02-16-2021 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet •Planningonin Commissionfxc r tab ol -,(V '' QJ - -,\,-- ii, - re -../., f51 ►trArflyT� ,r • nn alri,17,,,,yrivio.-,--7-*0\ =A \/ �✓ e �W�p'—.. ,,�� ]{:.�' 1 ..=J ''r,,; SA ,COL• • , 60 _A _w. 5 yF p34-0, FE RA 11W14 jor♦ T OF TEX G0 CP. ,c i ruary Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission % 1„ Regular Meeting February 16, 2021 -6:00 PM o ` Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 a CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address the Commission regarding an item that is not listed on th da.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. The Commission reed at comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, the Co ,an is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation# CONSENT AGENDAIc All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine b lanning and Zoning Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion a%Y.P e items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered�tely. A. Consider and act upon approval of the Mi from the February 2, 2021 Regular Meeting. B. Consider, and act upon a recommeitzlateon to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phas- establishing 142 single family residential lots and 4 open space lots on 49.193 at . '',ubject property is generally located at the northeast corner of Pleasant Valley Rome. Dominion Drive. Si C. Consider, and act upo commendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat for Brookside Estates :st. i0shing 62 residential lots and six HOA lots on 14.599 acres, generally located n - one Road approximately 1900' east of Kreymer Lane within the City of <4, j3 Territorial Jurisdiction. REGULAR A ,i: - 1. Con , and act upon, a Site Plan for a light assembly and fabrication use, on 0.65 acres located at 25 Steel Road. 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC)to Commercial Corridor- Special Use Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for an Alternative Financial Institution on 1.5 acres, located at 620 N State Highway 78 (ZC 2021-02). 3. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC)to Commercial Corridor- Special Use Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for an Alternative Financial Institution on 1.5 acres, located at 2901 W FM 544 (ZC 2021-03). WORK SESSION RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT A'( -A1(a CERTIFICATION ��`►'` I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on February 12, 2021 at 5:1 1 •YoI on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, 1, .s, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. ‘� S Stephanie Storm, City Secretary GDate Notice Removed `c\ The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheel r..ecessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested` ours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972-516-6020.Hearing impaired devic - available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. r6S\ If during the course of the m ti covered by this notice, the Planning and Zoning Commission should determine that a closed or ecutive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City h•. !1 - held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with att. y as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq., P C- held by the Planning and Zoning Commission at the date,hour and place given in this notice i ' anning and Zoning Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purpos- permitted by the Act, including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 -Private consultation with an attorney for the City. Page 2 A '\ \ Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Regular Meeting February 2, 2021 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 n'( Wylie, TX 75098 ANC.1 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Cory Plunk called the regular meeting to order ! 00PM. The following P&Z Commissioners were present:Vice Chair Bryan Ro,- , Commissioner Taylor Newsom, Commissioner Brian Ortiz, Commissioner Charla ' , :nd Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Commissioner Dan Norris was absent. ^ \`` Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning aeager, Kevin Molina, Senior Planner, and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF A eANCE Commissioner Ortiz gave the i ret a ion and Commissioner Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Com s ers regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior Ling in order to speak. Commissioners requests that comments be limited to three (3)minutes. In additi, missioners not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen parti-o,•: an No one applied the Commissioners. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the January 5, 2021 Regular Meeting. B. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat, being a Replat of Lot 2, Block A of the Holiday Inn Express Wylie Addition, establishing two commercial lots on 2.988 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of FM 544 and Sanden Boulevard. Minutes February 2,2021 Planning&Zoning Page 1 Commission Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Rogers, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the vote carried 6-0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for a Restaurant with Drive-In or Drive-through Service (Fuzzy's Taco Shop), on 0.6180 acres. Property located at 910 W FM 544. Staff Discussion ��X! \)' Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to redevelop an exis ' e. aurant site located at 910 W FM 544. A site plan was approved for the site in 2008, �� e building has been unoccupied since 2015. The applicant is proposing to increase landscaping, pro outside seating, remove the drive-thru menu board and reduce the length of the drive aisle. Revisions to the elevations include modifying the exterior colors, adding roll-up 61,Ke, or access to the patio, and installing a patio structure for outside eating. G Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occ pa cy a Final Plat will be required to be filed with the county and will create a joint access driv ith adjacent property that is not developed. 0 Board Discussion 0G The Commissioners questions 'N'purpose of removing the order menu from the drive-thru. Staff responded that this G. for pick-up delivery service by online ordering or using a mobile app. Board Action �� 0 A motion wa' v-4 e by Vice Chair Rogers, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to approve a Site Plan •' . Restaurant with Drive-In or Drive-through Service (Fuzzy's Taco Shop), on 0.6180 acres. Property located at 910 W FM 544. A vote was taken and the vote carried 6-0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Townhouse District (TH), to allow for single family attached residential development on 1.83 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and WA Allen Boulevard. (ZC 2021-01). Staff Presentation Minutes February 2,2021 Planning&Zoning Page 2 Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is requesting to change the zoning from Agricultural to Townhouse on 1.83 acres, to allow townhouse units on individually platted lots. The proposed zoning and use is compatible with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Although the request is straight zoning, the applicant has provided a concept zoning exhibit to demonstrate the feasibility of developing the property under the Townhouse District zoning category. The concept zoning exhibit may change in design and layout, but will meet the current or amended Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, Fire Code, and any other relevant codes or ordinances at time of preliminary plat. The conceptual zoning exhibit complies with parking requirements, setbacks and minimum lot design with the exception of engineering drawings. Notifications were mailed to 23 surrounding property owners, with three responses in opposition and no responses in favor of the request. �n` Public Comments � X.! Chair Plunk opened the public hearing on Item 2 at 6:13 p.m. askin: .