Ordinance 2003-15 ORDINANCE NO. 2003-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98-16 (CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES/FEE SCHEDULE ORDINANCE), SECTION 16.00 (ALARM SYSTEM FEES AND CHARGES), SUBSECTION 16.01 (COMMERCIAL PERMIT FEE) AND SUBSECTION 16.02 (RESIDENTIAL PERMIT FEE); AMENDING SECTION 14.00 (FIRE CODE PERMIT FEES), SUBSECTIONS (B) AND (J); AND ADDING SECTION 14.01 (FIRE ADMINISTRATION FEES); PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie ("City Council") has determined a need to change some existing fees in and add some additional fees by amending Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16, Consolidated Fees and ChargeslFee Schedule Ordinance, Section 16.00 (Alarm System Fees and Charges), Subsection 16.01 (Commercial Permit Fee) and Subsection 16.02 (Residential Permit Fee), amending Section 14.00 (Fire Code Permit Fees), Subsections (b) and G) and adding Section 14.01 (Fire Administration Fees); and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the increase in fees and additional fees are necessary to help with the cost of permits arid inspections, including, but not limited to, the cost of personnel time, gasoline, water and record keeping. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Amendment to Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance) Section 16.00 (Alarm System Fees and Charges). Subsection 16.01 (Commercial Permit Fee). Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance) Section 16.00 (Alarm System Fees and Charges), Subsection 16.01 (Commercial Permit Fee) is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 16.01 Burglar alarm permit fee. An annual fee of $50.00 shall be charged for a permit for all burglar alarms, whether commercial, residential or otherwise. SECTION 3: Amendment to Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance) Section 16.00 (Alarm System Fees and Charges). Subsection 16.02 (Residential Permit Fee). Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance) Section 16.00 (Alarm System Fees and Charges), Subsection 16.02 (Residential Permit Fee) is hereby amended to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2003-157/3012003 Page 1 ~ 16.02 Other alarms permit fee. An annual fee of$50.00 shall be charged for a permit for all alarm systems that are not burglar alarms, including, but not limited to, panic, fire and EMS alarms, whether commercial, residential or otherwise. SECTION 4: Amendment to Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Char es/Fee Schedule Ordinance Section 14.00 ire Code Permit Fees Subsections band ill. Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance) Section 14.00 (Fire Code Permit Fees Allowable With The Adoption of Section 105 of the 1994 Uniform Fire Code), Subsections (b) and G) are hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Flammable and combustible liquids storage (one time fee-per location) . . . . .