Ordinance 1971-11
Whereas, under the laws of the State of Texas, hereafter every
owner of any tract of land situated within the corpo rate limits of the City of
Wylie, Texas, or within its jurisdiction; who may hereafter divide the same
in two (2) or more tracts described by metes and bounds or otherwise for
the purpo se of laying out any Eiubdivision of such tract of land or any addition
to said City of Wylie; or for laying out any suburban lots or building lots, or
any lots, and streets, alleys or parks and other portions intended for public
use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent
thereto, are required to submit a plat of such subdivision or addition for
approval by the City Council of the City of Wylie; and
Whereas, the City Council of the City of Wylie is empowered by
law to promulgate and establish the general plan of said City and its streets,
alleys, parks, public utility facilities, including those which have been or
may be laid out, together with the general plan for the extension of such City
and if its road s, streets, and public highways within the City or within its
On and after the passage of this Ordinance, any person, firm or
corporation seeking approval of any plat, plan or replat of any subdivision of
land within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie or within its jurisdiction
shall be required to comply with the requirements of this Ordinance before
such approval may be granted, to-wit:
For the purpose of interpreting this ordinance, certain words used herein are
defined as follows:
1. SHALL - The word" shall" wherever used in this ordinance
will be interpreted in its mandatory sense.
2. CITY - The word "City" shall be the City of Wylie, Texas,
together with all its governing and operating bodies.
3. CITY COUNCIL - The word "City Council" shall be the duly
elected governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas.
"Planning Commis sion" or "Zoning Commission" shall be
the official City Planning and Zoning Commission of the City
of Wylie, Texas, as appointed by the City Council.
5. ADMINISTRA TIVE OFFICERS - Any office referred to In
this ordinance by title, 1. e., City Manager, City Attorney,
City Secretary, City Engineer, Director of Public Works,
etc., shall be the person so retained in this position by the
City, or his duly authorized representative.
6. ENGINEER - The word "Engineer" shall be the City Engi-
neer of the City of Wylie, the City's Consulting Engineer s,
or their duly authorized representatives.
7. MAST ER PLAN - The phra se "Ma ster Plan" shall be the
comprehensive plan of the City and adjoining areas as
adopted by the City Council and the City Planning and
Zoning Commission, including all its revisions. This plan
indicates the general location reconunended for various land
uses, transportation routes, public and private buildings,
streets, parks, and other public and private developments
and improvements.
8. SUBDIVISION - The word "Subdivision" 0 r "Addition" shall
be any division of any lot, tract or parcel of land into two
(2) or more lots or sites for the purpose, whether imme-
diate or future, of sales or of building development. It
also include s l' e- subdivision or replatting of land, lot s, or
tracts. Divisions of land for agricultural purpo se s in par-
cel of five (5) acre s or more shall not be included within
this definition, unless any such division of five (5) acres or
more includes the planning or development of a new street
or access easement.
, 9.
PRELIMINAR Y PLAT - The phrase "preliminary plat" shall
be any lot, tract, or parcel of land that is not to be recorded
of record but is only a proposed division of land for re-
view and study by the City.
10. FINAL PLA.. T - The phrase "final plat" shall be any plat of
any lot, tract, or parcel of land requested to be recorded
of record in the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas.
REPLA TTING - The word "replatting" shall be the re-
subidvision of any part or all of any block or blocks of a
previously platted subdivision, addition, lot or tract.
STREET - The term" street" means a wa y for vehicular
traffic whether de signated a street, highway, thoroughfare,
parkway, throughway, road, avenue, boulevard, lane,
place or however otherwise de signated.
13. STREET WIDTH - The word" street width" shall be the
shortest distance between the lines which delineate the
rights -of -wa y of a street.
l4. RESIDENTIAL STREET - The phrase" re sidential street"
shall be a street which is intended primarily to serve traffic
within a neighborhood or limited residential district and
which is used primarily for access to abutting properties.
15. COLLECTOR STREET - The phrase "collector street" shall
be a street which is continuous through several residential
districts and thoroughfares, highways, or business districts.
16. THOROUGHFARE - The word "thoroughfare" shall be a
principal traffic thoroughfare more or Ie s s continuous acro s s
the City which is intended to connect remote parts of the
City, or areas adjacent thereto, and act as a principal con-
necting street with State and Interstate Highways.
17. ALLEY - The word "alley" shall mean a minor way used
primarily for vehicular service to the rear or side of pro-
pertie s otherwise abutting on a street.
l8. CUL-DE-SAC - The word "cul-de-sac" shall mean a short
re sidential street having but one vehicular acce ss to another
street and terminated by a vehicular turn-around.
19. DEAD END STREET - The phrase !'dead end street" shall
mean a street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one out-
20. EASEMENT - The word "easement shall mean an area for
restricted use on private property upon which any public
utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all
or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs, or other
improvements or growths which in any way endanger or
interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency
of its respective systems on any of these easements. Any
public utility shall at all time s have the right of ingre s s
and egre s s to and from and upon the said easements for
the purpo se of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting,
patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or
part of its respective systems without the necessity at any
time of procuring the permission of anyone.
2l. BUILDING LINE - The phrase "building line" shall be a line
beyond which building s must be set back from the street or
road right-of-way line or property line.
ments within the City shall be in accordance with the Stan-
dard Sp'ecifications and Codes adopted by the City of Wylie,
23. TRAILER COURT S - Areas for renting or leasing site s for
Trailer Coache s.
