11-19-2020 (WEDC) Minutes Minutes
, Wylie Economic Development Corporation
Board of Directors Meeting
November 19, 2020—8:30 A.M.
300 Country Club Road, Building#100
Wylie,TX 75098
Announce the presence of a Quorum
President Demond Dawkins called the regular meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Board Members present were
John Yeager, Melisa Whitehead, and Gino Mulliqi. Board Member Tim Gilchrist arrived at 8:36 a.m.
Ex-Officio Members Mayor Matthew Porter and City Manager Chris Hoisted were present.
WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner, BRE Director Angel Wygant, and Senior
Assistant Rachael Hermes.
President Dawkins gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
lWith no citizen participation,President Dawkins moved to Consent Agenda.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors
and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is
desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider and act upon approval of the October 21, 2020 Minutes of the WEDC Board of
Directors Meeting.
B. Consider and act upon approval of the October 2020 WEDC Treasurer's Report.
Board Action
A motion was made by John Yeager, seconded by Gino Mulliqi, to approve the Consent Agenda
as presented.A vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-0.
Board Member Tim Gilchrist arrived during discussion of Item 1.
1. Consider and act upon the Project and Design Fees between Teague,Nall,and Perkins, Inc.
and the North Texas Municipal Water District for the relocation of a 42"water line at Hwy
78 & Brown.
Staff Comments
Staff referenced the Development Agreement that was entered into with NTMWD in May 2020 for
—J the relocation of the water line at Hwy 78& Brown. The expenses have been outlined at this stage
in the process and the estimated costs have increased. Per terms of the Agreement, NTMWD
requires a letter of support and understanding of the projected costs and payment for the Project
and Design Fees with Teague,Nall,and Perkins,Inc.The Opinion of Probable Construction Costs
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(OPCC)outlines a cost of$1,122,000, which includes$938,448 plus a 20%contingency. Overall,
the OPCC and Project/Design Fees brings the adjusted budget for the water line relocation to
$1,308,680. Board Member Mulliqi discussed the impact that this increase could have on other
anticipated projects as well as the need to move forward with the water line relocation. Mayor
Porter noted that the value of the property is tied to completion of this project and commented that
sales tax numbers have remained healthy and will potentially help alleviate the burden of some of
the additional cost. Staff discussed overall expenses and cost estimates for capital projects in the
budget and the need to prioritize projects based on both the funds available and the timing of
projects.President Dawkins discussed moving forward with the necessary water line relocation and
revisiting the budget and priorities as needed. Staff noted that these decisions will be brought back
to the Board on a regular basis for their input and direction.
Board Action
A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi,seconded by John Yeager,to approve the Project and Design
Fees and further authorize the Executive Director to process payment to NTMWD in the amount
of$186,680.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0.
2. Consider and act upon a Performance Agreement between the WEDC and American
Staff Comments
Staff noted that this project had originally been presented to the Board back in 2019 and was taken
for City Council approval in October 2020.This project will add nearly 40 full-time employees and
invest over$100,000 in the downtown district.The proposed Agreement is tied to job creation over
the base employment of seven employees and will outline an incentive of$1,000 per new FTE
position, with a maximum incentive of$33,000, payable over a three-year period. The Economic
Impact Analysis (HA) indicates that the project will generate approximately $258,274 in overall
tax revenue over the next ten years. For every$1 that the WEDC invests,this business is investing
$7.82 in our community.
Board Action
A motion was made by Tim Gilchrist, seconded by Melisa Whitehead, to approve a Performance
Agreement between the WEDC and American Entitlements, LLC. Providing for a maximum
incentive of $33,000 and further authorizing the WEDC Executive Director to execute said
Agreement.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0.
3. Staff report: WEDC Property Update,Engineering Report, Downtown Parking, Upcoming
Events,WEDC Activities and Programs.
Staff provided an overview of Manufacturing Day 2020 activities and programs. Due to COVID,
staff coordinated with WISD to provide a virtual program, which ultimately resulted in a greater
number of students being able to participate. A Legacy Manufacturing Award was presented to
Raymond Cooper at the Chamber Workforce Webinar to recognize his contributions to the business
community in Wylie. Staff discussed the ability to use the national recognition of Manufacturing
Day to draw attention to local opportunities and manufacturers,while also highlighting partnerships
,__J in the community. Mayor Porter expressed interest in the City partnering with WEDC for
Manufacturing Day 2021 to further broaden the program and include the adult workforce. Staff and
Board Member Gilchrist also noted the importance of keeping parents informed as it relates to the
viability of manufacturing opportunities and careers for the students.
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Sales tax revenues allocated in October for the August filing period were up nearly 11%. Sales tax
revenues allocated in November, filed in September, show an increase of nearly 25%.
Demolition estimates have been obtained for Commerce/Kirby/Industrial Ct. properties. Staff
discussed the option of demolishing structures and marketing sites for potential development or
waiting to redevelop sites later. Related to leased property, staff will tour facilities and review
compliance and leases in the coming months. Code concerns related to parking on Cooper Drive
seem to have been resolved with the installation of"No Parking" signs. Environmental review at
Hwy 78/Brown are in the final stages with TCEQ. Field work on Alanis is in process and the
property will be brush-hogged and cleaned up once the leaves have fallen. License agreements will
be drafted to allow construction staging for Ken Ross, Inc. on Cooper Drive and a contractor for
TxDOT has contacted WEDC for permission to stage off Kirby Drive. Mayor Porter advised
exercising caution and the Board agreed that a contract should be drafted to detail expectations and
limitations related to any potential use of WEDC-awned property. Staff advised that any License
Agreements would be drafted by the Attorney and brought back for review by the Board.Regarding
Downtown Parking, Staff is waiting on a draft of an ILA from Union Pacific and will provide it to
the City Manager when it is received. Staff will provide information to the Board regarding tours
of Collin College Technical Campus when dates and times are determined.
Staff informed the Board that Sales Tax Workshops are available through TEDC for the Board
and/or City Council. Staff noted that the WEDC Annual Report&Presentation will be provided to
City Council in January. Mayor Porter discussed a future work session involving the City Council,
Planning and Zoning Board, and WEDC Board to review and evaluate the Comprehensive Land
Use Plan.
Staff noted that the WEDC website and logo updates are in process. Staff will provide information
to the Board when filming for video production for downtown is scheduled. Annual reviews for
staff have been completed and fmal changes to the Employee Handbook will be made.
Recessed into Closed Session at 9:31 a.m. in compliance with Section 551.001, et. seq. Texas Government
Code, to wit:
Section 551.072 (Real Estate) of the Local Government Code, Vemon's Texas Code Annotated (Open
Meetings Act). Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at:
• State Highway 78 & Alanis
• State Highway 78 & Birmingham
• State Highway 78 & Brown
• F.M. 544 & Cooper
• Regency & Steel
Section 551.087 (Economic Development) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code
Annotated (Open Meetings Act). Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the
WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for:
• Project 2018-9b
• Project 2019-3a
• Project 2020-9a
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• Project 2020-10a
Take any action as a result from Executive Session
President Demond Dawkins reconvened into Open Session at 10:22 a.m.
With no further business, President Dawkins adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 10:22 a.m.
Demond Dawkins,President
Jas n Greiner, ecu ' e Director