Ordinance 2003-10 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-10 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO ONCOR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ELECTRIC POWER FRANCHISE TO USE THE PRESENT AND FUTURE STREETS, ALLEYS, HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION THEREFOR, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND A TERM OF SAID FRANCHISE, PROVIDING FOR WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THIS FRANCHISE, PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL EXISTING FRANCHISE ORDINANCES TO ONCOR, ITS PREDECESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AND FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. GRANT OF AUTHORITY: That there is hereby granted to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, its successors and assigns (herein called "Oncor" or "Company"), the right, privilege and franchise to construct, extend, maintain and operate in, along, under and across the present and future streets, alleys, highways, and other public grounds and rights-of-way of Wylie, Texas (herein called "City") electric power lines, with all necessary or desirable appurtenances (including underground conduits, poles, towers, wires, transmission lines and other structures, and telephone and communication lines for its own use), for the purpose of supplying electricity to the City, the inhabitants thereof, and persons, firms and corporations beyond the corporate limits thereof, for the term set out in Section 7. SECTION 2. Poles, towers and other structures shall be so erected as not to unreasonably interfere with traffic over streets, alleys and highways. SECTION 3. Oncor shall not be required to pay for street cutting, street excavation or other special permits or be required to post any type of bond related to excavations in Public Rights-of-Way in connection with Company's operations in Public Rights-of-Way. Company shall construct its facilities in conformance with the applicable provisions of the National Electric Safety Code or such comparable standards as may be adopted. SECTION 4. Oncor shall hold the City harmless from all expense or liability for any act or neglect of Oncor hereunder. SECTION 5. This franchise is not exclusive, and nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent the City from granting other like or similar rights, privileges and franchises to any other person, firm, or corporation. SECTION 6. In consideration of the grant of said right, privilege and franchise by the City and as full payment for the right, privilege and franchise of using and occupying the said streets, alleys, highways and other public grounds and rights-of-way, and in lieu of any and all occupation taxes, assessments, municipal charges, fees, easement taxes, franchise taxes, license, permitting and inspection fees or charges, street taxes, bonds, street or alley rentals, certain regulatory expenses under Section 33.023 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Title 2, Texas Utilities Code ("PURA"), as amended, or any similar or successor law, and all other taxes, charges, levies, fees and rentals of whatsoever kind and character which the City may impose or hereafter be authorized or empowered to levy and collect, excepting only the usual general or special ad valorem taxes which the City is authorized to levy and impose upon real and personal property, sales and use taxes, and special assessments for public improvements, Oncor shall pay to the City the following: (a) On an annual basis, a charge, as authorized by Section 33.008(b) of PURA and as specified by Oncor to the City by letter dated January 21,2002. 