Ordinance 1984-72 ORDINANCE NO. 0'4-' fJ; . AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 23 Allpn Attprhprry UPON PETITION OF Garry Roddy WHEREAS, Garry Roddy has filed a written petition to annex to the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, the tract of land hereinafter described, which said tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside, all of which said facts the City Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the City Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best in- terest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petition for annexation should be, and the same is now granted; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as fo 11 ows, to-wit: see attached t__ - ! "' N 'I !I ii 1.....-- I u ~ J U 5''''OH1 , ~ i,~ ~ ~ I jl'" <d ..,. LJL,~'UI < 15 ~~ I, ~~ I " I < l'':I~ '" N '" .. d ~J>l ;>1"! .1 m ~ I ~ , . , G I ...:: I I - .... 1, - >..j j ! , '." '~" doml l( 6 , "\--- c ., .::: - ~..- . \' ,~, "'~; '7"~ ~"~ '" '" '" N C Q '" " .. ":~ :.;;,. : ~ -;/ :. !: 11 0" 1'''' "" ttlOo I~ ~I u .!: -~ l! ~ t ~ .... ;.......N-_I:...~~ ... 'I ~ ~ ~ I~" ~ ~ w ~ "" "II a,," 1:E::-~ '__,; (.'.>t'l; ~..M~ if:;.::J --;-' I '.,';i\.~ ~~-.~~.. ", ~ ~t~"::l "I . I O~f4J L.ifu:----i ~ . : {~r:..-.!r, ~ ~~Il?,,:,,"i _ ~rg<;o,,~~ ,= V> ~~~oer- t- ~~~'~ ~." ~ .. ,i N ',0 ~----" r.-------<~ ~~ ' ': .~___. -1 ....~,..~~ ... '...: z.. . _M~.O,'.~..._.~w~_......,,,. ,'1 Hi ~ ..., Il ~I I~ ~ ,~ .... I I ~ "... --I I : ":i. ..'.. o aZl 'f.., ..~. o ~ .. .~\... DESCRIPTION BEl~(;, a tract of land situated in the Allen Atterberry Surv~y, Abstract No. 23, Cl>J I in I:ountv. Texas, and being those tracts as conveyed to J.C. Laughlin, recorded 1n Volume 419, Pajl.e lor,. ;md V"lUffit> 422. Page 318, and also part of a 40 acre tract, conveyed to J.C. Laughlin and Elsie Laughlin, recorded In Volume 284, Page 93, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being ~lre Pdrticularly described as follows; BFGI~~l~r., at the point t,f inter!Jection of the East Line of Old Highway No. 78, with the S(,rth Lln~ of 9a1d 40 acre tract, Volume 284, Page 93, a ~" iron stake set for corner; rHE~CE. s. 890 45' 23" r;" leaving the said East Line of Old Highway :\0. 78, a distance Llf 2340.20 feer to a 4" iron !Jtake found for corner; rHEr\CE, South, a distance of 738.89 feet to a ~" iron stake set for corner; rHENCE, S.890 38' 22" W., a distance of 1348.36. feet to a ~.. iron stake fOllnd for (,lrnt'r; TlIE1\CE, S. 00 36' W" a distance of 463.16 feet to a ~.. iron stake found for ('IJrner; THF:Scr:, S. 89" 59' W., a distance of 986.97 feet to a point on the East Line l,f \lId Hi!/,h....i'!\ \". lR. a S" irpn stake found for corner; THENCE. "l. 00 00' OS" W., along thE' East Line of Old Highway No. 78, a distance llf 349.')0 f e'f't to d '," i rpn :>t ilke set Llr corner: THE~CL S. 8lJ~ 32' E: leaving the East Line of Old Highway No. 78, a dist.111Ct> of 300.00 teet to a ~" iron stake set for corner; THE~:rJ::, N. Oc 00' OS" W., a distance of 50.00 ff'et to a~" iron stake set for ("'>Tner; THE~(E, ~. R90 32' ',,' a distance of 300.00 feet to a~" iron stake set fpr ,orner; TIIENCE, S. 0< 00' OS" W., along the East Line of Old Highway No. 78, 8 distance of 99.85 fee to a ,," ir,'n stake set for corner; rHE~CE, S. 89055' 12" Eo, leavin~ the East tine of Old Highway No. 78, a distanc.,- dt l45.2fl feet to a ~" iron st."1ke set for corner; THENCE, N. 00 00' 05" W., a distance of 300.00 feet to a ~.. iron stake found for l'\lrner; rHf~Cf:. ":. AQo 55' 1:''' ...... ;1 distance of 14.5_20_.fututo_.~' t~ .take~t for corner; THE~Cr., ~. Oc 00' OS" W., along the EaHt Line of Old High....ay No, 78, a distant-€' pI 3')!..43 feet tp the PLACE OF BEGI~'NING, and containing 48.816 acres of land. This descript ion is hased on the Land Title Survey and Plat made by Bob O. Brown, Registered Public Surveyor on l)e('emh~r H. 19/1 J. CERT r FleA T ION J, _Bob 0. Brown, d.., hereby certify that thiM survey was made on the ground, under my din'cliun, that rhls plat correctly represents the facts found at the time of survey and that all ('('rners ;1ft' m.arked .'lS sho"rn and there are no visible conflicts or encroachmentlil other than ~hown and th~H rhis service conforms to the current Texas Surveyors Association Standards and Specifl,'atiDI1" for aClltegory I-A cClnd1tlon ill survey. This plat is for the exclusive use of Wylie Titlt'. wher(>in Fr/!'d Kern, Krantor conveyed the ~ubJect prl)perty to Carlo J. Farina, Jr. AND Jan Littlt!.i,'hn and ,Jr A~slgn.. granteE's and the lIndf'rsi~ned l'iurveyor is not responsible to any others. M(C'~ Rob n. Brown Re~istered Public Surveyor No 1744 EASEMENTS Volume - 27'3 Volume - 313 Page - 176 Page 122 -...... .#....-\\..9.~ .~.:~ ~ ~~., rS '~.' " c.,.' ~ '"\!'. ,..... ~:i . ." ~...\.....,....- . '- i ;... ( ; ~ .~. .-~ ~ ~ .. I \~r' ':-/~ ~~... "Cl: / l"'c9/!~ I. ,.. ..~\''{'} ~ . '" ...""~,, -# "'-_..C SIJ~ .- ."""'...... ,. IA.KAT IONS UNKNOv.~: Lon(' Star (~as Co., T to' Y.~l!-' Powe r .\ 1. I gin ORDINANCE NO. CONT'D PAGE 2 be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring that this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor of Wylie. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 11th DAY OF December , 19 84 ~;/~~ OHN W. AKIN MAYOR ATTEST: