Ordinance 1971-01 " - -" ..- 6~j9 "1 if OHDINAlJCE EO. 7/- I AN OTIDIN/iNCr; AITl'u::XLTCT THJ H:2~m~INAPTER DEE.lCHI13LD TElmITORY TO TI-LE CIT'{ Of' \JYIJIE, COLLIN COUi-f'l'Y, rrEXAS, AND EXTE!'fDI .a THE BOUNDARY Lli 1'1'3 O.ii' SAID C ITY ;~,o AS I}'\) nmLUDE :;AIi) n:;:'; EINAFTBR)l~~;Cnljim J'H()P}~;}{T""(,.Tn)IN ::)./\JD CI'TY Lnn'J.i~~, i:.ED GRANTING 'ro ALL tEE INHABIT'AlH'S Ium Oi,VI'JERS OP SAID PEOP... L:nT\f ALL. Oi~ THE RIGH'l;:; AHD PRIVILI~GES OP O'fEEJ1 C1'l'IZEN~) AITD BIi-JDINGALL nJI-L'c31'rII.1J'l\~, BY ALL ":'sfJ: AC'I1;::" On])INANCE~:; AND RD3UI,A- '1'1,) ~s OF ::;AL) CITY; PROVL)IITG Ii SEVlmABILITY CLAUSE; l~::D PRO- "IDrrr} FO~{ TU::; El"FEC'L'IVE J)ATl~ OF' SAID UEDINANCE. \'niJ:.;\:i~:AS, the City of Wylie h.,s legal title to certain land and desires to aIL.'1ex this territory and extend the corporate lirnits O.L said City; and, !1JSH1~AS, the following described land is adjoining the present city limits of the City of ::/ylie, and the members of the City Council of the City ,)1' Wylie have concluded that said area should be annexed and made a part of the City of ";ylie, Texas: NO"j, TEE:TFORE:, BE IT OnnALiLD BY rr=iT CITY COUNCIL 0:" 'I'm::; C I1'Y OF lYLIE, TEXAS: SEc'rrON 1. '1.'ha t the following des.cribed territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Dylie, Collin County, Texas, and the boundary limits of the City of ~ylie be and the same are hereby extended to include the following described territory within the City Limits of the City of Wylie, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City of '/[ylie and shall be bound by the Bcts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of said city. That the territory to be so annexed is more particularly des- cribed as follows, to-wit: All that certain property in tho County of Collin, State of Texas, and being a part of the S. B. Shelby Survey, l:iore pm-.ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 10 feet measured North 8 deL.;rees 15 rains .ie s t (L;qg) from [\ Boish ])' i'.rc stake which marks tJee =:ortbwest cornor of lot 18 f., ~ ~ . # in Block 18 of thE' Fi111y second addition to the Town of Wylie and also marks a corner of the said Town of V!ylio; Thence North 8 degrees IS minutes We s t (Mag) for a distance of 40 feet; Thence North 83 degrees 03 minutes East (~ag) for a distance of 131+ feet to a point on the West boundary line of the land of the said A. 1:. McDonald; Thence South 8 degrees 15 minutes East (Mag) alonG the aforementioned West boundary line of the public road for a distance of 40 feet; Thence South 83 dec;rees 03 minutes We s t (Mag) for a distance of 131! feet to the place of beginning. SECTION 2. 'l'hn tit is not the intention of the City of :,'/ylie to a'mex any territory not legally subject to being annexed by said City, and should any portion of the above described territory not be ~ubject to legal annexation by the City of Bylie, such fact will not prevent the City from annexing such territory which is above-described and is sub- ject to legal annexation b:: the City, and it is tho intention of the City of Wylie to annox only such territory ~s may be lecally annexed by it within the limits of the above-described area. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City 0.f\iy1ie, Texas, this the ;:~x..t day of ~{~~<-/~1 , 19'71. (. () A}lpHOVED: ?"t'......""'4\".~... ....'\...; ... W Y '\\\ Ib"", 0.......... ~ / \, . . . ~) j' ". I ~.. ~ -1!' . "', /,,' .. '~.," ,-. , .-. ,AI.. '" , ,," ." .),10 ,.. ' _',-, ,-,', " " ,': ,"I ." " . . 'Wit "~" , ' t ~ oJ '., , ' ., ,,!>~ : '1 ~'>>..,' ,....'i'ft..... ,,"i"'. . '.. PI ~..~." , " , \, !oJ. -.n-.. . \ ". )' lit. "'''r9''+~'''- .... ~~(~ MAYOR DUIJY ENIWLLED: /! r ~" . - , vJ.'(VlNANCE NO. 71-1 AN ORDINANCEAN_ NEXING THE HERE- INAFTER, DE SCRI BE 'I' ER RITORY TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN Co.uNTY; " TEXAS, AND EXTENDING' THE BOUNQARY LIMITS OF SAID' CITY SO AS TO . INCLUDE SAID HERE- 1NAFTER DESC RIB E D PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY LIMITS, AND. .G~N:rrNG TO ALL THE INHABITANTS AND OWNERS OF SAID PROP- ERTY" ALD., OF THE IUGHTS ANDPRI- :VILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ,ALL " INHABITANTS BY ALL T HE A G T S , ORD IN AN CBS AN D REGULATIONS 'OF SAID CITY;", PROVIDING , A SEVE RA BILITYGLAUSE; AND 'PROVIDING FOR 'THE EFFECTIVE DATE ,qFS.A TDORDINANCE. DULY PASSED by the City :Council of the City of WyUe,Texas,thisthe 12th day of January, 1971. APPROVED: C. W. Hackler, Mayor DULY ENROLLED: ,OneIda Gallagher, City Secretary Dry'--beans, peas, 1entHs and peanut butter are good food protein foods, andean be substituted for meat. Wei snou1dhave two ser- vings' of meat or meat subs.titutes everyday. \ ORDINANCE NO. 71-2 AN ORDINANCE ANNEX- ING THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED TERRITORY TO~ THE CITY OF WYLIE, CiJT.r ,IN COUN- TY "TEXAS, AND EX~ TEr-mING THE BOUNDA- Ry LIMITS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID HEREINAFTER \ DES- C R I BE D PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY LI- MITS, AND 'GRANTING TO ALL THE INHABI- TANTs AND OWNERS OF SAID PROPERTY ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND THE PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS AND BINDING ALL INHABITANTS BY ALL THE ACTS, OR- DiINANCES AND REGU LATIONS OF SAIDCITV: PROVIDING A SEVERA- BILITY CLAUSE: ANe PROVrDfNG FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. DUL Y PASSE D by the City Council of the City ofWy- lie, Texas, this 12th day of January~ 1971. . APPROVED: C .W. Hackler, t\1.ayor DULY ENROLLED: Oneida, Gallagher, City Secretary Why is ,iOdine added to table saltTBecause it re- duces the occurrence of simple goiter!n areas where iodine is found in scarce amounts; F WYLIE 114 NORTH BALLARD WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY ATTORNEY B. ROBERT BAKER WATER SUPERINTENDENT W. A. ALLEN FI RE MARSHALL GLENN DANIEL I r c