Ordinance 2003-12 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2003-05 TO SPECIAL USE PERMIT (SUP) DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FOR MINOR VEmCLE (BOAT) REPAffi WITHIN A NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES (NS) DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCil..- OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification of SUP, Special Use Permit District Classification for Minor Vehicle (Boat) Repair within a Neighborhood Services (NS) District, said property being described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. . SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City ~n conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions ofthis ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the proVIsIons of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7. The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 24th day of June, 2003. IL. By: Eric Hogue, AZ · ~d, < / ~e:~~' Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Exhibit "A" Legal Description 650 Country Club Road (PM 1378) ZC #2003-05 Being a tract ofland situated in the Charles Atterbury Survey, Abstract No. 22, in Collin County, Texas, and being part of a called 14.497 acre tract of land conveyed to Novid Properties, Inc. by deed recorded in County Clerks File Number 96-0076788, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being the same approximate 1.0 acre tract ofland conveyed to Ronald J. Johnson by deed recorded under County Clerks File Number 02-0077388, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said 1.0 acre tract to be more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1Iz" iron rod found on the east right-of-way line of Country Club Drive (FM 1378) (100' R. O. W.) for the northwest comer of a 1.0 acre tract and the southwest comer of a 10.00 acre tract of land conveyed to Northeast Texas Ready-Mix, Inc. by deed recorded in Volume 2401, Page 363, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE, North 90000'00" East, along the north line of said 1.0 acre tract and the south line of said 10.00 acre tract, a distance of281.99 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for the northwest comer ofa2.0 acre tract ofland conveyed to Edward Silva by deed recorded under County Clerks File Number 00-0017330, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE, South 000 15' 18" East, along the west line of said 2.0 acre tract, a distance of 165.00 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for the southwest corner of said 2.0 acre tract; THENCE, North 90000'00" West, along the south line of said 1.0 acre tract a distance of281.99 feet to a capped 5/8" iron rod set for the southwest corner of said 1.0 acre tract, and being on the east right-of-way line of Country Club Drive (PM 1378) (100' R.O.W.); THENCE, North 000 15' 18" West, along the west line of said 1.0 acre tract and the east right-of-way line of Country Club Drive (FM 1378) (100' R.O.W.), a distance of 165.