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Ordinance 2003-09 / ORDINANCE NO. 2003-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003, BY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2002-31; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 2002-31 adopting a Budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 2003 (pY2003) beginning October 1, 2002, and ending September 30,2003; and, WHEREAS, the Staff has presented information to the Council concerning the actual income and expenses for the first half of FY2003 and made comparisons of such information to the heretofore budgeted projections; and, WHEREAS, based upon such review the Staff has recommended to the Council that certain amendments to the Budget, as hereinafter set forth, be made to facilitate operation and administration of the operations of the City for the balance ofFY2003; and, WHEREAS, the Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY2003 Budget, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I The proposed amendments to the FY2003 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 2002-31, as summarized in Attachment 1 which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY2003 Budget. SECTION n All portions of the eXistmg FY2003 Budget and Ordinance No. 2002-31, except as specifically herein amended, shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise affected by the adoption of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION ill Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION V That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of the Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as affecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provision of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 27th day of May, 2003. ondy,Mayor ATTEST: Ju lty Secretary ORDINANCE No. 2003-09 Page 2 5'~ ~- Dl 5 (il 0. Dl II> ~~ n <II :i" 0.0 o-C: '< 0. 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Z ::s ::s C 0.;:;: 3: 1/1'< =r-l m I>> a z ~= C -f (I) 0"> m (1) en (I) (1) en 0 ::s 0 () :::u .... -. =0 (1) I>> .o=: -f c 0 (1) ::s 0 !:Q.- z (1) 8 o.c O"::S '< 9. >- g:~ 0"0 9. a I>> < =:(1) 00. ? @ en 0 C ~ - o' ::s 0 ::I: 3: m z -I W ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS NARRATIVE GENERAL FUND REVENUES · $4,370 State Library Grant. This funding is from a State grant for direct aid to library's. The Library is going to utilize these funds for part-time staffing hours during the busy summer rush. EXPENDITURES Combined Services · $185,840 Operating Transfer to Park Acquisition & Improvement Fund. The fiscal year 2002 audit in the general fund includes a reservation of Fund Balance for Parkland of $185,840. This reserve is the result of collected and unspent Parkland Dedication Fees over a period of several years. The requested transfer of $185,840 to the Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund will place all of the past unspent parkland revenues into this new fund. · $4,900 for Ambulance Contract. An additional $4,900 has been requested to cover the contractual ambulance