Ordinance 1962-12 ORDINANCE NO. !,;d-IZ AN ORDJNANCE ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR r HE CITY OF WYLIE AND SETTJNG A TIME FOR THE MEETING OF SUCH BOARD. BE IT ORDAINED BY 'rliE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF \'v'YLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Art GoldshAT'T'Y , Mrs. John L. Bostic , ~d Mrs. C. B. Martin , who are residents of the City of WYlie, qualified voters ~d property owners in the City of Wylie, are hereby appointed Board of Equalization for the City of wylie for the year 1962. Section 2. 'lhat said Boardof Equalization shall meet on the 30th day of June , 1962, ~d at such times thereafter that the Board may designate until its duties are fulfilled. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of Junw, , 1962. Mayor ATTEST: CA";;::Ll~ ~ P-7J ~A/ City Secretary