$250.00 G) Liquefied petroleum gasses (one time fee-per location) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250.00 SECTION 5: Amendment to Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance). Section 14.01 (Fire Administration Fees). Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 (Consolidated Fees and Charges/Fee Schedule Ordinance), Section 14.01 (Fire Administration Fees) is hereby added to the Ordinance to read as follows: SECTION 14.01 FIRE ADMINISTRATION FEES (a) After Hour Inspections (Inspections done other than between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 .m. $100.00 Back-flow Prevention Permit $10.00 c Fire Lane Enforcement $65.00 er occurrence Burn Permits-re-ins ection $25.00 e Trench Burns Plan Reviews 100,001-300,000 s uare feet $0.02 er uare foot $2,000.00 for the first 100,000 square feet Ius $0.017 for each additional s uare foot 1-100,000 s uare feet 300,001 + s uare feet h Fire Alarm Permit (i) Annual Contractor Registration (residential and commercial ORDINANCE NO. 2003-157/30/2003 Page 2 k Certificate of Occu anc Ins ection (I) Commercial Re-inspections (after the first free re-inspection, if any) $75.00 m H drant Flow Testin Permit $50.00 SECTION 6: Savings/Repealing Clause. Wylie Ordinance No. 98-16 shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as amended by this or any other ordinance. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7: Severability. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 8: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 12th day of August, 2003. ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Date of Publication J9 - ~tJ - Il S. ORDINANCE NO. 2003-158/6/2003 Page 3 , THE WYLIE NEWS lovenng Wylie, Sachse, Murpby and tbe surrounding area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the Chad Engbrock, published in Collin Texas, who being undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, by me duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing attached tJd .-?U) ~ 003. (,)/ &4 ~ )r~ was published in said newspaper on the following aOO(s), t -wit: __ /}M.J ~ 0 2003 and ~ " . 2003. had Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before me this the _M____day of ~...t:----_-_-,2003 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ADA L. MOOl'!EY Notary PublIC State cHexa5 My comm. exp. 01-02-07 {k~~( Notary The Public State in and for of Texas My Commission expires D 1- 0 '2 - 0 7 r classifieds@wylienews.com Public Notices 1 l I 1.1-11-_,,_,q :-;ORTH TEXAS MlSICIPAL \"-.