Ordinance 1981-12 ORDINANCE # 81-12 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A REVISED BUDGET APPROPRIATING RESOURCES FOR THE BUDGET YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1981. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; SECTION 1. That the revised budget estimate of the revenues and expenditures for the City of Wylie, Texas, as prepared by the City Manager and appropriated by the City Council for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1980, and ending September 30, 1981, be and is hereby adopted and approved for such fiscal year; SECTION 2. That the sum of Five Hundred Fifteen Thousand and Five Hundred One Dollars ($515,501) is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Revenues for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the City Govern- ment, as set forth in detail in the revised budget; SECTION 3. That the sum of Twenty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($27,175.00), is hereby appropriated out of the General Obligation Interest & Sinking Tax Bond Revenues for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming bonds as they mature during the year of the General Debt Service as listed in detail in the revised budget; SECTION 4. That the sum of Three Hundred Sixty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-Four Dollars ($367,364.00), is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Utility Fund Revenues for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the City Government, as set forth in detail in the revised budget; SECTION 5. That the sum of Sixty-Three Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty-Eight Dollars ($63,858.00), is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Utility Fund Revenues for the purpose of paying the principle and interest on Revenue Bonds, Warrants and Interest, Bond and Bank Fees, as they mature during the year on the Utility Debt Service as listed in the detail in the revised budget; LSV:cr III. SECTION 6. That the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($25,500.00), is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Fund for payment of Operation Expenses and capital outlay of the City Government, as set forth in the detail in the revised budget; SECTION 7. That this Ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE ~ () f/J c2. / DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1981. ~~J John W. Akln, Mayor ATTEST: 4~ . J Cy"JI/! ' Ga 11 Wa llace, )/1 iii , , ,{ 'f I' ,. j"'- /' /I // Jj / J <!J..~ City Secretary LSV:cr THE WYLIE NEWS P. O. BOX 369 WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 STATE, OF TEXAS I CCmJTY OF CCLLIN I Before me, the undersifned author:! ty, on this df1:~ -"eTsonally appeared Margaret Cook, of the vlylie News, a neif,rs"ar,p-r revu- larly publidhed in Collin County, Texes and having general circulat~on 'n Collin County, Texas, ~ho beinf by me duly s~tmrn, denoses Emr seys that V:e f-rp'oinr attache0 ORDINANCE If 81-12, ORDINANCE l:/: 81-10, RESOLUTION 1 QpO-r':l-Q-l, ORDINANCE If ~1-11, anr1 INVITATION TO BID, r'lAS nutlished .; n said ne'\Atspaner on the f"11()~!.~.;nf date, to p"i t : October P, 10R1. n\U!~~ C~<. "- /?U! Subscribed and sworn to before me tis da-:r of ~.~ the __, lQpl, to certify "Thich witness oy hand and seal of office. Public .;n and County, Texas Serving Wideawake Wylie Since 1947 2 family garage sale, Clothing, toys, misc. October 8, 9:00 a.m, to 4 p.m. 806 Easter Drive. 16-lt- 7 family giant garage sale. October 10 and 11. Behind Zorba's in Impression Center 16-lt-c. (~RDlNANCE #81.12 ".. v.~ AN ORDINANCE ADOPT- ING A REVISED BUDGET APPROPRIATING RE- SOURCES FOR THE BUD- GET YEAR. ENDING SEPT- EMBER 30. 1981. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section I. That the revised budget estimate of the revenues and expenditures for the City of Wylie, Texas, as prepared by the City Manager and appropriated bv the Citv Council for the fi-scal year beginning October I, 1980, and ending Septem- ber 30, 1981. be and is herebv adopted and ap- pn1\cd for such fiscal year: Section 2. That the sum of Five Hundred Fifteen Thous- and and Five Hundred One Dollars ($515,501) is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Revenues for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the City Government, as set forth in detail in the revised budget: Section 3. That the sum of ~. Allen/ioll ~ I EAST FORK j' ':"!'J!