07-16-2020 (Public Arts Advisory) Agenda Packet Public Arts Advisory Board NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda July 16, 2020 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Wylie, TX 75098 Michael Schwerin .Chair Lily Courtney Vice Chair Anita Jones Board Member Minerva Bediako Board Member John Treadwell Board Member Christine Null. Board Member Steve Shank Board Member Carole Ehrlich Public Art Board Coordinator/Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Board request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the Secretary prior to each meeting. 1� TIC T ere will e a s a. el of t ree oar r e s ers reviewing air lieatio s for t e 20 1: ylie Arts Festival i e iately following theRegularusi ess eeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum Welcome new members Christina Null and Steve Shank July 16,2020 Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 4 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Board request that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Discussion regarding the 2020 Wylie Arts Festival. (C. Ehrlich Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Executive Summary The board and staff will discuss the upcoming event and vendor applications thus far. B. Discussion regarding art projects for 2019/2020 including a downtown mural. (C Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Executive Summary The board and staff will discuss FY 2020 and 2021 sculpture projects and the possibility of a mural in the Historic Downtown Wylie area. The board will discuss possible themes for the sculptures along the Municipal Complex art walk. The board will also discuss the possibility of meeting with art professors at the new Collin Community College in regard to murals in Historic Downtown Wylie Robert Diaz, Parks and Recreation Director will be present to address the board regarding the new Municipal Complex Master Plan and possible art sites that will be prepared by end of year for additional art pieces. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon, the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes of May 21, 2020. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator/Secretary) 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of a new chair for the 2020/2021 year. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator) Executive Summary Each year at the first meeting after July 1st, the board by-laws require the election of a new chair and vice chair. Staff is requesting nominations and/or volunteers, and approval of a board member to serve in each these two capacities for a one-year term from July 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 3. Consider, and act upon, approval of a new vice chair for the FY 2020/2021 year. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Coordinator July 16 , 2020 Public Arts Advisory Board Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 4 Executive Summary Each year at the first meeting after July 1st, the board by-laws require the election of a new chair and vice chair. Staff is requesting nominations and or volunteers, and approval of a board member to serve in each of these two capacities for a one-year term from July 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021. EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Public Arts Advisory Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Public Arts Advisory Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Public Arts Advisory Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Public Arts Advisory Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. ADJOURNMENT «TIC T ere will e a anel of t ree oar a ers reviewi g a lications for t e 2 21 ylie Arts Festival i e iately followin- t e e ular I-usiness e CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on July 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Stephanie Storm,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 18, 2020 Item Number: Discussion.Item B Department: Public Art (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: C. Ehrlich Account Code: Date Prepared June 11, 2020 Exhibits: Blackland Prairie Themes Subject Discussion regarding art projects for FY 2019/2020 including a downtown mural. Recommendation Discussion Funding is available for three to four sculptures around the Municipal Trails. The Wylie City Council will discuss the revised Master Plan for the Municipal Trails,which include the art trail at their June 23, 2020 meeting. Once the direction is given for the art trail and funding for the infrastructure is in place the board will be providing a call for artists for these projects. Staff would like to begin the process of discussing ideas for possible themes. In your packet are a few staff suggestions. Staff is requesting review and/or additions to the list and discussion regarding preferences. Page 1 of 1 PARKS, RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN IPIIIItI.I!,YLE,,,,,, Municipal Complex Master Plan BROWN ST Key Features: CP7AIIDcliiecngirtty/ 1*1, Prairie Ed--- at 11 —1———"..