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.0 acres of land, more or less. Exhibit "B" ZC #2003-05 SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS for Minor Vehicle Repair in Neighborhood Serviced District 650 Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) General Conditions: 1. The purpose ofthis Special Use Permit is to allow Minor Vehicle Repair operations within an existing structure, subject to conditions to make it harmonious and compatible with the surrounding area. 2. This Special Use Permit shall not affect any regulation found within the Code of Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein. 3. All regulations of the Neighborhood Services (NS) District set forth in Sections 4.1.A and 5.2 of the Zoning Ordinance (as adopted February 27,2002) are included by reference and shall apply except as specifically provided herein. Special Conditions: 1. This Special Use Permit shall apply only to the one-acre tract at 650 Country Club Road (p.M. 1378) as described in Exhibit "A", and shall not be transferred or applied to other uses or properties in any way. 2. Permitted land uses within this Special Use Permit shall include all and only those uses permitted within the Neighborhood Services District as specified in Section 5.1 of the Zoning Ordinance, and also shall permit Minor Vehicle Repair without further SUP. Minor Vehicle Repair shall include the servicing or minor repair of automobiles, boats and other recreational vehicles, farm equipment and other motorized vehicles under 6,000 pounds in weight. 3. All activities and operations shall be conducted within the enclosed structure. No vehicles shall be stored overnight except within the building or fenced area on a concrete surface. 4. Openings for service bays shall not face the public right-of-way. 5. Noise from bells or loudspeakers shall not be audible beyond the property line. 6. A masonry wainscot, four (4) feet in height of brick and with a top layer accent to match the front building fa~ade, shall be installed and maintained along the south wall building. Other characteristics of the building which do not conform fully to the requirements of the current Zoning Ordinance, except for any condition which shall be deemed a danger to the health and safety of the public, may be maintained in compliance with Section 9.5 of the Zoning Ordinance. SUP Conditions 2003-05 650 Country Club Road (F.M. 1378) Page 2 of2 7. The outside trash receptacle (dumpster) shall screened on three sides by a solid masonry or concrete wall that is the height of the container and the fourth-side opening shall be equipped with a solid gate. 8. Within ninety (90) days of the approval ofthis SUP, the property shall be made to conform with the current Landscaping requirements of Section 4.4.E.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance. Such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition, and any plant materials that die shall be replaced as soon as possible. 