in the center of a dirt road, said iron rod being the point of intersection of said centerline with the Southerly R.O.W. line of an 18 foot roadway, said iron rod also being the most Westerly Northwest corner of an 18.61 acre tract onveyed in Volume 584, Page 158; THENCE N 78 deg. CJ2' 52" E, along said Southerly R.C.\,'. line, a ~istance of 265.(4 feet to an iron rod set for corner, at the beginning of a curve to the left, having 8 centeral 2;-,12 0:: 1t deL. ,if,' :.~,fl, 2 r2ciius of ~:S.32.7c; teet , 1 . " L .~;-: - ~. " - I <') ~"r, " 1 - (~ f ci n G a cIa r C LJ e 2. r l n g 0 I J\ i U c. e g. L !.. .:_ j ,:" C:: /., j e e t ; T!:n~CE along said curve to the left and said Southerly r~ . (i . i.. : i n 2, C. n 2.:::- c l~ i s t 3. :-1 ceo f L 1 ~I . I L f e -2 t t 0 3.;1 i r 0 r: roc set for corner; T 11 L N C E ;:;. (. 2. c': e g. C 2' 0 2" ::::, con tin u i n g 2. 1 0 n g s 2. i d ~ 0 u t :-: e r 1 :i l'~ . \.) . ~'<:. 1 in e, 2 d i s tan ceo:: l :2 ~, 1 . 21_, f e 2 t t c: ani r 0 n rod set for corner, at t~e beginning of a curve to the left, ~aving ace n t r a 1 2 ii ~.. 1. eo: 1 C C: 22.. 4 t) r :_-"', 2. r a c. ius () f =: ~. .::::~:= . 7~} fee t and a c h 0 r d be 8 r i n g 0 f i: 53 c; e 2. ::; (:' 02" E, :,5'5. 1 7 fee t ; Tl1ENCZ alo~s said curve to the left, and continuing a10n0 E G idS 0 u t h ~ r~. y I~. ~.. . \:. 1. in e 2 n 3. r- c (:. i s t 2.~, ceo f f- ~- E. . :: 3 fee t to an iron rod set for corner; THE~C= N 45 (eg l~' a ~istance of iS4.5t C' 2" [, a lor; g s aid S, 0 u the r 1 y ?:. (: . F. l i f' ~ , feet ~o sr iron rod fCiU~~ for corner; TEE N C ESt 8 c' e; 4 (' (j L" E. ala n g t tl e :: 0 r the r 1 y II n e 0 i an 1 ;:: . l' 1 n ere t L" C t 0 f 1 and con,' eye din \' L L IT E ~j E L., Fag e 1 S [, 8 distance of 59.42 feet to an iron roc set for corner; T}~~NCE S Cl de; 54' 20" Ii, along the .2asterly line of Salli _ c. i .3 t 2 Lee 0 f 1 0 S, . 7 () fee t t 0 2. n i r 0 n r G G lc.Ll acre tract, found for corner; THENCE S U: clef 1::" 2.711 E, alo;1g the ;;ortherly line of c. 2l..30 acre trsct conveyec ir~ \~cluIT'e S{<L., t'2.?;e 1:?-, a C_ist2!1Ce of 1818.34 feet to an iron rod set for corn2r; L1 .':-'0 ::cre tru~t, (1 iound fer corner; 2 !l. o f S <1 i l1 j :- c, n r r, (1 -1!i'2j:C:= S 01 de~ ., - , j I t'u" F aloL6 (~ist3nce O~ t:-:2 .E.:aEte!"l:: ll~"T~ re'2t ~ine T: ~ E~; C E S C- b G e g 1 i E e c fa::: . (, 7 2 (listance or 1 ::: ' ~3" I. along 2 '::ract convevcc fence CIne t ~: e ~\: 0 r t ~ 2 r 1 v t r-j e ~\ 0 r t L e:L 1 y l' eRa i l '..j 2. Y C 0 acr2 117C.71 !"'. . ( . in 'VO:'..CS'c. ~ , , ,~ , .. r C ~- e J, 7 :~ , feet to :::if, i:-on rod set for corner In 2. n d ~::' n t a ( "'P ,.., ,- \. ,. '. ',\ line of varies); tile _~t.:l~iscn, J.c:~e.:-.:c 'iFEI;C::' Sell deg 51' 1.::11; alor!\:! 52::( line being p~r~~l~l End ~~ centc!"line of the rai~ tract, [ S .3 i d ~\ 0 r t ~1 2 Y 1 =: P. C . ,; . 1 ' c. l f'. e , I e (' tIle r r e il C =- : i~ ~ z.:- -=- c) t- L~ j:::' .~istc:~,ce 0: .~J.~l leer.: r.:el ::on ir,e,n rod set ier corner, at tr,p ~:~~ left, ~lavin~ 2 ceDtral 8n~el oi c:t ~ ( '-~. . ~ 7 '!: f: e t [ ;-, (' 2 C h 0 r d 1:; ear in;,;. ~24.21 feet; e f: i :1 !1 i f', ~ ,:, i a ::. ',: r \' E ':: C (-=-. c: e;; ,,-' 5411, 3 r (l d ~j if; (l f C 7 ~ L e ~ s '. -;' f:' I - ,f T~: E;- C L a 1 0;1 g S 2' i c ;,' (; n, 10. e r 1 yR. C .: . l ~6.5~ iee~ tc 2I~ i~c~ rcr ~€t lor 1 . ~2-r'e, =:-c ist.r..