��: e present wishing to address the Commissioners to come forward. Sam Mayfield, Kyle Johnson, Brett Blair, and Kenneth Ca,rplciressed the Commission with concerns which included the type of clientele that will easing easing the townhomes, possible increase of crime, drainage issues, screening from adj ce sidential homes, landscaping on the property and lights shining into adjacent property yard homes. Chair Plunk closed the public hearing at 6:26 p.r . 6 Applicant Comments 0n- Ahmed Helaluzzaman, 545 Cove,,F,lDrive, Grapevine, applicant for the subject property addressed the Commission stati at they desire to be good neighbors and develop a nice and quiet neighborhood. The to es will be two-story with garages and propose to plant trees as living screens adjacent to Nating residential development. Naim Khan, 2105 Canyon Creek, Garland, stated that a Aengineering firm will design the drainage by putting an inlet in the back of the propertyi Board Discus ' 0 The Commissioners discussed the concerns of landscaping and that townhomes do not make sense at the proposed location. Staff responded that the Zoning Ordinance requires each residential unit provide landscaping and one tree in the front for each lot, and a 10 feet landscaping buffer along street frontage and a six foot masonry wall in the front, no requirement for screening in the back. The Commissioners desired a Planned Development, to allow control measures for screening, lighting, trees and parking. Commissioner Taylor stated the development did not make sense for the location. Board Action Minutes February 2,2021 Planning&Zoning Page 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Newsom, seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to recommend disapproval to the City Council, regarding a request for a change of zoning change of from Agricultural District (AG/30) to Townhouse District (TH), to allow for single family attached residential development on 1.83 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of Brown Street and WA Allen Boulevard (ZC2021-01). A vote was taken and motion carried 6-0. WORK SESSION a. Hold a work session to discuss potential amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding the requirement for Special Use Permits on various uses, the distance requirements for alcohol sales from daycares, and aligning local and state law as they relate to massage establishments. Mr. Haskins stated that the purpose of the work session is to receive dir‘n from the Commission on text amendments to Article 5 in the Zoning Ordinance. ,\Nc:\ The law defines daycares as having the same rules as public schools fore no changes will need to be made as far as the distance requirements for alcohol s om daycares. A facility that wanted to sell alcohol sales can not be located 300 feet from • daycare. Chair Plunk stated the rule should go both directions, a daycare can not develoyt• •se to an existing facility that sells alcohol. At the conclusion of a recent joint work session wi *Commission and City Council, staff was directed to make recommendations for requ pecial Use Permits on some uses that are currently allowed by right. These uses are: Commercial Greenhouse/Nursery; Theater; Dry Cleaning (on-site); Motor Vehicle Fueling ation in CR zoning; Restaurant with Drive Thru; Vehicle Sales; and Contractor's Maint .o � ard. These uses may disrupt adjacent properties, have unique development characterist or are difficult to redevelop due to the nature of the site or structure. Commissioners desire efinition of Restaurant with Drive Thru be modernized. The City of Wylie ordinancrir all Massage Establishments as sexual oriented businesses (SOB). Staff is asking foection on defining massage establishments and the provisions required for operation. Sl Law allows Massage Establishments that are licensed. . \ Board Discussion n�+ Commissio erected staff to move forward with modernizing the definition of the uses listed above. As we 1 as aligning the definition for Massage Establishments with State Law requiring licensed. b. Hold a work session to discuss options for joint work sessions with other boards, commissions, and councils. Mr. Haskins stated that staff does realize the importance of having joint work sessions, and the importance of the Commission's time to attend the joint sessions. However the joint work sessions are public meetings, and subject to quorum requirements and fall under the Open Minutes February 2,2021 Planning&Zoning Page 4 Meetings Act. Staff also encouraged the Commissioner's to contact Council Members through email (obeying quorum rules)to address any concerns on how joint work sessions are conducted. Ms. Bradley the next Planning and Zoning Meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2021. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Rogers, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. A vote was taken and carried 6-0. Cory Plunk, Chair ‘IC� ATTEST: n!a. ANC.1 �� Mary Bradley n G�0 G� G Minutes February 2,2021 Planning&Zoning Page 5 \‘. .,4 ‘„, f Planning & Zoning I Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 16, 2021 Item: B Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Domini.0. . Pleasant Valley Pla • . Development(PD Date Prepared: February 08, 2021 Zoning District: 20 4) Exhibits: al Plat Subject y‘\, Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regardin,,Ydinal Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 3, establishing 142 single family residential lots any ' .+en space lots on 49.193 acres. Subject property is generally located at the northeast corner of Pleasans;b0 7 Road and Dominion Drive. Recommendation ��� Motion to recommend approval to the City Council re�uai'thng a Final Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 3, establishing 142 single family residenti*lots and 4 open space lots on 49.193 acres. Subject property is generally located at the northeast coo p- , 'leasant Valley Road and Dominion Drive. Discussion r-. OWNER: Wylie DPV, LP .w APPLICANT: J. Volk Consulting The applicant has submitted a 1 1 Plat for Phase 3 of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Planned Development Ordinance 2020- ?S his final plat is a portion of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley preliminary plat approved in Novembe -I :. The plat consists of 1 sidential lots and four open space lots and conforms to the preliminary plat. The Planned Development allows for a maximum of 1,104 single family residential lots. Within Phase 1-3 of the Dominion of Pleasant Valley Development there are 557 residential lots leaving 547 residential lots that can be developed in future phases. The plat dedicates the necessary rights-of-way and utility easements. 28' of R.O.W is dedicated for the future widening of Pleasant Valley Road. All open space lots are dedicated to the City of Wylie and maintained by the H.O.A. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Council consideration on March 09, 2021 Approved By Initial Date Department Director HI February 11, 2021 �n` n�� �.J n K.J „.\0 G) C"). wax ren _ „WYLIE DPVLIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1 Selling a portion of this addition by mMes and bounds is a violation of 55 M NO es and withholding of '"` once.. 01473050 utilities and building permits N_ Wylie PROJECT 2 Open space I,shall be dedicated to the City of . by the H OA per Ordinance..54(See Exhibit B,General Standards Fa,.no R a - nore,re,_\ 1 // hazard 4 Per FEMA FIRM Panel 4811303235K dated July 7,....the Prvisibility triangleseliminary - -- hoJ e- .