1. The first payment hereunder shall be due and payable on or before June 30, 2003, based on each kilowatt hour of electricity delivered by Oncor during the twelve-month period ended March 31, 2003, to each retail customer whose consuming facility's point of delivery is located within the City's municipal boundaries. This initial payment and the payment provided on or before June 30 of each year throughout the life of this franchise are for the rights and privileges granted hereunder for the twelve months preceding the payment date (July 1 - June 30). The final payment due under this agreement will be due on or before June 30, 2023 and will cover the privilege period of July 1,2022 - June 30,2023. 2. Thereafter, on or before June 30 of each year throughout the life of this franchise, Oncor, shall pay to the City an amount as authorized by Section 33.008(b) ofPURA based on the preceding twelve- month period ended March 31; and (b) Beginning January 1,2003, a sum equal to four percent (4%) of gross revenues received by Oncor from services identified in its "Tariff for Retail Delivery Service", Section 6.1.2 "Discretionary Service Charges," items DD 1 through DD24, that are for the account and benefit of an end-use retail electric consumer. 1. The franchise fee amounts based on "Discretionary Service Charges" shall be calculated on an annual calendar year basis, i.e. from January through December 31 of each calendar year. 2. The franchise fee amounts that are due based on "Discretionary Service Charges" shall be paid at least once annually on or before April 30 each year based on the total "Discretionary Service Charges" received during the preceding calendar year. The initial Discretionary Service Charge franchise fee amount will be paid on or before April 30, 2004 and will be based on the calendar year January 1 through December 31, 2003. The final Discretionary Service Charge franchise fee amount will be paid on or before April 30, 2023 and will be based on the calendar year January 1 through December 31, 2022. 3. Oncor may file a tariff or tariff amendment(s) to provide for the recovery of the franchise fee on Discretionary Service Charges. ORDINANCE NO. 2003-10 - Page 2 I 4. City agrees (i) to the extent the City acts as regulatory authority, to adopt and approve that portion of any tariff which provides for 100% recovery of the franchise fee on Discretionary Service Charges; (ii) in the event the City intervenes in any regulatory proceeding before a federal or state agency in which the recovery of the franchise fees on such Discretionary Service Charges is an issue, the City will take an affirmative position supporting the 100% recovery of such franchise fees by Oncor and; (iii) in the event of an appeal of any such regulatory proceeding in which the City has intervened, the City will take an affirmative position in any such appeals in support of the 100% recovery of such franchise fees by Oncor. 