~ce of corner; '~ E E 1. C ~ C' ~ 76 , conti~uin~ &lcn7 ~~id ~orthEr~v uti:.. ~2i!C'?, of ~l, _ .-c ~er::t= to 21'"_ ~t ~tE be~ir~ing c: _ ~ 1- 1 ,= C'I 1 L rl e -:_~ ~~ J."," i...' I: a chor{ t2aricg of ~ lG de0 lL' LO C _ i r 0 11 r 0 (' "[ Eft, 5 e.lc deo " ., r , ,:..:0 l ! " i-.. . (j . J. i T"i (~ , :Cor corner, c:.::rve ?v:i,,,~' " c ::-. :.; t T ,.;.1 Cl rstiu5 nI s;~. \. :;:eet, :ect; and , ' ]2:)/.:5(. ;.1 r:,~CL, c.loL~. saic c:.....r.vE: ~,0 tr;c l"'It ?lnc:. ~2::"~. U saiL ~.: 0 r t l~. 2:r 2. :~r - n = C i r '':'; n r () l~ :- . L . ,'. ll:1 e, a!1 ::: r c. c i :: t -=-:: c e ~et fer corner; -;!:::lr::7" TEEl:C= 1. L'l ceg. " \.,2" !~. along the cer:ter::'::r:2 cf c, r'irt r C E GET, L t '. e ':' e :C' :: ::. i [.? C f EO a i cl 1<.:.. (, 1 :2 ere t r ::.. c t, 2 l~ i ::; t 2 :-, c e \.1. lL.7L feet to the FLIrT cr: ~:,CI~':"=;G, c:T, cC;:-ltaining ...:. 1 . c. L:..:_ 2.. ere S 0 f 18 r. ll, ~"" C T2 0 Y" 1 e s s (~, 8 1 ~l , C, t. l :::. i " Tr_(CI ~eing a tract of ~anc situate~ in the rranci::co ne la ~ina :~rvc;, Abstract ~o. [ ~, ~ol~i~ Co~nty, ~e~2E EnG teing J2rt o~ the land conveyed to ;owe Sound COM~anv oy deeds recorC20 in Volu~e ~~- , ?s;e !~t), Vo11~r.e 52~, ?a~'e lC;_:, Volu~e 584, Page 113 and Volume ~84, ?age !j~ 01 t~2eeL ;er::orL~; ('~ Co=-:ir. County ane Lt:lr,~ "ere lC':-::::':'EJ2rly described as follows: ~: 2 G II; i\ II G ,n . . an lron rOG set for corner 2t ...- ~ ,~:Ol..:t~v:est ~0r~er of a IL~.~~ aC~0 ~r2ct convev2~ if \'(:_-~-2 :'~~, ?ef'e 1St saie iorn rod bei~g the ~oint of intersection of the centerline of a dirt road with the Xortherl right-of-way ..J iDe ..Q..,L_S t Q t eJ::I:l. g h w a Y~-2...:,.... 78 _iB . 0 . \:?.~._v a r i e s THENCE N 01 deg 06' 02" E, along the center line of said dirt road and the westerly line of said 74.54 acre tract, a distance of 587.18 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 12 deg 48' 36", a radius of 5679.58 feet and a chord bearing of N 69 deg 58' 53" E, 1267.17 feet; THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the right of the Southerly R.O.W. line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co (ROW varies), said line being parallel and 50 feet perpendicular to the centerline of the main track, an arc distance of 1269.81 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE No. 76 deg 23' 11" E, continuing along said Southerly R.O.W. line of a distance of 2169.40 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right, having a central angle of 05 degs 27' 54", a radius of 8544.37 feet and a chord bearing of N 79deg 07' 08" E, 814.68 feet; THENCE along said curve to the right and said Sourtherly ROW line, an arc distance 814.98 feet to an iron rod set for corner. THENCE N 81 deg 51' 05" E, along said Southerly ROW line, a distance of 741.22 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the Northwest corner of a 2.22 acre tract of land conveyed to the Atchison, Topeka And Santa Fe Railway Co. by deed recorded in Volume 1473, Page 612 of the Deed Records of Collin County: THENCE S 01 deg 29' 00" W, along the Westerly line of said 2.22 acre tract, a distance of 50.72 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE N 81 deg 51' 06" E, along the Southerly line of said 2.22 acre tract, a distance of 2047.13 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE S 88 deg. 