Ordinance 2003-13 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY, ZONING CASE NUMBER 2003-06 TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) DISTRICT FOR RESIDENTIAL USES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the amendment of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, have given the requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally and to owners of the affected property, the governing body of the City is of the opinion and finds that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be, and the same is hereby, amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning classification ofPD, Planned Development District for Residential Uses, said property being described in Exhibit" A", Planned Development Design Standards described in Exhibit "B" and the Development Plan shown in Exhibit "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the proVlslons of this ordinance or the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended hereby, commits an unlawful act and shall be subject to the general penalty provisions of Section 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, as the same now exists or is hereafter amended. SECTION 5. Should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION 7. The repeal of any ordinance, or parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 24th day of June, 2003. By Eric Hogue, L ATTEST: '1 1.! ". ~~ /' Exhibit "A" Legal Description ZC #2003-06 Being a tract ofland situated in the E. C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266, in the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, said tract of land being comprised of parcels of land deeded to Wylie Realty Investments, L.L.C. recorded in Volume 5042, Page 2944 and in Volume 5007, Page 2266; and Tract I deeded to L.M.B. Partnership, Ltd. recorded in Volume 5159, Page 3104 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, said tract ofland being described as follows: ' Beginning at the southeast comer of said parcel ofland dee~ed to Wylie Realty Investments, L.L.c. recorded in said Volume 5042, Page 2944; THENCE, the following four (4) calls as stated in the deed to Wylie Realty Investments, L.L.c. recorded in Volume 5042, Page 2944 being the southerly, westerly and northerly lines: THENCE S. 85 deg. 09 min. 18 sec. W. along said Dallas Area Rapid Transit Railway right-of- way a distance of593.00 feet; THENCE in a Southwesterly direction along a curve to the right having a central angle of 08 deg. 42 min. 08 sec. a radius of4327.53 feet, a tangent of329.27 feet, a chord ofS. 89 deg. 32 min. 37 sec. W. 656.65 feet, along said right-of-way line, an arc distance of 657.28 feet to a corner in the West line of said E. C. Davidson Survey; THENCE N. 00 deg. 03 min. 18 sec. E. along said <E. C. Davidson> Survey line, a distance of 1313.86 feet; THENCE N. 87 deg. 01 min. 49 sec. E. a distance of 1240.98 feet; THENCE, the following five (5) calls as stated in the deed to Wylie Realty Investments, L.L.C. recorded in said Volume 5007, Page 2266, beginning at the northwest corner of the described parcel and following the northerly, northeasterly, and easterly lines: THENCE South 89 degrees 41. minutes 12 seconds East, 619.54 feet, along the South line of said Ralph Pinkus tract;" to the "Westerly line of 'Westgate, Phase l' a subdivision recorded in Volume F, Page 793, Map Records, Collin County, Texas; THENCE along the Westerly line of said 'Westgate, Phase l' the following three courses and distances: South 00 degrees 55 minutes 09 seconds West, 28.82 feet to the beginning of a curve; 110.87 feet along the arc ofa tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 