Ordinance 1983-20 51.157 ORD I NANC E NO. F:3 ^;/ 0 Ai '."'\1 ,. n, ~~ r~ \; J. ti .:t...) f. . v" . u AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE FRANCISCO de la PINA SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 688 UPON PETITION OF HAROLD SPENCE WHEREAS, HAROLD SPENCE has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best in- terest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petition for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by notes and bounds as fo 11 ows, to-wit: WHEREAS, HAROLD SPENCE, is the owner of a tract of land situated in the Francisco de la Pina Survey, Abstract Number 688, Collin County, Texas, and being all of the land conveyed to Harold Spence by deeds recorded in Volume 1639, Page 606 and Volume 1639, Page 932 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point for corner in the Southerly right-of-way line of Old Hwy. No. 78 (70' R.O.W.), said point being the Northeasterly corner of Lot 2, bloc B of Oaks Addition No.1, an addition to the City of Wylie, according to the plat recorded in Cabi net "C", Page 420 of the Pl at Records of Co 11 i n County, Texas; THENCE, South 890 41' 51" East, along the Southerly right-of-way line of Old Hwy. No. 78, a distance of 553.69 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, South 000 05' 02" East, a distance of 1370.72 feet to a point for corner in tne~Northerly line of Rush Creek Estates, an addition to the City of Wylie; THENCE, South 760 31' 51" West, along said Northerly line, a distance of 324.87 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 770 171 10" West, a distance of 112.42 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 670 39' 15" West, a distance of 115.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE, North 860 44' 15" West, a distance of 34.04 feet to a point for corner, said point being the Southeasterly corner of Oaks Addition No.2, an addition to the City of Wylie according to the plat recorded in Cabinet "C", Page 489 of the Plat Records of Coll i n County,o Texas; THENCE, North 000 25' 45" East, along the Easterly add1tion line of Oaks Addition No. and continuing along the addition line of Oaks Addition No.1, a distance of 1378.91 feet to the point of begin~ing and containing 18.145 acres of land, more or less. (790.409 sq. ft.) ORDINANCE NO. CONT'D I' , /1 ""'i .1iI.. C) . . ~~ 'i''"' , ~ Ct,) '.. vL ..-.;.. . ,~.-# PAGE 2 be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexition of said tract of land will be to the best interest ?f the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. "; I' ..-..:" ~ . ~ ..." ~';"" ~ .... ....,"'.. -,' '~\. , 19 83 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE "'. (-\ ,~,,, q --~""" 't-' A. ~.. 4 f;) ") ~ '-n , ~ ...t -,t.. ATTEST; >'-.~t, . AlOIEXATIOlI ~~PICATIOlf DATA PORK OI'PICB OF 'l'BB SECRETARY OF S'l'ATE In order that the Secretary ot State may correctly certity the legal validity ot annexations to the United States Department ot Commerce, this torm must be completed tor each separate annexation action. 1. Name of Cit~: . .&7 r ~-'iJ Type of Mun~c~pal~ty: A: ,./' HOlle Rule Citpa-n. /,9't'"~- B: General Law City (under Title 28) 2. Annexation was accomplished by: ~ Ordinance (Attach copy of Ordinance) Ordinance Number f3-;).o Charter Amendment (Please attach copy of authenticated charter amendment which shows its approyal by voters.) Other (Please explain.) 3. If Home Rule city, does chart~ specify how annexation is to be accomplished? YES ~ NO ***IF YES, PLEASE ATTACH COPY OF ALL RELEVANT PROVISIONS*** 4. Was annexation initiated upon petition/Of owner(s) or majority of registered voters in area annexed? ~ YES NO If yes, please answer the following questions: A. When was the petition filed with the city? 0/-'1// /fJr-3 B. When did the governing body ofrthe ~~y hear the arguments~for and against the petition? Oj7/UJ /1'. ~ '?77Cfr /P y .:::?~/ /P..tIJ' C. Did less~ three qualified voters reside in the annexed area? ~YES-- NO ~a/~ S-P1;/-r;>- - 5. A. Were notices ot ~ public hearings published 10 to 20 days prior to hearings? ~ YES _ M9 Name of newspaper ~~ - )J~ 0/ 1~J ;J ~ c1tJ1, /P!Y B. Were two public hearings held 20 to 40 ~s prior to the institution of annexation proceedings? YES NO Oates of hearings ~~/pn/ S?220J //J v'-' ~/.9<t3 iJ?;~ ..4V tIt4 t97? ,/ ~" /> A ~ S' c. Did more than adul~~~~s of the annexed area tile a written protest with the city secretary within 10 to 20 days after notice of the public hearings was published? ~O Dates published YES D. If yes, was at least one public hearing held in the annexed area? YES . NO DATE: Was the serv~c:-~an available for inspection at the hearings? YES ~ NO F. Date annexation proceedings were instituted (e.g., first reading of ordinance) ~0fj ~~ /9~..3 Effective date of this annexation C1;llc;t ot<;./f?