„.•-„...„ ————44.1..*4tirt /.11 '— i• .." '31' ' ''''''* '"11'3"3 '•' " ' '"'11;': it 11/'1 ' ;111/(1 Existing Parking Water 111:116.! i . Leisure ft '' k::,'l•'It„.-31 „„, ,1111.1,31/1113 i 1,11/„.1i"/D,,yit„'y (+/-30 Spaces) Pool k Lap i i ,i 1;11/ 1 „/11'1„„1„„1,,,„ht11,31 „1111":„,..// „41:' Pool Filtration 3 I Fire Station ,,,,,,..g..,-„,;: ' '::',':'', ',,,' ,;!,;',:', 4,,,',,,,,,1$„, '', Parking • Fire Station COLLIN ,1.4„,,,, , ,::',.ii ,,..) Building ,/ir 11 I (+/-4 acres) COLLEGE Aquatics !,..,„ ,, ,.„4' „ „, 't,c, - .„ • Prairie Areas / Education --- '14';', sion --„,„ ,„,,,„, Entry k c Monument Community Communi fi), , Splashpad it' /it/ Parking t .„// 11/1'11174' ' Nature"/ • Aquatics Center 400 Spaces) li Prairie Restoration ,,,•,,„,,,, ,•,,,,,,,,. , Garden ,II ',,""' ,:":;,'', ,',:'." '"'""'-" Center .,,,: ''''''''';, ' -;?:',:','",,IY:--::1, • Dog Park Indoor •„1,1„1„'„',31:411. i if 1 (Future Public Safety) Aquatics )16,30,1101 D t atio-" - ' , / "1: 3,i„I 4i„Xt•Liietittfi//i.„„„!iilii „„,,,,„„„„,/..„. ,3i,3, emons r Gardens Atif/i*4----33— 0 k ,!?.,,,,,,„ '''''''""*/"0° --- *t14.4P,,,,„ "aki a''''.-.7.,'"" ,,,,e4,Zolkig4finitalkt5r10!°9 ,,l',,,, ,,, H,1: '' , Green - Lookout Tower EC .,r.,••••74' ' ‘.• '''''0" .' '. ,., Roof Elevated Walkway • Community Amphitheater Parking „ ;V , , '''/"'°D P'''''' '''' AI r ,:\kikkr Bullpen • Festival Green Trail itsti.i/•,:e/4„ii Existing, ,Parking Spaces) Dog Park l ':,''''' '','7,!!, “,'' ' ,' '10„ Loop „ ' • Celebration Meadow (+,_3, 3,„,. toi, ,,,,,,•;„! 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Trail , ,„„„ 11133/ To Neighborhood 10 r' '" * Amphitheater , , _to Meadow ;' Boardwalk Connection Prairie , i* e. ..•33.,/,, ,Festival Art ''''''11.1i:1„;,31111,„ „„111,'''11'°„114,1,,1 „1i'l Performance `Pavilioni „ Green Ik\--- Overhead Electric ., Transmission Lines :451 1. 'P'''4;i Performance Pavilion „ Tral Loop Preserved Riparian Corridor ''!‘,',:l.i,,,,';',i"'",,,',:..:',:,,,,,,41,,,,,,P"'"' ..,,„,,,,,-..14:44„.tw,,,,,,.'Ao.,v",,,,,,.t'441NV.';k,,AL.&•• ,. 1 ,44,14.,,,,,,,,,,,,p.,e,,,,,,k, Ik,,,k,,,k..,,r , „ ' „iiZ%;''''''''*.,,A''r'''40,',',A.'''' ,'':•A''„,',',`::,',1':''''„','„'',"',,,I," 1':"",'fl],''0','r Ir:,,,,,;:':"r 1H''',:', r"''''',"':,"'":'r:, , ,n ''','"'''')9,'',4999'nr:V::'',, i"ra,',,IN'"'"':'"':',"1,'' ' ,;„,t9„AW'rgttifkPttt**Vi••• '',4104"' , „ 4111k9kkiitagRattriiiitiEVA9464*),`9 40' ,,„„,,,A1•t•,414*.".1,I1.410tPiiittte434,i.**.*.," • ,,„ SFOIMI;i444311‘kkiV,fityit,t;Attitr ,,„, 04,4X4V17411q.,*%**tki:!?'•'„'...•.},,,s.:PY4004140' .,RA„11,1?0A.O ' ' , ' ''''''''''"‘ Existing Trail Loop 1.!10.,,,,,,,,,,*wilitik-levootimito solar . ,0.4.41100**44444=46,,,,,Nosomeivy „ .. . 11011111111111111111milid11111111Taidowis111111111(11iiiiindahll It A I CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX I 130 0 ITN PARKS, (RECREATION & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN Parks.,,A 1,;',,; ..,...m No. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Subtotal I. Playground Perimeter Fence(4'ht.) 500 LF $75.00 $37,500.00 J. Landscape and Irrigation Allowance 1 LS $300„000.00 $300„000.00 (Trees.Sod,etc.) K. Lighting Allowance 1 LS $50„000.00 $50„000.00 TOTAL $2,134,25O OO 4. COMMUNITY AMPHITHEATER, FESTIVAL GREEN,AND ART WALK A. Understory Clearing 10,000 SF $0.75 $7„500.00 B. Concrete Trail(6'-8'Wide) 5,000 SF $6.50 $32,500.00 C Concrete Trail I Truck Access(12'Wide) 3,500 SF $10 00 $35,000 00 D. Firelane Connection(Pavegro) 2,600 SF $12.00 $31,200.00 E. Community Amphitheater Stage 5,000 SF $25.00 $125,000.00 (includes steps,stage,enhanced paving,etc.) F. Amphitheater Stone Seat Walls 400 LF $150.00 $60,000.00 G Stage Backdrop Walls 1 LS $50,000 00 $50,000 00 H. Concrete Mow Strip 40 LF $25.00 $1„000.00 I Performance Pavilion 1 LS $75,000.00 $75,000.00 (includes structural slab,enhanced paving,etc.) J. Interpretive Signage 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000.00 K. Public Art Allowance 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000.00 L. Landscape