agreement. The FY2003 budget includes $34,500 for this service; the new contract is for $39,400. Fire · $4,100 for Fuel & Lubricants. These funds are needed to cover the increase the projected increase in fuel usage. · $20,000 for Motor Vehicles. Vehicle Maintenance has increased this year due to Q2 has had an excessive amount of repairs and has been out of service half of the first six months of the budget cycle. Some may be related to the vehicle accident but many repairs are related to the age of the vehicle. Account budget for the year is $35,000, and Actual as of April 30 is $26,461.31. Considering the history of the vehicle the city should anticipate additional repairs this fiscal year. · $6,500 for Tools & Equipment. The department has requested an increase to this maintenance account. One of the thermal imaging cameras needed to be repaired cost the department $3,900, or 52% of their $7,500 fiscal year budget. The thermal imaging camera repaired has been in service for four years. Requesting increase to cover additional repair costs as they arise. FY2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PAGE 1 ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2003 M~YEARBUDGETAMENDMENTSNARRA~ GENERAL FUND (page 2) Streets · $40,000 for Utilities Electric. Due to unanticipated electrical demand and inconsistencies in TXU electrical billing statements. Parks · $20,000 for Utilities Electric. Due to unanticipated electrical demand and inconsistencies in TXU electrical billing statements. Library · $4,370 Part - Time Staffing - State Library Grant. This funding is from a State grant for direct aid to library's. The Library is going to utilize these funds for part- time staffing hours during the busy summer rush. FY2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PAGE 2 ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS NARRATIVE PARK ACQUISmON & IMPROVEMENT FUND REVENUES . $147,140 in Intergovernmental Revenue - from Collin County Park Grants. The County has awarded the City a grant for park improvements for $47,140 for Community Park located in the Central Zone and a $100,000 for Birmingham Park in the East Zone. These grants require cash matches for park improvements. · $172,000 in Parkland Dedication Fees. The West zone received $127,500 and the Central Zone received $44,500. These fees can be used for cash matching ability to grants or general park improvements in identified zones. · $185,840 Operating Transfer from the General Fund. The General Fund has $185,840 reserved for parkland use in its Fund Balance. Requesting transfer of the complete amount held in reserve to the new Park A & I Fund. EXPENDITURES · $60,000 for Park Expenses - West Zone. To date, $30,000 has been allocated for completion of Quail Meadow Park. The remaining $30,000 is anticipated miscellaneous expenditures. Funding will be allocated from the Parkland Dedication Fees - West Zone. · $80,000 for Park Expenses - Central Zone. Actual expenses paid to-date for Community Park and Valentine Park total approximately $10,000. The anticipated expenditures of $ 70,000 include a