5. City agrees that it will take no action, nor cause any other person or entity to take any action, to prohibit the recovery of such franchise fees by Oncor. (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Sections 6(a) and 6(b) hereof, if Oncor files general rate cases and the City incurs cumulative expenses, otherwise reimbursable by Oncor under Section 33.023 of PURA, as amended, or similar or successor law, in excess of $4 million, then in such event, Oncor shall reimburse all of the expenses incurred by the City in connection with all general rate cases filed during the period beginning June 1, 1993, and ending June 21, 2008, in excess of said $4 million. The term "general rate case" as used in this Ordinance means a rate case initiated by Oncor in which it seeks to increase its rates charged to a substantial number of its customer classes in the City and elsewhere in its system and in which Oncor's overall revenues are determined in setting such rates. The City agrees to exercise reasonable best efforts, considering the facts and circumstances, to keep its expenses on average to under $1,000,000 per general rate case. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall become effective upon Oncor's written acceptance hereof, said written acceptance to be filed by Oncor with the City within sixty (60) days after final passage and approval hereof. The right, privilege and franchise granted hereby shall begin on May 27, 2003 and expire on June 30, 2018. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the term of this Ordinance may be renewed for an additional term of five (5) years on the same terms and conditions as set forth herein or as negotiated by the parties hereto. Negotiations for renewal may commence no later than six (6) months prior to the expiration of any term of this Ordinance. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall supersede any and all other franchises granted by the City to Oncor, its predecessors and assigns. SECTION 9. In order to accept this franchise, Company must file with the City Secretary its written acceptance of this franchise ordinance within sixty (60) days after its final passage and approval by City. ORDINANCE NO. 2003-10 - Page 3 SECTION 10. It is hereby officially found that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public and that due notice of this meeting was posted, all as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the City Council of Wylie, Texas, on this the 27th day of May, 2003. City of Wylie ATTEST: " STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTIES OF COLLIN, DALLAS, AND ROCKW ALL ~ CITY OF WYLIE ~ I, Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas, and Rockwall Counties, Texas, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of Wylie, Texas, at a regular City Council session, held on the 27th day of May, 2003. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF Wylie, this the 27th day of May, 2003. ORDINANCE NO. 2003-10 - Page 4 .. .... W;:ll'r District a: 50:" E Brown Sm;>t'l. \''"y!ie. Texas 75poS. - :\ANCE ""0. 2002-31: REPE.~LI"G ALL CO>;- FLICTING ORDl- :\ANCES: CO!\iAININli A SEVERABILITY CL~CSE: A"TI PROVID- I>;G FOR A>; EFFEC- TIYE DATF -.......