All property not subdivided into lots, blocks, and streets, or
property to be re-subdivided, within the City or within its juris-
diction shall hereafter be laid out under the direction of the Plan-
ning Commission or, in the absence of such a commission, by
the City Council, or subject to its approval, and no other sub-
division will be recognized by the City. Prior to the considera-
tion of the plat by the Planning Commis sion, the City Manager
and his duly authorized representatives shall check the plat and
make recommendations.
It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, to lay
out, subdivide, or plat any land into lots, blocks, and streets
within the City, or to sell property therein, which has not been
laid out, subdivided, and platted according to these regulations
and the rules of the Planning Commission.
No officer or employee of the City shall perform, or cause to be
performed, any work upon any street or in any addition or sub-
division of the City, unless all requirements of these regulations
have been complied with by the owner of the addition or subdivision.
The City hereby define s its policy to be that the City will withhold,
and it shall withhold, improvements of any nature whatsoever,
including the maintenance of streets, issuance of building permits,
or furnishing of sewa ge facilitie s and water service, until the sub-
division plat has been approved by the City Council. No improve-
ments shall be initiated nor any contracts executed until this
approval has been obtained.
Any owner or developer of any lot, tract, or parcel of land located
within the corporate limits of the City or within its jurisdiction
who may wish to effect a subdivision of such land shall conform
to the general procedure de scribed as follows:
1. The subdivider shall conduct a PRE -APPLICA TION CON-
FERENCE with the City Manager prior to preparation of
a preliminary plat.
2. The subdivider shall prepare and submit to the City Planning
and Zoning Commission a PRELIMINARY PLAT for its
study and recommendations. The Preliminary Plat shall
then be submitted to the City Council for final action.
After approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council,
the subdivider may then prepare a FINAL PLAT of all or
a portion of the land included in the preliminary plat for
submission to and consideration by the Planning Commis-
sion for final recommendations.
4. Upon final action on any such final plat by the City Planning
and Zoning Commission, the same shall be referred to the
City Council, and the City Council shall at its next succeed-
ing meeting consider such final plat for acceptance of the
dedication of all public property therein set forth, provided
that the plat shall in all things fully comply with the terms
and provision of this Ordinance.
5. Upon acceptance of such plat and public properties by the
City Council, the City Secretary shall immediately cause
such plat to be recorded in the Deed Records of Collin
County, Texas. The recording of this plat shall be the
re sponsibility of the City Secretary.
Prior to the filing of a preliminary plat, the subdivider shall con-
sult with the City Manager or his duly authorized representative
concerning the ultimate land use of the proposed development,
the suitability of the location of the propo sed subdivision, the
most advantageous subdivision plan, the arrangement of streets,
alleys and lots, and the layout of utility lines and availability of
service from trunk mains. Conditional approval as to the general
land use of the propo sed subdivision must be obtained from the
City Manager prior to preparation of the preliminary plat.
An application, in writing, for the approval of the Preliminary
Plat, together with six (6) prints, shall be filed with the City
Manager at least fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days before
the meeting of the Planning Commission, if the plat is to be con-
sidered at such meeting. No plat will be considered by the City
until the prescribed filing fees have been paid.
The plat shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the
inch, or larger, and shall shown the following:
1. The proposed name of the subdivision.
2. North point, scale, date, and approximate acreage of
th'e propo sed subdivision.
3. The names and addresses of the subdivider and of the
engIneer, surveyor, or planner.
4. The tract de signation and other de scription according
to the real estate records of the City or County
Auditor and Recorder; also, designation of the pro-
posed uses of land within the subdivision.
5. The bounda ry line (accurate in scale) of the tract to
be subdivided.
6. Contours with intervals of two (2) feet or less, re-
ferred to sea level datum.
7. The names of adjacent subdivisions and/or the names
of record owners of adjoining parcels of unsubdivided
8. The location, widths, and names of all existing or
platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent
to the tract, existing pe nnanent buildings, railroad
rights-of -way, and other important features, such as
abstract lines, political subdivision or corporation
lines, and school district boundaries.
9. Existing sewers, water mains, culverts, or other
underground structures within the tract and immediately
adjacent thereto with pipe size s, grade s, and locations
indica ted.
10. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public
use or re served in the deeds for the use of all pro-
perty owners in the proposed subdivision, together
with the purpose of conditions or limitations of such
reservations, if any.
11. The layout, names, and widths of proposed streets,
alleys, and easements.
12. The layout, numbers, set-back lines, and approximate
dimensions of proposed lots, blocks, parks, etc.
13. A plan of the proposed water and sanitary sewer lines
and propo sed drainage facilitie s including drainage
areas, calculated run-off, and points of concentration.
14. A location map of the proposed subdivision on a scale
of one (l) inch to two thousand (2,000) feet showing
existing and propo sed streets and thoroughfare s
covering an area at least one (I) mile outside the pro-
posed subdivision.
The following notice shall be placed on the face of each prelimi-
nary plat by the subdivider.
"Preliminary Plat for Review Purpose Only"
The following certificate s shall be placed on the Preliminary
Plat by the subdivide r.
