10-06-2020 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & o ning Commission OF lvt, ivy- , r , f Om rr, 2.,,_,_ uu Twigr (,..._ gr it f fir' �! � ��� A„ ®,1 f ti 'dikr'=li . ter r/ — �Id r t 7t—r,_r mot_! \,, „"" 111110 __� `p,'r ; _ S, tea_ti _ Goydick ,COLORAD0 -` My^Lq F E RA tit Krq 11 Le a 18870 ir ` uEof tell‘ s c o er 1 Regular Business Meeting Planning & Zoning Commission CITY OF NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda October 6, 2020 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Cory Plunk Chair Bryan Rogers Vice Chair Dan Norris Commissioner Taylor Newsom Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Charla Riner Commissioner Brian Ortiz Commissioner Jasen Haskins Planning Manager Kevin Molina Senior Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: wwwwylietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners request that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. October 6,2020 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 15, 2020 Regular Meeting. B. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to create one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. C. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to establish one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. D. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to create one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. E. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to establish one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. F. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding an Amended Plat for Lot 1 Block A Wylie Junior High School Addition, to establish fire lane, access, and utility easements for one lot on 44.889 acres, located at 950 and 1050 Park Boulevard. EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Planning & Zoning Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Planning & Zoning Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Planning & Zoning Commission 1 at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Planning & Zoning Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for R.V. Groves Elementary School, on Lot 1, Block A of R.V. Groves Elementary School, on 10.343 acres. Property located at 1100 McCreary Road. 2. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Davis Intermediate School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 950 Park Blvd. October 6,2020 Planning&Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 3. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for McMillan Junior High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 1050 Park Blvd. 4. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Townhouse District (TH), to allow for single family attached residential development on 1.83 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and WA Allen Boulevard. (ZC2020-09) 5. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Neighborhood Services District (NS) to Neighborhood Services District Special Use Permit (NS-SUP), to allow for a convenience store with a motor fueling station on 1.056 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Park Boulevard and Country Club Road. (ZC2020-11) WORK SESSION 1. Hold a Work Session to discuss the rescheduling of the November Planning and Zoning Meeting. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certift that this Notice of Meeting was posted on October 2, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: wwwwylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Planning & Zoning Commission CFFY OF Minutes Regular Meeting September 15, 2020—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Cory Plunk presided over the meeting and called the meeting to order at 6:00PM. Commissioners present: Chair Cory Plunk, Vice Chair Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Brian Ortiz, Commissioner Taylor Newsom, Commissioner Dan Norris and Commissioner Riner. Those absent: Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Kevin Molina, Senior Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Newsom gave the invocation and Commissioner Norris led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In addition, Commissioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation No one approached the Commissioners. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 1, 2020 Regular Meeting. B. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Redwood at the Lake Ph2 Addition, establishing two lots on 30.58 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of Vinson Road and County Line Road. Commission Action Minutes September 15,2020 Planning&Zoning Page 1 A motion was made by Vice Chair Rogers, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion carried 6-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing,consider,and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development (PD), amending PD 2017-31, to allow for single family residential development on 15.88 acres, generally located on Sachse Road approximately 1700' south of Dominion Drive. (ZC2020-10) Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is requesting to rezone 15.88 acres by amending the existing Dominion of Pleasant Valley Planned Development(PD 2017-31)and include this property in that Planned Development. The addition will increase single family residential lot count from 1,025 to 1,104, and add two acres of open space.. The Planned Development allows three types of single family residential lot sizes. The proposed addition will increase the 60 feet width lots (Type B)by nine lots, the 50 feet width lots (Type C)by 70 lots, with no change to the number of Type A lots. The open space area for the entire planned development is increasing from 81.10 acres to 83.17 acres. Public comment forms were mailed to 165 property owners. One response was received in favor and no comments received in opposition of the request. Board Discussion Mr. Ron Haynes, owner/developer, Haynes Development Company, 6206 Lupton Drive, Dallas, Texas, gave a presentation to the Commissioners, stating that the planned development allows three types of lot widths. In the existing development, there are three types of lot widths with a percentage of number of lots allowed, Type A with a 70 feet lot width 20 percent, Type B with a 60 feet lot width 40 percent, and 40 percent with a 50 feet lot width. The development is split between school districts. Two thirds of the development is within Dallas County. The proposed addition is all within Dallas County. Public Comments Chair Plunk opened the Public Hearing. Ms. Debbie Lorraine, 209 Lenton Rose Drive, spoke in favor of the request, asking about the type of amenities within the open space. Mr. Haynes stated that the two acres would be open green space with no amenities. Chair Plunk closed the Public Hearing. Board Action Minutes September 15,2020 Planning&Zoning Page 2 A motion was made by Vice Chair Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner Newsom, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Planned Development (PD), amending PD 2017-31, to allow for single family residential development on 15.88 acres, generally located on Sachse Road approximately 1700' south of Dominion Drive. (ZC2020-10) A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing,consider,and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District(AG/30)to Agricultural District Special Use Permit (AG/30-SUP), to allow for development conditions of an existing WasteWater Treatment Plant on 50.322 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Elm Grove Road. (ZC2020-12) Staff Presentation Mr.Molina stated that the North Texas Municipal Water District is requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) within the Agricultural District to allow for the continued use and expansion of an existing Wastewater Treatment Plan on 50.322 acres. The Specific Use Permit Conditions require the NTMWD to expand a landscaped berm with a minimum of six feet in height with a minimum 3:1 slope. These conditions will provide ample screening of the site along the frontage of Pleasant Valley Road and the adjacent border of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley residential development. The conditions also allow the conduct further development of the site without conducting a tree survey or mitigation on the 19.3 acres of undeveloped area, which is normally required by the Zoning Ordinance. Four public comments forms were mailed and no comments responses were received in favor or in opposition of the request. Board Discussion Mr. Tony Sosebee, Huitt-Zolars, 4232 Allencrest Lane, Dallas, engineering firm for applicant, stated that all facilities are odor control and exceeds the requirements from the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality requirements. Public Comments Chair Plunk opened the Public Hearing Mr. Ron Haynes, developer, Haynes Development Company, 6206 Lupton Drive, Dallas, Texas, spoke in favor and requested for Red Cedars as a landscape buffer between his property and the subject property. Mr. Sosebee stated that the landscape will match the current landscape berm. Chair Plunk closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner Newsom, to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District Minutes September 15,2020 Planning&Zoning Page 3 (AG/30) to Agricultural District Special Use Permit (AG/30-SUP), to allow for development conditions of an existing WasteWater Treatment Plant on 50.322 acres, generally located on the northwest corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Elm Grove Road. (ZC2020-12). A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. WORK SESSION 1. Hold a Work Session to discuss the zoning ordinance in regards to carports and accessory buildings. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the purpose of the work session is to receive direction and discuss whether an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance is warranted to avoid the need of homeowners having to apply for variances to accessory structures and carport setbacks with rear alley access. Variances have been approved for accessory structures and staff recommended changes to allow 15 feet in height with a three feet setback. Variances were also approved for properties with an alley access to allow carports with a 10 feet setback and staff recommends that change. Board Discussion and Direction The Commissioners agreed the request was reasonable and directed staff to proceed forward on amending the Zoning Ordinance: to increase the height of an Accessory Structure to 15 feet and 20 feet height on lots that are one acre or more; setbacks for accessory structures to three feet setback to the rear and side setback; and to decrease the required setback to 5 feet for carports with rear alley access. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Newsom, and seconded by Commissioner Riner,to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 PM. A vote was taken and carried 6 - 0. Cory Plunk, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley Minutes September 15,2020 Planning&Zoning Page 4 Planning & Zoning g c Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: B Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Stone 2514 Addition Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor(CC) Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to create one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to create one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. Discussion OWNER: Stone Street Properties APPLICANT: Boundary Solutions The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat to create Lot 1,Block A of Stone 2514 Addition on 1.275 acres. The purpose is to create one lot for marketing and sale purposes. The property was rezoned from Agricultural District to Commercial Corridor District in September 2020. As the boundaries must be set for a transfer of property, and the Subdivision Regulations allow for concurrent consideration of preliminary and final plats, a final plat for this same property is also on this agenda. Once sold and a development is proposed, the site will require approval of an amended plat, along with an approved site plan, to finalize any needed utility and fire lane easements. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on October 27, 2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 / ' ..' ( ---- , PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN `*. .._ _ '� ,.,� - _ _ WHEREAS, Stone Street Properties, LP, is the Owner of a tract of land situated in the L.M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, City of Wylie, Collin County, _ _ -�"" .,., - - - - - ~�. - ___,_._ _--_.._ -- --- -_ Texas, and being part of that called 1.00 acres of land described in a deed to Stone Street Properties as recorded in Volume 5888, Page 3339 of the — _ _..._ - "�* ..�,,,,,� �'�- — _ �` -� _ Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of that called 0.38 acres of land described in deed to Stone Street Properties as recorded under CC# - _ -- --.,� - 20070213000201550 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being further described as follows: -- --, ___ '� �" ---__ BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch steel rod set on the South line of Parker Road (F.M. Highway No. 2514), on the West line of said 1.00 acres, on the East line �""" ""~ of that called 0.908 acres of land described in deed to Kurt Allen Strange as recorded in Volume 5093, Page 2104 of the Land Records of Collin County, �„ .. .._._ -- Texas, and at the Southwest corner of that called 0.0845 acres of land described under CC# 20160126000091170 of the Official Public Records of Collin --'" ! „� .r----�- -.....-w - _____ — ---- " - County, Texas; } --�_ �..... -- _____-- 55� - - `__. �_T_ _ - _ ^� -� - — — THENCE along the South line of Parker Road and the South line of said 0.0845 acres as follows: - ' _.--`a' I �` '""'Parker Road (F.M. 2514) � ..-` - �� North 89 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds East, 4.94 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; '� �- ___-'- CALLED 0.0317 ACRES CALLED 0 0845 ACRES ''� .- -- - South 87 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East, 210.94 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set on the East line of said 1.00 acres, and on the West line of STATE OF TEXAS that called 2.0758 acres of land described in deed to Ma De Los Angeles Ferrel Vera and Jose Manuel Arevalo Espinoza as recorded under CC CC 20150928001227590 _ STATE OF TEXAS m _ 9 P ` N_ 89°12 50 CC 20160126000091170 - _ - _ - _�_ 20190405000360510 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and at the Southeast corner of said 0.0845 acres; - - - - - - 4.94' 87°23'00" E 210.94' ) CALLED 0.1857 ACRES -- THENCE South 16 degrees 23 minutes 01 seconds West, 121. 17 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found at the North corner of said 0.38 acres, and at an _ 5 8"sRs ��t,31Fr STATE OF TEXAS r�k - 5/8'SRS - ,2v or - - CC# 20150928001225990 f / angle poin o sal acres; POINT OF 5/8"SRS — — / THENCE South 22 degrees 31 minutes 21 seconds East, 64.54 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found at a common angle point of said 0.38 acres and said BEGINNING ( / - _ - 2.0758 acres; THENCE South 03 degrees 23 minutes 38 seconds West, 102.93 feet to a 3/4 inch steel rod found at the Southeast corner of said 0.38 acres, at the / l Southwest corner of said 2.0758 acres, and on the North line of Lot 5, Block C of Kingsbridge as recorded in Volume 2015, Page 126 of the Plat '' / I Records of Collin County, Texas; / ) - . ( / /' ' THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 03 seconds West, 194.32 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at the Southwest corner of said 0.38 acres, at the Southeast corner of said 0.908 acres, and at an angle point on the North line of Lot 3; \ i , ) // ,� THENCE North 01 degrees 09 minutes 34 seconds West (Directional Control Line), 286.43 feet along the West line of said 0.38 acres and said 1.00 acres 'soto the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.275 acres of land. LOT 1, BLOCK A � At `° l / I (')/ 1 .275 ACRES ) NN, / NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: LOT 1 55,560 SQ.FT. / / CALLED 2.0758 ACRES That Stone Street Properties, LP, acting herein by and through his duly authorized officers, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above BLOCK C CD described property as Final Plat of Stone 2514 Addition, Lot 1, Block A, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, N �`� MA. DE LOS ANGELES FERREL VERA KINGSBRIDGE f in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are VOL. 2015, PG. 126 (,1/2'SRF JOSS MANUEL AREVALO ESPINOZA dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on T CCU 20190405000360510 /(/ this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as I `e shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, ,� '�� N f utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement \ �\ ,/ cy, ,. cr w .--�mm / limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. ( \ o 0 ( 3'� �,,. '` / The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other 1\1\-7 .....* Z improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said II o Z ! Gj��''� easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements f for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their ----) > 1/2"s / respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, i (r regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. 7 CALLED 0.908 ACRES ___ � KURT\ / I ALLEN STRANGE _ cane. W/SW \ WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2020. VOL. 5093, PG. 2104 0 ( -,1 \ ( BY: } /1\11 Building 1 \ 1 * N ' l Authorized Representative Stone Street Properties, LP I o ) \ i o \ _ 5/8'SRS® l 3/4"SRF - / — Printed Name and Title N�9:28' W 194.32' dt/2'>SRF J — ` j ( ) ,/ STATE OF TEXAS �� COUNTY OF COLLIN LOT 3 / !)( BLOCK C / LOT 5 � ' I BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared KINGSBRIDGE 7 , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and VOL. 2015, PG. 126 0 / I BLOCK C acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. LOT 4 ` KINGSBRIDGE LOT 2 BLOCK C VOL. 2015, PG. 126 BLOCK C / KINGSBRIDGE I ` GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2020. KINGSBRIDGE / VOL. 2015, PG. 126 / ,/ VOL. 2015, PG. 126 / \ 1 , I T / / 7 i I/ ( / / SRS = STEEL ROD SET / \ \ Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas SRF = STEEL ROD FOUND / I / 0 DENOTES 5/8" STEEL ROD SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. / i My Commission Expires On: Note: Bearings based on Texas Plane Coordinate 11/2"SRF — — 1/2"SRF - — 1/2"sRF System, Texas North Central Zone 4202, NAD83. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Note: All 5/8 inch steel rods set have red plastic Note: Contours shown hereon scaled from Collin KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: cap stamped "Boundary Solutions" County Interactive Map. I THAT, I, Matthew Busby do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and NOTICE: that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City of Wylie. Selling a portion of this addition by PRELIMINARY & FOR REVIEW ONLY. metes and bounds is a violation of City FLOOD NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE Ordinance and State Law and is subject RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. Subject tract located in Zone 'X' as scaled from to fines and withholdings of utilities F.I.R.M. 48085C0415J, dated June 2, 2009 Matthew Busby R.P.L.S. 5751 and building permits. Zone 'X' - "Areas determined to be outside the STATE OF TEXAS "Recommended for Approval" 0.2. annual chance floodplain. " COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Matthew Busby, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he iih../1.1 executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date City of Wylie, Texas VICINITY MAP GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2020. "Approved for Construction" (Not to Scale) 3 Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas F.M. 2514 SCALE: 1 "Accepted" r Brionna SUBJECT =40 My Commission Expires On: o , ) . DOItOfl M 0' 40' 80' 120' 160' PRELIMINARY PLAT 0 l W CN Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date J o op Irene a; N °t ,0 The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the STONE 2514 AD D I T I O N foregoing final plat of the Final Plat of Stone 2514 Addition, Lot 1, Block A, an Addition to P.R. 5235 `` the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas was submitted to the City Council on the __- day of ' 1 2020, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the 'Whitcomb.' LOT 1 BLOCK A dedication of streets, alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. TOTAL ACREAGE - 1 .275 ACRES Witness my hand this ___ day of A.D., 2020. Windomere L. M . MARSHALL SURVEY, A-594 SURVEYOR: OWNER: City Secretary ar City of Wylie, Texas -g)/ Boundary Solutions Stone Street Properties, LP CITYOF WYLIE BND.SOL. Job# 2008-022 1 16 McKinney St. PO Box 92341 Date Pre Septembe a 8d•2020 Farmersville, TX Southlake, TX 76092 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 214-499 -8472 Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: C Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Stone 2514 Addition Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor(CC) Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to establish one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Stone 2514 Addition, to establish one commercial lot on 1.275 acres, located at 7940 E. Parker Road. Discussion OWNER: Stone Street Properties APPLICANT: Boundary Solutions The applicant has submitted a final plat to establish Lot 1, Block A of Stone 2514 Addition on 1.275 acres. The purpose is to establish one lot for marketing and sale purposes. The property was rezoned from Agricultural District to Commercial Corridor District in September 2020. As the boundaries must be set for a transfer of property, and the Subdivision Regulations allow for concurrent consideration of preliminary and final plats, a preliminary plat for this same property is also on this agenda. Once sold and a development is proposed, the site will require approval of an amended plat, along with an approved site plan, to finalize any needed utility and fire lane easements. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on October 27, 2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN WHEREAS, Stone Street Properties, LP, is the Owner of a tract of land situated in the L.M. Marshall Survey, Abstract No. 594, City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being part of that called 1.00 acres of land described in a deed to Stone Street Properties as recorded in Volume 5888, Page 3339 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and being all of that called 0.38 acres of land described in deed to Stone Street Properties as recorded under CC# 20070213000201550 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being further described as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch steel rod set on the South line of Parker Road (F.M. Highway No. 2514), on the West line of said 1.00 acres, on the East line of that called 0.908 acres of land described in deed to Kurt Allen Strange as recorded in Volume 5093, Page 2104 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas, and at the Southwest corner of that called 0.0845 acres of land described under CC# 201 60126000091170 of the Official Public Records of Collin Parker Road County, Texas; (F.M. 2514) THENCE along the South line of Parker Road and the South line of said 0.0845 acres as follows: North 89 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds East, 4.94 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set; CALLED 0.0317 ACRES CALLED 0.0845 ACRES South 87 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds East, 210.94 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set on the East line of said 1.00 acres, and on the West line of STATE OF LFXAS STATE OF TEXAS that called 2.0758 acres of land described in deed to Ma De Los Angeles Ferrel Vera and Jose Manuel Arevalo Espinoza as recorded under CC# CC 20150928001227590 CC{ 20160126000091170 # N 89°12'50" E 20190405000360510 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and at the Southeast corner of said 0.0845 acres; /4.94 CALLED 0. 1857 ACRES THENCE South 16 degrees 23 minutes 01 seconds West, 121. 17 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found at the North corner of said 0.38 acres, and at an S 87°23 00 E 210.94' STATE OF TEXAS angle point of said 2.0758 acres; 5/8'SR� 5/8"SRS CC f 20150928001225990 POINT OF 5/8"sRs — THENCE South 22 degrees 31 minutes 21 seconds East, 64.54 feet to a 1/2 inch steel rod found at a common angle point of said 0.38 acres and said BEGINNING - 2.0758 acres; I THENCE South 03 degrees 23 minutes 38 seconds West, 102.93 feet to a 3/4 inch steel rod found at the Southeast corner of said 0.38 acres, at the Southwest corner of said 2.0758 acres, and on the North line of Lot 5, Block C of Kingsbridge as recorded in Volume 2015, Page 126 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas; N THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 03 seconds West, 194.32 feet to a 5/8 inch steel rod set at the Southwest corner of said 0.38 acres, at the Southeast corner of said 0.908 acres, and at an angle point on the North line of Lot 3; ,, THENCE North 01 degrees 09 minutes 34 seconds West (Directional Control Line), 286.43 feet along the West line of said 0.38 acres and said 1.00 acres N to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.275 acres of land. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: 1 IOT 1 •* co That Stone Street Properties, LP, acting herein by and through his duly authorized officers, do hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above BLOCK C CO described property as Final Plat of Stone 2514 Addition, Lot 1, Block A, an Addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and does hereby dedicate, KINGSBRIDCE (v LOT 1 , BLOCK A in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights-of-way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are VOL. 2015, PC. 126 , (,1/2"SRF dedicated for street purposes. The easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated, for the public use forever, for the purposes indicated on 1 .275 ACRES CALLED 2.0/58 ACRES this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed upon, over or across the easements as CALLED 0.908 ACRES 55,560 SQ.FT. cn MA. DE LOS ANGELES FERREL VERA shown, except that landscape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, KUR1 ALI EC .SIRANGF ° 1- \s utilityeasements mayalso be used for the mutual use and accommodation of allpublic utilities desiringto use or usingthe same unless the easement rr) 6)v JOSE MANUEL AREVALO ESPINOZA VOL. 5095, PG. 2104 A. �` limits the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subordinate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. o (.5, CC. 20 190405000360510 o �-�, The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other z- 0 r improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective systems in said °_ Z easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from their respective easements 0 for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or removing all or parts of their t) 1/2'SRF respective systems without the necessity at any time procuring permission from anyone. This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. In rn \ o WITNESS, my hand, this the day of , 2020. I BY: 03 In Authorized Representative NStone Street Properties, LP In o 5/8'SRSo 3/4"SRF Printed Name and Title N 89°28'03" W 194.32' T1/2»SRF STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 BLOCK C RIOCK C RIOCK C BLOCK C KINCSBRIDCE KINCSBRIDCE KINCSBRIDCE KINGSBRIDGE GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2020. VOI . 2015, PG. 126 VOI . 2015, PG. 126 VOL. 2015, PG. 126 VOL. 2015, PG. 126 I Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas SRS = STEEL ROD SET SRF = STEEL ROD FOUND My Commission Expires On: O DENOTES 5/8" STEEL ROD SET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Note: Bearings based on Texas Plane Coordinate 2"sKF /2sKF 1/2SRF System, Texas North Central Zone 4202, NAD83. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Note: All 5/8 inch steel rods set have red plastic KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: cap stamped "Boundary Solutions" THAT, I, Matthew Busby do hereby certify that I have prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and NOTICE: that the corner monuments shown thereon were properly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules and Regulations of the City of Wylie. Selling a portion of this addition by PRELIMINARY & FOR REVIEW ONLY. metes and bounds is a violation of City FLOOD NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE Ordinance and State Law and is subject RECORDED FOR ANY PURPOSE. Subject tract located in Zone 'X' as scaled from to fines and withholdings of utilities F.I.R.M. 48085C0415J, dated June 2, 2009 Matthew Busby R.P.L.S. 5751 and building permits. Zone 'X' - "Areas determined to be outside the STATE OF TEXAS "Recommended for Approval" 0.2% annual chance floodplain. " COUNTY OF COLLIN BEFORE me, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Matthew likivl Busby, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date City of Wylie, Texas VICINITY MAP GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this day of , 2020. "Approved for Construction" (Not to Scale) 3 r Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date Notary Public in and for Collin County, Texas "Accepted" 3- _ , SUBJECT F.M. 2514 SCALE: 1 "=40' My Commission Expires On: Brianna 0 0 40' 80' 120' c Dalton ,,, 160' Fl N A T PL/VT' � Y o to d. Wc.i Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date I i o Irene [1 a. CO The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, hereby certifies that the g STONE 2514 ADD I T I O N foregoing final plat of the Final Plat of Stone 2514 Addition, Lot 1, Block A, an Addition to P.R. 5235 `` the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas was submitted to the City Council on the --- day of L T 1 BLJCK A 2020, and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the Whitcomb dedication of streets, alley, parks, easement, public places, and water and sewer lines as shown and set forth in and upon said plat and said Council further authorized the Mayor to TOTAL ACREAGE = 1 .275 ACRES note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as herein above subscribed. Witness my hand this ___ day of A.D., 2020. Windomere L. M . MARSHALL SURVEY, A-594 SURVEYOR: OWNER: City Secretary City of Wylie, Texas Boundary Solutions Stone Street Properties, LP CITY OF WYLIE BND.SOL. Job# 2008-022 116 McKinney St. PO Box 92341 Date Pre Septembe a 8d�2020 Farmersville, TX Southlake, TX 76092 COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 214-499 -8472 Planning & Zoning g c Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: D Department: Planning R.V. Groves Elementary Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: School Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: PD 1998-28 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to create one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to create one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: RLK Engineering The plat will create one lot on 10.343 for R.V. Groves Elementary School while labeling utility and firelane easements. The property was not platted when Groves Elementary was originally constructed in 2002. Wylie ISD is renovating Groves Elementary School and adding or adjusting easements on the property. A site plan reflecting these renovations are also on this agenda. The final plat is on this agenda for consideration. An exemption has been made on requiring topographic contour lines on the preliminary plat as the site is already developed with an approved drainage plan. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on October 27, 2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 23, 2020 Page 1 of 1 * 12 11 Called 115.155 Acres Yes Companies Key, LLC I CC No. 20160817001080500 0.P.R.C.C.T. 50' 55' .-=0 14 1/2" Capped Iron Set N=7,061,655.29 a E=2,552,948.22 0 50 100 CIRS CIRS N 8924'00"E 638.95' 0 0 588.92' . M 0 - S8841'09"E 139.19' -e---_, M M -c\I 7 ,I. b 26' Fire Lane Easement GRAPHIC SCALE 50' 50' o 0 0 - cri co S8841'09"E 139.19' -e-.........„. ...„4, / S 883;481.'60E93,"E • ... \ 11 12 13 14 15' Water Easement , (V (c1-- f\* v• 15' Water Easement \ Cry. ,......• ...._____ Betsey Ln. /259.46/ --1 i--, \ 8 --\ Ni N1 1'25'42"E McMillen Dr. 38.01 \ \ y c co / Cry. 0)1 I-0) co I I co di I I \ \\ \\ ........ :\\‘'.'5r, ....„,.....„-...-._........... _ 0- i 0 v)I I ( Cry. 111\I co '""- (----.. .,, Si S88`41'09"E \...... 92.89' I _I.__ __„...____....- 7 \77, ,• -• 9 c) \S' V\ 7 Q% Everglade Lane -6 r 28.92' C>:\ \ -- _Y<C). ( 0 0 137.24' 16 E 120>, a) 26' Fire Lane Easement Cr\i• \ z' --------- e - - s\,'<(\\ 7 Fire Lane S884-1'09"E 177.38' .,Crv. `9. ' °0 \-•--> 10 Easement 2-) Emecg § i- Ns.Cry. 11 \ ')? \ 7.• / \/\ 0- 0 0 ci 28.92' ° ..------ 14 b o• / ,\ N\\ \-\lx /\ / / \ I b \ N in \\ \ / / ,-.\, \,/ / 4N4b o0 0 \\ <<\ \ pr• c<\ ••••. ---) ' \ / • '' d)-\ o \ \ -00 VICINITY MAP 13 \ \ 9 8 NTS 0 . j N / CO 1 0 0 71- 'Op (Existing \ ,0, / / co Et • o) School oN / ) (b N / / \ b Co op a) .- • o. tx /\ / d\ / Curve Data Chart (0 E o) (0 / /o.' //\ / / (6) (--- / / Inner Outer Inner Outer a) 0 0 w 1--- < < _.., (I)o 0 > 6 \ A=6953'29" A=6953'29" A=57'17'20" a) \\--(s, - d S4341'59"E.---...\ \(5* '„_, 0 28.60' / 1 R=30.00' R=56.00' 9 R=30.00' CK 7= • \ \.....,, 1 T=20.96' T=39.13' T=16.39' 4.-, t to I D • > > L=36.60' L=68.31' L=30.00' _C _J << / / (5 E d cy) ,0, / / A=2454'20" A=24.54'20" A=87'50'22" cb <0 / / z 2 ... 4 ) o< >, N .\ (I,/ / R=60.00' R=86.00' 10 R=20.00' d ) T=13.25' T=18.99' T=19.26' el, (I) . a: . 0) -8 _ f• L-Y 13 a_ / /ry. L=26.08' L=37.38' L=30.66' 6 0 0 , N o / // /\ 7 A=3102'12" A=3102'12" A=7238'41" _ o EC) 0 / / 6 3 R=60.00' R=86.00' i i R=30.00' 46' L. ,t c (-N S88`41'09"E 185.19' < _J \S` I T=16.66' T=23.88' T=22.06' a) 44-..... \ \ x L. c • 1-1-1 \ 5ru'. L=32.50' L=46.59' L=38.04' o 1 '-- \ 0 o -5 - E > rij 26' Fire Lane Easement \ „N. .\,,(51.N 577.• \•/ 6‘ r. A=7603'02" A=76.03'02" A=3628'54" A=27'39'31" 0 ILI ii5 10 C',, ...... \ 6' 0,0-.. \ F\ 17) 4 R=30.00' R=56.00' 12 R=60.00' R=86.00' M I in a. -0 5 58841'09"E 185.19' ---49--..„... 7 /‘ 7 / \ (5)-\ \ \ \ \ oo r = 0 (.0 cn 0 O N (I.) > T=23.46' L=39.82' T=43.79' L=74.33' T=19.77' L=38.20' T=21.17' L=41.52' 1° JLr) Z \ // 2 \ \ ) 5 0 -dc_ I-2. 1- A=6432'30" A=3338'43" A=11527'30" 1 R=100.00' R=126.00' R=20.00' 0 • / (0 6 d ------ i L=112.65'T635 L=40.30'T3167' .----- 5 13 /e. __Y ..y D_ • a N \ 9).0)24' /,N\ 0 a) 0 0 0 - • _J A=3338'43" Z Lot 1 Block A , 0 ccA ce,\., ,/ , 'b .N ' //\ bb (Existing Co6 toCL). „ci A=6432'30" LAT:=736384:913°92'''30" • .. z z_Ntx School a) 0 a) 6 R=40.00' R=66.00' 14 R=50.00' 450,549 Sq. Ft. Gross 0,..„0.. // / O -0 T=25.26' T=41.68' T=15.12' 10.343 Acres Gross ( <\,D c.\ I\ \)\: 15, Co Fairdale L=45.06' L=74.35' A=11322'37" A=10006'51" L=29.36' \ R=30.00' R=56.00' c 416,037 Sq. Ft. Net \-Do•\, \ COurt 7 T=45.65' T=66.87' L=59.36' L=97.85' 9.551 Acres Net Cry. 2 0) o-; I '5ru'. C A=3008'30" 0 0 • R=100.00' la LI \ L- 8 in T=26.93' CD •/__Nr.Q0„ ,t 52.61' 0 (1) tri .:I- (I) o in d c, , ifi in ( Cr) Ifi KcN \ c.),1„: ..........ss..........., N c in E I -0 a) (\l (I) I tf) E3 NN .... /aa ....... ....,... ij 26' F„. -1 45 SHEET 1 OF 2 w --........,........ fre k 0 --________ L._ A=1520'26" A=1520'26" 14-1 0 -7,- -0' =9.' _____ S4*.1,--7------.. r7e Eciseent ---.......„.„.... PRELIMINARY PLAT R=105.25' R=105.25' u, - - "oo T=14.17' T=14.17' 50' 50' - - 0- /26-----7--- •4.? L), L.. L=28.18' 0 6 I L=28.18' 6- A=1404'52" --------ns' • 7 \ v) CB=S81"00'56"W z z CB=S8100'56"W R=462.60' .:st 33.72' / ROVES R . V.R • V• 28.10' 28.10' T=57.13' / in 0, l< N L=113.69' In 0 CIRS CB=N 81'38'43"W '\ 113.40' -F, 7, 1. ....../ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL , ,_ .... CIRS 118' IL/05 CIRS L is '0-r- 2. •v LOT 1 , BLOCK A b tliv) N8841'09"W 168.00' CIRS .: 59.64' 19'j co P/ . CIRS 36.22' co' to A 1/2" Capped bCIRS ,........1....,......., in N88'41'09"W 285.00' Iron Set 10. 343 Acres Situated In The ,,- CIRS N=7 060,923.72 N 16,..„ "_->---E=2,552,914.08 n Riverway Lane MOSES SPARKS SURVEY " ABSTRACT 849 , / _ b Ni WYLIEf COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Owner Wylie Independent School District C I 951 South Ballard Avenue Lot 1, Block C 0 co Wylie, Texas 75098 ,.... Maxwell Creek North Phase 8A -C Telephone 972 429-3000 Cab. 2006, Pg. 75 - 0 > (i) P.R.C.C.T. 0 1- o) 13) Engineer I 71 a Y c_ri-U) OrliTi]ci? CA .., _ -1-J RLK Engineering, Inc. a_ Os._ `ED.RgOlzatizoring NOTES: a. I _J 8 / Texas Registration No. 579 Block C 111 West Main Street < Sage Creek Phase I C 0 Allen, Texas 75013 Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is Cab. L, Pg. 597 Q..) Telephone 972 359-1733 a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject P.R.C.C.T. 0 to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. Surveyor According to Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48085C0415J, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. PO Box 126 dated June 2, 2009, prepared by the Federal Emergency Anna, Texas 75409 Management Agency (FEMA) for Collin County, Texas, this Telephone 972 924-8200 property is within Zone X. September 11, 2020 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the Wylie Independent School District is the owner of a tract That the Wylie Independent School District, acting herein by and through That I, David J. Surdukan, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a 10.343 acre tract of land herein above described property as a Final Plat of R.V. Groves Elementary monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my conveyed to the Wylie I.S.D. as recorded in Volume 4853, Page 254, of School, Lot 1, Block A, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more part— and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the City of Wylie. icularly described as follows: streets, rights of way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The BEGINNING at a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner at easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated for the public David J. Surdukan the southwest corner of Sage Creek Phase II, an addition to the City of use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, Wylie, and recorded in the plat thereof found in Cabinet L, Page 706 of trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or Registration No. 4613 the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, said iron rod being in the north placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that land— Right—of—Way line of Riverway Lane, (a 65' R.O.W.) said iron rod being scape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved at the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the left; by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said non— utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits tangent curve to the left with a central angle of 14'04'S2", having a the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subord— STATE OF TEXAS radius Hof 462.60', an arc length of 113.69', and having a chord bearing inate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie COUNTY OF COLLIN N81`38 43"W with a chord length of 113.40' to a capped 1/2" iron rod and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep re— stamped "4613" set for corner; moved all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the „ improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere State of Texas, on this day personally appeared David J. Surdukan, known THENCE N88`41 09 W continuing with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Lane a distance of 285.00' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, therein stated. THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or curve to the right with a central angle of 15'20'26", having a radius of removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of 105.25', an arc length of 28.18', and having a chord bearing N81•00'56"W, at any time of procuring permission from anyone. with a chord length of 28.10' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" , 2020. set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. Notary Public in and for THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said the State of Texas WITNESS my hand, this the day of 2020. curve to the left with a central angle of 15'20'26", having a radius of 105.25', an arc length of 28.18', and having a chord bearing N81'00'56"W, with a chord length of 28.10' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner; Wylie Independent School District Name: THENCE N88`41'09"W continuing with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Title: APPROVAL BLOCK Lane a distance of 168.00' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner in the west line of a 50' Permanent Roadway and Utility "RECOMMENDED OF APPROVAL" Easement as recorded in Volume 2245, Page 29 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas; STATE OF TEXAS THENCE N01"18'S1"E along the west line of the 50' Permanent Roadway COUNTY OF COLLIN Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date and Utility Easement a distance of 689.41' to a capped 1/2" iron rod City of Wylie, Texas stamped "4613" set for come; in the south line of a 115.155 acre tract of land as conveyed to Yes Companies Key, LLC in County Clerk No. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" 20160817001080500 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas; State of Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing THENCE N89'24'00"E a distance of 638.95' to a capped 1/2" iron rod instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the stamped "4613" set for the northeast corner in the south line of a purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date 115.155 acre tract of land as conveyed to Yes Companies Key, LLC in therein stated. County Clerk No. 20160817001080500 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas and said iron rod also being the northwest corner GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of "ACCEPTED" of Sage Creek Phase II Addition; , 2020. THENCE SO1'18'51"W with the common line of the called 10.343 acre tract of land and the Sage Creek Phase II addition a distance of 662.98' Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas THENCE S15'23'54"W with the common line of the called 10.343 acre "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby tract of land and the Sage Creek Phase II addition a distance of 71.32' certifies that the forgoing Final Plat of R.V. Groves Elementary School, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 450,549 square feet or an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on 10.343 acres of land. the day of , 2020, and the Council, by formal action then and there accepted the dedication of right—of—ways, streets, easements and alleys, as shown and set forth in and upon said Plat, and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance BASIS OF BEARINGS: thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed." The basis of bearings, horizontal and vertical position, are derived from Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2020. Texas WDS RTK Network, Texas State Plane Coordinates System, Nad 83, (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are referenced to NAVD88 using (GEIOD03). City Secretary City of Wylie SHEET 2 O F 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT R . V. GROVES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOT 1 , BLOCK A 10. 