Ordinance 1985-46 DRD I 1\I{'iNCE hID" ..~.5...:JJ.0.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY DF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICA- TION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PRO'J I D I I\H3 H ~~;E\)Eh:f.iB I L. I .lY CI....PIU~;E ; PF;:OV I D I t\lf3 PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED (5200.00) FOP EtiCH OF::.F.EI\I~JE ;; PI 1\1 D DE:CI....~iR I I...~c:) AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the City Council of the Llty of Wylie, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, the said Governing Body is of the opinion that the said change of zoning which :i. ~:~ cn.., c:lPP 1 i C <:1 t i on of ..Z.Y.J.q,.D..9.....Q~.y..~J..9.Q!l1e..rl.L.Se.r-'Li..c.e.s.__.......n.._.................... ~:::.h ou 1 d be granted and the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion~ NOW, THEPEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to give the hereinafter described property a new zoning district classification to-wit: .......n n" _ ..... ..... ..$. g.~. ._a..t.tg.~Jl~_(L ..... ..... _. ..... .n. .-. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .......- ..... ......- ..... ..... ..... .... ..... Said property being described as follows: See attached SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. ~3EC"T' I 01\1 :::~;" That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the pruposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City as amended herein by the granting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invlaid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole" SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of two hundred dollars (5200.00) for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to give the property described herein the above mentioned zoning classification in order to permit its proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and general welfare fo the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law in such cases provides. DULLY PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, T E X n ~3 ~I t. h i ~~ t. h E' .._ ..... .....1...3.:!:..b._ ..... ..... ......_ day 0 f .......... A!.!.9.lis...t..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ......_ ..... n. ..... ..... .......... .... , 1 c7'~~l_.5....... ~... ..> -=..~...... ..~~2d..dd-............... JOHN W. AKIN, MAYOR I oII....~I!t... ~,1'r r"ii.i~.o.:~~;;,,';;': ":'-.,;;:;;.~.:;;';.~~;".~';': \ I II -/. . / ')'" ~ .~"1 ...~.."'<"" .---..... -""('6'::,.g.~ t' Vi I i! :I c :r:: CJ z - :E a: - m y .d I = f . . :!, ; I, f .. - 2:, il ,: I .; e ! i ~~ wco - . -oJ co >- It) ~ co " " I' , ~~ f - , rIELD NOTeS 881nQ ell that cBrt~ln tract or parcel of lend eitu8ted about 2 miles North~8at at the City or Wylie, County of Collin and State of Texae; a part or the D.I.J. Williams Survey Abet" No. 1021, the Mercer Phelan Survey Abetrn~t ND. ~95, the Charles At~Rrbury Survey Abet. No. 22 and the Jame. ,t\CLUIIIJJ:.Y;y Survey, Av~t. No. 429" bsdng the Barne land described in deed from r.f. Oirmin~ham and ~ir. Hattie A. OirminOh&m to H.A. Houe8wrlQht, Truete8 and hi8 sUCcessors In Truat dated Novemb;r 1, 1940, and recorded'!n Volume 328, Page 408 Collin County Deod R.corda, and a part or the same landdoacribed in doed rro~ T.r, Oirmingham and \.lire Hattie A. Birimgham to' O.W.' Click,' at al,... Trusteee, and their .UCC.8a~ in trust, dated August 5, 1950 and recorded in Volume 419, Page 563, or the Collin County Deed Records and b.in~ further described 8' r0110\lsl Beginning at an iron ..t :r,Ol' CO~(HU', '~I) 4)l,ib Jio r.