"Preliminary Plat for Review Purpose Only"
The following certificate s shall be placed on the Preliminary
Plat by the subdivider.
"Re commended fo l' Approval.
Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Wylie, Texas"
"Approved for Preparation of Final Plat.
Ma yo r
City of Wylie, Texas
The Planning Commission shall take action on any preliminary
plat submitted to them, in accordance with these regulations,
within thirty (30) days after said plat is filed with the City Manager.
The final action taken on the prelimina ry plat by the Planning and
Zoning Commis sion and the City Council will not constitute in any
manner the acceptance of the subdivision nor the improvements
to be placed therein but will be merely an authorization to pro-
ceed with the preparation of the final plat.
The approval of the preliminary plat by the City Council shall be
effective for a period of one hundred eighty (l80) days after the
approval date, unless reviewed by the City Council in the light of
new or significant information which would nece ssitate the revision
of the preliminary plat, such revision being subject to the same
procedures as the original preliminary plat. If a final plat for
the subdivision, or a portion thereof, has not been submitted,
or if a change in requirements has not occurred which would affect
the prcliminary plat, at the cnd of the one hundrcd eighty days
after approval, then the City Council will declare the preliminary
plat null and void, unless the subdivider has requested and received
an extension of time.
-13 -
Six (6) direct prints, one (l) film positive, and one (l) cloth-
mounted print of the final plat shall be executed and filed with
the City Manager at least fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days
prior to the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission at
which action is requested. No,plat will be considered by the
City until the pre scribed filing fee s have been paid. The final
plat may constitute all or only a portion of the approved preli-
minary plat, but any portion thereof shall conform to all of the
requirements of these regulations. If final plats are submitted
for approval by portions or sections of the proposed subdivision,
each portion or section shall carry the name of the entire sub-
division but shall bear a distinguishing letter, number, or sub-
title. Block letters shall run consecutively throughout the entire
subdivision, even though such subdivision might be finally ap-
proved in sections.
Upon receipt of the required cople s of the final plat, the detailed
engineering plans and other required dat~-, and the prescribed
filing fees, in accordance with these regulations, the Planning
and Zoning Commission will either recommend approval or dis-
approval of the final plat and forward it to the City Council.
Any action taken by the City Council shall be final, regardle s s
of the previous action by the Planning and Zoning Commis sion.
The final plat shall be drawn on sheets measuring twenty-two
(22) or twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches (one
1--1,/ <:v~ '
copy to be furnished measuring fifteenrinche s by twenty#,
inche s for recording), shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred
-14 -
(lOO) feet to the inch, and shall show or be accompanied by the
1. The boundary lines with accurate distances and
bearings, a metes and bounds description of the
boundary (error of clo sure shall not exceed one in
five thousand), exact acreage, and the exact location
and width of all existing or recorded streets inter-
secting the boundary of the tract. One (1) copy of
the traverse closure sheet shall be enclosed.
2. True bearings and distances to the nearest established
street line s, official monuments, or subdivision
corner, which shall be accurately de scribed on the
plat. Municipal, township, county, or abstract
lines shall be accurately tied to the lines of the sub-
division by distance s and bearings.
3. An accurate location of the subdivision in reference
to the deed records of the County which shall include
the volume and page of the deed of the property to be
4. The exact layout including:
a. Street and/or alley names.
b. The length of all arcs, radii, internal angles,
points of curvature, length a~d bearing of the
c. All easements for rights-of-way provided for
public service s or utilitie s and any limitations
of the easements.
d. All lot numbers and lines with accurate dimen-
sions in feet and hundredths and with bca rings
and angle s to street and alle y line s to the
nearest second.
5. The accurate locati on, mate rial, and approximate
size of all monuments.
6. The accura te outline de scription of all property
which is offered for dedication for public use, such
as parks, etc., with the purpose indicated thereon,
and all property that may be reserved by deed cove-
nant for the common use of the property owners in
the subdivision.
7. Building set-back lines.
8. Private re strictions.
9. Name of the proposed subdivision.
10. Name and address of the subdivider.
11. North point, scale and date.
12. Construction plans and profiles shall be drawn on
sheets measuring twenty-two (22) or twenty-four
(24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, shall be the
same size as the final plat, and shall include the
a. A plan and profile of each street with top of
curb grade s shown. Each sheet shall include
north point, scale, date, and bench mark des-
cription to sea level datum. Scale s shall be
one (1) inch equals forty (40) feet horizontally
and one (l) inch equals five (5) feet or six (6)
feet vertically. Each plan shall show the seal
and signature of the registered professional
civil eng1neer who prepared the plans.
b. ,The cross-section of proposed streets showing
the width of roadways and type of pavement
and location and width of sidewalk.
c. A plan and profile of proposed sanitary sewers,
with grade s and pipe size s indicated and
showing locations of manhole s, cleanout s,
etc., and a plan of the proposed water distri-
bution system showing pipe sizes and location
of valves, fire hydrants, and fittings, etc.,
in conformance with the criteria as shown in
the section of the Chapter listed as "Improve-
ments". Each plan shall show the seal and
signature of the registered professional civil
engineer who prepared the plans. Each sheet
shall include north point, scale, date, and
bench mark description to sea level datum.
d. A. plan and profile of proposed storm sewer s,
showing hydraulic data, pipe grades and sizes,
manholes, inlets, pipe connections, outlet
structures, etc., in conformance with the
criteria as shown in the section of the Chapter
listed a s "Improvements". Each plan shall
show the seal and signature of the registe red
professional civil engineer who prepared the
plans. Each sheet shall include north point,
scale, date, and bench mark description to
sea level datum.
