Ordinance 1970-05
7- '.-
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1\i ,H;/\;~C~, ANNE.AINCi t't., rl; !{ll:lN^YT,'~a rESClU~i:r~} 'reR.iUtORY 1\, 'I'HE
::1 fY i:'.ll..u, COWN COUNTY, 'l"8a.AS, A~m IUftilt.tilINU TliEOOUNlJARY
Ll.L."j:' SAn' CI'ry ~'-, Ab '{, INCWUE 5Alf> m'"REDUJ'TKR DlSCRIEt,n
PiL'P;R'.L TmDf '';:, Cl'l'Y LIi'n~: AA"t' mtt''','i''lNH 'It) sun TtRRITORY
/'J'! J\ AL FU'I'tH L:"ji1~LUTANT.':. ::,' 3.U P'WP'.!tT, ALL. Cf 'I'Hu iUGH'i'~~
,..", (J~Ui;Iw;:a<t) Tki JTI,~::".:';~) ~J{;" aI~J G 3RT F01'JH.;.'; rtlllAi'~I_
(Aid' fry ALL ::;, , ,):), INANer,S ' "U i'l'Y.
.Ht\l{gJ.S, tne .(Gllu,'li"tf:;t?scriDed oroperty is cont.1guoua 't.o
(,[;c city limits or U.e ( it... fA: >'lylir,;,; ",nct
(~.d.,~, it lee in tue best 1ntR.rest 01' tne City of WY-Ue that
said ~ropert.f t.>e !Tiade a part of t.i,e Ci ~y ll;d ts;
i:h It, l'UUw'OlU., Jic.AJJil'.D AjJ. th6 City Councilor t.t18 City or
Wylie, Texa.aJ
'that the toUow1ncde8or1bed propeny, to-w1t.,
&;.GltDUlu at. a P"'''' alcomer in t.be 8ft" CClII"pOl"ate 11ait
of ~Tlie. ruaa, aid .1 c..... .being in tbe _.~ npt. of way u.r.
of Old state H1gbwa;y 78.
'l'iUC& 1n a 80uthttrly dJ.nct.lon aDd at, all '\Ue. toUow1DC
aJ.ong t..be pre.sent right ot warllna of Old S'k. .~ 78 \0 .
point for comer. said point being.2 -' ~O teet 4iat.aaoe frompo1.r1t.
ot beginning;
1'HENCE 1n an eastarly direction croaaing Old State Highway
76 to a point for comer 1n the ust right of way line or Old State
H1ghwa.r 78;
'l'HaCE Sa a northerly d1reetion and at aU tiJa8 to11o"dng
alan;: the present ea.tit right or way line of Old State HighH'BY 78 to
a point for corner, ~iai:.J ;loint being it} a lin(~ of the pres~mt cor-
porato limit. 01' It',ylla, .i.'e;;<..Ei.sJ
'fiibNCE in a we8ter~ d:1rect4on U'la a.. all t.1Ma tollowing
al.:mg the present corpo:oa'k u..it. ot Wyl1e, croaa1nc Old State d1Ih-
va,}' 78 to the pla~ vf beg1Jm1naj
be 0;1.. tnt' eaJIlIe 10 nul'tiO~ lUI8eXed to the ~it.y of Wylie, (.;oUin, Count.y,
'tex.a~, al1G Y1a1o WlC.< boWlaary l.1a1taut tu!o (';i~ of wylie, '1'exaa, be
and tell!!! S..- .... hereby 8Xtend4td \0 1ne..Lv.de tbe "ft ....ri.be4 _1"1"1-
tor.; w1,t"nu the Citoi Li.ti.tB oft.he 01.\.1 of Wyl1e, r~. _4 tbe ...
sitall ;lf~re;...uter be incLJ,zied wit.hin the territor!al lia1ta of said
Oi ty, ;;,nJ said land an;.~ t..h~ rut.... inhab1 tanw thereat ehall hereafter
b€ enti "led to all rig,:t6 and privileges of other ci\1_na of tbe 01\7
of !J.e, reX.Ii, and shall 00 bound by the ae~. and OJI'dinanees of
cet1dt;y t}urt. .t,b) .boft .aQd tOHIoU& 1.'..... aDd
CQrrect copy of Ord.1.n8nee No. :l~-.S-
"'beCit" $!iICh,..,.,. of \he <tit-yet l(ylJ.At, Texu,~.'"
OD,fi.le 1n t.Ae o.t't'loe of
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