- ,a� "S,NZ°E2st= 22.- - Plat limits lie in the',one X'r area of minimal flood 5 Per the City of Wylie Ordinance No.2654 the zoning of this W. VOLUME - - _ Cr,or orerwwu[ wasa amended to asr Y encroachment property g �, 0 Re,o l -CriP7L;ER- ,Sow / a _. \ A a EN, - `R a xsrar�p� .4%'", 'FY540' -- rig w• �aE F WL 99 .. .CER se f. 05 rr - 5. ii r-�`__ rr Rzmes.car DD,uuc /"s c lik - -�--�rJ�-`� rl �� ,,o� arse Table VICINITY MAP wL° ilit 8 a I I -r+I 114 .r are wt. coma ,,, s N.T.S. I I air-,,,-_-_ ' ,:.. B D Pm a 5 BBB oa9ze4a 4 oB .xa 28 w oc -�� r/lam +c LEGEND trs a I Fl{ Pent of Curvoture or Ton9encY e i i i.l OP/, rANaMsg 4/•-a/ nrv�wE ' ,uummi Nu F 7m®o Center Line i ho_e Pn ll .'I I m/,8� oa - cs w • 1,2"Iron a0 1 with o yellow plastic cop � w - I I,,/ ESM.�'THsau, _ 4 2aaoo mz°krz an ry v stomped'.JVC"e(un(unless otherwise noted) ! 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Wall Reewtls of Do os CountY.Teens t I L A Zt orw,orvry suun T oaoCT °tea 06 ma°5,9280 0 Op E D.P RC.CT OfficialPublic Records of Con County, ° B ns 8 ''I ITexas ¢ f-°m • a vre ZONED PD 2017-31 / c E D.P R D.0 C.T.-OfficialPublic Records of Dallas County, le�'I I'� o w,� ,' ��+op srz r Texas /° 0 I i 1 ng u .011i3 YELLOWROSE LANE a r'lye' l BENCHMARKS -�` / 0lsl v..I 1 l c O%.y 4 'I WE �I ---1 -'�� l' *" -'Scg°,,S Pu, r Q southeast mmerntmeen s ea a<lmsnnm Ba abso-eFt. °P'S II '' illn.011e none. m snore nrz� ' lie • .� ,�n� 1 11" .55 ,7,,00, CM#4 Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow Park so. west of W um line -Kad- �I� _ n 1 i are {� w0E of w rm p s a7 �v s z �. 11 Ili81 r 11 y5ry Line Toble Line Toble gl aury 851E[Lo� o a I. 1 Ii lo o et=_J II LLe z44.9rz n.D'crw.aw We LM.zn Direction sa NRocatedorth ofhe ad and grilli Creek The monument is locat. P+ b .re - $ ml rev L2 ,2 L. 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S4441 DO W 1389 Si ‘71• ` 118 n3 L 5 2 L92 2095 rv, E r �9,,.� n"� PLEASANT VALLEY ROAD - - - r , _ - - u� z�s,° s-r„a��E ur o� sky,a o<E FINAL PLAT ,-- POINTOF�zogrv,EreL�rvE s4 BEGINNING TO RyR.DRE a��E „E DOMINION OF n , ,47 -, PLEASANT VALLEY 1 ,00N2s' L22ass �f«o s . s 49 11 PHASE 3 LEA 41e7 tlea Leo 2253 S44.41' 49.193 ACRES T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE T ACREAGE s • ACREAGE L24 sa,B .7 n,9 w Ls 2,n ssa s,44 E LOTS 2-27,BLOCK V;LOTS 1-15,BLOCK W; Lm 1 BLOCK SF. ,nT I RLrce SF. LD I crc kLo SF. Lm ifx BLOCK s crc s F. LOT 1 e,eF. Lm [rc 1 kLo sF. Lm if BLOCK b I crc eLe SF. kLo SF. ,nT I iesF. Lm crc S.F.Y LOT pLD LOT LOT FILM SF. L25 ,soo rvrz sr 41 w L52 6412 1.445,9 0O w LOTS 1-27,BLOCK X,LOTS 1-23,BLOCK Y; BLOCK V C , 10183 , s 1. s , , v C , , 8757 , L. 2rn sz n 4,w L9 54.m rvo,9 00 w LOTS 1-29 BLOCK Z;LOTS 1-22,BLOCK BB; BLOCK V C , 7816 , v 6050 ,s BLOCK v 11120 BLOCK Z 8973 , BLOCK Z 8280 BLOCK BB 6039 is BLOCK BB 8651 L27 21.21 n7.18 is E L54 15.00 nW 41 501 142 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ,� ,„ , v , v , C , , 4OPEN SPACES/COMMON AREAS BLOCK V ,C , , , , 1. 6050 1 v C C , , 7765 OUT OF THE Owner/Appllant GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, �� v v C C� C� BLOCK BB �� 20 BLOCK BB Cyr Wy11e DPV Malted Partnership ABSTRACT N0.1384(DAUAS COUNTY) ' ' ' ' ` ' ° ' ' ' ' 6739 ' 4o Team PhooPs,me CITY OF WYLIE v v C 7787 707 1914 Sk111man StreeGSu1lenc.0 10 25 BLocKr ,OSBI 5 77 BLOCK BB„e, Dauas,Texas TSzOe DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS r i, I Phone'.214-535-1758 r , , , y , , 7,09 ////�/� Contact Nancy E.Phillips 08 February 2021 s , s , s 2C BLOCK a' 9295 , 1. 8888 , BLOCK Z s C BLOCK Z s , s r/% Email'.nanq�teamphllllpslnc mm SHEET 10F2 r Englneer/Surveyor'. 1 BLOCK BB 8755 J.Volk Consolting,Inc BLOCK V 1 BLOCK VI C 17 C 1. J. VOLK100 50 0 100 200 830 Central Parkway East,Suite 300 , BLOCK v 0050 2e BLOCK v 5e1060 , BLOCK VI 7639 , , , BLOCK r 7483 , BLOCK Z 8467 29 BLOCK z 7799 , BLOCK BB 135I9 Plano,Texas 75074 consulting , Koo,w 920 , aLoc,x 125, , BLOCK v '5. , BLOa,z e,se , BLOCK BB 1C9s0 SCALE _100 Phone'.972-201-3100 irexoo , BLOO,w 9ss, Contact Jay Volk 9rztnEat00T�,a,gisrmionno r luee Err.Jay.yolk@molkconsulnng com LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER'S DEDICATION: SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: DOMINION AT PLEASANT VALLEY 'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL' PHASE THREE NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I.Ryan S.RAtthe;do Aerty certify that 55.699 acres prepared this plot from a actual and accurate survey of the lend and that the can THAT WYLIE DPV LIMITED PARTNERWC designating ,acting her through i, y authorized eraser as set were properly placed under my personal supervision n BEING a,act of lu situated in the GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTDS SURVEY,ABSTRACT officer;does herebyadopt this plat esig atiinadditiontheeve described property es accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance f 1 e City of Wylie. ND.1389,'City of Wylie.1'Dallas County,Texas and being port of those tracts of IonO DOMINION OF PLEASNT LLEY,PHASE 3, to the City of Wylie,Texas, o g 'mission Date 'n Deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership,as recorded in Document N does hereby dedicate,in fee simple,to the public useforever the streets, y y ,Texas And described i rAn and t Document No. imitedAcAe 0,Dees Records,Dollus Count',Texas rights-of-way And other public improvements shown thereon.The streets on°Alleeys,if GIVEN UNDER MT HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this___ y of ontl being more particularly s cribed as follnz shown.ore ure roeticotetlrlwt'the eet purposes. a forever.for the sements end puDlicind indi uses cated n this public 0-- pu purposes BEGINNING a ,z in red leans in of Pleasant Y p'a;; buildings.'fences.t' improvements or growths FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. PRELIMINARY, APPROVED FOR CONSTRD"ION h it , the northwesterly me peee er placed be THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED Roach a width ironright-al-woe,for themost es northeast corn of said construct improvements mo ebee placed rair loss landscape a a ;"if n.except that Wylie DPV LimitedPartnership tract recorded n Document No 2013003.MBe' City Council of the City of Wyie. addition,utility m d for the mutual use and of'all public o ring la used theFOR ANY PURPOSE. raryofWylleTexas Date THENCE South 4 degrees 4 es OD to o particular utilities by public distance of 1.892.68 feet to 011/2 inch ironseconds with a°yellow plastic cop(stomped utilities being subordinatedto the public's and City of Wy s use thereof. Drive, of s northwesterly ere with the cost line of Dominion AccEVTED Drive,u,variable widmssiight�of-xuy, " The removed all or 0 public u rig",he keep RTAN S.RETofess R.PLen wYlpurts of a rely ndanger,r improvements u Registered Prafeasinal Lend Surveyor No.6385 THENCE Normwnlerly,with soitl cost line,the following six(8)c aces and distances: growths a anger ,in sdid'ensconce of s respective systemsacThe ss ofMayorary of Wylie,Teas Date 95 degrees 1]minutes l5 aeon eat roving s' maintmdcPe l utility entities shell a e ha e1diull%right",oi ingress end North egress end from theirrespective teasements for the purpese of constructing, distance a 299.92 feet 1tota 1/2 inch seconds nrod with a yellow plastic cop stomped STATE OF TEXAS 9 receo or 'JVC"set for corn beginnings of u 1 the eft having u angle removing a,ru,i1190 inspecting,nelrrallg,maintaining.reading without me necessity adding Yt me COUNTY OF COLLIN 9 of 23 degrees 32 minutes 3t s oaf 9]D.00 feet a bearing ving ca r Parts f, respect.systems x end di%,once of Northu5]tlegrees 03 minutes 12 seconds