/, WDGE #650 R. K. McDonald VVorshipfulMaster Melvin Douthitt, Sec. Slated meeting first Tuesday night each month at 8:00 p.m. WELCOME TO VISITING BRETHREN 12.S2.c Twenty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Seventy-Five Dol- lars ($27.175.00), is hereby appropriated out of the General Obligation Interest and Sinking Tax Bond Revenues for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming bonds as they mature during the vear of the General Debt Service as listed in detail in the revised budget: Section 4. That the sum of Three Hundred Sixty-Seven Thollsand Three Hundred Sixty-Four Dollars ($367.364.00), is hereby a ppropria ted ou t of the Waler and Sewer Utility FUlld Revenues for the pavment of operating ex- penses and capital outlay of the City Government, as set forth in detail in the revised budget: Section 5. That the sum of Sixt,'-Three Thousand Eight HUI1dred Fifty-Eight Dollars ($63.858.00), is hereby ap- propriated out of the Water and Sewer Utility Fund Rev-nlUes for the purpose of paving the principle and interest on Revenue Bonds, Warrants and Interest, Bond and Bank Fees, as they { JlL\JU depOSIt. 276-4350. 16-2t-c One bedroom house. fur- nished or unfurnished, Water paid. $175 pn lllonth, 853-4133. 16-lt-c ..... ~'-.,....------..,.--......~- 3 bedroom house, at Nevada, $150 per month, 442-1039, 16-lt-pd TVVO ROOM APT. for one person in CopeviIle on Hwy 78, 853-4602 16-lt.c mature during the year on the Utility Debt Service as listed in the detail in the revised budget; Section 6. That the sum of T\\enty-Five Thousdand Five Hund~ed Dollars ($25,500,00) is hereby appropriated out of the Revenue Sharing Fund for payment of Operations Expenses and capital outlay of the City Government, as set forth in the detail in the revised budget: Section 7. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and aftcr its adoption, PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 29th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1981. John W, Akin. Mayor ATTEST: Gail Wallace Ci tv Secret~E.~__ ORDIN~~~~.~?_81:!t:) AN ormlNANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, REPEALING PRIOR RATE ORDINANCES EST ABLISH- ING RATES FOR ELECTRI- .....0 ...u.~, v.... ,,-,^\..dllpl vy lilt:: Constitution ,and laws of the ~. State of Texas, a total tax of Forty-Eight Cents ($.48), on each One Hundred ($100.00) dollars of assessed valuation on all said property which said total tax here now levied as aforesaid is respectively as follows: Section 2. An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Forty-Three Cents ($,43), on each One Hundred Dollars ($100,00) of assessed valua. CAL SERVICE FURNISHED BY TEXAS POWER & LIGHT COMPANY WITHIN THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR NEW RATES FOR SUCH SERVICE FURN. ISHED BY SAID COMPANY WITHIN THE CITY; PRO. VIDING FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE DA TE FOR RA TE SCHEDULES SUBMITTED PURSUANT TO THIS ORDI- NANCE: PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH RA IE SCHEDULES MA I' BE CHANGED, MOD- IFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRA WN: PROVIDING CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH THIS. ORDINANCE MA I' BE AMENDED; AND PROVIDING A SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVr:.DA TE, Passed and approved this the 29th day of September, 1981. John W, Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Gail Wallaee City Secretary . .~I, shall be publishe< occasion in some of general circulat City of Wylie, Te~ 10 days of the pa PASSED AND AI and ordered publis City Council of tI Wylie, Texas this :; September, 1981. John W, AI Gail Wallace, City Secretary I .........-..".' ( INVITATION 1 "'-,.~". ~."...,..._,~.~,_...- "-~_N The City of Wyl ivnites sealed bids gpm pump, 500 ~ combin,Hion bOI truck, to be open p,m. on October Bids on "demo models will t preference, Detail cations may be obt City Manager's ( N. Ballard, Wyli 75098, Council re right to reject any Gail Wallace Cit~ NOTICE OF Pl HEARINCi The City Council 01 of Wylie will hold Hearing on Lone Rate Increase Req has been filed with 1 Wylie. The rate request is 6, 78%, t~ will also consi ordinance impleme rate increase, The will be held October 13, 1981 at at Regular, City Meeting. Ga Citv