343 Acres Situated In The MOSES SPARKS SURVEY N ABSTRACT 849 WYLI E, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Owner Wylie Independent School District 951 South Ballard Avenue Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone 972 429-3000 Engineer RLK Engineering, Inc. Texas Registration No. 579 NOTES: 111 West Main Street Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is o, Texas 75013one a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject Teleephphone 972 359—1733 to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. Surveyor According to Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48085C0415J, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. dated June 2, 2009, prepared by the Federal Emergency PO Box 126 Management Agency (FEMA) for Collin County, Texas, this Anna, Texas 75409 property is within Zone X. Telephone 972 924-8200 September 11, 2020 This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning g C TY OrCommission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: E Department: Planning R.V. Groves Elementary Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: School Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: PD 1998-28 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to establish one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for R.V. Groves Elementary School Addition, to establish one lot on 10.343 acres, located at 1100 McCreary Road. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: RLK Engineering The applicant has submitted a final plat to establish Lot 1, Block A of R.V. Groves Elementary School on 10.343 acres. The purpose of the final plat is to establish one lot to label utility and firelane easements. The property was not platted when Groves Elementary was originally constructed in 2002. This final plat was submitted as Wylie ISD is renovating Groves Elementary School and adding or adjusting easements on the property. A site plan reflecting these renovations are also on this agenda. Wylie ISD has also submitted a preliminary plat for consideration on this agenda as allowed by the Subdivision Regulations. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on October 27, 2020. Approved By Initial Date Department Director Page 1 of 1 * 12 11 Called 115.155 Acres Yes Companies Key, LLC I CC No. 20160817001080500 0.P.R.C.C.T. 50' 55' -=0 14 1/2" Capped Iron Set N=7,061,655.29 ai E=2,552,948.22 0 50 1 00 CIRS CIRS N 8924'00"E 638.95' 0 0 588.92' . M 0 - S8841'09"E 139.19' -e---_, M M "c\I 7 ,I. b 26' Fire Lane Easement GRAPHIC SCALE 50' 50' o o / 0 0 \ 1 "=50' - cri S8841'09"E 139.19' -e-......,,, ..1 / S883;481:60E93,"E • ... \ 11 12 13 14 15' Water Easement , p (V (c1-- f\* v• 15' Water Easement \ Cry. --- ------ Betsey Ln. /259.46/ --1 i----,---, \ 8 --\ Ni N1 1'25'42"E McMillen Dr. 38.01 \ \ y ' 35.94' __--- I c -co / 7TC1r3v. 0)1 I-0) col I co oil I \ \\ \\ ...........),(2\""''5r,. ....._.____-._,....„.s...„ _ . 0- i 0 v)I I ( Cry. 111\I co (---.. ., Si S88`41'09"E \......"0___ 92.89' I _L.__ __„.„.......- 7 \77, ,• .- 9 c) \S' (3/\ 7 I 0 -'-' 0% Everglade Lane -6 28.92' 7 C>:\(.\ -- _Y<C). ( 0 0 137.24' i5 E zic,, .c a) 26' Fire Lane Easement Cr\i• \ z' - - s\,'<(\\ 7 Fire Lane _c S88`41'09"E 177.38' .,Crv. Easement 2-' Emecg 1 0 0- , 0 d 28.92' ° ------ -- 14 b o• / ,\ N\\\ \-\lx /\ / / \ I b \ N 1.11 \ o0 0 \ ••••-. ---) , .6 06, , \ \ -00 VICINITY MAP \ e..13 Lot 1 • \Block A \ \ C11). 9 8 NTS N 1 0 / co 10 O 450,549 Sq. Ft. Gross ,<<, / i 1 71- bo / / co Et ai -*E' 0 -oo • (n 10.343 Acres Gross (b N / oN /\ Cc) o. / /,/ oo op a) .- • / d\ / /A\ Curve Data Chart 0 E o) (0 - 416,037 Sq. Ft. Net / /o., //\ 9.551 Acres Net // // Inner Outer Inner Outer a) Q) 0 w 1--- < < (I) o 0 > 6 \ A=6953'29" A=6953'29" A=57'17'20" a.) \\3,,s, - d S4341'59"E------,\ \(5* '„_, 0 28.60' / 1 R=30.00' R=56.00' 9 R=30.00' CK 7.= • \ ,,, 1 T=20.96' T=39.13' T=16.39' 4-- (It tr) I D • > > L=36.60' L=68.31' L=30.00' _C _J << / / / / A=245420" A=24.5420" A=875022" cb <0 / / z ... d o 0 4 ) < >, N .\ (I,/ R=60.00' R=86.00' 10 R=20.00' /(;) 2 _Y 2 Co 9/ T=13.25' T=18.99' T=19.26'/(1, a) C >1 \-\ / a) . a: • 0) -Y 13 a_ / /ry. L=26.08' L=37.38' L=30.66' 6 -8 0 _ 0 f• L- 0 , N o / // /\ 7 A=3102'12" A=3102'12" A=7238'41" _ o cTo 0 1-6 / / 6 3 R=60.00' R=86.00' 11 R=30.00' TD a_ 46' L. ,t c (-N S88`41'09"E 185.19' < _J \S` I T=16.66' T=23.88' T=22.06' a) 44--. \ \ x L. c • 1-1-1 \ 5ru'. L=32.50' L=46.59' L=38.04' o I '-- \ 0 o -C.) - E > rij 26' Fire Lane Easement \ \•/ 6‘ 2 A=7603'02" A=76.03'02" A=3628'54" A=27'39'31" \ 10 C',. ...„. \ 6' 0,0-, \ <<\ 1 ) 4 R=30.00' R=56.00' 12 R=60.00' R=86.00' M 2 in ci. b 5 S88*4-1'09"E 185.19' -49---...,.... 7 /\ 7 / \ (5)-\ \ \ \ \ oo r = , (.0 u) 0 0 N (I.) > T=23.46' L=39.82' T=43.79' L=74.33' T=19.77' L=38.20' T=21.17' L=41.52' 1° JLr) Z // /> \ \ ) 1 5 0 E F.: 1- A=6432'30" A=3338'43" R=100.00' R=126.00' A=11527'30" (0 6 5 R=20.00' .----- 13 o • / /0,</- __Y ..y D_ • a T=63.15' T=38.10' T=31.67' N \ 9).0)24' z /,Ix\ o a) CD o 0 - • L=112.65' L=73.99' L=40.30' Z ON CcA ce,\., ,/ , 'b .N ' C-6 6 a: to ------ A=6432'30" A=64.32'30" A=3338'43" //\ bb _a * z (1) R=40.00' R=66.00' R=50.00' 0 ui ./....\tx a) 0 6 14 / ol 0 T=25.26' T=41.68' T=15.12' 0,,0.. / 0 -0 r Fairdale L=45.06' L=74.35' L=29.36' A=11322'37" A=10006'51" C 0 u rt 7 R=30.00' R=56.00' T=45.65' T=66.87' L=59.36' L=97.85' o-; 5rk.,'. C A=3008'30" 0 0 0 • R=100.00' in L- 8 T=26.93' CD •7__Nr.,g,„ dt. 52.61' 0 (1) tri di (I) o V) d cl , ifi v)Cr) Ifi KcN \ c.),L..: ............s............. N c Po E I ,....2374.., a) I V) E 3 ---..........:1-47.,, N a) ---.2....L.,...E.- N ....) (/) ....... a 26' 47 F-.. -----...Z26. , L -1 'e-.) SHEET 1 OF 2 Lu ---............„... fre k ,.._ A=1520'26" A=1520'26" 14-1 0 -7: -' 9-1 ____ S4*.1,-;"------.. " °Serhent FINAL PLAT R=105.25' R=105.25' u, - - "oo 50' 50' T=14.17' T=14.17' - - 0- /26-----7--- L.. L=28.18' o 6 I L=28.18' 5 A=1404'52" --------ns' • 7 \ v) CB=S81"00'56"W z z CB=S8100'56"W R=462.60' -,st 33.72' / ROVES R . V.R • V• 28.10' 28.10' T=57.13' / in 0, l< N L=113.69' ro 0 CIRS CB=N 81'38'43"W '\ 113.40' , 1. ....../ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL , ,_ .... CIRS 118' I L/D5 CIRS L e '0-r- 2. •v LOT 1 , BLOCK A b N8841'09"W 168.00' CIRS .: 59.64' 19'j co P/ . CIRS 36.22' (6 to A 1/2" Capped bCIRS ,,........1....,......., in N88'41'09"W 285.00' Iron Set 10. 343 Acres Situated In The ,,- CIRS N=7 060923.72 (\i 16,..„ "_->---E=2,552,914.08 n Riverway Lane MOSES SPARKS SURVEY " ABSTRACT 849 , // _ b Ni WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS 1 .4- Owner I Wylie Independent School District C I 951 South Ballard Avenue Lot 1, Block C 0 co Wylie, Texas 75098 Maxwell Creek North Phase 8A -C (I) ----- ......\,.... . Telephone 972 429-3000 Cab. 2006, Pg. 75 - 0 > (i) P.R.C.C.T. 0 1- a) 13) Engineer I 71 a _Y c_ri-U) OrliTi]ci? CA .., -1-J RLK Engineering, Inc. a_ Os._ `ED.RgOlzatizoring a. I _J 8 / Texas Registration No. 579 Block C 111 West Main Street NOTES: < Sage Creek Phase I C 0 Allen, Texas 75013 Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is Cab. L, Pg. 597 Q..) Telephone 972 359-1733 a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject P.R.C.C.T. 0 to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. Surveyor According to Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48085C0415J, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. PO Box 126 dated June 2, 2009, prepared by the Federal Emergency Anna, Texas 75409 Management Agency (FEMA) for Collin County, Texas, this Telephone 972 924-8200 property is within Zone X. September 11, 2020 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the Wylie Independent School District is the owner of a tract That the Wylie Independent School District, acting herein by and through That I, David J. Surdukan, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of a 10.343 acre tract of land herein above described property as a Final Plat of R.V. Groves Elementary monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my conveyed to the Wylie I.S.D. as recorded in Volume 4853, Page 254, of School, Lot 1, Block A, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more part— and does hereby dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the City of Wylie. icularly described as follows: streets, rights of way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The BEGINNING at a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner at easements and public use areas, as shown, are dedicated for the public David J. Surdukan the southwest corner of Sage Creek Phase II, an addition to the City of use forever, for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, Wylie, and recorded in the plat thereof found in Cabinet L, Page 706 of trees, shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or Registration No. 4613 the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, said iron rod being in the north placed upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that land— Right—of—Way line of Riverway Lane, (a 65' R.O.W.) said iron rod being scape improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved at the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the left; by the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said non— utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits tangent curve to the left with a central angle of 14'04'S2", having a the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subord— STATE OF TEXAS radius Hof 462.60', an arc length of 113.69', and having a chord bearing inate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie COUNTY OF COLLIN N81`38 43"W with a chord length of 113.40' to a capped 1/2" iron rod and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep re— stamped "4613" set for corner; moved all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the „ improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere State of Texas, on this day personally appeared David J. Surdukan, known THENCE N88`41 09 W continuing with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Lane a distance of 285.00' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the right; shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, therein stated. THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or curve to the right with a central angle of 15'20'26", having a radius of removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of 105.25', an arc length of 28.18', and having a chord bearing N81•00'56"W, at any time of procuring permission from anyone. with a chord length of 28.10' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" , 2020. set for corner at the beginning of a curve to the left; This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. Notary Public in and for THENCE with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Lane and along said the State of Texas WITNESS my hand, this the day of 2020. curve to the left with a central angle of 15'20'26", having a radius of 105.25', an arc length of 28.18', and having a chord bearing N81'00'56"W, with a chord length of 28.10' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner; Wylie Independent School District Name: THENCE N88`41'09"W continuing with the north R.O.W. line of Riverway Title: APPROVAL BLOCK Lane a distance of 168.00' to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner in the west line of a 50' Permanent Roadway and Utility "RECOMMENDED OF APPROVAL" Easement as recorded in Volume 2245, Page 29 of the Land Records of Collin County, Texas; STATE OF TEXAS THENCE N01"18'S1"E along the west line of the 50' Permanent Roadway COUNTY OF COLLIN Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date and Utility Easement a distance of 689.41' to a capped 1/2" iron rod City of Wylie, Texas stamped "4613" set for come; in the south line of a 115.155 acre tract of land as conveyed to Yes Companies Key, LLC in County Clerk No. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the "APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" 20160817001080500 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas; State of Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing THENCE N89'24'00"E a distance of 638.95' to a capped 1/2" iron rod instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the stamped "4613" set for the northeast corner in the south line of a purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date 115.155 acre tract of land as conveyed to Yes Companies Key, LLC in therein stated. County Clerk No. 20160817001080500 of the Official Public Records of Collin County, Texas and said iron rod also being the northwest corner GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of "ACCEPTED" of Sage Creek Phase II Addition; , 2020. THENCE SO1'18'51"W with the common line of the called 10.343 acre tract of land and the Sage Creek Phase II addition a distance of 662.98' Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date to a capped 1/2" iron rod stamped "4613" set for corner; Notary Public in and for the State of Texas THENCE S15'23'54"W with the common line of the called 10.343 acre "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby tract of land and the Sage Creek Phase II addition a distance of 71.32' certifies that the forgoing Final Plat of R.V. Groves Elementary School, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 450,549 square feet or an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on 10.343 acres of land. the day of , 2020, and the Council, by formal action then and there accepted the dedication of right—of—ways, streets, easements and alleys, as shown and set forth in and upon said Plat, and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance BASIS OF BEARINGS: thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed." The basis of bearings, horizontal and vertical position, are derived from Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2020. Texas WDS RTK Network, Texas State Plane Coordinates System, Nad 83, (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are referenced to NAVD88 using (GEIOD03). City Secretary City of Wylie SHEET 2 O F 2 FINAL PLAT R . V. GROVES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOT 1 , BLOCK A 10. 343 Acres Situated In The MOSES SPARKS SURVEY N ABSTRACT 849 WYLI E, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Owner Wylie Independent School District 951 South Ballard Avenue Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone 972 429-3000 Engineer RLK Engineering, Inc. Texas Registration No. 579 NOTES: 111 West Main Street Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is o, Texas 75013one a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject Teleephphone 972 359—1733 to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. Surveyor According to Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48085C0415J, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. dated June 2, 2009, prepared by the Federal Emergency PO Box 126 Management Agency (FEMA) for Collin County, Texas, this Anna, Texas 75409 property is within Zone X. Telephone 972 924-8200 September 11, 2020 This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning g C TY OrCommission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: F Department: Planning Wylie Junior High School Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: AG/30 Exhibits: Amended Plat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding an Amended Plat for Lot 1 Block A Wylie Junior High School Addition, to establish fire lane, access, and utility easements for one lot on 44.889 acres, located at 950 and 1050 Park Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding an Amended Plat for Lot 1 Block A Wylie Junior High School Addition, to establish fire lane, access, and utility easements for one lot on 44.889 acres, located at 950 and 1050 Park Boulevard. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: RLK Engineering The applicant has submitted an amended plat for Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition on 44.889 acres. This amendment by Wylie ISD is renovating the existing Davis Intermediate and McMillan Junior High School.The purpose of the amended plat is to relocate and label utility and firelane easements from the original plat filed in 2003. Site plans reflecting these changes are also on this agenda. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations.Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on October 27, 2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 24, 2020 Page 1 of 1 Quail Creek Addition illiti Cab. B, Pg. 170 Block 1 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 m a) cn a z -cao ri 4 Y . 1/2" Iron m E o- Fnd. S89'35'09"E 991.14' 1/2" Iron , » Co ntrol Iron Fnd. o S89 24 34 E 344.91' Mon. S89°35'09"E 680.80' w 0 0 1 00 300 ro 'i 2E. Acres Lo o 111111 J 0 a NI Brian Schuler °' v "' CC No. 20180313000305410 ' O GRAPHIC SCALE E S89'33'38"E 680.71' 0 .-- 1 "=100' m 1/2" Iron a O Z Fnd. \ 372.57' 308.14' Fnd. 1/2" Iron Fnd. S76.26'07"E A S89°33'38"E, 1.86' 76.72' O.^ 1/2" Iron ,� / v \ ({,'' v. w O -0- \w •v, 4 e-: m 5.0 Acres Artan Krasniqi Park Blvd. 24' Fire Lane CC No. 201 1 071 900075001 0 \20' Water Easement To / FloodwayWylie Northeast WSC Easement Easemet Line / 614.57' m // 7-�- • S88 46'S2'E 501.89' 2 \ N 12:t_. / 115.24' o d 221.04' 235.04' 8 O \ ° 1$ // c<q• 2 e M I I Cry. 21 350.35' 1 Cry. 3 � iO' \\ �•./ie4te/. F.M. 3412 m 'Z,. in in L // 93.27' u 314.47' '` /a° �� �O/ �OS Brown �in m 2 / 0 Crv.019i Crv. 20 N i N 7� ��S846 theOs/T�e�O / 111.19 / \� -,06Z t�() �0�� / S12'31'12"E f J 111.21' \ SC a /N �d / / 24.91' Crv. 17 Crv. 11 30, Crv. 11145°11;) / N �o ono of/ s o 5� I S6A 28>s›3 \ i/// O ti^• h,,�i 1 a oo W 2A, \,. 8 s6, Ro9 Easement Agreement of �� / '� \� ,< Q. ems. -' aci b �b w F ,. F\ � 0,' VICINITY MAP For Impounding Water �^�°^�. // \ � o T s\ \�� a) E N %o' M� 4r) a� e., O6, e <4 NTS ,c To Collin County Soil Flood Line Based On / / o °' s \Po_ iL cn N ^' c �e �e 2>Conservation District Collin Count Soil Conservation District / `'� � o o ° z� �t S?3 �Vol. 488, Pg. 333 0;� Spillway Elevation (Lake Offsite) = 526.33 �//°�/ Nqo o < '\ o w / °'� / �,5 e A° °�/ /// Lot 1 Block A �°� �' ri(445, ��o� � /,'��3°`� I ,m -c o �ti�,� Floodway Elevation = 528.33 �/ .0 // 5' ' C0 cry. 11 Crv. 11 / /,h �� 1 a_ ARP 47 Nco/ ,,'h/// R 2M /70 \1 \ N 1/2" Capped Iron Fnd. / m �1 %/// 1.955.377 Sq. Ft. �co37.26'0 0 37.270 20.7 L / N 6 0_ // <,'S / / 44.889 Acres 36.80'\ Crv. 11 .Q \\9 \\ o S8916'27"E, 0.40' o o c L� • / h� / / ( Cry. 22 7.5' Cry. 23 \ \o-a' / `i • M N Z / /^� /ro/ / •P 37.27' m y� co / of / 0� 0 7 f 18.46' \\ N / o O a / ��/ • �o� �� , cry. 14 +- in z \ U Lv / / /// 5 �� - 1 62'- c \ // •/// �� Or`e �� J / � 2.3467 Acres ' oCS� I E / / J '" - / Cry. 25 ICV Artan Krasni i N / e \ w Cry. 15 aoq ^t N\c';'T-' / // \O Fey tj`e� /� ��_ -----ems y-�` Cr:-.----- 2 Sao \ CC No. 20070830001208890 ( 5,''t \ 12.90' m // �C �0 e c<N . I / /// �S �a 0a J Crv. 13 F• / S22'08'56"Ei I -� \ \ 5.51' �\�\ / / / 9 �S 2 Cry. 12 /r 36.07' " cA. 0 w: . 1 / d- 46'\gg� / N SS8• Os,_ @ Cry. 26 m S2232'59"E / Z �) G• (/ / 1� M 30'(-4---Th S2 j/.)0, Ohe / ( r; \ \ 36.70' n I �L � co N L \ 7s ( 7.88' �, \ / U - oI 9a. ° 21 r-L 5' Q 7SS \SO Cry. 18 1/4 \?3, .a-, (n N 42.5' ] I 7,. o ~ U w �� ONa)E S� , I 11( o I -- - /a) n -0. o r • o \ \\C N31'15'13"EAI co\ E -rn vi E a) v, (9:1 0 a r - > 20' Water Esmt. � \o w tri N w° .2.03 0 z ' D w a To Wylie � \ Crv. 5 13.y4' / DETAIL "A" �ODEL9 O{ o w W X a Northeast WSC \ \ 15' Utility s2310'59"E �/ 1/2" Iron 20' WYLIE NORTHEAST WSC \ o z o ry N L 20' Water Easement To L o ~ O E \ N`� �� Fnd. v \o o Easement \ 13.�4i ��@ 0���� N w W Wylie Northeast WSC z N o z U \ \ N D o n n n ° m "' O 24' Fire Lane cs\ cs o, � \ / \ w o > Easement �� \ ° - -_ O � z O Sri M rNj 11 \ iN �� 0 20' Water Easement Too� °� (i.roary. \� �\ °�/ � 1/2" IronMzWylie Northeast WSC10' z o`npN7 5'�) S88°46'52"E 258.11' / ---e-=� \ O Fnd. Z 12.5' NIO. / 15' Utility Easement �� L 408.15' 1� 38_sJ L 275.85' D 258.11' e - - _ __�_ 611.71' o J L I 772.51' 30' (1-9-\`-Cr;tt. 11 R=1060.00' T=77.81'tn 435.79739.92' I rn ...--- o. L=155.34' 125.22' 30' 398.69' 15' Utility Easement T3o' I 4-4- ) 1/2"`Iron . f „ 293.82' M __. / Fnd. N88 46 52 W 1361.63' t I ° 7 1, CB 155.20'49"W 1/2" Iron Tract 2 Park Fnd. - B 0 u I e �/ a r d Wylie I.S.D. Vol. 5245, Pg. 3828 o co N SHEET 1 0 F 2 � A=30'23'14" 4 AMENDING PLAT c R=940.00' v N 9.738 Acres 0 T=133.07; WYLIE JUNIOR HIGH Birmingham Land, Ltd. L=498.53 CC No. 94-0029675 0 I 0 CB=S76'01'32"W 492.71' SCHOOL ADDITION Birmingham Farms Phase 14A Birmingham Farms Phase 14A Cab. P, Pg. 654 Cab. P, Pg. 654 LOT 1 , BLOCK A Curve Data Chart Inner Outer Inner Outer Inner Outer Being A Final Plat Of Lot 1 , Block A A=47°00'00" A=47'00'00" A=90°00'00" A=151°44'01" Wylie Junior High School Addition R=70.00' R=100.00' R=20.00' R=5.00' 1 L=57.42' L=82.03' 11 L=30.00' 21 L=13.24' Recorded In Cabinet 0, Page 473 P.R.C.C.T. L=57.42' L=82.03' L=31.42' L=13.24' A=43.00'00" A=43'00'00" A=94.40'25" A=60'00'00" A=60.00'00" 2 R=70.00' R=100.00' 12 R=30.00' 22 R=20.00' R=44.00' 44. 