04-21-2021 (WEDC) Minutes inutes Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting April 21, 2021 —8:30 A.M. 300 Country Club Road,Building#100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO O` !ER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Demond Dawkins called the regular meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. Board Members present were John Yeager, Melisa Whitehead,and Gino Mulliqi. Ex-Officio Members Mayor Matthew Porter and City Manager Chris Hoisted were present. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner, BRE Director Angel Wygant, and Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes. INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Dawkins gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS With no citizen participation,President Dawkins moved to Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from the March 31,2021 Regular Meeting and April 5,2021 Special Called Meeting of the WEDC Board of Directors. B. Consider and act upon approval of the March 2021 WEDC Treasurer's Report. Board Action A motion was made by Melisa Whitehead, seconded by John Yeager, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 4-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Staff report: WEDC Property Update, WEDC Office/Insurance Claim, Engineering Report, FY21 Budget Process,Upcoming Events,and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff noted that sales tax revenues were up over 8%for the April allocation.Staff is working on property maintenance and various code compliance issues related to grass and parking on Wylie EDC-owned properties. Staff updated the Board regarding the insurance claim filed due to ice storm/flooding at the Wylie EDC offices, noting that the insurance recovery has been received, construction is nearing completion,and the process of equipment/furniture replacement will soon take place. FY 21-22 Budget preparation will be upcoming and ongoing over the next several months. Staff discussed Bisnow events and the possibility of arranging meetings with developers that are active elsewhere in Collin County. Those developers are responsible for the various projects along DNT & 121 and could help shape the masterplan of the City's 19-acre tract. The C lb Advisory Board will be holding its first"signing ceremony"to celebrate internship opportunities for students. Staff called the WEDC --Minutes April 21, 2021 Page 2 of 2 Board's attention to the upcoming State of the City address and Leadership Wylie presentation from Wylie EDC. Staff discussed the full schedule of activities programmed for Small Business Week from May 15t-May 8th, featuring the "#ishopwylie" social media campaign that will coincide with the week of events.Staff noted that the Proclamation for Economic Development Week will take place at the City Council Meeting on May 1Ph. Staff highlighted the inclusion of the quarterly Housing Report and Inventory Subledger, as well as articles and advertisements within the Board packet. Staff discussed the scheduling of the June meeting and will coordinate with the Board to finalize a June meeting date. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 8:49 a.m.in compliance with Section 551.001,et.seq.Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGA• I ING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at FM 544 and Cooper, Jackson and Oak, Regency and Steel, State Hwy 78 and Alanis, State Hwy 78 and Birmingham, State Hwy 78 and Brown. Sec.551.087. DELIBERATION '_ G• ' I ING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2017-10a,2018-9b,2020-11b, 2021-1f,2021-2a,2021-2b,2021-4a and 2021-4b. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. President Demond Dawkins reconvened into Open Session at 10:18 a.m. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no Items requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOURNMENT With no further business,President Dawkins adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 10:18 a.m. Demond Dawkins,President ATTEST: Jason Greiner,Ex€stir ve I' -ctor