Ordinance 1992-04 ORDINANCE NO. 9~-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION OF GARBAGE, TRASH AND BRUSH; AMENDING SECTION 7 OF ORDINANCE 84-12, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 90-19 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH AND AMENDING SECTION 9 OF APPENDIX A TO THE WYLIE CITY CODE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has renegotiated its contract for solid waste refuse service with its current contractor BFI; and WHEREAS, the new agreement with the contractor provides for reduction of rates for certain services, including a reduction in collection fees for residential customers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has voted to pass the savings along to the customers effective April 1, 1992 and establish current collection rates in accordance with the current agreement with the contractor; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: 1. That Section hereby amended to read 9 of Appendix A to the Wylie City Code is as follows: "SECTION 9 GARBAGE, TRASH, AND BRUSH FEES 9.01 Residential Fee; Deposits (a) The collection and removal of garbage, rubbish, and brush in disposable bags or approved containers (30 gallon cans) from residential premises, two (2) times per week shall be made for a fee charge of $10.55 per residential unit for each calendar month. Multifamily dwellings (4 or more units) shall use commercial containers provided by the contractor. For partial months, said charges shall be prorated for each week of the month during which such service is available and provided to the customer. There shall be a fee charge for extra collections necessary for unusual accumulation. The charges for collection service shall be included on the monthly utility bill of the occupant. It shall be mandatory that all utility customers shall receive solid waste collection service. Rates and charges shall be due an payable on the date so indicated on the utility billing statement. (b) Non residential customers deposit equivalent to three (3) of $30.00. shall be required to make a months charges, or a minimum (c) Residential fees for each unit of single family detached or duplex (not master metered) either curbside or alleyside service, shall be $10.55 per month and shall be charged each month on the utility bill. (d) The following collection fees are establishment or collection, to wit: based upon type of 1 TYPE CHARGE PER MONTH Trailer Park.................. $10.55 pe r unit per unit pe r uni t per living unit Dup 1 ex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.55 Multi-family.................. $10.55 Residential Unit.............. $13.10 (utility customer outside city) 9.02 Commercial Hand Collection Fees Fee charges for commercial hand collection where residential type bags or approved conta~ners are allowable: (a) Less than five 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week................. $18.91 (b) Five to eight 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week................. $35.15 (c) Nine to twelve 30 gallon bags or (approved containers) per week................. $51.30 9.03 Commercial Dumpster Charges Commercial dumpsters shall be provided by lease to requiring them and shall be subject to the charges, to-wit: customers following 8 cu. yd TIMES PER WEEK MO. CHARGE 1 x week $ 62.30 2 x week 101.25 3 x week 140.18 1 x week 68.98 2 x week 111.26 3 x week 152.43 1 x week 84.55 2 x week 124.62 3 x week 173.56 1 x week 95.68 2 x week 159.11 3 x week 225.86 1 x week 119.04 2 x week 189.19 3 x week 244.78 1 x week 139.08 2 x week 235.87 3 x week 331.55 SIZE 2 cu. yd 3 cu. yd 4 cu. yd 6 cu. yd 10 cu. yd EXTRA PICKUPS/DUMPSTER-EACH REQUEST Upon request, extra pickups shall be made of