107.50 feet, a central angle of 59 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds, a chord bearing of South 28 degrees 37 minutes 32 seconds East, a chord distance of 106.02 feet to a point of tangency; South 58 degrees 10 minutes 13 seconds East, 87.37 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of Westgate Way, 65 foot right of way; THENCE South 31 degrees 49 minutes 47 seconds West, 281.32 feet along said Northwesterly line; THENCE, the following five (5) calls as stated in Tract I of the deed to L.M.B. Partnership, Ltd. recorded in said Volume 5159, Page 3104, following the easterly and southerly lines: Thence along the westerly right-of-way of said Westgate Way the following calls: Along a non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 582.50 feet, a delta of21 degrees 20 minutes 51 seconds, and a chord that beat:s South 21 degrees 19 minutes 35 seconds West, 215.78 feet, an arc length of 217.03 feet to the beginning of a reverse curve to the right, having a radius of 517.50 feet, a delta of 26 degrees 05 minutes 04 seconds, and a chord that bears South 23 degrees 41 minutes 41 seconds West, 233.57 feet; Along said reverse curve an arc length of 23 5.60 feet to. . . the beginning of a reverse curve to the left, having a radius of 582.50 feet, a delta of39 degrees 58 minutes 13 seconds, and a chord that bears South 16 degrees 45 minutes 07 seconds West, 398.17 feet; Along said reverse curve an arc length of 406.36 feet to the point oftangency; South 03 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 97.68 feet to the intersection of the north right-of-way line of aforesaid Dallas Area Rapid Transit tract and said westerly right-of-way line of Westgate Way; Thence South 87 degrees 09 minutes 28 seconds West, with said north right-of-way line, a distance of357.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing by deed references only, 53.6 Acres, more or less. Exhibit "B" Planned Development Design Standards CREEK HOLLOW SUBDIVISION City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas Statement of Purpose: This Planned Development is intended to achieve an efficient land use on diverse properties of varied zoning. The subject property is situated at the northwest comer of Westgate Way and the DART railway line. Statement ofEtTect: This Planned Development shall not effect any regulation found in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie as adopted and amended, except as specifically provided herein. General Re2ulations: All regulations providing for single family 8.5/17 as set forth in Section 3.3 Village Residential Districts of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance are included by reference ans shall apply, except as otherwise specified under the provisions hereunder. The conditions contained herein and the conditions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, which are not amended by this Planned Development, shall constitute all of the zoning requirements applicable to this Planned Development. Development Plan: The development plan shall be submitted and approved for this development and shall serve as the preliminary plat. The development plan is attached herewith as Exhibit "C" and shall conform to these written conditions of the planned development. Specific Re2ulations: This classification shall conform to the City of Wylie Single Family 8.5 District (SF-8.5/17) except as noted below: 7,000* 60* 71* 100 115* 25 6* 15* / Side Yard of Allowable nonresidential use feet Rear Yard feet Rear Yard Double Front Lots feet ::::liti:::lt:::::'?:IOillil:::*,::IUB.:':':"':::;:::'::::::It.I..:::::::::::t::,:I:: 30 25 25* Front Yard feet Side