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Ordinance 1970-09
8115 7o~.Y... -, , ---,," . ',- :"'~;".""'/""'.:.~ -:,:', ~ ""' ,1...' YijU{J: ING '2 () :~:" t\ r I> .PT! (J .X' -~~' ,:,~')~~r:I'ZJ~lr~.:; .A..)\T; .' '.Il\U:;J... iJ ])E CJ.TY. LUff!')':j AND !:\rJ'l~{}T~I~; :r~!JiAf1 r:}~j~1'~~I';3 ?r:XVILr~GES o:? ()'rHBR /;.. BY Ar.J~, ')'P rUE: \Vffi~fr:.:/~ !. '" ::t );;H:il"::Jn~ (1. prr.:.p 3!"ty 110 C';()!l'"' :~:tgl',~:)US 'c<)L:':!7- 01 t.b.€ Gli::y f~[' \"J:rl~,01 and VJIII,'RI~;.A.;3 "~:3 :t t :ts. "\ t; irri.:'3}:-es j; oJ~ th~ G U'7'')t W:(1$th6t i~B,5,d pJ:"cP1c:;:^t;: tK }'!1adG 1.1 pa:',>t (1:!,: tho Cil'J' 11Inltll~ B~' .t!i rr, 'i~}n'H,Lr"OnI:., n%.:L lJE:D H::: ,. '~:Xl(.~;. (7'~ ';''''l'' .0(";,...."1,.., l,~l' ".'- ~>''' ~~i ,w.a._" .... i)5: t;h.e C; ll:t:t "" 0... Vly::U.i)4 Ts;:;es j: l'1':H~t; the i"{,'1:U~i',:dnf dOBC:r" bed In:AoC\p(n,"'t:?;, ';;o,."w2..:t; BEG}]\TEING &t s, p:;'e.fj~' :111' '::r.n;l~,o.:;; ~.n t~1.t:' 8o~)..i;b t;Or- pcn:.e.tEl l1mJJ: ;::>j;" W:;ylj.~~" Tt;.zv,~;. sa:ld a:l cor<ner' beir..g J,n , tn- if' TIIi""''''t -.J....''''.t. ,,,,41'- ~'l'.-.,\:. " ',r"!."C:,' i,.,r' <:1.."......, nn~'l I:"~!.Q. it .... ....'fWi'-:v;- j, ./;..-t.;,;:.-.... - ~..!. .:tH.'J'~~)J .~. ."- ',J.... ..1. ~..r.~.u,1. .:.t...-~'o'" ...",Lt-l!., ~JIENCE; ~.:n. .iA S,outh0:~/!~.::ydb~e' {i:i;xtJ. ,;;;.nd at all '\:;im(;~~ f'o' 1 ow1nO'~.'l""llCl' + }ole n:;:>""';'.~l'''l;:; ""!fl'J;ri; of WD';]' 1 -1 ne of' .Fe.~"'m .... -..---: ",.I' 'J.o \",l.. ~ ."0 ~"~ ~,~ \..... b,", ,,<I....; '- ':'_ _ t:::: :. "'1 ...~, ,-- . I"'!.;t r . R00-d, ,L}-4. t (; ;.?o:tnt, ;( OJ" crn;'n':,~~~"'<; sa.:~.(:t ;(')S~.nt being 2::04,0 :re~t d1st9.ni,H~ i"rt.:,m })OinT. (l't' hegim'i,ir;,e;; 'IiHENGE 1,C:l~n e~ntB]:"'Jy d~.r~Gt:lr)n 0r,~~:f!,1..r;,g Fg.rrn Hoad ')),1J.} to fA pc,lat, .f'O;.' ~i;;.n:"n,~:: ~)1 t:;he f~asi; !":Lgh'l; or '.'18.1 line " ~" T" .....\ \ xt t' ar1Il ~iOi9.C! .-?'+LH Tlf.&;1\iCE w, IH':l:J::.J\);.L\Y11;1)"V d~.}:~;;)ct.lo:;:~ i:!'\:, all t~m1J1S +~'!)l"io'll!1n'" :f'i,nr~\' t.~'1'" '''i''''d'''''''';'{.' .,,~'~t: "..4j",-'b'" (.,{' ""'s-:''' l"'na 1!'~t .~:~ > ~ ~; ['''' j. i '0 ~,~ ::, ~ ,-' .'~'~l; ~~t~~:': ~ .~;_ ~'.~.~~ L) t.,,~ ~~ ~:'1'_~ ~:~:; :~_ to) .'~ .:~ ~~~.L.'.~ e~ /;:~.'~ ~.~ ., -'._ .t ; If ~~ ",x,.:" ;:>>'1"t '\6..... a J,.".l.." .I..,~, ,::-,1.1"",;:; S".~""'"., ,.;,~".::. P(:J.!.:!1o ....!1 S il'1f,;:he pre (: o!