-.....,,-- pipeline. :'i.:'i()() feet ( ir:ch p0T:1hk w:ner pr::,lme. .:'~ t" ~":lqlll:,,' pp, t:mi \kS(~l'ilC 1\.;, P:ln~!cl PipC!lllC PI01(","t ~u \\"Cf-' LEGAL NOTICE Lont.' Star Circuits \\;\" dctcnnmed to h,' ill S"\"C (If its InJustrl;d L~cl" Permit T(lr l'_,-c,'cdmg the permitted lilllll tor .\.mmOlllJ In June 200:. lht' j1('rmm~d lfl_\U';\hl 2(lu2. lor taillIlg- \,1 1ll0011(\] 1(', cnO\L'ntl,-llli_d p\dlutant~ ]11 JUllC ::0(1':: ground storage rest'l"\'oir on an existing fl~Und:lri(m, all necessary appurte- naol'l.:e:.. and an alte-mille to repamt :in CX.lqJn~ 150.000 gallon ,ql'd ground slorage r('"ern-li I ional sales of the City. Economic =orporation eC("lnnffilC 'ants to the ~d thrnu,;h additional ue ~enerat- ninn Df the I the Ci1: Accordmg f0 the definition IIf S:pllT1cant Non. CnmDiw.lh:l' ..h pre:-.criheJ h:- the EnYII'onmental Pn IIl'ct10n Agen-:\ General Prelrc,llmcnt Rt'~ulati(m" -1-(1 CPR 403,Rlf, ',~ i( \ Ii '. Exrmdl'r". Holland llSA. Lone Star Circuits. and S.lIlden Internatioual wcre dctermllled to be- :\"\l!1- (S:\"C I of then permit to discharge :m.il1~- trial WJstcwalt:r int" the Clty 0f Wyiie Sewer S:'stt'l1l and to [111;:' Wyl1e \\'aq;:'\\'JterTn'<ltnlL' 11 I Plant I W\\'TP, ounng \la: :,2002 thr0ugh r\pnl __~(I, 20().;. l\ORTH TEXAS Ml'NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1\1 Ihl' llmC' ,1lI~i rLlC~' thc rrnflosa), \.\'1]) he plli1llli\ \ipenl'd :lllJ 1"e,I,! .l1l11IJ \11\ ]:Id re-.:cn<..'l! cjo"IU';': llmf \\ ill 1~'mrnL'd LiIHll'CllcJ ~kdrk; H\ \lar\"lll fuller PfesiJcn~, lkiard \~f Dir<..'~'lnr, '\ ~',I~hj~'I" check Ci~',i l '! ;ICC', Bidder:- must submit with their bILl-- d. Clsili...r, Ched.: \1r J. Cerf1tj~d Chl'ck il1 the ,lm011nt llC fi\T ()'; I percent (It tll-: m:nlnlUm :lnl(1Ullr-\lf h1d P:I: J.bk \\'ithnllt lel'\llJfS\;, hI th(" Owner, l'r :1 rrorn~- al b()nJ 1li lhe same ;lm(1u\l1 Tilt' sllL:L:e",;ful bidder \\'111 ;11,,) De fegulIc'd h\ f1.1mlsh ;1 pel- fnrmallcc \wnd m lhe :un(ltlnl (11 lhe cnntl,kl. and a payment bone! for the protection of all claim<lnl" surrlying \a\1nr and malerials, PASSED A:\D APPRO\'ED ;H (I ref.ular l1lt'etlllf' \,1 the Cn) Clltllh:il ot \\'ylic, Tc,-as, nn tillS the 27th dJ) at r-..Lly, 20\n ,hlbn 'lundy. !\lJyor hidJ~'l-~ h(m..:_ p:IY: :"\1r!il T,"\;I' \11.: \\;11('[ ni,lrld ~i!lln\1nl tll ,':;', I'c'[l'l'n 1'1 'UI'ni[IlL'J_ [llll,l 11\ ~';ldl bi,j:h:l;.'ll IhelL llllJd I~ ,...kCI U1Jdl'I ll\mp] lilc' ll"[-lli, 'l'l tl\nh 111i.l >3l-:~:; SpC~'ll'll-dllllll' ~lIld m;l\ ht' c\anll11~'d \\ilhillll Lh,)I-~,' II' tll>' prfll't' 01 tilt' \llnh 1,'\<1, \lUllli.'II';!! \\;lIn Dl<;;tnL[ _':;0:" L RHI\\-Ji ~Ire't';, P() HII\ .2-40:-l, \\':hc. 1c:;:;, ; "(lCJ:-., Tckplh'll\' I q~:2 -4.1:-.:"-4(1:', :lIld till' (,jil~l:" l\i Fl'~''-'''L' :lncl "1,i],,], lIlL-. -41)_';;~ llllnlJ:II]\lIi,ii I'Ia7d Slllh. 2nu W()i!!;, Tt',\J~ 'Il] WL..1-XIi.:'. T ekphn)l::" 7,l)() PIJ.ll~ .tJle: 'Jl~Cith:;' tlOn:-. m;l\ f'.c' ]'fOCClr-l',1 from Freese- ,Ll)(~ "'id1i'i~ Ine.. at Ihe abe,\'(' ;lJJll:,~~ at a charge or S7:,(j() full-size JOCllmel1l" or 550,00 for half-size JOCLI- :\OTICE' THE :\E\'~I)\ W ITER S\'PPLl ("OR- POR.\TJOC: \\ILL BE \LIILI':G OCT THE ::'.OU.2 DRf:'\Kl:-JG W:\TER REPURT 01\' Jl'>;E 2. 'on' EXTR\ COPIES or THE REPORT \\-ILI BE A\ IIL\BLF .