12-14-2020 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes w ' CITY OF WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,December 14,2020—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairperson Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.with Board Member Suarez, Board Member Willeford, Board Member Allen, Board Member Stewart, and Board Member Mullis in attendance. Board Member Swendig attended the meeting virtually. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Parks Board Secretary Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 14, 2020 Meeting. Board Action: Board Member Saurez made a motion to approve the Minutes from the September 14, 2020 Meeting. Board Member Williford seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0. 2. Consider and act upon approval of a little library in Founders Park provided by the HAATS Group. The HARTS student representatives Heeba Momen,Ally Ontiveros,Annie Tran,Tiffany Doan, and Sarah Hernandez, reviewed their little library project with the Board by virtual meeting. The group of senior students are all a part of the Garland Independent School District's International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and are taking on this project in order to give back to the community by way of proposing the design and installation of the little library in one of our City's parks. They advised that these little libraries will provide easy access to free books in order to encourage literacy and independent education in the community. Typically once the program is initiated,the little libraries become self-sustained by its patrons; however the HAATS Group intends to pass the project onto the school district's future senior students to sustain the library. The students designed the little libraries to be of low maintenance construction and provide a diverse array of books. Availability of the library will be advertised on social media, and using the honor system patrons using the libraries will be encouraged to leave a book when they take a book. Staff is recommending approval of the HAATS Group on the design and installation of the little library in Founders Park near the Pirate Cove playground. Board Action: Board Member Mullis made a motion to approve a little library in Founders Park provided by the HARTS Group. Board Member Stewart seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0. 3. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting and tour calendar for 2021. Board Action: Board Member Suarez made a motion to approve the meeting and tour calendar for 2021, with the following amendments: cancel the March 8, 2021 regular meeting and move it to March 15, 2021; cancel the April 12, 2021 regular meeting and include the meeting with the April 24, 2021 tour; cancel the October 11, 2021 regular meeting and include the meeting with the October 23, 2021 tour. Board Member Stewart seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Project updates. The Twin Lakes/Southbrook Trail's final walk through with the contractor commenced last week after experiencing a completion delay that had resulted due to issues with the low water crossings. Trail markers have been installed and concrete pads for picnic tables are planned to be installed in January 2021. The Founders Park Master Plan modifications continue to be addressed by the consultants with an expected completion date of January 2021. The original plan included modifications to reduce the size of the east and west softball fields in order to increase the size of the nearby parking lot. After their review,the Board and league officials asked for other alternatives to what the consultants included in the original plan. In consideration at this point is to move the Pirate Cove playground to a more central zone in the park, leave the east softball field as is, reduce the west softball infield size with an increase to its outfield, and install a higher(10-12 foot)fence to stop high balls. The Board expressed safety concerns over balls still being hit over the higher fence into the proposed parking lot primarily if an adult softball league utilizes the field. The consultants are also including in the modification a service entrance for maintenance on the north end of Founders, as well as the addition of a football field. Director Diaz noted that he has not yet received input from the Wylie Baseball/Softball Association officials on the recent proposed plan modifications. Staff continues to work on construction documents for Phase 1 improvements to the Thomas and Mattie Brown House. It was decided that the current location of the parking lot cannot be modified as originally planned because using the alley for the driveway will conflict with the current design regulations. The expected completion date for the project is winter of 2021. Staff is finalizing a later start date for construction of the Avalon Park fence project wherein a four-foot PVC coated fence will be added to the perimeter of the park in order to ensure future patron safety. The finalized fence location conflicted with the existing utility easements necessitating an updated survey. The expected project completion date is now spring of 2021. The City has contracted with Dunaway Associates to consult for both the Aquatics Feasibility and the Lavon Lake Feasibility studies, both or which are underway. The Aquatics study should conclude in spring of 2021 and the Lavon Lake study in late 2021. Minutes December 14, 2020 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 • Lake and Aquatic Studies update. Dunaway Associates, with the assistance of two sub-consultants Counsilman-Hunsacker and PROS, will consult on specific areas such as aquatic design, revenue generation, and operations. The Parks and Recreation Board will work with City Council and meet for discussion during future Council meeting work sessions. The Aquatics study begins January 12, 2021 and the Lavon Lake study on January 26, 2021. The Lake study will include a review of Lavon Lakes' East Fork Park and Avalon Park as potential city parks. The consultants will look at potential amenities, revenues, and maintenance costs associated in acquiring both parks. Consultants will look at our options to either lease the two parks or participate in a joint effort in future projects with the United States Army Corps of Engineers. Avalon Park is adjacent to residential areas which creates security issues. At this time the facilities at East Fork Park have campgrounds with tent use and approximately 50 RV spaces with electric service(no sewer). Both East Fork and Avalon Parks have amenities such as pavilions, swim beaches, picnic shelters, barbeque grills, tables, and restrooms, however most of which are in poor condition. Staff highly encouraged the Parks and Recreation Board to attend all Council Meeting Work Sessions pertaining to the aforementioned studies. Meeting information will be emailed to the Board as it becomes available.The first related City Council Meeting is scheduled at 6:00 pm on January 12, 2021. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Mullis. Board Member Suarez seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m. ATTEST 9ofij 4rind2-60- Janet Hawkes, Parks Board Secretary Robinson, rks Board Chairperson Minutes December 14, 2020 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3