9. The operations shall remain in compliance at all times with the above and all other applicable local, state and federal laws, and failure to do so shall be considered a violation of this Special Use Permit and subject to revocation of this SUP and Certificate of Occupancy. ---.------ -------- ~-- ! \ ~--_._._._._-----!-.__._------_.__._------ ! i \ ! ! ! ~--------_.__._...._--_._._.__._--------_. \ ! L._._..__.._______.____._________.___._________.._ \ ! i t----.--..--------------.---..------..-.--------- ! ! ! ! ! ! i . ! ! ----.-.----t ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! ! i \ ._-_._-----_.__._----~ i O. .-----...-..-.----.---..---..-.-.---..----r-:.-:::.=-'-- ! ! ! ! i.____j t--.--..-..-------..-..-.-.-.-..-------..-.-.-;;::--:---==-;--- ! i i \ L._._J ....-.i..-------.-.r-.-..--------.-..--.-------.--.-.-- ! ! ! ! ! ! ~--_._-_._.~ U ! ! ! ! i-----i-_. ! .,..~' I ,- : ,.- .,' ! ~., ,. ,-- _/ ! ,..' '""" i ! ! i ! ! ! t-----..-.. ! ! LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2003-05 z o :::! "T1 - ~ o...t - 0_" z ;0 m ""0 o ~ )> ~ Q ~ )> ~ o ~ o Z "T1 ~ I ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... -' -' -' -0 (J) ...... 0- (11 ~ (,) I'.) ..... =II: (X) ...... 0- (11 ~ (,) I'.) ..... 0 1; [ [ O:J [ [ [ 1; r- !!l. ~ ~ (,) (,) (,) I'.) I'.) I'.) I'.) (11 (11 (11 m ..... -' ..... I'.) I'.) '" I'.) r- . "T1 [ -c -c -c ~ ~ -c 0 3: a Q 8 a 2 ~ ..... 0 (,) 0 -+ -+ '- -+ -+ -+ ...... -0 (J) ..... ..... -' 0- (11 (J) 0 '" -' (') -4 N N N N A) N N , . . 0- . . . 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- (,) (,) (,) 0 0 0 0 ~ (11 (11 . (11 '" I'.) I'.) I'.) ..... ..... ..... I'.) I'.) I'.) 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LL A~t ~2 - ~.. -.." -"" -"" -.... -.." -.... -.... _'__"-"-"-", {( 10 _,.-..-..-..-..-3 fr tt .-...-..-...-...-...-.. fr ~ .. -.... -.... -"" -.... -.... -.... -"" -"" Q) t'- rf\ 2: \.L I I I I , I I I I I I ~st 351 .. -.... -.." -.... -.... -.... -"" -.." -"" ~()fJ3 "Ot:) ( If -:::: 2tJo I , THE WYLIE NEWS lAlvermg Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroundiug area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the Chad Engbrock, published in Collin Texas, who being undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, by me duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing attached ~~~ ~. d-OO_1 -/L - (~LJ ~~ t. , was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: 9u~1 :L ,2003, and ..,- . 2003. ~Pub&her Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ________day of ____________,2003 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary The Public State in and for of Texas My Commho:sion expires TexSCAN I Public Notices : ex Public Notices Public Notices rot':ntl~L Anyone Exnre,so Italic.. 1-800-1'13-6625 tipfl' 2 FREE PRO- 1\: HEREI'\\f'TER DESCRIBED PROPEl,~ TY LO\iI"G C\SE ;\t-~1HER =(lll~.O:, TO SPECL-\L USE PER\llT ,SlT, DISTRICT CLAS~ SIEICATIO'\ FOR \II'\OR VEHICLE ,B().m REP\IR WITH~ I~ A ~EIGHBORHOO[) SERVICES (I\SI DIS~ TRICT PROVIDI'\G FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDI'\A'\CES 1'\ CO'\FLlCT: PROVID~ I~G A SEVERABILlTl CLAl'SE: AND PROVlD. II\G f'OR AN EFFEC TIVE DATE. From f)W!