88 9 Acres Situated In The T=27.57' T=39.39' T=32.55' T=11.55' T=25.40' L=52.53' L=75.05' L=49.57' L=20.94' L=46.08' A=30°00'46" A=30'00'46" A=96'44'44" A=59'59'14" A=59°59'14" MERCER PHALEN SURVEY ^' ABSTRACT 695 3 R=200.00' R=224.00' 13 R=30.00' 23 R=20.00' R- =44.00' T=53.61' T=60.05' T=33.76' T=11.54' T=25.40' L=104.76' L=117.34' L=50.66' L=20.94' L=46.07' WYLIE, C O LLI N COUNTY, TEXAS A=56.29'15" A=56.29'15" A=86'44'24" A=120.00'46" A=120.00'46" R=120.00' R=144.00' R=20.00' 24 R=20.00' R- =44.00' 4 T=64.46' T=77.35' 14 T=18.89' T=34.65' T=76.23' Owner L=118.31' L=141.97' L=30.28' L=41.89' L=92.16' A=54°26'12" A=5426'12" A=103'34'19" A=19°52'06" A=19'52'06" Wylie Independent School District R=30.00' R=54.00' R=30.00' R=80.00' R=104.00' 5 T=15.43' T=27.77' 15 T=38.10' 25 T=14.01' T=18.21' 951 South Ballard Avenue L=28.50' L=51.31' L=54.23' L=27.74' L=36.06' Wylie, Texas 75098 A=60.00'00" A=60'00'00" A=71'56'07" A=2210'13" A=2210'13" 6 R=70.00' R=100.00' 16 R=20.00' 26 R=80.00' R- =104.00' Telephone 972 429-3000 T=40.41' T=57.74' T=14.51' T=15.67' T=20.38' L=73.30' L=104.72' L=25.11' L=30.96' L=40.24' Engineer A=25°20'38" A=25°31'27" A=120°00'00" 7 R=363.50' R=393.50' 17 R=20.00' RLK Engineering, Inc. T=81.73' T=89.13' T=34.64' L=160.79' L=175.30' L=41.89' Texas Registration No. 579 A=20.59'22" A=2428'30" A=3113'56" A=31.13'56" 111 West Main Street 8 R=363.50' R=387.50' 18 R=80.00' R=104.00' Allen, Texas 75013 T=67.34' T=84.05' T=22.36' T=29.07' L=133.16' L=165.53' L=43.61' L=56.69' Telephone 972 359-1733 A=26°28'20" A=26°28'20" A=76°15'40" R=100.00' R=124.00' 19 R=30.00' 9 T=23.52' T=29.17' T=23.55' Surveyor L=46.20' L=57.29' L=39.93' A=123'30'54" A=123'30'54" A=2815'59" Su rd u ka n Surveying, Inc. 10 R=60.00' R=84.00' 20 R=20.00' PO Box 126 T=111.70' T=156.38' T=5.04' L=129.34' L=181.08' L=9.87' Anna, Texas 75409 Telephone 972 924-8200 September 15, 2020 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the Wylie Independent School District is the owner of a tract That the Wylie Independent School District, acting herein by and through That I, David J. Surdukan, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat of land situated in the Moses Sparks Survey, Abstract No. 849, City of its duly authorized officers, does hereby adopt this plat designating the from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the corner Wylie, Collin County, Texas, and being all of Lot 1, Block A, Wylie Junior herein above described property as Wylie Junior High School Addition, monuments shown thereon as set were properly placed under my High School, and addition to the City of Wylie as recorded in Cabinet 0, Lot 1, Block A, an addition to the City of Wylie, Texas, and does hereby personal supervision in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance of the Page 473, Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, and being more part— dedicate, in fee simple, to the public use forever, the streets, rights of City of Wylie. icularly described as follows: way, and other public improvements shown thereon. The streets and alleys, if any, are dedicated for street purposes. The easements and BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in the north line of Park public use areas, as shown, are dedicated for the public use forever, Boulevard (a 120' saidpoint beingthe southwest corner of the David J. Surdukan R.O.W.) for the purposes indicated on this plat. No buildings, fences, trees, aforementioned Lot 1, Block A, Wylie Junior High School Addition; shrubs or other improvements or growths shall be constructed or placed Registration No. 4613 upon, over or across the easements as shown, except that landscape THENCE N01'21'44"E, leaving Park Boulevard, and with the east line of improvements may be placed in landscape easements, if approved by Birmingham Farms Phase 3A, an addition to the City of Wylie as recorded the City Council of the City of Wylie. In addition, utility easements in Cabinet N, Page 907, Plat Records of Collin County, Texas, and with may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public the east line of Birmingham Farms Phase 3B, an addition to the City of utilities desiring to use or using the same unless the easement limits Wylie as recorded in Cabinet P, Page 381, Plat Records of Collin County, the use to particular utilities, said use by public utilities being subord— STATE OF TEXAS Texas, a distance of 922.53 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; inate to the public's and City of Wylie's use thereof. The City of Wylie COUNTY OF COLLIN THENCE S89'33'38"E, a distance of 680.71 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found and public utility entities shall have the right to remove and keep re— for corner; moved all or parts of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs or other BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the improvements or growths which may in any way endanger or interfere State of Texas, on this day personally appeared David J. Surdukan, known THENCE N00'24'51"E, a distance of 100.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found with the construction, maintenance, or efficiency of their respective to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing for corner in the south line of Quail Creek Addition, an addition to the systems in said easements. The City of Wylie and public utility entities instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for City of Wylie as recorded in Cabinet B, Page 170, Plat Records of Collin shall at all times have the full right of ingress and egress to or from the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity County, Texas; their respective easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, therein stated. inspecting, patrolling, maintaining, reading meters, and adding to or THENCE S89'35'09"E, with the south line of Quail Creek Addition, a removing all or parts of their respective systems without the necessity GIVEN under my hand and seal of office, this the day of distance of 991.14 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; at any time of procuring permission from anyone. 2020. THENCE S89'24'34"E, with the south line of Quail Creek Addition, a This plat approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations distance of 344.91 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner; and resolutions of the City of Wylie, Texas. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas WITNESS my hand, this the day of , 2020. THENCE S02`53 57„W, a distance of 852.13 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner in the aforementioned north line of Park Boulevard, said point being the beginning of a non—tangent curve to the left having a central angle of 08'23'48", a radius of 1060.00 feet, a tangent length of 77.81 Wylie Independent School District feet, and a chord bearing S65`01'49"W, 155.20 feet; Name: THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said curve to the left, and Title: APPROVAL BLOCK with the north line of Park Boulevard, an arc distance of 155.34 feet "RECOMMENDED OF APPROVAL" to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner and the beginning of a reverse curve to the right having a central angle of 30.23'14", a radius of 940.00 feet, a tangent length of 133.07 feet, and a chord bearing STATE OF TEXAS S65'01'49"W, 155.20 feet; Chairman, Planning & Zoning Commission Date COUNTY OF COLLIN City of Wylie, Texas THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said curve to the right, and with the north line of Park Boulevard, an arc distance of 498.53 feet BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the "APPROVED " to a 1/2" iron rod found for corner and the end of said curve; FOR CONSTRUCTION / State of Texas, on this day personally appeared known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing THENCE N88'46"52"W, with the north line of Park Boulevard, a distance instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the of 1361.63 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 1,955,377 purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date square feet, or 44.889 acres of land. therein stated. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office this the day of "ACCEPTED" BASIS OF BEARINGS: , 2020. The basis of bearings, horizontal and vertical position, are derived from Texas WDS RTK Network, Texas State Plane Coordinates System, Nad 83, Mayor, City of Wylie, Texas Date (CORS96) Epoch 2002.0, Vertical position are referenced to NAVD88 Notary Public in and for using (GEIOD03). the State of Texas "The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas hereby certifies that the forgoing Amending Plat of Wylie Junior High School, an addition to the City of Wylie was submitted to the City Council on the day of , 2020, and the Council, by formal action then and there accepted the dedication of right—of—ways, streets, easements and alleys, as shown and set forth in and upon said Plat, and said Council further authorized the mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed." Witness my hand this day of , A.D., 2020. City Secretary City of Wylie SHEET 2 O F 2 AMENDING PLAT WYLIE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION LOT 1 , BLOCK A Being A Final Plat Of Lot 1 , Block A Wylie Junior High School Addition Recorded In Cabinet 0, Page 473 P.R.C.C.T. 44. 889 Acres Situated In The MERCER PHALEN SURVEY N ABSTRACT 695 WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS Owner Wylie Independent School District 951 South Ballard Avenue Wylie, Texas 75098 Telephone 972 429-3000 Engineer RLK Engineering, Inc. Texas Registration No. 579 NOTES: 111 West Main Street Selling a portion of this addition by metes and bounds is o, Texas 75013one a violation of City ordinance and State law, and is subject Teleephphone 972 359—1733 to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits. Surveyor According to Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 48085C0420J, Surdukan Surveying, Inc. dated June 2, 2009, prepared by the Federal Emergency PO Box 126 Management Agency (FEMA) for Collin County, Texas, this Anna, Texas 75409 property is within Zone X. Telephone 972 924-8200 September 15, 2020 This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: R.V Groves Elementary Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: PD 1998-28 Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for R.V. Groves Elementary School, on Lot 1, Block A of R.V. Groves Elementary School, on 10.343 acres. Property located at 1100 McCreary Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for R.V. Groves Elementary School, on Lot 1, Block A of R.V. Groves Elementary School, on 10.343 acres. Property located at 1100 McCreary Road. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: PBK Architects The applicant is proposing a 9,208 square foot addition and a new drop off canopy area at R.V. Groves Elementary School, on Lot 1, Block A of R.V. Groves Elementary School. The property is zoned within Planned Development 1998-28 and the use is allowed by-right. The 9,208 sq.ft. addition contains six classrooms, restrooms, and will function as a storm shelter for the school. The exterior material of the additions are to match the look of the existing building and are made of brick, CMU veneer and cast stone. The proposed site plan shows 40 classrooms, requiring 60 parking spaces and providing 119 spaces. A preliminary and final part of this property are on this agenda to reflect new and adjusted access, firelane, and utility easements. As presented, this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the zoning ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 24, 2020 Page 1 of 1 CD " °�� - KEYNOTE LEGEND GENERAL ARCH SITE PLAN NOTES 173131 o n - o = - c m _ / NUMBER DESCRIPTION w - - / 1. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS C - 02.15 EXISTING SIDEWALK TO REMAIN.PROTECT IN PLACE. 2. COORD.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WITH CIVIL, LANDSCAPE,AND OR 02.32 EXISTING FENCE TO REMAIN.PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. D > 1 ; STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS N / 02.36 EXISTING FLAGPOLE TO REMAIN.PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. 3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 1 % MINIMUM,2% W // 02.39 EXISTING DRIVE AND PARKING TO REMAIN. PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION. MAXIMUM AT ALL EXTERIOR PAVED PEDESTRIAN AREAS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, m ; ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. M = 02.44 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN.PROTECT IN PLACE. SIDEWALKS, PATIOS,STAIRS, PAVING, U.N.O. Z III I I I III III III III III 02.51 EXISTING SITE UTILITY VAULT TO REMAIN.PROTECT VAULT&EXISTING UTILITY 4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 5% FOR A HORIZ. DALLAS PBK.com D / �/ - ''II -/1 t' /-' yL' ' ' +' /�1/ ` DISTANCE OF 10 FEET AT ALL EXTERIOR NON PAVED AREAS U.N.O 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 z ,, L, / ,z L ,'1 ,''I, yI,, ' , 11_� LINES IN PLACE FOR DURATION OF WORK PERFORMED.GC TO FIELD VERIFY SUB Dallas,TX 75240 O � r GRADE COMPONENTS LOCATION PRIOR TO PERFORMING SITE WORK. 5. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AND CONCRETE ,� ,y ,i.i ��, ,y 972-233-1323 P C�) _ _ - _ � �� f1 SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS �, „_ , - 02.52 PROTECT EXISTING CURB IN PLACE AND PROVIDE CURB PROTECTION.SAWCUT 972-233-1373 F r ( 1 ,LI`,_)-� , �,r ,1 Y ,1„ �,, ," I _ 6. VERIFY AND CONFIRM ALL JOINT LAYOUTS AT ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS WITH ARCH.PRIOR // ,,_ �� � x�`�,�1r ���, AND REPLACE DAMAGED CURB&PATCH/REPAIR ANY CHIPS. PREPARE TO TX Firm:F-1608 I 11 TO POURING OF CONCRETE -i 9 _-'i= 'L ' -'L RECEIVE NEW PAINT STRIPING. CIVIL RLK Engineering ,/ �_ x i�� =�i / yi= 1/1_ _ i 7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AT AREAS NOT 111 w.Main �,7 02.32 (�% �_� �� � t,i '��I- -II-�H- 2�� 05.19 NEW PRE-MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM CANOPY WITH DIAGONAL BRACES AND Allen,TX 75013 / F SPECIFICALLY INDICATED AT 50 FEET ON-CENTER MAX.U.N.O. „_� / 02.15 L /' > /-r, ., t,- `/' /- /' 7 INTERNAL DRAINAGE @ EVERY OTHER COLUMN.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F „ III /-/ �' �'ii yi i�i �� 8. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS AT AREAS NOT SPECIFICALLY LANDSCAPE ValleyQuest Design r r, 1 _ I I _, HARDWARE/COVER PLATES AS REQUIRED TO COLLECT WATER AT COLUMNS WITH 9 / /I III-III III -I _ 11 �i %i , INDICATED AT DISTANCES EQUIVALENT TO SIDEWALK WIDTH,BUT NOT TO EXCEED 15 FEET 212 S.Elm St. = 111-111 III 11 III / , / 1f 32.58 fi / EA zi H-11 NEW TRENCH DRAINS AND DISCHARGE TO SITE PAVING. ON-CENTER MAX. Denton,Tx 76201 /i� i_� '� i i i r r` � i 214-597-1415 P �/ =III �'' �' 1/�� I/ y, I /�� �� 32.01 NEW SIDEWALK.RE:CIVIL 9. VERIFY ALL SITE SIGNAGE LOCATIONS WITH ARCH.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SITE STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity /%i /�_ " �'� , , ( III 1/ ''i1z_/1_'= r'LI / I='2' H-i a -�( 32.02 NEW PAVING.RE:CIVIL SIGNAGE 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 �,I, ,/rr y i,V� ,/ i '/_, fI /1 ,/ Addison,TX 75001 / = ( 32.07 NEW CURB CUT AND ACCESSIBLE RAMP,RE: 1/A0.03 CONTINUE FIRE LANE&RE: 214-520-7202 P 1 L i -' - I ' - 1 i� I- MEP EMAEn in =III `I i=/ 1- /,.k� /1\'/ - ^ /'' K_'/ 1/ s Z H, _/�H- i-/ CIVIL. Engineering&Consulting 'X L'V-/','- /I Ti ,/L i-X /-II H i/-/l i '/ 1''9328SouthBroadway r � „ 32.42 NEW EXTERIOR LIGHT POLE&NEW CONCRETE BASE.REFER ELECTRICAL& Tyler,Tx 75702 �, ' �;%i ,32.58.,2 /H -/i2 i i-i-'/i�,�/I- ' " i' i HX -I(1 III DETAIL 16/A0.10.RE:CIVIL AND ELECTRICAL 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F -1�1 / BUILDING AREAS :x y� r :/ ;i i'y./1�7 -,1 Vi / � ./i /_. i.1.y .� +i�/ 32.58 TECHNOLOGY -� 32.58 RELOCATED EXISTING PLAYGROUND BY GC. REPLACE ALL 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite400 LEAF i I(7/'7 ',,7=ki'/vL,i 'j]'V 1 HI 1 i,_ 1 1 17, i,i-;>I 1V �i I v),L1�/ =i 1 1 1 'f''V i.. ( Dallas,TX 75240 E N V.E.�R -�/,_ 11 /H '1, / �1 ; PTV; 14 ,z1_i H' -ya-/-1�,/-14/ I/; 21�-H _� DAMAGED/DETERIORATED COMPONENTS AS REQ'D.SLOPE FINISH GRADE PLAY 214-442-Es Dallas, P a�22233-1373 F - - ' AREA 1%FOR DRAINAGE.REUSE PLASTIC RETAINING WALLS&ANCHORS WHERE -j ',r,%' ��/ ( /_�� /�' �, �� , -) �/�y�, ( ( BASIC ALLOWABLE AREA (TABLES 506.2&SEC.506.2.3) , 7 r _ \,/ 7 , APPLICABLE AND PROVIDE NEW TO MEET REQUIRED SIZE AS DRAWN. FILL PLAY rb ( (-) I ( ( ( (-) ( ( ( AREA WITH FULL BED OF MULCH TO A MIN.THICKNESS OF 12"TYP.COORD.FINAL TABULAR AREA(At) 106,000 SF ,t,, III I - I I I - T I I 102.15-111 III III III 111-111 III III s 1- LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT/OWNER. ,, t� s 02.52 FRONTAGE INCREASE AREA(If) „ _/7/,,rr,„ 111-- 1 - 32.62 NEW TIFWAY 419 BERMUDAGRASS SOD INFILL. PROVIDE AS SHOWN AND AT ALL e ',' '' ''' ', 32.67 If= 1273'-3"/1273'-3"-0.25 30/30 0.75 �'_ ''� ( DISTURBED AREAS. ( ) ' 32.78 ° , ° `°- a '' 32.67 RELOCATE EXISTING BENCH(UNDER EXISTING PAVILION). NON SPRINKLED AREA NS 26,500 SF I I - � Y I I I I I I .�_ �.- _ �-III 111 III III ( ) 32.74 i L' i /-��_ 1 - , a �32.78° _ <, 4 ,- �� - ACCESSIBLE EGRESS ROUTE 32.74 REPAINT EXISTING FIRE LANE STRIPING PER AHJ.TYP. FOR ENTIRE SITE. I 1 I 111 III II I I( i ' • III 111 1 1 III-FROM STORM SHELTER ACTUAL NUMBER OF STORIES(Sa) 1 • a 32.02 / - - _ \ 32.75 RESTRIPE ALL PARKING SPACES,FIRE LANES AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES IN THEIR I- 1 III III II III 11 ' f" ,' 1 11 III III I I (132.01 ENTIRETY IN THIS LOT. TOTAL ALLOWABLE AREA PER FLOOR (SEC.506.2.3) , � -u w Liu 32.78 NEW BASKETBALL POLES,RE:07/A0.10 Aa= O� <' • ° [106,000 SF+(26,500 x 0.75)] 125,875 SF III III I III I I �tp. pS ° 32.92 NEW SITE WAYFINDING SIGNAGE.CONFIRM WITH OWNER&ARCHITECT PRIOR TO . ° " ' -�� - INSTALLATION,RE: 12/A0.10&7/A0/01. ACTUAL BUILDING AREA(SF) 7 / N <<\.S , •- 1111 32.93 NEW PRECAST CONC.TRENCH DRAIN WITH GALV.DIAMOND PLATE COVER& ' SUPPORT ANGLES.CONNECT TO PREFAB CANOPY INTERNAL DRAINAGE BELOW EXISTING AREA 69,983 SF y ;'. _ a = PAVING AND RUN TO FACE OF EXISTING CURB.CUT OUT EXISTING CURB AND NEW ADDITION AREA 9,208 SF ' . � �� � " "a DRAIN INTO SITE DRIVE. -I 11- TOTAL MAIN BUILDING AREA 79,191 SF / •/7 / i 32.011 HE / ,' 32.62 _ - ,/ .' 21 02.39 ,' 32.07 L 02.39 02.15 7/ • ` Ii1 1 11 ' BASIC ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS ]I II 111_111 1I II = _I I I-I I 4 4 -1)I BA?" - ALLOWABLE STORIES(TABLE 504.4) 4 i", 4 . III ° ACTUAL STORIES 1 02.44 ALLOWABLE HEIGHT(TABLE 504.3) 85' =1I11 t ' 11 = 91_ I� EXISTING HEIGHT 34'3" ACCESSIBLE EGRESS ROUTE 32.75 FROM STORM SHELTER 111L - 11 02.15 NEW HEIGHT 2T 6" 0 -111 - - - 0 =111 HE STUDENT CAPACITY p 14 A; 111 32.01 d �92� KINDERGARTEN, 1ST,2ND,3RD&4TH Z • �� O EXISTING CAPACITY(34 CLASSROOMS) 748 STUDENTS 9 'P'' 7 , NEW CAPACITY( 6 CLASSROOMS) 132 NEW STUDENTS '' lime; FARE V.P� • glillb y \ // 14440, TOTAL CAPACITY 1 ° PIED STUDENTS Lt e ��"" "'" 0 C C ( 00%OCCU ) 880S U S • I- O ,/ WISD ENROLLMENT CAPACITY(85%OCCUPIED) 748 STUDENTS /_.__Z W W 2.74 EXISTING GROVES z D ELEMENTARY :., H L Y �� 00 v) 0 . STAFF CAPACITY w z z o W 0 KINDERGARTEN, 1ST,2ND,3RD&4TH U _ .. o EXISTING CAPACITY 4 CLASSROOMS)M 4STAFF S G C C 3 C SS 00 S 6 c>3 0 \/ 0 NEW CAPACITY(+6 CLASSROOM) 6 NEW STAFF " �- U 0.O .. Q w TOTAL CAPACITY 100%OCCUPIED 70 STAFF 1� o >' o a 02.36 ( ) V < `'� NEW FROT SC/toe 32.92 % 02.51 DROP OFF X , 11 32.02 CANOPY 32.01 TOTAL PARKING SPACESli I �/ 32.02 I"'a L02.1571 111h -.4‘0' j 32 42 PARKING REQ'D BY LAND USE TABLE: 1.5 PER CLASSROOM 02.15 / ARTICLE 5: USE REGULATIONS 32.92 j/ %1 • 1- - / xa 32.92 ( ) / "" _____ TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED: 32.93 6 4‘.‹ ...... 02 15 �<\ 'a (40 CLASSROOMS) *(1.5)=60 SPACES \ 0 ) / -77' i 32.07 EXISTING CAPACITY: 119 SPACES 0 . ` "� NEW CAPACITY(N/A): 0 NEW SPACES , k / / 32.92 • TOTAL CAPACITY: 119 SPACES //// . S `�� 14111 i 32.74 1 ./ u 1 11 41111111 __.__._. • // I / � �/% ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES (ID ® / / / KEY PLAN // / PER TABLE 1106.1 FROM 2015 IBC: 101 -150 SPACES / / ` NORTH: PLAN TRUE J . 32.75 / TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 119 SPACES •/ _ ;/1// / REQUIRED TOTAL MINIMUM ACCESSIBLE SPACES: 7 SPACES / / / REQUIRED MINIMUM VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES: 1 SPACES .-/ 0 /// // TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCESSIBLE SPACES: 7 SPACES 2- /j// / TOTAL NUMBER OF VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACES: 2 SPACES U1 32.92 /�/ / // / / cNi / / / END //// / .1/ ' / SITE PLAN LEG// / t CLIENT 7i 32.92 / / WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT w / ------, DATE PROJECT NUMBER / // NEW TIFWAY 419 2020/08/28 2003 32 92 / EXISTING BUILDING i BERMUDA GRASS SOD DRAWING HISTORY 0 / INFILL No. Description Date -§ /1 / / co o /o NEW ADDITION ' NEW PAVEMENT U / / a o / 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT 0 17) c NEW ICC 500 r %_-/ii / COMMUNITY TORNADO F�� ' X`LI/ �1 PLAYGROUND 7 / /F/- SHELTER =�''' ' '-, / ARCHITECTURAL SITE U /i a 7 - - - PROPERTY LINE PLAN a) ii // � • � • � • � • � • � • � FIRE LINE CHECKED BY: / / Checker DRAWN BY: 06 ZONING - ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - COMPOSITE Author 1/32" = 1'-0" AZO . 01 Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 9:31:51 AM o ° EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND 173131 co n - ✓ -i a O co Z - co cn c � 1" - BRICK, MODULAR m BK-1 03 73 ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. ` r 0 DALLAS PBK.com 73 Z , i 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 Dallas,TX 75240 z 0 BRICK, MODULAR 972-233-1323 F BK 2 972 233 1323 P TX Firm:F-1608 73 CIVIL RLK Engineering 111 W.Main _._ , _ Allen,TX 75013 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F y, " LANDSCAPE Valley Quest Design 212 S Elm St BRICK, MODULAR Denton,TX 76201 -77 -- - Y B K-3 214-597-1415 P ,_ __---- ___ STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 Addison,TX 75001 214-520-7202 P MEP EMA Engineering&Consulting 328 South Broadway Tyler,TX 75702 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS TECHNOLOGY14001 Parkway, 75240uite400 6LEAF Nµ CMU-1 214-442-5808 P 972-233-1373 F ENGINEERS A 1 uuuuuu CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS uuum CMU-2 L. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS CMU-3 1111 1111 I 1 1 I CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 111 , t l l i ,_I CMU-4 CEMENT PLASTER SYSTEM 1 06 03 ia� ,ate T METAL PANELAA J A7.01 Ø'A7MI �•B� �'� •T' 1 0 (j) / EXTERIOR STONE CLADDING SYSTEM = Z I I I I I I I V O I I - I > TOWER B.O.STRUCTURE ji Ask TOWER B.O.STRUCTURE `r ' 126' 8" 126'-8° CAST STONE \ I I 05.18 H I / I Q 05.18 08.02 Ill 05.20 0 II II II II Z Z s 08.08 TOWER B.O. GLAZING TOWER B.O.GLAZING iT ,LL - T 118-8 118-8 � a CONCRETE, CAST IN PLACE 1 , NM Z 04.01 04.01 I L L_ U T � O TOWER B.O.ANGLE TOWER B.O.ANGLE ,� � I W o V 111'-4" 111'-4" ■ ■I. L I - IIII GLAZED TILE Z z �I 05.19 �i T } I '/� O as sang sGT-1 (+) O C , ■ 05.20 i �. IZ 04.21 1 fie ®MSS "I i j L Irl t 04.21 04.03 --"-• o L El �� I KEYNOTE LEGEND 0 0 x o L__ ■ ■■ ■ I_ I rM ■1 .I rL FIRSTl { r i s NUMBER DESCRIPTION o .