Ordinance 1968-03 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 68 - WYLIE Al~ ORDINAl'lCE TO PI~OTECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND PROHOTE ThE. PUBLIC~'JELF ARE OF THE CITY OF ~~YLIE, TEXAS, BY PRO- VIDING FOR THE fILLIl~G UP AND DRAINAGE OF LOTS THAT SHALL HAVE UmmOLESOHE PLACE OR PLACES VJHLRL STAGNANT \'JATER HAY ACCUHULATE THEREON; THE CLEANING OF ANY BUILDING OR PREHISES Of FI LTH, CARRION OR OTHER HIPURE AND UlhJHOLESOl1E MATTER; REQUIRIUG OvJNLRS OR OCCUPAirTS OF LOTS IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TO KEEP SAID LOTS FREE FlWH \'JEEDS, RUBBISH, BRUSH AND OTHER UNSIGHTLY OR INSANITARY HATTER; PROVIDING FOR iWTICE TO BE GIVEN TO OWNERS OF PREMISES IN CASE OF FAILURE OF O.'JNER TO HAKE LOTS AND/OR PREI1ISES SANITARY AND SIGHTLY Tdi\T THE SAME MAY BE DOUE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE FIXING OF A LIEN AGAINST SUCH LOTS FOR SUCH IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION Aim :LFFLCTIVE DATEOF THIS ORDINANCE. ItJHEREAS, it is deemed by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, that it is dangerous to the pub- lic health for lots in the City of Wylie, Texas to have places thereon where stagnant water may accumulate and for filth, carrion or other impure and unwholesome matter to accumulate on lots in said City and that it is dangerous to public health and constitutes a fire hazard to have weeds, brusn, rubbish and other unsightly and unsanitary matter on lots in the City of Wylie, Texas; and ~VliU\EAS, it is expressly provided by the provisions of Article 4436, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended that any incorporated city, town, or village shall have the power to correct the evils hereinbefore recited and the City of Wylie, Texas is a duly incorporated city. NOW THLRLfORE, BE IT .ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~~YLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who shall own or occupy any lot or lots in the City of Wylie, Texas, to permit or allow holes or places on said lots where water may accumulate and become stagnant, or to permit same to remain. SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation wno shall own or occupy any lot or lots in tne City of Wylie, Texas, to permit or allow the accumulation of stagnant water thereon, or to permit same to remaln. SECTION 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who shall own or occupy any house, building, establishment, lot or yard in the City of Wylie, Texas to permit or allow any carrion, filth or other impure or unwholesome matter to accumulate or remain thereon. SECTIOi,J 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation who snall own or occupy any lot or lots in the City of Wylie, Texas, to allow weeds, rubbish, brush, or any other unsightly, objectionable or insanitary matter to accumulate or grow on saia lot or lots. SECTION 5. Snould any owner of such lot or lots that have places thereon where stagnant 'water may accumulate and/or which are not properly drained, or the owner of any premises or building upon which carrion, filth or other impure or unwholesome matter may be, fail and/or refuse to drain and/or fill the said lot or lots, or remove such filth, carrion or other impure or unwholesome matter as the case may be, witnin ten days after notice to said owner to do so, in wrl- ting, or by letter addressed to such owner at his post office aadress or within ten days in any newspaper in Wylie, Texas, if personal service may not be had as aforesaid, or if the owner,Is address not known; then in that event, the City of Wylie, Texas, may do such filling or drainage or removal of filth, carrion, etc., or any other unsightly, objectionaDle or unsanitary matter, or cause the same to De done and may pay therefor and charge expenses incurred in doing such work or having such work done or improvements made to tne owner of SUCh lot or lots or real estate, and if such work lS done or improvements made at the expense of the City of Wylie, Texas, then such expense or expenses shall be assessed on the real estate, or lots upon which such expense was incurred. S~CTION 6. Should any owner of any lot or lots within the City ofvJylie, Texas, who shall allow weeds, rUbbi:h, brush, or any other unsightly, objectionable or insanitary matter to grow or accumulate thereon, fail and/or refuse to cut down and/or remove such weeds, rubbish, brush or other unsightly, objec- tionaole or insanitary matter, as the case may be, within ten days after notice to said owner to do so, in writing , or by letter addressed to such owner at his post office address, or within ten days after notice by publication as many as two times within ten consecutive days