-17 -
13. Certification by a registered professional civil
engineer or licensed land survcyor to the effect
that the plan reprc sents a survey made by him or
under his direct supervision and that all the monuments
shown thereon actually exist, and that their location,
size and material are correctly shown.
14. A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets,
alleys, parks, and pIa ygrounds to public use forever,
signed and acknowledged before a Notary Public by
the owner and lienholder of the land, and a complete
and accurate description of the land subdivided and
the streets dedicated.
15. The following certificate shall be placed on the plat,
in a manner that will allow the filling in of the cer-
tificate by the proper party:
"R ecommended for approval.
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Wylie, Texas
Approved and accepted.
City of Wylie, Texas
The undersigned, the City Secretary of the
City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the
foregoing final plat of the
Subdivision or Addition to the City of Wylie
was submitted to the City Council on the
da y 0 f
, 19
, and the
Council, by formal action, then and there
accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks,
easements, public places, and water and sewer
lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said
plat, and said Council further authorized the
Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by SIgnIng
his name as hereinabove subscribed.
Witness my hand this
da y of
A.D., 19
City Secretary
City of Wylie, Texa s"
16. Ce.rtificate showing that all taxes and fees have been
paid on the tract to be subdivided.
The final plat shall be recorded by the City Secretary in the office
of the County Clerk of the County within ten (lO) days from and
after the date of final acceptance by the City Council.
Six (6) sets of plans and specifications for water, sanitary sewer,
paving, and drainage improvements, prepared by a registerd
professional civil engineer, shall be approved and retained by
the City prior to any construction in the subdivision. The
approval of construction drawings by the City Council shall
be effective for a period of two (2) years after the approval date,
unle s s the subdivider has reque sted and received an extension
of time. Construction drawings which have expired shall be
re submitted to the City for approval before construction is be-
gun. The de sign of the proposed improvement s shall be based
on the construction requirements which are in effect at the time
of resubm.ittal.
1. The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade,
and location of all propo sed streets shall conform
to the general plan of the community, and their re-
lationship shall be considered to that of the existing
and planned streets, to topographical conditions, to
public convenience and safety, and in their appro-
priate relation to the propo sed use s of the land to
be served by such streets.
2. Where such is not shown in the general plan for the
community, the arrangement of streets in a subdi-
vision shall:
Provide for the continuation or appropriate
projection of existing principal streets in
surrounding areas;
b. Conform to a plan for the neighborhood approved
or adopted by the City to meet a particular
situation where topographical or other con-
ditions make continuation of or conformance
to existing streets impracticable;
c. Be laid out so that they shall inter sect, as
nearly as possible, at right angles.
3. Residential streets shall be so laid out 'that their use
by through traffic shall be discouraged.
4. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125
feet shall be avoided.
-20 -
5. Street right-of-way widths shall conform to the City's
Thoroughfare Plan, and in no case shall any street
right-of-way be less than fifty (50) feet.
6. Half streets shall be prohibited, except where neces-
sary to the reasonable development of the subdivision
in conformance with the other requirements of the se
regulations and where the City finds it will be practi-
cable to require the dedication of the othe r half when
the adjoining property is subdivided. Wherever a
half street has already been provided adjacent to an
area to be subdivided, the other remaining portion of
the street shall be platted within such subdivision.
Where part of a residential or collector street is
being dedicated along a common property line, the
fir st dedication shall be one -half of the propo sed
street right-of-way plus five (5) feet.
Cul-de-sacs shall not be longer than six hundred
(600) feet from the neare st inter secting street, and
there shall be provided at the closed end a turnaround
having an outside roadway diameter of at least eighty
(80) feet and a street property line diameter of at
least one hundred (lOO) feet.
All streets shall be paved, and paving shall conform
to the section "Improvements" of these Regulations.
9. Street grade s shall be established regarding topo-
graphy, proposed land use, and the facilities in the
area surrounding the land to be subdivided, providing
desirable minimum street grades of 0.50%. An
absolute minimum of o. 30% will be allowed.
-2l -
lO. Street nan~e markcrs shall bc installed in accordance
with the pre scribed type currently in use by the City
or an approved equal, as approved by the City
Manager. Street marke rs and erection will be at
the expen se of the subdivider.
11. Street right-of -way widths shall be as shown in the
general plan for the Community and where not shown
therein shall be not less than as follows:
Right-of-way Pavement Widths
Street Type Width Back to Back
Class II
Secondary Thoroughfare s 80 62 '+4' Median
CIa ss III
Secondary Thoroughfare s 80 61
CIa ss IV
Collector Street 60 41
Class V
Collector Street 60 37
Minor Streets
(Re sidential) 50 27
1. Alleys shall be provided in commercial and industrial
districts, except that the City ma y waive this require-
ment where other definite and as sured provision is
made for serVIce access, such as off-street loading,
unloading, and parking consistent with and adequate
for the uses proposed.