Wes,,191.76ci e,: of Wylie,Texas,hereby certifies that the procuring Per issian from anyone. hw N n u EThe undersigned,the City Secretary of the mA BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority.o Notary Public and for the State of Texas NTvau[v,PHASE s,subdivision or u m on y per appeared Ryon S.Reynold,Land Surveyor k o submitted,by formal Nwlhxeaterly,with soitl curve to the left. c distanceof 193.12 feet to u 1/2 This plat uppro I plotting ordinances,rules,regulation and resolution e,per regeing in edged dedication of streets,alley,parks,easement,public places,and water and sewer lines as inch ern rod with yell.'plastic cop stomped"JVC"set for corner, of the City of WY eg Texas me that is heexecuted the some cfor the purpose and considerations thereinexpressed. shownforth bsubscribede ay o note[b eacceptance[b ere y signing b name erelna ove North 60 degrees 99 minutes 48 secondsW a distance of 346.23 feet to Wanes hand/2 in auyellow plastic cop stomped s"JVC'Cset for c WITNESS MT HAND this___day of 2D__ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___ y of Y Y — — beginning M a cur..the right having a central angle of 69 degrees 26 minutes 20 46 seconds,o radius of 910.00 let en bearing" bring end distance of Nerth39 WYLIE DPV LIMITED PARTNERSHIP degrees 06 minutes 26 seconds Wes,,467.08fet City Northerly.with said curve to.e right,u ore distanceof 996.95 feet to 1/2 8y cr ry, y y ,Texas inch ern rod with a yell.plastic cap stomped"JVC"set ler cern. ---- Notary Public in and ter the State of Texas Authorized Signature of Owner wt"OD degrees 36 minutes 56 seconds East,u e of 257.25 feet,o a 1/2 inch iron rod with a1ye ttnll. plastic cep camped 1oJ.set for corner 'v beginning of a e c having a angle of 15 degrees 01 s m My Commission Expires:_ eff 360.00 feet a a " be chard ring end distance of North ---- 08 Printed Nome and Title t degrees 53 minutes 0 seconds est.d9,10feet; Northerlywith said curve to the left,on n arc tl,once of 991]feet to u 1/2 inch A_ iron red with ayell.plasticcaps stomped"JVC1%N for corner; STATE OF TEXAS 9 0 COUNTY OF ___ 9 THENCE North Si degrees 41 minuti 97 seconds Eos,,leaving said east line, u q*. of 10 feet t o 1/2 inch iron rod with u lox plastic cap stomped BEFORE ME,the undersigned out y, Notary Public in tl for,^ S. f Tesus "JVC"den for cornerin mad northeast line l the Dove mentionedc Wylie DPV Limited is to personally appear. a , -,Owner's Agnnt,k W Partnership[root recorded in Document No.201300339313D the,penn s na cbed,e the leregecng in trur m ntl o e me that he executed the some for the purpose and considerations therein eisp j,Ed�o THENCE South 72 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds East,with soitl northeast line,a . Distance of 527.90 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___ y of to/0 THENCE South 45 tlegrees 04 m seconds 56 secds East,continuing w northeast .2D ��,y of 659.02 feet to the POINT CF BEGINNING en containing 55.669 V acres ar Lana,mac a leas No Dry Public in and tar the State of Texas '�C/ t My Commission Expires:_ q��/> �� VISIBILITY ACCFFS AND MAINTENANCE FASNAFNT4 The areo or areas shown on a plot u M-(Visibility,Access n e)Easementsa by given u d granted to a u' successors end assigns,es easement to provide visibility,right of access for "maintenance upon and across said VAN Easement. The City shall hove the right but not the obligation to maintain any and all landscaping x M Easement. Should the City exercise within the a permitted", and diyrose oiud ttop'ing shall includingwx out >°Bowers,ground r dfixtures.°"The "FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY" City elm of 1 V.Easement u Theultimate responsibility for m M Easement time.N upon tr mg, fence,elm FINAL PLAT improvements or growth;w endanger ,eriere EOYTee,visi7Rey,City shall ariight°b" 0on DOMINION OF to scope mprocvemnts to MutEasement.t ony odd any signs on t V.Eosement end PLEASANT VALLEY remove any The City,it ssigns,o° orients shall hove he right Bend privileged et,h acmes`n and with PHASE 3 y port, all purpne%a ell rights endprivileges set lath herein. 49.193 ACRES LOTS 2-27,BLOCK V;LOTS 1-15,BLOCK W; LOTS 1-27,BLOCK X,LOTS 1-23,BLOCK Y; 45'x 45'VISIBILITY EASEMENT(V.E.)DETAIL LOTs1-29 BLOCK z;LOTS 1-22,BLOCK BB; 142 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS STREET 4 OPEN SPACES/COMMON AREAS 45 45 OUT OF THE Owner/Appllant GUADALUPE DE LOS SANTOS SURVEY, Wylie DPV Masted Partnership 20'BL /7 20'BL ABSTRACT N0.1384(DALLAS COUNTY) <<<��� 4o Team Pelt Sul Inc �� � 19145ko1manso-eet s,lmno-310 CITY OF WYLIE Dallas,Texas 75206 DALLAS COUNTY,TEXAS VISIBILITY Phone'.214-535-1]58 m ESMT(TYP) Contact Nancy E.Ph1111ps 08 February 2021 Ema'.nanw@teamph1111mInc corn SHEET 2OF2 \\\ Englneer/Surveyor'. \\\ J.Volk ConxwBng,Inc J. VOLK 830 Central Parkway East,Su1te 300 R.O.W. Plano,Texas 75074 consulting Phone'.972-201-3100 ,wirexoo Contact Jay Volk srzentstoo Esazgisrmion as r ttsm Ema1T.Jaywalk@molkmnsultmg rom \‘. .4 ‘„, f Planning & Zoning I Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 16, 2021 Item: C Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: B rooksi 6state s Date Prepared: February 08, 2021 Zoning District: ETJ$r Exhibits: ePlat Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding inal Plat for Brookside Estates establishing 62 residential lots and six HOA lots on 14.599 ac enerally located on Stone Road approximately 1900' east of Kreymer Lane within the City of Wyli tra Territorial Jurisdiction. Recommendation \Z Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regar ' Final Plat for Brookside Estates establishing 62 residential lots and six HOA lots on 14.599 acres, ge y located on Stone Road approximately 1900' east of Kreymer Lane within the City of Wylie's Extra 0 errttorial Jurisdiction. Discussion n- OWNER: Oak National Holdings, LLC ``�.J APPLICANT: Engineering Concepts 0 The applicant has submitted a Final Pl., '. Brookside Estates. The property is located outside of the city limits within the ETJ. The prelimin. i. for this development was approved in December of 2019. The plat consists of 62 residenttigts and six open space lots and conforms to the preliminary plat. The plat shall dedicate the �i�,L►ssary rights-of-way and utility easements. All open space lots are owned and maintained by the H.O. et 24' firelane access easement connecting to Ray Hubbard Way is provided on the plat and serves as the d point of access for fire and safety vehicles. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Approval is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code.Council consideration on March 09, 2021 Approved By Initial Date Department Director HI February 11, 2021 Page 1 of 1 • I I / ! m STONE w i � „ / E. e,EEwrnanNEan, a S 00"4O'32" B 1200.o�'�� �y ABLE EjIl „aa asaa -0a ,ram• ,soo asaa ,,aa -- ,sod as.aa ---. ,snn „� <,.aa 35 / ji tan =am„s,0 rEPSEMEN7 r $ osN_ av „ .ire e 3 " Vrg 8 \ m� a s R R N I-- VICINITY MAP t 59 M nB— O eson l RINo WY O,o u� _ >\ _ sg - L s w / «1 -�y c a as.00 ,soo ,sno ,so asno ,. , ' ,s. ,moo rsoo - 44,64. • � /te r rvv\mz�s 0 ~ ^ 1,6:1::44:.:: - REM nr m m w � na ,re\ r 1 5s., ssrz o_ LEGENDr saBl —T -- -Q A. -- - — (� a sasaEo anenesg © zv rvao,os r ,n s a 1 + "-ti0 .'.a n sz,a? a s,r e8IRE IRON POD FOUND AF' C1100 CAPPED IRCIN ROD FOUND O N 01'09'16' E 522.63' w., crE , g o n COMMON AREA evn,ys„a.on - e LIE. LITIL,EASEMENT _ ... cmnoLLN ClUnT '21 - a —"` eesr e,es m s - cOUN,v,,nux14, INDICATES sncn Nuc en,wLe, I 13n. anmoa � d s to 8 —L -w _ eeo'Ee �A Pnx r w rme.°«< OD 1ig fj zo � o n,=os n,easr P a = r n �_ l E1- H • . �V" i7 1sr n a 8.750s a e�1 8 � DIRECTION LINE TABLE jr DISTANCE e 50 e�% a � SId rg z � v51 p I ° © �� " 1 I N„34 w 1,.