in any newspaper in ~ylie, Texas, the City may do such cutting down and/or removing such weeds, rubbish or other unsightly, objectionable or insanitary ma~ter, or cause the same to be done and may pay therefor, and Charge the expenses incurred ln doing such work or having such work done or improvements made to the owner of such lot or lots or real estate; ana if such work is done or improvements made at the expense of the City of Wylie, Texas, then such expense or expenses shall be assessed on the real estate, or lot or lots upon which such expense was incurred. SI.;CTION 7. The Mayor or City Health Officer of the City of Wylie, Texas shall file a statement of such expenses incurred under Section 6 of this ordinance, as the case may be, giving the amount of such expenses, the date of which said work was aone or improvements made, with tne County Clerk of Collin County, Texas; and the City of Wylie, Texas shall have a priv- ileged lien on SUCh lot or lots or real estate upon which said work was done or improvements made to secure the expenditures so made, ln accordance with the provisions of said Article 4436, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended, which said lien shall be second only to tax liens and liens for street improve- ments; and saia amount shall bear ten per cent interest from tne date said statement was filed. It is further provided tnat for any such expenditures, and interest, as aforesaid, suit may be insti~uted and recovery and foreclosure of said lien may De had in the name of the City of Wylie, Texas; and the statement of exvenses so made as aforesaid, or a certi- ~ , fied copy thereof, shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended for such work or improvements. SECTION 8. Any person, firm or individual who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined ln any sum not exceeaing Two hundred Dollars ($20U.00), and each and every day's violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense, in case the owner or occupant of any lot or lots or premlses under the OrOV1Slons of this ordinance shall be a corporation, and shall violate any provisions of this ordinance, the pres- ident, vice-president, secretary, treasurer of such corporation, or any manager, agent or employee of such corporation shall 0e also severally liable for the oenalties herein provided. SECTION 9. That if any part of this ordinance is, or should be hela invalid for any reason, then that fact shall not inval- idate the entire ordinance, out tile balance thereof shall remaln in full force and effect. SECTION 10. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances ln conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SLCTION 11. The caption of this ordinance to be published one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of ~Jylie, and to become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th A. D. 1968. i tfti'L.,~. ~ . L , MAY 0 R 1<. i\11!fES(f: ~ L4f~/ CT1. .JLCl ETARY . APPROVED AS TO FORM: CI'l'Y ATTORNEY ORDINANCE NO. 68-3 - WYLIE AN ORDINANCE TO PRO- TECT THE PUBLIC HEAL TH AND PROMOTE THE PUBLIC WELFARE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, BY PROVIDING FOR THE FILLING UP AND DRAINAGE OF LOTS THAT SHALL HAVE UN- WHOLESOME PLACE OR PLACES WHERE STAG- NANY WATER MAY ACCUMULATE THERE- ON: THE CLEANING OF ANY BUILDING OR PRE- MISES OF FILTH, CAR- RION OR OTHER IMPURE AND UNWHOLESOME MATTER; REQUIRING OWNERS OR OCCU- PANTS OF LOTS IN THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS TO KEEP SAID LOTS FREE FROM WEEDS, RUBBISH, 'BRUSH AND OTHER UNSIGHTLY OR INSANITARY MATTER; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO BE GIVEN TO OWNER TO MAKE LOTS AND/OR PREMISES SANIT AR Y...AND SIGHTL Y THA T THi; SAME MAY BE DONE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR THE FIXING OF A LIEN AGAINST SUCH LOTS FOR SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS; PROVIDING FOR PUB L IC A TION AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, it is deemed by the City Council of the City of Wylie. Texas, that it is dangerous to the public health for lots in the City of Wylie, Texas to have places thereon where stagnant water may accumulate and for filth, carrion or other impure and unwholesome matter to accumulate on lots in said City and that it is dangerous to public health and constitutes a fire hazard to have weeds, brush, rubbish and other unsightly and unsanitary matter on lots in the City of Wylie, Texas; and WHE REAS, it is expressly provided by the provisions of Article 4436, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended that any incor- porated city, town, or village shall have the power to correct the evils hereinbefore recited and the City of Wylie, Texas is a duly incorporated city. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SE CTION 1: That it shall be unla wfui for any per- son, firm or corporation who shall own or occupy any lot or lots in the City of Wylie, Texas. to permit or allow holes or places on said lots where water may accumulate and become stagnant, or to permit same to remain. SECTION 2: It shall be unlawful for 'any person, firm or corporation who shall own or occupy any lot or lots in the city LEGAL NOTICE weeds, rubbish, brush, or any other unsightly, objectionable or insam- tary matter to accumulate or grow on said lot or lots. SECTION 5: Should any owner of such lot or lots that have places thereon where stagnant water may accumulate and/or which are not properly drained, or the owner of any pre- mises or buildIng upon which carrion, filth or other imp'Jre or unwhole- some matter as the case may be, within ten days after notice to said owner to do so, in writing, or by letter addressed to such owner at his post office address or within ten days in any newspaper in Wylie, Texas; if personal service may not be had as aforesaid, or if the owner's address not known; then in that event, the City of WyUe, Texas, may do such fill- ing or drainage or. removai of filth, carrion, etc., or any other unsightly, objectionable or unsanitary matter, or cause the same to be done and may pay therefor and charge expenses incurred in doing suchworkorhav- ing such work done or improvements made to the owner of such lot or lots or real estate, and if such work is done or improve- ments made at the expense of the City of Wylie, Texas. then such expense or expenses shall be assessed on the real estate, or lots upon which such expense was incurred. SECTION 6: Should any owner of any lot or lots within the CIty of Wylie, Texas, who shall allow weeds, rubbish, brush, or any other unsightly. objectionable or unsanitary matter to grow or accumulate thereon, fail and/or refuse to cut down and/or remove such weeds, rubbish, brush or other unsightly objectionable or unsani- tary matter, as the case may be, within ten days after notice to said owner to do so, in writing, or by letter addressed to such owner at his post office address, or within ten days after notice by publi- cation as many as two times within ten consecu- ti ve days in any newspaper in Wylie, Texas, the City may do such cutting down and/or removing such weeds, rubbish or other unsightly, objectionable or insanitary matter, or cause the same to be done and may pay therefor, and c h a r g e the expenses incurred in doing such work or having such work done or improvements made to the owner of such lot or lots or real estate; and if such work is done or improvements made at the expense of the City of Wylie. Texas, then such expense or expenses shall be assessed on the real estate. or lot or lots upon which such expense was incurred. Statutes of Texas, as amended, which said lien shall be second only to tax liens and liens for street improvements; and said amount shall bear ten per cent interest from the date said statement was filed. It is further provided that for any such expenditures, and inter- est, as aforesaid, suit mav be instituted and recovery and foreclosure of said lien may be had in the name of the City of Wylie Texas; and the statement of expenses so made, as aforesaid, or a certified coPy thereof, shali be pnma facie proof of the amount expended for such work or imp-ovements. SECTION 8: Any person, firm or individual who shali violate any of the pro vis ion s of this ordinance shali be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). and each and every day's vio- lation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense, in case the owner 0 r occupant of any lot .or lots or premises under the provlsions of this ordinance shall be a corporation, and shall violate any provisions of this ordinance, the presi- dent, vice - presldent, secretary. treasurer of such corporation. or any manager, agent or e m p 1 0 Y e e of s u c h corporation shall be also severally liable for. the penalties herein provided: SECTION 9: That if any part of this ordinance is, or should be held invalid for any reason, then that fact shall not invalidate the entire ordinance, but the balance thereof shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 10: All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 11: The caption of this ordinance to be published one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Wylie, and to become effective i m m e d i ate 1 y upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of July, A.D. 1968. ROY HALL, MAYOR ATTEST: ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY SECRETARY