2. Alleys shall be provided in all residential areas.
3. The minimum width of an alley shall be twenty (20)
feet in industrial and commercial area s and fifteen
(l5) feet in residential areas. If alleys are paved,
-22 -
avoided except when backing on a highway or thorough-
4. Side line s of lots shall be approximately at right
angle s to straight street line s and radial to curved
street line s.
5. Subdivisions where buildings are to be served by
septic tanks, the size of lots shall be sufficiently
large to accommodate adequate drainage fields and to
meet the standards set forth by the Texas State De-
partment of Health and by the City.
1. Easements across lots on rear or side lot lines shall
be provided for utilitie s when nece s sary and shall be
at least fifteen (15) feet wide.
2. Where a subdivision is bounded by a water cour se,
drainage wa y, channel, or stream, there shall be
provided a storm water easement or drainage right-
of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such
water course, or of such width to provide fo~ any
future anticipated construction, plus ten (lO) feet on
each side.
1. The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be
determined regarding:
a. Provision of adequate building site s suitable
to the special needs of the type of use proposed.
b. Zoning requirements as to lot size sand dimen-
alley turn-outs shall be paved to the property line
and shall be at lea st ten (l 0) feet wide face to face of
curbs at that point. Paving radius where alleys inter-
sect thoroughfare s shall be ten (10) feet and shall be
five (5) feet at inte r sections with all other street s.
4. Alley intersections and sudden changes in alignment
shall be avoided, but where necessary, lot corners
shall be cut off at least fifteen (l5) feet on each tan-
gent to permit safe vehicular movement.
5. Dead-end alleys shall be avoided where possible, but
if unavoidable, shall be provided with adequate turn-
around facilities, as determined by the City.
6. All alleys in commercial and industrial districts shall
be paved, and alleys in re sidential districts maybe
paved at the subdivider's option. Alley paving shall
be a minimum of ten (lO) feet wide in residential areas
and sixteen (16) feet wide in commercial and industrial
areas, except that alley paving in re sidential areas
may be eight (8) feet wide where deed restrictions
prohibit rear entrance driveways.
1. All lot s shall conform to the regulations set forth in
the City's Zoning Ordinance.
2. Corner lots in residential areas shall be wider than
inside lots so as to allow an appropriate set-back
from both streets.
3. Each lot shall face onto a public street. Lots with
street frontage at both front and rear shall be
c. Needs for convenient access, circulation,
. control, and safety of traffic.
d. Limitations of topography.
2. Where no existing subdivision controls, the blocks
shall not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200)
feet in length nor be less than five hundred (500)
feet in length, except in certain instances where to-
pographical features warrant special consideration.
These limits shall be exceeded only upon specific
approval by the City. Blocks longer than six hundred
(600) feet shall be avoided in busine ss districts.
. ~. (. t.. ~~YT~ t Q.,-_k~
. ,\WJ<-A_A.....,,~, I"
Development of trailer courts for locating trailer
coache s shall be in accordance with the provisions
of the Ordinance regulating "Trailer Courts; Trailer
Coaches" and shall meet the approval of the City.
1. Permanent Survey Reference Monuments
Concrete monument, six (6) inches in diameter and
twenty-four (24) inches long, shall be placed on all
boundary corners, block corners, curve points, and
angle point s . A c oppe r pin 1 /4 - inch in diamete l'
embedded at least three (3) inches in the monument
shall be placed at the exact inter section point on the
monument. The monuments shall be set at such
an elevation that they will not be disturbed during con-
struction, and the top of the monument shall be not
less than twelve (12) inches below the natural ground.
-25 -
2. Lot Marker s
Lot markers shall be 1 /2-inch reinforcing bar,
eighteen (18) inches long, or approved equal, and
shall be placed at all lot corners flush with the
ground, or below ground, if nece ssary, in orde r to
avoid being disturbed.
~ :
All improvements within the City shall be in accordance with
the standard specifications and construction details of the
1. Concr ete Strength Requirements
Concr ete Cur band Gutte r
Concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed of
a concrete batch de sign, providing a seven (7)
day flexural beam strength of 600 p. s. 1.
b. Reinforced Concrete Pavement and Monolithic
Concrete pavement and monolithic curb properly
and continuously reinforced shall be constructed
of a concrete batch de sign, providing a seven (7)
day flexural beam strength of 525 p. s. 1.
2. Pavement Thickne ss Requirements
Re sidential Street and Alley Construction
Residential streets and alleys shall be designed
and constructed with adequate thickne ss, based
on Texas Highway Department triaxial design
criteria, to provide for unlimited repetitions of
5, OOO-pound wheel load and a minimum of
7,000 repetitions of 18, 000 -pound axle load.
A six (6)-inch thickness of 3,000 p. s. 1. rein-
forced concrete pavement shall be deemed to
meet or exceed the loading requirements outlined
above. Said SlX {b)-inch thickness will be
acceptable without performing additional soils
investigation or de sign calculations. Any pro-
posed pavement section of lesser thickness or
alternate materials shall be fully documented
by the de sign enginee r to substantiate the fact
that such alternate will provide the capacity
for the axle loads noted above and must be
approved by the City.
Collector Street and Commercial or Industrial
Alley Construction
Collector streets shall be de signed and con-
structed with adequate thickness, based on
Texas Highway Department triaxial design
criteria, to provide for unlimited repetitions
of 8, OOO-pound wheel load and a minimum of
70,000 repetitions of l8, OOO-pound axle loads.