\T THE Bl'SI>;ESS OFFICE THE m 'SI'iESS OFFICE IS LOCATED AT IOS ': \\ARRE:\ 1:\ DOW:\- TOWN '\EV'\DA WITH THE HOCRS OF OPER- ATJOl\ BEI:\G S 0.111. TO r,m.. :vlONDAY THRUUGH FRlDAY. /' 2- 1'1 of the -4B :mtrihute 10 r expanslOn )loyment or investment , the City nt pUrpCi5C 0I tnd t''l.jl;I1lJ- e. Sanden lnternalional i\,,):-' Je'!ermmcd t,' ht' 111 S'\(" \It It' Indu,lrlJ.ll "~'r, PCrITIH lor c:xc.:-cdlll;: 1he permmcc limll fnr tll, Blocht'lllli.:;ll O\:::'-l'1l Demand it: Del'Cl1lbeJ ATTEST Cuoie Ehrlkh CiLV S,'cH'taf\ 2-1t-339 2002 ORDI:\A~CE ,"0_ 1003,10 ( -"lldl[!\lll' ~(il1e ot lhe e\ClIr~l,lll, l0 :Jd\ -:1'5cl) the \\': lic W\-\ Ip. 2- Il-.~_;q ring \\'i1l be before the Economic Corporation of Sachse. lith day of t 7:00 p.m_ in mcil Chamber "of the City of l Highway 78. ils, for aU per- ~ted in the 'dect. At said , allsuc:h ve the right .be heard. Of 11' :l1li:ll; I;I~!. ill' ,-k':I[lit'" II prul_ll1O<I! IlL '\lu]lll-ir';11 Di,ln;:'l I~',,'f\l:" tl I" :hli~r! the 11l."1 ;1' l'I\'r\",11 Diqrict. TIl(, rC'ser''-~s Ih.; n~ht II aoy or ali bid~, w:lii e any or all f( lie", .'Jo hid ma,\' h( Jr;J\vo within sixt, da\'s afrer dare nn bids arc opened A'\ ORDINAC\iCE GR\1\'TIC\iG TO ON COR ELECTRIC DELIVERY COMPANY. ITS SUC- CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A:\ ELEC- TRIC POWER FRAl\- CHISE TO USE THE \PRESE~l AND ORDI'iAl\CE'itl_ "FUTURE STREETS, 1003-08 ALLEYS. HIGHWAYS AND PllBLlC GROUNDS A>;D RIGHTS-OF-WAY OE WYLIE. TEXAS. PRO- VlDI~G FOR COMPEN- SATlO:\ THEREFOR. PROVIDING FOR Al\ EFFECTIVE DATE AND A TERM OF SAID FRA:\CHISE. PROVID- ING FOR WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THIS FRANCHISE. PROVlD- ING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL EXISTING FRANCHISE ORDI- NANCES TO ONCOR. ITS PREDECESSORS AND ~~f~&~.~t,;AND'- FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS lASSED IS OPEN TO 2-11-339 /THE PUBLIC. ----J /./ Extruders was deler' mined to be in S~C ot iLS Industrial Users Permit for exceeding the permitted limit for Biochemical Oxygen Demand in March 2002 NORTH TEXAS :lIC'iICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Il\VITATlO"" TO BID Bid and cnntracl docu- ments. specifications. and plans may be examl!'led without charge at the offices of Freeman- / Millican. Inc.. 9500 Forest' Lane. Suite 501. Dalla". TX 75'243 (phone: 214- 503-0555). beginning 9:00 A,~L May 22, 2003 Copies may he -purcha"l'd for thin\' ($30.001 dollars. non-rcf~ndable_ ~~\ Is! Byrne UnderhilL President 1.2t-J77 Holland OSA was deter- mined to be in SNC of its Indu,",triall) sers Permit f0r failing to monitor for me!~ als, toxic organics. and conventional poliutants from June-November 2002. exceeding the per- mitted limit for Ammonia in September 2002 and January 2003, and for exceeding the permitted limit for Biochemical O;.:ygen Dem:md 1D January and March 200?- Sealed bid~ addre~sed tn the President and Board 01 Director" of the ~o!"lh Texas \\aler District, Wylie, will be received at the ndminis- tralive office of the North Te;.:as MUOicipal \\'atcr District. 505 E, Brown Street. P,O, Box l.WS. Wylie, Tex.as. 7509S, unli1 2:00 PJv1.. TuesdJY, Jul~ L 2003, for the COllStnlC' n1 tion of the- follt1wing pm Jecl m:::nh The l'llst of ct.1nlraCl d()l'll- menls i" nOi rdundahk Suhmit checL ,:ashier check or money "rdcl payank to Freese :lJ\d Nichol:,-ll1L' Cash \Aill n()~ be zlI.:.::eplcJ, AN ORDINA"CE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS. AMENDING ORDINANCE :\0. 