Playground for Community Park and other miscellaneous items. A small portion of the grant will be completed FY 2004. · $200,000 for Park Expenses - East Zone. The Collin County grant match of $100,000 for Birmingham Park will require a cash match $100,000. Parkland Dedication funds to-date has purchased Park items to include picnic tables, benches, cooking Grills and other miscellaneous items for Cimarron Park. Total cost to date is approximately $7,000. The East Zone is anticipating an additional $193,000 of expenditures for completion of Birmingham Park. FY2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PAGE 3 ATTACHMENT 2 PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS NARRATIVE 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND EXPENDITURES Parks · $20,000 for Land Betterment. On September 25, 2001, Council approved a resolution to contribute $20,000 to the Trinity Trail Association. The Association has recently requested the City of Wylie's pledge. Prior to payment of the $20,000 in a lump sum, staff intends to develop an agreement with the Association that will allow the City to verify and to audit expenditures made by the Association to improve the trailhead. FY2003 MID-YEAR BUDGET AMENDMENTS PAGE 4 , THE WYLIE NEWS (;ovenng wylie, Sachse, Murphy aDd the surrouodiDg area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the Chad Engbrock, published in Collin Texas, who being undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, by me.duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing /#.-it- /) Yh \ attached On-( r100 c:< () u'~ - 0 'I - ~ ~, ('ifF - tl-ry'..l2-t-'-<'~ -;t:AJ-- tr~~ was published in saili newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: ~J~ i ,2003, and " . 2003. ~~r " OJ / 1-1___ (]" Subscribed and sworn to before me this the .z5...{y day of #~____,2003 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ADA L. MOONEY Notary Public Srale Of Texas My Comm, Exp. OHlll-07 /i ~~ XrJAlrp-/~,z I Notary Public in and The State of for Texas My Commission expires {) (~ "L /(') 7 . --......--........- --. ....- .. ---- - NA:-;CE NO. 2002-3 L REPEALING ALL CON. FLlCTI"C, ORDI- NANCES: CON1AINI'll, A SEVER.'\BILlTY CL\CSE: .,\,,1) PROVID I"G FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE D."TF U IC 0 I U IC 0 Ices - pipdille. :'i.SOO ft.':et ( Water Districl at 505 E. Brown StrcC':' V.,.ylie. Texas 750%. \1c:;qmtc ,,\,' PiV~llnr:' Lont' Star Circuits \\ ;l~ deLermmed to n,' in S-""':C 0f llS Industn;1l C"L'r'- Pcnmt tor ~.\cc<:dmg the permitted IJUllt lor \rnmUJ11~l in June :'011:'. the' l'cnnltT~d l1roit te)] In .\U;W,\ and Septcmher '::UiJ2. lor taiJinf' 1(1 1l10IlII\\) tc'r (,,1n\cllUU!1:.i1 rhli1Llt:J.nh II' June ~(l(l2 LEGAL 'lOnCE (C ground :;tora~e re"er\'Oll on an cxistin~ lC'undJtion. all necessary appurtc- oanu.':,. :.ind all altcrn,lte to ional saie" II' the City. Economic :orporation economic .ants w the ~d thn1u;:h additional 1'1('1-3 PllJt l~ml Accordmg to the defimtwn (1\ Slpllficant 1\\1n. COlDohJlh.'C a,- pre-.cnheJ b~ the Ennl\111lnentaJ PnllCctlO11 Agenc\ General Prelre,ltmcnt