08-28-2008 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes 4adkilD. Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Special Called Board Meeting August 28, 2008 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. by Chairman Stewart Matthews noting the presence of a quorum. Those in attendance were: Ashley Burt, Warner Washington, Kathy Spillyards, Erin Dougherty, and Patsy Robertson. Vice Chairman Polly Harrison was absent. Staff present was Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer and Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary. Special Guests were: Lynn Grimes, Owner of the Wylie Art Gallery and Jennifer Wakefield, Wylie Art Gallery board member. WORK SESSION ❑ Discussion regarding the possible dates for the first annual Wylie Public Art Festival. (Craig Kelley, Public Information Officer) Craig Kelly reported some optional dates to be considered for the 1st Annual Wylie Art Festival. He noted that the dates were compiled after speaking with Parks staff and other organizations that would be instrumental in the implementation of the event. He suggested the board consider combining the art festival with the Christmas season and Christmas Parade and/or Christmas tree lighting. Some of the activities discussed were: Fine art booths, high end craft booths, festive foods, and WISD and local singing and performing arts. He suggested the location be Olde City Park and the downtown area. Mr. Kelly noted that by December 09 the park improvements will have been completed and would be a good area for the arts and crafts. Some of the other optional dates discussed were Memorial Day weekend, early June to coincide with the summer concert series or later in the summer at the close of the summer concert series. He explained that the pro to the summer event was the climate; the cons were that school was out and hard to gather school groups to participate; this was also vacation time with out of town activities. He explained that the improvements to Olde City Park would be underway in the spring/summer of 2009 and may not allow the area to be functional for a festival. He reported that the Christmas season would allow for school groups to participate both in performing arts and art contests and would be a good time for buying with the holidays approaching. Lynn Grimes, owner of the Wylie Art Gallery and Jennifer Wakefield, Wylie Art Gallery board member were special guests for the meeting. Ms. Grimes stated that she would be happy to assist in any way she could. She explained that she had participated and helped organize arts and craft events. Direction from the board was to move forward with a December 2009 date and receive approval from administration, contact other organizations to collaborate with, and present an organizational chart at the next regular meeting. ❑ Discussion regarding upcoming CIP Public Art Projects for Fire Station #3 and Founders Park. (Public Arts Advisory Board Liaison, Carole Ehrlich) Board Liaison Ehrlich addressed the PAAB members stating that due to the time taken to insure the amount of funding for the Fire Station#3 project, it was unlikely that the art for the new fire station could be completed by the December 2008 station opening. She reported that Sharon Leeber, art consultant for the project had suggested that the unveiling of the art be presented separate from the grand opening of the fire station. She noted that Ms. Leeber had explained that this first project should have an event separate from the grand opening, which should include inviting the artist to participate with residents and staff; explaining the concept of his/her work. Ms. Ehrlich reported that in conversations with the Fire Station committee and Chief Corbin, she learned that next year would be the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Wylie Fire Department. She suggested that perhaps this anniversary could be included both in the art and the unveiling of the art piece. She suggested that due to the proposed timeline for the fire station art project, it might be cost effective to contract for consulting for both the Founder's Park project and the Fire Station project together. She explained that the selection panels could consist of different members but could meet back to back thereby saving consulting fees and the artist calls could be combined to further lessen the costs. The Founder's Park improvements are scheduled to be completed by the fall of 2009. Direction from the board was to combine the two projects and present a proposed contract for consideration on the next agenda. Chairman Matthews asked board members to consider persons they would like to serve on the Founder's Park art selection panel for consideration at the next meeting. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the July 17, 2008 Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Washington to approve the July 17, 2008 PAAB minutes as presented. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Vice Chair Harrison absent. August 28, 2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Public Arts Advisory Board, a motion was made by Warner Washington, seconded by Kathy Spillyards to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Vice Chair Harrison absent. Stewart Matthews, Chair 7‘,Xela Carole Ehrlich, e e ary August 28, 2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 3 of 3