\TER DlSTRICI INYTTATlO>;S FOR BIDS S l':.ll cd rrup()~al, ilddn:.......l.d 1\.' the Prt'"idcnl ;Jild BUilrd or Dlrcctpr" 1'1 till' :-,()rth T(,'\~l" \lunIClpa! WZlh'f Dl...tncl \\111 be fl'l'L'1\c'd at the admilli"rr:l- tl\"(' ufficl''- ('It the' ~(lnh Tt':>:.a.... \hlllh.:iJ1~d \\alt'l Dl\trict. :'iUS E Brcl\\ II Slrel'\. \\\ltc, 1l''\<I'" '75flll:" \1nti', 11 :(1(1 TUt',d:l\ S>:plL'1l1ber I (l, ~\lIl?, 101 \h~' L'(ln~lrll>:l111n (lIthe IU] Public Notices At rhi,; time nnd place rhe pf(1posa]:; \,'ill br rublicl~ 0pened and read :lJ0Ud. A m bid re<..:t'i\'t'd :ltTcr rhi ~ lml..: \\ilJ hI."' l"t.turncd Ul1Clpl'I1\.'d Full Size Documents S7.'\.00 per set Half Si7,(' Documeni:- S50.00 per scl A cashier"s check, certified check or acceptable bid- der's bond. payable to the North Texas Municipal Water Distnct in an amount not less than five (,5':;() percent of the bid submitted,. must accompa- ny each bid as a guarantee that, if bid is selected, the Bidder wi~L R9.rH.I?lx,":,:?/,WJ the"tenn,s s.~t"fQf1h,i.Q'the Proposal and Special Conditions ln case 01 amhgllil) or lack of dearness 10 slatlIl~ prop()s~ll prices. The ~llrth TexJs \lunicipal Warel District reserves the righl 10 adnpi the most advanta- geous proposal to the DI~trict The District reserves the right to rejecl any or all bids, and to waive any pr all fmmali- tics. Nn hid may be \vitn- drawn within si\l\ (h{li days after date on whIch hid, 3re opened. NORTH TEXAS ~JlTNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT B) ,/Mar\"in Fuller Prc~iLlC'l1l Bll;lI'd of Dircc\0f' lj".'>t-:2J:' >;onCE TO THE PUlLIC P\\'."\ \\'ylk SI.'I1101 C(\mmunit~, L.p. i~ llldl;- Hle. all applicaf1C1!l fm 1:1\ L'rC'dll'- \\ lth lhl' Tc'xa, fkpartmelll l1j" Hlllhll1~ alld Cnmmnnil: Aft:lIr~ hI) Lvcq;rt'l'll .1t \\'yl1t' St~I1IOi Apa1'!lIlCIl', COmnll1111t). 7()1 S.H 7~ Suutll. Cll\ \\"yIH.'_ and Clll1m ('.Hm!y Tbl" ne\\' Jncl(lpmem 1" ~i SE\10I<. ;If':lrllTk'm cun1- mumty l'I'mprhcd of 1:::':0 lilliI'. :ll1d j(Hl', 01 the Ullll~ \\iil wrgt'; It'llanl, \\"lth lllL:()I1l;;> ](0", 11l:lll 6(F": THE WYLIE NEWS Public Notices TexSCAN sdll'uL bu,ine", ll]lh ell'. Don'l th!:,; notice. pk':l"C' \:Uf1l.ic't Churchill Re,iJ('llllal In.:: :S 11 ;\kKinnc: :-\\<: Sllll~' .~.:'-L LB lU 1 D;tlLl' FOR SALE FREE;-ROO\I DIRECT\ TexSCAN Week of 8/17/03 Bl'SI'\ESS OPPORTC'TTY C.l,PPLCCl\"C) IT-\l.I\:\ COFELL undeJ married under .':<~5,(\OO'"' DlrectRX nll\':~ T,'ll- TRA:\'SPORT Tc,:Ill~ tn:.'c. J-:-\7i-36f;-~SI7; Te~_llm. Teanh \\,,: Ili:'ed VIAGRA. LOWEST le:JTlb ror the IUl1~ haul ~~~~E ri:'~~{;;n~u~{,,~~tc('d cnced soll)'~~~'~;~~.: h,l\ e the ,1I1w..er Jnd ~raduJti:' student"-. Cali Vio:\X. Ce1ebre\. Llpitor. ] -~1\~-l\10RE PAl:' i 1-S8S- more. Prescription Buvers ~. I-R66-887-7283' i;~i~'~;~~ DRIVl~G HELP \\A:\TED SCHOOL Gradu;1tcs. WI.' I\ATIO!\AL PUBLISHING need VOll Tuition COMPAI'<Y BRECHT- rClOlburscment \{\ r PACIFIC. for Sales ccntshmk Guaranteed Texas. ~~; "~~c~'" ':~R~J~:'~;j ~;~~'" c~:~~~~:I,,~~on~~;'1 DRIVERS ~ LOOKING pays S720iweck. Cul1 FOR stability? Gre;u Miles ~~(~~5~6~~~S;Xt. 3~~AR Respect. Friday paydays potential~ Home based. ;"ot 1n-(;1h e-mail Family MLM, 1'0 sellin:::. Call 1_ ~~~~CC~~~~I,,,.