Yards feet Rear Yards feet Rear Yard Double Front Lots Side Yards Corner Lots feet Minimum Distance From Main Buildin Area of Buildin Lot 2 Acres or Less Additional Guidelines: 1. Exterior Wail Materials - A minimum of75% of the dwelling's total exterior area, minus windows and doors, must be masonry veneer, such as brick, stone or masonry. Any exterior wall having street frontage shall be 100% masonry veneer, minus windows and doors. All dwellings adjacent to Westgate Way shall be single story or 100% masonry veneer. (This item shall be worth 0 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 2. Roofs - roofs must be covered with composition material of at least 180 lb weight shingle and have a roof pitch of8: 12. Additionally, all roofs shall include dormers or have a combination hip and gable roof (This item shall be worth 10 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 3. Fences and Wails - Fences may not exceed 7 feet in height. Fences must be made of masonry, wood or architectural metal. The use of chain link fencing is prohibited. Railroad ties may not be used for a retaining wall visible from the street. All rear yard fencing adjacent to dedicated park land shall be wrought iron material, 7 feet in height. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements. ) 4. Screening - The owner of a lot must screen the following items from the view of the public and neighboring lots and dwellings, if any of these items exist on the lot: a. Clotheslines b. Drying racks c. Hanging clothes, linens, rugs and textiles of any kind d. Yard maintenance equipment e. Wood piles and compost piles f. Accessory structures such as dog houses, gazebos, metal storage sheds and green houses. g. Garbage can and refuse containers. Plant material such as trees and bushes may be used for screening. (This item shall be worth 0 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 5. House Elevation - No like floor plans shall be constructed adjacent to each other. Additionally, there shall be a minimum of710ts skipped on the same side of street or 4 lots skipped on the opposite side of the street between units with the same floor plan and same elevation. (This item shall be worth 10 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 6. Mailboxes - Mailboxes shall be paired at the property lines and shall be of one style throughout the development. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 7. Side Entry Garages - 25% of the total number of units shall have side entry garages. (This item shall be worth 5 points as part of the architectural requirements.) 8. Landscaping - The following minimum landscape features shall be installed prior to the initial occupancy: a. Trees - a minimum of 6 inches in total diameter shall be installed. This may be accomplished by one 6 inch tree or multiple trees whose diameters add up to at least 6 inches. b. Shrubs - eighteen (18) 3 gallon shrubs across the front of the house. c. Grass - solid sod from the fence to the curb. 9. Alleys - The alley requirement for this planned development shall be waived. 10. Density - The total number of residential units for this planned development shall not exceed 200 units and the total density (based upon gross acreage) shall not exceed 3.75 units per acre overall. Jj ......,......... " 31": lilt !~I Ii! ~IR I !II I \ I . I . i l f :'0 \ 'IU r; \ I \ I . \ , . i 8 z g~ ;-I~ . So ~..... ....z ::;; .0" J:O t. ....:t~ g~O~? o::V ;>;I~ ~[;; ....10) ~~ ~~ ~. 1II o Z .1: " ~ west Brown Street I! 