dumpsters and a fee charge made for each accordance with the following schedule, to wit: commercial request in 2-4 ell yd..................................... $28.93 $34.30 6- 1 0 ell. yd................................... 2 SPECIAL CHARGES: Compactor containers (42 cu. yd)............. $253.65 Roll-off containers (30 cu.yd)............... $226.97 per haul Per day rent of roll-off containers......... $7.86 Per month rent of roll-off containers....... $235.80 Delivery and exchange of roll-off containers $78.74 Delivery and exchange of front-end containers $54.74 Return check charge.......................... $15.00 Past due service charge (over 25 days from statement due date, commercial dumpsters only) 1.5% per month 9.04 Fees for Tree, Shrub and Brush Trimmings, Newspapers and Magazines Trees, shrub and brush trimmings, newspapers and magazines securely tied together and forming an easily handled package not exceeding four feet (4') in length or forty (40) pounds in weight shall be collected with the regular collection at no charge. Such items left for collection and which are not bundled shall be collected for a minimum charge of $10.00. Such items left for collection which require additional time, manpower, or equipment shall be collected by arrangement with the city and subject to an additional special charge to be determined by the city. 9.05 Large Amounts Large amounts will be collected after regular collection is completed. Residents will be charged at the rate of $1.00 per minute for time spent on such collections with a minimum charge of $10.00. Any resident desiring service for such large amounts shall request the same only through BFI's dispatch office. 2. Ordinance No. 90-19 and Section 9 of Appendix A to the City of Wylie Code (said Section 9 being the codified version of said Ordinance No. 90-19) be and they hereby are repealed in their entirety; and Section 7 of Ordinance No. 84-12, is amended in accordance herewith; and all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistence. 3. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provisions thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. 3 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of the caption as the law and the City's Charter provide in such cases, and the rate changes herein imposed are effective as of April 1, 1992. DULY PASSED AND APPRO;lD Wylie, Texas, this / by the City Council day of April, 1992. of the City of '~1, ~ ,.., / /J/~ ~\\\\\\\\\IlI1I1Il1/f1III/, .......7#}f;;J yr- ~~/ #~1 OF WI~I,t~ ;/ John W. Akin, Mayor ~~, r/~ // ~, ~0~ v' ~r.. "\ ~ ~'-I ~ ~ ~ \ } ~ 11.. ."/ S e c r eta "I;~,'yll E , ,.'S~\!..,$.~~':' . t!/llinw; 1 nH\'~\\~\ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven P. Deiter, City Attorney 4 ___ _........ ""-' ..L ......~"-'- ORDINANCE NO. 92-5 AN ORDI1\ANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTIl'iG CERTAIN REGULATIOI\S HELATING TO THE CON- TROL OF VICIOUS DOGS, DEFINI"iG CERTAIN TERMS USED THEREIl\, PROVIDING RE- QUIRElIlENTS FOR OWNERS OF DA:\GEROUS DOGS: DECLARING CERTA.IN PETS TO BE UNLAWFUL: PROVIDING CIVIL AKD CRIMIl\AL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. IN- CLUDING DESTRUCTION OF THE DANGEROUS DOG: PROVIDING FOR HEPEAL OF ALL OH- DINANCES IN CONFLICT THEHEWITH: PRO- VTDI'iG A SEVEHABILI- TY CLAUSE: A:\CD PRO- VIDING FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. DUL Y PASSED AND AP. PROVED by the City Council of the City of W,'lie. Texas, tillS 10 day of :l-Iarch, 1992. City of Wvlie. Texas BY John W. Akin. :\lavor ATTEST: CarbIyn Jones. City Secretar.y ORDINANCE NO. 92.4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESEDENTlAL COLLECTION OF GAR- BAGE, TRASH AJ\D BRUSH: AMENDING SEC- TION 7 OF ORDIJ\ANCE 