Ordinance 1970-16 # .i ;J ~z~ - 1° % ORDINANCE NO ~ .~-c~ ~Q AN ORDINANC~ P.~'NEXING THE HER~INAF'~'ER DESCRIBLD TERH,ITURY TO THE CITY OI' WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ANv EXTENDING THE BOUIr'DARY LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO IIvTCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROP~RTY WITHIN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND GPAIvTTING TO ALL THE INHAI3ITANTS AND OWNEKS OF SA ID PROP-- ERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AItiTD PRIVILFGES OF OTHER CITTLENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ACTS9 ORDINANCES AND REGULA- TIONS OF SAID CITY; PROVTDTNG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PRO- VIDING FOR T~iE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has heretofore received ~ a petition requesting it to annex territory and extend the corporate limits of said City; and, . WHEREAS, after holding a public hearing under the provisions of Article 9'IOa of Revised Civil Statutes of Texas; and, WHEREAS, the follow~ing described land is adjoininv the present city limits of the City of Wylie, and the members of the City Council of the City of Wylie have concluded that said area should be annexed and made a part of the City of Wylie, Texas: ~ N0~9, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: . SECTION l. That the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and the boundary limits of the City of jtiylie be and the same are hereby extended to include the follou•ing described territory within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, and the same shall hereafter be included within the . terri.torial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of Wylie and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said city. ; , . . . . . That the territory to be so annexecl is more particularly des-- cribed as follo~~~s, to-wii:: All that certain property in the County of Colliz~, State of Texas being all that tract of land situated in Collin County, Texas, being a pari: of the S. B. Shelby Survey, Abstract No. 820, and parts of t~ti~o tracts deeded to A. Ivlclionald by j9. T. McDonal.d and C. L. To~a•nsend by deeds recorded in Volume 154, Page 298 and Volume 193, Page 626 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, more fully described as follo«~s: Beginning 45.00' S 2 deg, ~40' ti9 of the N~9 eorner of the S. B. Shelby Survey and the N~'1 corner of tract o~ W. T. McDonald to A. K. IvlcDonald in the South line of State Highv:ay No. 544; Thence S 2 deg. 40' W along the S9est line of said tract passing its SZV corner and the N~9 corner of tract from To~~~nsend to h2cDonald and continuing a total distance of 1869.10' to SW corner of tract of To~~nsend to AZcDonald; Thence S 88 deg. 11' E along the South line of tract of Townsend to McDonald a distance of 1547.80' to the SL corner of same; Thence N 3 deg. 14' E along said tract and the West line of City of `9ylie Addition a distance of 910.40' to corner; Thence S 88 deg. 50' E a distance of 133.40' to corner in the West line of Cottonbelt Street; Thence N 0 deL, ~7' E along the We~t ].ine of Cot±~nbelt Street a distance of 801.17' to corner in the R0~'V line of High~-ay No. 544; Thence along Highway ROW line N 28 deg. 27' W a distance of 115.45' to corner; Thence along the arc of a curve to the left of an angle of 60 deg. 05', Radius of 112.56' and tangent of 64.92' a distance of 118.04' to corner; Thence N 88 deg. 30' W along the South ROVT line of Highu~ay No. 544 a distance of 1510.90' ~o the place of beginning and containing a total of 69,258 acres of land. SECTION 2. That it is not the intention of the City of ~Yylie to annex any territory not legally subject to being annexed by said City, znd should any portion of the above described territory not be subject to legal annexation by the City of Wylie, such fact v:ill not prevent the City from annexing such territory which is above-described and is sub- ject to legal annexation by ttie City, and it is the intention of the City of Wylie to annex only such territory as may be legally annexed by it ~~ithin ±he limits of the above-described area . ' • -2- , , . SECTIOI~ 3. That ~;his ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. DULY PASSED by th;e City Council of the City of . Wylie, Texas, this the -r~ ~ day of -v' ~ 1970. APPROVED: ~ ..-c- ~<<:--~- - . ~ ~ C_~: ~ ~ M YOR ::y~ ~ DULY ENROLLED: ~ a ~ ~ ~ ' , . ~ . , ? ~ ~ ~ s,.. ' ~ ~ ~ ~t ~~~TTY SECR~ RY - • ti}~l APPROVED AS TO FOR~7: ~ ~~~T ~Y I, ONEI~A GALLAGHEF3, ~0 CERTIFY 1H.~T THIS I~ A CORRECT COPY OF OR~IN~NC~ ~ 70-16 PASSE~ 0~1 ~ECEI~~BER 8, 19?0. f• "~~F~_ 216 OF TFiE P~INUTE BOOK O H TH~ C ITY ()F ~a~~YLIE, TEXAS . . ,Ir ~ , . . : /f'~ . ~ • ~ . % • ~ . ~ , . l5~?`~~ ~4 ~`'~t~' ' ON~:T~A GALLAGHE G ' City Secretary ~ ` t E ~'-•r -3- srar~ oF rExas ~ C~UNTY OF COLLIN I her~by certify that tf~is instrumertt was fil~~ dn the date and time stacnped hereon by m~ ar~ was 8u~y recorded on the dzy Uf,~~ -A. D. 19~Q, in Yot.~ ~adQ of the ~-D~ e~~~ ta~~rcis of C;I~in Cou,~ty, Texas ~ . Counry Cierk, Coilin County, Texas ~ ~ 4 ~ ' r e ~ • ~'t ' ? ? 1 ~ ~ A . - _ 1 f'_'1 . . ~ . . _ _ . . Y. _ . . u . ~ . , f- r _ ~ . . . YY . ~ L~.j ~ I' l rn f ~ , „ -~•~,9 .