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Date, Location & Time of Planning & Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2009 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Date, Location & Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, June 24, 2003, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas Name: CfJeri:&lSh / bJ4r2.--i (please print) ~ Address: l2..Q.!&"5f. {D LD 0 ILD:3 12,a.Ll t\~ -r'l- 1'C)f!.lo lJ '1 ;2 J 3 Signature: C 11 rfu' m 1d.;fA91 Date: 5-/3'-03 COMMENTS: ~ ~ctO~0 ~~ ~~ ~ . 'I ~ __u__ ___\~ ~4_liM~~S_ ~ _ s ,t. . aluXLLt.s 5U~ (lJ~\(1f13e , THE WYLIE NEWS wvenng Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroondiug area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the Chad Engbrock, published in Collin Texas, who being undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, by me duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing attached ~. < /J<-O. ..2 () 03- /3 - ~ ~1 (Y'r (.. was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: 9~~ ,2003, and . 2003. ~PubliSher Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ________day of ____________,2003 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary The Public State in and for of Texas My Commi~~ion expires Public Notices of the :.JTi'vl\\D. .'i():" E 8ro\\'n Street \\ylii..'. Texas 7.5()l)1'\ until ~:O(l p.m.. local lime. l1!..!.Ll.iL 200':;. and then orcllcJ and re:Hl Bid uocumenb m:t: be obtained frtlm the North Texas :\luniL'ipal \\.'.1[cr District at .'i0:, E Brown Slreel. Wylie. Texas 75098 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL \lATER DISTRICT By r>.lanin Fuller Presidcni. Board of Din:'ctnr" INVITATION FOR BIDS NORTH TEXAS MVNICIPAI. WATER DISTRICT REHABILITATION PROJECT FOR ONE (1) KOVILI'iE- SA'iDERSON KO\I- PRESS GRS 2-VIETER BELT FILTER PRESS Sealed bids addressed [0 the attention 01 the Director of Finance of the North Te\~l~ \lullicipal Water Dlstr: \\y'lie, Texas \vill be received a\ the Administralinn Office..; of the NT\l\\'D. 505 E Brown Slrei?! W\'l1e. Texas 750tJS until 1 U:OO a,nL l(Kal time, ~ :00.', and lhen orl('ncd and read. Bid dPCU!11elll."; ma: be obtained ff~ml the North Tex:\S \tunicip~11 Water District dt :'i05 E Bro\,n Stred, Wylil' Texas 75()4~ r Public Notices HEREI:;,ETF:R DESCRIBED PI(O!'ER- n LU:;I"C; C\SE ,'\L.\lBER. :oo:q).'i TO SPECL\L L'SE PER\1I1 i SLT' DISTRICT CL\S- SIFIC\TION fOR \II"OR \'EHICLF ,Bom REP.,IR WITH- I" A :;EIGHBORHOOD SERVICES ,NS, DIS- TRICT: PROVIDI'iC HJR THE REPEAL Of .,L1_ ORDINANCES I~ COKFLlCT: PROVID- 1,,(; ., SEVERABIUf> CL .\USE: AKD PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE 5-.3\-235 By Erh.. H\lg11e, 'laYOf Prl' Tem ATTEST C~H'le Ehrlich. '\. e1l\- SecretaT\ S_~~C1ISf 6_lt_3J9:l"~_~1;1~~nde/r"d::;:() r', ',' 'ORDI"iANCE NO. 2003- 13 ,:; ORDI"iANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE TEXAS. .;\IE,\;DI"G THE COMPREHENSIVE ZO!\IV; ORDIN,\NCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. AS HERETO- FORE AMENDED. SO AS TO CHA'iGE THE ZONII\C; ON THE HEREI'iAFTER DESCRIBED PROPER- TY. ZOI\ING CASE :-iUMIJER 200)-06 TO PLANNED DEVELOP- VIENl ,PO, D1STRICI FOR RESIDEI\TIAL LSES: PROVIIJING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDIN.-\~CES IN CONFLICT: PROVID- ING A SEVEK,BIUTr CLAUSE: AND PROVIIJ- ING FOR A:\ EFFEC- TIVE DATE NOR'rH TEXAS AaJNIClPAL _ WA1'ER By Eric Hogue, DlSTRICT' By i\larvi~ Fulkl PreSident. Bp:ird (-.,f Din:'l'lOr__ :'<~t-2_<,:'i -'-~--_...._-~ ORDI'iANCE '\0. 2003.11 ..11\ ORDI'\AI\CF or. THE CITY OF WYLIE. "r TEXAS, :\~'IE\'DI1\,J(r THE COMPREHENSIVE ZO'\I"G URDI'\ \"CE or THE CITY or WYLIE. \S HERETC1. fURL ,-\\IF:\"DEP. SO AS TO CtlX\'GF THL ZO'\;INC 0:; THE THE WYLIE \EW5 llnw (l{'ccpt:-; \[SA - VISA - <\: "'IL = for YOII'. ('on\enielHT in I'laeinp:: your ad:--. Check onr "Coml,ilH'(1 Halt'.... willL ['hl' jF,mltl'rsUtlll' ['ttnl's and The Princeton Herald C-lIl LJ72--l,r:-;;1'i r---- i "- ~E.W i. I>-\- .ING i~;~OS:', Publici Notices " , ex , f\, l-1i~il Unllll ~Sc.:r~ h-l>_~3') ,.,,1] l)l\c~tmtCnt !"c(jllired SACIISE pOLlCE DEP.