and Irrigation Allowance 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000.00 (Trees,Sod,etc.) IVt Lighting and Electrical Allowance 1 LS $100,000 00 $100,000 00 TOTAL $819,200.00 5. CELEBRATION MEADOW A. Understory Clearing Allowance 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 B. Soft Trail(8'Wide-Dec Granite Stabalized) 10,000 SF $5.00 $50,000.00 C. Concrete Trail(12'Wide) 15,500 SF $6.50 $100,750.00 D. Concrete Trail I Truck Access(12'Wide) 5,500 SF $10.00 $55,000.00 E. Pedestrian Bridge 1 EA $150,000.00 $150„000.00 F. Performance Pavilion 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000.00 (includes structural slab) CITY OF WYLIE I APPENDIX 0 133 I tal — II d N4RTH1 W BROWN S I z GRAPHIC SCALE INFEET 0 100 200 400 �.,. 111.1. LEGEND " PHASE 1 LIGHTING .— - ,. / — - I - • / " PHASE 2 LIGHTING �, FUTURE LIGHTING , / .,, 0 2 z TRAIL LIGHT co us ( D.5' POLE WITH CREE EDGE FIXTURE) 3: '';' ?<2 ,,, STREET LIGHT 000444, r.;.: ;, (25' POLE WITH CREE RSW FIXTURE) >o,„ �= ,D c GO) uaE 0 H T 0_ — LU TRAIL LIGHT '„ , , / / , , / / ,,,, , (10.5' POLE WITH CREE EDGE FIXTURE) i2,0 a mom CD SibidC4) - M / ® t I NICIPAL COMPLEX , �� � � ' / jo.14... , / • / . '• / ,. . .w w.., .... . . .. , '� "' 664140 .�"`�1 ".� 1 / , z , , __- ‘4,10,,* 401, °` _ 1 - - ` [s ' r "'-^'" J'+ 0 co ;-- as , y .� ' . •", N- LLI v / .*- ,* , F- U. = ,, .- , - �� -, �" ' i u' SERVICE PEDESTAL `C OF 10 UTILITY , • DPP7C LOCATION / ��„" �-.�" 0 in In 0 " L.IT EMT��, ,<, ,! ,,w / ., -- .'" �.- 1 / SERVICE PEDESTAL 1 I-- 4 will Li. ..J __ < 0 IX F— '''l , , , . DI ,b �rrr , -, , p , >>, > .4 , " ,,„„ 5, , , '7,,, � ,. 0 , ;,, , , -, , ‘ , ,,' ,,,, , ,,. , , co , , , , , , z X Ct ,.>, 0 SHEET NUMBER EX-01 Themes for the Municipal Trails Art Blackland Prairie Plants Blackland Prairie Animals History of the Indian Tribes living in the area History of the City of Wylie Individual sculptures with no specified theme Combination of the above Blackland Prairie Overview iie Corsicana W" .. Austin 0 25 50 10 " Miles s New Braunfels The Blackland Prairies, sometimes referred to as the "heart of Texas," extend from just south of the Red River south to San Antonio. Dallas, Waco, Austin and San Antonio are all found on the western margins of the Blackland Prairie. Most of the region is underlain by white chalk/limestone material which tends to weather into a thin, black, sticky-when- wet, extremely mineral-rich and fertile soil. While a veritable gumbo when wet, when dry the soils become very hard and can develop cracks that often exceed a foot or more in depth. The terrain tends to be level to very gently rolling. Most of the region lies between 400 and 600 feet elevation. While a number of large streams cross the Blackland, small streams are not common as there are few springs to be found in the area. Source:https://www.shsu.edu/ell www/bkonline/47lonline/7.Physical/471.1.GeoRegions/47101.GCP.htm Blackland Prairie Soils The Blackland Prairies consist of about 12.6 million acres of east-central Texas extending southwesterly from the Red River to 8exor County. There are annaUor areas to the southeast. The landscape io undulating with few scattered wooded areas that are mostly inthe bottonl|ands. Surface drainage io moderate torapid. Both upland and bottom|and soils are deep, dark-gray to black alkaline clays. Some soils in the western part are shallow to moderately deep over chalk. Some soils onthe eastern edge are neutral to slightly acid, grayish clays and loams over mottled clay subsoils (sometimes called gnay|anda). B|aoWand soils are known as "cracking c|aya" because of the |arge, deep crooks that form in dry weather. This high shrink-swell property can cause serious damage to foundations, highvvoys, and other structures and is a safety hazard in pits and trenches. Land use is divided about equally between cropland and grassland. Cotton, grain sorghums, corn, wheat, oats, and hay are grown. Grassland is mostly improved pastures, with native range on the shallower and steeper soils. Water erosion, cotton root rot, soil d|th, and brush control are them jormanagementprob|ama. 3ouxco: hthoo�ltexaaehnanecoon//*ndox.Vhpyo=hrp/oo/�nv/�ronrnent/So8s'Aexon The soil of the Bl8Ckl8Od P[ai[i8G, from which the "bl8Ckl2Od" gets its O2Dle. COnt3iOG black or deep d@[k-g[8V. alkaline clay which is further blackened by char from wildfires and COOt[O||8d bU[OG. "Black gumbo" and "black velvet" are local names for this soil. Gounco:htboo/Yen.wik/pedia.ox71viki17exao b/ac/dand prairies BUackUand Prairie Plants S0UnCe: httpO.