Ordinance 1971-02 '.,. ... _I; ,h \' ... 680 ~~ .- OHDINANCE NO. "7 / - ,1 AN ORDINld'l'CE A:N}ffiXIHG TEE R2REINAFT};R DESCRIBED TEHRI'I'OHY TO TIlE CrI'Y OPHYLIS, COLLIN COUNTY, rl'EXAfl, AND EXTENDING 'l'I-:E;; BOmTDARY LnnTS OF SAID CITY SO AS TO INCL1JDE SAID E~-'~REINAFTEn DE,3CRIBED PROPERTY \inTEIN ~)AID CITY L INI'I'S, AdD GHAi 'TINer TO ALL TilL: IlTIIM3ITAN'r;) AND OWNE'i~) OF' SAID PROP- PERTY ALL 07 niL RIGHTS AND PRIVIL .GES OF' O'I'HER CITIZENS AND BrmING ALL INH11.RI'I'ANTS BY ALL TEI: ACT::), ORDINANCES AND REGUT,A- TIONS 0-' SAID CITY: PRO"lIIDILJG A SE\/l:mABILITY CLAUSE: AIID PRO- VIDING FOR T.cLE EFF}~C'l' IV1i; DATE OF SAID ORDINANCE. -/1fHEREAS, the City of \iVylie has legal title to certain land and desires to annex this territory and extend the corporate lL~its of said City; and, liliHE:EAS, the following described land is adjoining the present city li:;nits of the City of Wylle, and the mombers of the City Council of. the City of Rylie have concluded that said area should be annexed and made a part of the City of Wylie, ffexas: NO, ;.rHE::mFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIm CITY CmJNCIL OF' 'l'H.2 CITY OF WYLIE, TE~ZAS: SECTION 1. That the following described territory be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and the boundary limits of the City of Wylie be and the same are hereby extended to include the following described territory within the City limits of the City of Wylie, and the same shall hereafter be included within the territorial limits of said City, and the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter be entitled to all rights and privileges of other citizens of the City ofrylie and shall be bound by the acts, ordinances, resolutions and regulations of suid CitYG That the territory to be so annexed is more particularly des- cribed as follows, to-wit: ~ Ii. All that certain property in the County of Collin, 3tate of 'I'exas being about 1/2 mile Southwest from the Town of \lylie, and being part of the aichard D. ITewman 1476 acre survey as per Pa~ent lTo. 40, Vol. 3, and recorded in Book 70, page 429, of the Hecords of Deeds of Collin County, rI'exas and being part of 111_8 acre tract, deed by S. 'I'homas 20indexter and wife to J. R. Francis, by deed dated Oct. 27th, 1~00 a71d recorded in 'Vol. 101, page 80, of the Ilecords of D3eds of Coll in County, 'I1exas. Being described by metes and bou.,'l.ds D.S follo1."is, to- wit: TiCNCT; Jest with the North boundary line of said I~wman ~urvey 1057 feet to corner in the center of the County publ ic road on \Jes t bank of br'anch; Tm~NCE down said branch as follows: S. 11 deg. 12 mle. J. 276 feet; $. 34 deg. 12 min."i. 2ClO feet; s. 43 deg. ~. 66 feet; s. 37 deg. 12 min. ~. 554 feet, to fence crossing same brunch; THENCE South on line of said fence 264 feet to tJLe South boundary line of said 148 acre tract; THENCE East 1604 feet to the East boundary line of said 1}j.8 acre tract; TH"~NCE ::orth 'wi th the East boundary linG 1280 foet to the place of beginning, containing 39.76 acres of land. SECTION 2. That it is not the intention of the City of ::rylie to annex any territory not lecally subject to bGing annexed by said City, and should any portion of the above described territory not be subject t') legal annexation by the c: i ty of ':Iy1 ie, such fac t will not prevent the Ci t;/ from annexing such territory which is above-described and is sub- ject to legal annexation by the City, and it is the intention of the City of 'iiyl ie to annex oLly such territory as may be legally annexed by it vrithin the limits of the above-described area. r: -"CrnTo"';r 3 ;)L 1-1- 1,. . 'llhat this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. DULY PASSED by the Citv Council of the City of V'ly1ie, ,......... ''"'''-- . t-' tb "r:- '14 V LJ:'r~f.~ in s __8 ..... ~ ........ '. ~ '.', /Io..' .... ',,\ 'J ... . ".,";:;" ~... '; \ " >-:~' ~ ~ " "- it-': ':-Jj '.\ ~ ~~./E!J V,.. .' ..0 ,_. 'f . I.,.. , f.,_, . .;'~v-SI'-;{ )~lmOLLED: \',", . 11 d day of *~~1- U (J , 1971. APPHOVED: (!/[.~~ ?~-c----;?cJ ~-- T';AYOR l @~~ ~k!/~ ~1.t-: C :~TY SECR1:;'.rAR~