84-12, REPEALING OR- DINANCE NO. 90-19 AND ALL OTHER OR- DINANCES IN CONFl::fC'l" THEREWITH AND AMENDIl'>G SECTION 9 OF APPENDIX A TO THE WYLIE CITY CODE: PRO- VIDING A SEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE FURTHER PROVIDING FOR AJ\ EF- FECTIVE DATE. 4. This ordinance shan take effect immediately from and after . its passage and the publication of the capti~n ~s the iaw and the CIty s Charter provide in such case.s. and the rate changes hereIn imposed are effective as of April 1, 1992. DULY PASSED AND AP- PROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this] 4 day 01 April. 1992 John IN Akin, Mayor ATTEST: Carolyn Jones, City Set:retary 46-Jt-c Into Submission. 15-9 46.Jt-c 1 t didn't take the Pottshoro Cardinals long to get the message across t.hat they had come to play !"ome bajj - likp in the first inning - when they ciuubed the struggiing \\'.viie PiraLPs with a l~-hit attack, two of t.hem douhies. on their way to a 15-9 District lO-AAA victory at Pirates Field iasr Tupsda:\' afterno(ln. It is an old story Onp guy gets his big lick in first and then proceeds to kick the sims out of the gu~. on the h'Tound. Prett~T simple, realiy. It didn't help the rirat~s: caust:'. (lIther. when t.hey COnl- mittpd (light errors. TIH--' Cards scored !litH:' runs in the top of the first off starter Steve Polen and ace relipver Shain Robinsol1...\nd that pren~' lTIueh L.okI t1lf' 5Lory Thp los,<:::, for ali intent ~ and purposes. may havE' knockC'fi the Pirates out of pVl:'n n chancE' for t.ht, \:u. :! spot put of the district. A lot can hap- PCll befon' the final out.. of course. Tlw. Pirates no\\" havc iusses 1 () Bonham. Frisco and to Pottshoro. The scheduie is not playrd in haivE's. The two Learns with the best record at Lhe end of the season go to Lhe piavoffs. Poien never reaily broke a good swe;;..t before leaving for Robinson t\nd b\ t.he tirne Robinson arrived 011 thE' scene things were deteriorating rapidl)- PotLsboro added a pair of runs in the third inning. a run in the fifth and topped things off \",ith three runs in the top of the seventh. \Yylie gave its fans a faim moment of hope when the Pirates got something going in the last of the fourth when they scored three runs. and aga"in in the sixth when they scored another four runs; ;,..' ~'-"-;:vrrcnael . tlenltezstarteo things off in the lbird with a single anu Troy Garcia followed with a single to put t\\'o on and no DUlS. Steve Dykes waiked to load the hags, and Steve Marks slepped in and sjapped a sbot down the third base line \'.;hich should have at least been a doubie play, perhaps even a triple play. The haii went. right heLween the third baseman' s iegs and Benitez and Garcia scored. Robmson stood m next and hit into a double pia".. Tres Sansom wa~ caught looking at a third strike [Q geL thl:: Cards out of the inning v..'ithout further damage. The Pirates came up wilh tour more runs in their end of t.he sixth on singles b!' Gar- cia. Stpvp J\-'larks. and San- som, plus \valks to Benitez, and Arvid V ardeillO slice thlC Cards. lead to 12-7. !-Iowever. the Canis add~d tlleir final three runs in t.he top of the seventh [.0 tuck t.his one away against a team lnat wasn't hitting <.:011- ~istentiy, wasn't pla.villg good defense and one that. was stiB shaking its head aft.er that. first inning mugg' ing. Oh, the Pirates did get 10 hit5. but ail but two of them came from the iast of the hat- ting order. Only Tony Clark and Benitez managed singies of the top five hitters. Benit.ez did redeem himself . somrwhat hy reaching base t.hrep times - t'\vice on walks and onel:' \'ia hit - and scored aU l 11 ree times \"ow it's down 10 the nitty I'm ty for the Pirates. If they entertaill even lhtc siighlest hope of getting into the pla~'nffs. they cannot afford to iO"se anot.her 'l,'ame. From this point, on every gamp is a must win situation. \\'.