� o 100-0 100-0 0 Q o o ' 02.01 EXISTING WALL ASSEMBLY TO REMAIN.PROTECT DURING CONSTRUCTION.PATCH T AND REPAIR AS NECESSARY TO LIKE NEW CONDITION. I 04.01 NEW BRICK VENEER[BK-1].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 04.03 NEW BRICK VENEER[BK-3].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. .DoTso' o 04.21 CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT[CMU-1].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH.111110 ,:Ow lob 04.43 NEW CAST STONE SILL[CS-1].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. I-ci, 05.11 NEW PRE-MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM CANOPY WITH SLITS ALONG OUTER U-BEAM TO DRAIN. ‘ le' 05.18 NEW PREFINISHED BRAKE METAL PANEL[MP-1]CONTINUOUS OVER EXT. SHEATHING 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - FRONT DROP OFF - NORTH 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - FRONT DROP OFF - EAST 05.19 NEW PRE-MANUDFACT RDEDALUMNOVER 2X BLOCKING&MECH. FASTENED. MCANOPYWITHDIAGONALBRACESAND 8 1/8" = 1' 6 1/8" = 1'-0" INTERNAL DRAINAGE @ EVERY OTHER COLUMN.PROVIDE ADDITIONAL HARDWARE/COVER PLATES AS REQUIRED TO COLLECT WATER AT COLUMNS WITH \ NEW TRENCH DRAINS AND DISCHARGE TO SITE PAVING. 05.20 NEW PRE-MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM CANOPY W/INTERNAL DRAINAGE DOWN TO COLUMN BASE AND SURFACE DISCHARGE. s 07.04 NEW PREFINISHED METAL WALL CAP.MATCH ADJACENT EXISTING FINISH. 08.02 NEW EXTERIOR ALUM.GLAZING SYSTEM RE:WINDOW SCHEDULE 08.08 NEW TINTED INSULATED SPANDREL GLASS, 1";FRIT[G-6] 10.41 NEW 18"HIGH CAST ALUMINUM LETTERS WITH FACTORY FINISH.PROVIDE HEAVY BITUMINOUS BACKFACE PROTECTION AND SURFACE MOUNT TO EXTERIOR MASONRY. 10.42 NEW 12"HIGH CAST ALUMINUM LETTERS WITH FACTORY FINISH.PROVIDE HEAVY BITUMINOUS BACKFACE PROTECTION AND SURFACE MOUNT TO EXTERIOR MASONRY. 22.40 NEW EXTERIOR LAMBS TONGUE OVERFLOW DRAIN AS SPEC.TIED TO PRIMARY ROOF DRAINAGE KEY PLAN .) ® , . ` NORTH: PLAN TRUE J 1 -3.-)2 B.AA 0B.BB0 fi 1 2 I I 06 EM A7.01 0I 114 03 Es A7 01 A7.01 a) I of I I I I I I CV Q1 07.04 o y I TOWER B.O. STRUCTURE TOWER B.O.STRUCTURE ] ] Al I l a I v 05.18 126' 8" 126'-8° Ni. T 'IN05.18 I08.02 I a. Ar CLIENT aI 11 I 1 1 04.21 I I EQ EQ I I I I WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT L w �u -•°�■e■ ■ ■ DATE PROJECT NUMBER T L I L ■ 08.02 TOWER B.O. GLAZING TOWER B.O.GLAZING I I 1 c f r_ s .c 2020/08/28 2003 > " .r_ � . r r T r r , r � 04.01 118'-8" � 118'-8" . ��. �� 10.41 �■■�, Wd■■' �3►ea�,`!a!>d��ll: DRAWING HISTORY c� f r -r I r N Date L 22.40 -sus we ni is4,�,I �� l,� I- ■ o. Description a e cn T. .T C. i -05. 02.01 , ji 05.11 LPL xr .� 1.1 �,rt r C I , ' 1 ,-`T� TOWER B 0 ANGLEB 0 ANGLE coI .. � 1� l7� i�,. i I i 1 i i I �I I I 1 I I I I I I ��`� -'� - �.;,. � . �� H I LJ I U I � I �. � TOWER !'- �. x ��.x o T / 111.-4" 111'-4" ■ _. - n/ n/ �7/ T/ -_ .I _ T T 0 r.IIII IV Z . TTLr 1 r� r"� o y -,': I. 4 10.42 .■ ■ ■ ? I : : -r „. '' 04.03 `r.`' `4 I ,zz 04.03 I _ r- 04.03 MI 1._ _�Z. ar r wl_ -- 04 21 _I TYF x 04.01 = s Q = 04.01 100/o CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT o I 04.43 I .sue r s'-r�... x H • I...®rriu� h' "� <'`F �uL1i 22.40 ,`r'4-4-, = s' T. "4 c,:c' 'xr �-:' `*�.rrh 0 ■ .) ■■ o h .L T.I - ■� -�rs TT T i 04.43 FIRST FLOOR(F.F.E.) FIRST FLOOR(F.F.E.) ��� �■ 04.43 I ..L � � 04.43 . cm 100'-0" 100'-0" I in a) mi mi I ELEVATIONS - EXTERIOR - FRONT CL DROP OFF iZ CHECKED BY: Checker DRAWN BY: °N.° EXTERIOR ELEVATION - FRONT DROP OFF - WEST 04EXTERIOR ELEVATION - FRONT DROP OFF - SOUTH Author1/8" = 1'-0" 1/8" = 1'-0" A6 . 01 Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 9:31:47 AM o rn ° -N EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND 173131 co n - r -i C O rn CO Z - m N - C m 1" - - BRICK, MODULAR BK-1 \ W 73 B. 1 B.2 6.3 /6,4 6.5 z W r ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. ` (- 0 �� PBK.com Z DALLAS 014001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 O rr' Dallas,TX 75240 73 n m BRICK, MODULAR 33 D 972 233 1373 F .. I I I BK-2 „:°°",' " m m TX Firm:F-1608 CIVIL RLK Engineering 111 W.Main Allen,TX 75013 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F LANDSCAPE Valley Quest Design NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING " === 212 S.Elm St. I I I .. BRICK, MODULAR Denton,TX 76201 B K-3 214-597-1415 P --- ___ STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 Addison,TX 75001 214-520-7202 P MEP EMA Engineering&Consulting 328 South Broadway Tyler,TX 75702 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F Ark 16 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS TECHNOLOGY 14001 Parkway, 75240uite400 III LEAF A6.10 A7.02 CMU-1 214-442-5808 P 972-233-1373 F ENGINEERS sADDITION T.O.B. RAKE VV _ 04.45 04.45 r 04.45 04.45 I „III 121'-4" 07.04 3'-4" / 5'-11" 5'-11" I It lu ADDITION T.O.B. �` 1` Iluuui CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 23.01 rr, `. .r,, uoulouu 117 7tit" III 1Y=-yr�r'r=r=+r,r'-r'r`r'r..rr .r.rl-,-a_r.,,.,._Ya_r_,rl,-a-a.' r", frr; - - f, - -ri.- - -- r.dm.. a=. ..ry,.rrri.r.,.`i.�.:v,:,..ry,. 'L A� � ,-i-.,- _,. -r ,-i-.r..nil" .r-Data _,. .r..i.,- _,.,--r _r i.., --i.. _,.,--r _r i..,- _,.,--r _r i..,- _,.,--r .. .. ., .. _ `I+' i�' i_l '-`s�ei' �=r`'axy ris: uuuuouu -_ - - - --- - - - - fr._-=x-xr rs-r ,-''`= =-- - - -- r Y T--- -- --- _- - --" _ - _ - --- --. - -- - - _"- - --" _ •- _ -_ _ _ -Yi r Y r- .:I_''_'`_12-T.✓N.t--- ------ -- -- 00 -- -- �_ -- __ illiiPLS- S■i___.t1__""_ - - - -- - '`- r'-x-i-r`-r'x` ADDITION B.O.D. 04.22 - - : . :, _= 1-- . _ -...r.r-r " -x.,r.y-`r`r-`r`,,--r'-,-'-r'-r '-r`-r4-x r'` i r-'-,-'-r-`T-`-H,,,,`-r`r -41r-'-r-`-ri,i-r i-r4-41-r-'-r r-.1:,,rr'-r-'-,Jr-`r'-r r-'-r`r,- ' 'r :'-r,..,,. .r-4-`-r'-r,-r.•-r'-r * r-r`T-`-r.`,r-`,-`, r-'-,-,-r.r i--,,..,,r.,-r`r''r'- ,--'-r,-,,LI`r.'-,.s.r tV,H'`T_'-r't-r� .,`-r-r,,t-r-r.`-r`--,4,i rr_r.`-,'-r ,-' tr,tr rr '�-r-'-,-'-r-'r-`r.r,'-r-'-rt-r-'-,-'if,ra ,-rar r r i r-4i.,Lr_zr_rrx-r i r-4-'-rr1.,i r`-r4 _ _ - r r-T-rl,r„-if r-a r r-r r 11 4 Lrtar.,r r'r�;.�r ,r'''''''1' r� r-'�;-` ;��;,�,r ��;�r.,;-,,�;� - �;�_,r�,.;�r ' ,';�;�r �r,-;� �,�;'T�;`r ';�r ;=��r � Y-`7';`' �r�'=�:',1m.`;-,>�;_�;�;-'�-`;_,r r , rY r ra. r-_ L, az -. , , r r Ir a', r t .-,'-`_'� ` ` `Illllllllmmllll,m'�'� ` , ,,� , ml:-"""""'ll `m IIIII IIII y Illllllr Illlrlllllll`II 1.:: _ `1 '-A ' - ` ' '- -, ` ` " ` ` ` - ........ IIIIIIII"Irlllr;.......... ..III"�....�.�..yllllllllllllllm.....ml"^^^• "IIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII�` II `-._ � , ` ` , : � y = _""IIIIIIIII ... '-. ....... Illllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllll �. s„IIIIIIIIII r Illlllllm ,m ml:wlllllllllllllllllll........ II IIII:: II.' ulllllllllllllllllllm -::louuuuuuululllllllllllllllllll Illlllulllllllllllulll^^^ ^. ...Immlllllllllll.......... _ Illlllllllllmllulllll........,;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:.,,,rlllllllllllllllllll .... Illlllllllm ..... ,� ............ ............ I•Imlllllllm ,� uuomouuuuol I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII uuuuuuuuu ..uwmu ��������������������:uuuuuuuuuuuu..... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: L........IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu w uuuuuuuuuuuu............IIIIII: ............ �� a uuduuuuuuuuoum IIIII, -,I:mm ............ I""Im I" W � IIIMuuuuuu Illlllu Illllluuuuuuuum I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII i ....w U 7. ........... IIIIIIII".. :0 06 IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111114 IIIIIII�IIIIII Nrlllll ..Ir IIII IIIL.. uuul�llllll "IIIIII Illll: ....,IIIIIIIIIIII::............. ...... .. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _:...................:: ...........,, IIIIIII � . .sl� ..., - .., IIIIIII m IIIIIIII m. " �. ".. ..., I:,II .. . IIII .... . ��,m.�,F,.. = .... . IIIIIII IIIIIIII a r: "������: o o��::,: a lulllu: ll:: muunnr -to �.".".uul � �����������������������;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII: �����������������������: ullNuulllllllpl o m ....� '..������������������ ..... m. ���: v ...IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r� ., .� ^^^^' ��������, ��������: ���-- u�uuuul uo ... ...�. uumm .. uulllllllllll�lllllllllll u IIIII ........ ,,aw.:. uuuuuuuum uuuuuuuullll ...�- IIII ����:�,� ...�. I IIIIIIII uumu uuuu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I I uuuuuuuu I .uuumFStIY .�., IIIIIIIIM lllltil �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL. uuuuuuuuuu .au^ IMuuuuuuuuuuuullllll uuuuuuuuuuuu H IIIIIIIN ...IIIIIIIIII@IIIIIIIIIII --■� i • l_______� _� _______om Lomom�om���mo� ����a■■�giii. aim ������ ...��IIII IIIII���� �... IIII::����■■����������� r■■ ■1 ■■�■■■■r rz. 04.23 r`x ` 'at:- ; a .y:fH a--` .birr-- _=yes, T; T I� _ _r�.a _ .` =`x=x ` ` ==:r,-afar' ' `�- _ CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS S.r'`.,.i.. r Y',, `r -,,,,a-,.r,',; ., x._ �.r. r:z,,,.r z-t: x- .x..S z s-.-t r -T.L: "aft-fart- axm,41 ,r`_r'` - x , r.r - I ; . LL � ' r -rr CMU3 ,.��..,.m�mmmn� mmmxmlum����mm•�-_t�ml=�..�,wC Y-. _ - - -- -- -�mn��m,l..,�m����mllmllllll,�,..mr������.,....,i,.. .-.I.. Im"rmlmmmm.mm�r.. r S 'L 04.01 =::r_r ==r-- -r r. .=r.r.� r . Y , r ,-`ter= �r r r, -- ." ......... . ...... ........,. .. --L:':-_LSt-T..7.-`-S_t-1.=.-' -s ..i_ri-L-`_=:''=.,.Y"`_-''a."at- t_.L.:a,..: -L_- - rarer-S- : - E E 04.02 Wit- _ - -- x x =. MEM ■ ■ -,:r .-a_x-=TIx.. --:r -r-r- -4x-7- -T. _ _ _ rzr z .__ :x:rr- .r-= _- z , _,� r.` x-mx:r:r :_,�.: :Lxs , rr: _ _ r:r a:r: 04.23 r == S.�.r ars,r' t .,-, =,r,=,s.rrr. ,.x,rr==rr.,rwrrrr r_.r=: ■ LL -- " Q E mmmlr ..m �..T..I,,ImI....}. = -- - 04 22 E . , x _ _ ` ,_ .i. _. - _ @✓aA®:S `�617pN_-•71-� _r.s - z --r.r==_r_-r .r.xsr .r..:z-rL ..Ermigsr g-' .. .,. , 6,��. ..maz �........ ...........:............. ,,,mmlms.,.,.,,,..,. .Im..,.....E,,.. ■��!���'■ 1����������� �������� ��������������������� �������� ��������� �� I i I I FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. _ I ( ) _III ua _I i -_-_ -°" rl _IIIIIIIIII -____-- _ _ ���������� - r }.I. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS ""' ,� CON 100-0 �. -� - , - --IS- ____._ - --- I I I I 1 i I CMU-4 1'7 4+" I I MEN] 15'4" 6`0" I 17`4" �, 1 T 4° r �, I 17'4" 1 6`-0" 17'-2 1/2" I 21'-4" 4'-0" 52-0" - , 4'-0" 6'-0" 4'-0" 23'-2 1/2" T-6" 1')1/2" CEMENT PLASTER SYSTEM 24 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - AREA B - WEST 1/8" = 1'-0" METAL PANEL J 0 OCi) EXTERIOR STONE CLADDING SYSTEM = Z V O (D) 06 04 (^) 18 B.B B.A I- "--,..___-/ A7.02 A6.10 �/ A7.02 �/ \---.....__/ CAST STONE 30'-4" 11 12'-0" 30'-4" rig- SLOPED TOP OF PARAPET t / SLOPED TOP OF PARAPET / 41C O )'8,,, I 5 0 --/--1' " z Z / 5'-0" 1I 1'-4" 2.1'-4" ,3'-9 3/4"✓ 3',2__" 3'-2_" 3'-9 3/4" 21'-4" 1-4' ADDITION T.O.B.@ RAKE CONCRETE, CAST IN PLACE 1518II11'-0"__ __- 121'-4" ~ ermamiamou . - - r.r x--:-----.r='_�r.-x-- •, ADDITION T.O.B. W D N _ °III - _-c-r z=== -.r_r. -s.r -s.: . r.a. :=:.r:r-r.._.r -:r. : r., ,r _ _-.-.:x---c a s. s r--a x_ -z- .r..- - x r: r.. _x. ..v.v.a:r..-x-'s'.r:r ".v... r.:x- Ill"x- =x-:,:r.-sr .r.r.. .r r-z-.,..•:r r:r•-,x r... ..,'-x .., _-r x--.c-:r.-r a_ ..r...-x_.r.r r:.. 0 - r r,-, ,-,;-, r . r r.if, Ir r ,-;�- ., rr, �, p.a. r r r, ,,=,arty , .,rr, r - - 117'-7" s-x:r`r ra s-`. - r:'r':.r'r::`- - -- r`:r':s.�r.-a"I w_ -`."`.rasa.=.xir..'r-'.-r. .:x.:.rL.t.-r.....- -'t. 7.a a .` -- - -.:r..r r...,.zrz -- - ...s'z. -a.. _ ..r`r`r`-r. .r`r-.'s:r_`.r'._.._ '-r':r st-r;r.;r"-i,-r-:r..". O ;:z r � "s, H ' ,_t_r:r,: x.,.r_r Y 4. a'ryx _ m w F r .r x .�tr .r= 04.45 fx Tr-= ,=r - y= r:ar�; -af - '~ r"r rx: r,. twit x r- _,rr.rr a Lai- :r1 W _,.s_'-i ra ,.,. _�s.r - _-r`s`s'L� .z'`z':r`:`7 . . : `t" a..,._,--"."..''S_`r:s...l:.....-�....:.`r_:L'`_`1`_L --.L`.i-LT..Y-r-- L'`a.-71.7"....a_'2-` ._L'':rLi ..T_''"-'s..a. _z-x.IA :'.:. _` _`.,'t-i :.c.i -.r .a-r=.x- -:r _i as:-.r_=,r=T.I..r.a:I ="=r=_z 7.-_. -.- --r.=r,._.-r--.-, = L .r , r-r. - - =L ._ -.-7.- r=_ r 04.22 1111 GLAZED TILE Z z -:r:.= a r` __: ----- _a T. m. ___` a - ADDITION B.O.D. o CO:'.-`a-_-,,- -,:-4--#..is.a. ,_.-`y_•"-1,-._'.r*.2` -r#-',--,--` ;-.i--`s'-',--,#a.x-`r'`r`.'r•r`,4=,`.r'r , _ -_"._'fit �z:xa-4r -_- -`r 4.1...�r_ - - .x..r. ,- .-.r_' _t a_r_:`z_,.rr.-..s..-,-#4 i'ra ea-:'_i_zirt�:r.'s=`_..,e,--saYiT �.-=-i=r_•s_`.r :r - rt,�r, r- " , , r ',...arar r r r x-La -ram,a a r , r °,-;_� , , . .." - �.",.'. 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DATE PROJECT NUMBER „ .,�_`,_ x-ar:`s`.x`= xa:r-`v s`.x`=- - 'i.`x.. -=-a-L``r` `.r`.x`x- - a=:`_ra-`s`r.irar:`r`r`.r`.x-`x-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x-`x-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x-`x-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x-`x-=-a-L``r`r`.=.:`. -x-a�.``z•'c..r`.=-`=-=-a-L``r`r.r`.x-`x- - - - -,r._`'..'c..r`.=-`=-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x`x-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x`x-=a-L``r`r`.r`.x`x-=a-L``r`r`.-`:r-a-xa�.`` •c.`. `.=`=-=a-L``r`r`.r`.x-`x-=-a-L``r`r`.r`.x-`x-x_an-`z•t.`.r`.x_`r•rix-`_r`.x`x =-`r:` ar`r x-`r.I.r.r==_`,_ -= r: r`r = rTc - cn _�, I ,c;`.i _,�r, ,_, I�;�, _,=;=c;.i;.�w;=k�r rrr , ,�Y,s,-r r r�, ,- - r�, ,- ,� 117-7 .`rye_. ` 77' 2020/08/28 2003 `�I�=�x:Izy " L��=" '-�i:Iz� __`r _�r:`"` _`r:` _:�_:L`� _`r:`"` _`r:`"` _`r:`"` _`r:`"` 7a;=i _`r:`"` _`r:I"` L:=j�`a's�`r:`"` _`r:`"` _`r:`"` _`r:`"` - 7a;=i _`r., _`r:`"` _`r:`"` �x:`z= `` =`�I��x:`i' ��x:`z= `` =`�I�=�x:`z=:`r`:ram` 7.a� 0 06 vx;� r . rr r,r;r:;-�;���' .err ,- =_, 7 ,-_,=m���;�r r r rr,=�;=m���;�r r ,-_,=m���;�r r ,-_,=m���;�r r ,-_,=m���;�r r ,-_,=m����=�=i=mom`-, ,-_,=m���;�r ,-��-;=x;_=;r,_,,. ,-_,=m���;�r ,-_,=m���;�r ,-_,=m���;�r ,-_,=m��x-'}r;r.>`',�-, r r - ��;�r ,-_,=m���;�r ,-_,=m���;�r=��,-�r�;� . rx,� r ,'i�r . rx,� r rF--`r .'I -La-cx:'si*�'�x:'-:. _':r'z: -,:.r,.=..'`_:,�..r .,..r..x.,._..sa-.- - .c':r,.-` - - _s_''s:_' ..:-`=.�'s_ - - - .:- - .:- - .:- - .:- - 5:.•sL.ci-r'--=.`xf r�'x':r.':-` - .':r__`x:'s_•.a •_r.�'x':r,.-` - - -- - - -- - - -- _.s. an-`.L'-'.'.-``.`xf r�'x':r.' 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'__ `c:':c s:.`,r-a.z:ii r':z:`..r'`r.'Y: `n-` `s .`xc-.`.c..si O 'r.7:-ra`r-�-"-r' - --,---S-rr* ,-i I r,_r_l-I'-,-r_i __,.__,rx:,`-r."r`z.l`-==r-r-r r-I-4`-`�..==,-7-'I--r:�. r .-;:,.r.:;�:r: , ,r?-r T-r.r, :*,*x.,`_ ,*.=,.z,.r r.a.rr..rr.r-` r ,,-I-z., r,T.a"-'r?-r_r.,-Wr.r..r:': :r'r-I-,r,r?,,_ -: , , :i"�-r`-,rr-r,r,,-�r`-,r,r'"r`-,-I�,-r:r,,?''-r � � :-, :-r,-i�-,,r, r r=-,- r rs I-T,.r=`I-.r ra-r'i `i-r.,-r�i-`-r`-`rr r r-rs=r r,r� 0 -,-,-r ' muuul r «� ����1. - momm���mmom� """"" �� FIRST FLOOR(F.F.E.) 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT mmlm v r� ■ 04 01 to r 0 s_ CD ELEVATIONS - CU EXTERIOR - AREA B a LL / CHECKED BY: Checker DRAWN BY: 06 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - AREA B - EASTA6 Author 1/8" = 1'-0" ■ 02 Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 9:31:50 AM Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Wylie Junior High. School Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: AG/30 Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations, Variance Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Davis Intermediate School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 950 Park Blvd. Recommendation Motion to conditionally approve a Site Plan for Davis Intermediate School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 950 Park Blvd. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: PBK Architects The applicant is proposing to make a 9,924 square foot addition to Davis Intermediate School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition. The property is zoned within the Agricultural AG/30 district and the use is allowed by-right. The exterior material of the additions are to match the look of the existing building and are made of brick, and burnished CMU. A portion of the proposed addition is to function as a storm shelter. The proposed site plan shows 56 classrooms, requiring 84 parking spaces and providing 173 spaces. The applicant is requesting for conditional approval of this site plan pending the approval of a variance to allow for a reduction of the front setbacks from 50' to 48'7". The Zoning Board of Adjustments hearing is scheduled to be on October 19, 2020. An amended plat of this property is on this agenda to reflect realigned access, firelane, and utility easements. As presented and with approval of a variance for the front setbacks, this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the zoning ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 24, 2020 o m ° _ GENERAL ARCH SITE PLAN NOTES \ D - = EXISTING BASKETABLL COURT \ 1313I \ z _ 1. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS \ 2. COORD.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WITH CIVIL,LANDSCAPE,AND OR M C 1" STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS 0 \ 3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 1 % MINIMUM,2% \ m y MAXIMUM AT ALL EXTERIOR PAVED PEDESTRIAN AREAS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, /ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. ` r -m ` SIDEWALKS,PATIOS,STAIRS,PAVING,U.N.O. DALLAS PBK.com 4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 5% FOR A HORIZ. 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 C) DISTANCE OF 10 FEET AT ALL EXTERIOR NON-PAVED AREAS U.N.O Dallas,TX 75240 p 5. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AND CONCRETE 972-2 3 323 P (7 SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS ?0 6. VERIFY AND CONFIRM ALL JOINT LAYOUTS AT ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS WITH ARCH.PRIOR 972-233-1373 F TO POURING OF CONCRETE TX Firm:F 1608 7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AT AREAS NOT CIVIL 111 w Man RLK Engineering SPECIFICALLY INDICATED AT 50 FEET ON-CENTER MAX.U.N.O. Allen,TX 75013 8. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS AT AREAS NOT SPECIFICALLY 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F LANDSCAPE Valley Quest Design INDICATED AT DISTANCES EQUIVALENT TO SIDEWALK WIDTH,BUT NOT TO EXCEED 10 FEET 212 S.elm st. ON-CENTER MAX. Denton,TX 76201 214-597-1415 P // 9. VERIFY ALL SITE SIGNAGE LOCATIONS WITH ARCH.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SITE SIGNAGE STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity // 10. PATCH AND REPAIR THE EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO LIKE NEW CONDITION.MODIFY 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 SYSTEM AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE A FULLY OPERATIONAL SYSTEM WITH FULL SITE COVERAGE. A21d452o 2 75001P '// 11.ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE SOD. MEP EMAEngineering&Consulting j 328 South Broadway Tyler, 70 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F TECHNOLOGY SITE PLANLEGEND 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 LEAF Dallas,TX 75240 ENGINE`EEIU 214-442-5808 P 972-233-1373 F // / -III III HI- - �_----- NEW TIFWAY 419 BERMUDA / __,\ EXISTING BUILDING GRASS SOD INFILL 1 II1.Il ® o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0� 11 14 _ I \ - - a La d ° I \ ° , NEW ADDITION NEW PAVEMENT q �1I l / NEW ICC 500 COMMUNITY Qad \l II II / TORNADO SHELTER 1 H HH 1 /,4aa 4111 II H 1I PROPERTY LINE III III ��° ,- - °- d ° d� I �.II III � I - \ II 1 11 I I III III a III III I FIRE LINE I I - 4'- --°--d- I- -- i 11 11 1 �4 4 - - ° - a \ 11 --11 -- A 7 _ EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN d r 4a a _ 1 Ii III �a as n ° � 1I III I' NEW 2 STORY y\ I11 11 1 °- a 11 11 a 1 1 1 O 7 32.11- I I I I I I I \ , 11 11 1 NEW TREE RE:LANDSCAPE ADDITION I I I I l , 32.66 'I will I I I I I '_ a � �II I I I1 1 a ° a I 1 1 Z � 32.59 LIII III III � 1° t . �"� .. a " �� "II 1 T'� \ V O / \ 5 - I II III II I d \ H- H-\ a' a d d C 1 11 11 11 11 . 4 ° ° ' 11 �11 -_ 1 1 I:I 1 Ill 1 �: 11 11 -.d de ` 11 :I 1 32.53 �\I Q III :II III III - I :III :11 PARKING COUNT > 32. / 114 O 11 11 11 11 11 11 411 / Z A 4, O I I I II II II - a° \ (11 III ;32.79 REQUIRED PARKING 84 SPACES Cil II ,1 I11 1IL I III a.-P III (56 CLASSROOMS ASSUMED) W ° 1- I - d `" EXISTING DAVIS III a it LIJ z d ° - 32.01 PROVIDED PARKING 173 SPACES 2 z 11 - 11 11 11 a d /al III 2 - � a -/a FRONT PARKING 4HC+110 SPACES INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL /'�� 1,j� o 32.13 REAR PARKING 3HC+56 SPACES cn o 11 11 11 11 -1 A'° ° ° 11 -] z -11 - 11 11 II 14 ' . ;< /'- ° a1 III 1 �' F= (2 STORY BUILDING) d 1] - _ 0 d 11 I ^ Ill I 32.12 KEYNOTE LEGEND 1 III III III 1 / d III 11 / NUMBER DESCRIPTIONlimmil I- -R 0 A 1 1 1 1- .r d 1 1 / m x z ;� 1 a 32.05 0 * a) o 1 1 \ ° ° AI , 02.31 PROTECT EXISTING TREE DURING CONSTRUCTION. as ' U 11/-11 - d d 32.01 NEW SIDEWALK.RE:CIVIL C .� o 4,11 - 11 ��11 .�"1'1 1 °� � 11 11 III 1 32.05 NEW CURB CUT AND DRIVEWAY ENTRY,CONTINUE FIRE LANE STRIPING.RE:CIVIL. CI < o 32.06 NEW CONTROL JOINT AT EVERY 5 0"O.C.AND NEW EXPANSION JOINT AT EVERY I' III II lk III -1 I II 2° ® ' ° 1 11 11 '2 20'-0°O.C.RE:CIVIL. 11 I I L 11 11 -11 11 I d ' - 32.11 NEW DRIVEWAY.RE:CIVIL l = I I) a ° 32.12 NEW FIRE HYDRANT.RE:CIVIL �� T i�? IQ , II AI IIa° a ° a 32.13 IRRIGATION METER.RE:CIVIL 3 °,k, III Ill III 11 111 III III ° �- 32.53 NEW DECORATIVE METAL FENCE, RE:08/A0.10. '' 4/ 11 - II II = II �11 II --�1I �I I II I, a 32.59 REINSTALL EXISTING IRRIGATION COMPONENTS,TYP.REF CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE. / ` 1 2 32.62 NEW TIFWAY 419 BERMUDAGRASS SOD INFILL. PROVIDE AS SHOWN AND AT ALL \ ...le V - -II II II II -I I II II II II II DISTURBED AREAS. I I I 1 I I I I I I °. ° '1\ 74- - 11 11 = 11 -11 11 11 i 1 d . 32.66 PROVIDE NEW SOD TO MATCH EXISTING TO 15-0"BEYOND LINE TO NEW I I PAVEMENT AS SHOWN AND AT ALL DISTURBED AREAS. ` J °,- o ' 11 11 11 - 11 11 = 11 11 11 --11 ` ) 32.70 PAINT"NO PARKING"ON ACCESS AISLE ADJACENT TO THE PARKING PER TAS/ /d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I /a °-11 = .5+0 11 11 11 -11 11 --11 TDLRREQUIREMENT. 1 I ITpll I I I I I I 32.74 REPAINT EXISTING FIRE LANE STRIPING PER AHJ.TYP.FOR ENTIRE SITE. II 177 II II II -1I II __ I 'i / I� 1 / 32.75 RESTRIPE ALL PARKING SPACES,FIRE LANES AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES IN THEIR i _II III Ill Ill Ill III ENTIRETY IN THIS LOT. 1 _ „ 1- -- 1 / / 32.79 NEW DECORATIVE GATE,RE:09/A0.10. f ' 1 11 11 11 11 ° �A ( ,� / 32.94 NEW LOCATION FOR EXISTING POLE AND LIGHT.EXTEND CONDUIT AND WIRING AS I I -=) �%F '°9p 36=6 ' = .q� NECESSARY.PROVIDE NEW CONCRETE BASE.RE:DETAIL 16/A0.10,CIVIL AND rTF 'r,c r�2 ° / / ELECTRICAL _4„,________,___ -1I Ili '•A',9,ti II �I 1\ - / I� I� I� I� I� I I- ,�Fil,�Yq T �` / MAIN ENTRY 1 1 ( 32.01 11 11 11 1 11 _11 I 1 1"bop,0 -11It8,� Fo 9O 1 1 III III / N 32.06 I III, _ I I 11 I I __I I 11 __I I I I 11• I�40 AR0 1 I I III ''V -1 =1 / TYP I I ii, I I - 1 I I I ) Ty I I I / All , ,, d d I 1 q9p ` •_____ L III ,/ _ - - \ , I ,- , I / KEY PLAN �� I : 11I ` NORTH: PLAN TRUE 02.31 / 9 I FQp / _ _,,,,•,,,,„ , ��N _, •,,,, �.0„ TYP / / / tir y ____ _ _______:______ 1,,Iii. _....., , , ////// /// NN , //, N \ E \71 4 _ . \ / , ______ , 7. \ / r CLIENT 11 32.70 32.70 11 / v of A0.1° TYP.AT ALL TYP.AT ALL Ao.10 v / WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N ACCESS AISLE ACCESS AISLE \ / �` `�/ DATE PROJECT NUMBER of ' / J / 2020/08/28 2004 �� / zy .) / DRAWING HISTORY y A `�/ / No. Description Date -a 32.74 1 1 ADDENDUM 01 09/04/2020 I zyc .cn / il / 0I /, REPLACE ALL EXISTING SITE SIGNAGE WITH NEW WAYFINDING SIGNS. 1 32.75 i �/ / PROVIDE SIX NEW SIGNS. 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS N / // / / ALL EXISTING STRIPING TO REMAIN TO BE REFINISHED TO MATCH TYPE AND o i y / FINISH OF LIKE NEW CONDITION / / REMOVE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WHERE NEEDED; PATCH AND vl / i / REPAIR EXISTING IRRIGATION PIPING, AND PROVIDE HEADS AS REQUIRED TO SITE PLAN / ADEQUATELY WATER EXISTING AND NEW SOD AREAS. MATCH EXISTING COMPOSITE 111 EXISITING PARKING SPACES i LINES, HEADS AND CONTROL BOXES AS NEEDED. CONTRACTOR IS 4 ISTING ACCESSSIBLE PARKING SPACE / ;% RESPONSIBLE FOR LOCATING EXISTING AND NEW LINES, HEADS, AND 114 EXISTING PARKING SPACES - i ;i / ///zz7/// / CONTROL BOXES. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE TO CHECKED BY: \ % SPRINKLERS/SOD DURING CONSTRUCTION. J / \ / / / Checker PROVIDE TEMPORARY SEEDING TO PREVENT EROSION UNTIL FINAL DRAWN BY: OG ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN PLANTINGS ARE INSTALLED Author V 1" . 20'-0" ■ 01 Plot Stamp: 9/30/2020 6:00:38 PM o ° EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND 173131 03 n - r -i a O rn ca Z - m cn - 1 BRICK, MODULAR-BK-1 W (ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc: ` ✓ 0 DALLAS PBK.com Z 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 O Dallas,TX 75240 n 972-233-1323 P Mil BRICK, MODULAR-BK-2 972-233-1373 F -- TX Firm:F-1608 CIVIL RLK Engineering 111 W.Main Allen,TX 75013 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F LANDSCAPE Valley Quest Design _ _ 212 S.Elm St. Denton,TX 76201 214-597-1415 P BURNISHED CMU,CMU-1 STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity - - - 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 - - Addison,TX 75001 214-520-7202 P G F E D Cj B A MEP 328 South Broadway EMA Engineering&Consulting Tyler,TX 75702 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F 1. MATCH ALL EXISTING BANDING/COURSING/AND FINISH IN ALL ASPECTS. TECHNOLOGY 2. MATCH EXISTING COLOR,TYPE AND FINISH. 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 al LEAF Dallas,TX 75240 ENGINEERS ` ' 3. UTILITY BOXES AND CONDUITS SHALL BE PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING COLOR. 214-442-5808 P 972-233-1373 F I I I 07.05 05.14 07.05 05.14 05.14 07.05 05.14 07.05 08.02 07.09 KEYNOTE LEGEND T.O.MASONRY AREA A CJ CJ CJ (CJ, CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ 132'-0" - NUMBER DESCRIPTION kl 1 07.09 l 1 , � I L.L. ; mi ' F..L., ,..L.,..a..� ,. ...,..L...L.,.., a..., a .�..,..a..a. ,..a..�..,. a..a..l..,..a. �.,..a..a..l.. a..�..,..a..a. ,.a..�... I.. pII - .i...i. ...i.....I. ...i....r. ...i....i. .L..i.. ..L...L.. ...i..L.. .....L.. ...I.F..I..L ...I..,..,..r.,.1:11,...,..L. L..L., .r...l. .r...l ...... ......r...l. II � � � III I � I I � I � II � �. 04 02 BRICK VENEER[BK-2].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH ' ' 1'1 '1' ' ' '1 'l ' , ' ! ', , . �,- , , I ., L, , L, , , L. r.. BO DECK ,..,..I .,..,..I..,..,..I..,..,._ .�-., a i.i ,..,_ y-.,... .,..I.,. I..�.,..,. ,..,..I..,. , .,...I..,..,...I.,.,...,.. _r>m. ��k� - a.s r,., s_I � :.z s'wr�-c ' c �xr-r-c: - � TT , T , � T , , �rm,,�mr,-,- r T , � � � T , T , , , � , , , =r�,-�- rs-�=r- I, ITTTTT Tyr`-�r=� ., _ �,� , r , , , � , T , T , , , , � T , T , � UNIT 1].04 21 CONCRETE MASONRY MU MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH '.i.'..'. ...' '.I....L'..'. �. - .._,.. ....L .. .... .. r T rT ITiTr r T ` ' ,"'`" .'.-",; ,-r r+r?-,-�-r, " ; ; :. : :,,• Al11ALa �e :SGQ• 1/2" , , I , , , L, ,:'' y_. - ' , s �, L,., I , ' I , , L, , , I , , II , ; - I- _2 = 1288,. r_ , , L , T , T , T , T , � T , T , T , � T , T , T , , , , , T , ,'T' T , T , T,-, r, r , ,�,-3-r ,-r T , T , T , , , , , . � =, _�. _ T T T T T r ,� r '�- - ,-te ,-_; f T05.14 NEW PRIMARY SCUPPER WITH DOWNSPOUT TO BOOT.SECURE TO WALL.SEAL � , , , , , , , , , , , �, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , L.L., , T , ., , .I .I ..I I I .I ._, _ ..I_ r .I .I ..I I I .I .I .I - s...:., ...... ............ . . ;:, r Is . ,, i I -,+� �-��r�+_`� w� � -43-� ��r. .�_�'�.� � ��� * _� �,_.�r>�- .. . . . . . _ _ ,��� � z,.�� � I I I I �I . .�" ' '� ? ALL PENETRATIONS.ATTACH T STORM.RE MEP , , i , 1 YI , iI , iil [ i [ [ [ 1 [ [ [ { =r [ [ [ I [ [ [ II [ [ [ r [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ :`-', ;,; ,,,_y. ,,,,_ L , , '� , 05.21 NEW PRE-MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM CANOPY. Ni _ I - . , , , -,- r;L, , 04.01 L � , , , , .L, , � , , � ,. , -� 1 ,=T , T`T T-; r,� ;,T , , Tr - �` - - , � - � T , T , � � 07.05 THROUGH WALL OVERFLOW SCUPPER,RE:ROOFING \ 1 I' ' , z. a0 .r',1 1 , ,t, , , ,t, , t, , , , ,t, E;,--, ME- ! 260.3 I , T c27o.1> =T =r 26q _ 27o.z) , , , , 266.1 ;;-',_,', ;=;-I-; = 07.06 NEW PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT RE:A3.01. L ll l a..i..,.i.,..,..i..,.....i..,..a.-I... , .,..i..,._ i..,...,..,. .,..,..i..,. a .,...,..a.............,..'11 'C r 1 i .i:]':i', 'T:i']'.:I'.: T 1. i.T:i'] ..] :C ""3 ] ........... ...... .... �J'...t', ..L, ..,.T.i. ... .T 1:T T I':t T..,1'.T ,:T �r i.i.,., , .I., 1 _ - _- �. TiT , L. , � I , L �� i� 'T' T '. � ' � � T � T � � � 07.09 NEW PREFINISHED METAL COPING SYSTEM.MATCH ADJACENT EXISTING FINISH. . . . , , , � ' � � � ,T ,;,, ,-1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII , IIJ1 IIIIII ,- -, r-,- ,,, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII " X ,_ ,_ _! Imo ,_ r-v =fir= T I 1 08.01 NEW DOOR,FRAME,AND HARDWARE.RE:DOOR SCHEDULE Uri ,....... . .........:............. �, r,7�., .,_.�.,... .,..,.., ,..,...;..,. , ;..,..,.., I , I , ,-�, r ,r�` I'�,�r T , r, ,�, _,��-r m ,-��=�r -r-�-r_. 7 � , ,�T� , ,..,..I .,..,...I..,..,...I..,..� .. .,... .I ..�.. ,.,'..,_ c�.r'-r`r � � �i`ram -':r'-=,'rvr., .�x.s-` .'-.c.`_`:r'`-c'� _ .:��_4 x� "7.:,:-''s�`rr-c, .I..,. , , .,.. I.. r � i I r � T � � � � , ,_., � ,. � ,.� . T.I,, _ I,� , ,T ,, ,T.I,,, .,,-r I- -r�-I=_ ,,� �,,-, �,- ,-r= �- ,� ,-�, �-��x ,-� r�;� � ,-,- � �_;y;,r.4�.�;�.;�_;-r-T ;.T _ T�T �T .,. r :.ITT TL? T,? LT�TI , ITT �?� iT L � , 04.02 - ., ., ,...I .I I .I I .I . .. .... I ..I_ � .I .I I ..I .I .I .I .I I .I ,..I ..I s,� ,�,.�.�.T ,..,. z =............ . . .. ,..-, �-.r�,,- _G -_. �..,.- ,�_�tirw - IJ..� , r , I - r , , r - i , 08.02 NEW EXTERIOR ALUM.GLAZING SYSTEM RE:WINDOW SCHEDULE c) � .. LEVEL 2 ,..,..I .,..,...L.,..,...L.,..�._ ., �.....- .... ..... � L � , , , , I , , ,...L , ,...L ,..., a r z'- ri... ..i. ,....T..i..i... T..i..i..T..i......T..- x'�z. `s:ex- x.. ..... ..... ... c,. _, -�°s'r `.i-' .. .. :cs,' .z..r.z..r w'J .'.r�''c, i I - � -. c_ L. . , _ . � T , T.I, T , � ,. Ty ra-'.T. ,. ,.T.I - - -- '71�AV.- __ __ ____, ens v..___ _ h1 mass- max=. -M __ �._ _ _ _ 23.01 NEW EXTERIOR STORM SHELTER RATED MECHANICAL LOUVERS;FACTORY ■ , , , , L, , , , , , : I , L, , , , , . I , I_1Mair . .:..��.�.. ...... . .tea . .. -- - -�� == 114'-0" i..,..,..i ..,... . s _ ... . . . . .i. T. .._r_ s r.�, r "t rc_ - .2:c_ �. T �, ,. .. -=ram-- _,.r - BRICK.RE.MECHANICAL � L. L � L � L... �� .ITT T , T TT r,, s 1 ....I...., T T T.�1 � �_� � �`-r-z �. �ca-r�" �cw.�+.._I......i.fir.-r i� AT , T!�., ,:T T ._I._� TT-TT _ x ,:'�.,.- . 26.01 :� � � ��s-� , � T .T __ -rTT TT , �- r r �� -� .�. , ., �T __ , .,, T , T , 26.01 NEW EXTERIOR WALLPACK.RE.ELECTRICAL .....A! _.- - ....... .... ....... ......�� . ... i....1...i. ...i..1..-, a ,-,.r_, .�_,. _ _ ..r....I. ......i. L..i. ..i..1.... 4 ..z, ,. _ , L � i i i. .r..i 'mmG"�f4L--�� � ...i� ....... x:.. .r r -� r.1 :s::r:�, I�.,......._� , _ .,:.�:_�.a i .,......._�.�.,.:1.LL. I ,�... .,..�._�.,:.�:_�. ..�..,..._.., .:.._..,...i r.. s,3..r',":z:` _ �.T .... ..._- .... ... s.r" s`-X x _c.c, .. .� !. , ...._., = a i .,.... _ .,..._., .c:z.x � x ._,.., 05.21 �-, �,�- ,` r r , - T � � r r � r , r r I r , � � T r -�-_ ,-_ _ , _ , T >F� _ , _ , � ,�- ,� � �- _ ]�,'_ i ,-�- T ,��,=', ,, 05.21 I l i J ! I l l I { III .. . - r 1 1 ll l l f l f l 1 1 w = r r.? _ r _„ ! z.s.. ,,r 26.02 EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED ARCHITECTURAL FIXTURE CENTER MOUNT ON � LI � LL L � L � LL L � LI�m� � r � 11 [ [ [ l [l [ [ _ [ [ [ [ l [l [ [ � � � L [ 1 �. � � T [ 1 [ 1 � � � � � � � , _ MI El j PAB FASEMBIEMEMEIBMERESEIEME COLUMN.RE:ELECTRICAL 'tea ,r 1 a �::' MEEi � mG I m 1 , FE 08.01 - - I _�160.3) r - , :® , m 08.01 T:', ,, ENE ali . , EUE1 EMEEEEEEEWEIEEEEUENEEEEEEEEEEM EMEMENEEEMEEREEEEEEEEEEMEEEEEEEEN • EEEEEEEEEM IEEEEESEESEih lEEihSESEM T , � ,:, - I , . d �� g _ , 'Fr' - -r z T , ,, r-; ',, r r� 7 16..2 ANNE .... `,1 IA,., S ... ._ x': L .... .... ... .... .... '-_kz` .. .. - .. C .GCS .. ... ... '7'.":1 :'''''_., ._ "?,.P i.. 1.'.,...,. N ,..; 3.i '.'1-''.1 1 .,...,.1-' i ''.'r ..'1 i 1 .... i 1 ... ..i ., _ , .,S ., I®® r ,-z-rx-r'-' , r r T r r r , r r , r , T , r r r , r r r r.., x , s-r rrT , r- - - - -- - - ..,.. _ rr .... .. ... _r.�. _ ..,. -. - r r r _ ,.i.,..�.T i...x..,..i. T• - c r _ ��- '"x. '-,r-`-r- \ � .. ... �mm my �mmmemamemm®e meov.�m _„", , x 'esemes� ��.x __� �� �. �; V�T ' ./ /\ 2\\/ ./ ,i,„„ ,,,, ,,, -,.<, /`'/ ,,,, , \/ 4„. .. ,. 4.10 \/,_\ //,.ii/ //\ \/ Aro,, /\/ ,,,,/ 1 \ , ,› 1 5'ORNAMENTAL FENCE 2 A 4'0" 4'0" ORNAMENTAL FENCE NOT AAAAAJ A6.01 NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY A6.01 07.06- SHOWN FOR CLARITY O O � 1 z C24 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - EAST - OVERALL V - E) CO I- wQ I- < O 1 2 4 5 0 W w EXISTING NEW IX I- CONSTRUCTION _ 05.14 07.09 w T.O.MASONRY AREA A -O.MASONRY AREA A T.O.MASONRY AREA A go CJ CJ CJ CJ I 132'-0" 7 I p1 \ 132' 0" \ \ 132' 0" WIv0 1 z 1 co V I I Ct '.r'-r.,'a-t'_'-,' .j..i ��.T.a T .,.a.tII I- , ;r, ;_�. � BO 8'-8��2" BO DECK BO DECK u) �----a =�211111=1111111111111111J � I 1I I 1I II -I 128'-8 1/2" 128'-81 f2" > °�° O E- 0CTS ��77777777•271 11 I 1I CZ " m I co Q Cl_ o mime260.1 Sa .m LC) O m� AI I 0) m m:m , `, , ,`, -T I 1 I II 04.02 LEVEL 2 I x 26.02 ---==�-� '' _ _ 114'-0" y T M m p ''' 04.21 4r sc 14111r.e.41- T .-I . ..r.. ,� r. imaini wen 4,r- .. , , , ,', , , ' , rI 05.21 1 J I ao "a 1 ‘ .4fr E E I I I I I I mem am�-BI .1 1 - I L� I E 'Ir-NIE_H (160. II 111111111111111111111111111,1 > �FaimmisIMEEELI a I I , , , .4-4 !IIIhII1lIIIICII Ia as �_I CD ... ',' ', r ..',-'i`Y`u.u", , , , i , , , , , ,.. , r �i. iIIl AP491i161`W.d 119mtlil.�i , ` I 7.1..;. ,.L.; w 1 LEVEL 1 1 1 1 1 1 / \ �-� / V�� � �/ ���� / ��, I I I I / / / �/ / �,, / / / / �/. \/ / V/ / / \/ /� cfl I co co I N.co m IV- /V /VA VA VA VA VA VA VA VA/ /V/V /VA VA/VA V� VA VA \ VA VA VA VA VA OVA/ 1 ! ! 08.02 /V/V/V/V/V��V/V/V/V/V/V�/\V�/\\/�/\V�/\V�\V�/\V�/\V��/�/\V��V�/\V�/\V�/\V�/�\ . ' 1 T ' i �- 1. I 1 5'ORNAMENTAL FENCE I�ul I I I I L.. H NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY I I I I I I I I r L LI L \ 1 I 1 I \ I I I \oo U I- 1 1 I 11 I 1 1 04.21 o x 1 8 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH - OVERALL J I I I 1 M 1/8" = 1'-0" I I I 1 J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I H 1 1 1 11 "„ --04.01 I I I a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 . it,-:D 1 i 1 1 1 LEVEL 2 1 1 I LEVEL 2 go KEY PLANE1D I 1 1 1 1 114'-0" N CD 11 1 114'-0" 4.l 1 I 1 co' o w - I 1 NORTH: PLAN TRUE -, I 1 I I 1 I co Co co ct I 1 I 1 E.o Do 00 � I I I 04.02 ► 0 W 1 1 O I J 1 1 V z 1 1 1 l CO I-- 1 I I I 3 1 Q f 1 f 1 I 2 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 1111 ; J � 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 J V7 � I � II I A \ I I1 AU N f NEW EXISTING f 1 04.21 CONSTRUCTION I 1 I E 05.14 I T.O.MASONRY AREA A 1 1 1 I I I 07.09- CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ 132'-0" I 1 LLI I'm I I I o - 11 I I o DX14%e if I 0w ��) I co co 1 cfl op S I IIIN 7 cO 1 I 1 1 1 1 -1 I I I I 08.02 (N f CLIENT ET z �I '� BO DECK = I I I I I 11 I 1I I1 I WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT O srt z `s rr p a a. :. .. .r .. : _'-rT r` 'u., r'-,"`-a- rT.�'. x..,_c -''-s-r',�.,."rr'-r.,..sJ.,- , ,.rj c� x N T 1 r l ', 1 74-.4. 47 .. 128'-8 1/2" m w DATE PROJECT NUMBER ¢i 1 4 0 2 1 2020/08/28 2004 04.21 04.01 - __ p Q \ \ I I \ . DRAWING HISTORY = ' (2 r r 1 ) I / Co I I I 1 co . 04.02 :14 Io- 266.2 x 266.3 No. Description Date �. I I \ w = I AO w � P 1 ADDENDUM 01 09/04/2020 Q , cn . 1 1 04.02 co 1Ii � r � ti 1IU) 04.01 c oo -6;" CO 0 = I C 0 _ �) -# r # T, -� ' -_ ` - #- J1 LEVEL 2 1 I I 1.0 0 I I I 04.01 V of r 1 LEVEL 1 1 1 1 LEVEL 1 0 , , , , e c 05.21 .. _ 0 1/8" 100'-0" 100'-0" II.,. -- / u i r _ B 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS f 2 / / BK-2 BK-1 o CV � (I166. \ 6.11 6 n II- rt I 180.• ,IIIII, - CCC��JJSSSS ;I �,,�, 1 i 1_. -.1 1'T_ 1' -_:C: 1 .r,'L ��� -- v/ --�-\,- /v, /v, /\/ /� \xZ LE100'-0"QI ELEVATIONS - /vv/vy/vv, vv vvivvivvivvi /v/\,!vv/vv!vv/vv/vv;vy/vv�vy vv/vv/vv/vv/vv/vv/vv!vx y�//�//�//�//�//�//�//�// /��//�/ /�,, //�//� '//�//�//�//�//�//�//�/��//� �; EXTERIOR °� 5'ORNAMENTAL FENCE LL. NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY CHECKED BY: Checker DRAWN BY: EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH - OVERALL 2 ENLARGED DETAIL 1 ENLARGED ELEV Author 06 1/8" = 1'-0" 3/8" = 1'-0" 3/8" = 1'-0" A6 . 01 Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 10:03:45 AM Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Wylie Junior High. School Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: AG/30 Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for McMillan Junior High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 1050 Park Blvd. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for McMillan Junior High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition, on 44.889 acres. Property located at 1050 Park Blvd. Discussion OWNER: Wylie Independent School District APPLICANT: PBK Architects The applicant is proposing to make a 10,491 square foot addition to McMillan Junior High School, on Lot 1, Block A of Wylie Junior High School Addition. The property is zoned within the Agricultural AG/30 district and the use is allowed by-right.. The exterior material of the additions are to match the look of the existing building and are made of brick, CMU veneer and stucco. A portion of the proposed addition is to function as a storm shelter. The proposed site plan shows 55 classrooms,requiring 83 parking spaces and providing 229 spaces. An amended plat of this property is on this agenda to reflect drive, firelane, and utility easements. As presented, this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the zoning ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 24, 2020 Page 1 of 1 xi o 0 - GENERAL ARCH SITE PLAN NOTES 173131 coo = _ r / CO m 0C _ j 1. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS 2. COORD.ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WITH CIVIL,LANDSCAPE,AND OR C > 1" STRUCTURAL DOCUMENTS N 3. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 1 % MINIMUM,2% \ MAXIMUM AT ALL EXTERIOR PAVED PEDESTRIAN AREAS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. ` m m SIDEWALKS, PATIOS,STAIRS,PAVING,U.N.O. r— / 4. PROVIDE AND INSTALL POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS OF 5% FOR A HORIZ. DALLAS PBK.com Z r % 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 D DISTANCE OF 10 FEET AT ALL EXTERIOR NON-PAVED AREAS U.N.O j Z / 5. REFER TO CIVIL DOCUMENTS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AND CONCRETE Dallas,TX 75240 972-233-1323 P 0 / SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS ?a / 6. VERIFY AND CONFIRM ALL JOINT LAYOUTS AT ALL CONCRETE SIDEWALKS WITH ARCH.PRIOR 972 233 1373 F / / TO POURING OF CONCRETE TX Firm:F-1608 j 7. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINTS AT AREAS NOT CIVIL RLK Engineering 111 W.Main SPECIFICALLY INDICATED AT 50 FEET ON-CENTER MAX. U.N.O. Allen,TX 75013 % i' 8. PROVIDE AND INSTALL CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONTROL JOINTS AT AREAS NOT SPECIFICALLY 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F INDICATED AT DISTANCES EQUIVALENT TO SIDEWALK WIDTH, BUT NOT TO EXCEED 10 FEET LANDSCAPE 212 S.Elm St. Valley Quest Design ON-CENTER MAX. Denton,TX 76201 9. VERIFY ALL SITE SIGNAGE LOCATIONS WITH ARCH.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SITE SIGNAGE 214-597-1415 P STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity 10. PATCH AND REPAIR THE EXISTING SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO LIKE NEW CONDITION.MODIFY 15280 Addison Rd.,Suite 310 SYSTEM AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE A FULLY OPERATIONAL SYSTEM WITH FULL SITE Addison,TX 75001 214-520-7202 P COVERAGE. MEP EMA Engineering&Consulting 11.ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE SOD. 328 South Broadway Tyler,TX 75702 903-581-2677 P 903-581-2721 F TECHNOLOGY KEYNOTE LEGEND 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 LEAF / 1 E w 1110 Dallas,TX 75240 E N G I N �5 214-442-5808 P 972-233-1373 F NUMBER DESCRIPTION 32.01 NEW SIDEWALK.RE:CIVIL 32.09 NEW CONCRETE PAD PLAY AREA RE:CIVIL. 32.53 NEW DECORATIVE METAL FENCE,RE:08/A0.10. 32.62 NEW TIFWAY 419 BERMUDAGRASS SOD INFILL.PROVIDE AS SHOWN AND AT ALL DISTURBED AREAS. '_ 32.66 PROVIDE NEW SOD TO MATCH EXISTING TO 15'0"BEYOND LINE TO NEW - PAVEMENT AS SHOWN AND AT ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 32.70 PAINT"NO PARKING"ON ACCESS AISLE ADJACENT TO THE PARKING PER TAS/ TDLR REQUIREMENT. - 32.71 NEW FIRE LANE STRIPING PER AHJ.REFER CIVIL. 32.72 NEW PARKING STRIPES,REFER CIVIL. / '' \ 32.79 NEW DECORATIVE GATE,RE:09/A0.10. ' �' PARKING COUNT m - \ \ 441 - / \ REQUIRED PARKING 83 SPACES (55 CLASSROOMS ASSUMED) - \ PROVIDED PARKING 229 SPACES - _ FRONT PARKING 5HC + 164 SPACES REAR PARKING 3HC + 57 SPACES _ _--- 2 \ / - / BUILDING AREA SUMMARY \ LEVEL EXISTING RENOVATION NEW 0 / % FIRST FLOOR :::: , 7ST. 5,29 .FT. _ / SONDFLOOR N/A 5,194 SQ.FT. CO ir 11 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 i Z 1 11 1I 11 : 1 11 11 11 1I 11 1 I1 , ,.11 ,, 11 , II II 0 0M MI 7 (n PAPA Pv'sl,PA /) TOTAL 105,257 SQ.FT. 1,587 SQ.FT 10,491 SQ.FT. O / 32.6211 1 11I 11I III 11I � I 1 11I 11I 111 III III III III III III III III III II II I I I II II II II I i i i i i i BASIC ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS C9 Q / 1 1I 1 11111I / 32.66 A 1ie 11 11 _ 1 III 1 III 1 1 ) ALLOWABLE STORIES(TABLE 504.4) 3 0 1 11 II III _o' Q � ° ~° � 1 EXISTING Mt✓MILLAN ACTUAL STORIES 2 O Z 11 ALLOWABLE HEIGHT(TABLE 504.3) 75' O w / / 111111 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL \ EXISTING HEIGHT 36'-0"V.I.F. Z w / 11 (2 STORY BUILDING) NEW HEIGHT 36'-0"V.I.F. , ' I I I 1 I I I I / Doi i E7 / EXISTING AREA: 105,257 SQ.FT. o , , 111401.11110,t0- I 11 - , Z o m CLASSROOM COUNT Q 11 0 1._® III II ° o EXISTING CLASSROOMS 48 CLASSROOMS 11 11 �}E AI�A,''110 9 SO�� � i > (1) ci) / �gNF II, : �:1I III 1 k { CL NEW CLASSROOMS 7 CLASSROOMS S �R o .6 o C TOTAL 55CLASSROOMS >' -11 11III I1 I I I I 1- III H I - Il 1 11 11 III I I I I I I -II 111 111 111 -1 /� �/ q _____ 1 I I I ` / Os /l II II I II II II 11 II - I I :II II II II 1� ��� �1� 11� � a � / 1 1 1 l wrr-railio. 1 1 1 1 1 , H11 ..I I I I 11 `11' I _:1I 1 11 __11 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 F 1 I I u u u u u ‘ ,i ' / 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 =11 � �, 0 0 \ y \ I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 \, ,, _ _ _ �� I i / / 32.71"‘ t _ _ 1 ///, , 2 ,....1. , ___ , 1,,/....,,,, / _ _ , _____ , ,, _*tx --,/, - .,,, ,_ _ __ _ . 7____ ____ _ ,__ , _ , ..... : , /./ , „„„„/,„, wr- _ . _ . / , C , ( :IWA v *I' n 4 • i/ \ / 32.7 7 i' KEY PLAN' , it , N 32.72 Ai� v , NORTH: PLAN TRUE B O� \ / / r 1 4 / 4/? O ./ ice N / / N 3 , SITE PLAN LEGEND / I I III II NEW TIFWAY 419 / EXISTING BUILDING BERMUDAGRASS SOD / / / i \ 111 HI 11ir INFILL CLIENT 1 \ 7- / / i / WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT / / / DATE PROJECT NUMBER QI / a 2020/08/28 2002 \ / / DRAWING HISTORY NEW ADDITION ° NEW PAVEMENT No. Description Date 7 _4,__ co H7 NEW ICC 500 • COMMUNITY TORNADO o� / / /// SHELTER NI _ _ _ 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS g / / PROPERTY LINE S .. / S/ // / FIRE LINE ct ARCHITECTURAL SITE \ EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN / / PLAN a a) S ;.� x / / NEW TREE RE: LANDSCAPE CHECKED BY: / / / / / Checker DRAWN BY: 06 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANAZO Author 1/32" = 1'-0" ■ 0 I Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 10:44:39 AM xi173131 o ° EXTERIOR MATERIALS LEGEND n - M o ; cn czn - .. ' :,: BRICK, MODULAR- BK- 1 C x 1n ,a '''' ; ^4. RE:FINISH SCHEDULE _* -1 \ \ 03 mi. 33 /ARCHITECT PBK Architects,Inc. ` 1 \ BRICK, MODULAR- BK-2 DALLAS PBK.com z o A A.4 B 0 0 D� E E.2 RE: FINISH SCHEDULE 14001 Dallas Parkway,Suite 400 i.s Dallas,TX 75240 3 972 233-1373 F 02 L TX Firm:F-1608 A9.30 \ BRICK, MODULAR- BK-3 CIVIL RLK Engineering ;�\ 111 W.Main I I I I I' I I '41('`,'r4 , RE:FINISH SCHEDULE Allen,TX 75013 972-359-1733 P 972-359-1833 F LANDSCAPE Valley Quest Design 05.14 07.0� 05.14 07.05 05.14 07.05 07.09 05.14 07.05 07.09 y 212 S.Elm St. CJ EJ CJ CJ ' CJ CJI CJ Denton,TX 76201 � WWW �W T.O. PARAPETjib 214-597-1415 P BRICK, MODULAR- BK-4 STRUCTURAL AG&E Structural Engenuity 34 8 1528031 0 • RE: FINISH SCHEDULE AddisonRd.,Suite3 Addison,TX 75001 214-520-7202 P L f ... MEP EM A Engineering&Consulting 09.99 328 South Broadway TYIerTX75702 .'' 