„ LB s4ny44 VI50n5se,,II _ , g ,' /7 L L4 'naa,0 E„n0 /13B- W na44 VI44a „n WILDFLOWER LANEn I� a.07' VP „ ��%. n.�na Sr Cso R ow) `L N 4 , oa oa i ,an n om,wrau n Ns253n riss, � u L2 1nN° _ w STO STREET_ wa70,. N T _a y 5.22 _ 5 — E uo s �0, lou -CU a -_ — , e e _ 8 _ 8 _ _ 8n 8 , 1oorer f �% „IA R.DPNEL oncc,. ' L— � L TABLE DEL, RADIUS,NCENT I----*' asoo V0,10 CITY Ls rLI 0.50,1 t„SE,ca "°o ,moo +s. a sso° u' CURVE,»oas zso oo zs uaz sa son c za s3 yr sa e3 #` POINT OF s.aaN 00"59'44" E 675.80' n, 1 c3 00235 ee000 sse• ,vs 02a,50 E 19.75 BEGINNING AIL m. s LL. nr as n POC, rz sa s• ro.„ 33 r ss ss r1320r w s 19 • z cs t»o4s soo.00 ss.s4 iir.ss of ash w ttr.ss Naps ae a sown Hereon are Hosea an the reins store alone caaramat v ^'or tsa-s/zo,tl.Nartn central zone(4zozl. i l of react or not may affect the described 0t treeWt. not abstracted v e surveyor.Vadrtionm easements or o,ner encumorances,m,etner 1, subjcY(t[MA)t aNddition Selling tes aaondob of this is a �e(Ae Insurance Violotion of CIty Ordinance and e e v mnease r an-made a,nawrai eaases.,nos riaaa satement men not create eo v ue Pan ar ue=u w ding is utilities and SCALE IN FEET 4. All found monuments shown hereon are deemed to be controlling monuments,nnrn end/er et reference onmtn to iat amnrs"ere'' 5. a a WNre Monument No.5,located at the Northeast intersection or Troy Road and County Road 732(Beaver FINAL PLAT o-SOURCE =454.2E 62 RESIDENTIAL LOTS 3_sanm y wer Easements�n streets ore senterea an the ate os�nstanea 6 COMMON AREA LOTS BROOKSIDE ESTATES BEING 8. „y.Bloc,c Let,y.Bloc,a unn on common space lots MI teat n on andraatna ER/DEVELOPER 14.599 ACRES to and maintained by the Homeowners Association. OAK NATIONAL HOLDINGS,LLC s wni not ae aermdtea aaan the Norte*e.as Man coal water o�etnn easements near the weer Edon y e or tn�s ,g,DD SITUATED IN THE nuo°'""°"' o(ese L�9 2 G g FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, ABST. Na 688 t ea, CITY OF WYLIE ETA, COLLIN COUNTY. TEXAS AND s�nta�nnd sosn to at ten ENGINEERING CONCEPTS&DESIGN,LP m�n�mum oeernana or ennoammem snow oe t4-rent aoove the miey surraee of the ease or the ao.emem. O'NEAL SURVEYING COMPANY emrmODURIOL/00OJECT ALANAGEVENT/CONSTAUCTION s0000Us the name owners r�ac�at�on car oxen sauce and rree areseraat�on wraases tat tsr.Bias.a nu oe reseraea and aea�eatea toP.O.BO%351 zD LS Firm No.10.4132 (eDy at-eooa FAX,ivy.TrxAs, oaarave y y N g g a teed of,nee y neeare oerare the:aom�„oi or a Heal aiot eon oe aeeea,e y e y or wN�e dani TEIPo(903J°804-2891dng.c m DARE.1/20/2021 OWNERS CERTIFICATE AND DEDICATION SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE "RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL" STATE OF TEXAS § NNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. COUNTY OF COLLIN$ onal or the y y w'n Nereon as set were properly p ace under my pers supediVen in accordance with the Subdiwipns OrdinanceWHEREAS,OAK NATIONAL HOLDINGS,LLC,BEING THE OWNER of a 14.599 acre tract of land situated in the FrancIsco de la c1 y onto elo, 05 o g mmi4ion Dote Pina y n 144.599 acre tract of land described in a Correction Deed Ca oval H as receded Instrument 908 Oan0 Records. Col.County.Texas(DRCCT). said 14.599are tract b g ore particularly described by metes and bounds as follows 2e,5 exej"9v' APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BEGINNING a 1/2- REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL D SURVEYOR Northeast corner of a called 4,892 acre tract of land described to Fronk Sol.and wife,Julia Sol.as recorded in Volume 5135,Page 3349,DRCCT.some being in the south line of a called 5,00 acre tract of land described to y Cates and STATE OF,t.Ae No.p5,a c',6570, yoty Do,Teas Date safe,Elaine Cotes,as recorded In Instrument 20070627000881390,DRCCT; "ACCEPTED" THENCE South 88 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds Eost. dIstance of 744.67 feet to the Northeast corner of soid 14.599 ocre tract.some beIng the southeost corner sold 5,00 acre tract or,olso being In the West Ilne of raynowk Pal,an odditIon to the City of w Ie.C n ty.Texas. TexasPI,Records..1.County, (DRCCT),from which a God nail round bears South oO degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds ya, y or wylle Teas Oote West,a distance of 0.e2 reef 4 THENCE South 00 degrees 40 minutes 32 seconds West.along the west linesaid 0rayhawk Park,the west linecalled cauNTv of eowN$ 1.995 acre tract of land described to Chad Meredith Packard and Bethany Lynn Packard,as recorded in County Clerk file 93-0093T92.DRCCT.the west line of a called 0.993 acre tract of land to Christopher D.Pollard ands e Laurie L. "APPROVED AND ACCEPTED" Pollard a corded in Volume 3296.Page 223.DRCCT.and the west li Iled 2.026 a e tract o and to Christopher the some ror Ine ur pse and consideration tnerein e.ressed and in the co erein stated ch"ow g to me toot ne e.eated D.Pollard ands ,Lau e L.Pollard, ord.to Volume 3296.Page 223.DRCCT.a distance1200.07 feet to p p p p f the 5/8-Inch ironop(Illegible)found at the existing GIVEN MY NAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS DAY OF ,2021 yWylie Subdi..)Regulo.ns(Ordinonce No,2003-0. North Tght-of-way line of East Stone Rood also known as County Rood 382,a variable width right-of-way) THENCE North 88 degrees 52 s 40 seconds West.along the existing North right-of-way line of said Eost Stone Road. /8-inch iron rod found the Southerly Southwest corner said 1.599 acre tract.same being the Southeast corner of a3called 2.991 acre tract of land to Pebble Street Properties LLC,as recorded in Instrument NOTARS PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS The undersigned.the City Secretary of the City of Wylie.Texas,hereby certifies 2021 THENCE North 01 degree 09 minutes 16 seconds East.a distance of 522.63 feet to a 3/8-inch at an interior corner of said 4.599 are tract.same being the Northeast corner a said 2.991 are tract streets.alley.par..easements.111,110 places,ond water ond sewer lines os THENCE North 88 degrees 52 minutes 03 seconds West continuing with the said 2.991 acre tract,the north subscribed.line of a note the occeptonce tnereo y g g s name os nerenobo,e line o ailed CT. aces e no of and to Daryl d 1.50oacr and t f Ruby Diandescribed McCullough as recorded fn Volume e F. Page,as recorded DRCCT.and the north II called .50 a I tract o and described to Wendell H.Daniel and Natalie R. wltnes y ne ins y .AD.,2021_ 8- the northerly southwest corner of sc.1.599 acre trod,some being the Northwest come of the last mentioned 1,50 acre Wendell H,Daniel trod.or,olso being In the eost Ilne of the above mentioned 4,892 ocre trod: THENCE Dade 00 degrees 59 mlnutes 44 seconds Eost.along the eost Ilne of said 4,892 acre tract.o distonce of 675 80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 14.599 ocres or 635.944 square feet of land.more or less, NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN 139 THESE PRESENTS: OAK NATIONAL duly authorized to the City of hereby adopt xas.and does herdesieby dedicatte.the here fee simple,to the in sT rights-of-wa on y,and other publicimprovements thereon.The streets and alleys.if any, e dedicated for street urposes.The and ublic use areas, for the purposes impfo elmenm owthsents msholl ons publicare dedicated.for the public use constructed or placed ee on,over,if cards s.e easements nt.on this plot No s as shown,of the exceptity of tences.trees. hatland Diner �7 addition,utility easements may also be used for the mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities desiring to ie.In using the e unless the N easemente use to parlcu or ut s s b le to the CI The City Wylie d public utilityentities 9 t t l r d d pat buildings,fences,trees,51,11,5 or other Improvements or V 0 partsreconstructing.Inspecting,patrollIng,maIntainIng,readIng meters,and addIng to or removIng all or cos