Ordinance 1985-38
VOL .232 I%f 122
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1,011/1, I L: " C;CiL,I.,,[,!~ CC)LJNTY ~rE >< ('I'=': 'I (,'I II:nCi' UF ,('11\ID i)IIHE
,EYsit.,tt" ,1ll.~,.,P.1f Lef[on.,.m ,on h U R 'I [\" ,::) B:='; T I::: rler 1\11].
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I,JL'"J. ".I, un t.u <:\IIIII:'.!" t.u t~le Llty uf ".yJ"E::~ ...""J 1'1"1 Lu. I-Y~
Texas~ the tract of land hereinafter described, which said
tract of land less than three (3) qualified voters reside,
aJ.:I. (Jof: ~J~')'ict.) ~~;2:i.i::l 'f2~.:.t~s th0 (:j.tv Cc)t..tr'~(~j.l. !")e(-et)~1 .~::i.!'lds t(~ be
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public:: and of the said City of Wylle, Texas~ and that such
P E:' t, :i, t:, C) n f 0 I'" i::\ I", I", co.,' >: '::', t:, ,i. D 1"1 'c; 1"'1 Co ;J 1. cj I:) c, !' :::', ; 'I cl t hi'::':::: ,:::', IT! e 1 ':;:, 1"1 () i'v
granted; now therefore,
B[~ IT (}r;:[I(~ITf~F:D (IYTHE: C::1'T\ CCJLII',ICIL IJF I,'JYL.TF, TE><i4':3:
That the following described tract of land. described bv
In ,::,:" '1::, ,::::. ':::, .::~ i", ;:1 I:) u u, 1"1 d ~::: '::", ,;:; ,r D 1. :I. 0 \',1 ',; , t, C) ""'1..',1 i 't:, ';
s~ -u cdJadtf
vnl 232 llAr,r 123
B f-: I N3 a t r act 0 r par eel 0 f 'a n d 0 uta f t t) eEl I 5 h (j M. P r Ice Sur" e y, Ab s t r 8 C t
Number 1114. 51 tuated In Dallas and RoCkwal1 Count les. and being composed of
two tracts of land being a 36.39 acre tract descrIbed In J deed frornMedl<l
Kreymer to Orville Kreymer. Dr. G. C. Kreymer, J. C. Kreymer, Archie Kreymer
and Bill Kreymer, as reCordp(1 In Volume ?22, Page 0423 of the Deed RecordS Of
o a I 1 a s Co u n t y and (l 60. 856 a ere l r a c l des r. rib e din a de e d from Ma u de E thy I e
Moss and Thomas B. Moss to Media Skel ton Kreymer as recorded In Volum 963.
Page 0873 of the Deed Records of Dallas County. Texas and being more
par tiC U I a r I y des c rib e d as f 0 I low s :
BEGll\l\Iff\G at an iron pin found for corner, said Iron pin being the most
Nor t her I y Northeast corner of Cottonwood Park -Sect Ion /II accordl ng to the
plat recorded In Volume 71164, Page 048 of the Deed Records at Da/las County;
THEf\lCE. North 860 53' 47"
d 1St an ceo t 27 1 . 70 fee t to an
We s t , a long the No r t h I I n e 0 f s a I <1 add I t ion. a
Iron pin found for corner:
THENCE, North 38042' 15" East, a distance of 578.54 feet to all iron pih'. fOund
for corner In the Southeaster Iy right-at-way line at Vinson Road (60. ~"...o~W.);
.!'~ .~,-' ,.'.,
..... ":' ..:.J.~'
THENCE, North 50033.' 5911 East, along said Soutt)e85terly right-of-w.a}',H/~~,,: 8
distance of 614.80 feet t,9 an iron pin tound-tor corner; ">f,~;;>'
,- . '~H~. ~~. '... ~
. ',". . " -'. p-~~"~'~~~~~';~...~..- ... '-:e~~~:;>~\
THENCE, Nortb'8So 3"7";~2'lt East; 6 distance of 210.11 feet'tos'P:K. nad'''''~:f,olind
'I;",~,,', ,"
for corner in the centerline of F.M. 544; .. "
THEf\CE, South 450 00' 00" East. along the center I j ne of F .M.5~:~~. a .di:"tance
ot 412.50 feet to a P..K~ r:la i I found for corner ;,;{":;"(' '.
THEf\.CE, South 44036' 56" East, continuing along said centerl:,ine, a d,(.s,tahce
of 2724.21 feet to an Lron pin found for corner. said corner.'belng the~'most
Easterly corner of the Elisha M. Price Survey, Abstract Numbe( \114;
Sou t h 450 52 ' 02 i. We s t, a Ion 9 t he Sou tf) e as t e r I y I j n ~ 0 f
a dIstance at 1283.41 f1;'et to an iron pIn found for cor'ner;
said Prien
n'iE/'CE, North 450 36' 23" West, departIng said survey Iln~1 a distance of
2358.40 feet to an iron pin found for corner in the E~ste(ly lIne of the
aforesaId Cottonwood Park. Section I I I:
THEf\JCE, North 04046' 31" West, along said Easterly Irne, a dIstance of 230.96
feet to an Iron pin found tor corner;
THENCE, North 43037' 36" West, along the Northeasterly I ine of saId a<1ditlon,
a dIstance of 513',55 feet to the point of beginnIng and contal'nlng96.~18
a ere sot I and, mo reo r I e $ s. (4, 1 9 1 , 2 52 . 6 7 3 SQ. ft.)
, '
, .
..,. l
OF..:D I I\lf71NCE NO.
CClt\IT' D.
be received, annexed to, and made part of - and the same is
hf?F"eby r'ecE~i vf?d, i:mnf:-~)'~ed to.,., and . iT~ade part. Of -, thE' Ci t.y of
l"'yl:i.e~1 ~=ollin COU~lt''y', .T:()'::<::\,E5" .sH,qj.~t ;tCJ all laws, I'''ulf.~s and
regulatIons of saId cIty. .
The fact that such annexation of said tract of land will be
to t.he best interest of the public and the City of Wylie,-
and, because planned improvements upon said lands create an
emergency, a necessity exists requiring that t.his ordinance
be passed and adopted on first reading. This Ordinance
shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and
approval by the Mayor of Wylie.
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