~~~l~~tn;:~~- SOO-801-3465, TELEOS. O'fR. l-ROO-745-967U. LLC. REAL ESTATE www.continenralx.com ABSOLUTE STEAL! 5 DRIVERS - LOW COST Acres _ SI9.900. S..crifice COL' Training lIvuitablc price on i:leautiful North '" ~;;~;~:d.an~~~~~O~~~i~l~ Texas hill country property.'. hUrsemen!. Ask about OUT ~~~e:r~:e::~~;: ~~:e:" experienced driver $500 600 acre private' park. slgn~on bonus. <:JTR, Financing. Texas Land & De~lcated and RegIOnal Ranches. Call now, 1-866- FreIght. Swift Transpor- 516-4868. pl~~;;.li~~:~-~i?~~:cie"'~~~':i'~~..fs~C~~' OWNER10PERATO~;). G0r~(,01I" n"k,. Fleet\\'nnd Tn\11'T":T-l1101l L\c'C'Iknl Ser\iCe~. Inc, ace;;'!,l1!;:':' Dathed paid lOp perCent:l:;I..', \\'t'C"h:i: \IlCh~:e" ~~,~~:~~~~~~~I~ \Ll);I~I..';:~el Contacl .1cfi 3: I-SSS-276- 99:." DRIVERS - REGIO" \L - 10 SlateS Htllile - s(,(m';;;I\{)(1 OTR- months O\vner/Operalors loaded and BC'b. l\:lli('n~! ~()n_f,(,f,"O ~S( j DRIVERS - START AT '4 ,-'(:J),.;;irmle (ill,i:-:iIlfCt',1 h(~mc time. P~1\' on D,-,"dic"~c:d 1'5 A ..j.(;..\-: DRIYERS'I' A \llLE' \lu'll\' \liJ\\,'~1 Dn hill-.. rllf'llm;lllc 11'~lJl('1 TROPln 1011 ,\C ~-l--1.,(l()n ',~ deGr I q ~'1:1...... 1'(.'\(1' Thi:; ]()(i iJ<::al habilal hills and but with )"1'\1'11 j,l\'C itl Cd! Te\~,' ,\. Randle", 1-860 ]nllil \\lllkldil J.cTt''- h ;1n Trc>E' l1fJ\\' nUl ~IlL:cd dn\<.'r ,,:'(1'1 "~il nl) h\lllll' CDL Ir:lllll11C: ;thl\ !lIillfW i.:l1nhl1r,v lllt'n' I. :-:(>6_"'_il:";il' \ Y\V \ \ . ~ \\ Illl :.~ U i ' Ii (' rr RESneR\'\T EQUP\IE"T E\Jt"lP\IE'..:T fRO.\1 CU1SED reQ;1uranl, (:1(! \ll\cr ,,+.~IIL. Ref Llll~ .., I..\-ili, ~ ~bl hi. .~(1 \\';ilk.-in C..-'olcr S::'iHW. ;lId much more! -';;:"(I..;.;-..j.-1.'\r; THE WYLIE NEWS TIlE TeW PA" III III>: llhl'.l' ..,..1.1 rei 1111::'" Wednesday, August 20, 2003 <::7 Wylie Police Blotter (OUI Thursd;-I\. OSf{J7/U,", - First 21 CJIIs, I \'~l' :lrreslS, Ii cilaliun". qnr".lllLll b ;tn1, b!k L(l\\ Ih1e, Ln r~Of1<:n} I] dill lrrE'Q '" " p~ G "~l~U' III ~llTe:-l. Clllt' ;!L'\'idVlll \.'111..' .~lld1J(qh \-Ij IIH~'" lll'lI~~'\.\ ~ll,ji,'~ \hrt"~ ,'\11,1 tll p,nr\lh. tl\"c' IIdfti..: l!lll't' II pm. {l(HI I-h\\ bU, 1(lrh\. :iL'('h,knt: II ::'iU .'il) hl~ (ikn K.lhlll I\lHI'. ~.'<.'I" child ni III nt:","ll!"<"Il~e \\;1' aIT<."I<.'d ,l\I p~ W'l1 pI ;1 i'lIr~ ,'J.II, .Hll Gi.ll\ \\:1\. lllhllll!lUrlZl"d Ih,' ,'I \Tlli- ,1\', 'll~l1l'Cll'I\\h \~'hj\:k v,'iIIHl\11 ~'.)Il ~~'nl \\ Sundn~'. ol\lIOIOJ - Fint ,\hill D It' ..::111,. I'll;: :n:~'IJ~'lll, nint' ,it:lli''1h :h ].'i Irdtr'j, ,wr', \)IJ',' (1:1." hl}, T"\\Tlf:J.tt 01-. Wylie Fire Departm ~oo blk Lakdront Dr.: 11:56 pm. EJ\/ EMS. 5400 bJk Pleasant Vallev Rd Tuesday 08/12103 - 7:5 I am. EtvlS El\-I 500 blk \\:. Kirhv SI.: 10:27 am. EMS Pv1 500 hlk E. BrO\;n 51.: .