{' 88 the AdministfallOI1 Offii...'(",;'; of the NT~1\\"D. 505 E Brov>'n Street. \\\lk'. Texas 750% until ~:()U p.m.. local time 1,ub..-llL 2003. and then open.-J ~lI1d read. Bid deoCllIlWIlb 1l1,1~ be oDI~llncd frtlJli rile Nnrth Texa" :\lunicipal Water Dlmicl at :"0':- E. Brown Street. \V~ille_ Texa" 7509S mso DRIVERS. SWIFT TRANSPORTL\T10'\; i, hir- itl~ t',<:perieJlC'C'rl and innperi- 'CllCL'J driwr~ anJ OiU_ CUi tr;:111111'; JI;lilJbk \\'l' pay for <:'\l'eri<:'lh''':. gn:JI hcnL'iib aJl<J ,'(\[hl'(t'J11 lllik" I ;';66-<:~_~. :'2:'+ T In\e~tmt'nl retlllired h-l,-~~tj DRIYERS WA:"\TED A ;;;1 I\!)!_' ')2J\nr1 RO:'\TS C r 10 38 cpm -r- q" t~lq' DiG's IT 10 {)(' C'f'lI1 L';I~{' Pn1:2:nm1 f. mc,rlth, OTR \1eltnn TrllcI-.: Lin\.",_ In,_ j- abk tn \111 ynw ;11(';: H, \mc \1 ..ekcnct~ RCLTlliter "11 dnl\ ,':ill I-S1HI-:'<:'_,,-(,.t'2_ \YTI Tr:liJ,p'-'f: ( )\\':"ER,'OPLR.\TORS rIR[D :r'rnpl'lln~ \i 111\ C~!llIr:1n\ lnt.f;<, Hun TC\;i~ rqlilln ih'll1c; ,If ten 1')[1 per r:t\ ,{e.,lIy femg."l ,'-,lIlkl' ( O\\lll'T,I)!'<.:I;II,l; \YOLFF' 1.-\'\:"1'\;(; BEDS - Alf('f(bbk Clllll'cllJ<.'llt 'LII1 ;)' hL\l11C Pa\mC'lll' tTC'm ":,:',"]11('ntl1 fREE CUiOl ClIl \"U;I:,. ,-soo S.\CHSE POLICE DEPARn1E~T SEX OFFE'\DER "OT!. FICATIO\ '\OTIFIC-\CW'\ .\1. PUBLICO DE F" r:-;rR_-\CTOR SL\-:T_'.\L Sf'()l IJRl\-ERS lTA\lS \\'''~\e1'll E\rre~" = Sucu:'~, S\liid mik'", gnnJ home timl' ,1~l11J'dlll\-l' P;I\. hcr1l'llt' !,.kLt~c, r:1id \~tcaIIL'Il. CI;,,, A-CDL :.:: y~';Il' (,Id_ ~,,,-,,I \lVR_ 1-8iiS-"71,ruJ'73::. DRIVERS - ..'11 ,'i, \ llLf' \1,,'1; Mrdwcq-'S\)utIW;t<;! f)r\ pulk, pnculllati( It'Jrkl n;nDrn;; prr>\idlO'd 2 year, OTR. Cia", X' CDL. !],' t!ld,~!',elllcflt' ('iean \I\"R ;-:-;(I(I.8:J-30-+l', Lx! 11:~ \\wWlrucl-.:ri0fla COlli -;- r i _II I 'i~, HELP \\'A~TED .\\'01\; E:\TREPRE:'\"El'R \\.\'<TED_ \lu>;! bc' il tlill\[: !,. 11"Ii-, \lh<.:Jlc'\'C'f IOU \\anl \''It' \'1\11 p\,,,, alld l'n10\ llllill\lll<.:d ~'afllil\!2' Let, t;J!f; 1-i':-\:;-9-1:--I()'" S -\L1::' SALES \lA\. \GERS . Onc' \lllhe' hr~h,>l p:lId 1(11" ill.J..lll<:rJ<:a Hi,ghl: ~lkn',~lul ll:ltwDal comp;Hl: II ill \\c rr,n-iJ,' ;tP!'\lIIJtIlWllt" C:III Dun, ! !\ II (I '\: 2 4 I I)' IC"lc:aV,\,'lI,'L_'IllIllCOII'U' '" Tl'\. .\:\'5.:'(11\T ROBERl VdLLL\ \1 LIF\'ER Ag:c/Edad: .:1: S;;''i,iSr-,, M .\jjr:'~ ~ -'{) lr~~'~ HILLVIF\\' L \'\[ Let s[,;n \ HILL\' IE\\ NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT By Marvin Fullet Pr6idcnt, Board of Din"L'lur:--- ._ 5-3l-~_,5 (\\m!l;tlll elll Charli;; i- ~,,:-;_ ;-;-.., i':;<~ n\\-XER10PER-\TORS' III 1\':":" ~t'I1t, I'd mdt'_ rC,':\i'n:d '.\-,'<:1-.:1\, IV(jt\\IT CDL/\, :::. "Id, I: 1111'11:11" [III \;m <,.\!'diL'Ih:L <i11,1 ~ll(,d \1, fk hhl"[\ Lllh' ht:j~hi l-x",:--;--125 U'R'\'F1~S DRI\T';(1 \CI-F1\ II (ji~ldlU[c" Tllilit\J1 By enl' '-logue. ,LJ:'or Pro Tcm ATTEST: C\n-.,\c Ehrlich .. CilY SeLrctan \.'