~hJ1Q..ur')q.l\r'y line or, r.M. Road 3412, the Southwest corner or a 15.0U acro tract of land conveyed by Vantage Propertios, Inc. to Wylie Indop;ndent School o i a t r i c:~ b Y De" dr_ cor d B din V 0 1\J m l!l' 9:3 0, P a 9 II 1 4 5, C 0 111 n C 0 un t y D e a d Rlcorda; Thence IJe.tlI:ly with th., North Boundary Line of Bald r .1'1. Road 34j2 the rollowlngl ~orth 81 neQraea so "inut'l u..t . diatanco or 255.19 feet to an . " iron pin;,. 'NOrth 88 Oegr... 23 I'Hnut.. \Jest. distanco of 513.26 feat to an iron pin;: . North 88 'OeQreee 12 Minutes We.t a distance or 509.1U feot to a 'R~O.W. marker; North eo Degr.es R.O.W. Mark8t~ North a8 Degrees R.O.W. A1arker: North 88 Degrees 01 Minute 20 Seconds Weat 8 dlelanco of 1274,19 reet to an iron pin ror corner, tho Southeast corner of 23.4971 OcrfJ" described in C.ed or Trust rrom C.B.A. Entorprisos, Inc.to Roland Boy d, r r u ., tee, '. . r e car d 9 din Vol u me <'4 4 2, P a Q e 5 2 1 Coli i n C 0 un t y Deed or Truet Hucorde; Thence North 0 Degrees 10_,Minutns Wo~t a distance ar 1016.15 Feflt to an iron pin ror corner, the Nortt~~~t corner ar 8 10.000 acr. tract of land described in Deed of Trust from Babby Orirdnetool to' Holnnd Boyd, Truet,~e Recorded in Volumo A42, Page 513, Collin C~)unty DOlild of Trust Records; Thence ISouth 89 Degrees 59 Minutes l./ost with tho North L ins of soiei 10.000 acree at dlatar:lc8'ortlll0.U f84!t,'tO an iron pin ror corner in th", East Ling of r.M. R08d No. U'/lJ, tllO Nortl1\Jest corner or eoid 10.000 acros or lend; Thence NorthlHly ~ith .aid r.M. 'Hoad No. 1370 tho fOllo\.llng: North 0 Degrees 01 Minute 30 Seconds West B diolllf1cO of :30110.00 reet to an iron pin; ~orth 0 Degrees 10 Minutes Eaot 8 distancQ af 030.1\0 f;st to 8 ,. R.O.W. Marker; North 0 Degrees 28 Minutes East a distance of 9U7.98 fout to e . concrete marker ror corner the Southweot corner or 43.3602 acres of lend described in Deed af Trust from Jame8 D. Isbnll And Carl E. Tobler'to Ronald Boyd, Trustee, rocorded in Volume 41\2, P890 525, Collir1 County Deed or Trust Record6; 20, Minuteo West 8 distance of 2068.33 fsot to ., 05 '"lnut... \JQ.t a di9t8nc; or S06.90 r..t lo /) (;/ . , \ Thence North 89 Oegrooo' 00 Minuton Caot 1I cliet."."<;A. of 2S0f3.57 foot. to 8 n iron pin r 0 r COrne r , the. Sou t h Bas t cor f1 8 r 0 f II Aid 4 J . 3 6 0 a ere s ; Thence Southerly .\Jith the [lIal Line of Boid I'1cUlmurry and Attor- bury aUliveys .and uith en ostablished roncoand hldQu ro\.l the fOllo\.liny: South 0 D9~r999 20 Minuteo Weat 8 distonce of 725~O foot; South 0 Degrees 15 Minutes (est a di2tonce of GOO.] root; . South 0 Degrees 52 Minutos 30 Seconds Eoet 8 diol~ncu of 603.3 rest; South D Degrees 18 Minutes West a distonce of G2~.5 reel; So u thO D 89 r It e s 57 M 1 n lJ t €I 8 E est II d 1 s tan c Q 0 r .1 57 . 