~: I S pm. EMS. Em 400 blk S. Hv,'y. n Wednesday U8/13/03 - 7:0-1 '-1m, EMS, 40(l blk W. Oak St.: 2: 12 rill ~a.~ mV<I 2. \\ Brown St.i ,,: pm. Carriagehousc Way: 2:2] pm, Er-.'lS. 3:5' ::Ion hlk Autumn Breeze Dr. 2:58 pm. 4:0 ~true., 7000 blk Freda Ln.: 3:07 pm. 8:4l EMS. ::!OO blk Piccadilly Cif.: 3:::!7 pm, f misfire. 500 blk S. Hwy, 78: ~:29 pm. SpI' Sachse Police Blott EX' Gr:J:11 ''If'('lIlId,hi!t. 1(, !lnll~;2\\~:tche'. threc ,'\Ira ));1:]'\)1,. II ~I(lp~. six rerO:h: ,\:2U ]1111. Saturday 08/09/03 - 2:01 am, EMS. :'iUO hlk Kamher Ln,: 4A5 am. lllva 2. SOU hlk S n: 8:04 am. EMS. ] 0(1(1 bJk ~: 16 am. PvlS. ROO hlk Forest l.n.: 7:59 2300 blk Ln_. pm, uhurn. noo Musc~ Dr Sunday 08/10/03 - 6: I 6 am. E;vtS, 1000 bB~ r>..1emoriaI Dr.: 7:05 pm. Et\1S. :WO hlk Tanglewood Dr.: 11 :.~9 pm. EMS. 1000 blk Hv.'y" 205. Monda~' 08/11/03 - 2:4H pm. EMS. .100 blk E. Brown St.: 3,46 pm. mva ::!, UOO hlk E, Brown St.: 8:45 pm, strue.. ''';):Wednesday 08106103 - Unsecured chief, 4000 hlk William St.: !'.usp. ;:lcti\. t>rop~~7000blk Foxglove Tr.: unsecured iI\', Hwy. 78: arrest. 5200 blk Ben D:J\is CI prop., 2600 blk Ridgeview Dr.: alarm. R'd,: arrest. 700 blk Gallowa\' Ave.: 6000 bIk Hwy. 78: crim. mischief. 3400 arrest. 300 blk O'Connor Blvd.: 'missin'" btl blk Sachse Rd.; alarm. 1300 blk person. 2500 blk Dovle Dr.: crim, mi,.~ M WestgJen Dr.; ace., 3700 blk concord chief, 3700 blk Conc'ord Dr.: ace.. 5200 dl' Dr";._sll~:p_er~<?IY>.)lg9....blk l:len.Davis. blk Hwy. 7-8: alarm, 1900 blk :':>1 ~~ rtw~~;jti~~~'~~'~~~~~a.r~;I{~7i~7~~j,<,_J~' Rd.; lrauct. :5snn hll 7i\ Fr~nljJll Sl: ",1':1<;<; fire, FJlln hJ}, i\lik', b \,11< 7'-: R\l \\C'J1;lrc c'OIlCLTIl, h:-;(,rll hJJ.., Tlldd wC'll~lF: h'lh dlSlllrr H\\'\. ':"\.lllllo!l Saturd.t\ ORiOl.J/tn \1[ Br(l(l!..:\'lt'\\ 'CL.; '--!i I - l,jt'ril:l~" C' S! S. Wi]kln;., Sl Friday ORIOSIO~ :--'lI'r P"'I"'I) hH St" C'mi~ \1 ml"dllt'1 o..\ilil bIt..: Sl ','nn"l'ltl Hw:, .~,"'lln blL \\'iJiI:lIl1 \1 hlk \\"illi:lIl~ '-thr Flt'11 D<l\1,,'B:1I1kc! Hi!:: L'lii11 1111'- Ii \1 11; :-., Ie Ri L. R, ..-t(I()(1 hlk \\"illi~lm Sl '{Hili \IE. \"iq;1 Ln,: :UTCst. blk Fifll1 51 I1d;1ildTloll .~ Inl! h]t Till:1 .'I, ('ttCilSC, 3800 hl~ Sd~hse 11lIlll\ ; Il1n hik Till.: lhett. ,'" ]Iill h]!. 1-1\\'; ::':. \'['11-< dl,tllrl'. ;-1.1I1! Bllh'f11l1 Dr.. lhefl. (own 111h: ;li;lI!n. 5:\(111 hi!" Sl'nll,~ D: .2(11:' h]k Fifth St,: ~ILiI.m. '";(lll{i bl~ Crt'e"kLI Sunday O~/lOiO':\"U"I' .:;;;1 Ii I h]k ::'\'\ \,nth \'1.: \U~I' -1,+11(\ blL \\-iliilnrd R,!.: '\hl' .+4111i h]1.. \\1I11Inlll Rei \\'h.. H\\\ 'thl' \<'1; 7~: 'Ihl' 'ill\. LOI1)2.lllt'd\km/I3i,kl..hllll; ;h'hl 'III :,lli\i' hll.. fJr:'il,li!I.' ,ILlrlIL ,.