~,~-- S-\Cl hE /lip :~()dt'/( 11d:~(' r\ ',,' 6-lt-339, ;<:;'1.11'- l0f1\'icleli 0-;': [\DECT'\- CY WITH A CHILD ~F\:l.',\l. CU\T\CT I"'''ITATION FOR BIDS NORTH TEXAS MU'\IClI'AL WATER DISTRICT )-j.{i, M1LE --\ \'ER.J..GE Jjn\L'\cr \'0\1 it. it~ lhe 1, 'I' pJ~ III tilL' rnd,J'!r;.:, 'L'\l, ~'\! ,'qll\pmcnl \Ele, H(lm~.tiil1t E\L'I'ythiJl~' H-::!r!lalld E\;'fC~~ J-XOII--I--I-I--I')_~' \\'\"I\'.hcan]<lllde'.\I'rl'~~, ,'0nl I\lC HIRl\:G rr,;\S [)mer\ 0/0. OTk, stude-Ill pJd;, t(\111",- Excellenl h<.'Ill' tjt~ :lnJ equipment Be h(lllle !lime of teD_ Call dr1\Tl ,t'J \'lCC<; ll{)\.\-~ I.S()(j-396-'f,J'! { 1()7~ ,1Il~~ jl;) , - FI'.-\-'lCL\L SERYICES \<;;(':\SI{\," r.\l"-lED1,'\]E C -\SH 1<..'1 "lllduJ'ctl '\"nk- REAL EST. TE \l:JSOLl'TE STE.-\L' An<:" l;.,]lJ,(}llIJ, S:I~'['It'J\.t' rll~~' (\11 h~':l\llit[l1 '\(lrth Tnd' \.'Ol!111r:- !'I-Opt'r1\ J\'rtcct ;,::('[;1\.\;1;'_ 1\~rifcmClll \'1 illlh,' 'l'(-1\r, :\L:CC'~ ((0(11111 :lel'" f'll\a{C !l:\Jk_ hn:lJ1cino: 1',',;1, Land (~ R;lIl,'ht'- C,-tll n,w.-_ 1-,\(,(.-"]10-4:-;(\\ "ORDINANCE NO. 2003-13 pnJ\'ER - "-l,"II{),'\IO'\,:TH. REHABlI.IT\T10'\ PROJECT FOR ONE II) KOMLI'\E. SANDERSO'\ K()~I- PRESS GRS 2-~IETER BELT FILTER PRESS 1t',i1e":!I, CE\CL~ CO'< 1 -'\; C'l CO:\T\CTCl \['\t'.'l.,L Ph:, \ \.';; ;t [' tl f" \1 hl1p:\\rcc(1)i..i" ,'dr' x,u:- Ri~k L~\el A'; ORDlN\'\CF OF THE CITY OE WYLIE TEXAS. A\IE~[)ING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONI\G ORDI"ANCE OF THE CITY or WYLIE. AS HERETO. EORE AMENDED. SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING O~ THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPER. TY. ZOI\ING CASE NUMBER 201n.06 TO PLAN"ED DEVELOp. MENT IPlll DISTRICT FOR RESIDENTIAL USES' PROVIDINC FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINA:-<CES 11\ CONFLICT: PROVID. ING A SEVERABILITY CLAL'SL AND PROVID. INC, FOR AN EFFEC. TIVE DATE IIl~lIl:llhl' r~l\nlH' ] (j \\cnl\\-l'nh. ]_:--;(I(I_-:,q-l--'](' ):'_",nnf! C\SH CiJ{->.\'1'\' ..-\l! Tl'>.::h rl'siJt'n1~ lIu:llJ" 1\'. L-~l.' mPlIl': lpr ~d](\()I, hll'IIIl"', J'er<;nn~ti 1'111-. ('1(' DUIl'lllll-.' (1Ul. Call 1-1-;11(1_,(,_,.52:'::_ Exr 111-1 - \mCliC:J.rI Grant Scr.'i-:-i..'" FOR SALE FREE :-ROO7\l f)!R[CT\ S;. <;tl'lll illduding II] ,LiI Li- Sealed r-.id~ adcin:sscd In the attcntion of the Director llf Finance of the ~onh Texa:- :t\-1unicipaJ Water Distr: \\\'l1e, Texas will bl' received a\ the Administratit)n Offices of the !\rvlWD, 50:' E Br<l\\'tl Street. W\'lie. Texas 7)Oq~ until 10:OU 3,m_. lOl'a] time, ~ 2003, and then oflcned and read_ Bid dpcul1lCnb !l1:!) be ohtainl:'J from tbe North Texas i\lllnicip:11 W3ter Dlstricl at :'05 E Brown Strcet. \\'yl1c Texas 7.'i048 c f,_: : -;:i' LOlS1'RY GET-r\W\Y,2C :\1: (11 Juncl1nn, tI~';1J Lnll<.l\'1I Eleelneir\', Ill<.' !\:I~ :lnd \ll<.:SqUlL.::, ;;r<.:;\l \'IC\\' lk~[ :ll1d turkey ,_,,!'i()ldm\-D, R:lnch LntC'rprt,c" 1-I':-U-2'i-;'-_".'\'72 tl'\:iSr:l!ldl- ]~tI1ci.