-Ilen.wikip0dia.0/�q4*ikilTexa8 b/GCklendPn3irie8 ...„.... ....,, ,,,„-A.N.,,T ,, zw, ,, ,., -,I.,-1 ''1,,,,'''. li ' 1 1 4,,,V\ki,\;,,,0',7i V: lt,,,,, .' °, i t.',•''',. 'a.t, ,,,,',4 ,,liftj , 4, 'r-'` 1.4'' ''.'-`,1::A,' ," it,„,7,;:i0,.',5, ,44.,,itg,l,' ,) N, iti,kil, Ai, OP«itifil 4,(:,i)/ , ., ,z4.11,‘,.-,,, t,,,v,I,' f,;,'f'4,%),.,1,-4. . ) ' ))!).'0',I, PI',0`,,),', ',10,4%)'il,Pn.,,tgn.;,2_ e ! ni(r 1,oPi fl n,', 1),,,,n...--, ,,, ,',, ;i; ,,,i'il,,,,e. :tiw, ,!4;`,'":1,- -,''1.1' '1-:,tAViift.,:•Ntk,.;44',Vt i't 'I'''i',,,AI:t.i.4,44:',*: ii ut,t,ii,,,/4.' ,;''1,.:.ie.1,1;'°1' I ,1 ii. "V;t1,,,i4ilicp‘1( ' ).'')PIP,' ellirk i'? .24 n+ ,g,)1 ,\ '';',I'' -kn.,' 41`..),t`in` 4''''''.:''',""t'$!4•;*> -14::;*%'''*:1)'; :lt.'' ''''";',..' li*,,,;4''''' \ ,i,,,p.',),'A° k\'‘,7:1 ''.4i4., ".*:,,,:,,t4:4•417,::"*r* ' ,,,, *: ,h, !OA:,, Source:http//www sotIcronandmore info/crops/Grasses/Little bluestem/Little-bluestern-Schrzachynum-sconanum htm Yellow Indiangrass: 1 , Source:htt //s °akin fromtheranch blo s ot com/2010/08/southern-blacklandfa ette- rain°html Big Bluestem: °####,#`"## ',,,•# ,010k,ziostw#1,0* ;# \AUti; '+'4 o.‘tko,,„‘14,, ,*Apt4,\ • Ot 4P,Ok '144,04Vp A; \.,.''',‘,,k;I:tktkilVite^ siinkrb,'Aitsk , `,,iv,w;40,44010 Pak4444.11\"0,,V 4\4,4' tA*44`i. 4, "4'\.4,04, 40AAtis•Arl,,u‘tg'0,4kirhkg1:4441f 444' 'Ir4441.04i,vk4S tsit,04S4,''''' 44$4,-4'• '1'10;1'4 qt",‘,4N441444*.AAP' „, ,q,•,:xos.s.).1041k0T‘ sutt,4,10, ;444 ,O)t, ikok\No‘wr,;,‘eforo- ,4"4' 00'4, Attl,4,`U4041,4„40,;44,14A,4%,#4.4Mt,V,•44,1%,4,4 IN# ' wtx, ' 11111',,tt, h,,AsAlr stkkt'Ngt* „ „ 41001 #‘## 4, •'NON. '41,1} \\V 1111'S'Ai ^ n$A \;44' ,4 \ Source:https://rangeplants.tamu.edu/plant/big-bluestern/ Tall Dropseed: # • , , A , ' d Source:http.//www.phytoimaqes.siu.edu/imqs/paramanlir/Poaceae Sporobolus compositus 107231.html Gayfeathers (also known as "Blazing star"): .'@.•a 4„. it.;", n k ;;;;''` 0‘;;''''\'4''';\t'''''';',';*'; ;C''''N"'Ye,1 4 ''4"'' kInsiT,'tiittlkitaltW'',,,, ,,,,:l 44„,,,^„ 4.,"",'4,44,,,,,,,,.',,,r,,"44 ,.\4.44,',44,t',4;s t4,74;44,`,'„,;-`,`^-„':^,^1" 'kr;„:-^‘4„,`)',4,',,,'''.\-•,,i,',,,,„,,,,*,,,,,,,,4'„,,, • 4 .,4, , ,':6,k'''‘,A:''I''':';':':',il',3ti,T.'P,k:'It:':',kt''t't'::f*x*,t'4''4l'i:i;ieitA',''''AA''' '''.;.'''.4,‘,':itil,,'4,''',,,iiit,t'''v"14„''''''''''',''''",,e'''''N%'''''''':''''''',,, 4'7:t''''‘:t:\:"'it'"::',4s‘r4;`,444;;4@;@'4,'4.'''•444.4'tYi4. 4•;@:'•4;:: '4•41.04 ' 4,4V4.44144,4,34r4440:41.41V,44,0„.41,444@ 4,4,4%,,,,04,,, ,,,,,, „,'.,,,,,,,,,x,41.,,,,i,'...N, ,,,4,,,,A4 4.6,;,,,,y.:,„4-4,,ty$0,4,4v00;,*,A; ,4,4„,.`a 44 4.,,•„pk..44.4'.44`01 alaNi,,44144 ate 1.44,1 4 4•„"440 V.@.• @ 44 0 4k,'44 44 444,4`4 144,,g,'0,,,,',-,^4,,,,v44.4,1"44„,","4.0",,,r ,. ,,,,,4';.;,"''; 4.e,l'.1.,",,,,,,,,,',,,,,,'^",^k "44 ote,p,•y,,,,,.,„...6„.„4, ,,A,.„,,,i,..,..4,444,,4.441,,,4.41.„4 4 544 44,ts.,,,,t4,';,,,,,.?,,t"to,\SAkt,04?" f';,‘; t" 4.4 1 40-„.,,,W@I44,44a.4',.444'7„4'44'444 l'4114`41,044,3,4;4.04"04'4.;4r44.0444,"4,4.4 444144444441'4 4,4441,?440;44.14,4(.16 @' „t'•4,4 44,1,4,14',4f4; .p,404,448,4;0;4,.,_i&a,,'11 44 44.44,4444. •444 'A:4 t,,,t 44,44 f,,,,,,,,,4 ,4,40,4 1.,,,,,,„,,ti msit ii,s; 4 m',t s til,sq,tist,,st,,„,,,,f „01.te,„,g,,A,,,tosts4,.; tis, s, t's4V,,s4PsyW s,$,,z,' ,„'„,,,,,,,,''',.. ,,„'ss tiP 1,s•1 44 lifik<',"‘,14'•.1,14,4K rg's.`'',.,14;.k,r5,,',,, , 1, r!,',.,,:V ;,,,,t,11,(4.rtiPt t,f,ri 'Nifx;fT14144, , rati"V ',.;(;04,1,*,,,yik,*4% et,‘,,ft,/,,itr41,4,,,,,,mr,•.•,,••••- , ,‘ ryt`;:f.,;,,,‘,,,14,":', , !',,,A,;(4,,,t,:',Iik , ,E el,elf'st.),Liolit bitivi), 4;1,0';',:t,.%1 „Ai'sty p,,,,,lto,,,i;,,,,,,..,„.;.•,,,,,:i, „,,,,b,•.,,,•464,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,e,1,, ,•r,),•„:,,,,4,440:,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:t.,k 4,0, °* 'I' ' '.404'4,• ••44''''•@,444.@4.4. 4••r a 4@a444 4.4,@@4,,,.•., 4.44.4,40,4,44r 44 44444.,,,,,,^4,,e,,,A1,-"^",!p,4,„14",'tv,),"t^,A,‘-^^",0 A Source: httpsi/portraitsofwildflowers.wordpress.corn/2015/09/23/a-liatris-colany-on-the-blackland-prairie/ Asters: I s, ,`, ,,=t N 44,t` s A Source:httpsl/portraitsofwildflowers.wordpress.corn/2012/07/08/white-on-the-blackland-prairie/ Maximilian sunflower: ----77- ---- - , k.,- f, • \, i4.,„, ''., ,„ , " '•, %,„ ,t','4,1 ' ''",4,k,zt,,,,,,),4,',.."''',,,,4 , ,,„ '°',,+ ,' ,,;*.i,„,„‘„, ,,,,,,,,'' ',''' '-''' '''''4,44' 2 s,,, ' •s;''.,*‘''''',. ''''" • 4 .... Source:https://perfraitsefwildflowers.wordpress.com/2017/07/26/and-heres-a-look-at-those-maximilian-sunflowers-in-their-own-riqht/ Wild indigos: 44' ' . ,t,',,,,,,,,, , "4,, * ' ' • , ' . ' ',„ 4' 1 • n.,, 'r' '' ,,4 ,iip Source:https://ranqoplants.tamuedu/ialant/wild-indigo/ Compass plant (also known as prairie compass plant, pilotweed, polar plant, gum weed, cut- leaf silphium, and turpentine plant): * •" : NV,""*".,•****** n k****n***** " • "n,,,„.k********** „„ k-,„"n""•:*ANN***„: 4•'"•,., ,• , * „NAY*,"N*1„ •N'''' 14', Nir n .