\(l(lI.1 blkk;1i l: 11:1 L, H dl i,1 1< H. From lOB (6(l) den:, from the date the bids are opened. NORTH TEXAS \1l'NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT By sf\-f:1n'in Fuller Presld....nt. CUlllldCI Ducument, arc Hoard of DlrC\:I,)r~ 1111 !11t' :II1J 1l\;1\ h,-' (''i.::tm. ~ 1 :-31':';~"i mcJ \\ithulIl ch..Jr~c :1t thL' . "<'..,nffi,'(;' llf lht' ~(1r~11 Tt''i.;l' !\1111lll'lp:d \Yater Di~llKL :'iDS E Br\)\\,il Str,,'l'l WyilL: Tl'.x:l' ""..:;n()~ rl.'1eph0nC' Iq~:: ..j.-I-:- :"..j.05. the ntft.:.'(> Ilf Freese and \,~'ll~\k In,- C\lll"ultm;,; ElIgllll"er~. 40:-'':: Intcrn::lliull,d PbLa.. SUlle :()(l, fon Worth Tt'x;j, '761 ()Q-..j.S9). Tdeph(ll1L' (:.;; 17, 735- nOD. Jllll the pL1n room of \kGrJ\\ Hill Construction DoJge. 955 Sterling Stre-eL Suite 100. Irving. Tex.1:; 75()6-". Telephn!lt (9711 S 1 '-).1-1-00 Conlr3cl Ducumenr~ may he pro- .:;ured from Freese and Nichols. Inc.. at rhe ahove address as foHov.:s: ORDJ:\\'\CE >;0. 1n03-15 ','i ORDI:':-INCE OF fHE CITY or WYLIE TEXAS. ,~IEND!V; ORDI'iANCr KO QS, I" I CO!\SOLID,\TED FEES AND nnRGES/FEE SCHEDCLE ORDl !\A'iCE I SECTiO" 1().III1I.\LAR~1 SYSTDI FEES A"D CHARGES I. Sl'BSECTiO'i 1 bill 1 COM\IERCI "'1 Pll<.- MIT FEE) A'lD Sl'BSEC- TIO'\ II, 112 IRESIDE!\- TlAL PER\llT FEE,. A\IE!\DI"G SECTION 14.11(1 IFIRE CODE PER- MIT FEES) Sl'BSEC- TIONS (B) AND OJ: AND ADDING SECTION 14.01 (FIRE ADMINISTRA- TION FEES [: PROYID- ING FOK REPEALING SAVINGS AND SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSES: .:\ND PROVIDING FOR The cost uf Contract At\: EFFECT1VE DATE Document__ IS nor refund- , OF THIS ORDINANCE. ahle Submit checK. " 13"11-339/ cashier check. or mone~ \ 1/ order for payment Cash ORDINANCE ~(). will not he accepted, 2003-16 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A CERTAI!\ .R3 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE JAMES TRUETT SUR- VEY. ABSTRACT 910. COLLI" COUNTY. TEXAS: PROVIDING THAT THE OWNERS AND INHABITANTS OF 'THE . . ABOVE, DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE ENTI- TLED TO THE RIGHTS A'lD PRIVilEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF WYLIE AND BE ROl'ND BY THE ACTS A"D ORDlNAI\CES NOli 11\ EFFECT A;lD HERE- AFTER ADOPTED: PRO- VIDING FOR A PENAL- TY FOR A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDI",v\CE AND COMPREHENSIVE ZO'lING ORD1NA"CE NO. 2001-4S: PROVID- ING FOR REPEALI'\G. SAVINCiS AND SEVER- ABILln CLAUSES: PROVIDlI\Ci FOR AN EFFECTiVe DATE OF THE ORDINA:':CE. A!\D PROVIDIKG FOR THE PLTBUCATIO" OF THE CAPT10K THEREOF Sachse Fire Departm Wedne<;day nS106/Ol - :--1[. R J. ~ 7S,'\11I1Th',- Rcl Thur<,;day 118107 IlIJ - RJ. tlft.. -I<J(I!l '-11)(' H\'.'} hlk frida~ HSIHSlHl GI"I'~ 111'~', .~(J()(I !111.. \ltk~ Rd Saturda.\' OXIlIWO.\ \IE. "i:,ll{) hlh BI('llh\Il'\\ (". \lE Jllt'I:IIlI.'Dt'\\ll( \"i"-l,1 Hill h]f, SI'JllI~ Cled, D. Sunday HS/lOJOJ \lE '_11)11 hi;' \ C:Ill'Pll . Rd 1);17 Pll';),~HlI t'l \. ]I "I Murphy Police Blott