~'om TexSCAN 1!1'~dh t'- c , H C CI:.h_" ' :," CDL. l' Ill\' OTR 1_snn-;O'::,"i_C1(i7[1, 1\1\\\ ,-',\nti- 11'1\Llh.ll'll week of .June 29, 200~ ADOPTIO~ L0i'king fm L~nd'!ar lu, lht' lnnbitreight 1l> n;~k~ \0U SlKd~~,illl Let us shn\\ \('t!, I-,\\F\t:-~:_". DP.I\'FRS -.....;0 FX:PERI- '['\-cL" ~-:, 111 \lpkm L(m CDL \Lll11lJ1f ;11~tjj;ll->k. I\kaJ~_ \0rl:;iDf' :Inti TL!ll~- rfn\ tJ~'J lunioll !l'ill-,bll~:t'menl. "I (\I )(1 h"llU, <I'11i tl.'!2t(lnal :l"ything and ic~<ll t'\rc'n"e~ in Tf'\.:1. ~-~~-~~~-~ When you want the news in Wylie, re THE WYLIE NEW~ Devoted To The Best Interest Of \hlie Since I( More news and information about Wyl and the surrounding area than any other ~ o 1Jwn~I1' e,\I't'!'IL'llc:( CDL'\ ClTR Bub. NORTH 'rEXAS 1\WNICIPAL . WATER DiSTRICT By Eric Hogue, ing, Call 442-5515 to subscri 1.32" I lll\b.CI"tCUS I D J\.NUM! ~ ~1\IL~y'l ~. I I i ","~ew i . p.\- ING 1.1:>......11.'1'1..,0.. L.O......S.. "".. i I\:)'B~ . . D Bv l\-larv\n Fuller .. .'" Prt'sldent. B0:\rJ of Dln:,(t01'" PUBLIC NOTICE 5-3t-2.':" ORDI'\ANCE "'0. 2003-11 Sealed bids for the Davis Intermediate School-2003 (Phase III) are being accepted t School District. Bidders may obtain a complete set of contract documents from the C Gallagher Construction Management Services, 2600 Technology Drive, Suite 400. 972.633.0564,972.633.0164 Fax. Contract documents will also be furnished to Abilene, AN ORDINA'\CE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. /_. TEXAS. AMENDING THE COMPREHE\SI\E ZONI';G ORDI'\.\'\CE or THE CIT1 OF \\'YLlE~ \S HERETO~ IORr ,\ \I[\DED SO AS TO CII.~';GE THI ZO';T\C 0'\ THF area plan rooms, Mailed bids should be addressed to Wylie Independent School District Administratior Wylie, Texas, 75098 and received before 2:00 p,m.. Tuesday, July 15, 2003, All ot~ ditectly to Wylie Independent School District Administration Office. 950 S. Ballard S and received before 2:00 p.rn. Tuesday, July 15. 2003_ Thereafter, at 2:00 p.m.. all sealE opened and read aloud, THE WYLIE '1EW" now af'c(,]11'~ nSA The following bid packages will be available for bid from multiple prime contractors wh with Wylie Independent School District and be coordinated by Gallagher Construction M - VISA - BP 01-B Final Building Cleaning BP 09-G Wood Flooring BP 02-0 Pavement Markings BP 10-A Specialty Items BP 02-E Termite Control BP 10-( Metal Lockers BP 02-F landscape & Irrigation BP 10-0 Identification t BP 03-B Concrete Sidewalks BP 10.1 Canopies and L, BP 04-A Masonry BP 11-A Stage Equipmel BP 05-A Structural Steel & Erection BP 11-B Food service Ec BP 06-A Millwork BP 11-0 Residential Ap~ BP 07.A Roofing & Sheet Metal BP 11.E Athletic Equiprr BP 07-B Joint Sealant BP 12-B Telescoping BIE BP07-( Sprayed On Fireproofing BP 12.( Music InstrumE Equipment BP OB-A Frames, Doors and Hardware BP 12-0 Horizontal Lou\ BP08-B Glass and Glazing BP 13-B Bleachers BP 08-( Overhead Coiling Doors and Grilles BP 14-A Elevator( s) BP 09-A Drywall & Acoustical BP 15.A Mechanical: PII BP 09-( Ceramic Tile and Floor Coverings BP 15-0 Fire Sprinkler 5 BP 09-0 Painting BP 16-A Electrical BP 09-F Plaster and Stucco BP 17-A Data Cabling ar 8.: "Ie :e for YOIII' C'lln\etllt'lHT III placln)! 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