Ordinance 1985-13 OR D I I'~ (~1 N C E ,...~ 0 . _. .f......Z:_ ti AN ORDINANCE FOR ANNEXATION: TO ANNEX TO THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, A TRACT OF LAND OF THE ""_ ... ._ _. ...wILL 18ft.sA G.liSL ._ ... ._. _. ...._ __ __ _.. ......_._ ___ ... !:; U R ') E Y, r::i B E.i '1' R (-4 C '1' N [I . _...8.35..........._..........._.____..____.., UPON PETT I ON OF ._...__.'lj.D.~gL~~_l\l~~D..9gr.._.._..._.. WHEREf1!:.:;, ._.___...._.._Vjm~e.1.~e_..81e..x.2_.D.Q~r..._._.__._...._._ ,..'tei.S + i 1 ed i::<. l-'w'i t. t.E1n petition to annex to t.he Cit.y 0+ Wylie, Collin County, Texas, t.he t.ract. of land hereinaft.er described, which said t.ract. of land less t.han t.hree (3) qualified vot.ers reside, all of which said fact.s the Cit.y Council hereby finds to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, such petition has been heard and considered by the Cit.y Council, and it been decided that such annexation of such tract of land would be to the best interest of the public and of the said City of Wylie, Texas, and that such petiton for annexation should be, and t.he same is now granted; now t.herefore, BE IT ORDf1INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF WYLIE, TEXAS: That the following described tract of land, described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: See Attached CJF~D I I\Jt~I'\ICF:: 1\10. CONT'D. be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is hereby received, annexed to, and made part of - the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, subject to all laws, rules and regulations of said City. The fact that. such annexation of said tract of land will be to the best interest. of the public and the City of Wylie, and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an emergency, a necessity exists requiring t.hat this ordinance be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor ot Wylie. PASSED f1ND f1PPROVED THIb THE ... .... ..... !1~.r::~b.... .... ........ .._ ..... .... .... .", ~l 1. 9 B _?_ . 26th n?iY OF ~~:~y~; (~TTE!:;T :: bee: jr E1t clr y EXHIBIT A "HIlI'!:RI'Y IlFSClU I'T I ON "ARCEI. ^ IN(; 1'1) I IIf Ihill n.rt;dn lot, tT,'\I't \IT p;trn'l of I,tnd !'lJtI\;lled In thto' WILI.lA.'t S,\CHSr \{\'[Y, A-HI'l, Cnllln (,"anlv, T,'l(lts, nnd hf'In~ i1 P;ITl nl thaI '1;)111(> IrAt'1 of l:tnJ .;('rihf'J ;1" TR,\I:T ~(l. I In IIp,,d t\\ \'llH"l'll'l' Alt.x.'nd('r....n.c..nh,d III VnlllllW 11"0, 1'111:'" ~ or tllf' I)f>t'" K,,\'ords IIf ('0\1 In I:,'unlv. Texas, ;tnd bclnll mun' p;lrtll'ldilrlv J"~l'rlh,'"l r n II ows : ,:tN~INC al it c.,/P." Inl" rort for c....rm.r In tIll' wt'!tt ROW line or IIllop,'r Road ( A hll' ROW); ;11 1\(\lnl ht"llI)l. S llflofl4'OR" W, IhIO.OO' fn\fn till' fln'~"'111 Int,'r~H'etl(\11 of till' wl....l tiP of """I\I'r k,';I,1 \o/llh tlu' ~ulllh HllW lint' of F!'l ',:,.~ (iIi, HII' HilI-; ) and alS\\ hpin>4 ,. I'Tt'NPnl !'I1\lIlhe'i1Nt f'prnt>T \\f th(' W.I.. KROW~ 1.011 :'('Tt> tr,l,'1 of 1.'1nd c1t'!'\crlbl.tf In ,'d r,'C'or,h.d In V"'!lm(' h39, r.'\KP. lAI of the Ilt-t'd Rl!,'lHdM (If Collin C:ountv, Tf!xa~i !ENC:E S llO"04'IIH" W, ')4H.711' with tIll' we~t Ilnf" of Honp('r K\I:1I1 to .'1 ~/6" Iron rod r ,'Of"..r In thl' n..rth lln,' uf that lIamE' trAl't of land ut'I41.rlhed In lIl'eJ tn T.r. ~ I.. mp,mv, n'i'nfJ(.d In Volllmt' S74, PIlKI' 4S'> of tl".. lle~d Re,'nrd~ "f CnlHn Cnunl\', Tt"xa!i; :rNC"~ S H" 1\ I, 1'110" W. 2" 11. '16' with tilE' north I tnr of tht' T .P. f, I.. Co. l rllt'l In a l/H" ..n n'" I..r conH'r In thto' """t llne uf th~ [onll H. Inltf.tm 111.848 acrE> tra,'t "r \.'1nd~ 'F~Ct-: ~ 00"00'4'\" E, ')81.88' with thE.' e,,~t llne of th.. In~ram tr.'lct tn Il 2\" iron ripe tll" !t,,"llrwt''lt ('OTnt'r elf the MAurtc,," Brllten "8.810 !u'n' tr~ct of land; lEse..: s ~4\\ 1l'!l'J" I., .11140.42' with tll(' Mouth lint' of lht' nrllll'n rrAl't to a ',/H" ir..n d C\t tll... Wl'~t l'prnt'r of thE" aforemcmt lonlld Brown trs,'t; ;r~CE S H!l"~/)'~r)" r. hil.'))' with the Routh lin<.' of the Brnwn tract to till' ....Iact' he~ln"llH: ..,Ill! ("l"ntalni,,~ 1.416,Oft4.r;6 squar. It.'et elr 3J.88~8 ll~re8 of lanel.