**********',,*, ',n..e.". , •4„ 1, ,,* : „„„r" ***V,,, , „ ''• • •,.•,,,Nyvvvvveovv4 , \•.i,,V,r'''':‘,''',1 '''':',V'V -:N,',.' "",••N,,V,Vv '''," , 1,"" 'VVVAVV$4,010PV,•„ •,- -.,e,,,,,, :„1,,,dr., ;...A,.. ,.,„,.: A„,„, ,,,, , .„.„, , , ,,,...,,:.„ ,,,.,..„,„,,,,,,„?4,z,.,?T,r,: k n:*k:' !!!!::**1"'• " " ,""**n'N':*1***,,N...kk'n, N : *.."'"*,':************* ,..: t ;''',0 R,f ,,,,,e ',,.„,1, \''',.'1'1','..'!1,''":' .:,:',',t,i .„.„:„.',"'.;.:•:,•:,„:',",;""",,.,::' r:'!''7,:''',;:::.,:.. ' , , N.. .49 ,„,"•", ". 'n.n... 'n, '''... .".""..**,N,,„,„*** ' : maii3Ofitt''' , v -.\,„ . .4,1;J:. ..': ..:.".,,,''...",.•. '',',„.:'..: .,.r.'' 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' ,.4„•—•,-..v ' • ,..„,:,,,V,..;''.vv.' .,`", V.NV,V4<„v 1,1*,,,,..,..„' • : ',''11 ••'":',:,',Vv.v•VVV;ViV,"-VV-VVIVUVVIV,VVVV ' '""' '•-: ,•", ''•!,•%;.:',"'''N;;,,*•'•'7"t.VVVVV.;VVVAVVA ''.0* nk,,,,,:",#,I'P,4". ,'.'', '*: V ' •'V, leiv Nn*".0******************,•',1:','!"':t ' • ' ; VVVVVVVVVVOWNOVVVeNN\NVV11 V,,f,!,:•'•,.,:,:V• ",; • -•,,NNAVVVVVVVVVV,'N ' ..,,,,,k,::0**\.,.0 „,„.. ,,,,, ,, " „,„*.n*******41********k N•************''V" VI, AVVVV,i,VVVVVVOVieVN. '''...."•,:NiVv••••V‘kAttOVVi•AVVONItA , ,- ,, , ,,•-.V.: .,,i,•,•,VVVV•VVVVVVVVVVV‘•N•••vi,VV4.4NNVOVVVV•kRtrftt. AV:, •;,•VV.AVVVVevue,v,,,\ V'Nv.,evevevevavevvvvvvveveVekv,,Ve •,' "• "' "-•',- N-vVii, 'vVVVvVVVIV Nv • v VVV,VVV•VVVVA4VV*4VVVIV%,,VM441 , , • v, .„"<„,,,,,","40* "",:,VIVVVVVVONV v \.<‘•Vv•Vv•VVVVVVVVVVMVVVV4VVVONOV," - ,, ,,'•,'''„ ••••,•":"VvV,VINN4':' ''''';VVV,V;VV,VN NN.\\VVv.....VVv•AVVV•Vvvik, Vev.VVVV,VOWAVW% '' V'- N•••••v-N,VVVVVVVVV V, ,'3.k..TNINN.V. \N.\VVIVIVOUNtit*WWW4101.VVASOPON V,,"V„,,"•VVV.";',,VV";,,VNNOVVVVIVI! •,1V'f•4 VVVV.,N,,,,,V.VNVXVItta,14604,*1.14441410NWIA*6•1 Ntv,V: v.,,, evvVikVA IV eN•Ve•,•••eee- 4 VJ•veevh•eVVVNUvV,VvNVV,r, r„.•.:•••,•••••••%,Vv•V•VvVv-AVVVV,Vvv,,,,,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,, ,.„,•.„.•1,v ,e ee N..,1 1,,,nnn,nn",ann.n... .************* ****n'"n'''N'*nnn:'*-*'N''''''''''''NN''''' "'"VV\ v•VVVvvvVvv.VVvvvrvilvveVevvvvvvevVVVvVVVVt,VVVIVINV.VVVAVVONVVVIVVVII''' r'AVVVIVVV.V.VVVVVVVVVVVVVV:1440*.VMONSOIMOVV.V0 iVNVVVNVVVVVVVVVNNVtNV"' VK"VV'VtVVVVVVVgVtV.VVVNVVVkVvkvAVVVVV)VVVVVVVVVVVN;V,,,V,..'•1":„VIVIV,„„VVVV,VVVVIVVINV'V'%V, ,,•••••V„,,AvVIVIVA,V,VVvvVVvtkolv4:004•Vvvvtge.,vvvevvvve.#vvevei,1 'vvr,,,,,,,,,`"AvvvVv,,,,,,,,'N-v •\ • t.:',: :,,,,vvvvvvuvvvvvvvvvtvvv,vv,•vvvvvvv.a•,,,,v,.,,v.vv,vv.,„vmv Source:hilps://portraitsofwildflowers.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/qumweed-done-to-seed-and-dryind-out/ Blackland Prairie Animals The prairie was formerly home to animals such as American bison, wolves, and jaguars before overhunting and the destruction of most tallgrass ecosystems. Source: https://en.wikipediaord/wiki/Texas black/and prairies American Bison: , 0 .,4' t`'.0 4r \\.'Or` .''' 4 ''` s '‘'.4 ,,,,, \r\' '• ' . 4 ' i A• ,s,,, ..N,i'r) r r p '\ ' " ,04 , ° 40° 40 ° 0 ,,,, ,,,„ A., '''4,W4, .,44,4 ,\ 4,14'',o‘i f'`r*tt%N., '40A'4‘44.4X, .• ' 4, '4.\st • , . , 1, 4 Al, 41,f4i4„ [[,4\* .*** , sw 0, ,:44‘, ,4,* 4 \,. . ,<‘s,!, ? lv,,4-4+,4 „4,t, ,k;;#it,i it 14,i,t.o„i,,,z It‘ii'is•'izit' , 4.il: 1 ' „.,At,c,,,,,ttls ' '4 * "44 1 ii,;i"' , f 44, 1, fil#A-0 , ),* 4 f tt. at'r4 ,i*, , Ap, ‘i, , \ , 4,,„„ „,,, i,,A4,k‘4.,,,k,,,4,,, 0i,I.\ktt[*,, \*,[xm [[,[ 1k*, 4444,* 4,* `1,," * '''''' ski ,,\‘Y\\,,,'6, 4'Y', ', 4, ',' ' WI, .r,.. a,,4A, k, Texas Grey Wolf: TT Ifk44. • 442 ' •'t =.''',.< Jaguar: t ,. '''''k#04,„ li., ` , 004.**\•0**1",*•*".-',„‘ ' ' 41,40,1; Gray Fox: ,.47 040,0*'-‘0,011„,"4,0%00 A't 0 °.i • i'' ' ' ',,k'',0 'It,,,,,+ , „, 0',"e n'n '',1 '' nn 00,0 „ nn .', 0 * .„ 0 nr 00 i'f°14. 0 ks\n Okn k ' ,0n 0,!. 0 k + , * . '400 f,4%,,,I, • ",, ,, , 1,k 0 00, ,+ . n 0 +4, ' qtotk",,, ,,,t s ,, Tg,41 , ,,, 4 i .,,'''''('''W , ,,,',,,,''',,,' 1' ' '''''0 ;r0kt ;,' kg',;,#‘14,11t7r ,0° `1„,a,' ;,.00440,0,,0 a ,I ' 0" '":010,,,„,',P`',' ' ,,,,Y*44f,,t,,,,le,t40" ,',,-4,4,,F16°,,IN 11410‘,„,,'"' ."''le,,!,,,,, ',, 4 t'i'',Nt!,,''1° ''''.! iV,'.,'' tt 'af's'Y','S ',,„4 `,,, ' . ",0\., ,^ "1,i,j'f'410;ks ',4:44,4."';VI` t ,A44,,,,4V(:,,;!:V^'s4` 4$7'40N‘irt:,Ititi.),":iN,. .1,'".''""01,'""114,010"0••"4' :',,,at,.., ., '',.,,ivi' ''‘,,`''''''''''''" 's'4"42'4 "400:,'"A;=', .