Rt:~ul<11ion,- ..W CPR -W3.Rifl '.2 II \'ii I Extmder~. Holland l'SA. Lone Star Circuits. ;lJld S,l\1Gen ImernatiullJ-1 \\'cre dctcflluned to he \[1 Si~nlficJ.nL :'\\In. Compiiancc rSt\CI of then permit 10 !IHhF- trial W~lste\\";.lLer the Clty of Wylie Scw~r S\'Stt'111 :md 10 Ihe WylIe \YaSlCWJlelTrC;tln1C III Plan 1 ,\V\\'TP I aUrln,; \1ay :, 2nO::: through Apnl <,1I,2()(),; NORTH TEXAS ~IP'ICIPAL \YATER DISTRICT (':'i.lqm~ :-,tcl'l :l.lj repamt ]jO.OOO 1~I,-tJ",lmcntJtllll: gallon :<;;:(Cill'l! (Jehlt:;; lIme l\i1' I'~'mnlt'd lill\1!12111'J ground s\(lrage re<<crY('ll ,.:n2Cf: Hy \1<Ir\"10 Fulkr PreSldelll Huard \~f Dirl'c'\nr.... A"D reguhu: Cir:;. TcxJ". Jay ot PASSED .:\.PPROVED ;"H (l Bidder~ must submit witll their hid,- d. ("ashi::(.... Check 11r a Cl.'rnfled CIlL'l'k ill the ,lmmmt \.If fhe pCrcl.nt Il! the maXlmum am"ullt \If h1d tl~',j \\1 ;IC;:';. ue- f'ener8t. ltioD of the I the City hiJJ~'r"', b\)lld. l';IY: '\"I'li, Tl.\;I.... \h: \\,Ill" Dl~\rlct k...., 111 "', I'l'rl'l'll \Ij \ '1I1'nlllll'LL IlHh\ 11\ l';t,'h bhi :l.... ,: :,.'u 11' llld I" -.dr.:Cl 131J,tL'i l\)lllpi [Il~' t',.rll,~ ".\ h 111 h l'I'l!,\',-,li ,Ilhl (\\Iidlll\I11' the m<:etlJlt- \11 C\1111l..:il (1t :-31.23~ Ill' rlk S!,~'L..'i\li:;1\\\ Ill' ;Illd m:l\ ht' C\:l!1ll11l'd \\llhuIlI ,'Iur,:!,' Il' the' (II the" \,)r\h 1,.\;1, \ll1JllL"lll,d \\'dtn [)1\;1\'l\.'1 .'i(1~ F BH1\\'11 ~\rl.L'1. r,o H\l\ 2~!l:-'. \\":I:c. 1c:\:1'- --:,"Wh. 1;:k!1h\1i1l' ..1-"'::-."-1.11:'. ~llld ill~' FTL'~'~l '..:le'il\>I, 111(' ~Il:\.~ [lll,'lll;11 ;1)11;1 Pia?;1 S\11h. \\"\11 It 1. Tc.\;I~ "7111()l).-1.S(I,". TeJt'plHln,~ 1.<;;';'"' Pl;.Ill" ;.tud lion" rT'.:l\ r-~' j'rC1;'~:I'l',1 from Freese ,lll(1 '\i<.:h(lh Inc.. al the abovE" :1Jdl l',"" at a charge of $7~n(1 lull-size d()('llmems 01 S50.00 for haif-size docu- ment" 011 lhlS Lht. :::00:, .Ip1ll1 '\lundy.i\laYOl '<OTICE' THE ,NE\'\D.\ I\"ITER SI'PPLY COR. POR\TION WILL BE \'L\ILI'OG on THE 20U':: DRI:\KL'\Ci WATER REPURT 0'0 Jl'''[ 2. 2011' E\:TR \ COPIES Of TilE REPORT \YILl Bf '\.\IL\BLF .\T THE BlCSINESS OfnCE THE HI'SINESS OFFICE IS LOCATED AT ]0,,, A" ORDI"A'lCE WARRE~ IN DO\\'N- GR."NTI)\G TO ONCOR TOW;-'; )\EV"\DA WITH ELECTRIC DELIVERY THE HOLRS OF OPER. CO"IPANY. ITS SUC. Bid and contract docu- ATION BEING S a.m. TO CESSORS AND mcnb. speciflcatiolls. and p.m.. !\10NDAi' ASSIGl\'S. A:\ ELEC- plans may be examlrlcd THROUGH FRIDAY TRIC PO\VER FRAN- ,^'ithout char!!c at the / /' 2-1\ CHISE TO USE THE oftlce" of L Freeman- // \}PRESEl\'T AND MiHican. Inc.. 9500 Fores{ ORDI],;A!'CE NO. FUTURE STREETS. Lane, Suite 501. DaHas. 2003-08 .\LLEYS. HIGH\VAYS TX 75243 (phone: '214. A:\D PUBLIC 503-0555L beginning 9:00 A?'\ ORDINANCE OF GROUNDS AND A.M.. May 22. ,003 THE CITY OF WYLIE. RIGHTS-Of-WAY OF Copies may nc -purchased TEXAS.A..~1ENDING W'{UE. TEXAS. FRO- lor thirty ($30.