-\RT1\lEYI DRI\-ERS WA:\:TED ;\ '" nil!' 52.11()(' RO:\TS- Lr lC 3.'; cpm ... '.H' t.IJ'I' 0/0\ np (0 0(\ ::'J'~I; h(1gr:'m f, mC'ntlF OTR \lelrcil Tn],:}..; Line, jll~ ~(1I1 n.'."- '<.{,f-,(l J\]{!\TR cn\T;-\.>,:\T TR.\.'\SPOf.:T TC::.l111 , SEX OFFE:;DER "\01'1- nCATI\),\ "\OTlFlC\CJI,', AI PUBLICO Dr UN I'\TR:\CTOR SE~T_\L RODER1 WILLL-\ \1 LI[Y~~R Age/Ectad: ..,f: S::'\/SC"" M .\Jjr'::'..;..; 'T'jrt~'(,10n HILL VIF\\' L \ '\[ i Lee s[":;n\ ,I, HILL\'I[\\ U]\l\T)~<:':; 0)80 DRIVERS SWIFT TRANSPORTA.T10'l\; j, hir, in~e\:f'("rieJle('rlaIlJinnreri- , CJlu:J ctri\'cl~ :md O/U CD!. 1r:1:;1I11:':':.1\ ~jilJbk W(, p~jY tor t':>"I'("'lit'lke, f:rcal bCllt'jjl~ ;IIld ,'0mi~l('n( mik, 1-"66..'_,:;.. 8.:-\(11 DRI\ERS TFA\JS \Yi.'..;lt'f!l Expn':-'- = SUCL"C~'" S,\jiJ mil",. gouJ home time [)Rl\T',G lJ~1fIlng prmiJ(',i .:'. YC:\I' \1,,,,,1\ Mid"l'~L"Sullllwaq Dry rolllt:-. pIWlIll1:J.li..: II'Jikl Cn'l\'1CICli L',DECL"'\- CY WITH A CHILD ~FXL'\~_ CC1'\T\CI r'-\n\'i~Tirlj~ CP,CL\ en'.: 1....-: l'] CO:\T\Cl(1 Phi; r" Ri~k Lc\'el DElYERS' LOOKI,,\'(l FOR Frida: (',,:1 j;:'O TexSCAN pIO~'t"~lnf:. c;;\~ "..'". CDL (, !lIe' OTR week of June 29. 2nO~ ___ADOPT~~ ~ot;:: I: I'; ilk:;:il ~.1 h, r':lid '7 4:'i _Cl():(I. \\ \\ \\,"l1li~ II '.' I \ 1:11 \ . l' " ; 1 ~ DPIVFR<;; '\n FXPERI- ,\, 1'1,,1->1"111 1_0\\ CL'L If,linlll; :1\aiLit"1k. \.ll';)I<. j('d~inf' <lod trJIl~- rrn\ IJ~'J lUlIioll ..;, I ('11111 hllnu~ I !-I0m('\\,'<.:k I: - "f\I)(L';;R'I(~ GTE - 'tar: 1.32~" c, l ~A.R. I?ClJs i & ~71 NUMl "\ Il.E.y'l , ! Pick up 5s off coupon for selected shows at any r.~p),'lV~~l~~~~~~I.':...:~~" *OPENING NIGHTS I Buy :l Ticket at Full Price, Get :l FREE Ticket i 1;::"r1:.,Cin" F',""\~r CBS 11 / 103.7 KVIL ! JULY 30 - :00 AUG. h)~TWO.!2:1l i AUG. 10", 113 - 17 ""~"T "Wed. JULY 30 * 7:30 PM ! "Wed. AUG. '3 * 7:30 PM For shm^,' schedules trle Castest a nd easiest "vav tu uroer tickets, www.Ringling.com ticke't~' Ti,,::i,,et i;lliuding Fiesta, Foley's OTR. CIJ" ":\' CDL 1101 t"l1dnri('Ill.:11h Ck,m \l\"R i-;';Ciil-S':1.3041>. E,:! 11~-: \\\\-\\tmCkfJ0n:J.,e\~ "_..W, \llLE --\\TR,-\GE (ili-:':' IIl-L';d' .: )1.(lI~J.'l'.'cd, l-hl\'i<':\CI H1tI \-ic\\ it. its lhe 1"1' pJ~ II! lh,. Il1dustry. \<.'\\L'~r ,'qulpmcnl \lik~ !-lUnll'lI J11L' E\,'[-yrbin:::' HO:;irlldlld E\rr[',~ J -K(III--:-l-1-4')_'i' w\\\rheanl;l11dt',\pr,'".con, l!\lC HIRI!\:(j rcx,-\S Driwr'- 0/0, OTl<, ,tlldclll gradi_ l'-',mb_ E\cdknl "<':Ill' fits }nJ t'quipmcnt BO' ]1(\111,' 11\<'r(' of len_ CJ.ll dn\"('l '<,'J \-j,CS 111'\\" 1-~(J(i-3q(l-::;r,..FJ ()\\"\;ER/OPER_-\TORS HA\'E your 1"\\-11 L()('king fpr Land'lar lu, the l,-",j'-lireif:hl l~l mak' \'011 qli:~.t',~fui Let us shi'\\ Y01lJ, I-,;;;R~-:,:"- rCf:i011J.l :IJlo! ;)l'L' fn\[11 \'0U, \\t'eKcnct, R\'L'nrl!c[ dllt) WT] Tr';OlhPun ( l\\'\"ER'(ll'lR,\TOFS rJR[D c'nl11l)~'I[I1~' \\1111 CUlllp:m: Fun Tna' rq,i(\1l Il,nllC ,1flCl). T"l' per cell:d"t' P:I' '1<:'.,,1\- re1n~~I- n\\SER'orER-\lURS' LP l~' "-"i (t'Ill' lllik ,,\<,'d;J:,.Il'qllirv CDL:\ .:; nllll1til, [)[\ \;m C_\[lnICIl":~' d[ld ,,\prf-: 11l~I,ltl elll Lillc' I'['ej~b[ 1 \~,\-..LS rIX,\;'\CL\L SERVICES "':;C-\SH"... l\.l.\IEDlAIE C,\SH 1(" ';lIU,'lUI-ed "\'uk ,nnll1(I':'_ 1<:"; ('<:];It( JI101\O::l'-::" ;kdtknl ~d~C', anri III'UI;lIkc' r:I\0l1t' : (, \VCI1I\\<1I1h_ J -,";(In,""\),,;, -:" Iii ;;'~-".(HIO C.\SH C;j~ -'- ,\'T" ,'\11 Tc',J_ J;;'SJJ':nt' ':;1:] qli.ill- L;~,' \'nLl[ rq(11K\ (01 ".-h",,1 bll~1 [1,'<'" 1',"r'0n.tI 1'III-.