*",g4,44400. •,•"''',..", ,' kf,,,,%,4,,°0''e)1... "1,,. NinC,,lk,'!"4 nknn0 "0;0.,°4:1 .,,V '+','e++0,01.,04'+,,kkk'n,'"e''''' ,. 'k', .4',' '','1`,., ,,,k' 40k,'Ft',' + ,e,-,k`,,4*1-4.,,i1,* -','',,,.. ,'Oo''I ,°A, ,,',„t4,lis,INA r:. ,,,, ..,44.„ ,,,,,04,, , •v••1,, •... t0',.#•"'1 •••, "' \ ,*.i,,,t4t44 ,0°:4N.:,,001410,•(•, 40t ,0,04,0 140;000••„,0 0,•"011 *0 0• „10 0'0 • • ‘4°,4, ' 1 ', , '4 , ),,, 4'' ' , '4\.4,, 0, ', ' ,0 ' 0,0,, Texas Horned Lizard (official state reptile): , , so ,,,," ',"' i,"' ‘.°1 ,,,°,1''''. Se.'"IP4 A4,,,\4k4At,‘,..tt4.44V,S4.4\o,, ' ,, „ ,,, 4,1**,","Y,..%"•:'''`,°:,.:* '': . . ` 1 "•„,, .., „,,,,tt, . Prairie Rattlesnake: "'1,,\44"1 , ,",,', ,,,,„AfittA,°k°,4r",,,,O, 4, •\\'4k4;°"',1''' "A" „,, Wk.,,".,k\ , „, ,,\k4,4,,,‘" ,,,4*4444",t•ks44444.14‘,414‘A 4 `"' 'Al.,4 0 2,1'''' .4,"'4,4o'', 4.":4 `,'",*t, ','„ s '",,'1",ii , , , , , „, " ",„" , , .,„, ' , ,".• ", `""0 • ,• ,, \',4',,`„,,Vos4b44,N144,),' -,•,v‘t,,,, ',4 ,- " 4' ,,- ",,," , Opossum: il '404 , 1N, ( 0 '0.0 40400, ' .,00M0 0 40,000 ,00\ ,0,04lik0''' , , •+' '*1.00 •.. 0,, '0,• '0, 0,<\. Coyote: ,., s.o. 4 1,1 ) 141, 1 ,\,, , "" '14,,, •-.1,,,, s4.41'.1 41.01,,1f,,, ',4.4 ' ,., 4 1,1v% 'nn",n4n‘i,'4,`,erk,4,1i1.1 nn n 4y11141,'''',1i1,741?,4411Y**. n,nnnitii* , *'1.1n**1''f1:4,;,si; 1 , :, 0 .`,•.,-,10i ,'1,1,,,,,..,„,No '00%,,, ',74'. ,,,4,,I,t.14., -4 ,, „,, .,,,, ;.., `-',,,,,,, ,io' ,.•i,,,,,. ,,, ... ,,,,,, —, ,,,,,,, , ,. ,,‘*, 4,,q, ,u,„, ' •'''t 4wd11' i 114 k.4,,, '%'. .' — ,, 414/1g1 ,4„*.114,, '44 „ *, .,-,,, ;,i,,..,4, •\,..,. ,, , ‘, ,gt,' ,'^ 1\14*0"'" ', 0" ' . • , , ' "0 0,0 01'0\0 00," ,,,,4 ta 1 White-tailed deer: ... , .... oto0;.....,".:::,.'..,:. •g„,., .. -, . . ..,"I'" ., . ... .. . . . ... . . ..... . , .. . . . ......... . ...„,. . . Striped skunk: ,110:45.-NF.;.;.?;:i'T-k ''''Iiiv'N vq.5',?zi,$Aigoiero.sis„,0{.4,:.,,,,k4iseth tz- i,:,) ,,,,,,I,,, 041A-Ak ;A'''S:',,:1'40140014,40.14,010kWiei.gio Iii....7;71,k 4;:,40.: .,,,::,„•.. ..,r',,,,k,.::!',4:44,',3vq,..,,''*s.,,,', ';.4.,‘.'4fii,.,,'k,,t.;„*XA,k) ',,,,;: *.t4.g.;•••,,..0;,,...'1°;. ..,„:q j,'.„,;:".• ,..,".,,:'',.:,,i9,!'4.5,,:',':;""f',,,,..7k.:*.Ntri$Tq,...V.,'" ,"'',X".:';',.,‘, ,..44,,,:w.,.4,.,...,f 1.,...Q.......,r.pi„,,,,„..v;,,..,0.,-,,,,,..•vzowc,40.,,,,,,,;,:--,,,,,,,,,..:,;,:,,,,,...:,i4},,,,',1,v,wtolt*A4,,47,,,, ov'':'''''' ';t7,g:::", ,.,,p04;riA::,,.. •-..•" :--.7,;,;1*-,f---.:ji*OF:lirf.$0104: ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,%,„, „.,,•,,,,tNi.e5..",...:,Ii.,;,,',':-. 1... ... ,,,,,,,,, :"Imv,i,,,r,,,„7.„,,,,,-,,,,, , 1,,, ,''.''':07':.`",.,','.,7,,'•.:".71;,z:.".,,,,,,,'c.'••.„14,,,Ni;,N§i,:c''' *',',,,•..,,,„..:,,,•„......;':•,•'. ,".,', •,,,,t4e4:474,,,I, ,...' •...?7.4 4',' ,,k-:tit-.0'.14iii-,%-i' 'zAt',',',.;,,,:r`,.'"s",. ,',..-.. :,, ',:l•t'.!,,41",,,,,L, 'r 4 •'' '..,..N.,,,,,,;,4*,„'$.;:;,, ,$..;,.,,-;*,,,$,,,,'..,,,4,,, ,. y,,•,,,,;„,, . 1;!:',.. „-;,,,, ii.m., * ::..4i,;.,,,:;,,,-5s:, .:::>....•, ,,.,,,E,:,,:.: :,,,:::L:,•:,„.",'_,i,s4,of:i,,r,:E:tpoiiit4,,J70,..,,,:',14,1,i,';',' ,g tt'.,1',"q*:,-,'!,'I.:,',fr.4,•:,T..,3:,.t.;.A imixe,Ao,;=a0„4,•,,,i4,,,'-.%;.,,tit,., ',2•61-,-';11,:r..*k$1..,,,,„,fiii,„,,„,46,,-.,,,,4 Blackland Prairie Tribes Hunter-gatherers contributed to the formation and expansion of the prairie through controlled burns to make more land suitable for hunting bison and other game. Hunter- gatherers continually inhabited the prairie since pre-Clovis times over 15,000 years ago. In historic times, they included the Wichita, Waco, Tonkawa, and Comanche [tribes], each of whom were gradually replaced by settled agrarian society. Source:https://emwikipedia.orq/wiki/Texas blackland prairies Wichita tribe: ,,-,0,,,,,ti„,„,, 1`.'itk\k4,-,i'''.,`,,,r.,t,, ,',TIti.`.,t.,0•\z,.\s% C. ,, ' i ta X' ",44,,,,414" 4., '..s4;#'4N , 4 "44t4tk44$44‘44, 44717,' pi '°4V 1.,,ssottet '777 ,*.' ' 7 N ' 1,, 14•'.