Ordinance 1970-06 7[ - b ........".-...< , {;< .., ,~ ~, .: I 811..9 '1, !';", it , l';f:; .~ .t '....'" L $ .1 ,.I, t T . ~'.j"! ~. . ,-.'....,. 'II . . ... ~'... ..." ,,;0. .. \ ,,'''r: :~r'!\, , <nJ2(Lt/~ '[/2 ' - ,..L~~{/_ , . " ".,.,/!~~',L:::::t!:~:':C:~~~:~:~~:."w. " ~' ... D~....:;..'~,~;:,~A.!/~,.~,/ ,';>...ir.- '';'', -.....".,\...... I hereby certiry that the above and roregoing is a true and correct copy or Ordinance No. ?a,-l on rile in the orrice or the City Secretary or the City or Wylie, Texa" this the ~ ,Lf, day or 6~, J , 1970. 7) , It , (;N~ ~<'~~ City Secretary and erk City or Wylie, Texas !: ~ " , , ., i.l~1: t.:.c~! , ;r:' .t:/~t] ~~.