\'1ie was open Friday, and wa~ in \Vhite~boro on Tues- do)' to do battle with lhe Bearcats hefore reLurning t.o \\"yhe for a Frida~' date with Commef{.'f' as the Pirat es hegin the second hulf of t he ,""chedu]e. ('.lrdin<li~ - ~ll1~ 01(1 ;\ - 1.-; I') ., 1'11';1ll;'~ - (iOO :1{),1 - ~1 ill ,"'- Cardinais - Hayes: WP - Ha~'es: 2b Nalll:'~'. 'VicDa\'id: E Cooiey. Cooie,': LOB - 7. \Vylie - Poien, Robinson; LP -- Robinson: E - Ciark (2), SchneiL Garcia, BeniLpz li3), Sansom; LOR - 7. Wylie Police . Chief Attends La w Seminar \.Vviie Police Chief Harvey Hightower was invit.ed to participate in the Executive Issues Seminar Series this month which was produced byt:h~, l:a~.,Enforce~ent with Sam Houston State University Chief Hightower attended the Austin ciass, which ~.as part of a three-day semmar :conducted throughout the stat.e. His dass dealt with Alternative Futures for Law Enforcement. "1 felt very privileged to at- tend again this year. I was lucky enough to have be~n chosen from the Aust.In Police Department hy the In- stitute last.. year before com- ing to Wyile. Speaking from a budget standpomt, thIS was a great seminar. It was of no cost to the City, other lhan aHowing time to go. T~e hotel, seminar and mealS were paid in part b.y the Texas CommissionoD Law Enforcement Officers Scan. dartis and EducaLlon (TCLEOSE) and Sam Houston State University. l-fopefuii,'. wc' can obtain ot.her such training for all our officpr:--; in tht' future." he said. Q-~!I1 ~ r-:= =- _~ -:::'==~_~--1 205 N _ B.lhud 442-3069 HOURS: Letters To The Editor I WE' jJ L LiP Dear Editor: M V name is Jason Robert s, I am - an MDA patient helping wit.h this year's "Fill A Boot" as a Sch~oi Project. Wviie firefighters will take to the streets April 24-2;'1 to accept contrihutions in their booLs tor the fight. against Muscular Dyslroph.v There wiil bt-' over 80 area fire dppart.menLs participating in this campaib'11 1.0 benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association, I would iike to thank alllhe firefighters for their help with "Fiii A Boot" for I\-!DA. Sincprely: Jason Roherts Owner Sll"lnrl Holhrook l~ "-nnual Can l: Bank I 7.30% Eiieel Yil And an AL:U premium can are deducted. deferred. "Births I It's A Boy! St.pvc and Penny \Vinters of \Yyiie arp proud to announce Lhe birth of a son, Layto1l Conal' \i\/inters born April 8, 1992 at the HCA Medicai Cenler of Piono. He weighed 8 lh" 4 ozs.. Proud grandparent.s are Don ilnd Caroi Ammerman of \Vylie and Linda Briggs of PrinceLon, Tx. He was greeted at home by his hrother, Mitchell, 3 '/2 yrs. o Americs Jerry R 2' 4, .C\l,",nl"'~""" n'eM""r1lltee nc"'llJ\dn;....aJdIarJleo.af~r~ '1(;<' " "'-l-"<l "'... (~ujW:nur.' by A (;"..non~lrol.l.,,-.jll.iol~JX Just Arrived In V ARBONNE Pure Swiss Skin Care and Cosmetics r: Arbonne Products Contain NO * Mineral oil * SD Alcohol 40 '''" .'':*.l'':ille.r, .(!.yes, ,uertumes = Now Available at Sj 205 N .Balla 442-3069 Appointments available for Free 30 minute f, Call For Yours To Accepting applications for Skin C Cali Judy 214-9G4.7 VOTE FOR ROBERT SCHl SCHOOL BOARD I am a grJdu>.ltc of thi.: Univt:rsi[y of Arkan:::.J.s, ,"".IL I1lo\'c-J [0 \Vvlic in 1977 shurtly afln marrying El;,ull.i OJughlef of Belly Hvuscwngl1l. We I1Jve two childr Iii..: ~chool dl::iuict My lh.:l,:p COli\'ILliu!l [b.ll J bl.ucr jU!UIC IS Ill... pruJu, m:.: to run for the.: \Vl.sV S~huul Huard. Th... l(.'.'>:-'l)ll~ b:::.t a Ilk lUIlr..:, and llur chiIJ[L':J ~lll~ lk fulllr<.' lIt t.:JLl....:~.dlun, taleIlb, ~IlJ CXf1Lrll'Il,'"._,> 11..J\<': gJ\'l'll Ill': t br..: J. schuol board m<:mbt.:r. 1 iinl a Ll.lhc.:r lit l\....'u Si."lh