‘ tet,,,,' 004,10 , ,*1/4-- ' 4 I , , 1 , „, 0 a ,a,,, ,rkk,,,4kikk.,\,kk Att.444 44 44 ,,,, 4,,4444k,44444N, "tit>'ak VI, '' I ridit' , " ito- Photo source: http://www.texasindians.com/wichita.htm The Wichita are Native Americans of the United States who speak Wichita, a Caddoan language. They were known as the "Tattooed Faces" or "Raccoon-eyed" people because of the tattoos encircling their eyes. The Wichita formed a loose confederation on the Southern Plains, including the Wichita tribe proper and several independent bands, such as the Tawakonis, Kichais, and Wacos. They were most populous in the Southwestern United States where they ranged as far south as San Antonio, Texas,to as far north as Great Bend, Kansas. They occupied northern Texas in the early 1700s and were involved in trade with other Southern Plains Indians on both sides of the Red River and as far south as Waco. Source: https://www.newworldencyclopediaorg/entry/Wichita_(tribe) Waco Tribe: ° ° 07,n kt „ 't'em k, 4 4 is 4'4 'SA' 4 41, '44 04.: a, aka N,4,4‘.44404,411•:44, VAnitt, :44e.40 444, 4,, * aaaa aaa4 44''' 44, aaaaar, a The Waco Indians were a band of the Wichita culture. Hueco is another spelling of Waco. Most of them lived in a large village on the Brazos river where present day Waco is. Jean Berlandier says they had about 60 permanent houses at this time (about 1830). He reports they would live in the houses during the spring and summer and tend crops in nearby fields. Source: https://nolongerinvisibleblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/fyi-waco-tribei (Photo 2 source: https://wacohistory.org/items/show/46 ) Tonkawa Tribe: iij 40 Jh Their wanderings followed the path of the buffalo, their main source of food, all over central Texas (Newcomb 196). The Tonkawas hunted these animals with spears and arrows and by driving herds over cliffs, such as Tonkawa Bluff, near Georgetown. Like many Native Americans, they used the buffalo for food, clothing, tools and decoration (Scarbrough 26). |nG letter tV the Barron deRipperd8. the governor of Texas, dated July 4' 1772. Ath@D8S8de K8ezi8r8SvvrOte: "in truth, one cannot exaggerate the inestimate benefits for which these natives are indebted to divine providence. The buffalo alone, besides its flesh, which takes first place among healthful and savory meats, supplies them liberally with what ever they desire in the way of conveniences, The brain they use tU soften skins; the horns for spoons and drinking vessels; the shoulder bones to dig and clear off the land; the tendons for thread and for bow strings; the hoof, @S glue for arrows; with the mane they make ropes and girths; from the wool...belts, and various ornaments. The skin furnishes h8rDeS5BS'...shields, tents, shirts, leggings, shoes, and blankets for protection against the cold—truly valuable treasures, easily GCqUip8d, quietly possessed and lightly missed, which liberally supply an infinite number of people, whom we consider poverty-stricken with an excess of those necessities which perpetuate our struggles, anxieties, and discords." Source:https.lfwww.roundrocktexas.povfdepartments/ptanning-and-development-services/historic- preservation/historic-round-rock-collectionftonka wa-indiansf Comanche Tribe: twootwo i.. � ._... g 4 P t r r ioi. t I f ' t t k. r t ?tC. t 4 s s { r $lij tg � j l 411 ��� LL st ''' t ActA'�,1 01 tt{`kx) , �� Fir t i 11z t 4440101101 32'1 1 - ,p 3 �� m'M M. uuN .is.. ! bi ' e i is � . ° . 1',1, 4, q.�a„ ". i y' ,;,r: k, ,,,,:,. s1.�sti„..i .44,,< o a.t a „,, North American Indian tribe of equestrian nomads whose 18th- and 19th-century territory comprised the southern Great Plains. The name Comanche is derived from a Ute word meaning "anyone who wants to fight me all the time." The Comanche were one of the first tribes to acquire horses from the Spanish and one of the few to breed them to any extent. They also fought battles on horseback, a skill unknown among other Indian peoples. Highly skilled Comanche horsemen set the pattern of nomadic equestrian life that became characteristic of the Plains tribes in the 18th and 19th centuries. Comanche raids for material goods, horses, and captives carried them as far south as Durango in present-day Mexico. Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Comanche-people Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Regular Meeting May 21, 2020—6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. The meeting was called to order by Chair Michael Schwerin at 6:15 pm. Member present included: Vice Chair Lily Courtney, Anita JOnes, Minerva Bediako, and Ross Grant. Members, John Treadwell and Marjorie Bennett were absent. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address the Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. The Board requests that comments be limited to three(3)minutes. In addition, the Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No citizens were present to address the board. DISCUSSION ITEMS All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Discussion Regarding the 2019 Wylie Arts Festival Vendor Survey (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Executive Summary The board and staff discussed the survey that was sent to 2019 vendor participants regarding the Wylie Arts Festival. Public Arts Coordinator Ehrlich reported that the responses were very favorable. In particular the event was praised for the assistance the vendors received in loading and unloading their merchandise by ROTC East students. There were also positive comments regarding the foot traffic and good sales. One negative that was brought to the attention of the board was the annoyance by sponsors leaving their booths and following visitors to sell their products. The board felt a kind comment to those sponsors to stay in their booths might be appropriate. Minutes May 21„2020 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 1 Ehrlich reported another survey would be sent after the 2020 event. B. Discussion Regarding art projects for 2019/2020 including a downtown mural. (C Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Executive Summary PAC Ehrlich reported that the downtown mural projects would be on hold until such time as the Wylie Quad C campus opened. She told the board that she and some representatives of the board should discuss the possibility of art students from the college design and create the mural with a scholarship of some sort to be presented to the college art department. Ehrlich reported the sculptures for the Municipal Trails were also on hold until the Council chose the revisions to the Municipal Trails Master Plan which was scheduled to be presented in June. Once the plan was in place and the board knew where the placement of sculptures should be placed,the board will begin the current budget's call for artists. If this is delayed until the next fiscal year, the funding for this year would be carried over.Funding will be available to provide 3-4 sculptures for the trails during the next two years. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon, the Public Arts Advisory Board minutes of February 20, 2020. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator/Secretary) Board Action A motion was made by board member Courtney, seconded by board member Jones to approve the minutes as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Treadway and Bennett absent. 2. Consider and act upon, the appointment of a WAF Vendor Selection Committee for the 2020 event. Board Comments Chair Schwerin asked for volunteers (3) to serve on this year's WAF Vendor Selection Committee to review vendor applications. Board members Courtney, Treadwell, and Bediako volunteered to serve. Board Action A motion was made by board member Courtney, seconded by board member Jones to appoint board members Courtney, Treadwell, and Bediako to serve on the 2020 WAF Vendor Selection Committee. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Treadwell and Bennett absent. 3. Consider and act upon, the appointment of a 2020 WAF Vendor Demonstration and Class Committee. (C. Ehrlich, Public Arts Advisory Board Coordinator) Board Comments Minutes May 21„2020 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 2 Chair Schwerin asked for volunteers (3) to serve on this year's WAF Vendor Demonstration and Class fundraiser to contact vendors interested in participating in teaching classes or providing demonstrations. He explained the committee should be made up of at least one board member who is serving on the Vendor Selection Committee. Board Action A motion was made by board member Courtney, seconded by board member Jones to appoint board members Courtney, Schwerin,and Bediako to serve on the WAF 2020 class and demonstration fund raising committee. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0 with board members Treadwell and Bennett absent. EXECUTIVE SESSION If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Public Arts Advisory Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Public Arts Advisory Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., will be held by the Public Arts Advisory Board at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Public Arts Advisory Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to, the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. There were no executive sessions held. ADJOURNMENT Board Action A motion was made by board member Counrtney, seconded by board member Jones to adjourn the meeting at 6:37 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion carried 5-0 with board members Treadwell and Bennett absent. Michael Schwerin, Chair ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, Secretary Minutes May 21,, 2020 Public Arts Advisory Board Page 3