A six (b)-inch thickness of 3,500 p. s. 1. re-
inforced concrete pavement with a stabilized
subbase of not less than six (6) inches shall
be deemed to meet or exceed the se load re-
quirements, except that stabilization will not
be required where subbase material has a
plasticity index of less than 12. Said six (6)-
inch thickne ss and subbase stabilization will
be acceptable without performing additional
soils inve stigation or de sign calculations.
Any proposed pavement section of lesser thick-
I .
ness or alternate materials or subbase
-28 -
stabilization shall be fully documented by the
de sign engince r to substantiate the fact that
such alternate will provide the capacity for
the axle loads noted above and must be approved
by the City.
c. Thoroughfare Construction
Thoroughfares shall be designed and constructed
with adequate thickness, based on Texas High-
way Department triaxial de sign criteria, to
provide for unlimited repetitions of 12,000-
pound wheel load. An eight (8) -inch thickness
'of 3,.500.p. s; 1. reinforced concrete pavement
with a stabilized subbase of not less than six
(6) inches shall be deemed to meet or exceed
the se load requirements except that stabilization
will not be required where subbase material
ha s a pIa sticity index of Ie s s than twelve (12).
Said eight (8)-inch thickness and subbase sta-
bilization will be acceptable without performing
additional soils investigation or design calcu-
lations. Any proposed pavement section of
lesser thickness or alternate materials or
subbase stabilization shall be fully documented
by the de sign enginee r to substantiate the fact
that such alternate will provide the capacity for
the axle loads noted above and must be approved
by the City.
Concrete sidewalks constructed of 2,000 p. s. 1. concrete
reinforced with 6" x 6" x #6 x #6 steel mesh and having a
width of not less than four (4) feet and thickness of not less
than four (4) inches shall be constructed on both sides of
all streets and thoroughfares within the subdivision. Side-
walks shall be constructed one (l) foot from the property
line within the street or thoroughfare right":of-wayand shall .
extend along the street frontage including the side of corner
lots and block ends. Construction of sidewalks adjacent to
curb in residential areas will be considered only where
driveway entrances are constructed from the rear of lots
on each side of the street for the full length of the block.
In these instances, the sidewalk shall be five (5) feet wide.
1. General
The design of storm drainage improvements in the
City of Wylie shall be based on flood discharges de-
termined from the Rational Formula. The formula
for calculating storm flows in this manner IS --
Q = CIA,
whe re
Q is the storm flow at a given point;
C is a coefficient equal to the ratio
that the peak rate of run-off bears
to the average rate of rainfall;
I is the average intensity of rainfall
for a period equal to the time of
flow from the farthest point of the
drainage area to the first inlet point
on the storm sewer;
A is the area tributary to the design
2. Run-off Coefficient
The run-off coefficient which considers the slope of
the terrain, the character of the land use, the length
of overland flow, and the imperviousne s s of the
drainage area shall be determined from the ultimate
land development as shown on the Ma ste r Plan of the
City. The run-off coefficient for the appropriate land
uses shall be as follows:
Commercial Areas
Industrial Areas
Re sidential A rea s
Apartment Areas
Park Areas
O. 70
3. Rainfall Intensity - Frequency
The rainfall intensity - frequency curves which are
shown on Plate 1 are plotted from data by the U. s.
Department of Commerce Weather Bureau in Tech-
nical Paper No. 25. The intensity, I, in the formula
Q = CIA is determined from these curves by arriving
at a time of concentration and adapting a storm fre-
quency upon which to base the drainage improvements.
a. Time of Concentration
The time of concentration, which is the time of
flow from the farthe st point of the drainage area
to the first inlet in the system, consists of the
time required to flow overland plus the time re-
quired to flow in the gutter to the inlet. A
minimum time of concentration of fifteen (15)
minutes shall be used for all areas except com-
mercial areas, and a minimum time of concen-
tration of ten (lO) minutes shall be used in
Type of
*Storm Sewer s
~~Culvert s,
Bridge s,
Channel s
and Creeks
*~'<Culvert s,
Channel s
and Creeks
*~~~~ Culverts,
Channel s
and Creeks
comnlercial areas. A nomograph, shown on
. Plate 2, is attached for estimating the time
of concentration.
b. Storm Frequency
De sign sto rm frequencie s for the storm drain-
age improvements in the City are shown in a
table as follows:
De scription
of Area
to be
Time of
(Minute s)
De sign
and Industrial
Any type of
area less than
100 acres
Any type of
area greater
than 100 acres
but less than
1,000 acres
Any type of
area greater
than 1,000 acres
~<When the maximum time of concentration or area to be drained
is exceeded, the design shall be based on a ten (10) year frequency.
~<*When the maximum time of concentration or area to be drained
is exceeded, the de sign shall be based on a twenty-five (25) year
*~<*Whenever, ln a storm sewer system, an inlet is located at a low
point so that flow in excess of the storm sewer capacity would be
directed onto private property, the de sign frequency shall be in-
creased beyond five (5) years. If the inlet location is such that
overflow could cause damage or serious inconvenience, it may
be desirable to increase the design frequency to as much as
twenty-five (25) years.
4. Area
The area used in dete rmining flows by the "Rational
Formula" shall be calculated by subdividing a map
into drainage areas within the basin contributing
storm water run-off to the system.