whIch may in any way endanger or interfere wIth the maintenance,or efficiency of their respective systems in said easements,The City of Wylie and public utility entities shallnstructing. � at all times have the full right systems wIthout the necessity at any tIme procuring permIssion from onyone. This oat approved subject to all plaiting ordinances.rules.regulations and resolutions of the City of WyF,Texas. WITNESS,my hand.this the day of 2021, Y Kevin Webb.Vice President of Land �4 Printed Name and Tnle STATE OF TEXAS ¢ COUNTY OF COLLIN§ BEFORE ME.the undersigned authorIty.o Notory and for said County and Stole.on thls dote peored Kevin Webb,executed"thesame me faethee person purpose whose. onsideration therein expres to sed instrumentcapacty therein stated. me GIVEN 1.,19 HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS DA,OF NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 62 RESIDENTIAL LOTS FINAL PLAT 6 COMMON AREA LOTS BROOKSIDE ESTATES BEING OWNER/DEVELOPER 14.599 ACRES OAK NATIONAL HOLDINGS,LLC B L g1aO 5, SITUATED IN THE ROCeK '5 FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY ABST. Na 688 BeL 9 2 9>9 3z CITY OF WYLIE ET!, COLLIN COUNTY TEXAS LAND SURVE9OR ENGINEERING CONCEPTS&DESIGN LP O'NEAL SURVEYING COMPANY ESSS000xtvc/PROJECT 51ANAGEV0mrF/CONs00VcFfo5 SEan0E5 991(ez)9,-sooa 9,99zFAX(eNy e41-eool>saea dantell.onealgonealsuroveying3com (903)804-2891 DARE.1/20/E021 Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 16, 2021 Item: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Regency iness Park Date Prepared: February 08, 2021 Zoning District: Lig ustrial (LI) Exhibits: elan, Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for a light assembly and fabrication utik,on 0.65 acres located at 25 Steel Road. (k\ Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for a light assembly and fab �f n use, on 0.65 acres located at 25 Steel Road. �G Discussion OWNER: Kevin D. Foley APPLICANT: Better Design Resources The applicant is proposing to develop a 5,500 'q E' structure for a light assembly and fabrication use on 0.65 acres. The proposed use is for the manufac (0- t of range hoods and is allowed by-right within the Light Industrial zoning district. The site plan is providing eight pa paces (six required), 19% of landscaping (10%required), and a 24' fire lane. • An amended plat will be r- ►.' - . o include the 24' fire lane as a recorded easement. This will be required prior to the issuance of a icate of Occupancy for the site. I The exterior mate ' sists of Split Face CMU Wainscot and Metal Panels. An awning is also provided at the main entrance o e building. As presented, this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the zoning ordinance. Approval of the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. The Planning and Zoning Commission must provide a written statement of the reasons for conditional approval or disapproval to the applicant in accordance with Article 212, Section 212.0091 of the Texas Local Government Code. Approved By Initial Date Department Director III February 11, 2021 Page 1 of 1 ABS A0635 W M SICHSE SURVEY, arctlUrc aUrcti 4 PROJECT DIRECTORY: Site Design Requirements TRACT 29,2.0 ACRES eLOcA,Lor 1R-2 m Element Bose Standard Desirable NEAREST FH,APX 40' 14 CLIENT: 2...::TO NEXT DRIVE WEST FROM PROPOSED ENTRY W ' KEVIN D.FOLEY CK METALCRAFT LLC (AIL development must comply fully with all listed below) (Each development must select 4 of the 8 desirables listed below) ARBORILOGICAL ENTRY. V .5 25 STEEL ROAD, 19WYLIE,TX 75098 Building 1. Entrances and facades oriented to the street. ❑1. Building at the front d line. \ rn PH:972-979-9419 9 °f g Too 3 Stool Road FH @ REGENCY&STEEL,APX \ SteEf Roan placement 2. Building footprints no greater than 20,000 square feet B 2. Individual buildings w/footprints=or<10,000 320 FROM PROPOSED ENTRY, 50'TO EXT DRIVE FAST h- PROJECT DESIGN: In NS and CR Districts. square feet. BRYAN D. ROGERS, BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES 3. Multiple buildings placed to create plazas, B 3. Front facade oriented to the street. oonnT 45',45'VISIBILITY TRIANGLE ,ter Q o P.O.BOX 1454.WYLIE.TX 75098 4, courtyards landscaped areas w/connect ng walkways. w __ _ � F" �� PH:214-773-6460 0 . 0� • .,„ FAX: 972-429-0224 Parking 1. Parking spaces at least 10'from residential lot line. B 1. Site plan with no more than 50%of parking in front of the n _� WO \ °`r placement building, "' o o S �• ® :Y GENERAL CONTRACTOR: B 2. Binding with no more than one row parking in front. o�r�ai 'gym N 3A 258 vv 3 BETTER DESIGN RESOURCES sr L_y 'Po r� P.O.BOX 1454,WYLIE,TX 75098 Access 1. Minimumwidth drive f 24', turning d' f 25'', ❑1 Combined access points with adjacent tracts. S • m a PH: 214-773-6460 drives 2. Accessdrivet 1 150'i intersection, ❑2. Direct connection between buildings and street. 11 -- FAX: 972 429 0224 e 2.5'ROW DEDICATION , 4 20, j• 3. Access d' g developments 1 greater than 30,000 APX 314.68 SF �. sq.fi. nun separated median or be separated at � ( o n CIVIL ENGINEERING: b m eat 150'1 each other. 2-0-',0ff.JI;1C T K _ �p TODD D.WINTTERS P.E. T 2 321 SF LS 4. Landscaped treatment of entrances 3.126 SF LS '_' °p o- I�a ENGINEERING CONCEPTS&DESIGN Location 1. Se d ding areas shall not be visible from a B 1. Not visable from public street but provide masonry screening. SHOWN HATCHED ` ' _ �•_�X o ;� �sHoWN HATCHED za5 wmoco aR_WYLIE,Tx 7so98 ,IK • PH:972-941-8400 0(service public street or adlaoent residential lot. and 2, Developments unable to meet the above are required to AWNING•OVER 20� ®. �r r loading have masonry screening walls w/gates. CITY OF WYLIE BENCHMARK \ FROM ENTRY K RPLS/SU RVEV: areas. CM3, > �pP Typ MATTHEW BUSBY,R.P.L.S. LOCATED TE THE ¢ _ °i S Z r20 IFP'°lll BOUNDARY SOLUTIONS INC. SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE OF - w - yW\ WYLIE TADI HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL did P.O.BOX 250,CADDO MILLS,TX 75135 -- PH:972-782-8472 Landscaping Design Requirements STADIUM AND NEAR THE '.�Ax ° - FAX: 972-782-7611 NORTHWEST CORNER OF AJi J500 SF - K- Element Base Standard Desirable FOUNDERS PARK SPORTS STRUCTURE : °(All development must comply fully with all listed below) (Each development must select 4 of the 8 desirables listed below) FIELDS -- . 1 LAT:33'0' 117.93700" n M. E. P. ENGINEERING_ -- - 61 R I BOYO L. HAGER B.V. PATEL. P.E. Landcaping 1. At t 20%of site shall be landscaped'n N.CR B 1. Landscapng that exceeds the minimum by 10%. LONG:96'34'23.54379" q � I •�1 CCU'91-0069723 B. PATEL ENGINEERING SERVICES CC &BG Districts; 10%of site in CR&CC Districts for B 2. Landscaping n side and rear yard not otherwise required M \ -- -°-i° • o 804 BRIGHTON AVE.,SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092 required single buildings of 100000 sq ' 10%of site'n LI N aJ I PH:972-717-7777 and HI Districts, w ry m yards 2. Landscaping required'n the front d �` KHURSHID A.CHISHTI, P.E. 3. Landscaping required'n side d y yards adjacent �VI El I XI )°n ° °' IC- vl M.EN.P. ENGINEERS 1 the street fromresidential. V • _ °I • �'- ° 0 124 N.SPRING DR., RICHARDSON,TX 75038LOT 2. o _ Landcaping 1. St plansrequiring more than 12 p required to B 1. Landscaping 10%okn of 50 sq.