<tz Was the service plan attac~ to and adopted as part of ordinance? YES -tCL-- NO Total area of this annexation ~ ~~~ ~~. the E. 6. A. B. Total corporate area of municipality as of January 1 of calendar yea+Ain which this annexation becomes effective. ~1 ~ -~~ C. Total area annexed in the calendar year in which this annexation became effective (including this annexation) D. If the number in sub-item C is more than 10% of the number stated in sub-item B, please complete the following: 1. Of the total area annexed in the calendar year in which this annexation became effective, state the total area, if any, a. which is owned by the city, county, state or federal government and is used for a public purpose Acres or square miles (identify Which) Owned by which government entity b. which vas annexed at the request ot aajority of resident voters ot territory and/or owneres) of the land involved Acres or square .iles e identi~ which) 2. For that calendar year, was .unicipality authorized to annex more than lot ot its total area (as ot the tirst ot the calender year in which this annexation becaae ettective) due to carry-over ot previous years' unused annexation allocations? YES NO If yes, state year(s) in which carry-over allocations originated and amount ot area carried over 7. Is the width of th~ewly annexed area 500 feet or more at its narrowest point? .~ YES NO If no, answer the following questions: A. Was annexation initiated upon the written petition of the owner(s) or by a majority of the registered voters of the annexed area? YES NO B. Was a mutually agreeable boundary adjustment made with an adjacent city? YES NO If yes, name of the adjacent city (Please attach evidence of agreement with the city.) c. Were the previous city limits contiguous with the annexed area on at least two sides? 8. Does newly annexed area include any territory within the city limits or extraterritori jurisdiction of another city? YES If yes, explain the procedures begun and their status If yes, and if the annexation became effective between. 1/1/85 and 3/15/85, was the annexation undertaken at the request of landowners in the annexed area in order to obtain water or sewer services? YES NO 9. Had residents in annexed territory bequn any procedures tor municipal incorporation ot all or part of the area annexed? YES l~O I f yes, explain the procedures begun and their status 10. If annexing city is a General Law city, did majority ot the registered voters of the territory annMOe~e~~i~~ty ~~ir approval of the annexation? YES ~ ~~ If yes, in what manner? Petition; ____ Ballot; ____ Other 11. Is this annexation a limited purp~, rather than a general purpose annexation? YES ~ NO If yes, what was the limited purpose of this annexation? 12. Was a valid written agreement in effect on the effective date of this annexation between the city and the owners of land in a designated industrial district~exemPted the area from annexation? YES NO 13. Was annexation accomplished by charter amendment? ~ YES If yes, attach duplicate of the authenticated copy of the amendment, showing its approval by voters, which was sent to the Secretary of State. 14. Was the annexed area previously disannexed from the city as a result of the city's fa~re to provide municipal services to the area? YES v' NO If yes, what was the effective date of the disannexation? 15. Please answer the following questions, as applicable, if the city annexed into the Gulf of Mexico: A. For General Law cities: How far beyond the coastline did this annexation extend? (in feet) B. For Home Rule cities: Was the annexation within the applicable area specified in Section 11.0131 (b), National Resources Code, as amended? YES NO 16. It the annexation proceedinqs vere beqin on or attar Auqust 26, 1985, did the annexation cause an area to be entirely surrounded by the city without includinq the area within the corporate liaits ot the city? YES NO It yes, please attach a copy ot the tindings aade by the governing body ot the city that the surrounding area vas in the public interest. 17. Did the city annex a water or sewer district, as d~ed in Section 50.001(1) of the Water Code? YES ~-NO If yes, please answer the following questions: A. Was the annexed area only wi thin the ETJ of the annexing city? YES NO If yes, did the city annex the entire portion of the district that was outside the city's boundaries? YES NO B. Did the governing body of the district consent to the annexation? YES NO C. Did the fee simple owners of the annexed area consent to the annexation? YES NO D. Is the width of the annexed area 525 feet or less at its widest point? YES NO 18. A. Population of annexing city according to last preceding Federal decennial census l '1. c;- ttJ tJ B. Population of annexing city immediately prior to this annexa- ti on ('=J...St:) [) Source of data 77 r(2 r kB-v'. Estimated population of area annexed CJ C. I, a ~ OFFICIAL llNIIEXATIOH CERTIFICATION ~ /L -n 4tJ77/.2 ,~~ I ~~ ~ (0 icia Title) , of the city of , certify that the information p vided herein and attached hereto is complete and correct. I further certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the annexation described herein was accomplished in accordance with all applicable laws of the State of Texas. ~~ g~ e)