42' 25" E, along a fence and the Northerly line of a 74.71 acre tract, conveyed in Volume 584, Page 13 and continuing along the Northerly line of a 67.54 acre tract conveyed in Volume 584, Page 162, a distance of 1276.87 feet to an iron rod found for corner, THENCE S 03 degs 26' 30" E, along a fence and the Easterly line of said 67.54 acre tract, a distance of 1373.14 feet to an iron rod found for corner; TEHNCE S 49 degs. 21' 30" W, along a fence and the Southeasterly line of said 67.54 acre tract, a distance of 64.37 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE N 86 degs 45' 49" W, along the southerly line of said 07.54 acre tract, a distance of 141.96 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THENCE N 89 degs. 09' 49" W, continuing along said Southerly line, a distance of 206.00 feet to an iron rod set for corner; THE N C EN. 88 d e g s 34' 4 9" \~, con tin u i n gala n g s aid Sou the r 1 y line, a distance of 577.80 feet to an iron rod found for corner; THENCE S 01 degs 10' 39" \~, along an Easterly line of said 07.54 acre tract, a distance of 487.21 feet to an iron rod set for corner at the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the right, having a central angle of 18 degs 17' 36", a radius of 5729.58 feet and a chord bearing of S 82 degs 17' 3 5" 'vi, 1 b 2 1 . 5 7 fee t ; THENCE along said non-tangent curve to the right and the Northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78, an arc distance of 1829.33 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner; THE N C E N 8 8 d e g s 3 3' 3 7" W, ala n g the Nor the r 1 yR. 0 . \-J. 1 i n e of 3H 78, a distance of 645.25 feet to an iron rod found for corner, THE N C EN. 88 d e g s 2 9' 5 5" 1.~, ala n g s aid Nor the r 1 yR. 0 . H . line, a distance of 1831.84 feet to an iron rod found for corner; THENCE N 09 degs. 14' 10" E, along a jog in said Northerly R.O.W. line, a distance of 11.96 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner; THENCE N. 88 degs 31' 13" W, along said Northerly R.O.W. line, a distance of 1041.95 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner; THENCE S 07 degs 51' 52" W, along a jog in said Northerly R.O.W. line, a distance of 3.60 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner, THENCE N 88 degs 31' 00" W, along said Northerly R.O.W. line, a distance of 999.73 feet to a concrete R.O.W. marker found for corner, THENCE S 01 degs 30' 00" W, along a jog in said Northerly R.O.W. line, a distance of 8.00 feet to an iron rod found for corner, THENCE N 88 degs 31' 00" W, along said Northerly R.O.\.J. line, a distance of 556.80 feet to an iron rod set for corner at a wood R.O.W. marker, and being the beginning of a 1 f h . 1 angle of 07 degs 20' curve to the e t, aVlng a centra 10", a radius of 2864.79 feet and a chord bearing of S 87 degs 48' 55" W, 366.55 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left and said Northerly R.O. W. line, an arc distance of 366.