200,- 06. PROVIDING FOR REPEALI>;G. SWINGS ~ND SFVERABILlTY CLAL'SES: AND PRO- VlDI"G FOR AI\ EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDI:\ANCE l\ORTH TEXAS Mi .IP\L WATER DIST By ':',1 \lan'lll rulkr :-"lJrvlIl fulkr Pn::"idenL Board of Director" The pmpo"cd wurk pr(l- \'idl's lor the con"lrUc!hlJl lh,()O(J 36-in..:11 rOl:lhk Iran:-.lllhS10l' INVITATIOl\ FOR BIDS leet NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER I be DISTRICT ~,2~~__ .SE-Y~'f),3Q,-Y.-\.RD ....-----.----'lt6tL-ol' Ot'E,,-lUP- ,nee of Rose SLl'DGE CO""TAI'O- ert. Secremr). ERS Rosa Cucie. - rS09R. for fur- PASSED AND APPROVED at a rerruJar meeting of the -City Council of Wylie, Texa;, ~a)~t12.,.~~~f John Mondy, Mayor 1. '.\ -.L" ..~ ..~~.._~-'.~.. . 1 ,... ~ J. ,I , I ..~, · This spot could be yours! J;alUQn~ace ~r ad~~fore noon Monday 972-442-5515 UTEST Carok Ehrlich, CIl\ SCCfct:li'\ St'::lkd hid" :lJdrc~~~J the Jtlcnt10n nt Dirccwr pf Fin:1IKc (1f lhe ~()rth TC_"-.l' J\luJllcljd W~lIel Disrril'l \\'yll<.', Te,a~ wil] be rccct\Td ;11 tht' .\JmlJ11"lr<llinll Orrin" llC the :\'T\iWD, ~(l"i E. Br0\\\1 Street. Wylie, Tc'\J' ':"O<J:-" until 2:ll(\ p,m.. Inca] linK, .lunl' 2:", 2()( I}. :lnJ lhl'n \ 'pencd ;l1ld rcad, BiJ Jncume!llS ma) be OhWlll>.:J tWni lhe :\(ll'th Tl'\:!:; 'lulllcira1 eces:-.ary mme- lenl and labor . the construc- following rn'- REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/CONTRACT CITY ATTORN! PASSED AND APPROVED a1 a regular mecum:: of the Cit) C\lundl of Wylie, Texas, un lhl:> the 27th day of \lay, 20m, John t'v1ondy. !\1ayor ORDlNAi\CE NO_ 2003-09 O~r City is currently seeking ~ firm or individual attorney to Sl'n'c as contract City Auortll'\, The City of Murphy has a populalion of approximately 9.(XJ{) with a light commercial 'base, . Murphy is.~ Genera~ Law City but is the process of adopting a Home Rule Charter <.I," mandated the affi~al.ive vote In the last eJ~c[ion, The Mayor and five City' Coullcil \1embcrs arc eJected a1 large WIth. staggered ~erms. Elections are held on the first Salurday in Ma\, The term for Council M,embers is. for a penod of ~wo years with no tenn limit. The City Adllli;lislrawr i" appointed b\ Cay CounCIl and IS responSIble to the City Council for the day-to-day admlllistration of the City: Theindividual ?r finn acting as ~i[y AUor~e:' would be required to perform General Corporate ~sel man~gm~ ,and!or athern'lst', pr(widrng two separate categoric'S or' st.T\iu' (11 I:b:~iL' LCL',I Sel"Ytce and (....) LItIgation and SpeCIal Prnjects/Coull'ScL - GALLO"" . STORAGE IRVOJR opened al Sci, , H(lII"C. :2..1- TrJil. \\")lic at 2:0(l P.~1 )3, The rrnJt'L.' nqruction of .I ga1i01l <;fee] "" ORDI:\A:\CE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS. A\IENDING THE BCDGET FOR THE FISC AL YLAR 20113 BEGI:\:\J'OC, OCTOBER 1, 2nn:,.\:\D ENDIl\'G SEPTDlBER 'Il 200!. BY A~IE"DI:\G ORDl- ATTEST Carole Ehrlich. City Secrelar: 2-lt.339 TilE WYLIE NEWS now accepts YISA B~c Legal Ser\'i~~s ar,e the routine. minor. operational legal ljllt'slions, draftlll'-' ordinances and ol~ons, and opinions from t~e attomeyand City Cl1ull,-,illllL'l'tin:; :Ippcarallcc':',- th:,l ~re ,i'~"\'\'l:'Hi WIth the nannal opcrallon,'S ot the I1lUII1L'lpa!lt) ~ VISA .