(Xlr doll;~s, ORDINA;-';CE;-';O 200'- VIDING FOR COMPEN- non-rcfondable. . I \~ On. PROVIDII'C, FOR SATION THEREFOR. IQ,\ REPEAU'-'G. SAVINGS PROVIDING FOR AN Isl Byrne Underhill. AND SEVERABIUTY EFFECTIVE DATE AND Pregidcnt ]-2t-377 CLAl'SES: AND PRO. A TERtvt OF SAID VIDING FOR AI' FRAI'CHISE. PROVID- EFFECTI\E DATE OF II'G fOR WRITTEN THIS ORDINANCE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS fRANCHISE. PROVID. ING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL EXISTINC, FRANCHISE ORDI. NANCES TO ONCOR. ITS PREDECESSORS AND ~~mFf~.''''AND: FINDING THAT. THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS lASSED IS OPEN TO 2-1,.)39 / THE PUBUC , /J OROlNANCE'ill. 2003.09 Sanden International \\",I~ Jc'terrrllncd 1(' bt' III S'\"C lIt It.... Indu-.tnal L.;,~'r~ Pt:mllT for nceed11l:; the permmcJ limIt fN tht: Biochellll<.:al 0\: 2lL'1l Demand in Dc,-'L:l1lheJ 200: of the -l-B :mtri\1ute w r expansion )Ioymenl or '1T1vestmenl , the City 01 01 np.IllJ- \1~1\ J.bk wllhm1\ le,'\1\1r5<.:: 1n the- Owner. ur :1 pn1rn--- ~1l th1nd :u lhc> S,II11C amnunt Tll~' SllC('t'~sflll bidder \\'111 l,e n..'quued III fnmlsh a pc,l- f0nn;'lnct LKll1d 10 lhe amounl I,f lhe contra...__t. and a payment bonJ for the protection of all claimfH1ts surr1ying br.Of and materials. ATTEST C:tf()\c Ehrlic"h City S,'CTt'tar. :-It-339 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-10 ~(1nt" (1t the ['''iTUr~J\1lh to ::ld\l'lscl: the W~ 1 io.: \Y\\"TP ~.Il..'."o III \.J,-t: (,' Lk'h 1.\1' ~k:li"I1~'''''' it pJUp,.,~,d Ih, Tc.:\.I~ .\lUI1I\.Q':1l Di,-Inc.-~ ring will be before the Economic Corporation of Sachse. 11th day of t 7:00 p.m. in mcil Chamber of the City of ~ Highway 78. as, for an per- > in . the . At said all such the right eard. Of Extruders W:JS Jett.'"r- mined to be in S!'\C of ib Industrial Users Permit for exceeding the permitted limit for Biochemical Oxygen Demand in March 2PO, ~ORTH TEXAS :\IC~ICIPAL WATER DISTRICT INVITATION TO BID 1(, :1ci"rr it:!;' l1l\h[ ;1' ~:;(1li' 1'1Pr\ l~al Diqrict Tll,' r~~er'-~~ the n~ht 11 any or a!l bid~. \v;liw any or al1 f( l1C~. I\u hid may hi uri.l\vn \Vilhll1 sixt. day:. after dule on bl(b are opened Sealed bids addres~ed 10 the Presidenl and Board of Directors of the !\orrh Texas Wate1 District, Wylie. will be received at the admlni,,- trative office of the North Texas Municipal \Vater Distnct. 50S E, Brown Street. P.O. Box. 2-1.0S. \\'ylie. Texa". 750%. until 2:00 P.!'.!.. Tuesda). July 1. 2003. for the construc- tion of the folll1wing pro- Ject. Holland USA \vas deter- mined to be in SNC of ib Indu""triJIl1sers Pennit for failing to monitor for met- als, toxic organics, and conventional pollutants from June-Nc)\'ember 2002. exceeding the per- mitted limit for Ammonia in September 2002 and January 2003. and for exceeding the permitted limit for Biochemical Oxygen Demand 1D January Clnd March 20m The ((,:-,1 of l'unlract dtlL'll- menrs is mIl rdunddblc Submit ched;. C:lShler check or llloney ordcl payable l\1 Freese ~lnd ~ich()b. IlK. Cash will nOl be aCl'epted 'JURTH TEXAS M1 IPAL WATER DIST By ~! t\lar\'in Fuller \1ar\'1I1 Fuller President. Board ("If Dtrector" The p[(1posed \>I'm!.: pm- vide... fur the Clll1SlrtlllllJn pi" appro:<.ill1alely 1 h.()(}(I feel of ~h-lIlL'h pptJnk wal~r lr<11l"IllISSH11' INVITATION FOR BIDS NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER ill be DISTRICT ~;"~~-"'-.' .SE;.vJi,~U~.7)3Q~X~ .........