~(a J. ;,; of' ~~YL,.e" 't(7Jt:ae; Farm linG ~Lr~g tl:t f)lo,g I~'a !"i~~~ R. t.)~), Cf 'i ;:1:tT~<;;ct;,j..;;')n ~:llz.(~ C" :l'fi '(;{$ 1 tm::.t :() <"J.:t 1:JfJ;D'li~:~ja~t'lg;0 ~r:; all time~~ tollow'''' ':J'yJ i.8 .j) cI-oc:smg ';}('% ':e;}'l[" ~.: r'\-'~'~( 3::iL'" ::1 :i{.$ d. t:! C' Gi+;:r or W'S"11~:;:1' ~:( r~ 3;' ,:': ~rc,:(as > t~ t";1J,> b..)'t,rldr.::.xi>~~ 1 :In:d. t:a 0:1.'': G:lt~, ~ c;;:d th(J Q~;',Z:1e @ox's hl;;l~eby ex... ~~:;3n(5.:::j(t .~7iC' 5.r~ tn~; :'1'1y>,;ycc!;:-,t'lC1'ibe 0.. t;'e::~"".t"~,'i"or~'" lsi t,hiu 1~;:O.~~ \~ i '~~'j' ~.,"'e ,.. ~'.h() G i t,~, ::f r;y;i, J..€:: t< 'Il~Xn.:s fj and the g;~nne ~~:h~l:t:.t 11S' :1'?c~~~ '3~,f t; ~':t:; i..tJ~11ni~H~ '\i1;lt,htg;; th.~~ t;.er~itcl't1al 11J:i:i.ts (.Ie i1t:1id CU;::{.~ t;.n,d ;;;:uid, :L:.no. nnd the f.j'dt;'J..~ ~~phab~:tfil!;tm .t;'~,l~~~ ;?aoJ~~ S~i'Jl3Ll,.:t :~;(~:!.' .i:;~ e,inti t].,~(l -~jo~l.1 !."1ght:'il and p:;,",:~'V~..l')g~s t;)J~ {:;t;ni;;-;; "d..:":;lon.i? 01' the ai-;iS" of Wylie" ~P9XGBtt and shall ,)( IlX(l ':~~ t~h(;; tH~t~ arid. m:>d.5.~ant.~flIs of' se,id City" {~:. ,:~ , <~i c. j~~ ('~ f'\ :11 ,:~:t r1 :L C\)UJl 'i~;;:r , :"-, B ,:~ :.3Ib'L~ ~1:C' 1,!;3d, .t".,.,< >lot t."I;"'-,_'1~tJ ()z:'i5. iJ~}.t;~!lG;; <~~ J?Jiss:n;)) ;)~~7 ~l:~ \/ (~ i,; ~:~ ;.:):( me,riLb$J?!:j cd;" i;;he Git~i Coun,c:ll~, t~h(;; <c.""Z"Ck'" cc;y of ..,.~:.l2"~"''''''''<<_''''''T'-'' 19J...Q""__,, i.i.l;PFi (r;lED~ p-;;:' UA..rl..J.C'-t./f c-e../ ~' ,?- :< t , ,-, < ~' ';. l;. Amm'r.'.j..fn'~' ... ...ta.:t.J::tL)~. ~J oIil,', ~..~~".':'~~~"'Ul!:!:iI(~~rr..f".~~._.:::ifmf~_I{,,."'!'\...,,,,...~'~..~o:.L~~""'i""""~~'~';:',,, M~J';;}J:.'l' -. t '...,.-"'; . ~ #. .' . "c..... ./1 ~-}Jf:if-o/.tJL- City Se\:\:r.'e'1.;E.l~Y I h,9I"O'bS e~J:'t:' 1':'$ 'that; tb.'B r;ZJO\70 f:nd f0:t"~g(,ii1g is ~. tr;ue and eOl"j"<.H;t C()'j'" 0:1'.: Ol"d:Lr;,t:.J,es 1\)'(;<] 'Ie; - q ;:;]." f:J' 8 """")""~",~s....,,,, '_...... il.: _ :' n the of~:f'l~e 01.... ':';'b) Gity S~::x"e;8.1"":9' .,~': ':;;hfJ City o:t Wyli~;i' i'ex.as ~~ t1...il;", .t-<!,\"" cr jI ,".''IT J......."" OJ.:.',..... ,.,.,.J",1if."f.,. -:::!R" ~ f' O~. ':"' ....,. . "_,,' !:~ ~"""'. , ,.,<Ci_ .........,... " lq ? c! '" ~~~A'n.;.~ ~.,,,,"4'~,~~~__~~.., .~.l\~.........". C5.t,' ~;;lScr.l:.n;;a;.:i)}r ~m.d C erg t'") ~~.~ ''''''''f' \'J...,~:.",.q "";ol ;>. rrj~..-~ ftt ...~t.....t..t I..." '<\-' ~..~..'l;...t, *....",,r...Q::,i:"