-ft./space. BLOCK B of h 50 q.ft,of landscaping p p B 2. Parkinglots with M1 further than 40 feet from a _ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: parking 2. N parking space further than 60'from landscaped area landscaped a � z oI x I IGOR TEPLITSKIV P.E. noQ neexcess lots o Y Pe a rea. ls9Aphh�� main p b -5' (VOL F.PG.347) NORTEX DESIGNS ❑3, Landscaped destr an cokT(Ll�n to entrance, __ -I S a° .i H 3. Parking rows 12 spaces or longer shall have landscaped CCCC»�� C 15 UTILITY& 4416 KELLER HICKS RD., FT.WORTH,TX 76244 islands at end. s 'I �v 120'FIRE LANE 1 DRAINAGE Z PH:817-379-0866 4. All ep parking rows aces shall have landscaped areas at least V, Y (as measured f from PL) EASEMENT 0 U CITY OF WYLIE 0.650 ACRES U U Visual 1. Required screening in strip at least 5'wide,plants 3'in ❑1 Use of rock walls or other natural lands features. height when planted,Include one flowenn tree for ever BENCHMARK THE m 3, BLOCK SF .a z screening g 9 Y B 2. Increase in minimum width of landscape b by 20%. LOCATED IN THE � -a 20 linear feet of area. ❑3. Provision of special benches,pedestrian light, they NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT GE BLOCK 8, F streetscape elements. OF REGENCY BUSINESS N FT. 2. At least 50%of required front yard developed as �f� QUAIL MEADOW PARK o PARK ADDITION, PHASE 0 landscaped buffer,at least 10'in width. (aka Friendship Park), ONE CITY OF WYLIE, o EXAS 3. Trees required in buffer,in groves or bells on a 30- SY SOUTH OF ALLEY,AND H / m RECORDED INN TF PG m g. '�[440'spacing, t WEST OF WHITE IBIS WAY. ` 347, COLLIN COUNTY,TX o f- C�-a 4. Required trees at least 3"In caliper LAT:33'2'14.45318" L I- I F✓. 5. At least 4'meandering concrete walkway on perimeter �/. LONG:96'33' 25'BUILDING SETBACK [4.3 when adjacent to thoroughfare 59.25807" 0 I oy as�r' a v S 89,II34-IN 1258Y s/e U GENERAL NOTES: SITE DATA SUMMARY: LOT 4, SCALE: 1 :20 1. ARTICLES,SECTIONS, OR TABLES REFERRED TO HEREIN ARE TAKEN SYNOPSIS: BLOCK B ,,, 1 FROM CODES LISTED BELOW. CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH: GROUND UP CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW 5,500 SF STRUCTURE, 0 10 20 40 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) ASSOCIATED UTILITIES, PARKING,AND FIRE LANE.ON REGENCY r,4 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE(IMC) BUSINESS PARK ADDITION PHASE ONE (CWY) BLK B. LOT 3. LOCATED F 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) AT 25 STEEL ROAD.CITY OF WYLIE.COLLIN COUNTY.TEXAS 75098. H 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) SITE PLAN 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE(NEC) CURRENTLY ZONED:LIGHT INDUSTRIAL(NO CHANGES N 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) SCALE 1 20 TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS PROPOSED USE: LIGHT ASSEMBLY AND FABRICATION CITY ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS PARKING REQUIREMENTS: 2. NO APPURTENANCE BETWEEN THE HEIGHT OF 2'AND 9' MAY BE REQUIRED:5.500 SF C 1:1,000= (5.5) 6 PLACED WITHIN THE VISIBILITY TRIANGLES. PROVIDED:8, INCLUDING 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE HC SPACE DRAWING REV'. FOR CONSTRUCTION LANDSCAPE NOTES: DRAWN BY 1. LOT= 0.650 AC OR APX 28,314 SF _ Bryan D.Ragas LANDSCAPE REQUIRED 10%OR 2,831 SF "- - DATE LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED= 5.447 SF 02-08-2021 2. APX 23% LOT COVERAGE SHEE 3. NO TREES LISTED ON THE CITY DESIRABLE SPECIES LIST VICINITY MAP ,,;0 Cl1 CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE SITE. SCALE= NONET OF 0 ni MBC1 HORIZONTALLY ORIENTED METAL WALL PANELS. m tt i STANDARD VERTICALLY ORIENTED METAL PANELS ON SIDES AND REAR o a# '� V ny R _ e tl ��`l�\`� ".' --._ ` , 18°WIDE x 6 DP ) — —�_` AWNING TO PROVIDE — ,, _ ARTI OBLATION _ __ __ .41 u. -.- � �_ � — � Larva CMU WAINSCOT CORE OVHD STL DOOR WINDOWS STOREFRONT WINDOWS EAST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION <.... SCALE:1/6 =1-0" SCALE:1/6 = 1-0" 41, o /MBC1 HORIZONTALLY ORIENTED METAL WALL PANELS. METAL ROOF WITH A SOLAR REFLECTANCE INDEX>f 640 . STANDARD VERTICALLY ORIENTED METRO C.IELS ON SIDES AND REAR 12 SINGLE SLOPE —� W L CMU WAINSCOT - — W WEST ELEVATION ��ho, SOUTH ELEVATION F 3 SCALE 1 T8 = 1-0" SCALE: 1 Ta�= 1'-0" �,F*. O U� F U L d O GENERAL NOTES: Architectural Design Requirements as 1. ARTICLES.SECTIONS, OR TABLES REFERRED TO HEREIN ARE TAKEN Element Base Standard Desirable F FROM CODES LISTED BELOW. CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH: (All development must comply(idly with all listed below) (Each development must select 3 of the 6 desirables listed below) H 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(IBC) 2015 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) Bullding 1. Buildings constructed or a sonry product withal least ®1. Use of two complementary primary facade materials to help N 2015 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE (IPC) materials 209 stone on wont fagade no NS,CR.CC,BG,LI and HI achieve i°code articulation,visual variety and/or architectural 2015 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) Districts.Tilt wall construction is permissible In LI and HI detailing. 2017 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC) districts. ❑2. copy same style entire block. 2015 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE 0ECC1 2 ROOfS with pitch gre°ter than 2:12 use specl0ed roofing TEXAS ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS materials. CITY ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS 3 Buildings should copy architectural styles and details, design themes,building materials,and colors o!the corner ounding new development context w/in 200 It of a Bu rticulation,llding 1. Walls not exceedInsing heightof f wacadeidth ratioAt or 1least to257 2 wHhoofut E 1. Applcatl on of hose standards to Toss NN des not taring a public DRAVG REV. nation facade street form and oi(set at least 4'. ®2. Use of Architectural detailing and Tor materials to provide FOR'. 2 Enirance5 must be m hasized wish arch iiectu rat CONSTRUCTION massing Ent5 e p wriety in visual appearance. 3. Ground(loot facades in NS.CR,&CC Districts required DRAWN BY'. specified features along 609 of length. Brye�D.Rogers DATE Arch iteclural 1. Buildings in the NS and CR Districts shall be ❑1. Buildings with pitch roots meeting minimum requirement of o1-1 E�w21 compatibility or�hitectural�ompotible with s rounding neighborhoods. residential developm en 1. 2 Buildings In CC&BG Districtsvadjacent o within 200'of (]2 Buildings wHh hip rooT sections,dormers SHEET dential areas shall architecturally compatible. Or two Or more gable root sections tit right angles t0 each Al ocher. OF \‘. .,4 ‘„, f Planning & Zoning I Commission AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 16, 2021 Item: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Railroad Date Prepared: February 09,2021 Zoning District: Comme Corridor(CC) Exhibits: Zon1 xhibits Subject Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon a recommendation to Ci ncil regarding a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor - Spe 1 se Permit (CC-SUP), to allow for an Alternative Financial Institution on 1.5 acres, located at 620 N ighway 78 (ZC 2021-02). Recommendation Motion to recommend (a roval a roval with condition isa royal) to City Council regarding a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Co ial Corridor - Special Use Permit(CC-SUP), to allow for an Alternative Financial Institution on 1\ res, located at 620 N State Highway 78 (ZC 2021-02). i Discussion OWNER: Cheung Pun LLC ��n�` APPLICANT: Andrew Deetz The owner of property 620 N State High is requesting a Special Use Permit(SUP)for an existing tenant to be allowed to offer alternative loan see it The ZoningOrdinance requires al 1R'native loan services, as defined in the Texas Finance Code, to be granted a q Special Use Permit and be subj dditional provisions regarding the use and location of the service. The Zoning Ordinance co six provisions and the applicant is requesting a waiver for three of the six, all relating to distance re •f:iZ- -nts: • To allow the within 1,000 feet from anylot containinganother alternative financial institution. Zoning requires 1,000 feet between properties containing the use, however