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 286.398 acres of land, more or less (12,475,498 S.F.) SAVE AND EXCEPT 7.136 Acres BEING a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract No. 688, of Collin County, Texas, said tract being part of a 74.54 acre tract of land recorded in Volume 584, Page 158, of the Deed Records of Collin County, said tract also being part of Tract "B", 286.398 acres, as surveyed by Harry B. Carroll, Registered Public Surveyor No. 986, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a poi nt at the southwest corner of a 74.54 acre tract conveyed in Volume 584, Page 158, said point being the point of intersection of the centerline of a dirt road with the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. No, 78 (R.O.W. varies), and the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 7 deg 20 min 10 sec, a radius of 2864.79 feet, and a chord bearing of N 87 deg 48 min 55 sec, 366.55 feet; THENCE along said curve and along the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78, an arc di stance of 366.80 feet to a poi nt; THENCE continuing along the northerly R.O.W. line of State Hwy. 78 as follows: S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 556.80 feet to a point; N 01 deg 30 min 00 sec E, 8.00 feet to a point; S 88 deg 31 min 00 sec E, 311.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE N 01 deg 29 mi n 00 sec E, 1 eavi ng the northerly R.O.W. 1 i ne of State Hwy.78, 776.00 feet to a poi nt for corner; THENCE N 76 deg 23 min 11 sec E, 389.44 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 01 deg 29 min 00 sec W, 877.43 feet to a point for corner in the northerly R.O.W. 1 i ne of State Hwy. 78; THENCE N 88 deg 31 min 00 see W, along the northerly R.O.W. line of said State Hwy. 78, 376.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 7.136 acres of land. . <•,•~µ.c II~YIIIY~ I~M~1111 / ~ • . . . . _ . i , / ,V / ~ % ~i_ . ~ ' - . ~ ~~r~sw ~ ( / ~ ~ ~j 69.17 1` ~f ~ i---_ . ~ N4Y~N~OY"~ 7/ 8~Srr 5N ~ l l.~/ 'j ' 5R w~~ i we~f .sa•~r'op"w ,~y~o ~~~"~1} L7,1e-'_' ~ ~ ~ SBB'RU~E IIN.T' ~ " ~ ~F1681~ ~.16'16~0~ ~ ~ _ / x.sy~z.ry ~ PROPOSEO ZpYp _ _ ~ . ~.~.:3 TRACT 9 i ~,.~~az~° w 0161i ~ , ~ ~ i I•~.aH~ e~.~i oti i ~ ~ 41.96 ec. 6•~'n~~,' ~ vm ~-~i~ ~ ~ i pP• e.w~ ~ I 1~io ~.a,.e~' ~ ~--J i \ ~ 1 _ PROPO6ED'm $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9a~~~ p.P. ~ ~ TRpCT 3 ZONN(! --1R ~ 1 ~ f• 1 ~ ~ i ~ ' . ? a'"" e.ar,~ • yA l.61 aa SF-A ,,,6, , TRACT 8 i " ; ~ L° to ~K n.a++~q ~ ~ ~w ~a+M ~,s~"~ % _ o ' r '~0~ 1 i ~ ~~e~ow 6 i " i ~ ~ ~ µeMjOr" e,e~:du°c , ~ TRACT~ ~ i1Z07ec. > z~svw rem ~ ~ -n i ~ I ~ 7pN"0 °i 5 0 ~ PAOPOSED ZONINO ~ ~ } t i e.~rw ~ _ ~ e.»y~ i ~p /~T s 8.88 ac. SF-3 ~ l ~~s ~lM ~•q1 E.iCi~53°~ ~ 1 If~AVI 4 . I. ~ . ~ P~E]0000 TRACT 2 F ~ ~ < , ! ' ; ~ j r«'+ b"~qj11w vrs~ee 2121 6C. 17.708C. P ~ i o•~Tda' TRACT 1 ! ~D ZONINO h~~OSED' xu~ ~ w srt x:~~ r• e•ern ~ ~•na.~ 78.60 flc. R pqOPOSED 8F-3 ~ ZoNw~ . . # ~ ~ I .xwel' e 2ONR~fI ~ . \~e~NSSm" ~ I~ ` ~ R.UTA61 ~ cnr .r wrn. ; i 6 SF-2 p.e~ ~R~ ~1,'J~ l i ~.uw.~i PROPOSE~ ZONINO Mf / •~s~n"w a r. ~•r~'~`--'- o~" i ` ~ _ . ~ Clry W 8 . ~ . coa m. . r~w _N p / ~ N~li g B'1 ~y n~ ~e~ see~~fb~"[ eH.n ~PROPOSEUZONRJG , ~ ~ ( `\1 9"' ~ 's TRACT 8~oaose~ g~; TRACT 7 8-t ~ i ~s : 10,o0ec. s ~A ~ % ~f ~ < ' : ~ ~ aA 1B.418C. " ' i 3.00 5l9.9i ,,.~,,,.d / ° MM'!I I] W~ ION.9p y~ w~~ ~ i ~ ~ w~ ~ . nM• w . , w - i "--ar~--- -nzx'g- ,~f - "'f n.irn'w" ~ E aioewer ~e ".e„'.'°~ i ~ ~~~p,"- '~orw'qo`r tor~iq¢"w nawifio"c i ~,asaes' ~ ~.ao e.w u.ee ~ ~ / l„IMp i / nr ~ I 1 / I r „ E . . ~ ' ' , , . . . . . , ~ . • ~ . ' ~ ~ . ' . . . ~ 1~. i , . . . . . , , ~ ~ . . t . . , ~ , , ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ' . ~ . . ~'q~ . • . ~ - ~A"';"~, , +,p _ . ~ ''t