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Ordinance 2003-06 couNTY CLERK'S MEMO J PORT\ONS OF THIS DOCUMENT NOT REPRODUCIBLE WHEN RECORDED Ordinance No. ~m2>-CJ..o 2004- 0138835 W'"I ....... c.n -.J <::) AN ORDINANCE DISANNEXING A CERTAIN 1.53 TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE W.D. BARNETT SURVEY, ABSTRACT 56, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT THE DISANNEXATION IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; PROVIDING THAT THE CITY OF WYLIE HAS COMPLIED WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF LAW; PROVIDING THAT MUNICIPAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE PROVIDED AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION THEREOF. 0:> o WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") under the authority of Section 43.142. Local Government Code and the City of Wylie, Texas' OVylie) Home Rule Charter, investigated and dete~mined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to Wylie and its inhabitants to disannex the below-described property (the "Property") to Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that specific circumstances exist for the property described in Exhibit "A" that render disannexation to be in the best interest of the City; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has complied will all requirements oflaw; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie will no longer be providing any services to the property as of the effective date of the ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: The Property described in "Exhibit N' and all public streets, roadways and alleyways located within or contiguous to the same are hereby disannexed. SECTION 2: That the official map and boundaries of Wylie are hereby amended to include the property as part of the City of Wylie, Texas, and that a certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the County Clerk's office of Collin County, Texas. SECTION 3: All ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent they are in conflict, and any remaining portions of the conflicting ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. COUNTY CLERK'S MEMO PORTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT NOT REPRODUCIBLE WHEN RECORDED SECTION 4: The caption of this Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the law and the City Charter and shall be effective immediately upon its passage or as required by law. U-l -.... c.n -.J C> PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this ~ day of~003. co / / / / / //.-/.</~/ /. / ",i':e-.. " z;/ Y./ / .' ..' . ""// .- / , ./ / .... / / / \ .// / /~ C) ~hn Mondy, Mayor /1 ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: '. ~~ Aimee Nemer, Acting City Secretary EXHIBIT "A" U1 '"""-J CJ1 -J C) All that certain lot, tract or parcel ofland in the W.D. Barnett Survey, Abstract No. 56 in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being part of a called 8.369 acre tract ofland conveyed to Darlene Ponder by deed dated January 15,2002, recorded in Volume 5177, Page 3057, Deed Records Collin County, Texas described by metes and bounds as follows: co N BEGINNING at a 1;2 inch iron rod set for corner at the Southwest corner of said Ponder tract, said point also being in the North line of a called 53.7251 acre tract of land conveyed to Cascade Companies, L.L.c. by deed recorded in Volume 4607, Page 1881, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE North 00 degrees 28 minutes 06 seconds West, along the West line of said Ponder tract, a distance of284.0 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 89 degrees 31 minutes 54 secon<.is East, a distance of 187.0 feet to a point for corner, said point being at an ell corner of said Abstract 56 and an ell corner in the C. Mculmurry Survey, Abstract No. 629; THENCE South 00 degrees 28 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 281.78 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the South line of said Ponder called 8.369 acre tract, said point also being in the North line of said Cascade Companies tract; THENCE South 88 degrees 37 minutes 53 seconds West along the South line of said Ponder tract, 2.42 feet to a 1;2 inch Red Capped iron rod found marker #4846 for corner; THENCE South 88 degrees 51 minutes 12 seconds West continuing along said South line, a distance of 184.59 feet to the Place of BEGINNING and Containing 52,901 square feet or 1.21 acres ofland. Parker I II I I " , i Road ii' i II j-.J s -,,- F.M. 251l ~ ~ r---i I ubject I \ - - ,. ! 1,' Pronork, .....--~ i \ I i , " ~IJ i i -- , ! ._______. J I r--------.---1 \ ! ! \ ~-----Li _ .....~! i i \---- =;=.::J ,! i!" ' ,! i' i .....-L, ,! ,-- ~ .' i I r-- r-'------ ! 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L 'I 111= [::1 [ T I IllllF -6.rU II _ ~ +t-;->- f= t::= i-lrr~ I aN ~~, - - HJ=h rl--J!.. fT u . I ~ ~ LOCATION MAP I Q) ~ IL - .___.____________.___ ..0 ~ - - U'1 "'""4 c.n -J CD W r--'--' , i ! i .....___..1 ---., j i i i i i i j ! ! i L.___._.._.._.____._.._______ ~-----_._-----_. ...-----, i i __----i-'..---- ! ! i ! _.___.,_l_._._.. ! i ! r..----' ! i I ' . I L_.__j ---------., ! i i I ! I i L__.____.._______ - T- ! ! t ! i I i i ! ! i i i i L_ ! ! ! i ! i i ..___.___________J__ ~-rrrrT-1 2 :<4-' j 5 '/ 51 0 I I 84 rU >- ~ z ::) o u 1 '" ... Ut Jt6'" 0 a" ~ - " i i~ 5/8" IRON g ~ \ W/CM> SET =-" ~i I p;;~ ~ . 0 fD ~ 10- . - tt) tt) N R (X) r-... I") ..- ::E ~ IA.y_ - ~ -4tr -1 ;1.11 _ _1::'89_ ", .... 20' S,L l ClIl !: 9 I P -"l. 8 ~ I & t ; " X ,:\ \\ )} le' "> I ", ETENTION 066 ACiis '., \ \ .~... <' ' ~'\~'~.i;. ' '11', "'<i ~. i ~ ~ N ~ 57 }.46' 1 t\., ~5 ':1> ~~ ~ -- BOLT IRBY e.3ee ACRES (vouno: ~. PAGE 768) LOCo -- CImORD ROWEU. (VOWK! 839, PAGB ~: ~- -- ....... I '. ..> .' ,/ ,"~- . .... ." J. 125.Oct ~. . \. '. . : ,.: ~)'-'-',~i">~' 4:5... . .