there are two existing alternative financial institutions currently within 1,000 feet. One is located on the same lot, the other approximately 700' to the southwest(see exhibit). • To allow the use within 500 feet of the rights-of-way of any four lane divided or greater thoroughfare. Zoning requires a minimum of 500 feet and the property for the use is adjacent to State Highway 78, a greater than four lane thoroughfare. • To allow the use within 300 feet from any zoned or used for residential purposes, property line to property line. Zoning requires 300 feet minimum and the property is adjacent to a residential use to the south. The four remaining provisions that the applicant is abiding by are: Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 • The hours of operations shall be established by City Council. Proposed hours of operation are included in the conditions of the SUP. • There shall be no outside queuing. • The use shall have an indoor waiting area large enough to accommodate all customers. Lastly, the SUP conditions require the zoning to revert to the CC district should the Liberty Tax Service cease to occupy the property. The property to the north, east, and west are zoned commercial. The property to the south is zoned multi family. Notifications/Responses: fifteen (15) notifications were mailed; with no responses received in favor or in opposition of the request. Council consideration on March 09, 2021 �� Approved By 3r Initial Date Department Director JH February 12, 2021 G,Z G0 Citr Locator Map 810 401 401 Building 1 Building P Building 140 401 Building 241 401 Building 260 505 501 801801801801801 401 Building r e 410 504 502 h 213212 600 t 500 709 a 210 212 e 300 209 211 208 210 W 207 707 209206 t 208 n 620205 207 206 204 e 700 WYLIE 203 205 204 202 m 620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620 620 e 203 202 201 l 200 204204 c 200 201 202 501 115 n 114 Lot A Suite A 702 I 115 114 303 113 - 112 200 603 503 505 501C d 112 111 110 113 e ST MARBLE E l l 110 111 109 108 510108 e 300 c 109 108 600 106 106 107 n 110 WYLIE 107 106 a 104 105104 CEMETERY 105 C 104 105 421 102 103 102 g 401401401401 103 102 301 100 n 501/503 100 i 101 100 100 101 t e E O A K S T e 101 500502 100 101 103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103103 102 604 704 612 606 600 608614 602 700 104 M 610 102 103 103 100616 105 106 101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101 108 701 105703 104105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105105 104 105 702 107 407 401405A405B405C 405D ¯ 503 307 403 305 309 109 RAILROAD (CWY), BLK 12, LOT 1A-2A-3A-1B-2C TY N COUN COLLI Subject Property 01302605207801,040Feet ¯ DALLAS COUNTY Liberty Tax Service EXHIBIT “B” Conditions For Special Use Permit I.PURPOSE: The purpose of this Special Use Permit is to allow for an Alternative Financial r Institution, as defined within the State of Texas Finance Code, with the following e h General and Special Conditions. t a e II.GENERAL CONDITIONS: W t 1.This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulations within the Zoning n e Ordinance or Code of Ordinances, current or as amended, except as specifically provided herein. m e l c 2.Hours of Operation, as required by Section 5.1.D.3.b(1) shall be: Monday n I to Friday 9 am to 6 pm. Saturday 12 Noon to 5pm. - d 3.Sections 5.1.D.3.b (4), (5), and (6) are amended as follows: e l l e a.A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be allowed c n to locate within1,000 feet from any lot containing another a alternative financial institution, as measured in a straightline C between the nearest point from one property line to the other g property line. n i t b.A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be allowed e to operate within 500 feet of the right-of-way for any 4 lane divided e or greater thoroughfare as indicated on the most current M Thoroughfare plan c. A lot containing an alternative financial institution shall be allowed to be located within 300 feet from any zoned or used for residential purposes. III.SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Page 1 of 2 1.This SUP grants only the use of kiosks for loan processing as an accessory use within the existing Liberty Tax Service business located within Suite 615 of 620 N State Highway 78.. 2.All General and Special Conditions of this Special Use Permit shall remain in effect while Liberty Tax Service occupies the subject property. At such time that Liberty Tax Service and the current ownership as listed on the Certificate of Occupancy on the effective date of this ordinance cease from occupying 620 N State Highway 78 Suite 615, the zoning shall revert to the baseline Commercial Corridor zoning and all development standards shall apply. r e h t a e W t n e m e l c n I - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M Page 2 of 2 MjcfsuzUbyTfswjdftTVQ Qsjodjqbm Uipspvhigbsf r e h t XpsmepgGjobodf a e W MjcfsuzUbyTfswjdft t n e m e Sftjefoujbm l c n I BdfDbtiFyqsftt - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M Notification Map OAKS ADDITION 1 410 504 502 THRU 3 RAILROAD WYLIE 709 r e h t 707 a e W 620 t n 700 e m RAILROAD OAKS RETAIL e WYLIE l 620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620620 620 c 620 n I 204 204 - d 202 N 202 501 e Lot A 5th STREET Suite A l 501 l 702 202 TOWNHOMES Suite B Lot B e c n 200 a 603 503 505 501C C g E M ARST BLE n i t e e 108 510 TURNERS MHP M RAILROAD WYLIE 600 106 ay 110 WYLIE ¯ CEMETERY 104 RAILROAD (CWY), BLK 12, LOT 1A-2A-3A-1B-2C TY N COUN COLLI 200 Foot Notifcation BufferSubject Property 065130260390520Feet ¯ DALLAS COUNTY r e h t a e W t n e m e l c n I - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M r e h t a e W t n e m e l c n I - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M Locator Map 100 3204 2905 3202 102 3200 3108 3110 3106 3104 3102 3100 104 30083004 3006 3002 3000 101 106 2710 27082704 2800 2706 103 1002802 2804 2806 102 108 200 105 104 201 200 110 107 201 106 202 200 203 201 108 202 109 200 101 203 204 2801 202 205 110 2803 2805 203 204 111 202 205 200 206 200 207 204 205 206 201 204 207 202 208 202 209 206203 207 208 203 206 209 204 300 204 301 205 300 R 205 AGOON D L 208 301 206 302 206 303 207 302 207 210 303 208 304 305208 209 304 300 301 305 306 300 300 307 LAKESIDE 301 306 307302 303 302 ESTATES 302 303 r PARK 304 305 304 e 304 305 306 307 h 306 306 t 307 309 a 308 e W t Driveway n e 290129012901290129012901290129012901 2813 2961 3001 3301 2951 2817 m 28072807 2811 WYLIE 2815 3201 e 31013101 2809 l 2819281928192819281928192819 c n I 44 FM 5 W - d 3020 28062806 3100 2810281028102810 3080 e 2812 3040 l 3016 2814 l 32003200 3100 e 3100 c Suite 101 3100P-303100P-203100P-10 n 3010 a C g n i t 4 e e M 8-100 8-200 8-300 ay rivew D 7 10-B 3030 3060 10-C 10-A ¯ FM 544 / SPRINGWELL ADDITION (CMR), BLK A, LOT 2 TY N COUN COLLI Subject Property 0120240480720960Feet ¯ DALLAS COUNTY r e h t a e W t n e m e l c n I - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M r e h t a e W t n e m e l c n I - d e l l e c n a C g n i t e e M XbmmbdfNbobhfnfouTVQ Sftjefoujbm r e h t a e W t n e m Qsjodjqbm e l Uipspvhigbsf c n I - dddd eeee llll llll eeee cccc nnnn aaaa CCCC g n i t e e M Notification Map 301 300 LAKESIDE 303 ESTATES 302 PARK LAKESIDE 305 ESTATES 304 PHASE 1 307 306 309 LAKESIDE ESTATES PHASE 2 r e CORVETTE h t a e Driveway MCCORD W 3 t n 29012901290129012901290129012901 2901 e 2961 2951 m 2817 FM 544 SPRINGWELL e l ADDITION - c FIRESTONE n I 281928192819281928192819 2819 - d e l l e 44 FM 5 W c n a C g 3020 n i t 3040 e 3016 WOODBRIDGE e JACOBS CROSSING - TARGET M AND KOHL'S ¯ FM 544 / SPRINGWELL ADDITION (CMR), BLK A, LOT 2 TY N COUN COLLI 200 Foot Notifcation BufferSubject Property 055110220330440Feet ¯ DALLAS COUNTY