5. Spread of Water
During the design storm, the quantity of storm water
that is allowed to collect in the streets before being
inte rcepted by a storm drainage system is referred
to as the" spread of water". In determining the limi-
tations for carrying storm water in the street, the
ultimate development of the street shall be considered.
TJ:e use of the street for carrying storm water shall
be limited to the following.
Major thoroughfares (divided) - One traffic lane on
each side to remain clear.
Thoroughfare s (not divided) - Two traffic lanes to
remain clear.
Collector streets - One traffic lane to remain clear.
Residential streets - Six (6) inch depth of flow at
curb, or no lane s completely clear.
Curve s are provided on Plate 3 for determining the
spread of water for certain gutter slopes, gutter dis-
charge and pavement crown. Also, provided are curves
for determining the depth of gutter flow (Plate 4) and
curve s for determining the curb inlet opening length
(Plate 5).
6. Storm Sewer Design
Storm. water in excess of that allowed to collect in the
street s shall be intercepted in inlets and carried
away in a storm sewer system. Storm sewer capa-
city shall be calculated by Manning's Formula --
Q= 1.486AR2/3Sl/2
Q is the discharge in cubic feet per second;
A is the cross-sectional area of flow in
square feet;
R is the hydraulic radius in feet;
S is the slope of the hydraulic gradient in
feet per foot;
n is the coefficient of roughness (n=. 013 for
new concrete pipe)
Sample computation sheets are included for inlet and
storm sewer de sign calculations.
In the de sign of the storm sewer system, the elevation
of the hydraulic gradient of the storm sewe r shall be
a minimum of 1.5 feet be low the elevation of the ad-
jacent street gutter. Storm sewer pipe sizes shall
be so selected that the average velocity in the pipe
will not exceed fifteen (15) feet per second nor les s
than three(3) feet per second.
Storm sewer sy stems shall be installed in all area s
where the quantity of storm run-off is 300 cubic feet
per second, or less. A storm sewer system may be
constructed when the quantity exceeds 300 c. f. s. at
the discretion of the subdivide r.
7. Open Channel Design
Storm water run-off in excess of that allowed to collect
in the streets in developed areas and run-off in
Type of Lining
Earth (Bermuda Grass)
Earth (Non Vegetated)
Concrete Lined
Weathered Rock
undevcloped areas rnay be carried in opcn channcls
(not in the street right-of-way). Open channel capa-
city shall be calculated by Manning's Formula and
roughne s s coefficient s shall be a s follows:
Maximum Permissable
Roughne ss Coefficient "n" Mean Velocity
0.035 8 ft. per sec.
0.030 5 ft. per sec.
0.015 15 ft. per sec.
0.03 l5 ft. per sec.
Open channels shall be constructed with a trapezoidal
cross-section and shall have side slopes no steeper
than 3:1 in earth and 1. 5:1 when lined with concrete.
Earth open channels will be allowed only upon special
approval by the City.
Reinforced concrete lining shall be constructed in all
open channels having a design quantity of run-off
greater than 300 cubic feet per second and less than
2,000 cubic feet per second. Open channels having
a quantity greater than 2,000 c. f. s. may be either
earthen channel or concrete lined. The subdivider shall
dedicate a right-of-way on all open channels of suf-
ficient width to provide for excavation of the open
channels of proper width, plus ten (I 0) feet on each
side to permit ingress and egress for maintenance.
8. Culvert Design
At locations of creek crossings with proposed roadway
improvcrn,ents, it is sometimes necessary to receive
and transport storm water under the roadway in cul-
verts. The quantit.y of flo\v shall be detcnnincd by
the Rational Formual, and the capacity of the culvert
shall be calculated by Mannings' Formula.
Design of culverts shall include the determination of
upstream backwater conditions as will as downstream
velocitie s and flooding conditions. Consideration
shall be given to the discharge velocity from culverts,
and the following limitations are allowed.
Culvert Discharging
On To
Maximum Allowable
Velocity (1. p. s. )
Sod Earth
Paved or Riprap Apron
Generally, all culverts shall be designed with a free
outfall and the following head losses shall govern
the de sign of the culvert:
1. Frictional Head Lo ss
hf = sfL
Sf = Slope of frictional gradient in feet per foot
L = Length of culvert in feet.
2. Head Loss due to change in Velocity
hv = V22 - v12
w he re
2g 2g
v2 = Velocity in culvert
vl = Velocity in channel above culvert
g = Acceleration due to gravity.
3. Head Loss at Upslrealn Entrance to Culvert
Due to Entrance and Changc in Section
he 2
= v2
he 2 0.5 v 2
= v2 1
2g 2g
whe re vl id equal to or
less than six (6) feet
per sccond.
where vI is greater
than six (6) feet pe r
Water systems shall have sufficient number of outlets and
shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate dome stic
water supply, to furnish fire protection to all lots, and to
conform with the City"s Master Water Plan.
1. All water mains shall be constructed in streets.
2. All water mains twelve (12) inch and smaller shall
be cast iron pipe, Class l50 unless otherwise spe-
cified, with single rubber gasket joint, shall have
a cement mortar lining of the !IEnameline!l type, or
approved equal, and shall have a minimum cover of
forty-two (42) inches. Water mains fourteen (l4)
inch and larger may be either cast iron or ductile
iron pipe, Class 150 minimum, with cement mortar
lining, or reinforced concrete steel cylinder pIpe,
Class 150 mInImum.
