Ordinance 1970-08 8121 .. ~r'r"'''~'''''' ". ,'\" ~,-.;..,...r. 1\"""'C zo (/ .ih~~;~~l~L~1~~~n,~.~j=t-.s-F~\',~!S:,;"S':,-~.,-<:l#S<~- ",,,,,-<~,,-i!...E.J"__\' """""f>~,,'.".V.:-t''-.''.',,,,'~~f..;<tr~''''M'" ;...':".....~.h,....,...;O;;1of_:,:;-....,~,..._.-...........,,.,;..,.,_~.,..,,""..,:;,E^~~P.i""'-'_'''.'''.;.-;a!t'~\ AfJ Of{I,11111J:,ICE, .i\!\ft'rEX:r.t~1,(~- ". "~,_~~,,:',;I~~{j\~.!ij14]}~~~I~ IY~1;S Cr~:~:BEI) fr:8RI\X":r(}R-i~ T(} ):rm CI~f OJ? \::):1, I.F~:J C;OIt.:;:[r~- C OtJ11Xry'~ :PI~:{.A.S:) .fl~JD E.it2:'E~Il)'~(!\f(f 'J~.fm BOUNDARY I.r~H~1.'S OF' SAID cr:r.y [,;0 ;lL; Tf) LYGI,'GDE JAID HT~RF;INAPI'En DF..8CRmm) PEOFER'YX VJI'rtEN '.L'HE: CITY Llr/fITS ANT, GH1'..;,lTUra TO 511 In TE:RHITORY .AlE) TO ALL PUTlJRS nmABITArJijOS OP SAID FROPER'I'Y Al~L OF:l~m;; R:[i}fi'IS 1\171) l)In:vn,EGES OF Ol,l'm:::n CI'l'IZENS bUD BINDIW1 SAID I;T(?CUP.E IWU!.I.irrx'ANTf. BY ALII OF :t'lm AC11'S AND ORDINANCBS 01" 5.s.ID cr,!:.f... Wl-l..:'EREAS, the i"olli~~fJ'51....':lG d~;3~Z':tb-*d p~ope-rt;y is ~t)n.t1(uoui:~ to the city llrv.1\;e of' .the, City' Qf. \1i~:rlle~ fiV.d WREl1EAS$ it 15 ll'l the bcfJst ini;cX'!fJat of hha City of 1iJylIe that sa',d Pl?OP(~~Y ba lllade e. part of .the City l1mi'ts; BE IT $ TREREF'Ofi?E, ORDAUf.CD BY TUl'; CIlrf COU1\C II.. of the City of Viyl 1e Ii Texas! That the f"o11ow1ng de~t1rlbed prOf'3J:"ty:) tc,~w:.i:l;; BEGIr.JNING at a pret:H.'mt (:,1 co;'nej'. in ;:;he ~out;h COI~pc.t"titn limit of Wylle~ Texas$ ~aid e1 cO!~lar baing in the wast right 01' wa~f line of Old S.t;e.t$ EitY'rtl&Y 78.; THENCE: L"'l. .$\ aou:~hel-:Ly lU,rectS.on. a!ld a'l; all t~s t"olJ,OWtt,' 1r.lg along the present l'>iF)1.t of way line of Old State lligh.... way 78 to a po1nt; .rO:rcOr1'ler~ said point be5.ng ~40 f'sot d1stlitno$ from poitit of. begilli1J.ngJ THEND.'ti In an ~a5terly dlreotio:a cI'\')[;:sing Old Staf;a High.", way 78 to 11 po1,nt fen" (:;or-nal') ;tn the ItHWt right ot." ";1&Y line of Old State Highway 78$ TRE11CE ~>n a nor.therly dir>ect1on and at all tim,sa 1"ollo!tf", ill..g slang the pre~H!ln"l:: ~ae t :r'lgh-f;. of way 1 ino of' Old state Highway 78 'co $\ poi.nt rc')!" corner, sald poi\".!.t beLl1g :l.n til, line of the p.~eSe2:1t oO!,,[.1or"ate li.mit or. Wylio~ Texao; TB}1NCE in ~ wGsterly d!r.ection and ~t all times tol1ow~ ing along the presen.t t.}O:t'POl~S.to lirn.:t\t c,:t Wylie,;. ero5sttg Old Statl9 Highway 78 to th(il pL;1c.e af.." beglr.zningJ be end tJ1.e !3am~ 1s hc X"'3 \::i)' L\.nX7.$xea. to '~h!";1 City or V~'yl10, ,~""" '1'" t'c''''''''.z,.v 'J""_~" ...., ". ,....."".... ;; Te:~a.s:". a,na. that 'chE; b~ilundal~Y 1l..~1 tn of: the City of WyJ:ts", '1'~~;a8, be a,nd thQ s:sme at'6 hereby ex- t.z.uded .~"" U2011.iide th(:,j tlbO"l9 described ~;errltor1 within 'l;h'9 City lS.tn.ttm- of the City 0:'''' Wylie,!'; 'raxs,e, and the same sha.ll he '!:'s ai"te x' be :tl1i)lltdt.~d w~.th1n 'the terr1 to!"1e.l 13.mi ts of' said C1:t;.v- ~ fJ,nd said land an.a the future inhabitants thereof shall he~earter b~ entitled to all rights and priv3.1eg(is ot o~"h':.r oitizena of the C1't;r of W11isil Texas. and shall be bm,md b:1 'th~ acts and (Jrdinaness ot said City 0 '-_f"',."., f.',_!<tt~,.}.' ,"'j1,c.....,,'~. .:!r, .Jr.I~;.""i.~hw ,/.4'fi..i!'\,.1".,...., -t....'" r..tl.':) ,\;.J'''._r~'::,. tho ~~ .0,_"',-. _~ ,.~ J_~;~~ ....Jr. .$., J.,J.\,,,..:t.-'=... \.....'A. '-........."... ""-'. ",#,';..~ ,.", -.Rt .......n... ~,- '. -..-.. ~ OO\1n'f;;}' Clerk o.f Col1~"n Gr~:.:m.t;y':. TfAi1':<9.13!:, 8, ,H~~t.;...t:tf'led oopy ('If: this o!'d1.lJr:ln,\,H.., ,. PASSED by u;~ a.tt':t!"mf\t,';(.';i0 'Voto Oo.f" .$';11 nwrube:t"s of' the CitJ, Cow:oil~ this 0 ~..I(,-.;;U.r...""-N" ,11Zt::;r 0.":' . I t../.;1t<-' , _ ~ 1Q -7/t lo;~$;."I~lAdIf;a,o.JlII't:~:~' .i~~ l~tJl:F~OVED: ~~~~' ~""""\''''''t"70'''l>''';:''''",'wc.a:a:~~'''''''',,,,,.'.~~~~^,,",>tM:.~~--~~ 14a.yor A.f.cT:ES.~ ': "11\ ~ .~ _, c ~, i ., .' .' 1 "'{-I::.L/I/ .~~.. . - 7.-."- C!ty Seo~tnr:r I hereb1 o$rt!fy tl'J.at the above and fox-egoing 1s a true and OOl'Tect copy of Ordina:co. No~. ~L on t"Ue in the office of t~e City Sec~tary or ~$ City or U71!e, Texas. this the _'l~L MJ" of ~_. 192e.. {Pr'-l~ JLcd(} -t -e1./ ci"~'s~~~:;d-C;;;~k ~ Cit1 of ~y11e, Texas