('t(' DUll [ 1!!!"nu:.Clll P,(j(I- :',(\ ~-5.:'.'::_ Ex! 1I1..j. - \mCJj~,:m G[-:ml SCf\'i("~',- FOR SALE FREE ::'-RnO\l DlR[CT\ Sy~klll ill..:!udlllE TexSCAN I lillp' ~ nl(1~ll!:' FREE PRO.. \' GR-\\l\lI'\c; ::'25+ "'f\ D:pldl '1ll;,;il: r:.-tur~' ..;,'und, L1Ulil,'J i-\ Ifp,d:lbk Co 'l1\.l'tlll'j1t[ ~tll .11 h.,mc Pd\.mC!lI<. rrom S::';','Jl\()Il(ll f'REE (ello! Cali Il1eLl\', 1,SI)()- :ll_(ll'i.\ HELP w.,r;TED ,-\\0\ E!\:TREPRE:\'EL'R \\',V'dl:T) \1u<;, ht' \\lllln;: \lh,'lW\'cr \Ol! \~:ml o 1\\11 h(,,~ ;111;] t'n10~ unillllilt'.1 ~';II'Il!!li-!' Lt'I..I;dk i.\:-;~'U)4:__j.(I."i_:; "Id. I:: ;';\LE:\ S:\I.E\ \!tl.,\ \GlRS OIl>' (It !l1\' IlI~!lCq [laid .101" il1':"lll<':fJ~a, Highl.\ 'IJc'Lt'\'-tuI 1l<11illl1ai ~'Ornr_lal1: \\ ill [[;Iin We rr"\.lj" :lpl'UllIll1l,'m, C;ill nor; ," II (J ,~.:'. ..j. I II 3 r,.....:~.,I(.~"\cri,,{\Inlll(."f!l t''-\ REAL ESTATE \USOUTE STL\L' Auc..; ') IlJ,lj(j{J S:h:nt'ke rl!>.\' <>11 h('.:llltiiul I\llnh Tn;I' hili <:ollllfry l'rnpt"rt:, 1\'rl('(:1 ;:C'(;I\\;IY_ rc:tircmClll '\1 h"r,<, <;,'t.nr. .\-::,-l'~'- 10, Nl(, [111\;11(' r:lJk_ f-in;mCllle: T~'\;h Lm.l ,\: RU1,'hl-" Cali When you want the news in Wylie, re in<'!;,lb- :Ic:['e~ :\E nj JunellPIL 11;:;J1 LCll1d1'11 FI('crnci!\. 11\<:' "a~ :mJ II I<.''''luitt:, grc;lt "le\\" lk,'r :lIld mrkcy ';;~t):,\Il/dnwn Ranch E:nICrprt'C' I..X1U-~"-:'-S_'\:2 It'\,I~r:lJh:h- LlIld_<.:om c , H C THE WYLIE NEW~ CDL'\ ()TR Bob, De\oted To The Best InteresI Of W\lie Since II More news and information about Wyl and the surrounding area than any other ~ Call 442-5515 to subscri PUBLIC NOTICE Sealed bids for the Davis Intermediate School-2003 (Phase III) are being accepted t School District. Bidders may obtain a complete set of contract documents from the C Gallagher Construction Management Services, 2600 Technology Drive. Suite 400, 972.633,0564,972.633.0164 Fax. Contract documents will also be furnished to Abilene. area plan rooms, Mailed bids should be addressed to Wylie Independent Schoor District. Administratior Wylie, Texas, 75098 and received before 2:00 p.rn.. Tuesday, July 15, 2003. All ott directly to Wylie Independent School District. Administration Office, 950 S. Ballard S and received before 2:00 p,m"" Tuesday, Jury 15. 2003_ Thereafter, at 2:00 p.m,. all sealE opened and read aloud, The following bid packages will be available for bid from multiple prime contractors wh with Wylie Independent School District and be coordinated by Gallagher Construction M BP 01-B Final Building Cleaning BP 09-G Wood Flooring BP 02-D Pavement Markings BP 10-A Specialty Items BP 02-E Termite Control BP 10-e Metal Lockers BP 02-F Landscape & Irrigation BP 10-D Identification t BP 03-8 Concrete Sidewalks BP 10-1 Canopies and L, BP 04-A Masonry BP 11-A Stage Equipmel BP 05-A Structural Steel & Erection BP 11-B Food Service Ec BP 06-A Millwork BP 11-0 Residential Ap~ BP 07-A Roofing & Sheet Metal BP 11-E Athletic Equiprr BP 07-B Joint Sealant BP 12-B Telescoping Ble BP 07-e Sprayed On Fireproofing BP 12-e Music Instrurne Equipment BP 08-A Frames, Doors and Hardware BP 12-0 Horizontal Lou\ BP 08-B Glass and Glazing BP 13-B Bleachers BP 08-e Overhead Coiling Doors and Grilles BP 14-A Elevator(s} BP 09-A Drywall & Acoustical BP 15-A Mechanical: PII BP 09-e Ceramic Tile and Floor Coverings BP 15-0 Fire Sprinkler 5 BP09-0 Painting BP 16.A Electrical BP 09-F Plaster and Stucco BP 17-A Data Cabling ar Evaluation criteria shall be based on price reputation, experience. quality of product( reputation, bonding, financial status and safety records aids of $25,000 or more must be submitted with a bid bond or cashier's check in the an the greatest amount bid. All bidders will be required to comply with prOViSIOns