Ordinance 1985-31
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BEING all that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situated in Collin County,
Texas, being out of the William Sachse Survey, Astract No. 835, and being
part of ' a 67.870 acre tract of land conveyed to Maurice Britten recorded
in Volume 1124, Page 182, Collin County Deed Records and being more particular-
ly described as follows:
Commencing in the West line of a County Road and the North line of said 67.870
acre tract, said point being the Northeast corner of a 7.50 acre tract of
land conveyed to Duane C. HeImberger and wife, Alice F. HeImberger, thence:
South 00 deg. 02 min. 51 sec. East along the West line of said County Road
and the East line of said 7.50 acre tract at 542.22 feet passing the Southeast
corner of said 7.50 acre tract and continuing a total distance of 576.32
feet, said point being in the center of a 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement,
thence: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 638.40 feet along the center
of said 60 foot Ingress and. Egress Easement to an iron stake set for corner
the Place of Beginning; .
THENCE: South 89 deg. 56 min. 24 sec. West 463.49 feet along the center
of said 60 foot Ingress and Egress Easement to an iron stake set
for corner.
THENCE: North 00 deg. 02 min. 26 sec. West 576.31 feet to an iron stake
set for corner.
THENCE: North 89 deg. 40 min. 23 sec. East 43.19 feet to a fence post found
for corner.
THENCE: South 49 deg. 11 min. 26 sec. East 120.00 feet along fence line
to a fence post found for corner.
THENCE: South 85 deg. 24 min. 14 sec. East 331.00 feet along fence line
to an iron stake set for corner.
THENCE: South 00 deg. 00 min. 15 sec. West 471.12 feet along the West line
of said 7.50 acre tract to the Place of Beginning and containing
5.359 acres of land.