--;_.__ . "ll:lJLl,-O"F~ ()pf)'l-IUP- ,nee of Rose SLI.'DGE CONTAIN. .eft. Secr~tar). ERS Rosa CHell". ~ /5098. for fur- PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the Citv Council of Wylie. Texa;, ~aY~~~xY~~Z!E.~.~a;(:...2.f John Mondy. Mayor 1 $'~ . <k" ..~ ...~"....,..--'--,-. \~ .' 1,. ,.. ~ I ..4~ ' · This spot could be yours! "Ca.lUQ. Dhu~e W1r ad. Wifore Qoon Monday 972-442-5515 .,DEST: CarnIe Ehrlich. Cit\, Secretary Sealed hids aJdre,,~eJ the :lttenlH1n ot DirrclUi' i"lf Finance \1t the" 1\nnh TC.\.I~ T\IUlll-'::1] Wall'! Di"tricl. WY\It:. Te'\a~ \nll bl:' rcccl\'C'd ;ll th~' AjJllini~IIAI011 Offti.:C''' (,f th", >:T\lWD. :'iU:-; E. Br(1wn S\r<:t'L Wyltt'. T,'\<1:' ~:"nq"" until 2:U(1 klc:il tlm\.', .June 2". :Ind then np<:nl'd and re~ld BiJ j(lCUmcnl\ mJ: be nbt,lined fn1fll the 0wrth Tl'\.a" .\Iuniciral ecessary mate- lent and labor . the construe:- following pr(1- REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/CONTRACT CITY ATTORNl PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular mcelin;: ot the City C\1Uncil of Wylie., un thi~ the 27th da) of !\1a). 2003 John lv1nndy. Mayor O~r City is currently seeking ~ firm or individual attorney to s~nt.: a~ COlllr,lcl City Attorne\ The City of Murphy has a population of approximately 9..000 with a lighL curnmefi:lal.ha....c. .' Murphy is ~ Genera~ Law City but is the process of adopting a Home Rule Charter as mandated the ~atJve vote In the last el~ction. The Ma)'or and five City COUlh.:il tvlcmbcr.... an: elected a\ large wlth.staggered ~erms. ElectIons are held on the first Saturday in \1..1\. The term fur Council Members L<) for a penod of two vears wl'th nt t' I" 'I'l C . C' C .. .".) t;:m: IlllJt. lClty ,..\cl!1lIni;.;trator i.... appoi111cd b\ Ity ounel} and IS responSible to the City Council for the day-to-J.ay admlllistration of the Cit)' GALLON ) STORAGE iRVOIR opened at Sel~ ) HOll....C. :2.j. TfJ.ii. \\"~\ic. 31 2;00 P.:'!.. 13. The pnlJt'i.'\ nqructinn of ,I gallon stC'd ""' ORDI"-\'JCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS. A~IENDINC, THE BL'DGET FOR THE FISC AL YEAR 2003 BEGI""IVi OCTOBER l. '2()O:. A?'\D Lr-\DI:--:G SEPTD1BER )0 2003. B'r ,\:\IE'<DlNG ORDI. '\ DEST Caruie Ehrli..:h. City Secretar) The individual ?r finn acting as City Attorney would be required to C~el man~gm~ .and!or oIherv.'ise. pn.1\"Iding t.....o separate ServICe and (.J LlllgatlOn and SpeCIal Projects/Counsel General C()rporme oj ,,'-'1"vice I 11 B,\sic L(.'~,-I 2-lt-339 THE \\'UlE "1E\\'5 now u('('epts VISA ~c Legal Ser:'i~es ~r~ the routine. minor. operational kgu] ylll.sliun..... Jr:Jftll1~ llniini.:Jnces and oJ~ons, and OpIniOns from t~e attorney and Clly CUlllll'jl llll'etin~ '-\ppearanccs that ,II'-=- ,i',"\.>~'l:l1, wlIh the normal operatJom 01 the mlllllClpallt) i...... VISA ~ Iiti~atio~ and,~peci,al ~.rojects are ]a\\'suit:;instigated hy or a~ai1lSt the City of \lurj1h:, ~illcl "P", proJtC~s 1Oclu~mg: \\orkmg \\uh and o\'crseemg -"peClal ("(1un"cl \\lw 0;;' retainc.J In the C~, from bme to tIme where partJcuJal' mumcipaJ expenence anu .,-pect~1i ~Ir~ ~C'edL:d . &. 