__....:.-... '. I L , I. I " , I C..F"i ......., CJ1 -..J a C) en ~NY PROVISION HEREiN WHICH RESTRICTS THE SAlE. RENTAl.. OR USE Of THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BEC;.uSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDEB FEDtRAL LAW (THE STATE Of TEXAS) (COOOV OF CDUIN) ! hereby certify that this illStrumeot was FILED in the File Number Sequence on the dale and the time stamped hereoo by me; and was duly RECOROED, in the Official PubliG Reconls 01 Re<l1 Property QI Coil;" County, Texa%n SEP 2 1 2004 Brenda Taylor ~l~ed tq~ Reco~d in: ~ollln County, Mc~in~ey TX .1I.!1I01'<:IOJ.e .I:l~enda laylo'r ~Ul11n LDunty Gle~k \..111", ;;)eg 2.1 2004 we :j~~7am vue/Mum : 2004- 0138835 ~~~OrQlng/lype:UR 24.00 j,C,'I.:l::' H: 31386 , THE WYLIE NEWS lAlvenng Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the SlUTOIIDdiDg area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the Chad Engbrock, published in Collin Texas, who being undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, by me.duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing ~ ~.:rr - o.r.q~, a~J3-0G attached . 2003. Subscribed and sworn to before me this tbe ~/{~ day of ~'2003 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. b"~'><',""'~"<ll,;.." ADA L. MOONEY Notary Public ~. State of Texas ~ My Comm. Exp. 01-02-07 .~ /J .^ ), . If ~~ ;;( ()lu~7 Notary Public in and The State of for Texas My Commission expires 6 1 ) D l. /0 7 ( ( Public Notices EFFECTIVE DATE. John Mondy. Mayor ATTEST: Aimee Nemer Interim City Secretary, 45-1 t-339 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-06 AN ORDINANCE DIS- ANNEXING A CERTAIN 1.53 TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE W.D. BAR- NETT SURVEY, ABSTRACT 56. COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS; PRO- VIDING THAT THE DISANNEXATION IS IN THE BEST INTEREST op- OF THE CITY; PROVID- rq:~, ING THAT THE CITY ay OF WYLIE HAS COM- 011- PLIED WITH ALL tJd REQUIREMENTS OF uld LAW; PROVIDING THAT MUNICIPAL SERVICES WILL NOT BE PROVIDED AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING. SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDI- NANCE; AND PROVID- ING FOR THE PUBLI- CATION OF THE CAP- TION THEREOF. John Mondy, Mayor ATTEST: Aimee Nemer Interim City Secretary 45-1 t-339 NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH THE SUBDIVISION SER- VICE EXTENSION POLlCY OF NEVADA WATER SUPPLY COR- PORATION to Chapter r:f fhp Tp ') Public Notices applicable fees; Payment of costs of any improvements to Nevada Water Supply Corporation's system that are necessary to provide the water service. Construction according to design approved by Nevada Water Supply Corporation and dedica- tion by the developer of water within the subdivi- sion following inspection. Nevada Water Supply Corporation tariff and a map showing Nevada Water Supply Corporation's service area may be reviewed at Nevada Water Supply Corporation's offices at 108 N. Warren Street. P.O. Box 442. Nevada, Texas 75173; the tariff/policy and service area map also are filed of record at the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in Austin. Texas and may be reviewed by contacting the TNRCC, c/o Utilities and Districts Section. Water Permits & Resource Management Division. P.O. Box 13087, Austin. Texas 78711. 45-3t-1617 The Nevada Water'Supply Corporation announces the Annual Membership Meeting and Election on: April 17, 2003 7:30 p.m. 108 N. Warren (972) 843-2608 Located off FM 6 in Nevada. Texas Proxy election ballots may be returned by mail: P.O. Box 442 Nevada, Texas 75173 or ballots may be returned in person to the business n.f+~rp hP.tBIf.:>.::~n Q -:l n, ,\?r A Public Notices and 600 blocks of Stoneybrook Drive, the alleys south of the 400. 500, and 600 blocks of Willow Way. and the alley south and east of the 300 block of Willow Way, including all work to replace approximately 5,050 square yards of 10- foot wide reinforced con- crete alley pavement. to remove and replace side- walk and driveway, and to construct other appurte- nances. Proposals shall be accom- panied by a certified or cashier's check on a state or national bank in an amount not less than five percent (50/0) of the possi- ble total of the bid submit- ted. payable without recourse to the City of Wylie, Texas. or ail acceptable bid bond for the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute required Performance and Payment Bonds within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract. The notice of award of contract shall be given to the successful bidder within ninety (90) days following the open- ing of bids. The successful bidder must furnish a Performance Bond upon the form provided in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, a material and labor Payment Bond upon the form provided in the amount of one hun- Public Notices dred percent (100%) of the contract price, and a Maintenance Bond upon the form provided in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, from a surety authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as a surety on bonds for principals. Barfield North Express1 Dallas. at 8:00 , April rccel pI c ( 530.00 accomp, tractor's phone r number. The right is reserved. as the interest of the Owner may require, to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in the bids received. and to select bid best suited to the Owner's best interest. By:/sl Mayor City of' 2000 Hi Wylie. "I A maximum of one hun- dred twenty (120) calen- dar days will be allowed for construction. , . F)() One set of plans, specifi- cations and bid documcnts may be secured from the Offices of Binkley & This spot could be yours! It~ ~~~ , .. ~A " 4 \ l ~... '4 . ,I ... Call to place your ad before noon Monday 972-442-5515 Send Your News, Class' THE WYLIE N