6 file t too n Iron pin round for corner; Thence Easterly \Jith the North Line or 9Y.03 lIcro~ out or Boid 8irlllingham land deecri~ed by dead recorded 1n Volumo 328, Pagll 400, Collin County Deed Records, the follou1ng: South 79 Degrees 13 ~linutos Eaet with llfl oatabl1swod fanco line 8 distance of 18.32 feot; South 88 Degrees 41 Mlnutoo Eeet with fBnco 0 distoncu of 9U.0 reet; Southfl1 Degree 02 Minutos East with oold fonco 0 distance of 40.08 rBst; . North 88 Degrees 17 ~l1f1utos East with said fencs linn 0 distanco or 215.31 fe~t; South 09 Degree~ S2 Minutes East w1tll said fonce 0 distanco of 2 1 0 · 9 5.. f 9 B t t 0 a f 9 n c e po s t lJ her e 0 a i tJ f 0 nee v 0 0 r:5 llf 0 un d B W 0 ~ h ; North 89 ~.egree8 43 Minutes East crooelrlY ~oid wash 0 distanco of 362.77 ret to 8 fenco post; SOu t h 89 e 9 r e e s 1 2 ~, 1 r 1 u t (j S (a s t wit h !'l n i d fen COli cJ i 0 tan ceo f 450.32 f~et; . South 88 Degrees 57 Minutes East with snid fef1cu Ii distanco of 362.2 fe~t; South 88 Oegree8 44 Minutos East lJith 5i\id ffJf1cO a diot.onco of 613.26 r~et to a fenco PO!t; South 89 Degrees 19 Minutes East H distance of 76G.16 feet to a ateel r8~ce poet for corner the Northwuat cornor of a 15.486 8 C r e t r a ~ tor I 8 n d 1 8 . II 8 d f r () m T r u 5 t El e e 0 f t t 1 8 r r ~ n k I i n () v i ,1 8irimingh.am Memorial Ttust~' City or Wylie, County of Collin aria S tat e .0 r ~T e x Il II tot heW v 1 i e I n d 9 pen den t S c h no 1 Die t. r 1 c t ; South 0 De9"'ee.~ IOM;nutes~twith a fence 0 distance of IIII :l-k> rl, to ate e1 po a t r 0 reo r n art he' S. W. Cor nor 0 rea i d 1.~. I) 06 a c r 0 6 ; Thencb ~outh,e7[)egrees 04 r'linutos E.mst a dl3tanco or ~OJ.QOr fent to a steel poat ror 'corner, the Southeast corner or Baid 15.486 acres of land; .Thence South 0 D9gree6 10 Min:l0.5ec.(ost A distance of 1803.7~ fool to ,. on iron pin round for corner; Thance North B8 Degreee 33 Minutes Weat 0 distanco or '393.32 feet to An iron pin round ror COrner the Northwest corner or ~oid 15.000 acre lrllc~ or land conveyed by Vantage Properties, Inc. t.o Wylie Independent School Oietrict; ( Thence South 0 Degrees 36 Minutes We9t with ttle Wost OOlJndary line or said 15.000 8cre tr~ct of land, a distance of 808.~ f6o~ to the place or be9inni~g and conta1ning 65e.eo acres of lond, mota or lese. f L ~ ~ ~~ . . ~ -i (/, f\) f\)f\) f\) f\) I\) ~ ~ ~ -4 -4 .... -4 ..... ..... -" ..., c: en ~CA> f\) -" 0 CD ():) "'-.J (J) en ~ w I\) ..... 0 CO CO -...j 0)'0'1 .p. UJ rv -" OJ n -' ~..,~ ,..... ........_, J . i ! \ ",......~ (\~ --., ""':::: (j) C c (J)(j) (J) (J) CD (j) . OJ (j) (j) (j) CD (j) c: :0 ~ 'f\) :D " -n "::0 " " -0 II " " II :0 :XJ 3: ::0 ::0 I t J) J) I (J) ~, .-n-n '"T'I I t I I I I\) I 1 I I I \ ....... .... ro )> I\) W )> :;t> \J ..... ..... /\) >- Q) C '"" ;A , " j. '>.w'., ,. C +. U :t> r j (J) en CO CJ1 "'-.J /\) I\) ..A ..A ~ ~ -" ~ ~ ~ ..... ..... ..... CO ..... n (,.) ....,01 (1) f\) ~ f\) 0 W ..... ...., (J) I\) CD v) .p. W CO 0 I\) CO CD .p. /\) ." ..... ..., , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ en (1)"'" f\) 0 -" f\) ():) 0 CD ~ ~ I\) (]I 0 -" <0 -...j (J) .p. W .p. CJ1 CO CD (tl f" CI> U ~()