08-10-2020 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes IA,
WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday,August 10,2020—6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
300 Country Club Road#100
Wylie,Texas 75098
Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Swendig,
Board Member Suarez, Board Member Allen, Board Member Mullis, and Board Member Stewart in
attendance. Board Willeford was absent from the meeting
Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz and Parks Board Secretary Janet
No citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 13, 2020
Board Action:
Board Member Suarez made a motion to approve the Minutes from the July 13, 2020 Meeting.
Board Member Swendig seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0.
2. Consider and act upon recommending the Founders Park Master Plan.
Director Diaz presented the Board with 3-D renderings as well as additional details of the
Founders Park Master Plan put together by consultants Halff and Associates. The primary
priority for the proposed phase of the Founders Park Master Plan is to focus on patron safety.
The plan features use of underdeveloped portions of the park including increased parking
throughout, improved and additional football and soccer fields, additional restroom and
concession facilities, extended trail, larger plaza areas, shortened softball fields C and D reduced
from 300 feet to 250 feet each, the development of improved road access through the park, and
the addition of an all-inclusive playground to the replace the aging Pirate Cove Playground. The
Founders Park Master Plan includes four possible phases with estimated costs as follows: phase
one $5,267,438; phase two$5,236,684; phase three$4,726,548; phase four$710,498; and a
grand total estimated cost of$15,941,169 inclusive of all four phases.
The Board consensus was to table the item until after staff gave league officials the opportunity to
review and provide feedback on the completed Founders Park Master Plan. League officials will
be invited to attend the September Parks and Recreation Board meeting in order to provide their
input and address any questions they might have in regards to the plan.
Board Action:
Board Member Stewart made a motion to table the consider and act upon recommending the
Founders Park Master Plan until after staff receives input on the plan from league officials. Board
Member Mullis seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0.
• Future Projects
Director Diaz advised he is seeking the Parks and Recreation Board Member's perspective of
which priority ranking projects they would like staff to pursue; the formation of a related advisory
sub-committee would come later. He stated he would like the Board to narrow down their focus
to only a few items of which they would initially prioritize as recommendations to City Council.
Board Chairperson Robinson requested staff provide the Board a list of resources as well as
revenue projections that can be generated by the addition of new projects. Director Diaz
reminded that the Board isn't responsible for providing input from where the funding will come
from, but that he would provide them with the area of the Parks and Recreation Open Space
Master Plan wherein they can view associated costs for each priority ranking.
Director Diaz noted that in the 2020/2021 budget there is funding allotted for an aquatics study
that would look at projected operational costs and revenues, as well as a study for the possible
development of park areas around Lavon Lake.
• Current Projects update
Director Diaz presented the Board with progress pictures of the Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail
connection project,which includes two large low-water crossings. The project is between 50 and
75 percent complete and the final completion date is expected in mid to late September.
As discussed earlier in the meeting as a regular agenda item, the Founders Park Master Plan is
98% complete and awaiting final approval of a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation
Staff continues to work on construction documents for Phase 1 improvements to the Thomas and
Mattie Brown House with the project's expected completion date to be fall of 2020. The
accessible lift and possible ramp location at the Thomas and Mattie Brown House are in review
by staff and the Historical Review Commission.
Staff is finalizing the start date for construction at Avalon Park fence project wherein a four-foot
PVC fence will be added to the perimeter of the park in order to ensure future patron safety.
There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Allen. Board Member
Suarez seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48
Ja(et Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary oni inson, Parks Board Chairperson
Minutes August 10, 2020
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
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