10-16-2008 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE - -�— --- Minutes Regular Board Meeting October 16, 2008 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Council Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Vice Chairman noting the presence of a quorum. Those in attendance were: Board members present were: Ashley Burt, Warner Washington, Patsy Robertson, Erin Dougherty and Kathy Spillyards. Board Chair Stewart Matthews was absent. Staff present was Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary. Special Guests was: Jennifer Wakefield, Wylie Art Gallery board member. DISCUSSION ITEMS ❑ Planning update and discussion regarding sub-committees for the first annual Wylie Public Art Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB liaison) Staff Comments PAAB liaison Ehrlich explained that PAAB members heard a presentation by Public Information Officer Kelly at the last regular meeting of the Public Art Advisory Board. In that meeting a couple of scenarios were presented regarding dates for the First Annual Wylie Art Festival. The board had requested Mr. Kelly to contact the Chamber of Commerce to determine if the organization could set a specific date for the Christmas Parade and if the organization was interested in combining the art festival and parade each year. It was also suggested that estimates on costs for the event be presented by Mr. Kelly. PAAB Chair Matthews also asked that a discussion item be posted for possible committee chairs and a theme for the event. She reported that Mr. Kelly has contacted the Wylie Chamber of Commerce and the organization has requested the discussion be postponed until after this year's Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting event. Due to the postponement, Mr. Kelly has requested that presentation of the specific date, theme for the event and costs associated with the event be presented at the January 15, 2009 meeting. This information can be more accurately provided once the determination has been made whether to combine the activities or have a separate event. The board discussed the list of committees that would be needed and asked members to chair at least one of the committees. Members reviewed the committees and accepted individual committees they were interested in heading up. Discussion was held to determine how best to solicit volunteers for these committees. Direction from the board was to advertise the need for volunteers through the eWylie Newsletter, newspaper and other means of public communication. It was also suggested that the Boards and Commissions panel for 2009 be made aware of the need for volunteers so during the applicant interview process that information could be disseminated to the applicants. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the September 18, 2008 Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Board Action A motion was made by board member Robertson, seconded by board member Dougherty to approve the September 18, 2008 Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with PAAB Chair Matthews absent. 2. Consider and act upon approval of an Art Consultant Contract between the City of Wylie and Architectural Arts for the Fire Station #3 and Founder's Park Capital Improvement Projects. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Staff Comments Board liaison Ehrlich reported that during discussions regarding the Fire Station #3 project, the board suggested that since the Fire Station #3 project had been extended to 2009, the art consulting and selection for the Founder's Park Improvements Project be completed during the same time. This direction was made to allow both projects to be more cost effective for both consulting and the procurement process. The attached contract for art consulting includes an hourly rate for Architectural Arts President Sharon Leeber and a cost for administrative and additional consulting from her staff. The contract also includes the amount of meetings (6) that will be included in the pricing, as well as the services provided from the beginning of the process of selection of the artists, fabrication of the art and the final installation. There is also a "not to exceed" cost of $3,700 for the Fire Station #3 project and $5,400 for the Founder's Park Improvements Project. The services listed will not exceed these costs unless the board requests additional services however if the consultant must travel to examine the art while in the fabrication process, there would be a modest fee for travel. Board liaison Ehrlich reported that in researching other cities consulting costs, it was found that the standard for consulting was 10% of the cost of the art project. She noted that the "not to exceed" fees were within that percentage. Board Action A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by board member Washington to approve an Art Consultant contract between the City of Wyllie and Architectural Arts Company for the Fire Station #3 and Founder's park Capital Improvement Projects. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with PAAB Chair Matthews absent. October 16, 2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 4 Tabled from 9-18-08 (Motion to Remove from Table) Board Action A motion was made by board member Dougherty, seconded by board member Spillyards to remove the consideration of the Founder's Park Improvements project (Item #3) from the table and consider. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with PAAB Chair Matthews absent. 3. Consider and act upon the appointment of an Artist Selection Panel for the Founder's Park Improvements Project. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison) Executive Summary Board liaison Ehrlich explained to members that the first CIP project, the Public Arts Advisory Board will complete is Fire Station#3. This project has a 1% for art budget of$34,625. Pursuant to the Wylie Public Arts Guidelines Plan, a selection panel has been appointed to serve for this project and recommend artists to be considered to the Public Arts Advisory Board and final approval by the Wylie City Council. She reiterated that during subsequent discussions by the Public Arts Advisory Board, it was suggested that since the Fire Station #3 Project has been extended to 2009, the inclusion of the Founder's Park Improvements Project be selected at the same time. Per the PAAB Guidelines Plan, a selection panel must be appointed for the Founder's Park Improvement Project. Board liaison Ehrlich reported that per the guidelines, people that should be considered for the panel were: a project architect, an artist, a board member, a staff member or user of the space, a project advisory board member when applicable, a citizen from the community, and a PAAB member. This balance helps to achieve the desired goal which brings the highest quality possible for the budget and process. She reported that the item had been tabled from the September 18, 2008 meeting to allow time for members to contact individuals they would like to nominate to serve on this selection panel. Formal action on the selection panel may also be approved during this agenda item. Board members nominated citizens they had contacted that would fit the panel requirements and would be willing to serve on such a sub-committee. Those names included: Bill Nelson, Wylie Parks Superintendent; Anne Hiney, Wylie Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Chair; Charles Flesch, citizen of Wylie and Chamber of Commerce board member; Pam Wells, Business Community member; Ashley Burt, PAAB member, and Mike Rutan, neighborhood member and structural engineer. Non-Voting Advisory members included: Francois De Koch, representing Halff and Associations, project architect; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; and City Engineer, Chris Hoisted. Board member Spillyards reported that she had an artist she was trying to contact but was unable to get in touch with. She reported that once she contacted the person she would report back to the board. Vice Chair Harrison asked if the board wished to re-table the item until all nominations could be presented. Board Action A motion was made by board member board member Dougherty, seconded by board member Washington to table consideration of the Founder's Park Improvements Project Selection Panel to the November 20, 2008 regular meeting of the Public Arts Advisory Board. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with PAAB Chair Matthews absent. October 16, 2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 3 of 4 ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Public Arts Advisory Board, a motion was made by board member Washington, seconded by board member Robertson to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with PAAB Chair Matthews absent. Stewart Matthews, Chair Caro'e Ehrlich, S cretary October 16, 2008 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 4 of 4