9<.10.1-t2. 1t11/ .<. - ,: , 6 8 8 - 9 7' . " 9 7 8 4'' 8=4., 2 - 5 . ._ 903 581-2577 P 903 581 2721 F TECHNOLOGY PLASTER; STUCCO - P-1 CEMENTS C 14001 Dallas Parkway,arkwa Suite 400 LEAF Dallas,TX 7524 ENGINEERS 0 w.P T. . MA -a T.O. SC RE: FINISH SCHEDULE ', 214 442 5808 P 972-233-1373 F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 _ - - - 25-i4 N1E CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT SPLIT 04.03 FACE I.C. BLOCK- CMU-1 -----INININININININI®I iNINI® ®INI®IAII ..,.-..-�.Mlwl®IAIAIIP�..�.".".. 1 \ ' ,,'.'. e_.'''.', IIIII®I�®MilMlwMl 04.12 ®- � 3:0'C' _' ;�3�01, L° "' r RE: FINISH SCHEDULE 04.13 NN ta, �, LEVEL s,�= Er f a m �• I ��r m m =am _ m. uu uu .� iii..liii. f'r7; \,r �\� rII'�' mi , n . . . ,, , 45',. ,, , �-. ' ' -�_ ..�.„ - -_' ,x \ : 1,41,---- F,-----_=...,s' _ , _\' .;:a r �,7 7 \,z , 04.01 ,_, 14-8 PREFINISHED METAL COPING SYSTEM pppm 4 7+ mer ne == t ,��� - a'�?I�is-"� ma'sI �e�i®®- - - RE FINISH SCHEDULE -a - .m saw 1 - E'a-11 i d II!NNN6.8 3I imm.` - Lb I!� �y - N rg�- l; 04.04 Lo \f'z' `'- ',f ,;' �Yr,-', - / - < mm� -' ��.iT':m�. `-f'. '` x. �-r,'i � ....'..a...- r3'�. "_'�r '��r°'.C� = , Milili® • uuuuuu uumuur..........,,uuuuuu n ,ersassramniVAIIIRECIOUrifirrAlierd r• ...... ...... ..�".. .��.:r^- "_ ,� a,=sn 'w""0O-Oi ` °...... uuuuuu { i a'" -Txc"-vx r "mi 'r'''i r Al A i'i `r`i' 11101111 , .� 26.01 PIREBBELL1� o 'li® u N-IY-------- ,, f`i� 1 r, If 04.02 C) MIEUIA� - ---- ---------- - �:mmm- -ammc- .^'amass rs'- s�Em : m- :® -��,.:,�..2.,.................;o -eE-� -�®-- -- - m:amnia -® -.. -... .. ®... EffilfiE---- ;r .-�� - -�Ema®s -- " asEs o -- as- I- .n---��r I ��_ :-.....-�ma-" I I0 �� - em3000000001.11M1- 1ss.�1� � E _ _ Li, WPM 0 l‘lil'Ln Faill"ft- : ',..m7154''s3 8 ..-.�.- 0 asp - ice--�-0.:r�... .u��t.�-:�.-� , - --==- N MOM ;Par- I - ii . .-�� r"" mm-am-mmmareme �a - ® ® - g��r KEYNOTE LEGEND 04.12 --'"nllINININI®I�llwl�l - -�E-..m�r` '84 111 9 Ie�®NIININENIi gc-Ys. tea. . CESFRE: laa ITN - M' 2I a1 11 .,r' MIT aA '!� '00 -060�.?� 1 -`-.#-,`,4, �'r--r r- -, ;r`, . ', v'v',rT� r = -: '.r. ." , i ��.. ---,- -. &I5CI M 11I,AI Inn _ =1•=======a- -----�" "-00N=®==� n --. I 1=M - 1 � s � r; r 04.21 LEVEL �-smss �I_ mmommwm--w,;_.^um.-mr.-_a„ram= :m..m.-m„m r-ua�-,a..-m ®�� -� - - - A NUMBER DESCRIPTION I I III I IIII I1III III III I III III III III II I I I III III III III II 11 I I III III III II II I I III III III III III I III III III I I III III III I I'll III III III III II III III III III III III II I II I I I III II I III I III 1 III I I I I -III III I III III III III I I-O-II -III II 04.01 NEW BRICK VENEER[BK 1].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. =III III III III III Ill III Ill III III III III Ili Ili III III III III III III III III III Ill II III III III III III III III II III III III I I III III III III 1111 Ill III III III III III III Ill III III III III III III Ill III III III III III III Ill III III III III III III Ill III II 04.02 BRICK VENEER[BK-2]. MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 07.06 05.21 04.03 NEW BRICK VENEER[BK-3].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 2'8" 6'-8" 2'8" 2'8" 6'-8" 2'-8" 2'-8" 6'-4" 2'-8" 5'ORNAMENTAL FENCE 2'-8„ 6'-8„ 2 8" i � i / I NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 04.04 BRICK VENEER[BK-4]. MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 12'-0" 13'-8" " 6'-0" 12'-0" 12'-4" / 11'-8" / 19'-2" 12'-0" 16'-8" 04.12 BRICK VENEER SOLDIER COURSE[BK-3].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 04.13 BRICK VENEER SOLDIER COURSE[BK-4].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. MIMI 04.21 CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT[CMU-1]. MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. 05.14 NEW PRIMARY SCUPPER WITH DOWNSPOUT TO BOOT.SECURE TO WALL.SEAL 24 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - WEST - OVERALL ALL PENETRATIONS.ATTACH TO STORM.RE MEP `-�' 1/8" - 1'-O" 05.21 NEW PRE-MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM CANOPY. J 07.05 THROUGH WALL OVERFLOW SCUPPER,RE: ROOFING 07.06 NEW PREFINISHED METAL GUTTER AND DOWNSPOUT,RE:A3.01. O 07.09 NEW PREFINISHED METAL COPING SYSTEM.MATCH ADJACENT EXISTING FINISH. O 08.08 NEW TINTED INSULATED SPANDREL GLASS, 1";FRIT[G-6] 09.99 CEMENT PLASTER[CP-1].MATCH EXISTING TYPE AND FINISH. I � 23.01 NEW EXTERIOR STORM SHELTER RATED MECHANICAL LOUVERS; FACTORY t 1 V�♦ NEW CONSTRUCTION EXISTING BUILDING FINISHED TO MATCH ADJACENT COLORED BRICK.RE:MECHANICAL 26.01 NEW EXTERIOR WALLPACK.RE: ELECTRICAL O 1 1 .5 2CI . _ I > A9.31 A7.03 A7.03 rie 0 I I I I CJ I 07.09 C J 07.09 I NI 07.09 T.O. PARAPET O W 1 z 18 Lu GJ .1 J A5.00 Q� 2 w. . U CO 0 07.09 'CJ J C G� G Q z O 04.03 ao O rn U - --__ '! - 1111111111111 I _ J i i _ _ CO 251.2 250.1 250.2 Y x Z s✓EN h " a) O ORM1 II K. >I M1� >II o 04.12 --arriz -� PdIN1 ININININII- I IINININI®IN1N101MM1 m ipi ,'..... ® CO U aS 0 _ o . , , ., �I`II:'mll....,, K':.Illm,,�m,�°"r, Ih":"'.:.m.^...:..:j�I'":.�,�'�:�,�:_ C. ._ 04.13 LEVEL 2 0 �' o . ,: N i T _ _ 14-s 1 11 /i'fir al � If ;- ___ v C W3711_ Irlr'r Sao � � � � `- arr �ma�eFfr_�ros�• � gsmss; -'�_ 'm':II���^����""�"r"::.a,��.�i .�".^'�mmm mii"�mmm"m":"I"..,a��""���II " "�' m�m6�� ill � � � ' `"" "r' , :ii -r 4 d - I ` i.. .,gym"...., tr ",.,",. ... , A T " „ , liA II d c� MIA'11AllaNIE 7: t alqH04.12I -I- I- E i -- �- �1�e2 150 [,11,,hr lkk ,) uuuuuuuuuuuuuL S e I -gilMlig l• 51m - . .--. -- f, - _ I 1,2 111• o6-' .' :m P .1_NNN 1 IRJ.NI'rrf33"pm I , =r. = ' ' LEVEL 1I I i i r 1 I I � " ml" " ji i= _ 1 I I I I I I I � I I I I I I L I I L I I I I I I I 11 i I I I I I I � i I I I I I I I I l i I ( 1, 1 1 1 ( ) II I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I i i i i i 0-0 _ 1II III 11 11 111 11 111 III 11 1 11 111 III III III III 1 , 1 11 III III III 11 ,I1 1 III III III III 11 1 1 III III III III III 1 1 111 111 III III 11 1 1 111 III III III 11 1 11 111 III 111 III 11 1 1 111 III 111 III 11 1 1 111 III III III III 11 1 111 III III III III. 1 11 111 111 111 111 11 1 11 11 111 III III 11 1 111 III III III III III 1 11 11 III 111 111 111 11 1 III 11 r. 111 P 04.21 6- 07.06 ` 10" ` 10" 2'-8" 6'-8" 2'-8" 26.01 f 2_'-8" 6'-8" f 2_'-8" '-0" 6'-4" 0 12'-0" 10'-8" / 12'-0" 12'-0" / .% , I•, I!l 1 8 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH - OVERALL 3 2 • KEYPLANW ® N ` NORTH: PLAN TRUE / EXISTING BUILDING ► NEW CONSTRUCTION I I 01 I 04 I A7.03 A9.31 CJ CJ CJ 07.09 T.O. PARAPET PA P T 1 -_-_ - - _-_ - - ,-..--_- --- ---_ - --- -_-__ --_ - --- - --- - - _ 34'-8" A5.00 CJ ' CJ 09.99 E 04.04 3."m�3"..,:,..':.:. •--. 09.99 aR�y 04.03 Al I ;, � CLIENT -- --- - --® -® ,'rx WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT C250 257�3 257 2 • �® U I I 1 1 ICE C�1 DATE PROJECT E T NUMBER 0 04.13 �t ��ly1 f�af a ay' - ' ; ', 11 a 04.12 2020/08/28 2002 N � : Q _ - - 4.1- 0 3 .��- _mintimman_ I,on _ _ -- -- LEVEL 2 DRAWING HISTORY ���� ����� �AII°° 'hY�� ��IIIIIII'�,IIII' - - i/T'l�: if f.t'l - - i 11 1»AI� ,� 4 No.11- Description-csDate I � • �' � 1 ADDENDUM 01 09/04/2020 ._ " 41 r;� 04.01 '�":" _,,,=T>', ,r,r�- g �. � ��� � �.:;;r`�r�'1� \ k, Z �'I"I'�I';':�:..'��",��"I��fi��i.:;„i"„"".... ...� .�:��:��.�,��,�"° ...:�.:,� i� ':, � � -- -,.. .' .. :, : , ,: 'i '����` ,. , �'` '_Y.HZ, err �r p err�, r' _ 04.02 0 •--«....-=1,r, - Ataill 04.12 " """" , ml r '0 1 ISLEIREE0 00 00-I'436-30,E. "J J ' 157 3 57 2 . ------------- IIII ...,�""�""�� "6��"� p r.:'' f mlrl Irllllriiiirll = -Exam- -M, 1 �1.,.: #,,� \ = �i,yy 7 r ' / 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS CNI o G!, �� ------ ..- ..- 1 1 1 1 fl U U M U U M U U M L _ _ _ LEVEL 1 CV _ - - - - - III III I - III �,' :1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 111 I 1 111 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 111 I 111 1 1 1 1 ill I 111 I 11 1 1 1 1 ill I 111 I 11 1 1 1 1 ill I 111 I 11 1 1 1 ill 111 111 111 111 11 111 ill 111 111 111 111 1 1 111 ill 111 111 Ill 111 1 1 111 ill 11 I�.:�� m.:° "" �� h - - Op �J , n } -111 as - ---- --- --- --- --- ---- - --- --- --- --- -- --- - -- --- --- --- -- --- --- -- -- --- --- - --- --- -- -- --- --- - --- --- -- --- --- --- -- --- ---- -- --- --- --- -- --- ---- - --- --- --- -- --- ---- - --- --- - ---- - --- --- - --- --- --- --- --- - --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---- o All III III III III III III 111 III III III III III 111 III III III III III 111 III 111 III III III III III Ili 111 III III III III III III Ili ill III III III 111 III Ill ill III III III 111 III Ill ill III III III 111 III Ill ill III III III III III Ili ill III III III 111 III Ili ill III III III III III Ili ill Ill III III 111 Ili III I I II1 111 I 111 Ill III III III III III 111 Ill III III_LII1 Ill III III III III 111 05.21 26.01 a) 2'-10" 6'-4" 2'-10" 2'-8" 6'-8" 2'-8" 2'-8" , 6'-8" 2'-8" I / ► f f - ELEVATIONS - ,: 12'-0" 12'-b" 10'-8" 12'-b" J J EXTERIOR a a) LL J CHECKED BY: Checker DRAWN BY: 06 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH - OVERALL Author 1/8" = 1'-0" A6 . 01 Plot Stamp: 9/8/2020 10:44:37 AM This page is intentionally blank Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item: 4 Department: Planning Francisco De la Pina Survey, Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Abstract 685 Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: Townhouse (TH) Exhibits: Zoning Exhibits Subject Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Townhouse District (TH), to allow for single family attached residential development on 1.83 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and WA Allen Boulevard. (ZC2020-09) Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a request to withdraw the application for a change in zoning. (ZC 2020-09) Discussion OWNER: Gary Sixkiller ENGINEER: ND & Associates The applicant is requesting to withdraw the item from consideration to pursue other financing options for the property. Notifications/Responses: 23 notifications were mailed; with one response received in opposition and none in favor of the zoning request. Council consideration on October 27,2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 24, 2020 Page 1 of 1 Locator Map _,,.,A*rt rr' Cr' " -741,10,11.W*, t,''': '7'77 7,-„',-, 1,' 7,- .."7"'"''''''":"„t'4.- ''' ,'' ,, I, =i �a 0 x�s »ti ; DR 200„Iu' N Y4 ..ter ie e�+.. u•"Nn 1010 I I ASW" �iH'yn' wn^y y �^' a Y m a p. .PIm,wVk� V vui Nip �,i tliii� � p� � VJ Ir Ia 4 7N'.,IFS' "tI4 ' t y I;° � "p ^.L re t x I �!°N.III tJ{ram Iw^,,.> tir 8 i �ry 44 6.5 tp' °ly �} 4 ,I. 4^u' }!k r a, °w,i 4 uY f4� M�MiTM"� ;Y t^ 44' p vro" :f u9 d: fld n�i" ur :u II; "II '%Iw qq t" kr'• �a, "P �' e�,f �' IP� � { >V a dxrv, } ao .B"µ t' [ r' a 1'i wl»,n,,n y p.> �'•• 1015 '=4 u uE V, t `s h wX Pww M "y'" p gyp, TM"ittN k"TF^1111 „ h', ,yA m',1. k »',i *1ur ».�` lay`,`4, A 1, `"oM l 6' ar dcRrwut,�,':¢!' , - .. i.s�"sxi`1��>A �,: "A°:� 'V tYit»a,zttl2 AM-5- wig;"';,X`ttOL\`�'i`AS�..,�t"z,fie' M+r @.si.*'4 n,•», ., .. , '�., � tc;a,x,rsr:;.» ,,x �v waw»nYvnisw{��� 'a�4t� "r;.�;�` Za»-,e��,:�•:,.•„��;ya"n °l're' .�.z r. °,:�;a...,,,»'Y,•s..a„4� ,»k,.i�t�.e.,,,»�:•._ _.'�.<^„, '^M,y. .. .. ` , r».. tit», 10 7 'NSr L1' 11 11 ." 444404,." 1001 �� z" ..y, �i q: ` , ''" "„,t PP ip }`t'= �, �� 1 LD 1 .SHE v �`�, �o;,. °I, ,";"""i' �.. 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"s; ro"� 1 d '..m ` 1 11. gyp" 1 W4 e '005 w^ 201�r 4 w.." ..�; yz, z.;« ",.. ^ 008Ai) A,' '` "A„° : ,....,,.,.r »m, va, E oAK ,,,.M,. tea is ::'''!.i', ;;1 fiki � s 'bwr 4 ""° " ' rJ .•1050 � 1054', i o'4 1004 ' �� 1 1060 1062 " ,,,,,,in,,,, �� 100a 1 k„ " �'I , ;• �4 x064 , °ti�M •, °.I ,.�, ,•,Muw, ^204,w 103 •` „x m " A. ,� .1.,�LI 1 wM'",° 's+'„1002 11, 40 ^ru. .,,w» r" '.1 ,7, .,„:in., 'm ,e ,Z »,,,„„. �'' .r '° ', �.» ;..aul:�b fit.,, � , ` 1 ,: e e. 11 le ,�, . �,,t1 ".� .,:i *Jr 1" 11'.�°' ,� ,r,Y.r � r, ': '114 ;t rTdi!.. ..:�� �„:..4 ' 'SU,RREY•CIR„ .., �o _�: 13< ,at 02 1. t10• > k Wi M10.�ry a f x „,y. J ZC 2020-09 Garden Square Townhomes =x Subject Property IFIV ,, ,..„, ,,_ .., ," .` "' ,.i V C ITY F f el I ca n�, 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Feet wY ° _ �� " I i i I i i I I i I I I I `,r , EXIST. TYPE Y INLET LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I *M FL 181RCP0(W):505.66' I on z ' KREYMER ESTATES, PH 1 FF 0� dal LOT 8 1/2"FIRC LOT INE VOL. 955, PG 470, D.R.C.C.T. -- _ _gyp o 70.84' ( ESTW00D) 70.84' NO2 53' '8"E LOT 6 20.203 ACRES OHE---oHE i N 55.33' 72.0 383.83 _ -OHE LOT 5 iiiil 48.74' oHE E 30.33' 120.0' 165.35' 2 2 15.0 15.0' 30.0 30.0' I I 45.0' o cn 10 PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMT. 15.0' 15.0' 55.33' a 0' 10' 20' 40' armwmongI ' - LI _____iiiiiiiiiiiiimil_______ p ' `\ T ` \ q 1 1 5.0 BENCHMARK O � 1 ° T �vy 111111.11111111 v \yE a o N0. 3111W 20' MWD EASEME I T 1 ELEV:513.486' co \ T \ > ` ' t�\ I VOL.TI I\ E 25F0 cD \ ` \ .A I „� 3274, PG 50• `` P v y v T \ v� T v v , y v T � T E D.R.C.C.T. VII N ' \i\d,\ \ I T 30' FIR: L� \ ' \ T \ y� `'� E \ \ E 't E ``� 30' -' .� 1 LA E \ E E1 9 . ( \ LANE (NO P \ LOT 7 (NO . , . E \ F y T T A KIN! \ E .. I I I o ,. \ \ \ ALLOWE.) INCI \ . E, ` , \, ALL" .D) yy T `�, . �. T `.`. `�. �� � FSF� `\ T . ` . T EE T�E TT ° TTT .�� I I DEVELOPER/OWNER ARCHITECT � F x ( o \ TT \ 30' FIRE LAN. y y L E 4 �,, es• -1 0 I I MMYA INTERNATIONAL, INC. AMAZING CONCEPT, LLC • (n v�. v� LOTT5 \ ->, O CONTACT: MOHAMMAD RAHMAN CONTACT: FAKRUDDIN KHONDAKER AIA, NCARB D z MUTUAL ACC < \\ \ 30 FI- LANE, 1 o n801 ARAF AVENUE OD Ed ( T L * D I 1 545 COVENTRY DR. f MUTUAL ACCESS, `\\ `\\ D g _� RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75081 GRAPEVINE, 0 D ` ` DRAINAGE. E I POP• 6 TEXAS 76051 iti * o \ \ \ UTILI I \z m S REENING Z I I Ph. (817) 808-0866 PH. 817 808 0811 DRAINAG W LL Opp CO r T \� -C7 E-mail: Lusaillc©hotmail.com E-MAIL: akm.helaluzzaman© mail.com z LOTS v �` `v _ E-U) ; 1\5. MAIL: akm.helaluzzaman@gmail.com o �, T �� r_--______ 0 o E y �`y, E z O• Iv z�� m -�-I ( i , � 0 m 7.. ' .o� O I I CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR X < v AEA' �9 � � � : - w rn X �O I O* - ND & ASSOCIATES, LLC GEONAV D Cn Cn = \ SF 1 o �� p C7 4 m �.� `` o ur''i -' nN��� -i70 ( CONTACT: NAIM KHAN, P.E. CFM CONTACT: JOEL "CHRIS" HOWARD =1 ---- - -� - LOT 4 c�� = O ( 2105 CANYON CREEK DRIVE 3410 MIDCOURT RD. STE. 110 p z v TTTTT ,F � ° �p _ T °'� �0�-�-� 7:1 .5 I GARLAND, TEXAS 75042 CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75006 r O zy �yT �5 �` XZLQ1v v v ` `op�, ' vEi :/i -�� ZE-MAIL. naim1207®yahoo.com E-MAIL: Chris.howard®geo-nay.com • ` I D � Cp oi o apcxi � � 1 co -I 0 T __< N T ........... �, r C r' O _ v'6, O to *I � (V 0 1 1 Cal DF � iv ,, __, ._< _. �� T , •> -< r x * -0 -11�7 `6, 1 `� .TT T co O I Z ,u I 0 �1 („ 1 X 0 a" T,,,\\:\\\ \ T r�1 ,_ n 1 \\\\\\\\\\, , i 1 n �I I 1 z 1 z� _ � T � � z � z.._., ••,. v`EECy x tz -< 1c) 1 in 7-1 �_ m '�� � o Tin( ' : T T D .� �� ICI ! !/,/,/ I• ZErl `'t�� T \ y`mir ,50 - c�' mii i T\ P f BM # 1 �, I I V(11 " cn ELEV:520.976 C7 -4ti �� 50' FIRE LANE � � v v ° o I GQ 1 I LAND USE: RESIDENCE i E E O T ` . MUTUAL ACCESS, CUES PAR ING v T T N 2� / 'I y 'y � �` UTILITY & 1 50.�' 50' FIR Eyyyyyy E _v5�/ / RODNEY 8C DOLORES SMITH E LANE, \ ■ / � / �_ VOL. 4374, PG. 1488 S DRAINAGE. ESMT. -'�' -ARKINI MUTUAL ACCESS, f ■ 12�2�► x10 & �� T I. / �� 4.123 ACRES QC//�. I UTILITY • T DRAINAGE. vvvv _' / ( � 'O RE Q ESMT. `�` �. � � �� � � � � 1 ;� � � I D.R.D.C.T R. --� 30' FIRE LANEI_ CURB INLET EE 30' FIRE LANE ,y, v, T 'vT v PROP. 6' f z 1 0 E E. BROWN S E. T SCREEN NG ( RIM:521.00 25.43T T E E (NO PARKING � � 21'RCP (N):515.59' 1 i ( WYLIE, TX 75098 (NO PARKING Tv WALL NV ALLOWED) ------ "�� �'` I I �� II !‘ `�_ PROP. 6' 15' SIDE YARD CORNER SETBA(�K LINE ALLOWED) il f ---_ P �\.,�....�� 105.25' SCREENING '/411 " I i o II A // // " E. BROWN ST. kw. SO i 3 34 W / LANDSCAPE BUFFER - -- --I-- A 1 I 0 j 'AIW, ^a.,,,,,,7- ---1 - ° I. la lir..., •/',41111, lb , 'T=� yr.T , . • 0� unu. . -:�- _ - o o "' '_ 1 2 I SHELDON DR.. o .. OHE ///1/1- 0�--------- -0� � � c"r�.�:.�ll\Il;�i�y��A�---- ► O �� ^� 3H0----________ Q ' OHE� OHE HE OL�IICT C�nr 't -� 15 WATER ES T• dc<j�I 3H.. 3FbLi.JCiLLJ OBENCHMARKN0. 2 oHE �- ,� �� p� nE �rrr�w ram.. ELEV:520.246 PROP. \_ oHE o3 c .N._ BFR -r..:. OHE o� �111111 (� -- < LE- Z p illlll °� �' 1 1 0 W w p \W 0 PROP. BFR OHE _----._._ = •T�. � _ 30' PROP. BFR 11111111 _,...._, � EXIST. BFR � z � � � � 0 � 0 90.24' jy PROP. BFR _' * I I <t _ 1 a U C C = m Ir 0 z EXIST. 12 SANITARY SEWER LINE REMOVE & RELOCATE 102.90' 3x i I I .9 FAIRVIEW SANITARY SEWERSs ss ss---- -_ __-ss---ss- ss EXIST. i 3� f ss- _ss--- SIGN I 1 `SI,�Q� ��i`�/ z W DR. W MANHOLE _ _ss- - -__ _ss- ss 1 I /�� QC J )- Z RIM: 519.62' s---ss----________ss-- _ss EXIST. 12" SANITARY SEWER LINE Q E. OAK ST. FL 12" PVC (N): 507.39' W. A. A LLE N BLVD. SS---SS------ss_______ss______ .D I ( cF DR. FL 12"PVC (S): 507.36' s VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT OF WAY 3� I TOP 5 3S T�SS_SS_SS_SS Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m 11 N -w w w w w w w w_w w w-w-w-_w_w-w-w-w-w- - ..,�_ - - _ - #z FL 12" PVC 508.62 (SN? 1 2 3m i FL 12" PVC 508.59- - - w-w _ I I T � - - - _ _ w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w-w_w-w- _ _ _ _ _ 1 z \V ___ _ - _w w w_w w w w w-w_w_w-w-w_w_„_w P w Q(ISJ_1,,2_' wWATER LINE ( i 1 1 SITE DATA TABLE - - - - _ _ I 1 w_w_w-w_w_w-w- VICINITY MAP w-w-w-w_w _ _ wow-w-w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w_w--�-J_ SCHEDULE 1 w-w_ w_ NOT TO SCALE CURRENT ZONING AG/30 AGRICULTURAL 1. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS TO THE CITY ON NOVEMBER, 2020. I I 2. CONSTRUCTION START ON FEBRUARY, 2021. 1 PROPOSED ZONING TH (TOWNHOUSES) 3. CONSTRUCTION ENDS ON APRIL, 2022. I I PROPOSED LAND USE TOWNHOUSE (TOTAL 16) P01114*-IMOOR01 1 LOT AREA (GROSS) 1 .83 AC. (79,708 SF) LAND USE: WYLIE FIRE STATION 3 I i I I 1 ZONING EXHIBIT TOTAL LOTS 16 NOTES: 1 I MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 30' 1. 6' WROUGHT IRON SCREENING WALL BETWEEN BRICK OR STONE COLUMNS SPACED NOTES: EVERY 50' WILL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE STREET FRONTAGES. � ( 1 MINIMUM LOT DEPTH 100' & 120' 2 & 3 BEDRM. UNITS. i 1 GARDEN SQUARE TOWNHOMES Date 8/2E/2020 2 STORIED BUILDINGS. 2. ALL BUILDINGS WILL BE REQUIRED TO HAVE A FIRE SPRINKLER 13D SYSTEM. MINIMUM INTERIOR LOT AREA REQUIRED 3,000 SF I I MINIMUM 1 ,500 SF UNITS W/ 3. ALL ACCESS EASEMENTS ARE TO BE MAINTAINED BY AN HOA. I I ( 1012 E. BROWN STREET Desi n ND INTERIOR LOT AREA PROVIDED 3,100 SF. 2 CAR GARAGE 500 SF. 1 g BEING 1 .83 ACRES TRACT SITUATED IN THE MINIMUM EXTERIOR LOT AREA REQUIRED 3,500 SF FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY ABSTRACT 688 I 1 1 DOC NO 98-0088596 Draft ND EXTERIOR LOT AREA PROVIDED 4,700 SF. LEGEND I 1 I C CITY OF WYLIEYLIE,, COLLIN COUNTY BUILDING COVERED AREA (GROSS) 22,560 SF. (INCLUDING GARAGES) IN EXISTING CURB INLET `" W W EXISTING WATER LINE I 1 I TEXAS -� pp EXISTING POWER POLE ss EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE ®®®®®®� Checked : ND LOT COVERAGE (GROSS) 28.22% (TOTAL BLDG./TOTAL LAND) OF T�®4a • ®. WV EXISTING WATER VALVE STM STM EXISTING STORM LINE ,F o N D & Associates ��C tt LP EXISTING LIGHT POST GAS " �Q �I�spo042 1 EACH TOWNHOUSE FLOOR AREA 1 ,500 SF MIN. 1 ,200 SF. ALLOWED EXISTING GAS LINE ®*• .• * oCanyonND PROJECT NO( ) o FH EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT * ; /\ * A 08-27-2020 2105 Creek Drive • oHE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE ® 0 Md. Haim Uddin Khan 0 MD NAIM UDDIN KHAN o Garland, Texas 75042 SSMH EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 0 ® �� ______ �» ZE2020-035 FLOOR AREA RATIO 0.36'1 (1 ,800 SF/EACH UNIT) O FO EXISTING FIBER OPTICS LINE 4 �•, 87776 ® ENGINEER N0. 87776. THESE PLANS WERE `J Gv PREPARED UNDER THE RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISION .� GW EXISTING GUY WIRE o 6O • 1F �� �� OF MD. NAIM UDDIN KHAN REGISTERED 0 G�STE� •. ��® PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PH: (214) 533 7181 BUILDING HEIGHT 31 ' IN TWO STORY (40' ALLOWED) I 1 CV EXISTING CABLE VAULT °°®Fss ' ��� ®SS/• L�� AUTHORIZEDPBYARMD. NAIM UiDDiDN KHAN PEAS EMAIL: naim1207(c yahoo.com SHEET 1 OF 3 LOT COVERAGE (SMALLEST LOT) 900 + 500 = 1 ,400/3,100 = 45% #8777fi FIRM # F - 13340 E . ST.BROWN SITE 6' HIGH WROUGHT IRON FENCE WITH BRICK / STONE COL �- 50' DISTANCE. / ---- ,\l i ill -quadmmelle' m —fix v�, �� 9� �. '� �, II i - 18 8 ,- 11 li 10'LANDSCAPE AREA ; ; \, r s�St Brown t i --__ ._ rar wr St E Brown St �y 47-03N c t., _ __� _ow__ Brown 30'- G 30'-0'�� 30'-0" 30'- 8 i Otto raarl lct r t rras W ' � : c : yergn Esto o INDEX TO DRAWINGS: 8f Rescue Stanon 3 CO i " heI&C?d7 1' �,„i1 Q� Et P'Ckihtn Streeth REV. SHEET DESCRIPTION A �� v N Lo ti P x A101 LOCATION, SHEET INDEX & / 1SI U PROPOSED SITE PLAN 45'DBLE.RPIARYARD SETBACK LINE r -_-_ N A101 F FIRE HOSE REACH PLAN / ii �--- in U a Cr A201 NOT INCLUDED 11'-e8" . i 1�-11$" LLJ z z ift Z co E U A202 NOT INCLUDED o I ®Fs Al i , , CD o o 1— W A203 NOT INCLUDED 'W - E w Q a� 2 ct A204 NOT INCLUDED ♦ ♦ er: ♦■/1 i ■ c c �; Q ,.... ,,, N =. cn50 2 SITE LOCATION (approximately) a) ca U o -En) Q A501 BLDG. 'A' EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ENTRY j //// ENTRYI ENTRY j ENTRYI ENTRY / ENTRY z m SCALE: NOT TO SCALE •�•/, Z_ E ,,,_. . . 3 r f J / / co W A502 BLDG. B EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS I O . SPOW \ S S . w Q Q z A503 BLDG. 