'Ie Ie TheCit~r is requesting one attorney be designated as Murrh\"",; point nf cOIHa::t nr "k;\d dIll nt!'j'. With a back up mdlvidual a\'aiL:l~le in hIs/her ::lbsence The City C(ILInL'i! Ie..:]..; rklt Illlli.:1\ responses from the anoflley are cssenual w111e pOSltlOll. . ;hse Branch Opening this Summer! '8 FIrst Convemence Banll With over 100 years of experience atlve oanklno solutions and superior customer care We a''2 'ing oUlstanding opportun!II€S available at OU' new Sachse tr,is Summer for your convenience in placing ~'our ads. lO 1\.(1rk 11'ltn lilt' C~t\ \'111rrh: ~l";1 C( ~nrd' ltJtlU or your firm i-" intere.sted in the Cit)'Anorney please tender the following Ihe 1) Demonstral.ed e.\per~ence \-vi[h Texas municioalitic-.. knl 'I'. kd~,: uf 'k\;\~ \TIlllllClrl;r: lil\' I) Open MeetJ~lgs b,w lD particular \\ili be comidered a plus ill ('\'~iiU,lun; .1 ";llldl(j~ltt" ..) Summary at munICipal legal expenence and qualirl.:::atlum of ke\ r'L..'r:'("1Ilnl'l 3) References 4) Availability of Cher-k Ollf "Comhined Rates'" with ZT::l)c jfarmcrsUtllc ZT::nncs and The Princeton Herald Call 972-442-5515 .j:".... ;ntnrTrl~- mch Managers De a goal.rro\!va1ed and saleS-Oriented :ndlv'du3, wIlT1 oroven sfI:es ability <Ires a strong outgoing people perSOIl wllh excellent comrrUl1lC31+on and strong ,mer'.lIce skills Must be PC Ille~ate Sound banlllng ope,allen IH1;)Wied':,je )iiingual skillS helpful que~l1UIE. requc-.t-, alld hacll1r'''' sistant Branch Manager be goal.motlvated a'ld sales.orlented IndiVidual wi1~ croven sales abllll\ mes a strong outgomg oeople person Wltr, excellen~ ccmmunl::;atlon 11.00 slror1g )mer service skills Heavy cash I',andllng and some siJperJ:sory e)loeCI~nce Issar)' Must be PC Itterate Sound banlling operatloP K.nowledge and bilingual ; helpful Council's regular meetings are the hrq and third 8Iia1s and will be based on qualificatlU1F and buo"etcJ l;:roJ . e i?;}ch 1l1('iltll h::,c,- Our llt__\\ L1ll,I~~i ....lIl'IL',__\ 1\1 ilL hcL'w.... ()L'ln ~~eresponses receiY.e~.. (1 finalist Itst (2 0, ."1 firm,- Ul ind\yldu:11..... \'.'lii (:Ie J't'qth:'>..,\cd t(lllll~' ~~'lth ~e CIty Cou~c]l I.,I? cxecuriyc SC<".,,\I\DI Of .:;ome other :irr;ll~gL..'lnl'llt l(l i.lli{I\\ ,; d\"''''':;:L: d<<V1ew \\hIle co~p]ymg \Y1th the !exas Open \k~tm9"<; A":l, It \\ ....(1l1!::'mpL1t,~d In:n \~ll..: SCk;.:'tL company or firm ......]11 be contracted illl J.tt0mcy S.:fY]:.:C.,. <1" I.... usu:d :md Cll~I('m:ln ('j'lll!1;}T'-lh Texasmun~cipa1itie~. Please respond dlrettl). by .July i 200.'":.. IutenlC\',, \\'lli '",I)L..'dll:e~; \\111' Ialdays wnh selectJoIl 10 fo11o\\' assO\Jrl JS pn<;siL)!t- ,rsonal Banker duties of these posltiof\S Incluoe but are not limited t:J r,ego~'atJrlJ Ir'siruments :ash and oeposit selling money orders and traveler s cnee,;,,, ;tern Union wires. bata;"\cmg drawer al end at "r.A OP€'lll1g and SaVlllQS accounlS direct depcsll papelVJor~. ."sUlng .A.TJv", carelS )anr.g ~heck owels banK serVices ana -,5Ive GUstorne! 5ej\'lce Must hay,=, serv;ce aflC saies handline ex;)enence Nefeqej \ 1