~ Uti~atio~ and ~pecial Projects are lawsuits in,qigalcd hy or a:;ainq the Cit\ (\1' \lurfllr, ~Ill~l proJeC~s mclu~mg worklng wllh and over~eeinf: special ((lUnse! who b::- ft'l3inc'J t~\ the from tIme to lime where partlcuJar rnullIclpal experience aIlli ,"pecl:.ti :Ir~ ~('eJed & :\Ie ., TheCity is requesting that one attorney be as \1urrh\ nr:j'. with a back up individual avai13bJe in 1b"ence, Tj~,~> responses from the attorney are essentral tC1 the pOSltlOl1 nf l'c'nt;lct nr .'k;ld :llt( Cc'ulk-ilrcci:, tlt:Jt 11111\.'1: ;hse Branch Opening this Summer! "€ First Cor>venlence Bank with over 100 years of experoence proViOlf1g aTllle oanklng SOII.tlons and suner]or customer c,ue We ale 10< th~ oulstanding opportunities available at our new Sachse bran:':ll for your conveniencr in placing ~-(lur ads. If you or your firm i~ interested in the opportunity LO \\'('1'1\ \''-Hn 1I1e Cil\' nt .\hlfDh\ ;I~:I C,'nlLI, GtyAnomey please tender the following infonnatim1.: .. . 1) Demonstrat,ed experience with Te.\a~ rnuni;,:,'inajitic." knl .\\ Jcdc::'~~ u( 'I C'\;I~ tTIUlI1Crr Open Meeunf's law, 111 particular \\'iI1 be cnmidered ~\ pILl." ill ;\';Illl;llln~ d ' 2) Summary of muniCipal legal experience and guaiifl.::atluns of I-.:t'\ PlT"l~\l\nl';, 3) References (mUlllL-.'lp:ll J. ' 4) Availability of telephone/e-maiJ/fax que~tiuns, rcqu2:-.tc-. ,llld baddlp~ mch Managers De a goai-motlvated and sales. oriented 'ndll/idua; 1'1I11\1 orm'er s,,;2:;aoill\~ <Ires a strong outgoing people person Wltn eJ\.ceilenl commU~'o1tlon and SHong ,mer serVice skilts Must be PC literate Sound banKing operation knowled';r8 )iilngual skllis helpfUl Cheek our "Combined Rates"" with ZChr jf anmrsulllr ZCnnrs and The Princeton Herald Call 972-442-3515 -('-"'" intnrn'"l::l_ :li I;w ,H sistant Branch Manager be goal-motivated and, lndll,llduai With orevep sales abM.. strono mes a strong outgomg people - )m€r service shills Heavy I-,and!ing and some sl.<ptlnl;sory ewcr]er,ce lssary Must be PC literate Sound banKI'lg operation knowledge and bF:ln~JUa' ; helpful Council's regular ariats and will be l;JXlJ e:.tch ml\!lth, h::,cs Our Ht'\\ hll!~ei ,tl!'ll'L'llt\I1(' h':.':w,(j,-'tn ~ ~e respo~ses received.: 8. finalisl irst (2 or .' I firm, ur irllil\-ldU;th. \\-iii !:ie lnl!lI.:,.,tcd tr' 1l11t'i ~~'Ith th~ CIty Cou~ClI (m execmiye sc""j\_ln.1 nr some othC'r arr;mgl'Jnl'!l[ d" !(,';Jllli\\ ;1 dh~Tt' Dlcmew wh~le co~p]Ylng with the Texas Open :\l~etm~" ..\.:1 It h ~'('m('m[1L1rcd lh:1! 1Jll' SCk~'il company 0: ~lrm will be ~omr~cred fur arrnrney sen'icTs b llSU:t1 :m~J cils'!tlm:lry tul cl\tIll'J.r:.d\ Texasmun:clpalttJe~. Plect"e respond dIrectly. hy Jul:- i :()n_~, Intef\lC\\, \\'11: L':' "~'!ll'dlljcd \\ Ialdays WIth selectJoll tel follow as :;;OUll :15 p,,;,;;sibk ,rsonal Banker duties of these OOSI1\on5 Incluoe but are nollimrted t8 :ast't and aeposit selling money orde~s and :\avele-s ,tern U'1icn W1!es. bata.nclf'9 drawer at end ot shift ope'l\1'98'd Savl!'\OS a~COiJnts direct c:iepcs;t papelVJorl<, Janng ~nec~ oroers banK products ana se~vlce", ann ~S-I\le customer service Mus'. nave exceliert custorne..- se'\I',ce ~landiln[J eXIJerience ;,referre: saies st<.I'is