'C' EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS '� o o O < C S 2 A 7'S 2 'A" ; C''S 2 'A" Ai Wy e , x / 5098 0 c0 0- W Cl / Ci >111 / —I ZONING EXHIBIT 1 I q > Er> I ' I i _______ _ _ LAIC AREA: 1 .8298 AC -_-_S U C2 CONCEPT UTILITY M -� . ---------1-----------30'WIDESOMMON---------- ------ -- - -L ---- W ACCESS, UTILITY& T - -� _� C3 CONCEPT DRAINAGE o DRAINAGE EASEMENT i DRIVEWAY >-- RODOSED 16 TOWN ONES 50'FIRELANE,MUTUALZ (/) LOT W DT-: 30' M N. ACCESS, UTILITY& ; DRAINAGE EASEMENT z LOT =�T-: 100' & 120' M N. LL1 w LLIUNII \o z NO PARKING ALLOWED 30' WIDE Z LOT A�=A: 3,000 SF. M N. CO in 1 w I FIRE LANE a) d .. o I Q COP LOT A�=A: 3,500 SF. M N. O 2 ' ....1 ti SICICO ~ ® ® I 2 & 3 3:DAM. UN TS. a) B. 6>-.1- - ---------- , \ 1( 2 STOP _D BUILD NGS. W CODE DATAA 50-0 00. jI ■ M N MUM 1 ,500 SF UN TS W/ Q _ °;:// 0.41gr&P cA-s Q z 2 CA' GA�AG= 500 SF. u) O ' , w 'S ' , GENERAL INFORMATION: o ci / ; - - o ; -f C CO �Lis JQLj)j Q I X W zI-LL1 U` ; o O ZONING CHANGE REQUEST AG/30 TO TOWNHOUSE DISTRICT �?� Y ' c� O I _ U LI..ILU m z w a'a ' z v CC .., \ ------ ---- Lu filirffr �-c�Q H � A�' ■ z — ! eL LoQo z I wv ' rn O N CODE TYPE I I w i i w om (0 CC ALL CURRENT LOCAL AMENDMENTS ARE ALSO PART OF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CODES: O ' o \ i� --__ i OWNER/DEVELOPER ARCHITECT: oM .../ i i MMYA INTERNATIONAL, LLC. FOKRUDDIN KHONDAKER AIA, NCARB BUILDING CODE IRC 2015 C S I ; MOHAMMAD RAHMAN AMAZING CONCEPT LLC. iLL, 801 ARAF AVENUE 545 COVENTRY DR. REVISIONS: o Q A Richardson, TX 75081 L_____ -, PHONE: (817) 806-0866 Grapevine, Tx 76051 F-------‘ --- -- - ---- - ------------� o _ : -- ------�- - t?B191Fk�T: (817) 808-0811 OCCUPANCY TYPES: R4 : TOWNHOUSES w AHMED HELALUZZAMAN Designer, ■ ! Email: akm.helaluzzaman®gmail.com TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE V-B (PROTECTED) ,= 2 R 13D FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN ALL BUILDINGS. b I SURVEYOR GEONAV CML ENGINEER /'t Z.-? 3401 MIDCOURT RD., STE.110 ND & ASSOCIATES, LLC. o I— W Carrollton, TX 75006 2105 CANYON CREEK DR. y 25-0 _ z I 50'FIRELANE, MUTUAL �n w ACCESS, UTILITY& Z w w PHONE: (972) 243-2409 GARLAND, TX 75042 DRAINAGE EASEMENT v,J 8) LAJ q z "CHRIS" (214)-533-7181 a 30' WIDE o CONTACT: JOEL CHRIS" HOWARD /� _ -____ -_-_-_-_______ o a -_________-__ �____ -._ _-- -_ Email: Naim1207®yahoo.com S D A A A B NO PARKING ALLOWED FIRE LANE Z ce, _ Email: Chris.howard®geo-nay.com CONTACT: NAIM KHAN, PE CFM c, w o CDow DRIVEWAY N Q D=SCRIP ION �__ , F _________ , 30'WIDE COMMON __ ________ ___ __ ______ -- - ___ _ o ARCHITECT OF THE RECORD: ACCESSI UTILITY& , / co co Fokruddin KhondakerAlA,NCARB. DRAINAgE EASEMENT °' _ PRESENT ZONING AG/30 AGRICULTURAL �i� I f Oculus Architects, Inc. 14310 Rich Branch Dr. PRODOS-D ZONING T- (TOWN-OUSES) "' ------ _- _-_ _ I ' North Potomac,MD 20878 ( - ) -- `„ - TYPICAL SITE PLAN NOTES: Tel.(608)228 5951 20'-0" sl I / ; / _.��f 1. ALL UTILITY SERVICES NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED A / A i / i / REFER TO CIVIL & MEP DRAWINGS. LOT AREA (GOSS) 1 .83 AC. (79,708 SF) �� c s 2 -A-' I c s 2 A-� _ : , \ ' / 2. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR FINAL GRADING. BUILDING COVERED A =A (GROSS) 22,560 SF. (INC_UDING GAAGES) � � � 3. REFER TO CIVIL & SURVEY DRAWINGS FOR IAND BOUNDARY & AREA. _O COVERAGE (GROSS) 28.22% ( 0 A_ B_DG./TOTAL LAND) ENTRY / ENTRY ENTRY / ENTRY ENTRY IENTRY ,IP\ \ sk / '/ 0\ 4. REFER TO CIVIL FOR ROAD CURBS, DETAILS & ; , DIMENSION CONTROL NUMBERS. EAC- OWN-OUSE - L00 ARE 4,6 ID A r• erA 1 ,500 SF MIN. (1 ,200 SF. ALLOWED) ' Opp i I Epj 44 i / 4. 5. REFER TO CIVIL FOR ADDITIONAL PROJECT DATA. - _OOR AREA RA 10 0.36: 1 (1 ,800 S- /EAC- UNIT) o 6. ALL ACCESS & EASEMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED BY amazing concept 89;0 i ♦ ♦ HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA). ■ residential&commercial projects I 15 1 N 545 Coventry Drive,Grapevine,Tx 76051 BUILDING - EIGHT 31 ' IN TWO STORY (40' ALLOWED) / ® tit E-mail:l akm.helaluzzaman@gmail.com 1 88- 25 REAR YARD SETBACK LINE _____---___--- a__--- SHEET TITLE: 1 Z-85„ ! X-ERIOR _OT AREA 4,700 S=. 3,500 S . NIN. NEEDED) 8 , 30-0 i 30-0 i 30-0 i 30-0 30-0 45-0711 0 P 0 S E D IN--RIOR LO- AREA 3,100 S=. (3,000 S=. VIN. NEEDED) ; zi. 't SITE PLAN �� - g ' N / SITE PLAN (PROPOSED) IN EIOR LOT AREA 3,100 SF. (3,000 SF. IVIN. NEEDED) I O DATE: SCALE: SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" L____ J__ 08.27.2020 AS SHOWN _0- COVERAGE (SNAL_EST _0-) 900 + 500 = 1 ,400/3,100 = 45% EXISTING ALLEY DRAWN: DESIGNER: A.HELALUZZAMAN PROJECT H-2020-03 SHEET NO: A ' 01 Notification Map >, ...-0$ SWITCHING .,: STATION �' s V °EDHAM !` 1011 ESTVES i PHAS f I M` .a..„ ....w,.w..M,.,.....„..„.„.„,.,., . ♦f .. BROWN T . N. 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Iwf ZC 2020-09 Garden Square Townhomes � � 1 i 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ��♦�♦�♦�♦�� Subject Propertfv-N ', }, -y i ,"tt Y 1:: - ,=rQ 1 1 T ° 1 • ` ° )‘....„..,_i N 0 45 90 180 270 360 Feet W Y L I E + _ , . it 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 • I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2020-09. I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2020-09. Please feel free to contact the Planning Department at 972.516.6320 with questions or concerns Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,October 6,2020 6:00 pm `v — Municipal Complex,iuU Country Cliit Road,Budding 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,October 27,2020 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: (please print) �� Address: t � N 1�S c ` ke Upc.-j-1 --emq Signature: Date: 2i 0 COMMENTS: This CO MO( 1 U l�e,� rr►bl-e� cor c cb v\ home Not on I Demifc, Yt rt. tra - MPV\ r on �- Cx�cx.14- -to (coo 00 b � Flo ca, �:S. g-- -bo *7 OJp -ev��G'.RA-tiro( o �r t oury - �v _can +0 ke d uY1 � � n t t)A, 4-, letwolp c),J mac \ , d c avorzye) .-- ux)-z, :v-un�' by\ wetAv- Nay kociefolw,_ o 's proms~ t , ,, v°,e8 -o Stop my- cm t iioak 1--Vg_sc4eueicpces cciv) moo.) D., -bp oc--' r n,e, c • 01\-\\AOJA\SUik- 1-{cep -5 3-o«LE Planning & Zoning CITY OF Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 06, 2020 Item: 5 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Birmingham Place Phase 5 Date Prepared: September 22, 2020 Zoning District: Neighborhood Services (NS) Exhibits: Zoning Exhibits Subject Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Neighborhood Services District (NS) to Neighborhood Services District Special Use Permit (NS-SUP), to allow for a convenience store with a motor fueling station on 1.056 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Park Boulevard and Country Club Road. (ZC2020-11) Recommendation Motion to recommend (approval, approval with conditions or disapproval) to the City Council regarding a change of zoning from Neighborhood Services District(NS)to Neighborhood Services District Special Use Peiuut (NS-SUP), to allow for a convenience store with a motor fueling station on 1.056 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Park Boulevard and Country Club Road. (ZC2020-11) Discussion OWNER: Yusuf Keles APPLICANT: Engineering Concepts &Designs,LI The applicant is requesting to rezone 1.056 acres located on the northeast corner of Country Club Rd and Park Blvd. The property is currently zoned Neighborhood Services. The reason for the requested rezoning to Neighborhood Services with an SUP is to allow for the development of a 4,000 sf convenience store with fueling stations on the corner of Country Club and McMillan. In. February of 2020 the property owner applied for a similar zoning change. However, there are differences as the initial request was to rezone the entire corner strip of 3.873 acres from Neighborhood Services to Community Retail. That change would have not only allowed for a convenience store with a fueling station on the hard corner, as this request does, but also would have allowed for more intense uses on the remaining —4 acres to the north. City Council denied that zoning request with a vote of 6-1. In addition, the updated zoning exhibit provided by the applicant also eliminates the drive thru restaurant that was previously attached to the convenience store. In keeping with the previous request, the applicant is proposing to offer the sale of beer and wine within the convenience store, although the property sits within 300' of an elementary school (Dodd) and such sales are currently prohibited. However, the applicant is proposing, and Parks Board recommended accepting, a dedication of — 450 sf of land to Dodd Park, increasing the distance of the property from the school. This would place the subject property at a legally required distance of 300' from Dodd Elementary, allowing for Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 the sale of alcohol pending the proper TABC permits. This dedication would take place during the platting process if zoning is approved. The subject property lies within the General Urban Sector of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed zoning and uses are compatible with the Plan. Approval of this zoning change will require approval of a final plat and site plan prior to development. Notifications/Responses: Five notifications were mailed; with one response received in opposition and none in favor of the request. Council consideration on October 27, 2020 Approved By Initial Date Department Director JH September 25, 2020 Locator Map d _ �,, „ {t�ras q ,-. --^.II al ?Z '> 1407 ,9406, DIT E . .. . r ,.4 ^,{ w, �� 9 1410 w lio , , I„, , a., ,,„, , , , ,,,,,,„ z 44,144 S' ' �,, 400 QF m 140 CO sue,'' 4ti '<1. i1 , ta i°A "� •h*,,,,,' J a atta,aa,a'a at't"-' *1 '', ,t t° * L'LlVi./—:L_i i 0 ,', ;`� t4 a = ,h{"+ , „ rm*:,+ „M3,,,,a°a^' '���r' - �: �1406 402 4 „" Z 4� �•, J s § �, hum IIy a, a b �, a ' A �. � ����, � w j �� ,. >� �� R pR '� 'fin e�g ��� e:� . . °, 'lay y(' n �t'' �,, 1, 1r ,.� : „ � " � 400, , w, e R"s s� ,, £tP' .�r �.MW�Pb6(. ��r , re..� „p Wasni ., v �o, l a,,ir 1*- "w;. °�µ i P � ',Mai '` ';� : ,ray, J ALL 4? II lr�la. , d{ 1 4 *i � ' ' a 4a. 41�; ,."&,� 140 6 ., d , ,48\- ,b APR , "',�g.����y „�2'° "` � ;,. d, awa ,kr, rx wr i... qua�, n' .,I. d " x w �,,t.�`,•' J• " ��` r , L EN r�y�iw� u } Y,n,, v ';'1 .Mrt�'/J Lam`°'" ° ��il ° ri�„'N "Wu�&�:�n u r Y, �► .�q 14'"'.., {lye Idmwa § > 444. is ) `",ti'' ���,���6 H ,;�, "���", '� ,G�a,., ,.,dM'��" „a' ^'� i`s1 ` w. .. A a„ ,1����Ir . Al , rt� „a ,..�'1 \t", , t'" au, sR ,h `',,, ��e ,,,7. , , h to �4 e :m a,� .� ';' r l �� �tzav '� { �; ,,, " ��� q9,�,, " '�ww.... �, � 5. °w �t.:7 '�,aa »a ikr s 57av,.'" aa "s ' "a 4'"3�.c" �°404,4 ,:,`*tt„A*"''tit*4''-*,,`,� 1�1• Asa BLVDR't�i';;�* y ' .;' MOM ***a�;:� 1 1�;,°'' ,� �..;rr °� ..�N.M�„, ,� ups* �' � � b ,, ',' u1�� ^ t'y to ,, p' �''' � ,, y a 'R b � '�i '' k , , ' . 1� % �o , ua• 1355 u' i ,r „ ros, 1/4 Vt, ' i��i�M„t 'i'(� 9Wr U k IO , yt�',�,�p; �i Vii awf ,At ,,y, ��� s" f � "E x���µ.,i+,.! �4 P° �"� `4�R�, °,°k,, �n "^'wd��� ,,. " a�l'M�� You,.••¢ �• i1Fe 1C � 'd V ''. fin, ad ;Va� s a "j't p p; p '.,, � u�f� 't�,,;��� s; N, T ,{, f, a , ,' d s! ,� ;: ,,; ti° ^e Li 1 '*1 ‘,,,0 44,3 ,./th,L,..„ I; ���° v ;� u,' , n r �� J ZC 2020-11 ; Keles Convenience Store; SUPS ,-," , # Xu Subject Property IFNI 1,7, 1 .i. „t_ .'".7. � ' -.1 .' y C ITY 0 =° ! "'tsa ,,' ' 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Feet WY L I E 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I i : �,, I TALLALEGA DR. Ili tk a c, Lo ..„.,_______ z a __, 0 viii v :,,..: ,_ ,t,_ L, z w , . 0 z 0 w r w 30 15 0 30 60 McMILLEN RD. PARK BLV . 0 Do LOT 1 BLOCK A SCALE IN FEET ) I I WYLIE UNITED ZONE H: 1" = 30' i 1 .\ METHODIST CHURCH PD CAB RPG213 VICINITY MAP 0 P.R.C.C.T. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOT TO SCALE o g / o _...--- 1°11111b- -- -.., o ► r--°1- COUNTRY CLUB ROAD so VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W. °j I ( ® 0 f PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1Z5' ROW DEDICATION 'cv» 12' LANDSCAPE BUFFER NO27'47"W 229.93' STATE OF TEXAS § 1 COUNTY OF COLLIN § `�� BEING a tract of land situated in the CHARLES ATTERBERRY SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 22 and the C. ��� ' /O i f ��, i" ° McULMURRY SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. M629, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, being part of a tract OI. s / none -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- of land described in deed to Keles Group, Inc. as recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. 20190124000072190, • / w " ,/ Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows. 50'R ❑ • '1 / / o O o N� ;;;;;;;°�101- BEGINNING at a point for corner at the North right-of-way of Park Boulevard, a 50-foot right-of-way, with the East I ' C 0 c � � 15.0 in. a 15.0' right-of-way of Country Club Road, a variable width right-of-way, said point being the Southwest corner of said I / o J Keles Group tract; i ° . f / 1_ -i• THENCE North 00 degrees 27 minutes 47 seconds West, along the East right-of-way of said Country Club Road o N o 0 ° 0 ° - and the West line of said Keles Group tract, a distance of 229.93 feet to a point for corner, 36.0' D o 0 138.0' L L J ., - 4 THENCE North 89 degrees 31 minutes 45 seconds East, a distance of 200.20 feet to a point for corner;, said p MUTUAL FIRE, ACCESS, point being in the west line of a proposed Park Area Dedication of Birmingham Farms Addition, Phase 3A, an 01 ,�, EXISTING ZONING NS AND UTILITY EASEMENT addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet N, Page Olq o PROPOSED ZONING: NS w/SUP _ 906, Official Public Records, Collin County, Texas, said point also being in the east line of said Keles Group O 10' tract; > < N �. 0'R. BIRMINGHAM LAND LTD. J w �p2 '� 2 ?cri iv o LOT 1 BLOCK A THENCE South 00 degrees 34 minutes 28 seconds East continuing along the West line of said Park Area CC #94-0029675 q k C o ' \ ' o \ A 168,723 SF Dedication, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point for corner, said point being the Southwest corner of said Park Area ZONE 0 j,� I N 3.873 AC Dedication; A/30 I EXISTING ZONE o _ THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minutes 15 seconds East continuing over and across said Keles Group tract, a N 10' 20.0' 26.0' NS Q ;7 I distance of 199.96 feet to a point for corner on the North right-of-way of said Park Boulevard and the South line O IIIII..l . = of said Keles Group tract,' fp THENCE South 89 degrees 32 minutes 13 seconds West, along the North right-of-way of said Park Boulevard I2.9' _ _ 100.0' 30' / 14'IF I and the South line of said Keles Group tract, a distance of 200.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. I CONV 4NIENCE SF)STORE R 1STAURA 1 0 R CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 45,985 square feet or 1.056 acres of land, more or less. 13 • �h• _ 6' 0 r��.. ., HIGH ORNAMENTAL TUBULAR 10 1 LANDSCAPE ��� Ih �`� ��, v NIA ;Q O METAL SCREENING FENCING W/ = > LIVING SCREEN (EASTERN RED 11.0 ' 0Ruuuuuuuuiiiiiml ,IIIIIII CEDAR OR SIMILAR) ADJACENT TO BUFFER fir "wlll���I� mmml� � '' �` III °° DODD PARK 7q i III" .. ., ..... o 0.29' STRIP TO BE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF WYLIE FOR INCLUSION °ml°I°I IN EXISTING PARK AREA IIII11II1II II,IIII;;I✓I I SO'34'28"E 30.00' :Ay. PROPOSED FIRE LANE ZONED LOT 2 BLOCK A PARK AREA DEDICATION ZONED Lo M NS BIRMINGHAM FARMS BIRMINGHAM FARMS SF 10-24 o ADDITION PHASE 5 ADDITION PHASE 3A 60,000 SF CAB N SLIDE 906 O 1.377 AC I P.R.C.C.T. 0 N o5 O O_ N 'O N O a PARKING SUMMARY SITE DA TA DESIGN STANDARDS POINT TABULATION FOR SITE.' O T v I LOT 1R - CONVENIENCE STORE 4,000 SF (1/300) 13 BUILDINGS: 1 PROPOSED SITE DESIGN DESIRABLE ELEMENTS(4 of 8 required): RESTAURANT 1,200 SF (1/100) 12 1. Individual buildings w/footprints=or< 10,000 square feet. Z HC SPACES REQUIRED 1 PROPOSED BUILDING SF: 5,200 2. Front Facade Oriented to the Street. -J HC SPACES PROVIDED 2 a 3. Combined access points with adjacent tracts TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED 25 LANDSCAPING REQUIRED: 20% OF SITE (NS) 4. Not visible from public street but provide masonry screening. z TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED 28 o SCREENING: ORNAMENTAL METAL FENCING (WROUGHT N IRON STYLE) TO PROVIDE UNCONFINED VIEW FOR LANDSCAPE DESIGN DESIRABLE(4 of 8 required) : RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION, 0.11 ACRES RESIDENTS. RESIDENTIAL APPEARANCE OF ALL BUILDING o FACADES (NO BACKS OF BUILDINGS) SHOULD NOT BE 1. Landscaping that exceeds the minimum by 10%. OFFENSIVE TO PARK OR SCHOOL. PLANTINGS ALONG 2. Landscaping in side and rear yard not otherwise required. O FENCE WILL SOFTEN APPEARANCE. 3. Parking lots with no space further than 40 feet from a landscaped area. T 4. Increase in minimum width of landscape buffer by 20%. v ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DESIRABLE(3 OF 6 Required): .� 1. Use of two complementary primary facade materials to help achieve facade articulation, visual variety and/or architectural detailing. 0 2. Copy same style entire block. 3. Use of architectural detailing and/or materials to provide `'- variety in visual appearance. 0 a 0 in O G O o REVISIONS: CAUTION! - CONCEPT PLAN SHEET THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WERE COMPILED FROM VARIOUS ENGINEERINGcoNcEpTs OWNER INFO 5F1,' 5 LOCATION OF UTILITIES IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE UTILITY & DESIGN , L. P. KELES GROUP, INC. TOT 1 R BLOCK A 1 .056 AC O INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY 3815 BLOSSOM DRIVE 01 0 THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEERING / PROJECT MANAGEMENT / DRAWN: ECDLP DATE: September8,2020 SACHSE, TEXAS 75048 O CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UTILITY COMPANIES 48 HOURS IN CHECKED: DATE: 469-996-1363 0 ADVANCE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN ORDER TO DETERMINE IF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - FIRM REG. #F-001145 Tw September 8,2020 CITY OF WYLIE o THERE ARE ANY CONFLICTS WITH THE PROPOSED FACILITIES. THE 201 WINDCO CIR, STE 200, WYLIE, TX 75098 PROJECT NO.: 02031 CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY WHEN COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS a_ CONFLICTS WITH EXISTING UTILITIES ARE DISCOVERED. 972-941-8400 FAX: 972-941-8401 WWW.ECDLP.COM DWG FILE NAME: 2031 LOT IR ZONING PLAN.DWG Notification Map ._' .,.., .40.. I`4 ~'. ♦. .4 % t '44 i. ! 0 BIRMINGHAM 0 FARMS 3A % t % t % 1 i ' 1 1 i • WYLIE UNITED �j�sV,t����j���j���j�j�j���j���j�j���j�j���j�jr�j��� # 1 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • METHODIST ,�,��������j�►����j,���j,�j�'��j„�j�����������j„���►��� � CHURCH ►�iirr��������0�����������0���t���������1��j1����� _.,.._., i ������������������������►��������������������������� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1 €E 1 i ������������������������� ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ t ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦ 1 I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1 ii♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i�ii♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦i♦�'"4"lt BLVD i i MCMILLEN RD i { i ! I li i # I i� .r ♦ f !MCMI4vLEN i' ESTAIS* 4� N ♦. ,,,.*". A +►. #..„. ♦.` y _ -0*0*0*0I.IXYnMMi—YM#w16�.Y1**0*#'.r11Y111r.una X'Y.#✓ ZC 2020-11 ; Keles Convenience Store; SUP 11 _--' " ' i r� ! w� y 1 i 200 Foot Notifcation Buffer ��♦�♦�♦�♦�� Subject Property Y ru I i. 0 40 80 160 240 320 FeetWYLIE „„ A I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I . . 21-February 2020 City Council Members City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 And Department of Planning City of Wylie 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 Honorable City Council Members & City Planning Managers: I am the officer of the company 1Avval Enterprises, LLC (collectively "Owner"), that owns the adjacent property to the applicant's parcel, We are located at 1520 Park Boulevard. We did not have an opportunity previously to provide an opinion on this zoning change application as the notifications for public hearing that were sent was not received due to issues with the recording of our mailing address at Collin county Registrar's office. Therefore, were unable to participate in the Planning and Zoning public hearing that was held on 4th February 2020. As the owner of the above mentioned adjacent property. We are building a state of the art nationally renowned early childhood private school and will increase the profile of the community in this locale. With regards to this rezoning of the 3.873 acres located on the northeast corner of Country Club Road and Park Boulevard to allow for the development of four thousand (4,000) square feet for use for convenience store, which may result in allowing to offer to sell beer and wine within the convenience store. We have following comments, concerns and objections: Firstly, as per the Wylie Zoning Ordinance's Article 5.2, Section 24, Sub Section (b, 2). It stipulates that requirement for alcohol sales as follows. "The establishment should not be located closer than 300 feet to a public or private school measured in a direct line from property line to property line, and in direct lines across intersections" Our school is a private school and meets the criteria set by the Wylie ordinance. Accordingly, this rezoning application does not meet the distance requirement set by the ordinance. Furthermore, as per the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (TABC) Section 109.331 gives full latitude that permits the city council to adopt a local ordinance prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages within 300 feet of public and private schools, church, and or public hospital that may include certain day-care centers or child-care facilities as well. Secondly, The Park Boulevard and Country Club intersection is home to a number of schools and churches. See the exhibit below for illustration. td0:14 F' 1 tod Scttocl Goddard • 5£hooi „',. Inwinc6bl Church 46,: '913C L?triFdt• Note:Not to sole;For F1ustratian purposes only As the town grows, this will have bigger impact to student traffic in this corridor. Having a limit to sale of alcoholic beverage is such an area will be a socially responsible direction as a community. Therefore, we are Against this zoning change. Sincerely, lmran Khan, 1Avval Enterprises, LLC