3. Fittings shall be cast iron with mechanical joints and
shall be cement lined, unless the pipe material is
reinforced concrete steel cylindcr in which case
special fittings shall be furnished.
4. In general, fire hydrants shall be placed on block
corners or near the center of the block in such a
manne r a s to place all of every lot within a radius
of five, hundred (500) feet of a fire hydrant in re si-
dential areas and within a radius of three hundred
(300) feet in commercial or industrial areas.
5. All fire hydrants shall have one (1) pumper nozzle
and two (2) hose nozzles with the City's standard
threads, shall have a main barrel valve opening of
not less than five (5) inches, and shall be placed on
mains of not less than six (6) inches in diameter.
Six (6)-inch gate valves shall be placed on all fire
hydrant leads.
or:' r; .'
Sanitary sewer facilities shall be provided to adequately
service the subdivision and conform with the City's Master
Sanitary Sewer Plan.
1. All sewer plpe shall be vitrified clay sewer pipe and
shall be extra strength in Slze s twelve (12) inch and
smalle r.
2. A minimum of eight (8)-inch sewer pipe shall be
specified, except that six (6)-inch lines will be
acceptable only on short line s and in the locations
whe re so approved by the City.
3. All sanitary sewer pipe joints shall be of the pre-
moulded type conforming to A. S. T. M. De signation
4. Wherever possible, sewers shall be located in the
alleys or easements and shail be five (5) feet to
" ,
six and one-half (6-l /2) feel deep to invert.
5. Grades and appurtenances of sanitary sewers shall
conform to the requirements of the Texas State
Departmcnt of Hcalth and the City of Wylie, Texas.
1. All services for utilities shall be made available for
each lot in such a manne r so as to eliminate the
necessity for disturbing the street and alley pave-
ment, curb, gutter, sidewalks, and drainage struc-
tures when connections are made.
2. Water service lines shall be a minimum of three-
fourths (3/4) of an inch Type "K" copper and shall
be provided with a corporation at the main and a curb
stop located at least two (2) feet outside of curb with
cover not to exceed one and one-half (1-1/2) feet.
3. Sanitary sewer se rvice line s shall be a minimum of
four (4)-inch, shall meet the same requirements
for Sanitary Sewer s described above, shall be con-
structed from the main to the lot property line using
wyes and necessary bends, and shall have a mInImum
cover at the property line of four (4) feet, where
po s sible.
4. The subdivider shall place a suitable marker at the
point where said service lines are stubbed out so
that these lines can be easily located for connection
by the City.
5. The subdivider shall make arrangements with all
other appropriate utility companie s for the extension
of their respective utility lines and serVIce to and
within the addition and for any co sts or refunds of
such cost.
6. The use of underground electrical serVIces and trans-
mission line sis encouraged for all subdivisions
where feasible.
-40 -
(A) The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid to
the City when any plat is tendered to the Planning and Zoning
Commission or any other authorized board or agency of
the City. Each of the fees and charges provided herein
shall be paid in advance, and no action of the Planning
and Zoning Commission or any other board or agency
shall be valid until the fee or fe e s shall have be en paid to
the officer designated therein.
(B) The City Manager, his deputie s or assistants, shall cal-
culate the fees and charges in accordance with the following
1. Preliminary Plats - $10.00 per plat, plus $l. 00 per
2. Final Plats - $20.00 per plat, plus $2.00 per lot.
3. For approval of multiple dwelling areas, commercial
or industrial areas not subdivided into lots, both
preliminary and final plats shall carry a fee of $5.00
per acre per plat.
lf~Af{e~e::~J;r~{10r locating
t'y, 9-:'t-\t(, J~,t".f'f"..t-/
tr aIle r c'O~ cne s --
Preliminary Plats - $7.50 per acre
Final Plats - $15.00 per acre.
5. These fees shall be charged on all plats, regardless
of the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion and whether the plat is approved or denied.
The subdivider shall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance
bond with a reputable and solvent corporate surety, in favor of
the City, to indemnify the City against any repairs which may
become nece ssary to any part of the construction work performed
in connection with the subdivision, arising from defective work-
manship or materials used therein, for a full period of one (1)
year from the date of final acceptance of the entire project. Final
acceptance will be withheld until said maintenance bond is fur-
nished to the City.
-42 -
The se rules and regulations are the standard requirements
of the City of Wylie, Texas. A suspension of any of these
rules and regulations may be granted by the City Council,
upon a showing that there are special circumstances or
conditions affecting the property in question, that enforce-
ment of the provisions of this Ordinance will deprive the
applicant of a substantial property right, and that such
suspension, if granted, will not be materially detrimental
to the public welfare or injurious to other property or
property rights in the vicinity.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of
the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to comply
with any provision hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be subject to a fine not to
exceed Two Hundred Dollar s ($200.00), and each day that
such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense
and shall be punishable accordingly.
All ordinance s and parts of ordinance s inconsistent or In
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
If any section or part of any section, paragraph or clause
of this Ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional
for any reason, such declaration shall not be held to
invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any
other section or sections, part of section, paragraph or
clause of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
its publication.
Passed and adopted this
,2, 1
da y of
, 1971.
Ma yo r
City Secretary
City Attorney