10-24-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 11 Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, October 14, 2008—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
Board Members present: Co-Chair Dan Chesnut, Brandi Lafleur, Donna Larson and David Willey.
Joy Cortinas arrived at 6:08,Benny Jones arrived at 6:09.
Staff members present: Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks & Recreation Asst.
Superintendent Robert Diaz & Parks Secretary Charlotte Rice. Absent was: Public Services Director Michael
No citizens addressed the Board.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 22, 2008 meeting.
Board Action:
Board Member Willey motioned to pass the minutes and Board Member Chesnut seconded. A vote
was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Discuss Parks & Recreation Master Plan & Wells Property priorities in preparation for joint meetings
with City Council.
Board Discussion:
Each board member was asked to submit a list of priorities for the Master Plan and Wells Property,
which Staff compiled and ranked. The consensus was to have hike and bike trails linking current
parks. It was discussed that land owners be approached and asked to give parkland dedications.
Also proposed was to construct trails linking Joel Scott with the Wells Property. The second choice
was for an aquatic center and third was for the construction of another skate park in another area of
town (the area behind the library at Community Park was suggested, as soccer games were
increasingly being moved to Founders Park). It was imparted that different skill levels be considered
when building the skate park, as the littler children tended to stop playing once the older teenagers
began using Joel Scott Skate Park. Also discussed was that, in lieu of building another park
elsewhere, an expansion of Joel Scott might be necessary so everyone had the opportunity to
utilize that amenity. Fourth was a disc-golf course, which the Board suggested installing at the
Wells Property. Fifth on the list was creating a dog park, which might be placed near Alanis at the
former landfill area. As for the Wells Property, the primary amenity selected by the Board was for a
nature preserve or outdoor learning area. Board Member Larson mentioned her brother worked as
a professional naturalist who would be willing to appraise the land, create a study and provide
recommendations for the area.
3. Discuss proposed non-smoking ordinance for parks & park facilities.
Board Discussion:
Staff imparted a complaint from a citizen regarding people smoking around children's sporting
events. Staff crafted a comparison study from surrounding cities and presented it to the Board. Most
cities had "25-feet from any public area" ordinances in place. A brief discussion was held regarding
a simple rule of erecting signs that indicated smoking areas would be limited to public parking lots.
The Board was in agreement that an ordinance should be drafted and sent to City attorneys for
A motion was made by Board Member Willey to adjourn and Board Member Jones seconded the
motion; consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
7 (-
Anne Hiney, Ch
Charlotte Rice, ark Board Secretary
Minutes—October 24,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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